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Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

Thinking of creating a thread for 'What powers might X have gotten if they pinged off Y and/or Z?' because it's an interesting thought experiment, and could produce some cool stories. Probably needs a better title, though.
The powers wouldn't change that much, it would still be bug control + a little thing, maybe she has better audio/visual/etc. through the bugs, I can even imagine that through Noelle she gets a subtle power that lets her minions have more silk/stings/etc..
Nothing. Pinging doesn't seem to contribute to powers in the slightest.

Taylor almost certainly pinged off Shadow Stalker. Clearly getting her bitchiness and need to be strong. And love of dark costumes and excessive force.

Then again, maybe the QA shard was too strong and not allowed to ping, since it got special attention.

But you also have Scrub. Who pinged off all the merchant capes, Taylor, Lisa, and likely most of Faultline's crew. Dunno what data it picked off of all that which results in "summon shitty death ball that I can't even control."

I think pings mostly just help the shards have a better understanding of what their hosts are going to want or need, not anything to do with their power loadout. But there are no examples of pinging granting powers resembling those near them at the time.

Now twin triggers- Like Brandish and Lady Photon... or Flechette and her unnamed, but mentioned, villain counterpart... THEY got the grab bag like powers.
Actually Wildbow heavily implied that Glory Girl got her aura from Dean being nearby during her trigger event.

The thing to keep in mind is that the look for advice and information but it is still the same shard creating the power. That means even with pings they won't get anything they couldn't have already just that it will be a bit more biased towards powers that have similar components as nearby capes.

Also mass triggers generaly result in grabbag capes with similar collections of powers which wouldn't be a thing if pinging didn't influence powers.

In reference to the original prompt, here is what I think may get from the travelers.

Sundancer: Nothing. Taylor's issues aren't really close enough to anything Sundancer's power can help with.
Balistic: Same.
Trickster: She wants to escape a encloses space so the QA shard may get ideas from his power. This may result in a mover rating.
*Guy who looks different for everyone I can't remember the name of*: Taylor is really fucking lonely and has self image issues so she may get something that makes people perceive her in a more postive manner from him.
Noelle: She probably wouldn't be in the truck and that is probably fro the best. If she was I would suspect that the QA shard may go more towards trump powers and minion creation. Maybe minions based off of capes she encounters controlled in her canon manner. There would probably be some major limit though such as a maximum number of powers active at once and only a single minions ot use them with making her a eidolon/Siberian hybrid.
Genesis: Bias to controlling created minions.

If all of them are taken together maybe she can create and control a body based off of nearby capes that shares their combined powers, but is incapacitated while they do so. Her first use would create a Sophia copy to pull herself out of the locker.
Actually Wildbow heavily implied that Glory Girl got her aura from Dean being nearby during her trigger event.
The other interpretation is that Dean and Vicky both triggered at the same time, and both got grab-bag powers.

That's why Dean has empathy (Thinker) and hard-light beams (Blaster) which impose an emotion effect.
If all of them are taken together maybe she can create and control a body based off of nearby capes that shares their combined powers, but is incapacitated while they do so. Her first use would create a Sophia copy to pull herself out of the locker.

Eh, I honestly think that QA would take more from Genesis and Oliver than anything.

Genesis, due to a combination of Taylor's Trigger and the QA itself, possibly resulting in Taylor being able to create lots of customized minions that probably disperse on death.

Oliver's "power" is basically the Balance formula which when looking at him and Noelle seems to contain the Shard's "Do's and Don'ts" in regards for empowering the host. With him there and getting pinged, the QA may be able to better put in the power without risking something like a double trigger right off the bat.
Let's talk about something super exciting and interesting: Farming.

Here's some thoughts on food production in Wormy America.

First off, cities. As observed in canon, people are apparently flocking to the cities, even though the cities we see all kinda suck by modern standards. Why are people moving to them or staying in them? There isn't much work. Crime is bad and getting worse.

My thesis is that as bad as cities are, the countryside must be worse.

Why would the countryside be worse? In our world the country is usually safer than the city.

The major difference between Earth Bet and reality is the existence of parahumans, specifically criminal parahumans. Out in the countryside, PRT / Protectorate response time is not fast. A criminal could get away with much more -- and much worse -- if far enough away from protected population centers.

The rural or suburban areas may not have an adequate camera system for tracking perpetrators, either, necessitating more expensive equipment sent out to accompany law enforcement officers -- or making the perp's getaway even more trivial than the high response time alone would indicate.

What this means is that crime out in the countryside might be less organized, but also worse when it does happen. You don't get gangs extorting businesses and selling drugs, you get gangs on wheels who drive through, pillage, burn, and take your daughter when they leave.

An unpowered gang can do this. Groups with superpowers are going to be worse.

The countryside must be pretty desolate by now.

In our world, farms are becoming more and more mechanized. On Earth Bet, the mechanization faces the endemic issue of all Earth Bet industry: economies of scale are failing, infrastructure and trade are failing, and the industrial base is eroding faster than it can be rebuilt. Let's break down what each of those factors means.

- Trade is failing: food will be grown more locally. It will be more difficult -- and thus expensive -- to get "out of season" produce. Above a certain size, cities become less viable very quickly, as their population outstrips the local food supply.

- Economies-of-scale are failing: agribusiness may not remain viable, mainly because it presents a large single target for subversion or theft. Masters are a thing, so any single-point-of-failure can expect to fail at some point.

- Infrastructure damage is another potential factor against modern farming techniques: your water service is sporadic, you suffer brown-outs, gas prices are high, transportation costs are high, and all that's in addition to whatever you're paying for security.

- The industrial base is failing: specialized equipment isn't being built or maintained. Innovations are less frequent in the civilian sectors as the economy becomes more slanted towards security and militarization.

- - -

So, the Worm world sucks, but people still need to eat. Since there are people around in Worm canon, farming is going to have to happen anyway. What new innovations / techniques / organizational structures are going to be present on Earth Bet to allow farming to continue, in spite of the state of the world?

Some thoughts:
  • The danger of raids by rural road gangs is not entirely unlike the risk of raids on early American settlers by Native Americans. The American settlers obviously prevailed. What lessons can we learn from history?
  • I think there are places even on our Earth in which people successfully farm in spite of ongoing hostilities from nearby groups. Maybe in Africa or Israel? Anyone know about farming in one of those places?
  • Parahumans are the problem, but they may also offer solutions. Specifically, a drone Tinker could project law enforcement farther than expected, protecting a larger swath of land from criminal predations. What other types of superpowers could be disproportionately useful?
Final thought: rural desolation may be part of why the S9 was so hard to catch, and part of why more mid-sized cities exist on Earth Bet (like Brockton Bay) in spite of the Endbringer disincentive.
Your starting premise is wrong. In worm cities are shrinking because people are afraid of living in endbringer targets.

BBs problem is that the people there are too poor to move.
Your starting premise is wrong. In worm cities are shrinking because people are afraid of living in endbringer targets.

BBs problem is that the people there are too poor to move.
Care to cite that?

I think the only time BB's population was shown to decrease was when an Endbringer attacked. 1/3 of the population was rich enough to move away at that time, so your second assertion is provably untrue.
Care to cite that?

I think the only time BB's population was shown to decrease was when an Endbringer attacked. 1/3 of the population was rich enough to move away at that time, so your second assertion is provably untrue.
Wildbows comments on Earth Bet. They are less centralized because people are fleeing cities.
Actually... this raises an INTERESTING idea...

A tale of a farming village/community held captive by bandit gangs that are... farming them for food and supplies. The community has had enough... they've called the cops, but the bandits have always either moved on or their Capes kill the cops before heroes can get on the scene. The community has send some of their charismatic members to the big city... they need Heroic Capes.

They get... Seven Heroes. :3
Wildbows comments on Earth Bet. They are less centralized because people are fleeing cities.
That's not a cite.

Actually... this raises an INTERESTING idea...

A tale of a farming village/community held captive by bandit gangs that are... farming them for food and supplies. The community has had enough... they've called the cops, but the bandits have always either moved on or their Capes kill the cops before heroes can get on the scene. The community has send some of their charismatic members to the big city... they need Heroic Capes.

They get... Seven Heroes. :3
Yeah that would be fun.

Seven Sam... aritans.
Basic Attraction 1, by volantredx
So this came about after a short discussion on SB about Sophia/Lilly. It started to get a little saucy so I decided to just go all the way and post it here instead.

Basic Attraction

A lot of people think that the graveyard shift was the worst time for monitor duty. Dennis had to disagree. There was always something happening late at night. No, if Dennis had to pick he'd say the worst time was 3-6 pm. Nothing ever happened. He spent most of the time completely checked out.

A giggle from the other end of the bench drew his attention. The Ward's newest transfer, Fletchette who was sent to replace Vista after the younger girl's family moved out West. Dennis liked Fletchette, between her nice attitude and her experience she made a great addition to the team. The one issue was he wasn't the only one to think so.

Shadow Stalker, the team's resident lunatic, took a shine to the other girl. Dennis didn't know if it had anything to do with the red head shooting her down or what but the two of them really hit it off. Was it any other girl Dennis wouldn't have thought about it, except for late at night in his bedroom alone. But this was Sophia and Lily. It was weird. He couldn't understand it at all. He was sort of morbidly curious.

"What do you see in her?" It took him a second to realize he asked that out loud.

"You mean Sophia?" Lilly responded.

"Yeah," he knew he shouldn't let his curiosity get the better of him. Sophia would kill him if he pissed off Lilly. That is if Lilly didn't get to him first. "She's not exactly someone I could see wanting to be around."

"I dunno," the girl shrugged. "There are lots of reasons. She's not as bad as she likes to pretend. You just have to be patient with her. Besides she has her good qualities."

Dennis doubted that, but he wasn't dumb enough to say it.

"Like what?" Though he could have his moments of stupidity.

"Well, you've seen her out of costume. An ass like that makes up for a lot of crazy."

"Really? That's the thing you like most? Her ass?" That... wasn't what he was expecting.

"Well yeah. That and her legs that go on for miles. And her abs. Can't forget those." She was starting to blush a bit. Not that Dennis wasn't feeling a bit hot around the collar.

"So she's hot. That makes up for the temper? The violence? All that good stuff?"

"And well one other thing" She leaned closer and lowered her voice. "you know that track thing? That's real. I thought it was just cover but she really runs all the time. Her stamina is unbelievable. I have trouble keeping up sometimes. It's like fucking a race horse."

Ok so this officially hit TMI levels. Then at peak awkwardness another voice came over the coms.

"You know you guys left the radio on right?" The unmistakable voice of Shadow Stalker. She sounded pissed. "I'm heading back. Lilly meet me in my room. We need to have a talk about sharing. Then you're going to spend all night earning my forgiveness."

Lilly for her part didn't seem too concerned about earning back her girlfriend's good grace. Dennis would even say she looked eager.

"And Duffus." Dennis swallowed thickly at her tone. She managed to make herself sound even more pissed. "If I hear one word of this from the other morons I'm gonna um, what's it called when they cut off guy's dicks?"


"Thank you Lilly. I'm going to castrate you. Ya got it?"

"Yeah. Sure thing." He said.

The teen vigilante shut her com off at that. The other two heroes sat there awkwardly for a moment. Then Lilly began to rise.

"I'm going to grab an energy bar and some Gateraide. If I'm lucky I can finish it before Sophia gets back. I have a feeling it's going to be a long night."

Dennis nodded at that. She gave him one last smile before leaving.

'Well tonight's dreams sure are going to be interesting.' He thought.
Basic Attraction 2, by volantredx
Ok so this is going to be super rough. I'm really tired but I wanted to get this scene out. I'll edit it in the morning.

Basic Attraction 2

Lily guessed it must have been almost two in the morning. However she couldn't sleep despite the rather vigorous workout her bed mate and her just had. For her part Sophia was fast asleep. The sheets had become quite tangled and almost her whole back was exposed. Idlelly Lily's hand started to trace patterns on the other girl's back. Her lover's skin was deceptively soft but Lily could feel the tight corded muscle underneath. Occasionally she'd run a finger over a scar, moments from before Sophia had access to the kinds of body armor the Wards wore.

'What am I doing?' That question had been running in her head all night. It was one Lily still couldn't answer. She normally wasn't the kind of girl to jump right into bed, and her life didn't leave a lot of room for commitment. Still she had a few moments of closeness, but they were fleeting things. What she and Sophia had, or seemed to have, was wholly new.

Lily didn't have any real illusions. She knew how Sophia could be and knew that when this started that she saw Lily as a way to experiment. Explore something she really only started to know she wanted. Lily supposed that she should have turned her away, been the responsible one in all this. Still part of her wanted to be selfish, just this once. Sophia was everything that Lily wasn't. Brash and bold. All fire and passion. So much of that was misdirected. Her anger, the raw hate she seemed to have for so many. Lily was only now getting to know why. What made Sophia the way she was, and it broke her heart.

Maybe that was it? Some part of her felt drawn to Sophia as someone she could fix. Lily knew what it was to be lonely in a crowd. Sophia had so few lines left to keep her tied to people. The other Wards couldn't stand her, Lily had heard what they said behind the girl's back. And the girl Sophia loved, maybe even still loves. The teen knew a bit of the story and had seen it play out enough times to fill in the blanks. No freak outs, no declarations of hate. Just a little more distance. An invisible curtain between them now. Sophia needed someone, anyone, to help her hold her head above water. To keep her from becoming the kind person the two of them fought.

That much Lily could hold to. No matter her faults Sophia was a hero. She was even trying, Lily knew, to be the kind of person that she knew she could be.

And that's what scared her. Before Lily thought she knew where they stood. Just a bit of fun between the two of them. A chance for them to explore things about themselves. But this? This was starting to really feel like it meant something. The way Lily would catch Sophia stopping herself from saying something or doing something, the little glance after that the other girl didn't think she'd catch. Lily was changing too. She'd find herself hearing Sophia's voice in her head. Telling her not to back down or give in just to be nice. Would catch herself think about what Sophia would think about an outfit, or a hairstyle, or other little things Lily never used to worry about. All of this was starting to feel far more real than it was supposed to.

"That tickles," Sophia mumbled into the pillow. Startled Lily drew her hand back.

"Oh, gosh sorry." She could feel her cheeks redden. "I didn't mean to wake you."

"'s fine. What's keeping you up?"

"Nothing, just thinking."

"hmm well you should get some sleep." Sophia buried her head back into the pillow.

Lily started to join her when a thought ran through her mind. It was silly and crazy...but if what they had was becoming real maybe they should try and make it real.

"Hey Sophia."


"Ask me out." Lily felt a giddiness rise in her chest.

"...what?" Her bed mate asked confused.

"Ask me out. On a date."


"Just do it. Please, for me? We've been, well together for almost two months now and we've never been out together."

"We go out all the time." Sophia insisted. This was starting to feel like a bad idea to Lily.

"Hanging out with your friends is not a date." Sophia started to respond, "and before you say it beating up Nazis together doesn't count as a date either."

"Sounds like the best kind of date." The other girl smirked. Then her smile fell. "This is really important to you isn't it?"

Was it? It started as just a stray thought. Now though Lily could feel her heart raise at the thought.

"Yes," she answered. "Yes it is."

"...alright, um would you ah would you maybe want to get a movie this Friday?" Sophia's complexion darkened with a blush.

"Yes. That sounds great." Lily felt a warmth spread from her chest outward until her fingers and toes felt warm.

"Right, good. I see you at seven?"

Instead of an answer Lily lightly kissed Sophia. It was unlike any kiss they had before. Those were pure lust, just animal instinct. This was something else entirely. If what they had becoming real meant every kiss would be this good then Lily wished they had done it sooner.

"Wow," was all she could say when they pulled apart.

"Yeah that was, something." Sophia shot Lily a mischievous glance, "but now I'm not sleepy. Any ideas on how we can fix that?"

"I may have a few." She said leaning in for another kiss as Sophia pulled herself on top of the other girl's body. Lily would soon learn that kissing wasn't the only thing that got better.
Uber and L337 learn that Dragon is an AI before their career ever starts. Thinking this is basically the coolest thing ever, they immediately decide to be her minions so that when she decides to conquer the world they'll be her most trusted minions and get to lord it over all of her other minions.

They're a bit disappointed that She hasn't gone evil yet, that Dragon hasn't picked up any more minions for them to boss around, and that Saint keeps trying to kill them all, but their life has a lot of perks and they can't really back out now anyway. L337 gets to trade any of his inventions to Dragon for two copies of it as well as maintenance and repair contracts for them, top-notch training facilities and equipment, good pay, and since they're Dragons minions instead of Guild members they don't even have to fight S-class threats.
Grue was operating some time before the Undersiders formed, but I'm not sure how long. He might or might not have just ignored what was going on if he came across the attack on Emma and Alan while in costume, but unless he was in a great hurry, I could see him deciding to interfere... and then Shadow Stalker tries to kill him (if they were already interacting by then).

Would lead to interesting places, I think.

(Yes, starts kind of similar to Cyclone's Darkness Rising, but far from the same. For one thing, Alan wouldn't be able to track Grue down, though he might give him his card.)
A Newtype in Brockton Bay, by AntonioCC

Well, this is an omake from the Amuro Quest that I'm running, based on my notes for the opening if the crossover with Worm was selected. I'm thinking of expanding into a full-blown fic, eventually. Thoughts?​

A Newtype in Brockton Bay

Amuro recovered consciousness slowly. He remembered crashing in that bay, the damage in Nu Gundam too big for him to do anything else, ejecting and trying to swim out to safety. His last memory was to mange to reach into a place that was near water level and lie there, cold and exhausted.

He didn't feel cold now. He was wrapped in a blanket, lying in a couch, clothed in his underwear. He moved, keeping the blanket and looked around. It looked like an office, an old one at that, given the furniture. There was a paper calendar in the wall, for god's sake!.
The calendar. According to it, it was January 2011. A.D., he guessed. . Whatever happened back there, pushing Axis, it had propelled him back in time, or worse. Over the desk, there was a newspaper, he looked at it, revealing the situation as even more strange. Parahumans? Endbringers?

'Not only the past, but an alternate past.' he thought. He would had remembered if people with such extraordinary abilities existed in the AD era.

So absort he was in reading the paper, that he didn't notice the door opening.

"Oh, you are awake." a male voice said behind him.

He turned to see a tall, gawky man with glasses and a receding hairline. He was carrying a tray with two coffee cups, and two beige cardboard boxes with a gold M on them.
what about a story taken from a different direction,a young man or woman from a new Hampshire Amish community becomes a parahuman.i want to see a story where an outsider of society tries to make sense of the wormverse,i was thinking that the character's power to be tinkering,to make it interesting as Amish people disdain technology.it's a great thought exercise.crossposted on SB and SF.
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what about a story taken from a different direction,a young man or woman from a new Hampshire Amish community becomes a parahuman.i want to see a story where an outsider of society tries to make sense of the wormverse,i was thinking that the character's power to be tinkering,to make it interesting as Amish people disdain technology.it's a great thought exercise.crossposted on SB and SF.
That's a misconception. They don't have anything against technology itself, but rather that it makes people lazy and interferes with family values.
ok ,but maybe not amish but there are more conservative sects in that culture,plus I've always had a softspot for The Hobbit,where an ordinary guy is given a chance to see the world,only to realize at the end it's change him to something he couldn't recognize.but for all of the bad stuff that happens he has changed for the better. basically it's the The Pilgrim's Progress meets The Hobbit set in the Wormverse.
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You were thinking of the term Luddite for being anti-tech. Not an actual movement anymore but the term is understood.
You were thinking of the term Luddite for being anti-tech. Not an actual movement anymore but the term is understood.
Ironically the actual Luddites weren't anti-tech they destroyed equipment to protest abusing labor conditions, business practices and how employers were using the machines as an excuse to treat lower classes like animals.

The word has changed meaning over time to the current use.
Ironically the actual Luddites weren't anti-tech they destroyed equipment to protest abusing labor conditions, business practices and how employers were using the machines as an excuse to treat lower classes like animals.

The word has changed meaning over time to the current use.
Ah English, if it was anthropomorphized it'd look like a mutated eldritch horror.
So i had a crazy idea everyone knows in canon Chevalier had a brother that was taken from him...has anyone ever noticed how similar his powers were to Jack Slash? yeah you can see where this is going.
So i had a crazy idea everyone knows in canon Chevalier had a brother that was taken from him...has anyone ever noticed how similar his powers were to Jack Slash? yeah you can see where this is going.
They aren't similar in the least. Like, at all. Sure they both use a blade as an effective means of using their power but by that logic then Foil, Shadow Stalker, and The Butcher are long lost siblings.

Jack just makes translate force directly from a distance, Chevalier can combine and swap the physical properties of objects.
the thinker aspect they both have did not seem at all similar?
the thinker aspect they both have did not seem at all similar?
One had the power to see ghosts of trigger events that indicated their powers.

The other had the ability to predict how parahumans would act.

No. They are, in fact, NOTHING alike.

Now, if you wanted to compared Chevalier to Glaistig Uaine, then we'd have something. Or Jack and... uh... a really shitty Contessa?
on March 17th 1998 our world fell apart,there was news of a unusual electrical storm over Nantucket,then at 6:15 p.m. Pacific Standard Time every living being with a spine felt a flash of pain and saw a blinding light...then my whole world came down like a stack of cards,the lights went out for good and then planes fell from the sky.our technology that had sustained the humanity for over 300 years failed us,metals become non-conductive, causing electricity to become virtually unusable. Gunpowder and other explosives no longer worked to protect us,we couldn't even bring back the steam engine.the only thing that still worked we find out latter was at time the called tinkertech,now called witchcraft.then the dying times began as 95 % of the population were wiped out the first few years after the change from starvation,plague,cannibalism,war and the Endbringers.My name is Taylor Hebert and if your reading this, i'm dead,because i'm what we call now a warlock,there was a time i dreamed of being a hero,we don't live in a world for heroes,we're feared for good reason,because they see us for the Emperor Nilbogs and High Queen Rebeccas,that the weakest of usus are hunted for sport and burned while the Crafters get the VIP treatment.now i fear of being hunted by my neighbors and friends.for now what i have to do there is no going back,I had made a deal with lord Anders to be his spy called the Knight of LEGION.In return,for having sworn Feality to him i will be given a pardon for me and my Familiy not to hunted by The Witch Hunters.

Thats all i could come up,it's a Emberverse crossover, set in worm..the series is written by s.m.stirling,I have trouble writing because i have a developmental writing disorder, it's a miracle that i'm not leaking blood out of my ears from the headache i'm getting.so i'm just practicing by throwing out ideas for other fanfiction writers to use.
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So I have two ideas for stories.

One's a Tinker! Taylor that specializes in the Nasod technology from the Korean MMO, Elsword. Basically, she would be a mix between Add's Mastermind class and the Code: Empress class branch for actually building the Nasod tech.

The other is a Blaster that has electrokinesis, and since not many people do electro Taylor...except for Reaper...I'm trying to figure out a situation that would result in her gaining those powers. Thoughts? Suggestions?
Thats all i could come up,it's a Emberverse crossover, set in worm..the series is written by s.m.stirling,I have trouble writing because i have a developmental writing disorder, it's a miracle that i'm not leaking blood out of my ears from the headache i'm getting.so i'm just practicing by throwing out ideas for other fanfiction writers to use.
I am certainly an enormous fan of Emberverse anything. I'm not sure how the metaphysics match up, though; Worm is an explicitly materialist universe with Clarketech monsters, while Emberverse is explicitly spiritualist with gods and (functional) demons. Plus if the Powers in Emberverse could agree to work the Change in order to fix the bad outcomes there, they sure-as-hell could agree to team up and roflstomp the Entities whenever they showed up. Since that was well before the actual date of the Change, if anything I'd expect it all just to be folded into one event -- after the Change powers would find themselves not working anymore, due to the shards and Entities having suffered a terminal case of "physics no longer supports your existence".

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