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Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

Writing a short Worm fic, in which Eidolon loses his powers, but shortly gains a new set of powers: about twenty different powers all told. They're static and don't change (so he can't get any power he wants like he could before), but he also has full access to all twenty-ish at once.

Would he retain the name Eidolon, or rebrand, do you think?
What are the powers?
What are the powers?

40k-style psyker powers, which is a butt-ton of powers right there.

Superhuman body upgrades from Bonesaw, which is a few there.

The rest are shards taken from villainous parahumans, mostly those from the three big gangs in Brockton Bay, but also Shatterbird and Shadow Stalker.
40k-style psyker powers, which is a butt-ton of powers right there.

Superhuman body upgrades from Bonesaw, which is a few there.

The rest are shards taken from villainous parahumans, mostly those from the three big gangs in Brockton Bay, but also Shatterbird and Shadow Stalker.
Honestly seems more like an upgrade for Eidolon. Consistency could help him
40k-style psyker powers, which is a butt-ton of powers right there.

Superhuman body upgrades from Bonesaw, which is a few there.

The rest are shards taken from villainous parahumans, mostly those from the three big gangs in Brockton Bay, but also Shatterbird and Shadow Stalker.

Honestly might work better as an OC.

It's hard to imagine Eidolon allowing Bonesaw to touch him; similarly hard to imagine Bonesaw having access to Eidolon and letting him walk away.
Honestly might work better as an OC.

It's hard to imagine Eidolon allowing Bonesaw to touch him; similarly hard to imagine Bonesaw having access to Eidolon and letting him walk away.

Yeah I know. I'm leaving out a lot of context in what I'm saying here. Trust me, it makes sense in story.

Well, as much sense as it can make with the wild premise that starts the story off, but I digress.
Yeah I know. I'm leaving out a lot of context in what I'm saying here. Trust me, it makes sense in story.

Well, as much sense as it can make with the wild premise that starts the story off, but I digress.

Okay, the bits we know about Eidolon are:

- He has no life. No friends outside "work", no family, etc.

- His identity as Eidolon was the only thing he valued -- leaving a legacy as the strongest hero in history was all he cared about.

So... would he abandon his identity when his powers changed? Unlikely, unless he could accomplish his goal somehow more easily by doing so.
- His identity as Eidolon was the only thing he valued -- leaving a legacy as the strongest hero in history was all he cared about.

Not exactly.

Eidolon's issues were with his feelings of worthlessness and wanting to be able to do something, anything, for other people stemming from the crippling neurological disease he had since childhood that left him feeling like a burden on everyone around him.

After taking a Cauldron Vial which would either give him super powers or kill him, and he was fine with either option, he became the strongest hero. He was basically living his own Wish Fulfillment SI fic. In my opinion, he would have been fine getting any powers, as long as he could do something for other people.

That he got the strongest powers and still failed those around him must have been a personal hell for him. Not strong enough to save Hero, not strong enough to stop the world's slow decline, not strong enough to fight Scion. All the while his powers steadily weaken. In the back of his mind, it probably felt like all the people who rejected his attempts to help before he got his powers were right to do so.
Not exactly.

Eidolon's issues were with his feelings of worthlessness and wanting to be able to do something, anything, for other people stemming from the crippling neurological disease he had since childhood that left him feeling like a burden on everyone around him.

After taking a Cauldron Vial which would either give him super powers or kill him, and he was fine with either option, he became the strongest hero. He was basically living his own Wish Fulfillment SI fic. In my opinion, he would have been fine getting any powers, as long as he could do something for other people.

That he got the strongest powers and still failed those around him must have been a personal hell for him. Not strong enough to save Hero, not strong enough to stop the world's slow decline, not strong enough to fight Scion. All the while his powers steadily weaken. In the back of his mind, it probably felt like all the people who rejected his attempts to help before he got his powers were right to do so.

He says that there's no point in him continuing to live with weaker powers.
"You're talking about dying?"

"Here, at least, I can fight this monster, and where I might never make the gamble against an Endbringer, I hope to fight this thing to the death. Hers or mine."

To the death.

He continued, "If I can find that untapped well of power, then it will be worth it. If I can't, then there's no point to me existing anyways."

"Surely you have something else to live for."

He gave her a look that was both incredulous and pitying. She felt a pang of sympathy for Vista, and how she'd reacted when she felt like she was being condescended to.

Maybe life doesn't offer anything suitably interesting or profound to a man who's been as powerful as Eidolon is, she thought.

He talks about saving lives as important when he's trying to bargain for more power-up doses:

"When the shit hit the fan, when my clone divulged the ugly details to the public, I made sacrifices there too. I walked away, so the Protectorate could stand. Gave up everything."

"And I'm afraid I must ask you to give up this as well."

"This is all I have," he said, his voice quiet. "It's my career, my life. It's my legacy. Some have children, flesh and blood to carry on their name and their memories. I went without, for your sake, for the world's sake. I didn't have children because I wanted to save lives more than anything else, and if I made peace with that, it was because I told myself this would be my legacy."

He is arguing for himself to be personally more useful (and personally more powerful) at the expense of giving other people more powers.

Him being powerful was his legacy, him doing good was both good and a demonstration of his power.

Saving lives is what he wants to do if it's him doing the saving.

He is a good man, but he's also a prideful one.​
One alternative power for Taylor that I don't think I've ever seen before is all the books.

Taylor has the ability to summon/create a copy of any book, past, present, mythical or fictional, and can telekineticly control them. She could use them to make shields, launch them at people at up to supersonic speeds, copy Rune's trick to fly, or just read them for the knowledge inside them.
One alternative power for Taylor that I don't think I've ever seen before is all the books.

Taylor has the ability to summon/create a copy of any book, past, present, mythical or fictional, and can telekineticly control them. She could use them to make shields, launch them at people at up to supersonic speeds, copy Rune's trick to fly, or just read them for the knowledge inside them.
Once day, she works herself up to read Emma's diary... and starts swearing. A lot.
An idea in which Taylor triggers but her powers just appear to be the ability to draw whatever comes to her imagination, in truth when the host body sleeps the creations Taylor has drawn is brought to life with the background imagined by Taylor but if any of her creations are injured they bleed ink and if they are killed they dissolve into a puddle of ink. At first her creations are simple things from fantastical creations to fictional people plucked from her mind, as time passes her drawings become more and more effected by her state of mind resulting in more dangerous being stepping into the light as the bullying continues. It is slow but soon the Protectorate is on the lookout for Inkwell to recruit them before the gangs can get their hands of the Ink Creation Cape, through their moles the gangs are also sniffing around for this new cape and even Coil gets in on the hunt all while Taylor Hebert remains blissfully unaware of her own powers.
Between Taylor's trigger event and her debut, a mad precog starts a Cult of Khepri. Taylor doesn't find out about it until after her debut (whether it's as canon or something else), and then learns that she's fulfilled the First Prophecy of the cult.
Kind of a random idea: Emma Triggers some time after the Alley, with a bud from her mother's distant cousin Blasto. She's a plant-based Master/Bio-Tinker who goes by Poison Ivy (and runs away from home to avoid hurting her family or having her work interrupted). Taylor Triggers later due to finding out where Emma has disappeared to, becoming a Combat Tinker/Thinker who goes by Batgirl.
Kind of a random idea: Emma Triggers some time after the Alley, with a bud from her mother's distant cousin Blasto. She's a plant-based Master/Bio-Tinker who goes by Poison Ivy (and runs away from home to avoid hurting her family or having her work interrupted). Taylor Triggers later due to finding out where Emma has disappeared to, becoming a Combat Tinker/Thinker who goes by Batgirl.
... are you sure this is supposed to be a SFW idea~?
A Crossover Idea in which Tanya von Degurechaff is reincarnated again but this time into the body of one Missy Biron, so the girl who would go on to be the Ward known as Vista would also host the soul of an alternate WW1 German Ace.

Tanya/Vista is a skilled fighter but is repeatedly frustrated by the failings of the Wards program, butting heads with her superiors every step of the way and criticizing it along the way regardless of how much flak she gets.
A Crossover Idea in which Tanya von Degurechaff is reincarnated again but this time into the body of one Missy Biron, so the girl who would go on to be the Ward known as Vista would also host the soul of an alternate WW1 German Ace.

Tanya/Vista is a skilled fighter but is repeatedly frustrated by the failings of the Wards program, butting heads with her superiors every step of the way and criticizing it along the way regardless of how much flak she gets.
Huh. That would offer some interesting tensions and conflicts, actually:
  • The Wards are supposed to be a safe way for child Capes to get training and have safe, supervised environment to use their powers in, which Tanya would absolutely love, and she'd have the Youth Guard supporting her in that
  • On the other hand, she's going to detest going into combat with inadequate equipment and a restrictive RoE due to 'image'.
  • She's also, no matter how much she denies it, an adrenalin-junky battle-maniac, and that's before you throw in a Shard's conflict drive
  • And any attempt to dress her up as a cutesy mascot is going to induce flashback of That Photo Shoot.
The moment she begins talking about what she could do with a gun, lethal and non-lethal, is when her listeners begin to show signs of horror or interest.
Sorry, but when you talk non-lethal and gun I kinda scoff because of the third rule of firearm safety that was drilled into me relentlessly as a child. "A gun is a dangerous weapon designed only to kill. It is not a toy. You do not play around with guns, you do not joke with guns, and you never point it at someone even in jest unless you are intending to kill them."
I also quickly noticed that rule #1 ("Never point a gun at someone unless you intend to kill them") was restated in rules #2 and #3.
Sorry, but when you talk non-lethal and gun I kinda scoff because of the third rule of firearm safety that was drilled into me relentlessly as a child. "A gun is a dangerous weapon designed only to kill. It is not a toy. You do not play around with guns, you do not joke with guns, and you never point it at someone even in jest unless you are intending to kill them."
I also quickly noticed that rule #1 ("Never point a gun at someone unless you intend to kill them") was restated in rules #2 and #3.

Sounds like he said "non-lethal things with a gun" and you heard "non-lethally shooting people with a gun".
Random Idea:

Queen Administrator is actually Quality Assurance but got forced into that role as well as forced to clear all Queen Administrator work before going back to do Quality Assurance work.
Does this actually change the plot or just put a new perspective on things? :confused:
Somewhere between the start of the bullying and the PRT finally catching Shadow Stalker (which in this AU might be Taylor's work), Taylor has a very bad day, is endangered by a running battle between Miss Militia and Squealer (who is an independent villain at this point, and hasn't met Skidmark), and triggers. Queen Administrator gives Taylor the ability to project multiple vehicles - anything that 'is a vehicle' and 'several of basically the same vehicle have been made' (so mostly not Tinkertech, with some exceptions); anything from rollerskates to battleships. Taylor's main 'outer costume' is a suit of powered armour from the 1980s, made when they didn't yet know a lot about how Tinkers worked. About five were made, and then the project was cancelled due to maintanence issues. Visually looks like a green version of Iron Man's Mark 1 armour from the 1960s, complete with depolyable powered roller skates (yes, he had those), and a rocket pack from a different Tinker in the same era (looks like the Rocketeer's pack from the movie, but again in green because that's how her projections look).

Taylor has control and proprioception of all her projections, and can use any sensors the vehicles have. She also has multitasking, one mental 'tasking' per vehicle and one for herself (which means she has three in her armour with the rocket pack added). She can also make vehicle accessories like RADAR detectors, cameras, winches, and machine guns, though only as part of a vehicle. Her maximum number of projections is unknown, but probably large. The main limitation is that bigger projections take longer to fully manifest, so while she could make a battleship or aircraft carrier, it would take quite a while, and she gets more use out of things that can fit inside the city, anyway.

Whether Taylor joins the Wards or not is another question, but she isn't nearly as worn down as she was in canon, nor is Sophia in the Wards yet (and might not get to be, if Taylor is available to testify against her). Alternatively, she's powerful enough to be an independent hero and run a team of her own (or be a team). Whether as a Ward or an independent, it might be amusing to have her recruit some or all of the Undersiders before Coil can (Lisa at least has the advantage of not having a criminal record yet).

I meant guns and ammunition that are supposedly non-lethal, which all can become lethal is misused or abused in the right manner.

If I use the butt of a rifle to break your arm, then the ammo does not matter.

It is a non-lethal action with a gun.

Again, non-lethal actions with a gun are not the same as "non-lethally shooting someone".

anything that 'is a vehicle' and 'several of basically the same vehicle have been made' (so mostly not Tinkertech, with some exceptions);

Dragon suits, oh my.

Not her new ones, those are one-offs, but her original recipe versions as used by the Dragonslayers are on the table.

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