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Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

This is a scenario idea based off of "Skeleton Soldier Couldn't Protect the Dungeon" in which instead of living at the end of her journey, Taylor died and woke up in the hospital on the exact same date as she did all those months ago. She gains a pop up menu and gamer system, at first she tries to save everyone else but she keep dying, however once she takes a new path things begin to change. If she helps someone reach the end of their journey, everything changes regarding them and the past Taylor wakes up to is different too. For example if she were to help Amy reach the best ending for her and complete her quest to fulfillment, the world Taylor would wake up to would be one where Amy is at her best while recalling everything about her time from being with Taylor during her quest. This feature applies to groups as well and individuals, imagine Taylor helping Uber and Leet in one questor even the merchants, resulting in a better opening where either of them are better than the originally were.
I don't know if anyone's thought of this but a scenario in which Rachel, after the death of her foster mother and her flight away from the area is eventually integrated into Brad Meadows small Three-Person unit.
I don't know if anyone's thought of this but a scenario in which Rachel, after the death of her foster mother and her flight away from the area is eventually integrated into Brad Meadows small Three-Person unit.

Maybe if it turns out his "dog-fighting ring" is actually people fighting enhanced dogs and the dogs tend to survive.

But in canon they have an irreconcilable difference.
Imagine, if you will, that you are in the Image department for Brockton Bay's Wards team, and have been assigned to help the newest Ward make her PR-unfriendly power acceptable to the public, without limiting her so much or so annoyingly that she either decides to quit, or becomes outright hostile to the PRT. Said Ward, who also needs a cape name as going by her birth-name of Taylor Hebert wouldn't work for many reasons, has the power to temporarily summon members of the Sith Empire from the era of the Great Hyperspace War. She has supermultitasking and they obey her mental commands, but they're also in many cases clever adults while she's a teenager, and they tend to interpret her commands in rather Sithly ways. Also, it is necessary to keep Taylor and some of her 'projections' away from Director Piggot, as the group includes biotinkers who give the Director flashbacks.

Incidentally, you may also want to keep the full scope of her power quiet as long as possible: She hasn't found an upper limit to the number of Sith she can summon. The most that she's had out at one time was twenty, but that was due to the amount of floorspace in the testing room, and she thinks the total number is much, much higher.

So, what do you do? (Quitting yourself is technically a valid option, but isn't very interesting.)
Taylor triggers earlier, and under different circumstances, thus gaining a different power: Administration of the Senses. She can perceive though the senses of living things around her (including senses like proprioception, that tend to get ignored in stories like this, as well as parahuman abilities), has supermultitasking to help deal with that, and can influence what people in her range perceive. She doesn't have total control over the senses of others, especially not at first, but can give general instructions making targets hallucinate something (the victims' minds interpret the instructions, though something like 'you don't notice me' works pretty consistently); since she can see (or hear, or whichever) what her victims do, she can adjust her orders on the fly. With more practice, she can give more complex instructions with better control, and the more she knows a specific target, the better she can tailor their hallucinations. She has a bit more control over dreams, but even there, things are open to interpretation.

Gaslighting Emma, for example, is fairly easy, and gets easier as she begins to understands how her friend has changed. Gaslighting Sophia is rather trickier, but since she's smarter and more creative than Sophia, and Sophia is not mentally prepared for this sort of opponent, she can still do pretty well. It helps that this is before Sophia got caught by the PRT, and Stalker is both too confident and too distrustful of authority to go to them.
Taylor triggers earlier, and under different circumstances, thus gaining a different power: Administration of the Senses. She can perceive though the senses of living things around her (including senses like proprioception, that tend to get ignored in stories like this, as well as parahuman abilities), has supermultitasking to help deal with that, and can influence what people in her range perceive. She doesn't have total control over the senses of others, especially not at first, but can give general instructions making targets hallucinate something (the victims' minds interpret the instructions, though something like 'you don't notice me' works pretty consistently); since she can see (or hear, or whichever) what her victims do, she can adjust her orders on the fly. With more practice, she can give more complex instructions with better control, and the more she knows a specific target, the better she can tailor their hallucinations. She has a bit more control over dreams, but even there, things are open to interpretation.

Gaslighting Emma, for example, is fairly easy, and gets easier as she begins to understands how her friend has changed. Gaslighting Sophia is rather trickier, but since she's smarter and more creative than Sophia, and Sophia is not mentally prepared for this sort of opponent, she can still do pretty well. It helps that this is before Sophia got caught by the PRT, and Stalker is both too confident and too distrustful of authority to go to them.

No Good Deed... by Ld1449 on SB has something very close to this, she needs to make eye contact first to connect but then can control the senses of anyone she is connected to. Dark but well written story. Incomplete but not dead, author is bouncing between a few of the in progress stories working on finishing them.
An idea that needs more development, partly because there are holes in it: Amy is never adopted by the Dallons. The first time she meets Victoria is when they're both in juvenile hall, at the same time and place as Rune (who may have different powers due to this - in fact, they probably all will, unless Vickie is in juvie for 'heroing with unnecessary roughness' in the absence of a sister that will heal people to hide the evidence). Anyway, Rune has a different trigger, due to her having an especially bad day already, and then being confronted over her bullying of a non-white inmate by not only Amy, but Victoria, who looks like the Nazi-Aryan Ideal Woman. Rune triggering and attacking results in Amy triggering, and if Vickie hasn't yet gotten powers, she's in the cluster-trigger as well (I don't think I've seen those three in the same cluster trigger before, or at least not without Taylor also being somehow part of it).
An idea that needs more development, partly because there are holes in it: Amy is never adopted by the Dallons. The first time she meets Victoria is when they're both in juvenile hall, at the same time and place as Rune (who may have different powers due to this - in fact, they probably all will, unless Vickie is in juvie for 'heroing with unnecessary roughness' in the absence of a sister that will heal people to hide the evidence). Anyway, Rune has a different trigger, due to her having an especially bad day already, and then being confronted over her bullying of a non-white inmate by not only Amy, but Victoria, who looks like the Nazi-Aryan Ideal Woman. Rune triggering and attacking results in Amy triggering, and if Vickie hasn't yet gotten powers, she's in the cluster-trigger as well (I don't think I've seen those three in the same cluster trigger before, or at least not without Taylor also being somehow part of it).

The biggest obstacle for my suspension of disbelief is how Vicky and Amy got into juvie in the first place.
Worm x DCAU (Teen Titans/Young Justice Cross Dimension); A Scenario in which the Undersiders Plus are dropped into Jump City, they go to ground and eke out a living while staying under the radar of the already established Teen Titans and H.I.V.E. Academy already based in the city. Eventually things come to a head and the Undersiders Plus become the center of attention for the two groups, afterall who wouldn't when a group of unknown Metahumans are ripe to the taking/recruiting to the respective sides while said Metahumans really don't want to play that old game of Cops and Robbers like what happened in Brockton Bay.

As shown in the Spoiler above, the Undersiders Plus are a expanded version of the Undersiders with Labyrinth and Burnscar added as a couple for self support, Amy and Victoria as adopted siblings on the rocks, Marquis and Hana as the responsible Adults, Vista and Clockblocker as the hero advocates, Rune and Cherie as the Villain Advocates, Parian and Foil as the lovestruck duo, Cherie and Jean-Paul as the dysfunctional canadian siblings with issues long than the border between Canada and America, and the rest of the Undersiders all wrapped up in a dysfunctional yet tightly linked group. They are a bunch of Earth bet survivors thrown into another Earth with its own set of heroes and rules, but that doesn't stop them from following their own pre-established rules.

I want you guys to imagine a standoff between the Teen Titans and the Core Undersiders
The biggest obstacle for my suspension of disbelief is how Vicky and Amy got into juvie in the first place.
Oh, I agree, hence my saying that there are holes. Amy is probably less difficult, as she wasn't adopted by the Dallons and presumably not be the Pelhams (as I had her first meeting Vickie in juvie), so basically any upbringing can be invented through changing the last fight with Marquis ('the attack happened away from Amy, so Marquis won, forced them to retreat, and legged it with his daughter' is one such option - it's been used in fanfics before - but there are others), and thus her being in juvie can be justified in a number of ways.

Victoria is harder, especially if she hasn't triggered yet. If she has, then it's a question of whether they'd stick a Brute in juvie, which I'm kind of dubious about. Mind you, Vickie has a temper and it may not have been all Fragile One, so perhaps she let her anger get away from her in front of witnesses.
If Amy isn't adopted by the Dallon Family could we use the family she grows up in as a reason for her being there, Marquis is pretty much a dead end so if we were to go with her Maternal family and have her raised by her grandparents. Then lets say Amy's grandparents suffer some kind of misfortune that winds up with her going into the system where we get a Tattooed and chain smoking badass Amy. As for Victoria, I like to think Amy was her moral compass and guide for when she couldn't figure things out on her own so with now Amy around, we could be dealing with a more wildcard version of Vicky.

Speaking of which this reminds me of this one off idea I had a while ago where Kurt and Lacey, the family friend of the Heberts are long time foster parents after they learned they were both infertile due to exposure to a chemical attack from a one time tinker in the Bay (they are very dead). Anyways this idea originally had Uber, Leet, and Rachel as their most recent foster kids. Now all three had previously triggered but had slipped through the holes in a heavily overworked system, Rachel being her usual self while Uber is heir to a fortune and was made an orphan after his parents refused to contribute their wealth to the Empire's Coffers and Leet is a kid who got shuffled around in the system the longest out of the trio. In this revision, I had the thought of Carol having enough of Amy on the anniversary of Fleur's death and unjustly blaming it as well as the failure of the New Wave Initiative on her, so in one fell swoop she gives up custody of Amelia Claire Lavere. Amy winds up joining the trio under Kurt and Lacey's household, there the Trio-turned-Quartet are immediately introduced to Taylor.
Random weird thought: Amy isn't raised by any of the New Wave families, instead being adopted by the Stansfields. She is openly competing with her brother for Vickie's affections. Victoria is trying not to let it go to her head. (It's totally going to her head, and everyone knows it.)
Idea; New Wave hits the wrong house and things so a little south, it turns out the house next to Marquis' was a safe house for the teeth who were planning on retaking the Bay and as a result of the revelation Marquis relocates to another neighborhood. He ends up moving in as the new next door neighbor to the Hebert Family and he quietly retires from crime knowing it could have been his house that New Wave attacked, Amy grows up a Taylor's other best friend.
Yet another alt-power Taylor idea:

The Three Little Bitches don't do the Locker. Instead, they continue messing with her roughly as normal, until she triggers from paranoia and stress. What she gets is a pretty scary power: to start with, she has the usual supermultitasking that QA powers should have (and which she tries to downplay because of the rest of her power). She knows the location, body-position, and detailed mental state of everyone in a spherical radius of about six hundred feet around her (more when under stress). This isn't quite mind-reading, but the more time she spends observing people, the easier it is for her to fake that, especially after reading up on psychology and cold reading. Knowing a person's actual mental state makes it rather easier to manipulate them in conversation, and knowing that plus body-position makes predicting them in combat fairly easy, especially with Taylor's intelligence and creativity.

As it is, this is a quite powerful Social and Combat Thinker power, but there's one aspect that she very carefully never hints at; you see, she doesn't have to talk to someone to alter their mental state. She can directly influence the mental states of everyone in her radius at the same time, giving individual alterations due to the true level of her multitasking capabilities. This isn't quite giving orders, it's more insidious than that, altering how people are thinking in real time. Depending on the person and what she wants them to do, she might be able to get them to decide to do whatever it is immediately, or need hours or days to prepare them (the more in-character it is for someone to do something, the easier it is for her to make it happen). If it only worked on one person at a time, it would still be a pretty scary Master power, but as it is, it's bloody terrifying, and Taylor knows it. She has to be very careful how she alters people, but after meeting Amy Dallon and realizing just how fucked up she is (and how dangerous Amy's power would be if she went full villain), Taylor feels that she doesn't have a choice, at least in this instance. Of course, there are just so many other messed-up people in Brockton Bay...
The description of unicorns, from Andrzej Sapkowski's Witcher novels:

What one can perceive as an unicorn or one-horns is in fact a member of a race of sentient multi-dimensional beings who are able to traverse the Multiverse. They are known to observe doings of less advanced species.
Divided into herds, unicorn society is specifically organized and led by a council of elders. Unicorns tend to communicate via simple communicates like "confirmation" or "negation" and refer to members of less advanced races as "Beings".
They can move between parallel realities, and they may also move through time (fourth and fifth dimensions).

Sound familiar?

"I don't want that power! I don't want it! I relinquish it!"

She didn't know it the fire had gone out or if her eyes had clouded over as she slumped to the ground, the first drops of rain on her face.

Gone. It was gone. She trembled as she felt the void inside her. She was alone. She was empty. Now she had nothing and felt nothing inside.

She had lost everything.

...Yet suddenly, something was there. Within the cold blackness of that void, huge walls of crystal towered like mountains, rising above and below her. There had been no arrival - like turning a corner and seeing from a new perspective, suddenly she was surrounded on all sides, as though she always had been. And then knowledge flooded her; words containing lifetimes of thought and concept, threatening to wash her away with their scale.

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Not 100% sure this is the right place for this, so sorry in advance if it's not.

Obviously the shards can do some really bullshit stuff. Even though it's all supposed to be "science" and not "magic," it's science so soft that it might as well be magic. A lot of the limits capes have are artificial limits put in place by their shards, and not actual limits of the Entities' tech.

So, let's say someone had, as their tech base, complete and full knowledge of everything Entities can do. All those shard powers, fully unlocked and under control. Let's say an entire civilisation has an Entity-like tech base, but instead of being idiot worms, they're human or near-human.

What would the technology of that civilisation look like? What could their tech do? What couldn't their tech do? How would their tech stack up against the tech of other sci-fi settings, such as anything in Star Trek or Warhammer 40k?


Disclaimer: I've never read Worm, and what I know about it is from listening to others. I just know the broad strokes.
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Had this idea, where a young Taylor is whisked away when her parents are murdered by a tinkertech bomb by Coil and wakes up on Earthland where she is found by Irene Belserion, on whim she is raised by Irene to be a Dragon Slayer based on her Dragon. Come the events of Fairy Tail Canon she is the only human member of Irene Squad, despite this she is not there for much of the battle and is instead on some errand which lasts until nearly the end. She is there to see Irene kill herself and gets to meet her adoptive mother's daughter Erza, she does not participate any farther but instead speaks at length with her newfound sister. In the time since then Taylor begins to research a means to return home to her old world of Earth Bet but in the meantime she manages to strike up a relationship with her Sister's longtime rival Mirajane and upon finding a means of returning Taylor prepares to leave Earthland for Earth Bet in December of X792, she has what she thinks is one last date with her girlfriend before leaving for Earth Bet only for Mirajane to join her at the last minute. Thus in Brockton Bay in the perfectly spherical crater that had once upon a time years earlier been the Hebert Property, which had since been turned into a lake by the Dockworkers in the aftermath, energy whips about as a pillar of golden light shoots down and strikes the frozen over Hebert Memorial Lake. From the Light emerges the last living Hebert on Earth Bet, a girl thought dead along with her parents, manifests along with another woman who was clearly a few year older with long white hair appearing alongside her. Now a very different iteration of Taylor Hebert returns to her hometown and brings her girlfriend in tow with her, to a city that has been dying a slow miserable death. Their arrival having caught the attention of both heroes and villains alike, the first to appear on the scene would see Taylor adorned in clothing that looked to be made from a furred creature and wielding the very same staff once owned by adoptive mother while the other woman wore similar clothes but were more stylized to show off her curves.
Inspired by a post elsewhere: The only survivor of Ellisburg is Emily Piggot, callsign Lady... for a sufficiently generous definition of 'survivor,' anyway. This was because she met a cape who didn't abandon them, though he claimed that he was just going for a very enthusiastic walk. Lady, now head of Protectorate East-North-East, seems not to have aged a day since then.
Inspired by a post elsewhere: The only survivor of Ellisburg is Emily Piggot, callsign Lady... for a sufficiently generous definition of 'survivor,' anyway. This was because she met a cape who didn't abandon them, though he claimed that he was just going for a very enthusiastic walk. Lady, now head of Protectorate East-North-East, seems not to have aged a day since then.
Reminds me of this old Hellsing AU I had where Integra was mortally wounded and Alucard chose to die with the woman he had fallen in love with and relinquished all of his souls, the souls however required a host and sought the only body capable: Seras. Thus the Souls withing Alucard, the firsh souls of the recently dead in London, and the souls of others whose blood still stained London even after decades if not centuries get caught up in the flow converging on Seras which included the unfortunate Schrodinger. Seras is whisked away by Schrodinger's ability while a the mortally wounded Integra with a near-mortal Alucard at her side finish the job, Integra passes on and not long afterwards Alucard joins her. Meanwhile Seras is left adrift in the multiverse, not I'm imagining that backstory but with Seras getting there too late to save Emily Piggot but manages to absorb her soul by mistake, rather than creating a new identity for herself Seras assumes the identity of Emily Piggot.

Seras ultimately lets Emily pilot her body without giving up the ghost of what or who "Emily" really was aside from the sole survivor of Ellisburg
Another idea from my head, it is a crossover that will AU worm elements; Worm x My Hero Academia. Something deposits the Trifecta of Brockton Bay with a trio of stowaways on another world in some Japanese city in a world where Leviathan did not sink the nation; The Trifecta being Taylor "Skitter" Hebert, Sarah "Tattletale" Calvert, and Amelia "Panacea" Lavere while their Stowaways are Panacea's elder brother, Remy "Marquis" Lavere, The Dragon Princess Kira "Lung" Yamamoto, and Remy's girlfriend, Victoria "Nike" Dallon. This group of six people, find themselves in a new world and new setting with little to no knowledge, though with aid from Kira they are able to learn the language and set up shop. Eventually this ground of Earth Bet Villains come to blow with the Heroes and retaliate in typical Earth Bet fashion, they are eventually forced back when All Might enters the scene after Endeavor's flames prove insufficient against Kira's base pyrokinetic abilities. The six of them are later scouted out by the league of Villains following the battle in Kamino....
I found this old thing unfinished and decided to clean it up and take it to a stopping point.

I'm not sure where I originally intended for it to go, but I'm sure that I dropped it in favor of a similar idea with an older Taylor.


Halloween Meeting


Paul was glad that he had bumped into this group of people instead of Alexandria or Eidolon. He didn't know how the two would have taken it.

As soon as he had stopped to talk to the quartet, a miniature version of Alexandria had latched onto him and started babbling about a mile a minute. A shy little redhead in a crimson costume had approached him with her eyes wide behind her mask and made the almost universal sign that she wanted to be hugged.

A quick look toward the adults garnered an almost imperceptible nod from the woman. He opened his arms and the girl flew over and wrapped her arms around his neck and laid her head on his shoulder. He had to do his best to attempt to act dignified like this as he talked to the adults, who he assumed were the two girls parents.

Given the time of the year, it probably would not have been an unexpected scenario. He had always gone out on Halloween in costume and talked to groups of people trick or treating. Though the subject of their conversation and how far they were above the ground was out of the ordinary.

He was pretty certain that the other two members of the Triumvirate would be completely out of their depth. David really didn't know how to handle kids and Rebecca would probably be taken aback by her mini-me. He really thought that they would have difficulty giving the Protectorate recruitment speech to them or perhaps they wouldn't.

There was something a little bit off about the four people. Paul wasn't as good as Rebecca, but there was a feeling that he got from the natural triggered Parahumans that he had met. These folks didn't feel like they were fresh triggers or typical parahumans.
They reminded him of his fellow Cauldron capes more than anything else. Though that couldn't have been possible. He knew that the others didn't tell him everything that was going on, but he was certain that they would have told him if there were any new Cauldron clients in his area.

Also the adults just felt too experienced to have just gotten vials. He was pretty certain that the two girls recently received their powers even though they didn't seem to show the signs that children who triggered that young would have displayed, but the adults were a different story.

The woman was definitely had long experience as a minion or subordinate cape. It was something about the way she held herself and talked when she asked and answered questions.
Her body language and the way she floated slightly behind the man made it seem like she was following him.

The man was clearly the leader of the little group. He had an aura of someone with long experience with negotiations and taking charge. He even knew when to let others take the lead. He let the woman, who Paul was sure was his wife, take the lead with her questions and saved his comments to pointed questions that cut to the chase if Paul wasn't clear about some of his answers.

There costumes didn't really help him decide if they were newly minted capes or were established ones. The woman's costume was a fairly generic black catsuit. She was also wearing brown leather boots and a matching mantel. Her face was obscured by a large butterfly shaped mask that covered her head from the forehead to just above her lips. It was nothing that he was familiar with.

However, there was something about the man's costume that was vaguely familiar to him. Like it was tugging on a memory that Paul couldn't quite recall.

The soft blue and green with understated gold highlights would have faded away from attention if he were around heroes and villains with more vibrant colors and didn't feel like they were right.

The actual cut and style of the costume resonated with whatever he was trying to remember. The flat non reflective silver lenses over his eyes sparked the feeling of familiarity too. The light brown almost blond hair that was obviously fake sticking out of the top of his cowl seemed to ring a bell as well, but the clincher was the emblem on the forehead portion of his mask. A stylized image of the Rutherford model of the atom was emblazoned slightly above and between his eyes. It nagged him the whole time he was talking to them. He felt like he should know the man from somewhere.

Between that and the woman taking control of the conversation; he only got some noncommittal answers and a lot of unanswered questions when they finally parted ways.

He would have to ask the others later. Maybe one of them would remember where he had seen the man before.


That's pretty much what I have.

So what do you think?
A minor crossover with Bungou Stray Dogs in which Taylor gets a very different Power, her powers are the same abilities afforded to Atsushi Nakajima from the transformative powers to the regenerative healing ability at the cost of her body changing to become a female version of Atsushi. Her hair begins slowly turning white and her eyes slowly begin changing color, unlike Atsushi Taylor has a fair amount of anger and pent up agression which translates into Taylor's Inner Tiger coming out more often in the form of beastly growling. Things come to a head when Taylor losses herself when the Trio manage to arrange for Danny's imprisonment and she goes feral after Emma explains how easy it was to frame Danny for the crime, the Trio bare witness to Taylor the girl they had bullied relentlessly turning into a full grown but much larger than average white tiger. It becomes instantly apparent to the trio that they are in danger, a lot of danger when the Tiger goes on the offensive and easily destroys the wall behind them with a mere swipe. Sophia ends up outing herself in the fight as she is forced to utilize her powers to evade death itself in the form of a tiger, Emma and Madison are on the other hand forced to flee. Emma is excited, her friend is now strong and after they talk sense into her then she can join them in being strong while Emma can go back to being Taylor's friend again. Madison on the otherhand is immediately filled with fear and makes the decision that if she survives this, that she will be coming clean about everything. Sophia is not liking being the hunted like this as she turns to darkness yet again to evade getting her organs ripped out if not pulped, it was only due to luck and the Hebert-Tiger's focus on her that prevented it from targeting other students.
Random crackish idea: Taylor (whether her canon age or a few years younger), triggers with the power of Administration of Furbies. This is a surprisingly dangerous power, and another one that makes Taylor the Unintentionally Creepy Girl. Also thinking that she isn't a Tinker, but can fake being one a bit (enough to get a Tinker threat rating) through a combination of understanding how furbies work, and studying robotics to tie her furbies into.
Writing a short Worm fic, in which Eidolon loses his powers, but shortly gains a new set of powers: about twenty different powers all told. They're static and don't change (so he can't get any power he wants like he could before), but he also has full access to all twenty-ish at once.

Would he retain the name Eidolon, or rebrand, do you think?
Writing a short Worm fic, in which Eidolon loses his powers, but shortly gains a new set of powers: about twenty different powers all told. They're static and don't change (so he can't get any power he wants like he could before), but he also has full access to all twenty-ish at once.

Would he retain the name Eidolon, or rebrand, do you think?

If they're the obvious 20 powers, he could fake having any power he wanted.

Why would he want to change his name?
If they're the obvious 20 powers, he could fake having any power he wanted.

Why would he want to change his name?


No, no, it's not Endbringer-related at all. Sorry for the misconception xD They're just a semi-random grab bag.

And I dunno, I just don't know whether he'd want to keep being Eidolon when he not as powerful as he once was, even if he can use more powers at once. Like he'd be ashamed to face the world as Eidolon without having those powers?

No, no, it's not Endbringer-related at all. Sorry for the misconception xD They're just a semi-random grab bag.

And I dunno, I just don't know whether he'd want to keep being Eidolon when he not as powerful as he once was, even if he can use more powers at once. Like he'd be ashamed to face the world as Eidolon without having those powers?
Or he could go "I still have ALOT of powers... which I can mix and match and combine. It's no longer infinite, but there is no more uncertainty. Bitch, I'm Eidolon."
Or he could go "I still have ALOT of powers... which I can mix and match and combine. It's no longer infinite, but there is no more uncertainty. Bitch, I'm Eidolon."

I'll note that none of these powers have as much sheer strength as his original power set could conjure up, but that's a good point, so I'll go with it. Thanks.

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