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Story time dot ORG (My Snippets, updates, and news thread)

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I will be posting random works here that I actually wrote one shots and all of that. I may take...


The only Sane one left
Oct 10, 2014
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I will be posting random works here that I actually wrote one shots and all of that. I may take prompts and may not. Do not expect them to be written in a timely matter. Multiple fandoms but most are worm right now. Anyway, here we go.

If a one-shot catches your interest and you want to adopt it and make a story out of it. Go ahead. Unless it is an SI story because those are off limits due to the fact that you are not me, therefore you will always get my SI characterization wrong.

Current active stories:

Taylor Hebert's quest for the happy ending! redux

A Fluffy Tail

Pokemon Adventure Sky

Neko Dee Neko- In which I'm a catgirl... the horror!

One shots(worm):

Happy Days- In which Taylor is a yandere.

How Taylor stopped worrying and became a magical girl! Hehehehe. (Worm/Kaleidostick Ruby) - In which Taylor makees a friend and becomes a magical girl.

Eye of the Tiger Kitten- In which I become a cat.

Oh, Joy- In which I become a natural red head and blow up the moon. Fuck you moon.

Oh, Joy part 2- In which the moon survives. For now.:mad:

Enduring Soul- in which Taylor gains touch based Dynakinesis.

Tales of A Simple Thief- In which I'm reincarnated as Madision. Things snowball from there.

The Hunters in Shadows - in which I reincarnated as Sophia. I learn to love the shadow form.

Queen of Ghosts- In which I reincarnate as Taylor. And people start haunting me. Assholes.

Oh,Joy The updated version of the SI where I reincarnated as Emma Barnes. The moon sadly survived.

Neko Dee Neko- In which I am dropped in worm as a catgirl. Things go to shit on a hell basket rather quickly.


Taylor Hebert's quest for the happy ending- SV Vote thread( In which Taylor becomes a bubble gum girl)

Taylor Hebert's quest for the happy ending- SV story only Thread.

Taylor Hebert's quest for the happy ending - QQ story only thread.
Last edited:
Happy Days
Happy Days​

"Let me tell you a wonderful story! A story about love beyond your limited comprehension oh predator of the weak and insignificant."

I say to the only person with me.

"It starts simple really, the time when I was a child I suffered from crippling shyness on meeting new people. But! That did not stop me from having one true friend. For you see, she did not stop trying to be friends with me, even when I tried and tried to push her away, like all the others before her. She was certainty stubborn, and I loved her for it." I listen to the lovely whimpers of the girl with me.

"But at the time I did not know what love was, so I set out to be the best friend I could be, as she helped me, I would support her in anything she does. We grew up like sisters you know." I pause and glare at the other girl. She squirmed. "Well, you should have known, you are after all... a Stalker."

"On the day my mom died, she supported me in my grief when my dad could not. She listened to my woes, and comforted me. Until I started to resemble my normal self." I start sharping my knife as the other girl tries to struggle out of her binds. "That was the day I found out that I loved her more then a best friend should. That really was a surprise, you know." I dramatically pause in my actions and turn to to the girl I have bound to a chair once again.

"But atlas, me finding out my sexuality just gave me a anew fear. A fear of rejection. So I was back to my normal self, but distant at the same time." I continue sharping my lovely knife where she can see it. Shwerp shwerp shwerp, The cute little whimpers she makes because of the noise is music to my ears.

"Hiding things from her just tore me up inside you know." I let sadness appear on my face. "So I was going to be brave and confess after I got back from summer camp. But, on that fateful day that my phone call was cut short. Something major happened I knew, but I could not contact Emma for weeks, and Alan Barnes said she would be fine and she just needed space." I pause yet again and look at her lovely frightened face. Her nice lean muscular body bound by a generous amount of Christmas lights and strapped to a chair. They really illuminate her frightened appearance. Like a kitten that got tangle up in a ball of yarn.

"I still tried though, I knew I needed to be with her, to comfort her like she did me. But sadly, we only met again at school." I stop sharpening my knife.

"You know what happened then. She rejected our years of friendship all because you did not approve of me. All because you were there for her when she needed me most," the anger was visible on my face causing the girl to start her struggles with a renewed fever, "ALL BECAUSE YOU WANTED HER ALL TO YOURSELF!" I yelled, stabbing the knife deep into her leg, causing a muffled scream. I gagged her off course. Tee-hee.

"Sorry, I lost control of my self for a moment, now where was I." I not so gently pull the knife out of her leg and pause to appear like I was taking time to think. "Ah, yes. I thought long and hard about why she rejected me and came to a conclusion that you were responsible." I stare at her left leg which was being dyed a lovely shade of red.

"So I stalked you for months, you never even noticed someone shadowing your movements. Some predator you turned out to be, huh Sophia." I calmly state to the squirming bound girl.

"But anyway, here is how this is going to go," I take out the medical supplies I had and started to clean and bandage her leg. "We are going to have a nice long productive chat about what happened to Emma while I was gone and why Emma does not need a Stalker sniffing around her." I look up at her and smile.

By the look of her terrified face, it was such a lovely smile.

Or why yanderes are all fun and games to joke about until someone takes it seriously.

Yandere!Taylor if you couldn't figure that out.
How Taylor stopped worrying and became a magical girl! Hehehehe. (Worm/Kaleidostick Ruby)
How Taylor stopped worrying and became a magical girl! Hehehehe. (Worm/Kaleidostick Ruby)​

Warning: Contains crack and magical girl shenanigans.​

There are many different dimensions out there with many different universes, each reflect the infinite choices that are made day by day by people living in them. This is the story of one of the silly times Zelretch visited a city named Brockton bay. Yes... Zelretch arrive on Earth Bet. But this time he is going to HALP!

At ten years old, Taylor knew much about the world and how it worked. The super hero's beat up bad guys, the Super Villains are jerks, Alexandria can fly, Her mother teaches English and her best friend always turns red every time Taylor hugs her lately. That last one worries her that her best friend might be getting sick, poor girl almost fainted the last time Taylor checked her temperature by placing her forehead against hers.

Anyway, the ten year old Taylor knows much about the world and she prided herself on it. But no where did she ever hear of a flying ballistic hitting her on the head in her own backyard. Complete with playing cards scattering all over her.

So Taylor, after holding her head in her hands saying ow repeatedly, finally got up to meet her destiny
"Hiya!" A cheerful voice, coming out of a pink circle with a star in it center that is somehow flying with wings.

Taylor Hebert, knowledgeable ten year old girl and soon to be magical girl, promptly did what any other ten year old would do in her situation. She met the ground again in a dead faint.

Ten minutes later, Taylor woke up with a start and stared at the winged thing that was poking her.

"Hiya!" The thing repeated. Causing Taylor to really stare at it. "Hiya?" The thing animated a sweat drop in response of the intensely staring ten year old girl.

"Are you some sort of tinker-tech toy?" The girl asked.

"What? NO! I am not!" The thing exclaimed.

"Reaaalllly?" The girl questioned and continued her intense staring, causing the thing to really start to animate sweating.

"I am the great, the magnificent Kaledostick Ruby!" The girl continued to stare at Ruby as it did some silly poses. "I was made and sent here by the great Wizard Marshal Zelretch himself to-"

"So the tinker named Zelretch threw you at my face, I will remember that." Taylor interrupted with a slightly menacing tone, for a ten year old. Let it not be said that Taylor Hebert does not know how to hold grudges.

Meanwhile at Fugly Bob's, a certain 3000 year old vampire had a chill run down his spine. He shrugged it off and started to break the record for Fugly Bob's challenger. Chubuster is going to be pissed.

"Zelretch is not a Tinker! He is a wizard!" Ruby shouted, completely ignoring the menacing tone Taylor had taken when she said Zelretch.

"Magic isn't real." Taylor said, her voice filled with disbelief.

"It is! Just because your world has super hero's that run on space whale bullshit does not make magic any less real!"

"Space wha-" Taylor started to say before she was interrupted.

"And another thing, what happen to the fantasies of a child?! If I said magic a normal child would have gotten excited!" Ruby continued to rant.

"What spac-" Taylor tried again.

"God damn, my Master just had to be one of those science twits that think they know everything about the universe! Whats next, a kid is going to gain electromagnetism and call herself Railgun?!"

Meanwhile in Japan, a certain 14 year old girl sneezed and then was glomped by a teleportor.

"Are you done?" Taylor asked with an annoyed tone.

"Yes..." Ruby said breathing heavily," yes I am."

"Why did you call me master?" Taylor asked, forgetting about the space whales during the long rant that was conveniently cut short.

"Oh, yeah." Ruby clears her non existent throat. "You have been chosen to be a magical girl! To right wrongs! Fight great injusti- where are you going?"

"No." Taylor continued to walk away.

"Wait!" Ruby Shouted.

"What is it?" Taylor asks and she stops and turns around.

"At least let me wipe the blood from your nose! Your mom and dad might worry if you come in with a bloody nose after all!" Ruby exclaimed.

"Ok..." Taylor said, not noticing Ruby gleam a little.

"Here you go." Ruby wiped the blood away from Taylor's nose. "Would you mind also picking up those cards for me? I don't have hands."

Taylor looks at Ruby suspiciously and then shrugs. "Sure."

Taylor reached down only to grab Ruby's rod end.

"Contract established! We will make the best magical girl out of you yet my master!"


Taylor's world became filled with bright light and evil laughter.



"Yes Taylor?" Ruby learned better to call Taylor any form of master or mistress.

"Why are we at the boat graveyard?" Taylor questioned.

"So I can can teach you the fine art of the magical girl!"


"Starting with beam spamming all of your problems away!"


"Now get suited up! It is SHOW TIME!" Cheesy magical transformation music starts playing everywhere.

"Do I have to?" The music abruptly stops.

"Yes, Taylor."


"I know Taylor."


"We had this discussion before Taylor."


"Magic will disguise you to anyone who isn't your love interest Taylor."


"Do not know why it works like that but it just does Taylor."


"Its magic Taylor, it is not supposed to make sense."


"Right, it is show time!" Cheesy magical transformation music starts playing out of no where.

This time Taylor is in engulfed in a bright light. Doing poses, twirls and everything magical girls do during these spectacular events that any word descriptions of would only be inferior to it being animated.
When the bright light died down, Taylor was transformed! Armed with a pink, backless blouse where the end it meets the white skirt she has looks like flower petals, with a huge pink ribbon on her back and a white cape that turns pink at the tips.Wearing white gloves with sleeves that are not attached to her blouse! Pink white feathers in her long light brown hair, and pink stylish knee high boots, ten year old Taylor Hebert is now the very definition of innocent magical girl!

And she shall hate Zeltrech forever for it.

"Ah, the magical girl transformation sequence. It brings a tear to my eyes."

"You don't have any! Besides, I hate this outfit."

"Nonsense! Looking like a cute innocent girl allows you to get away with genocide of any forces of darkness you will be forced to face!"

"What?" Taylor glared down at Ruby.

"Nothing!" Ruby said quickly.

"We will talk about this later." Taylor said quietly in a tone that gave Ruby chills.

"Now, now Taylor! Look around you, what do you see?" The kaledostick asked, quickly changing the subject.


"Always with the short answers with you." Ruby sighs," you are wrong, what I see is acceptable targets!"

"Still junk."

"Shut up and hold me like a baseball bat."

"Like this?" Taylor proceeds to do so.

"Yes! Now imagine a ball in front of you."

"Got it."

"Great! Now see that wreck over there?"


"Now take a swing and imagine the ball hitting it."

Taylor did so, causing a pink beam of death to shoot out hitting the wreck, making it explode brilliantly with much fanfare and CG graphics.

"That was good for a first try, Taylor." Ruby stated.

"Taylor?" Ruby questioned.

"Taylor?!" Ruby exclaimed!

"Whoa," Taylor eloquently said, snapping out of her awe. "I do not care much for the beam color but that was pretty awesome!"

"I know right?"

"I am going to do it again!" Taylor exclaimed excitingly
And so, our hero started to enthusiastically rain pink death on the boat grave yard.

'She is growing up to be a fine magical girl.' Ruby thought with a sniff as Taylor started to fly without realizing it.

Taylor paused in her one woman quest for boat destruction as her enhanced hearing picked up a motorcycle coming her way.

"CHEESE IT, ITS THE COPS!" Ruby yelled, causing Taylor to react on instinct and fly away from the scene of the crime.

"Wait... why did I run away?" Taylor asked as she made it home.

"Government officials frown on property damage and are the bane of magically girls everywhere." Ruby calmly stated.

"RRRUUUBBBYYY!!" Taylor shouted with anger and started chasing after the winged circle.

It was just another quite night in the neighborhood.


It was a scene of mass destruction. Groaning men and women lay around everywhere, the buildings are nothing but rumble. Our young hero finds herself being questioned by Armsmaster again, but this time it was caught on the news!

"Kaledo Ruby... how did this even happen? And how is no one dead?" Armsmaster questioned Taylor carefully, as he learned pissing her off was a bad idea.

"Weeelllll..." Taylor started the immensely long tale that I do not feel like writing about how she ran into some merchant mooks and ended up raining pink beams of death on all the Merchants.

Armsmaster nodded at the right places as she did.

"And then they insulted my mother." Taylor said in a quite, menacing tone she developed after months of hanging around Ruby.

Armsmaster paled. During Kaledo Ruby's debut, the PRT and Protectorate learned how to handle the delusional young parahuman girl who was rated a blaster 12. That included finding out her berserk buttons and leaking them so the girl does not accidentally nuke the city in a berserk rage.

The Merchants apparently did not get the memo.

"And that is why they were all punished!" Taylor finished cheerfully.

"Thank you for giving your statement, please be careful to minimize the collateral damage in the future and fly safely." Armsmaster stated.

"I will and thank you!" Taylor looked at the news camera and gave a cheerful wave and flew off.

"Don't see why we can't force her in the wards, her fights always leads to a lot of collateral damage." A man that looked like he came from Rome said as he walked up to Armsmaster.

"Dauntless, you know Director Costa-Brown had stated herself that we do not interfere with her and all of our thinkers agreed."

"She thinks she is a magical girl."

"Delusional or not, letting her free actually reduced a lot of crime rates. Probably more so than if she was in the Wards."

"Is the destruction really worth it?" Taking in the scene before him.

"We can only hope so." Armsmaster stated quietly.


"Taylor! OMG! Are you alright?! Did the Merchants do anything to you? Do I need to get my knife?" Emma continued to ramble on as she hugged Taylor to death.

"Emma... air." Taylor managed to choke out from the embrace.

"Woops, sorry!" Emma let Taylor go.

"The Merchants did nothing to me so don't worry. They just insulted my mother... I mean I am not Kaledo Ruby!" Taylor exclaimed.

"Oh, I know." Emma gave Taylor a sly grin.

"Why are you in my room Emma?" Taylor asked quickly changing the subject and noticing the red head wearing cute panda pajamas.

"Remember we were going to have a sleep over today? Silly Taylor." Emma stated cheerfully.

"Oh, right... how did I forget that?" Taylor questioned herself as Ruby started to snicker.

"So, how is it like to fly and beat up bad guys?" Emma questioned as she sat down on Taylors bed.

"It is actually very fun and stress relieving." Taylor answered as she sat on her computer chair. "I mean I am not Kaledo Ruby!" Taylor shouted as she noticed her slip up.

"I know you are Kaledo Ruby, Taylor. I saw you wave at the news-camera."

Ruby started to snicker louder.

"Wait, how did you see me? The mag- stranger rating I have should prevent anyone but my love interest from recognizing me in costume!" Taylor exclaimed as Ruby started to float by her head and snicker even louder.

Taylor then noticed Emma's face light up in a brilliant shade of red. Then she thought back to all of the hugs and the way Emma would blush at the contact and even if her face got close to hers.

"Oh." Taylor said as she stared at Emma shifting awkwardly.

Ruby started to laugh.

"Shut up Ruby!" Taylor exclaimed as she slapped Ruby to the ground.

Ruby only laughed even harder.


"Mom, dad, I am sorry I have to do this!" Taylor yelled over the blaring sirens that signaled the coming of an Endbringer.

"Taylor Don't go!" Taylor's dad exclaimed.

"Taylor get down here right this instant!" Taylor mom yelled, tears started welling up around her eyes.

Taylor looked down at them and showed them a resolute expression.

"I am Magical Girl Kaledo Ruby, I am the champion of Gaia. It is my responsibility to destroy these abominations." Taylor stated softly. "I will not allow them to do as they please any more!" Taylor yelled and started to fly away at full speed.

"TAYLOR/TAYLOR!" Taylor's parents yelled after her in vain, her mother started to cry.

"You are the best master I could have ever hoped for Taylor." Ruby stated softly as they made their way to where the hero's meet up.

"Shut up Ruby," Taylor sniffled, "stupid rain."

Ruby wisely kept silent for once.


Hero's were being incinerated left and right, Behemoth decided to stop playing games after taking an Excaliblast to the face. While the broken girl could only look in horror at the carnage before her. Legend was dead, so many had fallen. And it was her fault for causing the Endbringer to be reduced to a skeleton.

"It is all my fault..." Taylor said softly and coughs up some blood.

"Taylor! It is not your fault! You couldn't have known it was holding back all this time, that they were all holding back all this time!" Ruby started yelling, trying to get Taylor back in the game.

"No... it makes sense in the long run. They were just playing with us, slowly causing us to go extinct." Taylor started to say as she struggled to get up.

"We never had a chance... but that changes today!" Taylor yelled as she got up.

"ARCHER INCLUDE!" Taylor roared!

Taylor's clothes changed into a more feminine version on the Counter guardian known as EMIYA.

"I may not be able to call myself a hero after this." with a soft trace on, Taylor started to gather as much prana as she can. "I may not even be able to consider myself human anymore." Taylor stated as a golden sword sheaf started to form in front of her. "But I do not care." Taylor grafted the imitation of Avalon to her soul and flooded it with prana, forcing it to heal her completely.

"I have the lifetimes of all the heroes and villains I have been, Grafted in my soul so their legends will live on in the modern day."

Taylor traced her bow and loaded an arrow. "Caliborn II" Taylor fired and the arrow exploded on Behemoths face, causing it to pay attention to her.

"I walk a path shaped by many lives. Whether good or ill."

Taylor traced two Excalibur's in her hands and charged the Behemoth and it shot lighting at her. She deflected it easy without losing any of her speed. Absolutely glowing with Prana.

"Forged by the kaleidescope, shaped by Gaia."

Taylor deflected more lightning bolts, the hero's that witnessed this day will say that the Behemoth started to panic as Taylor got closer.

"Hero, villain, god, demon it does not matter. I am one, and I am all."

Taylor finally made it to Behemoth and glared at him.

"For this is the requiem of my soul, of the infinite potential I now bear." Taylor finished softly.

Both her and Behemoth were engulfed in a brilliant light.

They found themselves in a Brockron Bay that is in perpetual night with a full crimson moon in the night sky.

"So Behemoth, you think you can handle me? You do not have enough lives." Taylor stated calmly to the abomination as they were surrounded by many different versions of Taylors. Taylors wielding included heroic cards as well as Taylor who looked like they belonged to the night. Infinite possibility all shown.

When the reality marble faded only Taylor was left standing. Holding on to a dormant Ruby, looking at her sadly.

The hero's and villains cheered at Behemoth's death.


Mini-Interlude 1- Piggot.

You mean to tell me the delusional parahuman girl not only did something that knocked out every precog in the world and gave all of the thinkers severe headaches, killed Behemoth and is returning to Brockton Bay with a revealed civilian identity?

"Yes." the person on the other line of the phone said.

"That is what I thought you said Chief Director." Piggot said calmly as she hung up the phone.

Piggot stared at the ceiling in silence before deciding something. She pushed a button on the intercom.

"Yes ma'm?" Her secretary asked.

"Get me an appointment scheduled with that new healer called Panacea. I am to sober for this shit."

Mini-Interlude 2- Zeltrech

"Well this worked out pretty well." The old man said silently as he loomed over the sleeping form of Taylor.

"Even given what she achieve today, she is still sad." Zeltrech looked at the dormant form of Ruby Taylor was clutching in her sleep.

"Ah, I see." The old true ancestor said as he gently took Ruby from Taylor's grasps. "She manage to overload Ruby with that stunt." Zeltrech smile sadly.

"This will be my last gift for you Taylor. May you find happiness in your life and give this world the true happy ending it deserves." Zeltrech stated as he fixed Ruby.

"Zeltrech?" The newly awakened Ruby asked.

"Keep an eye on her Ruby, your job is not done yet."

"I will!"

"Farewell Taylor Hebert. Who knows, we may meet again soon. The Kaleidescope has infinite possibilities after all, and I haven't seen it all yet."

Zeltrech opens up a portal and starts humming a tune he did for when Taylor was little as he walks through it.

----------------------------------------------------The End--------------------------------------


-5 years later-


"Yes Taylor?"

"Why does my body still look like it is ten?"

"Think it happened because of the Behemoth all those years ago, like when you flooded Avalon with infinite prana or it might be Gaia's doing. I think you might age like a dragon. Gaia liked them after all."

"Does this mean that I would be going through puberty for at least one-hundred years?"

"I believe so."


Well, I finished this oneshot because honestly the damn thing kept getting stuck in my head. If someone wants to adopt this and actually make a story out of this go ahead. Remember this is crack, it is meant to be silly and over the top. That is why this Taylor is one of the most powerful Taylors and why Taylor and Emma are acting the way they are.

As for Emma, well, apparently Magical girls can only have yuri relationships or be shipped with girls.

As For Zeltrech. The reason why he did this was actually half entertainment and half wanting to see Taylor get a happier life. She kinda grew on him when he became her grandfather figure.

Grandpa Zeltrech is best Zeltrech.

The reason why she didn't recognize his name is because He went by the name Robort Oh' Baily.
Eye of the Tiger Kitten
Eye of the Tiger Kitten​

A new worm CYOA story, by the likes of what you have never seen before.​

I am cold, hungry and wet. I have no clue where I am, besides that its a dark alley and I have no clue why everything is so much bigger than me. Though, a convenient mirror answers that last question. Apparently I am a cat. Not just any type of cat, nooo but a baby kitten that looks about a couple of months. With soft midnight black fur, except for the top of my head looks suspiciously like Kakarot's spiky hair... why did I say that name?

So I decide to just sit there looking at my reflection trying to go through my memories. Sadly, it worked. I have the memories of both Kakarot and Vegeta stuck in my head from when they were fused together. I even remember why this happened.

Someone asked me to make a silly character through a CYOA, so I did. Now I am that silly character.

My yowls of frustration could probably be heard a mile away.

Right then, time to find a convenient person to mooch off of and pretend this never happened. Being -shudder- cute would certainty help my chances of being adopted.

What, you expected me to actually go out my way and start fixing problems left and right even though I am a kitten? You honestly do not know me very well. Besides, I need to wait for the nerf to go away when I age again to curbstomp Scion, and the Endbringers. Since like all SI stories generally, I am over powered up the wazzooo. Even though I am a kitten... it still beats being a coffee bean.

So, I finally move my paws out of the alleyway, what happened next was something I was not expecting and blame the ROB.

"Are you alright little kitten?" The person in-front of me says. So I look up and come to a cold realization on where my peaceful life is about to go.

The girl crouching in front of me was a blond girl that could be more than twelve years old, wearing a super hero costume.

"Vista what's wrong?" A random guy wearing power armor appeared.


"This kitten looks cold and hungry, can we take it back to the base?" My nightmare asked.

"Yeah, it looks a little young to be on its own. Must have gotten lost from its mother." Mr. Clueless said.


"Everything will be fine," my nightmare says gently as she picks me up, "Lets get you all nice and warmed up. Huh."

"Whats wrong?" The
empath that periodically gets things wrong asked.

"Shes a female kitten." Vista says with a small blush.


And that is the story of how I was adopted by a kid super hero.

it was very traumatic... Really.

Or how the ROB hated me for last time and got revenge this time.

Yeah, another CYOA Si fic. Bitching about it would give me strength.

Honestly, this is only a CYOA SI story because I wanted a plausible way to have my SI be a kitten and have Vegeto's powers. I am rather lazy when coming up with things when there is something convenient with everything I need.

This SI story I might continue further, only because I would find various characters reactions amusing when a kitten hands them their asses.

Why did I choose Missy as my owner? Girl could use a friend. Not to mention what is speculated about her home life.

So now I am a little black kitten that would ride on Missy's shoulder practically everywhere.

I think I just weaponized cute.​
Oh, Joy. Or why the ROB screwed up and learned that giving me cosmic powers and making a teenage girl was a bad idea.
Oh, Joy. Or why the ROB screwed up and learned that giving me cosmic powers and making a teenage girl was a bad idea.​

A worm CYOA Story​

Ow, my head. Ok, where the hell am I and why do I taste the color purple?

"Looks like the bitch is getting up."What? I open my eyes and see that I am currently in an alleyway surround by what it appears to be gang members. I also have an unfamiliar weight on my chest. So I look down and confirm that yes I have breast and yes I am surrounded by scum.

"So girly, your choices, will it be your right eye or your left eye." The thug with the knife says.

That sounds familiar. I ignore them and check my hair color, its red... then the memories of the twelve years of my life clicked together.

'Shit, I'm in worm.' I thought.

"Ha, the bitch is so scared that she cant even speak!"

"No, I am just ignoring you idiots while I can think of an appropriate response of 'fuck you' to the universe."

"What?" The thug asked.

Then something else clicked in my head and I was filled with the life experience of someone I not only knew, but someone who actually has the appropriate response to my current predicament. Full Power, Total Annihilation.

"DIVINE..." I gather pink energy in front of me in a ball while the thugs start to panic. "BUUUUSSSTTTERRR!!!!!" I punch the ball of energy, taking out the thugs, and the building behind them, and the top of the building behind that, and then made a new crater on the moon.

"Huh," I say softly as I took in the devastation I caused, it was much more powerful than I thought it would be. "At least it was the non lethal version."

Then I felt someone hugging me.

"That was awesome!" said the girl currently hugging me. "We should team up."

'Dark costume check, timeline check,' I go through a list in my head as my dad appears on the scene and starts calling someone. 'Oh great... I have a fangirl, one that already has Stalker in her name.'

So I stand there, with a fangirl hanging off me, by some unconscious thugs and destroyed buildings, and sirens in the distance only thinking of one thing. I am much calmer than I should be about this, or I am in so much shock right now that my give no fucks meter filled.

So, another story I will probably not continue, but my reincarnation SI going with the standard difficulty on the CYOA. I probably broke some rules, but I give no fucks.
Anyway the options I took are this:

Reincarnation- Emma Barnes Power- Kaleidescope 1, the only thing ill ever need.

Perks- blank-1, shattered limiter-1, Invinctus-1, inspiration -1

As for making Shadow Stalker a fangirl. I have inspiration and I blew shit up.

As to why use divine buster? Because fuck you, thats why.
Oh, Joy. Or why the ROB screwed up and learned that giving me cosmic powers and making a teenage girl was a bad idea. Part 2
Oh, Joy. Or why the ROB screwed up and learned that giving me cosmic powers and making a teenage girl was a bad idea.​

The continuation!​

"Emma! Dear, are you alright?" My father helpfully asked after he got off the phone.

"I am fine dad," I look at the girl that is still hugging me, "can you get off now?"

"Sure!" she chirped as she proceeded to do just that.

'Oh dear god, she actually chirped.' I thought in horror.

"Emma... who is that?" My dad asked, finally noticing the dark clothed vigilante.

"I-" I start before I was rudely interrupted, how rude.

"I am the wonderful and magnificent Shadow Stalker at your service sir!" The newly named vigilante exclaimed. Fist pump and all.

'Why is she soo... peppy? Is that the word I am looking for?'

"Ok..." my father seemed to be a bit lost. To be fair, his daughter just leveled a building and the top of one and made a new crater on the moon... oh, yeah... I forgot about that.


"Yes princess?" Ugh, pet names.

"If anyone asks about the moon, tell them I did not do it."

"What about the moon?" He questioned.

This is totally going to be one of those nights.

Well, at least the police arrived so I don't have to answer that awkward question when your daughter puts a crater in the moon has to answer.

"Are you folks alright?" the generic police officer A, questioned. Honestly, I am surprised on how professional they are being... wait... where the hell did Sophia go?

"Yes, we are officer." my father answers, to be honest, I tuned them out at this point.

I am in worm, I have cosmic powers, I am in fucking worm, I have a Stalker fangirl, I am in god damn worm!!!!

"Emma? Emmaa?" My father tries to get my attention while my mind is stuck in a loop. Finally he resorts to poking me, the jerk.

"Yes?!" I totally did not squeak in surprise. Honest.

"Are you alright to answer some questions for the nice police man?" He asked.

"Sure, ask away, I do not know anything about the moon though."

If this were an anime world, the generic police officer would have had comedic size sweat drop running down the back of his head.

"Right..." the police officer clears his throat. "We just want a statement what happened here, the PRT should be here shortly as well."

"Oh, well, those gangers were going to rape me or maim me or possible both, honestly I have no clue what they wanted, they were kind of hard to understand and things, but then I totally blanked out for a bit, got up, cursed the damn universe, and hit them with a pink beam of death, that happened to have caused collateral damage, I think I might be able to fix that btw, anyways the moon mocked me so I shot that as well, god damn Majora's mask." I babble, I am not proud of myself.

The poor police officer does not even know where to begin or where to stop me, and my dad is just looking at me bemused.

"Honey, you might want to slow down." My father helpfully added.

So I stop and take a deep breath.

"They were going to do bad things to me. I blanked out. I came too with powers. And I shot them with a pink beam of death. I also think I can undo the collateral damage." I made a much calmer statement. I guess the shock wore off some time ago.

I kinda want the shock back. Damn ROB's.

Anyway, after that things got really dull. The PRT showed up along with Miss Militia, to which I got an autograph because she was one of the few decent people in worm, even though she was a soldier with a soldier mentality for most of worm. Nothing wrong with that, just that her superiors were mostly corrupt assholes. Gave my statement again, leaving out the moon thing though. Also we were encouraged to go to the PRT tower in the mourning at a decent time.

I also fixed the collateral damage like I said I could, don't really know how that worked though, it just did. I think I surprised them with that. After all I also shot a pink beam of death not to long ago. And that really is the complete opposite of fixing collateral damage.

So we got home, I was rather exhausted so I simply went to my bed room and slept. Knowing tomorrow is going to suck ass.

Don't expect this to happen again. I was just really bored and thought why not when I remembered I had a silly little SI story started.

Technically this isn't really that much of an SI story anyway. This is basically non bitch Emma with some of my quirks and knowledge.
A Simple Thief
Tale of a Simple Thief (worm/reincarnation SI)​

I awoke with a start. Feelings and memories not of my own merging together with mine.

"Who am I?" I ask myself tiredly.

A simple question that I can't answer with my sleep addled brain. So I shrugged and went through my mourning routine. Not even waking up confused would matter against something I've done for all twenty something years of my life.

'Wait a minute... twenty?' I pause, getting ready to enter the shower. 'Apparently I'm still tired enough that I lost track of my age... again.' I thought and then shrugged, deciding that it wasn't important and got in the shower. The hot water slowly woke up my tired body and at that point I felt something off.

"Huh, I'm a girl?" I ask myself dully, it was too early in the morning to yell in shock. Even though I totes was.

Though that didn't stop my body from going on auto pilot, and when I came back to my senses I was in my room... Wearing a nice skirt, a cute blouse and knee high socks. All in all my cloths seem to have been chosen to weaponize my new found adorableness.

It was too much, so I collapsed on my bed.

"Ok, calm down and take deep breaths." I say to myself, staring at my ceiling that shouldn't be familiar to me.

I decided to close my eyes and think, trying to remember all I could.

"Reincarnation, huh?" I say softly, and opened my eyes. "So my past life was a guy, in a different world." I sit up.

"Ok, so something happened and I gained my past life's memories, the trick is finding out what."

Which I drew a blank on. Of course it couldn't be easy,

'So many questions, not enough answers.' I thought. 'But one thing is for sure, I am going to stop bulling Taylor.'

I was never emotionally invested in bulling her anyway, only playing my role that I crafted in highschool to keep myself safe. The locker though, definitely went too far.

"Yosh," I say, jumping off my bed and landing on my feet. "Time to add a twist to that highschool drama."

After all, the only way I can make sure I stay safe when I get out of being Emma's groupie is to cause chaos in the ranks. Just enough to cause it all to crash down, and all I need to do is be ready to be near the top, again. It's only an added bonus that this would help Taylor.

"Madison dear! Breakfast is ready!"

"Coming mom!"

So after a quick breakfast and finishing my mourning routine, I head off to school. Today is going to be different, to say the least.

'Ah, Winslow High. You would never find a more terrible place filled with scum and villainy in Brockton Bay.' I thought as I walk towards the entrance of the crummy school. I moved through the crowd, making sure to nod a greeting to all the appropriate people and move through the crowd.

So I'm being a bit melodramatic, I'm a teenager again so sue me.

"Good mourning Madison!" A feminine voice called out as she gave me a one armed hug.

"Good morning Julia." I return the hug.

"Looking cute as ever Madison." She breaks off the hug.

'If I was not so sure she was straight, I honestly would have thought she was coming on to me a long time ago. Everytime she does this.' I thought and then said aloud. "Thank you Julia, you're looking good as well. Hoping to catch Steve's attention?" I teased her.

Indeed she does look good, with a white sleeveless tank top that hugged her curves and wearing simple blue jeans.

"Shut up." she says, looking away with a blush as she crosses her arms under her medium size breasts. I'm totes not jealous of them. "You know its not like that!"

Such a classic tsundere pose. Julia must practice.

"Suuurre." I say with my best teasing tone causing her to mock pout and lightly jab my shoulder.

With pleasantries done, we started to walk towards our class.

"So, whats up with you today Mads?" She asked, as she noticed my somewhat off mood.

"Been thinking about things." I answered. It was the truth after all.

"Oh? Like what?"

"About Emma and this whole bullying thing." I looked at her to gauge her reaction as we walk.

Her mood dropped, glad to know I am not alone on this. I knew I wouldn't be but I never really payed too much attention to the other hanger ons, even if Julia is technically my friend.

"I see." she said quietly. "So you come up with a new way to bully her?"

Of course, I knew who her was referring to, so I decided to answer her.

"No, I'm thinking of getting out of it." I stated shocking her enough for her to stop walking. She turned her head and looked at me with surprise written all over her face.


"Yes, I came to a terrible conclusion that I did not like." I said, putting on my serious face.

"What?" Julia questioned, tilting her head cutely. Damn, she's learning things from me.

"We have been helping Emma bully her X." I said solemnly.

"No way!" She exclaims. Her eyes widen with realization.

"Yes way. After all, it makes sense." I let some disgust show on my serious face. "I also think she's been getting off on making her X suffer."

"Ew!!" Julia shouts, miming gagging complete with noises.

"Shushhh," I chastise her, "We don't want others to know what we're talking about, do we?"

"Sorry." Julia said, holding one hand up in apology.

"It's fine." I stated calmly.

With that we started walking again.

As for Quieting her earlier, well. I knew people were eavesdropping to the point where the rumor would spread anyway. But I'd rather not have it pinned on us as the one's that started it. After plausible deniability is how we got away with a lot of things. Being adorable and knowing how to play it up helped as well, but I digress.

"Madison you know, you seem different now." Julia stated as we came to a stop near the door to my first class.

'Surprisingly insightful that one is.' I mused in my head. ' That could prove rather dangerous.'

"This situation just warrants a certain amount of seriousness. Don't get use to it." I stated, waving off suspicions she had about me.

"You just seem more honest like this." She says and gave me another hug.

Honest? Me? Ha! Deceptions within deceptions is how you survive in this cruel world little girl.

My parent's in this world proved that well enough, given their dangerous career choices.

'I like you better like this." She mumbled quietly in my ear and runs off with a small blush lighting up her face.

'Seriously girl, if I didn't know for a fact that you were straight I'd say you were coming onto me.' I thought as I enter the first class of the day. Lets see how much I improved scholastic wise.

Turns out, quite a lot. Math and science certainty come easier. Though school is still boring as all hell. All of this pointless drama and cloak and dagger bullshit is annoying as well. But at least, the rumors that were spreading were interesting. Not to mention the small confrontation I had with Emma earlier this morning.


"Hey Madison!" A feminine voice called out to me.

"Yes?" I questioned as I turned around to look at who called for me.

Let's see, red hair with a mostly filled out figure attached to it. Ah, yes. That's Emma alright. Though it seems rather early for a confrontation between the two of us, I wonder what she wants. She certainty seems a upset though.

'Are the rumors already getting to her?' I mused in my head and greeted her.

It's only polite after all.

She stops in-front of me and looks at me strangely. "You look extra adorable today Madison." Emma states giving me a once over before shaking off whatever was bothering her about me.

Yet again, another straight girl commented on my looks. I certainly haven't changed anything or even filled out! Still the same petite figure as yesterday! Still the same petite figure I'll have for the rest of my life!


Great... now I made myself depressed.

Though honestly, I've been getting a lot of attention today. A lot of lustful looks were directed my way as well.. Honestly, even though I've been ignoring them all day it's getting rather creepy. And annoying.

"Thank you for the complement, you're looking good this mourning as well." I said pleasantly and smiled a cute smile. No need to be rude to the girl after all, she is still a "friend" right now.

"Yeah..." she pauses and looks at me strangely again. Seriously, is there something on my face or what? "Thanks. Anyway do you know who started the rumor about me and Taylor?" She questioned, looking rather angry as she said the name Taylor.

Ah, so I was right. The rumors are already getting to her. Honestly, rumor's about her and Taylor were already a dime in a dozen, though they were also ruthlessly stamped out.

This was the first time someone called her out on being a sadistic bitch though.

That must have really been getting to her, she's showing some cracks in her untouchable facade.

The other's must be smelling the blood in the water.

"Sorry Emma, I really have no clue." I cheerfully lied. My mask never slipping.

"Really?" Emma looked put out for awhile and then brightened up. "That would make finding them and crushing them even more fun I guess." She states and then smiles a cruel smile.

Wow, Emma... just wow.

"You know, saying stuff like that wont help the rumors right?" I questioned, honestly worried about her for once. That reaction was not normal.

Did I buddy up to a crazy person? I wonder how I didn't see that before.

Kinda makes me feel sorry for what I started to do today.

"Shut up." she pouts. "Anyway, I have this great idea on what we can do to Taylor!"

And now I don't.

My mask cracks a bit and I sighed, which caused her to look at me questioningly.

It seems, not even the rumors about her would deter her from going after her favorite victim. Honestly, I started the damn rumor and I'm starting to think it's true.

Why else would she be so hung up about Taylor?

"What's the idea?" I question. "Though, I'm surprised that you're still going after her, given the rumors that started circling around. I would have thought that you would hold of targeting Taylor until they die."

"I wont let some stupid rumors get to me!" She exclaims proudly. "I'm strong after all!"

I stare at her blankly as I try to decode what she said, causing her to fidget under my attention. I know it has something to do with Sophia... but what.

"Anyway!" Emma exclaims, interrupting my thoughts and causing me to finally blink. "During lunch we are going to corner Taylor at where she's been eating lunch, like the worthless waste of space she is, and pore old juice on her!" She finishes and smiles happily. Like she is proud at what she came up with.

I feel like sighing again.

Well, at least that's still better then the locker. Not by much, but still better.
I'm beginning to question why I ever became "friends" with her.

"I am sorry Emma, but I'm not going to help you with this anymore." I stated calmly, shocking her.

"What?!" she questioned, looking a tab bit angry.

"First of all, I don't know whether the rumors are true or not but you're really making hard for me to dismiss them." I tell the truth as she knew it. "I really, really do not like the fact that I've been helping you bully your X if that's the case."

"Its not true!" She denied. Rather quickly with a blush on her face I might add.

Did I really start a rumor that was actually true? Is that why she always ruthlessly crushed any rumor stated that her and Taylor used to be together.

Or am I just imagining things? I never was a good judge when it comes to "romantic" feelings. That held true in both of my lives.

"Well, like I said, you're making it hard for me to dismiss the possibility." I stated and crossed my arms over my, sigh, petite chest. I really hope I get a growth spurt sometime soon, I know being adorable helps but I rather hate being small.

It's hard to be taken seriously.

"Secondly, I'm bored of this entire thing. It was never fun to begin with honestly, and it's not any fun now." I state, staring at Emma with a rather bored look.

She seems taken back by what I said.

"But..." Emma tried to say before "But you always helped us before!" She nearly shouts. "You even helped setting up the locker!"

"No I didn't." I state calmly. Much to her surprise.

"But you-"

"I was never near that locker." I cut her off with a denial.

Plausible deniability was always a weapon that we used, one of the reasons why the teachers never did anything besides them being rather apathetic.

Though I also think either Emma or Sophia has dirt on Blackwell, otherwise we would've gotten in trouble long ago. But I digress.

The important matter is, I rather not be tied to the locker incident.
When Emma and Sophia go down, I rather not be taken with them.

Time to cut ties I guess.

"That's bull-"

"Anyway Emma." I cut her off again. She looks rather pissed now. Heh. "I'm afraid to say that I'm not going to be your friend anymore. At least, not until this whole "misunderstanding" is cleared up." I stated calmly, making it absolutely clear that I don't think there was a misunderstanding and believe the new rumors are true to the audience that gather for this little drama.

With that said, I left. Not giving Emma time to formulate a response.

Of course new rumors about this little encounter I had spread like wildfire.

Just as planned.

That little confrontation definitely caused a split in the ranks. Most of the hanger ons went to my side of the split leaving Emma virtually alone, along with Sophia.

I rather not be a leader of a gaggle of girls, but not much I could do about it now.

I made my move and people followed.

Though Sophia is starting to worry me a bit. Just a bit.

She has taken to staring at me like she never seen me before. And her eyes make it seem like she is evaluating me.

I could really do without her staring at me throughout the class.

I sighed and then continued to do my math work.

I am kinda sad that Taylor either didn't read my note, or didn't believe me.

Since Emma was kind enough to tell me her plans for Taylor, I wrote a note to warn her and gave it to her discretely in Mr. Gladly's class. Seeing as I haven't seen her at all this afternoon, and believe me that girl stands out like a sore thumb, I can only assume that Emma found her at lunch and dumped juice on her.

A pity, really. But understandable given our history together.

Anyway, the bell rang, signaling the end of class. Only one left.

Gym, and how I hate it.

I make some small talk with some of my hanger ons and the one person I could actually call a friend, Julia, as we head towards the women's locker room. We made sure to carefully avoided Emma and Sophia though.

"Whatever you said to Emma made her more pissy then usual Mads." Julia whispered to me as she started to undress.

"Well, it was her own fault." I stated and followed her lead.

Julia snickered as she changed into her gym shirt.

"Yeah, she really dug a grave for herself." Julia shut her locker when she finished changing into gym shorts.

"To be fair, she was doing a lovely job of that before." I said innocently, shutting my locker as well when I finished changing.

"Do you know what we are doing for gym today?" I asked, turning to look Julia in the eyes.

"Dodgeball." Julia stated with a grimace.

"Oh..." I allowed myself to grimace as well.

Dodgeball, I hate dodgeball. And I wouldn't be able to get on Sophia's team to use her as a meat shield either. Damn it!

"Well, time to face the music." I said and then did a theatrical sigh.

Julia started giggling. "Yep. Same team?"

I nodded my head and say, "same team."

With that we left the locker room with our heads held high, no matter the fate that awaits us.

Turns out it was a good fate. At least in the sense that it made me realize I had super powers.
I even nailed Emma and Sophia on the face with a dodgeball.

Good times.

Though I made sure to play it off like it was a fluke because I didn't want to out myself before I even have a costume.

Speaking of which, I now stand in my room with cloths all spread out over my bed, trying to decide what would become my alter ego's costume.

"Maybe... a black leotard?" I asked myself, holding a black gymnast leotard for when I went through a phase at the age of 12.

"Yeah, and I know!" I exclaimed, rushing towards my closet to find what I'm looking for.

I take out some puffy black shorts that have a cat tail on them. Part of an Halloween costume I wore at the age of twelve.

I went through a phase ok! Don't judge me!

Ahem... anyway.

When all was said and done I was staring at myself in the mirror. My entire look consisted of a black harlequin domino mask over my eyes with black, fluffy looking cat ears on my head. As well as a black sleeveless vest over my leotard, though cutting just above my stomach area, and my black puffy shorts with a cat tail on them and black knee length boots and socks. I finish by tying my hair up in a pony ail with a black ribbon.

All of which I received at the age of twelve and they fit perfectly.

I allowed myself to fall on all fours and despair on the floor.

"It's ok Mads." I said with a sniff. "You'll surely get a growth spurt this year."

With that in mind, I got up to look at my self in the mirror. After scrutinizing every detail, I nodded my head in agreement.

It would have to do for a first costume. Until I can steal some money to get a more professional looking costume.

What... you thought I was going to be a hero?

No, that's just boring and dull. I'm going to have fun and excitement being a thief!

Just like Catwoman!

I did a twirl and posed in front of the mirror.

"Better check your pockets, hero and villains alike! ShadowCat is on the prowl!" I exclaimed, holding my hands out like paws of a cat. "Meow!" I brought one of my paws up and licked it.

"Madison!" I heard my mom yell, causing me to freeze. "Dinner is almost ready!"

"I'll be down in a sec!" I yelled back, I could feel my face flush with embarrassment.

Yeah... I'm so glad no one saw me do that.

I quickly stripped out of my cape costume and hid it and then put on some regular cloths. After all dinner smells good.

It as during dinner that I decided to scout out the area this weekend. After all, there isn't really a rush and I need to find out what exactly I can do.

The next morning was busy and filled with self discovery. I found out I have hammer-space, which makes stealing things a lot easier, not to mention carrying gear.

Needless to say, I stuffed my hammer-space with everything I felt I will need in my escapades. I also blew my allowance, but it was worth it. I'm sure I'll quickly make back the money anyway.

I got a couple of hammers, knives, pepper spray, a tazer, emergency food and water, I pretty much got anything I could think of that I would need.

Anything that I can handle with what I brought, I'll just set on fire.

Ah, I should explain at this point that I'm apparently what you would call a grab bag cape.

I have, lightning fast reflexes, increased stamina, flexibility, pyrokinetics, hammer space, and minor regeneration. And that was all I could check for.

Though I did notice something strange when I focused on an object. When I focused on a wall, words like hardness, denseness popped out into my vision and when I grabbed a word I held a blue glowy sphere in my hand that gave off the feeling of hardness.

I honestly had no clue what that was about so I just chucked the sphere of hardness in my hammer-space and went on my way.

That's what I mainly did in the morning and now it's night. I of course, waited for my parents to sleep before sneaking off wearing my full costume.

I was having a lot of fun, jumping from roof top to roof top. Even using my pyrokinetics to fly a bit.

I may have been having fun, but I made sure to scout out the area when I could and be stealthy when possible.

Maybe I would get lucky and find a villains safe house where I could break in and steal some goods.

Honestly, I had no such luck. But it was when I was going through the docks that I noticed something bad.

There was the smell of smoke in the air, and it wasn't coming from any fire I made.

Like an idiot, I decide to investigate.

Which led me to stopping on top of this building looking down at Lung advancing towards what I believed to be another rookie villain.

Her costume look vaguely like an insect and she looks worse for wear.

I was cut out from my musing by a blood curdling scream.

Lung... Lung just set the cape on fire. Lung just killed someone in front of me.

Why... why did I jump off the building?!

Doesn't matter I quickly use my pyrokinetics to put the insect capes fire out while simultaneously hurling an exploding ball of fiery death at Lung which hit him and sent him sent him flying into an abandoned building.

"Please don't be dead, please don't be dead." I said frantically, checking the boy's vitals.

To my relief, he's breathing... but barely.

"I need to do something!" I shouted to myself. "I'll call the Protectorate... y-yeah, I'll call them. Damnit! What a shitty day for both of use to début as villains!" I nearly shout. Feeling rather panicky.

I just need to stay calm... stay calm and call the Hero's. They will be able to do something about this right?

I brought my burner out of my hammer space and I was about dial the number when I heard something that will forever haunt my dreams.

"'ll, ke'l yu'ah b'ch!" The dragon man yelled at me, sending his own fiery ball of death my way.

My reflexes kicked in and I followed them.

My phone disappeared into my hammer- space again and I jumped up and started to charge towards the giant ball of fiery death. As soon it got close to me I reached out and grabbed it, causing it to disappear in my hammer-space.

"Like hell I'm going to let you kill me!" I yell at the top of my voice, surprising him before I launched like a rocket and threw his own fireball in his face.

Of course, that did totes nothing. Because why wouldn't a dragon be mother fucking fire proof!

"Raw!" I cried out, dodging a follow up swipe of his claw. He is faster then he looks, but I react much faster than him and manage to dodge all of his swipes effortlessly.

I was so focused on him, I saw words again. Even as he grew. Things like speed, strength, durability, regeneration.

Following a hunch, In the middle of dodging a swipe, I reached out and stole the word "speed" from him and jumped away.

My hunch was proven correct when Lung started to move as slow as molasses, much to his surprise.

'I can win!' I thought victoriously.

I then followed another hunch and instead of disappearing it to my hammer-space I pushed it into me and moved!

Catching him by surprise with my sudden increase in speed I managed to steal another word. Strength.

I let it flow into me just like I did with his speed and caught a rather slow swipe with my bare hands.

"Round two, bitch." I said, feeling the adrenalin pumping in me.

I then kicked him in the stomach, hard. Sending him flying for the second time this night.

Knowing that wouldn't finish him, I chased after him. When I caught up, he was already getting back up. The damaged scales on his stomach already healing.

I pulled out a metal baseball bat from my hammer-space in my mad dash and then hit him on the head as hard as I could.

Good news, it worked and it knocked him back into the ground unconscious, causing a crater to form under him. Bad news, I need a new bat.

To make sure it was over, I took the final words I saw besides one. I don't want to even think about what escalation would do. But I at least took his durability and fireproof, and used it on myself, and then his enhanced senses, and used it on my self.

But before I used the regeneration on myself, I heard someone coughing.

Oh shit! The guy!

I quickly ran up to him and shoved the sphere of regeneration down on his chest. I didn't need it anyway, I already have a form of regeneration.

Luckily it worked! His breathing stabilized rather quickly and even his long brown curly hair regenerated!

Which doesn't make sense at all if you think about it but wait... long curly brown hair?

Huh, so he's an effeminate boy. Well, I wont judge someone's life choices.

"T-thank you." The effeminate boy said with a cough. He also has a familiar voice... oh shit. "Thank you for saving me." No problem Taylor! You should really learn to disguise your voice Taylor!

Off course, I don't right out and say that. Instead I helped the girl up.

"Don't mention it." I said to her, making sure to deepen my voice a bit, even though it sounds rather silly.

She looks at me oddly.

"So, you're a healer right?" Taylor asked me. Why would she think that? Oh.

"No, not really." I say, dodging the question about my powers.


"Just consider it one of my 108 talents." I cut her off that train of thought.

I rather not be considered a healer. Especially when I'm not.

"Ok..." She says quietly, I can hear her start breathing a bit heavier, with her heart pounding in her chest. Probably just now realizing that she had a major brush with death I bet.

Speaking of which, I start taking deep breaths to calm down.

Fighting Lung was a rush, but not the kind of rush I was looking for.

I like living damn it!

I won, but I am not going to do that again! They better keep the dragonman locked up in prison damn it!

I would be totes disappointed if they don't.

"So..." I said, somewhat awkwardly. "First night as a villain? Hitting the ABB was rather bold."

Definitely bolder then what I wanted my first night to be like.

"No!" She shouted in shock. Ow my ears. "No." She said more quietly. "I'm not a villain, I'm a hero."

"Oh." I said, we once again fall into silence. Though her being a hero kinda makes sense.

After all, she didn't take revenge on us.

"You?" Taylor asked me, her tone filled with suspicion.

"Oh, well..." I start trying say before my ears pick up a motor cycle engine. "Oh, hey. A motorcycle is on the way." I stated, dodging the question.

Sure enough, a motorcycle came around the corner and stopped by us. The man riding it was wearing blue power armor and held his legendary halberd at the ready.
I must admit, I had a holy shit moment when I saw Armsmaster. Not a fangirl moment, I don't know what you're talking about.

"Are you going to attack me?" Armsmaster asked rather bluntly and without tact.

I could tell from that moment on that he is not really a social butterfly.

"No!" Taylor managed to choke out. I readily agreed with her.

"Is there a reason why you two look like villains then?" He asked, once again showing zero tact.

" I didn't want it that way, it just happened when I designed it!" I heard Taylor say when I was trying to think of an excuse for my costume.

"I thought my costume would look adorable." I said, still using my disguise voice.

Armsmaster relaxed his stance a bit, but he was still looking around for someone.


"If you're looking for Lung he's in that crater over there." I said, pointing towards it.

"Please stay here while I make sure Lung doesn't get up." He states calmly and walks proudly towards the crater.

"Yes sir!" I stated, only somewhat robotically. I heard Taylor giggle and I joined her.

It's probably rather inappropriate to laugh right now but we faced a rage dragon and lived! We deserve some slack after that.

It probably only took a couple minutes before Armsmaster started to walk back towards us. I could tell he was walking a bit stiffly and his face, from what could be seen, looks like its colored with a shade of green.

That's when I started to get a bad feeling in my gut.

"What's wrong?" Taylor asked, something I didn't want to.

Armsmaster stared at the both of us for the longest time.

"Lung is dead." He stated without emotion. I could tell Taylor went rigid besides me. "I don't know the cause of death, but his crotch area started to rot off."

I paled and looked at Taylor before looking at Armsmaster again.

"You two are going to need to come with me for questioning." Armsmaster stated calmly. "You-"

"I'm the one that killed Lung!" I blurt out in a panic, causing Taylor to turn and stare at me.

I forgot to use the disguise voice this time. Shit. No time to worry about that now! I need to escape!

"I'm sorry!" I yell out and rushed Armsmaster.

Got to give the guy credit, he's definitely a veteran. He managed to get his halberd in a defensive position right as I came close to him.

But that wasn't my goal with this little mad dash.

I grabbed his halberd and spun, yanking it out of his hands and pushing him aside at the same time.

He fell to the ground with an "oof" and I put the halberd in my hammer space and started to run away. Using my increased speed and pyrokinetics, I jumped away on building to building in a random pattern. Escaping any would be pursuit.

It was probably an hour or so, but my paranoia was satisfied that no one followed me and I managed to make it home. Of course, I stopped in a deserted alleyway to change from my costume to some regular cloths I stuck in my hammer-space.

I managed to sneak back in my house without waking my parents up. I calmly stripped my cloths off again to put my pajama's on. I then sat down on my bed and grabbed a pillow to hug tightly at first, before I screamed in it.

Why did I do that?! What the hell possessed me to steal Armsmaster's halberd?!

D-did I really kill someone? I choke back a sob. T-this isn't what I wanted.

I laid down on my bed and curled into myself. My tears broke and I cried until I blissfully fell asleep.

All I wanted to be was a simple thief.

And Done.

Well, this is the one-shot of A Simple Thief that I started awhile, or chapter 1 if I ever turn it into a story and yes. This is a SI story.

My influence on Madison is just really subtle, plus this was a merger instead of me just up and taking over.

But that means, things that I view as my flaws are also now hers.

The seeking excitement? That was a flaw straight from me.

Mainly because I am always seeking entertainment or excitement to combat my depression that I have off and on.

Also, I changed something I found rather stupid on the CYOA about Mad Talent.

But that is something I can do because I am the damn author. Muahahaha.
The Hunters in Shadows
The Hunters in Shadows(worm/reincarnation cyoa si)​

At the age of twelve I learned that the world only has two kinds of people. The prey who go about their business like sheep in a kennel. Working and trusting their safety to the ones they put in charge of them. Ignoring any major problems that couldn't be their business as they are nice and safe. Their government says so after all.

That is never the life style I would choose again. My step father Steven made sure of that, when he tried to commit suicide and "protect" me from the harshness of reality by trying to take me with him.

That's when I learned the way of the sheep was not for me. That was when I was given my powers and a new perspective on life.

I will never forget the look on his face when I turn into shadows and left him to die alone.

Then there are the predators. The ones that take advantage of the cruel system in order to abuse the sheep, take advantage of the sheep, or always remind the sheep that they are at the bottom of the food chain, always making the sheep live day in and day out afraid for when it's their time to feed the predators.

That's not the life style for me either. I hold no ill will against the prey. For the prey are what makes society keep on going day in and day out. So purposely bringing them down, becoming another reason they should fear the dark is rather stupid.

That's why I made a new category of people. People that wont fit in the mold of predator and prey.

The hunters, the ones who will nurture the sheep so they can continue to keep society running and the ones that will destroy the predators that take advantage of the prey.

The villains that sow chaos in their wake. The villains that lord over the sheep, presenting themselves as untouchable gods.

Something the Protectorate did nothing to deny.

Why else would my city be filled with actual honest to god nazi scum? Why else would they allow the dragon to lord over everyone like a fat tyrant. Why else would they allow a shit stain kidnap young girls off the streets, or force drugs on people?

I will not be the PRT and the Protectorate. I will not allow the villains free reign ever again.

I am Sophia Hess, and I will be the hunter that Brockton Bay deserves.

It's been three months since I "triggered" as it was called.

I've helped my mother around the house, took care of my new baby sister and didn't even fight with my older brother.

He's still a wuss though. I love him for it. The big softy is a rather stabilizing influence in the household.

I could tell they were worried about me though, after all I was supposedly close to Steven and I saw him die with my own eyes.

But, they needn't worry. That was three months ago, and in that three months I trained my body and gathered supplies for my new life's goal.

Being a vigilante.

Of course, no one of my family knows I have super powers, or anything like that. I hidden it from them after all.

I don't want to worry them.

I'm going to be doing dangerous work. It's best that I don't get them involved.

With that in mind, I sneaked out of my room at night, careful to not to make a sound.

Which is rather easy considering I just phased through walls.

You see, with my power I can turn into what I call a living shadow. I don't know how it works, but powers generally don't make sense.

Considering that I also got a body tune up and an archive of what I dub as ninja magic.

I really hit the jack pot as far as powers go.

I made my way to one of my safe houses to put on my gear, making sure to stick to the shadows. Using my shadow form to glide across the roof tops.

It's in the abandon docks area, near merchant territory I believe. I'd never really scouted as much as I should have before this.

But no use crying over spilled milk now. I'm gonna start this tonight, no and ifs or buts about it.

With the training I did these past three months, I should be more than enough to handle some two bit thugs that cant even hold a pistol properly or pull up their damn pants. Ain't no one want to see that.

I sighed as I phased through the wall of my safe house.

I might be a tad more nervous then I thought about tonight. Oh, well. I'll just have to deal with it.

I only used the top of the building as a little hide away, making sure to not change or move anything at the bottom.

Not that it matters anyway as the front door is sealed shut and the only way in would be through a window or my shadow form.

Anyway, I gathered my gear that I will need for tonight and put on my costume.

Really, it's not much of a costume, just some dark cloths from an army surplus story and one of those Halloween hoods that obscure your face. Though I made sure to put a domino mask on under it. Just to be safe. I'm also wearing some black gloves and heavy boots.

I also picked up and seal my crossbow in a basic sealing tag that I barely managed to create due to my poor handwriting. The crossbow was my weapon of choice, since I learned I could apply my shadow forms phasing ability to projectiles.

Making sure I had everything set, as well that I had my combat knife, I leave my safe house the same way I came.

Honestly, you can tell this city gone to shit when a 12 year could just up and buy a crossbow and a knife with the shop keepers not caring.

I glided through the roof tops, hoping to spot a crime in progress and to give some gang bangers a well deserved beating.

Which was made to seemed to be a lot easier said then done. You would think, with the way people acted on TV, I would've just needed to move two steps in order to find someone doing a crime.

But of course it couldn't be that convenient!

I really need to invest time in learning how to create shadow clones.

Scouting would be so much easier.

I continued on my merry way, until finally my enhanced hearing picked something up.

"So, you got the stuff?" I heard a gruff male voice ask.

I smiled and heading in the voices direction.

"You got the cash?" I heard a sickeningly sweet feminine voice ask.

I stopped and looked down an alleyway from the top of the building.

A rough sort of man, wearing cloths that seemed miss matched and caked with dirt or someone else entirely was talking to a women that looked like a trashy white prostitute.

Which... she probably was honestly.

She was disgustingly thin and looked like she should be in a damn hospital. I'm willing to bet she has some blood shot eyes as well.

"O-of course I do!" He exclaimed and reached down into the pocket of his worn and torn jeans.

The man was shaking rather badly from what I could tell.

Ugh, a junkie. I could never tell why someone would destroy their body with drugs.

Either way, I would need to be careful. Even though the world wouldn't miss scum like these two, that would bring too much attention towards me.

Attention that I don't want.

So when the man reached into his pocket I jumped down, making sure to slow my fall with my shadow form, and landed in between the two.

"Hi!" I greeted them cheerfully.

They reacted just as well as you would expect.

"C-c-cape!" The man screamed and fell down on his ass. Wimp.

"Shit!" The trashy women exclaimed, and started to back away from me. Tsk tsk, you wouldn't be able to escape me so don't even try.

"Yep, sooo how are you two this fine evening? I hope I'm not interrupting anything important?" I asked with a chirpy voice, and then looked down at the man.

I wrinkled my nose, not that they could see it, the bastard shit himself.

I heard the sound of a click behind me. I turned around slowly and saw the women holding a pistol at me. And not in the gangbanger way I would have came to expect.

I froze, panic making it's way up into my heart.

"Well, ya ain't tough shit now. Huh, bitch?!" The woman snarled.

"Tougher than you whore!" I exclaimed in panic. Not the best idea I've had.

"Fuck you!" She roared and started firing.

If it wasn't for entering my shadow form reflexively I would've been made into swiss cheese.

Instead the guy behind me was. I don't know how many shots actually hit him since holding a pistol properly or not, the girl wasn't a good shot.

But even as I heard the gun click empty and her cursing I stared at the now cooling corpse.

His face was twisted in shock and horror. Just like... just like.

"You're the only one who understands Sophia, the one innocent I'll protect from this cruel world."

Just like...

I stare at the man in font of me, slowly inching back. His wide grin creeping me out.

"What do you mean Steven?" I naively asked, wondering why he brought us to the top of this building.

"Don't worry Sophia! Everything will be okay now!" He cheerfully exclaimed and hugged me.

My fists tighten in my anger and I turned towards the bitch that started to reload her gun.

My vision goes red.

Falling, we're falling! Why did he throw us over the building! I try to struggle but Steven only grips me tighter.

I cant... I wont die like this!

I close my eyes and my world becomes pitch black.

I rush towards the bitch and slap the gun out of her hand, some of her finger's go flying with it. But her hand broke from the impact.

"Fuck!" She yelled, holding her mangled hand.

I could care less.

My eyes open with me wondering where the fuck I am and why I feel like I'm falling. I struggle and managed to look up and saw the content face of a man.

Who the hell is he?

Suddenly I felt lighter and I passed through his grip.

I see the turn into a mix of shock and horror... and betrayal.

I punch her as hard as hard as I could in the chest, not even caring that her arm was in the way.

Her arm shatters and I hear ribs crack and break as I sent her flying back.

She landed limply but I can tell she is still breathing.

I saw him hit the ground with a bounce. No one else saw but me. No one was around but me.

When I landed and rushed to his body. He was still alive but barely. He wont last long.

I collapse and start breathing heavily. I can feel panicked sweat drip down my face.

I need to help him! I need to save him!

I felt tears well up in my eyes before they go wide.

Knowledge, knowledge of impossible but amazing things fill my head.

Knowledge about chakra.

Knowledge about taijutsu, genjutsu, and ninjutsu.

More importantly knowledge about medical jutsu!

Feeling ecstatic I try to carefully mold my chakra into the correct balance that you need for medical jutsu to work.

I failed every time. My frustrated tears run down my cheeks.

Knowledge is different from practice.

His corpse goes still and I scream!

She wont kill anyone ever again.

I took out my knife.

She wont ruin any more lives.

I walked slowly towards her body. She weekly started to inch away from me.

Crying and whispering no over and over again.

Who am I?

I asked myself, sitting alone.

My tears ran dry.

People were around now.

I watched as they take the man's corpse and zip it in a black bag.

They tried to get me to talk, but I don't.

One draped a blanket over my shoulders.

I shivered.

He's dead and I don't know who he was.

I feel like I should know him, but I don't.

I don't know who I am.

"Sophia!" A woman shouts and ran towards me.

Sophia? Is that me?

I felt the woman hugged, whispering that everything is going to be okay in my ear.

I remembered.

Steven, that's who he was.

I allowed myself to be taken by the woman... my mother.

I stand above the bitch silently as she begs me to let her live.

It's surprising that she is even conscious at all, considering the amount of pain she must be in.

I'll put an end to her suffering quickly.

The world is broken.

People like him were born. How many took the easy way out? Dragging their love ones with them.

I say that I'm ok and decline a visit to the hospital. I tell the police I saw someone on the roof of the building and then he suddenly jumped off it.

She started struggling futilely to move even more.

Carelessly harming herself further.

The world needs to be changed.

People live in fear. If it's not the gangs, then it's the villains. If it's not the villains then its the monsters in human flesh. If it's not the monster then... then it's the unstoppable monsters of the end.

But I can beat them. I can stop them all.

My grip tightens on the knifes handle.

The drive back to our home was in silence. I look at my mother who was concentrating on driving.

But I can tell she wants to break down.

My mother is a strong woman... I know she loved Steven but she is staying strong for me.

She is misguided though.

I didn't acknowledge Steven as my father. I wasn't really that close to him.

I hated him.

His moods, his conflicting moods.

The way he would be happy and fun minute, then angry and yelling... breaking things the next. Then crying and apologetic.

I hated him, but he was who my mother cared for.

So I tolerated him.

For my mother.

I dropped the knife and it clanged against the hard ground.

I dropped to the ground. Leaning forward with my hands. My knees on the cold hard ground.

I cant do it.

Even though I know she probably deserved it. Even though no one would fault me for it.

I cant do it.

No matter what I may think, I'm not a murderer.

I curse and slam my fist into the ground. A small crater formed from the impact.

I'm weak.

When we reached our house we were greeted by my brother.

He hugged me and my mother.

Mother started to break down and cry. My brother hugged her tighter and I heard the sound of a baby crying.

I walk towards the sound and see the little tyke in the crib.

I will change the world.

So my little sister doesn't have to grow up in such a broken world filled with predators that would devour her.

I will change the world.

So my family will no longer have to live in fear of those who prey on weakness.

I will change the world.

And I'll start with this city. My city.

But I need time. Time to train, time to prepare, time to gain allies.

Allies that have a fire within them. A will to change the world.

I poked my little sister on her puffy little cheeks and smiled as she stopped crying and giggled.

"Don't worry little lamb." I said to her and picked her up. "Big sis Sophia will make everything better."

My hands glow a soft green glow, the tell tale sign of medical chakra, and I moved them over the woman.

The woman finally passed out from her pain, but I deaden some nerve anyway so she wouldn't feel pain as I start fixing her up.

I mend the broken ribs and cracked ribs. I regrow her bones in her pulverized arm. I stopped her bleeding fingers and mend her fractured wrist and hand.

I will leave the figures as the stumps that they are.

My mercy ends there.

I made sure she isn't going to be getting up for awhile and stood up.

With a poof of smoke I took my burner phone out of a basic storage seal I stitched in my sleeve.

I dialed 911 and waited.

"Hello, 911 please state your emergency." The operator stated, pleasantly.

"Hello, I'm calling because I stopped a drug deal from going down." I stated, rather calmly.

"Please hold while your call is transferred." She stated and I heard the annoying please hold music from my phone.

"This is the Brockton Bays police department, Sergeant Wilkins speaking. I understand you busted a drug deal? Can you tell me where you are and if other capes are near by?"

I told him where I was and no for the capes.

"I see, a dispatch will be there shortly. Will you be okay with waiting there? Or will you like to give a statement over the phone?"

"Over the phone please." I said, getting a bit impatient.

"Very well." He said, sounding rather resigned. "Do you have a cape name to go by Ma'am.

I paused.

"Call me Shadow Stalker."

I'm not the most creative when it comes to names.

"I see." He said, I swear I heard him snort. "Can you tell me what happened?"

I told him. From what I heard that got my attention on them in the first place and what happened when I dropped in.

When I foolishly didn't take them out as fast as I could and instead talked to them.

I told him that the man died when the woman shot at me.

I didn't tell him how much I hurt the woman before I healed her. Or that I could heal people in the first place.

Just that she lost some fingers when I slapped the gun out of her hand, and that I stopped the bleeding.

"I see." His voice grew somber as I recalled the tale. "This is where I recommend you join the Wards. Being a vigilante is dangerous and things might not go as well for you next time." He said seriously.

"I'll be fine on my own." I said and hung up, putting the phone back in my storage seal.

For now, I will be fine on my own.

The PRT already proven that they cant handle the gangs in the city.

I will never become a part of a group so weak willed.

I made sure to grab my knife and put it away before I ran up the building wall.

It's time to go home.

I stored my gear in my safe house and quickly made my way towards my house.

The night... was successful. I already started to make my mark on the world.

But... my mind flashes back to freezing when the girl pulled a pistol out on me.

I can't hesitate again.

My mind flashes back when I was about to kill the woman.

I can't show weakness like that again.

I need to harden my heart if I am going to change this world.

Not everyone is worth saving. That woman wasn't worth my mercy.

I slip in my bedroom and stripped, my face flickers in annoyance at the lumps of fat on my chest when I free them from my bra. I'm apparently an early bloomer.

I put my pajamas on and climbed onto my bed. I pulled up my blankets and closed my eyes.

I will change the world.

I started to drift asleep.

I can only hope I could still look upon my family with a smile on my face when I do.

I let unconsciousness take me and I slumbered.

And done!

This is my Sophia Si. As my others, my influence on the character is rather subtle.

I also renamed it. I like the new name better. Anyway!

Sophia is still a broken character and slightly unhinged!

But at least she's less of a bitch. Am I right? :D

Taylor is next and this is probably going to be my last warning about this.

My Taylor SI is going to be depressing.

PS, Props goes to who ever thought of Sophia's alternate trigger event. Where Steven was an emotional wreck and tried to double suicide with Sophia.
Queen of Ghosts
Queen of Ghosts(a worm cyoa reincarnation SI)​

It's been a week since the locker incident.

The locker incident... the one thing that allowed me to know without a doubt that the trio will never stop. Or be stopped.

At least not by the authorities.

Since why would they care about the quiet, ugly loner girl that has a record as a trouble student?

The trio will continue to escalate unhindered. Probably until they kill me.

They would get away with it too. Going by past experiences with authority.

I should never had told dad about the bullying. Alan Barnes threaten to sue us for slander when dad called him up yelling about what Emma had done.

I called bullshit on that, but it's not like we could afford a court case anyway.

Even if we win, we'll loose.

Cant even sue the school.

Even though I was trapped inside of a bio-hazard for four hours, screaming for help that never came, it didn't even cause me spend a day in the hospital.

They just gave me some antibiotics and sent me on my way.

So it would look like it was better than it was on paper, not to mention that there were no witnesses.

Which of course there wasn't. No one likes a snitch after all.

Since Winslow is pretty much a prison instead of a school.

A prison that teaches the kids who have a wonderful future in gang politics. Or as a villainous grunt!

Such bright prospects I know.

Should have just gone to Arcadia when I had a chance. Especially the reason I didn't turned into a traitorous bitch.

But no use crying about stupid mistakes you made in the past.

The past is past.

And I have super powers.

Very lame super powers.

I heal better than most people, but it's not some miraculous regeneration that would allow me to not die from getting shot.

But I noticed something else that I can do! From when I was killing the "generous" time that Principal Blackwell gave me to recover from my tragic accident.


Anyway, I have a thinker power I believe.

I can sense other parahumans. Not just sense, but tell what they could do and even see how they are limited.

My range is even two blocks so far!

Great right?


You see, parahumans like having secret identities. So if someone found out about my power I would be either hunted down and killed or kidnapped and forced to work for a gang or something.

Not something I plan on doing any time soon. But, nifty little super power I have isn't.

So instead... I planned on sending all the evidence I gather on my bullies and against Winslow to the media and then kill myself.

But in a different life that was 100% better than this one, I was strongly against suicide.

Sadly that carried over.

I didn't send anything to the media, because I rather not be alive when they pick through it like vultures while my name gets slandered and most of the evidence gets dismiss with nothing changing again.

So as wise little green goblin thingy said "Do or do not, there is no try!" I did not.

Just like I have been, I endured and did nothing.

Not really, I did immerse myself in my past life's happier memories.

But that just added to my depression when I compared it to my life.

I apparently like girls now though. So there's that.

Not like anyone would date someone like me anyway. With my too wide mouth and lanky, skinny limbs.

I did think about going to Protectorate to join the Wards, maybe even get a transferred to Arcadia as the Wards are rumoured to do.

But I decided not too.

My power is useless for super heroing for one, for two I have enough teenage drama in my life, and for three I don't trust authority to do anything for me. They haven't before.

I did take up jogging as a hobby though.

That was a good idea as it turned out. Made me feel a lot better.

But I digress.

As I said before the school generously gave me a week off. That week is now over.

Given that I am currently standing in front of Winslow.

I should really look into getting a G.E.D or something.

Anyway, of course I feel the stares.

I am the girl that returned after all.

I heard some snickers as I walked by, not stopping by the locker as I don't trust it.

My past life never trusted his either. For different reasons though. Mainly it was a shitty locker in an inconvenient area.

"Oh what's that smell?" I hear a girl loudly whispering to her friend.

"Oh, it's the locker girl. All covered in filth." Her friend whispered back.

I ignored them and started walking faster to my first class.

"Isn't that locker girl?" I heard a dumb boy ask his dumb buddy.

"Yep, better not touch her. You might get something." The dumb buddy said.

I ignore them, wearing a stoic mask. I will not allow them to get to me anymore.

This must be the trios new tactic since they didn't break me in the locker.

The entire school is against me.

'That's fine.' I thought, reaching my first class. Computers. 'It's not like they were with me in the first place.'

The interesting thing is, I think Shadow Stalker is in this school. I sensed a power that could be hers.

Another reason not to join the Wards, a Ward wouldn't even step in to help me. Assholes.

But that was pretty much my entire day. Enduring insult after insult. Madison still kept up her childish pranks.

Madison is honestly terrible at bullying someone. But she is good at manipulating teachers.

Anyway, things changed. Things changed forever after I was surrounded by a gaggle of girls leaving Mr. Gladly's class.

Though I did stealthily appreciate the sight since some of them are really pretty. Including my traitorous best friend.

Too bad they all have terrible personalities.

But what really changed everything was when I locked by eyes on Sophia Hess A.K.A the serial killer to be.

I ignored the whispered insults and barbs thrown my way. My eyes going wide as I stared at the bitch that turned my best friend against me.

Sophia Hess is a parahuman. Not only that Sophia Hess is Shadow Stalker, a Ward.

Certain things clicked together. Why Emma stopped being my friend. Does she know who Sophia is?

Did she really drop our friendship because she got a new super hero buddy instead?

I know I should be angry, and I am. But anger took a back seat. Really.

This is the first time I ever been this close to a parahuman before. The first time I could see the connection of their powers so close.

I let out a giggle and smiled as I walked towards Sophia.

She looked at me weary but not willing to give me ground.

"Look at her, is she high?" Someone asked, I don't care who.

I was focused on something that was so grand and terrible at the same time.

"What the fuck are you looking at Hebert?!" Sophia snarled. But I ignored her and instead reached out and caressed her cheek. Her face flickered to disgust, but I didn't care about her face.

I cared about the wondrous thing that was attached to her meagre human brain. The way it allows your body to shift through dimensions, or how it allows you to fuse things together, and how I could make it better. How I could tear its limits away.

My smile widened. So many things that can be done.

But the sheer complexity of it is so... soo...

"Beautiful." I said breathlessly.

"W-what the fuck Heb-" Sophia tried to say, even reaching up with her hand to remove mine from her cheek.

It was the last thing she ever did.

Sophia Hess dropped like a puppet that got it's strings cut.

The gaggle of girls looked down at her and realized that Sophia wasn't breathing anymore.

They screamed, some ran away some only stood frozen in horror. I didn't care.

I giggled and laughed amongst the screams, shifting my body in and out of the dimensions. I played with my new found power like a kid that just got a shiny new toy.

It wasn't until my giddiness died down until I realized something.

I killed Sophia Hess.

I started breathing heavier. My heart beating what felt like miles a minute.

I killed a Ward in their civilian identity.

The Protectorate will come after me. I will be beaten and caught.

I will be caged.

"Please let me out!" I cried my self horse banging on the locker door with all my strength. Cutting my hands, and feeling the bugs skittering all around and on me. The putrid stench filled my nostrils almost making throw up again. The walls feel like they are closing in on me. I've been left, left to rot, to be forever trapped inside this... this... cage.

"No." I whispered. "No." I said louder, my face twisting in anger.

"NOOOOOO!" I screamed, scaring the people around me further. " I will not be locked in a cage!"

The Shadows gathered around me and I disappeared from Winslow High School.

Never to return there again.

When I next appeared it was in the center of what seemed to be an abandoned building.

I collapsed to the ground, breathing heavily.

"Why?" I asked, nearly snarling with anger.

I started to pound the ground with my fist.

"Why Why?!"

I continued to pound the ground with my fist with increasing intensity.

"Why do they always have to ruin everything?!"

With a scream of rage my fist slammed into the ground.

I felt my fingers crack and I bit back a pain filled scream. Only whimpers escaped my lips as I lied down on cool wooden floor. Cradling my hand to my chest.

I felt the tears well up in my eyes. My rage did not subside though.

"Those bitches always ruined everything!" I roared, my voice echoing throughout the empty building.

First Emma ruined our friendship, next my grades, then my mother's flute! Everything!

Not even having super powers helped! They just made things worse.

Sophia just had to be a parahuman. A Ward of all things.

It's not fair.

Sophia... she's... I...

"I killed someone." I whispered, my tears started to flow.

I killed her, doesn't matter what I say, I killed her.

A Ward in cold blood.

The Protectorate will be out for my blood.

Doesn't matter, they cant stop me.

I cant go home.

No I don't want to kill them.

Dad would be disappointed in me.

I need to prepare to defend myself.

Dad... I wont see him again, will I?

How can I stop the Protectorate from putting me in a cage?

How would he look at me? His murderer of a daughter.

I don't know...

I wonder what they are... telling... him... now.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I woke up to someone screaming for help.

I bolt up, by back stiff from sleeping on the ground.

"How long have I've been out?" I wondered, cracking my back.

My hand throbbed with a dull pain. Reminding me in my sleep addled state at what happened.

"Sophia..." I calmly said. I used my shirt sleeve to wipe my eyes.

I didn't notice something shift behind me.

"Please someone!" The voice shrieks, just outside the building.

"Shut up bitch!" A gruff voice yelled and I heard a meaty twach and a body falling down onto the ground.

I turned towards the direction of the sound.

"What's going on?" I asked myself.

"This is why I hate testing new recruits. Always too over eager." I heard an exasperated male voice state.

Curious, I walked towards the wall and stuck my head through it using my nifty new power.

I saw two toughs wearing an E88 symbol, along with a man that was pure white.

I felt something niggling in the back of my mind when I looked at the man. He was a cape aright.

His power was interesting.

"Hurry up and finish the nigger off, I don't have all afternoon to spend with new blood." The man said and then yawned.

"Sorry sir." One of the toughs said, properly chastised. He then took out a pocket knife.

"Nonono." The dark skin women repeated over and over again from where she lied on the ground.

His power can be used to restore objects to their prime conditions.

The thug started to advance towards the dark skinned woman.

His power... I want it.

I felt something touch me and I screamed, jumping straight into the alley way where the gang members were.

"What?!" "The hell?!" The rookie thugs yelled in surprised. The knife dropped and cut the woman's exposed leg.

She screamed in pain. Blood started run down her led.

The pure white man reacted by pulling out a gun and pointed it at me.

I gulped.

"H-hello?" I asked nervously, sweat started running down my face.

"Oh, hello there." The man said pleasantly before yelling at the two toughs. "Hey Dumbasses! Shape up! Now!"

"Yes sir!" They both cried and straightened themselves up.

They looked at me nervously.

"It seems we have a guest boys. A newbie projector too." The unpleasant man stated calmly.

'Projector?' I thought and then turned to look behind me.

Standing there was a ghostly looking Sophia Hess, her expression completely neutral.

'Is she haunting me?' I thought perplexed. 'Figures that she cant even leave me alone even when she is dead.'

"Oi, girly!" I heard the guy shout, causing me to turn back to him. "Stop getting distracted!"

"I'm not distracted." I stated with a pout. The guy sighed.

"Look kid, you should just leave and forget that you saw anything." He began. "I mean, you don't even have a fucking mask. You should just go home to your parents and stay there." He put the pistol away and started walking towards me. Confident his power would protect him. "I don't want to have to hurt ya kid. Especially a nice white girl like you." He put a hand on my shoulder, content that I haven't moved Sophia to attack him.

"Or maybe you would like to go with dear old uncle Alabaster to see Kaiser?" He asked and then added with a surprising softness. "I'm sure Kaiser would welcome you to the family if you don't have one."

Family.... dad... mom.

I felt tears run down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry." I apologized quietly.

"What's wro-" That was as far as he got before I pulled his power from him.

He dropped to the ground dead, just like Sophia.

The dull pain of my hand vanished and another ghost appeared behind me.

"Oh shit!" A tough yelled in panic.

"Let's get out of here!" The other one yelled and ran away with the other one in tow.

I wiped the tears from my eyes again. This isn't the time for crying.

I killed someone again. For what.. their power? Because my hand hurt?

I heard sniffling and looked down at the woman. Then looked at her bleeding leg.

No... I did it to save her... yeah. I saved her. I smiled and nodded my head, happy with that conclusion.

So with my head held high, I walked towards her. She saw me and her eyes went wide. The women started to sob harder.

I imagine its because of the new ghost that decided to haunt me. But I paid it no mind.

When I got to her, I reached down to touch her leg.

The woman tried to move it away, but I managed to tag it.

I used my new power and reset her body back into peak condition.

She blinks away her tears and stared at me. Not sure about what just happened.

I stood back up and stared back with a bright smile.

"T-thank you." She manages to say as got up. The woman started to check over her body. I probably made her healthier then she's ever been. "Thank you for saving me."

"Don't mention it!" I exclaimed cheerfully. The woman looked at the corpse on the ground and made click sound with her tongue.

"About time someone done that bastard in." She stated, staring at the corpse coldly.

I said nothing, not wanting to look at, or even think about the latest corpse I made. She looked back at me and smiled brightly.

"Thank you again and don't worry." I tilt my head questioningly. "I promise I wont tell anyone. But you did a good thing today." The woman finished saying and nodded her head.

I did, didn't I?

"Well, take care." She said and started to walk away. "Keep up the good work!"

I watched her go and realized something great!

That's it! That's how I can stop the Protectorate from caging me!

My smile widens as I come to a great solution to my problems.

If I go after the villains... if I help the Protectorate do their jobs.

Then they wont see me as a threat, but an asset! I wont be locked away!

I turned to walk back into the abandoned warehouse I appeared in. The ghosts haunting me follow dutifully.

Maybe... maybe I can be a hero.

I always wanted to be one after all. Every since I was a kid.

The shadows gather around me and I disappeared once more.

After all, how hard can it be?

And done.

Honestly, my heart wasn't really into this one. But I still completed it.

This is different from how I wanted the first version of Tyrant queen to go.

In the first version I was going to give my SI Taylor the powers of shaper, phycokinetic, and cross over Sarah Kerrigan A.K.A the queen of blades.

Then Taylor would have had one bad day. You can guess what happened after that.

I didn't do that because If I continued it, well, most of the story would probably be politics and honestly.

That Taylor could probably conqueror the world and kill the Endbringers and Scion in less then a week.

So it would have been a rather short story.

Anyway, about this Taylor. I wont say what her powers she has or anything but I will say that this Taylor is not exactly the sanest person right now.

I probably failed to show this well, but meh. What can you do?

Anyways, if her thoughts and dialogue seem a bit jumpy and her mood and things like that?

It's supposed to be that way. Taylor actually has a few thought processes running at the same time.

It's kinda hard to show that. Especially since it's not something she realized.

Something related to her powers. Which I wont tell you about.

Anyway, sorry if this wasn't really all too enjoyable and not what you were expecting.

Oh, Joy redone will be next.
Oh, Joy(redone version)
Oh, Joy

Ow... my head.

Wearily I opened my eyes. When I did, everything seems blurry as the sky was shifted in a way that there were two skies.

I blinked my eyes a couple of times and the weird double vision went away.

Where the hell am I?

Last thing I remember was nearly running over a black cat with a quad.

Which is strange in itself, as I lived in a forest area and house cats are generally not allowed outside.

'Oh well.' I thought. Though I admit that I feel unusually calm about this. But that was rather unimportant. I decided to stand up and take stock at my situation. Wondering if I got in an accident or something. But judging by my surroundings I'm not anywhere near the trail. In fact I seem to be in an dank alleyway. Huh.

With a shrug, I started to check for any injuries. Patting my body gently to see if any area stung, brushing off the dirt from my skirt and blouse. Feeling nothing amiss, besides a weird taste of Purple, I started brushing the dirt and grime out of my long, red hair.


I stop and stare at my arms as they seem a lot smaller then before. Looked down and found two developing mounds protruding from my chest.

'I have breasts?' I thought, still strangely calm. I groped them to see if they were real.

Yep, they are.


"Looks like the girly's got up and decided to get ready for us boys." I heard a sickening voice say. I turned to glare at the offender and he only smirked. He was Asian from what I could tell, wearing torn cloths that were red with green. Along with all the other thugs.

Why does that seem familiar.

"Tch, men thinking with their dicks like aways." The girl with them said with disgust. "She can't even be going on 15 you damn pedos." With that said she glared at the thugs until they were sufficiently cowed. When they were, she nodded her head and walked over to me.

Considering that I started ignoring her, trying to think on why this situation seemed familiar, it stands to reason that I was caught by surprised when the girl kneed me in my stomach and forced me to kneel on the ground, and then pulled my hair up and held a knife to my face.

"Still, you and your father entered our territory so brazenly, it's time to pay your tow." She stated calmly and gave me a vicious smile. I only stared back at her blankly. She showed some hesitation because of my lack of fear but quickly recovered her resolve. "And since you look like a well off pretty white girl thats used to getting anything she wants, it's time someone took something from you." She nodded her head, content with her inane reasoning. "So, will it be your eyes?" She moved her knife directly in front of my eyes. "Your nose?" She pointed the knife at my nose. "Or your teeth?" She asked tauntingly, moving the knife back to where she had it originally.

Suddenly everything clicked together. My life as a lawyers daughter, filling out a broken worm CYOA for the hell of it, playing with my best friend in the world, going quading in the forest and taking a trail I normally do, comforting my best friend after her mother died, the black cat smirking at me, being pulled out of the car by ABB thugs and blacking out, waking up as a girl.

Hello, my name is Emma Barnes and I used to be someone else until a fucking chaos god decided it would be a nifty idea to reincarnate me in the Worm universe and gave me everything I filled out in a stupid CYOA.

Cold fury radiated around me, even the woman that had me at her mercy, Yan, let go of my hair and backed away slowly. The confident thugs suddenly looked nervous as I stood up once more.

I will gain power. I decided. I will gain enough power to challenge even gods and I will fucking hunt down and murder that bastard of a cat.

'But first.' I thought, glaring at the thugs that traumatized me in the original timeline. 'Time to take out the trash.' I smiled at them menacingly. The smarter thugs already started running away. 'I know just the way to do it.' With that I closed my eyes and focused.

I submerged myself in memories not of my own and opened my eyes. The only answer to my fury, and the best way to give this universe the middle finger is full power, total annihilation. The White devil of the Time Space Administration Bureau was reborn through me.

"Chain bind." I stated eerily calm. Already mentally calculating everything. I might need to get an intelligent device sometime soon. Having one would make what I'm about to do a lot easier.

Pink chains appeared and wrapped around the thugs. Including the ones that thought they could get away from me.

"Shit!" One cursed, others started begging for their lives. I ignored them.

They needn't worry though, above all else I am a law enforcer and a teacher.

And it's time these students learn the error of their ways and cool their heads.

I used the chains to levitate them in the air and I bunched them together. Perfect.

I reached my hand out, a pink ball of energy started to coincide in front of it.

"DIVINE!" I shouted and pulled my hand back into a fist. "BUUUSSTTTER!" I punched the pink ball of energy and released the spell.

The pink beam of befriending shot out, hitting the screaming thugs in the air, going through the building that was behind, which caused me to mentally wince as I forgot about that, and destroying the roof top beyond that. In fact before I cancelled the spell off the beam of energy went all the way to the moon and exploded.

Creating a giant new crater on the moon that was visible from the ground.

'T-that...' I thought and stared at the moon wide eyed and in shock. 'That was a lot more powerful then I wanted it to be.' I gently lowered the unconscious, and most likely traumatized, thugs to the ground.

I'm probably going to have to fix the moon somehow... arn't I?

I didn't really get a moments rest, one minute I as starting at the devastation I've caused and the next I am being hugged.

No, not by my father, I really don't know where he is honestly, but by a girl in an edgy costume.

"That was awesome!" The girl exclaimed before releasing me from the hug.

"T-thanks?" I said hesitantly. I began to realize who this girl was.

"Seriously! The look on their faces." The girl starts laughing and I took a small step back. "Ah... sorry." She stated and sheepishly rubbed the back of her head when she noticed that I as starting to edge away.

"L-lets start over." She said and poked the cheek of her hockey mask in embarrassment. I'd imagine she is sporting a brilliant blush. She pretended to cough and composed herself. "I'm Shadow Stalker," she held out a hand and I shook it out of reflex, "sorry I didn't get here earlier to help you." she apologized and then looked around.

"But I guess you didn't really need help huh?" She asked and then looked up at the moon. "Did you just get your powers?" She looked back at me and I blushed.

"Yeah..." I told her, looking a bit sheepish myself. I really hope I don't get in trouble for that. "About the moon... can... can you please not tell anyone I did-"

"Great!" Shadow Stalker interrupted enthusiastically. "We should team up, I'll show you the ropes!" She nodded her head like it was already decided.

This... is this really Shadow Stalker? The traumatized little girl that liked to nail people to the wall with crossbolts?

The same one that fed me the bullshit philosophy in the original timeline?

Did I enter an alternate universe by mistake?

"Um, well-" I try respond to her generous offer but I was interrupted again... by another hug.

"Princess! Are you ok?!" My father asked with a great deal of worry.

Well, at least I found my father. But.. ugg, pet names.

"Yeah, I'm ok dad." I said, trying to reassure him so he would stop hugging me.

I'm not really a touchy feely type of person.

"Thank god..." He stated, with barely a whisper, and tightened the hug. "Thank god nothing happened to you." I felt droplets of water hit me and I awkwardly started patting my dad on the back.

I think now would be a poor time to tell him my new life's goal.

We stayed together like this for a couple more minutes and I heard police sirens in the distance.

Someone must have called them. Or... they saw a pink beam of death hit the moon or something.

Naw, can't be that... just in case.

"Dad." I tried to say only for it to be mumbled as my father still held onto me for dear life.

I managed to wiggle and break free.

"Yes sweetie?" My father asked and wiped his eyes.

"The police are coming." I calmly said. Come to think of it, I've been rather calm about this entire thing.

Almost too calm.

Damn you Invictus. Or I should be glad that I picked that? The Worm universe is rather fucked up. And I rather not be mastered.

That would end poorly on everyone involved.


Hell, what was I thinking channelling someone when I had absolutely no practice with the Kaleidoscope?

That could have seriously fucked me up.


Come to think of it, I think I still have Nanoha's memories inside my head. Isn't that supposed to not be permanent?

Damn it! Oh, well I'll deal with that later.

"Emma!" I heard someone shout and then suddenly my body started to shake violently.

I must admit I snapped a little.

"Yes?!" I asked rather sharply and glared at my father.

He looked back at me worriedly.

"Emma, you spaced out there... are you sure you're ok?" He said softly.

"Yeah... sorry dad." I said before taking a breath to calm down. He is not at fault for the circumstance that led me to be here. "Just... just a lot happened and I really need to process it."

"I see..." He said and looked around at the surroundings and noticed the pile of thugs on the ground. "What exactly happened?"

"Well..." I start to say and trailed off when I finally noticed something.

Where the hell is Shadow Stalker? Did she pull a batman on me?

Never mind that Emma, not important now.

"Short version is I got super powers." I took a deep breath.

"LongversionisthatIfeellikeIgotanentirelifetimeworthofmemoriesdownloadeddirectlyintomybrainandalmostblewupthemoon." I babbled.

Something Taylor taught me.

"What?" Father questioned me. He looked rather confused trying to make out what I said.

"I said I became a magical girl for truth and justice, and like all magical girls I accidentally caused a massive property damage when dispensing justice to villainous thugs." I couldn't resist saying. Somehow I managed to keep a straight face.

"What?" My father repeated.

I know it's probably cruel, but honestly. I am still coming to terms with who the hell I am.

"Hey look, the police are here. If anyone asks, tell them I didn't blow up the moon, ok?" I asked him sweetly.

My father only looked at me with further bafflement. Not knowing what to say before the Police got out of their cars and started doing their jobs with surprising professionalism.

The police worked rather fast, rounding up the unconscious thugs, checking to see if we were ok and getting our statements and what not. They must be used to this sorta of thing by now. Though I mostly ignored them, content to go through the new memories I gained.

There are differences from Nanoha's memories than from what I've seen in the anime. Which isn't surprising. Honestly I'm just glad they apparently didn't come with an emotional attachment to them, otherwise I'd be really screwed.

Or did the emotional attachment leave when I stopped channeling her and the memories stayed... huh. Something to think about later then.

The PRT was also called, as it's rather obvious one of us became a cape today.

Judging by the way they looked at me, and given what I said in my statement, plus the worried glances my father kept on sneaking my way while he was on the phone... they think it's me.

Good guess.

I heard a motor cycle coming in the distance.

Oh great... it's Halbeard. The one with the social skills of a brick and the tact of a...a... brick. Meh, best I feel like coming up with.

I turned to the direction of the sound only to be surprised as it pulled up.

Because unless Halbeard is female in this universe, then that couldn't be him.

I stared.

The woman that got off was wearing a type military uniform that seemed to have been tailored to accent her curves, which must have been the PR departments idea, and she also wore a sash patterned after the American flag with a matching scarf apparently as she took off her helmet and started walking towards us with a concerned look.

'Miss Militia.' I thought and gave her a small smile when she walked up to us. 'At least it's not Halbeard.'

She and gave me a quick smile as well, before she went back to being concerned.

"Are you alright?" She asked, here eyes flickering to my dad and then back at me.

"Yes, I am." I said,hoping it sounded like I meant it.

I mean, technically I am alright, it's just I shouldn't be. I know it must be a perk I picked at work, one that I could probably get rid of, but considering what I'm probably going to experience as a Kaleidoscope user. I rather not.

I like my sanity after all.

"Yes, we... we're alright." My dad responded quietly, sounding choked up.

Probably since he started to think about what might have happened to me if I didn't gain powers.

Miss Militia nodded her head in understanding.

"As you probably can tell, I was called here because of the parahuman involvement regarding this case." The hero started saying and discreetly looked at me. I tried not to fidget when she did. "The possibility of a new cape just gaining their powers was high." She paused and looked at the collateral damage and then back to us. This time I did fidget when my eye's met hers and I looked away, blushing. I could tell she was at least somewhat amused, judging by what I saw with her eyes.

I really didn't mean to cause that much property damage.

But I guess keeping a secret identity from the PRT is a no go now. Not that it was a thing before.

At least she isn't asking about the moon... I don't think I did enough damage to destabilize it's orbit or anything bad like that though. Thankfully.

"Yes, my daughter triggered..." My dad confirmed any suspicions about begin a cape, pausing only to tighten his grip on his phone. "If she hadn't... she would have been..." He started to shake, barely stopping himself either crying or breaking his phone in rage I guess.

Honestly I'm surprised that he is showing that much emotion, since I tended see him as some cold hearted lawyering god that always was put in the setting to give Taylor no legal way to solve her problems when they get to that point. But then I am surprised that I'm surprised about that.

He's my dad, of course he would be like this. He cares about me after all, I'm his daughter.

I saw Miss Militia's eye's widen a fraction and quickly looked me over.

"Are you sure you're ok?" She asked, concern practically dripping from her tone.

"Yes, they weren't going to do anything like that to me." I stated. After all, Yan dissuade them of that notion.

"The girl with them quickly stomped out any of that sort of talk and was instead just going to horribly disfigure me by either gouging out my eye, cutting my face up, or knocking my teeth out." I stated calmly, for some reason that just made her look more worried about me.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see my father looking down at me with a worried look as well. Why?

Oh yeah... normal people wouldn't be able to casually say something like that in this situation.

"Sorry..." I looked away from them again. "I think... I think this got to me more than I thought." I lied, but it's better to act at least somewhat shocked, right?

Miss Militia caught the lie though, but she only nodded her head in understanding.

I kinda wondered what she was thinking though. That my powers force me to have an unnatural calmness?

She would be right on that.

After that, my father and Miss Militia started talking again but I tuned them out.

If I focus, my vision starts to see double.

I know what was happening, and decided that it would take some time to get used to it.

'I wonder if my eye's color changed to prismatic.' I thought to myself while I stared at the property damage I caused. When I focused on it, I could see the buildings undamaged as well as damaged.

Which got me thinking.

I should be able to fix that easily. As simple as copy and pasting.

Probably a god send as far as super powers go, and certainly would make me popular with the aftermath of an Enbringer attack.

I could undo all the damage they cause, except for bringing back the lives lost after all.

Well, in theory I could undo all the damages they caused. Still don't know how to really do it.

Do I just wave my hand and make it all better?

"The Directer would want me to bring you and Emma to see her but..." I heard Miss Militia say with a bit of hesitation and I focused my attention on her once more. Only to blink when I saw her wearing Russian military colors instead of her normal American military inspired costume. I rubbed my eyes and looked again and saw that she was back to normal.

Yeah, seeing alternate possibilities of someone is going to be rather annoying, and tiresome.

"But since you both had a rather trying night, I believe it would be for the best if you went home to rest first before coming in to see her." She said and then looked at me.

She must think I'm tired or something, which I technically am.

But I'm used to being tired. So it really doesn't affect me as much.

Still, not looking forward to meeting Piggot, especially with the way fanon kept painting her as this frothing mouth unreasonable bitch, I wouldn't put it past her to use the collateral damage I caused as a means to force me in the Wards where she and the government would feel like they actually have control over me and my futures actions.

I know this is probably an exaggeration of her character, but given that I've technically never read Worm, I'll have to work with what I do know. So she's an unreasonable bitch until further notice.

"Thank you for your consideration, Miss Militia." My father said with a tone I only heard him use when he was working. "We will of course scheduled an appointment with the Director of the PRT when I feel that we recovered well enough from the trauma of this incident." Miss Militia nodded in response.

"That's reasonable." She stated. "If you require no further assistance..."

"We don't, but thank you Miss Militia." My dad said and smiled at her. "I'm glad the city has hero's like you looking after it."

Miss Militia smiled back and then wished us a good rest of the night and started to walk back to her bike

Way to go dad! You actually bought sometime for me to decide what I want to do with my powers!

'But I might be able to get them off my back further if I clean up the mess I made.' I thought, taking a quick look at the debris from the building I wrecked again.

"Miss Militia?" I called out.

She stopped walking and turned to look at me, puzzled.

"Do you need something?" She asked, curious as to what I want.

"I think I might be able to fix that." I said and pointed at rubble. Miss Militia looked where I was pointing and then back to me.

"Really?" The hero asked, clearly interested.

"Yeah..." I answered with a bit of hesitation. "Yeah I can." This time my answer was filled with determination.

"Princess?" I father asked, but I ignored him and started to walk towards the damage I caused.

'It could have been worse.' I thought as I stood by the debris. 'I could have channeled Akuma.' That though nearly made me blanch.

'Yeah... I'm going to need to be careful on who I channel in the future.' I thought and then focused once again, seeing the undamaged buildings overlay the damaged ones.

"Now... how do I do this?" I murmured to myself and tried waving my hand to see if that would work.

It didn't so I kept trying other things, some rather embarrising that I am sure I heard Miss Militia and my father hold back a laugh behind me. It wasn't until I started getting frustrated before it suddenly clicked and the area was bathed in a prismatic light.

When the light died down, I saw a pristine building, since the other one was behind it so I couldn't see if it's repaired, but I just knew I fixed that one as well.

So I turned and looked at the shocked adults behind me. "I told you I could do it." I was positively radiating smug.

It wasn't long after that we said our goodbyes and headed home. But I think I might have made a tiny mistake revealing that aspect of my power so soon.

Judging by the considering look Miss Militia gave me after she got over her shock, I can only assume if the PRT didn't want me before, now they would sell their first born child to have me under their thumbs.

Or I could be wrong. That happens more often than not.

"After all, I was completely wrong about Sophia." I mused to myself as I got ready for bed. My new father and mother were content to leave me alone. "I wonder how she got sooo.... peppy."

'Oh well, that is one mystery that would solve itself in time.' I thought, shrugging off my cloths and putting my pajamas on.

I then got on my bed and pull up my blanket.

'I'm in Worm.' I thought to myself and stared at the ceiling. 'Scion, Endbringers, the Slaughter house nine, the three blasphemies, the Teeth, the Fallen, so many threats. So much depressing shit in my future.' I started closing my eyes. 'The bullying, Taylor triggering, Taylor suffering as S-class threats come at this city one after another., Taylor loosing herself and saving the world only to be thanked by getting shot in the head by Ms. I Win Bitch herself.' I let out a small growl, feeling anger at myself and what Taylor had to become to save everyone.

I sighed and closed my eyes. 'That's only a possible timeline. One that is no longer possible because of me.'

I would never betray my friend like that and cause her to trigger afterall.

'So by the whims of that fucking cat, or me getting a wish fulfilled, the burden of saving this ungrateful cruel world falls to me.' I thought, and yawned

"Oh, joy." I murmured and curled in my blanket, and finally drifted off to sleep.

I could already tell my future is going to filled with sooo many headaches.

And done. Honestly, not too happy with it. Really started to struggle with the second half and the dialogue between Miss Militia, mister Barnes and Emma. But I managed to finally soldier on and finish it at least.

Even though I'm still not happy with it.

You could probably tell the area's where I started to struggle, or typed when I was tired.

Oh, well.

Anyway, somethings changed from the earlier versions of Oh, Joy. Besides it being longer, I cleaned some of the things I didn't like from the first version and then added a few things.

You might notice a slight difference in tone.

That is because, while this would have comedy in it, and probably cracky situations, there will be serious moments in it if I make it into a full story.

Having an OP power isn't always sunshine and rainbows. Sometimes you have to show the sick bastards who the bull moose is. ^.^
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Neko Dee Neko
Neko Dee Neko

(Or, this was bound to happen sooner or later)​

I awoke in a smelly, dank alley way with no clue where the hell I am or how the hell I even got here. That's probably not a good thing, especially since I woke up near a dumpster. Ugh. I am going to need like two showers to make sure the smell didn't stick to me.

With a sigh, I stood up and started to brush the dirt and grime that may have gotten on my body only to find out some things that were rather shocking.

One, I was naked. Two, I was a girl, rather easy to tell with the... the jiggling extra weight on my chest. Three, my arms and legs were cover with light brown fur; just a bit over my elbows and knees respectfully, with my "hands" and "feet" tipped off with white fur. Are... are those claws?

I felt my body shiver and not from the cold.

"Ok... everything is going to be alright." I said to myself softly, my new, more feminine tone sent another shiver down my spine. "I... I just need to stay calm. Yeah... j-just need to stay calm." But this isn't my voice... this isn't me. THIS ISN'T M- a meaty thwack sound filled the alleyway as I slapped myself hard, nearly causing me to topple over from the force of the impact.

"Ow." I muttered, rubbing my cheek. "But that's good..." I took a couple of deep breaths. "Pain... pain is good. It will help me keep focus."

Above all pain is something normal, and I needed normal. But sadly that just proved this wasn't a dream of mine. But at least I was calming down... to a certain definition of calm that is.

"Ok, think... what the hell happened last night that might of led to..." I paused and look myself over once more and shivered. "This."

I doubted anything last night could have fucking caused me to become what ever the hell I am though. But the thing was, when I tried to remember... I couldn't. I got vague memories about where I lived and how my life was like sure... but I couldn't truly recall anything. Not even my name.

"What happened to me?! Who am I? Where am I? Why did this happen? How did this happen?" I rapidly shot off each question, not expecting anyone to answer me, before I finally roared. "WHO THE FUCK DID THIS TO ME!"

Only silence answered me. Silence and the sound of my rapid breathing. I gave up and collapsed on the ground. Tears, my tears, started falling to the ground. Something odd, from what memories I did gather, I was never the most emotional person... so why am I crying? Fuck!

I don't know how long I cried, but it probably wasn't long all things consider. Still, after a few last sniffles I wiped my eyes and blinked a few times. I probably needed this... needed a safe way to vent.

"Still... there is something wron-" My voice hitched as I caught sight of something that filled me with dread. There was a broken mirror, and with it I saw my reflection.

There in the mirror, I saw a vaguely Asian woman with blood shot purple eyes looking back at me. A wild crimson mane matted her head; with two large light brown cat ears on each side. Her skin was a healthy pinkish-white, and she had a rather well-toned body; not bulky, but I could see the hints of muscle, and behind her, was a big, bushy, white tipped fluffy cat tail that I somehow missed having.

'That's me?' I thought, staring transfixed at the mirror. I started crawling towards the mirror. "I'm..." I trailed of when I reached the mirror and picked it up. "I'm a." I paused and tried smiling in the mirror. My smile showed the barest hints of a fang before I dropped the mirror, causing it to shatter. "I'm a fucking nekomata." I cursed my luck.

I sighed and stood back, being mindful of the broken glass, and walked over to lean on a near by wall. It was rather awkward considering my tail, but I still managed it,

"I can remember what a nekomata is by I can't remember my name?" I muttered, knowing that did not bold well. Because this is further proof that whatever happened to me, as caused by another party. One that could alter my memories.

"Well, there is not much I can do about that, I just need to look at the positives." I said, feeling less depressed already. "Pros; I'm possibly super strong, durable, and have never been in better health than ever in my life. No more asthma is also a major plus in my book!" I exclaimed, crossing my arms under my chest and nodding my head. "Cons; I'm the wrong gender, I'm not even the same species anymore, and I'll either get arrested for public nudity or get caught by a secret government organization and dissected." My shoulders started to sag after every con I listed and when I finished, I was sitting on the ground, hugging my knees and whimpering.

I suddenly stood right back up, slapped both my cheeks and then shook my head. "Positive thoughts, think positive." I uttered as a mantra.

I sighed.

"Thinking positive never helps, but I can't just stay here." I said and looked towards the exit of the alleyway. I started hearing people shuffling about.

'Enhanced hearing is definitely a thing.' I thought as I started to walk towards the sound of people. If worse comes to worse, I'll just have to break some legs.

You ever felt like you were cursed? Or that someone up there was out to get you?

Well I do, though if I was more superstitious, I would say breaking that broken mirror further gave me seven years of bad luck.

Anyway, yeah, there is always someone out to get you. Call me paranoid but that is almost always the truth.

Case in point; I woke up as a naked cat girl with no clue or memories on how the hell that happened, I walked towards the sound of people I heard and then saw a bunch of Asian gang members, and I am still a naked cat girl. So upon seeing that, I quickly used my amazing new stealth skills and clanged to the wall; hiding myself from their line of sight, while I could still take peeks at them.

I had hopped to continue hiding until they all passed, especially since I caught sight of a really fucking big, shirtless guy covered with a wicked looking dragon tattoo and wearing a steel mask at the head of the armed gangers, but no. That didn't work out so well, and it's my fault for always playing a god damn hero in games. I swear. Because as soon as the big guy went on about killing kids I, like an idiot, jumped out of my hiding spot and yelled at the top of my lungs. "Hey you dickless assholes! Why don't you pick on someone your own size?!" All with one hand on my hip, and the other dramatically pointing at the big guy. Considering that I'm probably five foot, going on four now, that was a rather silly comparison.

But lets recap shall we? I, a naked, busty cat girl just called out a, highly armed, Asian gang for being dickless assholes.

So yes, there is someone always out to get you. Remember that and you'll live your life peacefully.

I stood there, still pointing dramatically at the big guy while the others honestly just stared at me in shock. I had no clue why. Well, I did, but my mind did not want to go there... it's enough to know that I now, have a body that was featured on many a teenage boys fantasies.

We just stared at eachother for the longest time, and I swear if this was an anime I would have had a giant sweat drop on the back of my head. But the longer the silence continue, the more worried I became.

So it was understandable that I was relieved when I heard the big guy yell. "Shoot the bitch!"

Wait... oh shit!

My eye's widened as I dodged the first bullet on a reflex.

'Holy shit, I dodged a bullet.' I thought with surprise and then smirked at the ganger tried shooting me. Him and his buddies just shrugged and all started firing at me at the same fucking time.

'Shit, shit, shit, shit!' I repeated over and over in my head as I continued to dodge, weave and twisting my body in impossible ways through the oncoming bullet storm. I was so focused at dodging that I almost missed the sound of buzzing, a lot of buzzing.

But I wouldn't have missed the screams and the sudden biblical fucking plague that descended upon the gangers. Not looking a gift horse in the mouth, and given that the gangers are a bit busy getting bugged than shooting at me, I went on the offensive. Following my new found instincts, I start taking out the nearest tough and moving on to the next. Some managed to try and shoot me like idiots, but they missed.

The mooks started going down rather quickly, so I checked on the big guy. He was screaming in pain and rage as the insects descended upon his... his... ouch. I suppress a wince and accidentally kick a tough between the legs.

"Oops...Sorry!" I apologized to the ganger, but he didn't hear as he squeaked and fainted from the pain.

'I think I'm getting an hang on this whole fighting thing.' I thought, feeling much more confident with my stupid decision that landed me in this mess in the first place. That lasted until I turned back to the big guy and saw that he was being covered in what looked like metal scales and on fire.

"Shit, he's ninja proof!" I blurted out and he turned to glare at me. Then and there I made a mental note to myself. 'Adrenalin does strange shit to me.'

Lucky for me, I think he hated me less. Since he turned around as soon as he heard what I could assume was the person responsible for the bugs, and started running in that direction.

I found myself chasing him before I even thought about it. I was faster, so as soon as he started to jump up a building, I collided with him mid air and caused us to do a couple of somersault before I threw him down to the ground, hard. Hard enough the pavement crack from underneath him.

I, of course, landed on my feet nearby; settling in a fighting stance that I had no idea how I knew it, and waited. I didn't have to wait long. He picked himself off the ground and glared at me. His attention now solely focused on me. Shit.

"I' ku'l yu' b'ch!" He roared and charged at me. Much, much faster than he was moving before. I barely had time to dodge and he still managed to tag me.

"Fuck!" I screamed as I felt a searing pain on my side. I dropped to the ground and felt tears well up in my eyes. He started laughing... he was laughing at me.

A fucking child killing bastard was laughing at me. At this point, everything just came crashing down, my anger at being her in the first place, my despair at not know what the fucking hell happened to me, everything and I must have snapped because I started seeing red. Lots and lots of red.

Then the asshole breathed fire towards me, not even allowing me to get back up. Planning to burn me alive!

"Bastard!" I roared, managing to jump up out of the way of the fire before spinning and launching myself at the asshole with a kick.

My kick only managed to hit the ground, literally shattering it I turn my head towards the dragon man and glared at him. He started getting bigger, but I wasn't in the right frame of mind to care. I charge at him while he stood there.

He managed to block my punch and hit me with his; sending me crashing through a near by wall. I tore myself out of the rubble with another roared and I charged him again. This time he met my charge head on and sent me through another warehouse wall.

I picked myself out of the rubble and spat out some blood on the ground. I knew something was broken, and I knew I probably didn't have much time to live; but still, I moved. I walked out of the warehouse and glared at him. At this point, I think he was starting to sprout tiny wings, but that didn't matter since I saw the only reason why he didn't charge into the warehouse to finish me off was because bugs descended on him again. This time going for the eyes and mouth and nose. But that didn't last long since he set himself on fire again and glared in the direction of my little bug friend before turning his head to me again.

I coughed up some more blood.

'It was a nice try little bug friend, but I don't think I can move so well now.' I thought, wiping the blood from my mouth. I didn't even flinch when he started to charge at me again. 'You should have ran away though, you should have saved yourself.'

I stood my ground even though he was practically on me in an instant.

'I guess he didn't want to risk me dodging his fire again.' Was my last thought as his fist collided with my stomach. For a second I was surprised his claw didn't just ran me through, that second passed when I felt the worst searing pain ever. I looked down to see his burning claw was through my stomach. My eye's started to become foggy.

'I'm going to die.' I thought, with a strange sense of calmness.

Then I counter hit the bastard.

I couldn't tell why my fist glowed blue; I didn't hear the bastards strangled, pain-filled roar as my fist connected to his center of mass. All I remember seeing was the triumphant smug look in his eyes, and then the next him exploding in a shower of gore.

I suddenly found myself laying on the ground, the bastards claw still in my stomach.

"I... killed him.'" I started to say, tears flowing freely. "I... didn't... I...I..I just want to go home..."

My breathing finally stilled and the cold grasp of the abyss claimed me.

And done.

Think I might be the first person to ever kill their SI in the first chapter... well, at least in Worm. Hope I portrayed Lung's threat level right, if not I'm claiming alternate universe shenanigans right now.

My description probably sucked, and for that I apologies. I would link the picture of how my SI looks like, but well... it's NSFW, mainly due to bare boobs and her being a naked catgirl and all.

I will say that she looks like an old Disgaea nekomata, base on some of the original concept art sketches.

Now that is said, no this isn't a Disgaea cross. I really do not feel like dealing with the mechanics at all. I just thought that if I was going to make my SI a catgirl anyway, why not make it look like that one?

Her power is a strange thing though, and mostly inspired from Disgaea.

I think I might be a tad bit cruel to my first true Worm SI, instead of just being a bunch of memories and shit in the back of a characters skull via reincarnation after all.


Oh, well. And here is a spoiler if this has a next chapter anytime soon!

There is a myth that says cat's have nine lives.
Buck It
Buck It​

Warning: This oneshot contains pony speak. A glorious amount of pony speak. And an ornery pony.

Slowly my eyes opened tot he invading light and groaned while blinking.

"Princess Celestia please put the sun down... it's too early." I muttered sleepily and then shook my body to at least try and wake up at this Celestia awful hour. Slowly as I came back to the waking world and took in my surroundings.

"This..." I stated feeling shocked; I was completely awake now. "This isn't my bedroom?"

Indeed it wasn't my bedroom, or anywhere near my castle. It sure as hay wasn't in Ponyville either.

"Wait... why do I think I own a castle?" I questioned myself, completely confused as to why I would think that. "And Ponyville is fictional... right?"

A part of me wanted to slap myself for thinking that, so I did; as it would solve two birds with one stone, so to speak.

"Ow." I rubbed my face gently. "Ok... this isn't a dream, and I have two sets of conflicting memories."

I face-hoofed.

"Just wonderful." I muttered and then shook my head.

Just then I heard an hissing noise on something that thought it was being sneaky. I quickly turned around just as the thing lunged for me and telekinetic grabbed it.

"Now... what are you?" I asked it, finding myself curious.

It was small and had a sickly yellowish orange color going for it. If I didn't know any better, I would say that it was a goblin, or at least in the shape of one.

It flailed uselessly in the air and I heard some more hissing coming this way.

"Yeah... I'm not staying here." I muttered and then flung the little thing away.

"Sorry!" I yelled at it's flying form and started to fly myself. Straight up.

I didn't know enough about this situation to really settle on a course of action; for all I knew I could have just flung a peaceful little guy that just wanted to hug me and welcome me to it's fair city.

I doubted that I would be that lucky though.

I looked at the place from high above and realized it was barricaded off from the rest of the world.

'Hmm... something of a quarantine?' I thought, still floating in the sky. Only hearing the sound of gentle wind, and my wing-beats as they flapped. 'I wondered if they could tell me?'

With that thought, I ignored the side of me that as screaming about this being a bad idea and descended towards the outside of the quarantine walls; hoping to find anypony that could shed some light to the situation I've found myself in.

I was a problem solver after all.

My landing was greeted with the sound of guns cocking and aiming at me. I could see turrets mounted on the back of a jeep, and all sorts of weaponry pointed at little old me.

"Fire!" A guy wearing black body armor and a gas mask yelled and they proceeded to fire at me.

I quickly put a shield around me; nearly smirking as the shots just started bouncing off it and decided to go with my heart on this matter.

"Why are you firing at me?" I asked starting the chorus; music started appearing out of nowhere. "I just wanted to know what is going on!"

"Because you came from the goblin kings court." The man that ordered the others to fire. "You must be terminated for the safety of others!" him said yeah yeah yeah, just as he threw a grenade at me; I quickly dodged by flying into the sky. But not far enough the heart song would be canceled.

I still haven't learn enough about the problem.

"Goblin king? Who is that? I'm just an average little pony that appeared in a strange place!" I sang and started telekinetically relieving them of their guns; disassembling them and thus making them harmless. "I'm lost and confused and don't know where I am!"

"It doesn't matter whether or not you are telling the truth!" The guy started to sing at me before doing a twirl and pointed straight at me. "Orders are orders; FIRE!" The people that he was with sung yeah yeah yeah before launching ground to air missiles at me.

'This isn't working.' I thought, hitting each of the missiles with a beam. "I am a guest here; and you're trying to kill me." I started singing slowly; the song reaching it's climax. "With no idea on where I am, and yet you still shoot at me; thinking that is the right thing to do~" I paused for a breath. "I say NAY!"

I started to really unleash just what I could do; disassembling and taking away their weapons, conjuring rope to tie them up in groups, destroying their jeeps and missile launchers, everything to effectively neutralize their threat... besides killing them.

I then landed and marched right up to the tied group that the leader was in.

"Now. Tell. me. What. Happened. Here. So. I. Can. Help!" The song finished and I started to pant just a little; glaring at the leader. My face nearly touching his.

The smell of urine filled the air as they relieved themselves; I recoiled back from the strong stench and shook my head.

'Ok... why did they... I'm not that scary... am I?' My thoughts were all over the place; and before I could apologize for scaring them I suddenly felt pain. Something hit me and caused me to go skidding on the ground; digging slightly in the dirt.

I shook myself off and looked at what hit me.

It was a women wearing a costume; the costume itself was black with a helmet or cowl that covered her eyes and she was frowning.

Then I saw two others; two men, each wearing their own costume, one green, one blue.

'Is this a super hero world?' I thought to myself before asking, "can we talk about this?"

The green one crossed his arms and shook his head.

"I thought not." I muttered before dodging another of the black one's charges; taking off into the air in order to make this a Pegasus-pony fight.

The blue one started flinging magic beams at me and I weaved through them; the ones that I couldn't I created a shield for.

'I don't want to fight.' I thought and dodged another charge from the woman wearing the black, skintight costume, weaved through another round of magical death lazers, dodged the woman who really needed a new strategy again, and then weaved through more lazers again, and then all hay broke loose when the green one uncrossed his arms.

I felt my body seize up; like I was being slowly crushed by an invisible hand.

'Telekineses?" I thought to myself; ignoring the pain.

The blue one took this opportunity to hit me with all kinds of magic beams; heat, cold, lightning, it seemed like he was hitting me with everything but a kitchen sink!

I was lucky I could still use my shield magic, but the shield seemed to be weakening; even cracking a little from the onslaught of magic. That was when something slammed into my shield, breaking it, and sent spiraling down towards the ground; creating a crater where I hit, only to get slammed into again.

Dust from the impact covered the area and I was in a great amount of pain. I opened my eyes to see the woman in black readying a finishing blow and I only had one thing to say to that.

"Buck it." I stated and telekinetically flung her away from me. My form glowed and cleared the dust out of the way; a familiar crown settled on my head. For some reason I was weaker than I should be; even if I was holding back, my shield shouldn't have broke so easily from that amount of force. But I knew the element of Magic would help me even the playing field.

But I was done hoofing around. Even as I felt myself getting telekinetically held again by the green guy; I broke through it easily and flew up. Even as the blue one fire another magic barrage at me; I countered with my own, lighting the sky up with my magic and shattering his barrage, but sadly he dodged before my barrage could hit him. Even as I held the black one telekinetically, making her completely harmless as a threat; I started changing the weather.

Harmless clouds became storm clouds, a sunny day was blocked by a torrent of rain and thunder; lightning attacked my foes with me knowing that they could probably survive the electricity. The storm allowed me to concentrate for the precious seconds that I needed and I teleported; hidden by the clouds.

I didn't have a destination in mind, just the need to get somewhere safe and find out what the rut happened to me. Hopefully I would meet someone nice that would explain everything and not try to kill me. That would have been a rather nice thing to have right then. But when I reached the destination my teleport saw fit to bring me to; I found the next best thing.

A library!

So, being in familiar territory, I started to hum and picked up some surrounding books so I could look through them; content to ignore the little blond girl that was staring at me with wide eyes and a slacked jaw.

Finally! Things will finally start making sense again!

But why did I just feel a shiver run down my back?

And this is a short snippet of my pony worm SI. If you haven't guessed, I used the CYOA as inspiration. Kinda. Also, now you know why I don't write song fics, or don't write in fandoms that would make me have to write a song. I'm fucking terrible at it. Honestly this was going to be longer but I decided to cut it off here. Since it was a good place to do it.

Don't know if I would write more of this though. Was just a passing plot bunny on how to make my SI truly suffer.

Here is the CYOA build if your curious!

-11+1=10+2= 8+6= 2 +2= 0
standard +5
powers crossover: Princess Twilight Sparkle -4
Items of power: elements of harmony -12
geas +1 - must use ponyspeak... BUCK IT!
wildbow whats a wilbow?! +2
wanted: Cauldron +2- I might be another entity or they want to use me as a weapon.
wanted s9: Riley wants a pony.
Wanted PRT/PROTECORATE +2: I broke out of a containment zone... also they want the PR potential a magical talking pony would bring to the table.
without a map: +2 Elisberg
Survive Adapt Evolve
Survive Adapt Evolve (Primal zerg SI/Muilticross???)​

I awoke peacefully, the trees were swaying as they were caressed by a gentle wind, sunlight peaked through the tree tops, illuminating the morning dew on the grassy floor. It was the type of scenery that not many people would ever bear witness too, and I as one of the privilege few had only one thing to say.

"Where the fuck am I?"

For you see, I was not one to admire the scenery; show me a tree with leaves changing colors I would be the one to say "That's nice" with a dull tone and bored look, so the scenery did not move me like it may have others in my situation. Besides there were more important things to focus on.

"Why the hell am I so small?"

Like that; a drastic loss in height is a rather important issue that should have been rather obvious when I first awoke, but atlas... I am generally not all there when I wake up. I also appeared to have no arms, which tired obliviousness was not an excuse to not notice that fact. Or it could be, I guess... never really measure how much shit I miss when I wake up first thing in the morning, or night depending on my ever changing sleep scheduled. But atlas, this really isn't important to know and just me avoiding the current issue.

The fact that I am going to need to choke a bitch for kidnapping me, disarming me, and then dumping my body in the middle of the woods. No... that wasn't the issue, that was still avoiding the main problem that I've been trying to avoid thinking about ever since I woke up. For you see, that is a defense mechanism of mine that kept me sane for years, because if I ever focused on my many, many problems in life, I would likely drown myself in my depression and not doing anything when I should.

But sadly, ignoring the problem will not make this go away like the others. Mainly because there is a tiny voice in the back of my head that keeps on going on and on about "consume, adapt, evolve" which was rather annoying, but gave me the first major clue as to what happened to me.

The fact that I was likely just ROB'd somehow and apparently turned into a zerg larva. Likely a zerg primal larva, as I always had a soft spot for stories about them and now I ironically am one. So from personal experience, all like five minutes of it, I can safely say what I feel about that.

"Man, this sucks. Time to go and eat something I guess."

With that, I moved slowly out of the open field in search for easy prey for their essence. Otherwise evolving based on the environment would take to long, and I rather not stay at the bottom of the food chain if I could help it. Besides, I just gained a new goal.

I will survive, I will grow stronger, and I will eat the fucker that dropped me here. I will eat their face off... and well, everything else... I guess. I hoped that who ever did this was at least considerate enough to drop me in a place that I would have a fighting chance as a larva to live.

But as always, my hopes were dashed by a random encounter. The bushes I was heading towards were pushed away and revealed a creature that dashed any hopes I had to live. A fucking Caterpie.

The Caterpie and I just stared at each-other for the longest time before I threw caution to the wind and started moving towards it, very very slowly. Then it started moving towards me at a greater speed before a Pidgey came out of nowhere and picked it up. It was at this point I developed an irrational hatred towards the species for stealing my first meal. The fuckers.

But I also knew to pick my battles and to get the hell out of the open before the stupid birds thought I was a meal. So I did that as fast as I could and made it to where the Caterpie was in record breaking zerg larva time... only to be snatched up by another Pidgey that was likely attracted by my movement.

I struggle, and flailed around in it's grip as we were in the air, but it was for naught. It seemed that it was my destiny to become birdshit within my short zerg life. Fortunately, my instincts had other ideas, as my body twisted, took aim and fired acid right in the fuckers face. It screamed, releasing me from its iron grip... about ten-twenty stories above ground. Yeah, nice going instincts.

Luckily my fall was broken by tree branches, still hurt like a bitch though. I felt my everything being broken or bruised, whatever which, before I appeared to be regenerating the damage. Yay for the pluses of being a zerg! Anyway, the Pidgey didn't last very long in the air after getting a face full of acid and crashed into the ground hard near where I landed. I saw it's body twitch before going still. If I could, I'd be smirking right then, but I settled for just wiggling over to the corpse for my first meal.

Words could not describe how good the Pidgey essence tasted. Or the raw, bloody meat that now filled what ever I had in place of a stomach. When I was satisfied, or satisfied certain requirements I really couldn't know at the time, I felt my body start to shift. A cocoon wrapped around signifying that I made it to the next stage of my life.

I did not know how long I was in the cocoon, but when I was freed I first noticed that I was nearly as tall as a Pidgey. I also now had wings, big as a Pidgey's but with scales. They were more similar to a bats than a Pidgey, which I honestly found strange since the adaptations came from a bird, but I don't think I ever saw a zerg that had feathers anyway. I really needed to find a watering hole to see what I looked like sometime, but instead I decided to take flight, relying on the new instincts I absorbed from the pidgey, and go on a hunt.

I gotta eat them all, after all. Hehehehehehehehe.

Here is a short little thing of one of the ideas I had, but don't think I'm going to go anywhere with. I at least thought it would be a tiny bit amusing to share though. As well as a way to get back in the swing of writing because I keep on getting fucking distracted.

If your wondering what my SI looks like now though, picture something like a mutant lizard bat from hell.
Let it go~
Let it go~​

Warning: Contains a paranoid rambling protagonist, an afraid protagonist, minor gore, DESPAIR!!! and bad puns...maybe.

I awoke with a yawn, stretching my arms out before rubbing my eyes to get the crud out of them... or whatever that crap is called. Eye boogers? Well, it doesn't matter. I was still tired, like normal but that would fade in time. Well, anyway, I blearily started to shift out of my blankets intending to get off my bed to start my day only to fall off the bed with my blankets face first.

'Well, at least I'm awake now... even though that was rather embarrassing.' I thought as I laid on the floor. 'Haven't done that since I was a kid.' I sat up and rubbed my eyes. When I opened them I was expecting the blurry visions I normally see when I don't have my glasses on, but everything was crystal clear to me.

I blinked.

"Huh... I can has twenty-twenty vision?" I questioned the empty room and received no answer as expected.

I blinked again.

I finally noticed something odd.

I wasn't in my room from what I could see as I started to look around, everything was illuminated by the sunlight peaking through the blinds. Which in itself was damning evidence as I always use curtains that are dark enough to block out the suns light as it bothered me.

In fact, the room looked like it catered more to a little girl than a twenty-five year old man; The room was a dull pink as if the color was worn by time, there was a desk that had a mirror on it with pictures that were not mine. I looked behind me, the bed had a lone stuff teddy bear on it, staring at me with those soulless eyes that its makers always include in a teddy bears creation. The blankets were pink with white on the corners from what I could tell.

I seemed to be smaller for some reason.

Hesitating I looked myself over. My hands were small and pale from where the light hit them, I happen to be wearing something that I shouldn't be able to in the first place, and in fact were not even pajama's. My clothing was a sky-blue child's Yukata with white snowflake embroidery and a dark blue obi sash. I brought a hand up to my hair, finding it much longer than it should be, and saw that it was black.

I quickly stumbled up from the ground.

My proportions were changed, I nearly tripped once or twice due to how awkward it felt to me, but I adjusted faster than I would have thought. Though I didn't really think about that at the time, I was too preoccupy with my growing unease as I made it to the desk and got on the chair so I could see my reflection. The little girl that I saw in the mirror was pale in way that seemed natural, here eyes were a dark blue and showed Asian decent, her hair was black and had was styled in a princess cut with an elegant braid in the back as I found out by turning my head slightly, bringing it to the front so I could see it. Her lips looked pale and slightly blue, but one could tell it was natural.

My heart was starting to pound in my chest. I move one of my hands to touch my cheek, the girl in the mirror did the same. Her eyes went wide with shock.

The girl was me... I had hoped it wasn't.

"What... who?" I whispered, my thoughts racing mile a minute.

What ever, or who ever did this took great care in my appearance. Even at the age this body is at now, I could tell it had the potential to grow into the type of body that would turn heads where ever I walked. They even put me in a yukata and styled my hair... why was the question that wanted to escape my mouth, but I just shivered instead. I never felt more crept out and violated in my life. It was like someone turned me into their personal living doll.

I felt sick to my stomach, and tears threaten to spill out of my eyes.

"I'm not in those pictures." I stated, looking at the pictures that decorated the desk. I grabbed one, the one that showed a little blond girl posing in the middle of where her mom and dad stood.

"This isn't my room then." I mused, the distraction from my thoughts working as I focused on something else than my previous thoughts. A breakdown would have serve no purpose right then. "Is the family still here?" I wondered and decided to get off the chair... I didn't want to look at my reflection anymore. When I stood up, I happen to look at the floor by the bed and saw something that chilled me to the bone. A pair of geta laid there together, just waiting for me to put them on.

I let out a small whimper, my thoughts already straying back to my living doll theory before I shook my head and slapped my cheeks, hard. I knew my cheeks were likely red now, but the stinging pain radiating from them helped me honestly, rather focus on the pain instead of something else that wont allow me to be productive.

I looked down to my feet and wiggled my toes... no idea why; it just felt appropriate, and then I looked back to the geta.

"Well, it's better than nothing I guess." I stated, resigned to wearing the damn geta. Putting them on, I couldn't help but thankful for the small mercy of the geta not being some of the ridiculous ones that were just asking for someone to trip and break their feet with them; but they were a simple design, and likely one of the more common types.

I sighed and wished that I actually had some socks to put on as well... before I quickly stop the train of thought that lead too. I looked towards the door to the room that was slightly ajar.

Feeling that it was time to leave I got up and took a few practice steps in order to make sure I wouldn't fall and break my feet; Satisfied that I wouldn't, I left the room. My footsteps echoing through the seemingly abandoned home.

I never noticed the mirror started to frost up and crack from my presence.

I will tell you right now that I hated sandals, I hated flip-flops, I hated the little thing that would go in-between your toes; it always digs in the skin when you walk. But the geta? I actually felt strangely comfortable wearing them. Even when I went down the stairs expecting to fall because of them, I moved with a grace I never had before in my entire life. Though, I did waddle pretty damn good. Honestly that may be self-deprecating, I really I wasn't that fat. Honestly only went on this tangent in the first place because this needs to be understood.

I was afraid; even thinking about what I found makes me want to just curl up in a tiny ball and block out everything else in a false hope to make everything go away and hopefully waking up from this nightmare.

For as I came downstairs, I noticed how silent everything was for the first time. There were no cars running, there was no electricity running in the house, and there were no people around. I went to the kitchen, I saw food on the table left virtually untouched for what could be only years. Given how moldy it looked. But it was what would have been a simple breakfast.

A news paper was scattered on the ground, chairs tipped over like someone stood up in a fright hurry. There was a dry substance on the ground, a trail of it like something was being dragged against it's will. It lead towards the living room, blankets were torn, pillow feathers decorated the ground as if someone desperate enough to try and use a pillow as a weapon. The signs of struggle... everything that I had saw quickly made me realize just what that dried liquid was.... blood.

I had felt bile rise up from my throat, threatening to spill out. But my stomach was empty... why wouldn't it be? The burning feeling of the acid at the back of my throat made my eyes water. I never liked that feeling and I doubted anyone would.

Still, I went back to the kitchen and looked at the scattered newspaper;hoping that I could figure out where I was and what the fuck happened. It was useless of course. Not even a small clue to help piece everything together. Nothing that could assure me that what ever happened has long since past and that I wasn't in danger.

So I stood up from where I was crouching down, dusted off my yukata and whipped the tears from my eyes... damn this body, I never was overly emotional so this body is already affecting me. My mind may be old, but... yeah.

Really I was just trying to stall myself at the time; I didn't want to go outside. I tried to use the phone that I found, but of course it as out of service. I even started picking up the pillow feathers, anything to stall going out into the unknown. Whatever caused this might still be out there though and I was in the body of a defenseless little girl afterall.

But I realized deep down that I would need to leave anyway. There was likely no food in the house or good running water. Whatever happened seemed to have happened years ago and I rather not starve to death or die of dehydration.

'I likely died anyway.' I couldn't help but think as I looked at the front door. I had no evidence for it, but my old life was over anyway... and this one will likely end up shorter depending on whatever was out there.

I started to tremble, every emotion I've been repressing since threatened to spill out. I started to breath deeply in order to try and calm myself.

'Having a panic attack would not solve anything.' I thought, closing my eyes. 'I need to leave... no matter what is outside I need to leave... even if it's a zombie apocalypse.'

I felt calmer, but by not much. But that didn't matter anymore. I opened my eyes and glared at the front door with determination. I started to walking towards it, each step hesitant before becoming more and more sure.

With luck, outside wouldn't be as bad as I thought. With luck there would be people alive that can help me.

As I got to the door, I gulped and then opened it. Feeling braver than I was, I stepped out into the unknown; never noticing the frost that started accumulating throughout the house.

The sun was bright, the birds were singing and the grass swayed gently in the wind. It was a peacefull day in what appeared to be a peaceful little city.

Now if only if it didn't look like a battlefield.

Broken gins littered the ground, some houses were collapsed some even seemed like they were set on fire. In fact, the house that I started in seemed to be one of the few basically untouched by whatever happened.

'At least it wasn't a zombie apocalypse.' I thought while I picked up a pistole before dropping it with distaste. It was broken and out of ammo.

"They could at least dropped a damn working gun for me to pick up." I pouted, I didn't want to think about how cute I must've looked.

I sighed.

"Looks like the only weapon I found was this stick." I said, staying at the stick I picked up awhile back as I was walking. It wasn't even pointed. "I wish I had a knife or something to sharpen you." I started walking again, my self imposed break was over.

I paused, going over what I last said in my head.

"Why wouldn't I just use the knife?" I mused, finding myself smiling slightly at my own silliness.

Sadly, it only distracted me for a moment. This place was a ghost town and it started to feel increasingly eerie to me. Who knew empty cities could be so fucking creepy? I was at the point where I was jumping at shadows everytime I didn't distract myself.

Then there was another problem... I was getting hungry. I did not know how far I walked, but my stomach started grumbling. I hated that feeling. It also didn't help that I was starting to sweat a lot, it really was hot outside, and I knew I needed to find clean water and soon.

I sighed again.

"If it isn't one thing, it's another." I muttered, whipping my forehead of sweat. Probably committing some sort of taboo as I used my yukata sleeve.

I heard a loud crash behind me, causing me to jump and turn around quickly and I held my stick at the ready. A small trash can rolled out of an alleyway and nothing else.

'Probably just a stray dog or something.' I thought, ignoring the sudden chill I felt move down my spine. I started to back up slowly, not taking my eyes off the alley, before I tripped and fell on my ass.

That was the end of my good luck.

It turns out that falling on my ass, no matter how much it hurt, saved my life. A what appeared to be mutated looking dog monster thing jumped over my head as it missed it's pounce. It skidded before it stopped and turned back to me, snarling.

My heart-rate skyrocketed as I quickly stumbled to get up and get the fucking hell away from the thing. I didn't get far before it went for another charge. In my panic I realized I dropped my stick, before I stared with wide eyes at my coming death.

I was right, this life was going to be horribly short.

The dog thing snarled, it's skin a sickly yellowish orange. It's paws looked like disfigured hands, making me think about the missing people, it's eyes were bloodshot and yellow. It was upon me faster than I would like. I flailed and just when the think jumped, it got impaled head first by an icicle. The new shish kabob bled onto the grown as it still tried to wiggle free of the impalement in order to get to me.

'Why isn't it dead?' I thought, deciding not to think about where the ice came from for now.

The mutant finally stilled as it's entire body became frosty, like someone dumped liquid nitrogen on it.

I bent down and picked up my stick and threw it at the think with surprising force, it shattered into a thousand chunky pieces.

"Woo!!!!" I cheered and started jumping up in my excitement. "I win!" I started doing a little victory dance that would likely have me die from embarrassment if someone saw me.

My celebration was cut tragically short, I heard hissing from behind me. Mechanically, I turned my head slowly and saw like ten more of those mutated dog things.

"Oh that is just totes unfair." I said surprisingly calm, before turning my head back in-front of me.

I bravely ran away.

It didn't take long before I was dodging the dog things, swerving left and right, moving as fast as I could as I avoided the leaping dogs that managed to get ahead of me. The fuckers. But, I was still tired from walking earlier, and my stomach felt like it was eating itself. This entire situation was bad.

It went from bad to worse.

My geta strap broke from the strain and I fell, hitting my face on the hard concrete ground and skidding a little. I cursed and quickly pushed myself up. I felt a liquid run down my face, before I moved my hand to rub the spot. I looked at what it was, and it was blood. My blood.

My eyes started tearing up.

The dogs started circling me, waiting for the right moment to pounce. I had no idea why they were waiting, there weren't before. I rubbed my forehead with my sleeve, staling it with my blood. My eyes kept track of the dogs movement, trying to guess what one would be first.

I guessed right.

The one on my left broke the circle and pounced; it froze midair and shattered when it hit the ground.

I had no idea how I was doing the ice thing, but at least my instincts seemed to be figuring it out. But I started breathing heavily, my run took it's toll, as I stood up keeping track on who was next.

There were more of them than I realized.

After the fifth kill, they seemed more cautious, not as ready to go on the attack. That was fine with me, I needed the breather. But no matter how many I killed, more seemed to take their place. There were even little green midget things now that looked like people, but different.

I knew I couldn't win, I knew I was going to die.

I impaled another on an icicle and spun to freeze another, before impaling another with ice. They grew impatient, they want me dead. I didn't want to die. I was tired, and my eyes started to want to shut. But I've been trying real hard to stay awake. To sleep, is to die.

I made a mistake.

I missed a midget one, and it grab my left arm and started gnawing on it. I fell tot he ground, crying out in pain. I formed an icicle right near me and stabbed it through the bastards head. It died, not before taking a chuck from my arm.

I was bleeding, in antagonizing pain, and likely infected by whatever changed these things into horror show monsters. I froze my left arm to hopefully staunch the bleeding, and dropped to my knees; My sweat dripping to the ground and freezing as it fell. To make things worse, the circle of dogs grew tighter and they advanced slowly towards me in a way to make sure I can't escape.

It wasn't fair; it never was.

I started to cry frozen tears. My breathing grew harsher.

Why me? Why not anyone else?

I was going to die, alone and afraid.

I didn't want to.

I sniffled.

The circle of beast nearly reached me.

I screamed.

The sky turned dark.

I wailed.

The wind picked up, blowing the dog and midget things away from me.

I raged.

Snow started blanketing the area, concealing me from sight.


Everything around me started to freeze and shatter. Whether it was organic or not.

Nothing was spared.

Ring, ring!

I sighed and picked up the phone.

"Yes? I am rather busy right now so this better be important. Dragon."

"Chief director... there is activity at Ellissberg."

I was already feeling dread.

"What's the situation?" I demanded, calmly.

"It's a storm... an impossible storm that is spreading out of the containment."

I drummed my fingers on my desk.
"What type of storm?" I asked for clarification.

"A blizzard, it's freezing everything; even the quarantine walls. It already took three lives and gave many more a severe case of hypothermia before they got out the storms radius."

"I see... keep me posted, this likely just became a S-Class situation."


I hung up the phone, and tried to wrap my brain on who I could use to contain the situation. Eidolon came to mind, even if he is getting weaker, he would likely be able to solve the problem quickly. But the problem is, whether or not the storm just unleashed Niblog on the world.

I sighed and started messaging my forehead.

"I hope whatever caused this killed the bastard."

Deep underground Ellisberg, a man stirred. His sweet dreams interrupted by a cold biting chill. His children died in droves, his kingdom shattering in ruins.

He opened his eyes, but he will come to regret it.

The unforgiving storm continued to rage on as it spread, consuming all in it's wake.

And done.

This SI honestly is the less mindfucked that I ever wrote. Hope I wrote the panic well. Anyway, yeah.

The SI is a loli Yuki-Onna with a lot of raw power, but little skill in using it. As for the storm? Think day after tomorrow but 100x worse. Luckily it's slowly spreading out of Ellisberg, but yeah.

Goblin Kings little swarm kinda got frostbite.

Also, poor ROB. Went out of his way to make sure the SI would have cloths and a look that would fit her, and the SI basically spits in his face.

Likely wont continue this as a story though. Merry late Christmas!

I will probably be doing either a loli!Dryad or Loli!Kitsune next fore spring. Or a really, really late spring.


I lied about the puns.
A Gamers Dilemma
A Gamers Dilemma (Worm/Gamer SI)


Warning: Contains swear words, more swear words, and a lack of Mountain Dew. Do the Dew.​

When I woke up this morning, I found myself staring at a strange little message screen that appeared to be floating in midair; literally. But, being who I am, I ignored it with a grumbled and continued my daily routine. Thankfully it wasn't that obnoxious and stay out of my line of sight until I thought about it again, honestly was rather considerate considering what happened to me... but that's getting ahead of myself.

But as I said, I just continued as normal; Took a shower, ate breakfast, let the dog out while I made coffee, that sort of thing. I honestly forgot the message even existed for a second there, only to remember once I sat the chair by my desk and went to turn on my old, outdated laptop.

It still said the same thing though, the same thing that made me want to just ignore it in the first place.

Would you like a life filled with excitement?! Do you want to go on a grand adventure that no one else has experienced? Would you like explore worlds you've only dreamed about? Would you like to gain fantastic and amazing powers?

Would you like to be The Gamer?!

If you do, click the yes button! If No, click the No button!

If you would like more information, click the question mark!

Yes No ?

I could smell the set up, I just knew something was wrong about this. I just had that feeling you know. But, unlike a sane person who would have clicked No, I clicked the question mark; wanting more information on what was going on first before I committed a decision. Mostly because I didn't know if clicking No would have pissed off whatever being sent this message in the first place. And considering that it mentioned the "Gamer" my money was on it being Gaia. If it was, I rather not piss off the fucking planet.

It kinda amazed me that I wasn't freaking out honestly at the possible proof that at least some divine entities were real. I'd chalk it up to my usual lack of sleep though.

But yeah, the question mark did yield much more information. If in a cheerful and yet slightly condescending tone.

Congratulations on not being impulsive! Most would have clicked yes in a heart beat!

Anyway, the deal is that basically... I was bored and decided to empower a mortal and send them on a grand adventure across the muiltiverse!

You just happened to be the one, lucky you huh?

So basically, you heard of jumpchains right? Well, technically this is like that except the fact that you will only have the gamer power to fall back on and would always be human and the same age.

You get the same deal though, time will be frozen in this world until your return unless you decided to stay in a world. You will have to survive ten years in the worlds you're sent to, and if you die you will wake up here at this exact time, thinking it was nothing but a dream. Of course that means you loose said powers.

Sorry, I know that would not be normal for jumpchains, but its the cost of bringing you back to life here.

So yeah, at the end of ten years you will get three choices.

Return to your homeworld, stay in the current world your on, or continue your adventure!

You will be something akin to being an Avatar for me though, only way I could keep track of you really.

So, what do you say?

Yes? Or No?

And thus, seeing no negatives that would screw me over and being eager, because this would likely mean I would get a body that wasn't breaking down on me and will likely take care of any sickness I have and may get in the future; I clicked yes with a wide grin.

I had thought this at the time. Just need to survive ten years and I could go home like nothing happened before, with a hell of a lot of benefits. Might need to read the Evil overlord list when I do though... in case I catch a case of melodramaticness.

Being the confidant type at my own survival, because I am generally a careful bastard and the gamer power is OP, of course I started to plot what I would do when I get back home. Of course, those thoughts were interrupted by another pop up message by who I assumed to be Gaia.

Oh, I'm so happy that you accepted! Its been awhile since I've had a true priestess! Well, your a guy right now... but that can easily be fixed! Well, you always played female characters in RPGs anyway... so that should be ok right? Right!

Have fun!

My final thought before my world went white was this.

Wait what?!

And done. Here is the prologue of the possible gamer multicross I might write. Not much here, but I do have a working system for it that wont get that bogged down by numbers or obsessive amounts of grinding. Though I may be taking some liberties with it to make it fit better to my story, instead of it being separate.

And yeah, instead of an easy world, this one starts with worm. Meaning my SI will have a hell of a time trying to survive and would make decisions likely based around this. "Will this allow me to survive so I can make it home with a body that doesn't get sick?"

So, if I do continue writing this, expect said SI to make some choice you may not agree with. Like staying the fuck away from the powder keg that is Brockton Bay.

As for the gender-bending, I view it as karma really. Every customized character in the games I have that allow it, were female. Skyrim? Female nord. Dragon age origins? Female Human. WoW? Female Draetini before I went horde and changed my female Daetini into a female orc or troll from what I remember. Though my death knight tank was a female blood elf.

I was a shaman btw, that was my main. Healing and chucking lightning bolts were my bread and butter until my desktop died, and I got a new one which also died, but not before my account got hacked and I had it frozen and swore off playing WoW forever.

In fact, I like playing either as the Tank or Healer. So that would come up in the story if I continue this.
Starlight Starbright
Starlight Starbright (Worm Reincarnation SI)

Chapter 1- Day in the life of a super powered kid

Warning: Contains a blond loli that shoots pink energy bullets... you have been warned.​

"Katie! Its time to get up!"

I heard a feminine voice say before I felt my comfy blankets start to get pulled off; I tried to fight back with a grumble, but I knew I couldn't win. Soon... my bunny pajama clad form was revealed to the harsh burning light of the sun!

Knowing I couldn't win the battle for my blanket fort, I sighed in resignation; but I was not finished! I curled up and put one of my pillows over my head; sweet sweet darkness, my friend.

"Oh come on Katie! You do this every morning, some of us would like to take time to eat their breakfast you know!"

The rude person then proceeded to try and pull the pillow away from me, but I gave a valiant fight! I will succeed this time! Was the first none sleepy thoughts that entered my mind.

But it was in vain, the opposition was just too overwhelming strong! The pillow, my last protector and hope has fallen into the evil clutches of my older sibling!

"Mou~" I pouted as I was forced to sit up; my bunny pajama hood hanging behind my back. My evil older sibling mouth the word mou while looking at me curiously "Vicky, its Saturday, let me sleep in." I started rubbing the sleepies out of my eyes.

"Its Monday, little sis... and I think you should cut back on watching anime."

Its Monday? I thought, staring at my older sister blankly. Where did my weekend go... wait did she say cut back on my anime?!

Suddenly the entire room was illuminated by a pink light; hundreds of softball size pink orbs floated ominously around me as I muted all emotion on my face.

"Give me anime, or give me death!"I declared! Vicky backed up slowly, a smile frozen on her face.

"Okay, okay." She stated while making a placating gesture. "It was just a suggestion, no need to go homicidal first thing in the morning." she stopped and muttered, "this is why I don't like my turn waking her up... how does Amy do it so easily?"

She blinked when the pinks lights suddenly blinked out, curiously she looked at me sitting there; my bunny hood was on and covered my eyes.

"You... you went back to sleep didn't you?" She twitched. "All of that was just a distraction so you could go back to sleep!" She declared, pointing at me accusingly. "Well, thats it! No more miss nice big sister!"

She then pounced! Pinning me down on the bed, my eyes were wide open and awake now.

"Take this!" She exclaimed, and then started tickling me like crazy. The monster!

I couldn't help it, I started giggling like crazy.

After I swore revenge for her tickling me first thing in the morning, it wasn't long before we went down to eat breakfast. Which was a quite affair like always; mom sat down reading the newspaper while munching on some toast, dad well... dad was having one of his bad days and was in his own little world. Amy looked like she belonged as a zombie from dawn of the dead, and people tell me I'm not a morning person. Vicky... Vicky well... tried to start a conversation, but it sorta died down fast and we just ate in silence.

Awkward long silence... and they wonder why I didn't want to eat at the table?


Anyway, after that us three sisters had a fight to death to who gets to use the bathroom first. I won of course, no one can withstand my puppydog eyes with my ramped up aura! Muahahahahaha!


But yeah, after that was finished and I was fed, washed, and fully clothed; clad in a simple white shirt and black skirt wearing biker shorts under it, it wasn't long before I was on my way to school, along with my sisters.

Though we generally part ways fast, since well. I could fly fast and have a good sense of direction, why the fudge would I take a crowded buss?

Not having a secret identity has some perks after all.

So, I made it to school, got to my locker before the kids started trailing in with snot filled noses, and hair pulling shenanigans and made it to my homeroom in peace. Honestly glad I am mature for my age, otherwise I would have been just like them.

I frowned as I thought of them, they honestly didn't deserve names to their faces.

But sufficed to say, being born in a super hero family isn't all sunshine and roses and kids can be really cruel. I shook my head in order to clear out my depressing thoughts, and going back to my cheerful ones. A smile once more matted my face.

It wasn't all bad, while I didn't get to go to highschool at my age, I at least skipped a few grades to where it would after this year I would join my sisters at Arcadia. I am no longer in a class with them. They are no longer my concern and will never be ever again.

I sighed as I pulled out my math book from my bookbag, its my first class after homeroom, and set it down on my desk. I proceeded to do some mental cleansing, by head butting it repeatedly. It didn't work that well since I'm invincible, but it was the though that counted.

"Katie... what are you doing?" I suddenly heard a bemused voice say. "I didn't think you hated math that much." I turned my head to the side and saw my friend, my only friend staring down with a smile.

"I don't, but the book offended me for being a rectangle and not a square." I state with a straight face, not even moving my head from the book cover.

That got a small giggle from her. Probably due to the random nature, but judging by her eyes I could tell she saw through the deflection but is letting it pass. She does know me well enough that, she could tell something was troubling me, but was giving me space while letting me know at the same time she would be there for me if I ever felt like opening up and telling her my deepest darkest secrets.

Or, I could be reading that entirely wrong and it could be the fact that she has to deal with Clockblocker so much that giving a pitty laugh is an ingrained reflex for her. Meh, who knows?

Ah, who is my friend you ask? Well, none other than the Ward Vista aka Missy Biron. The only other person that fits the same demographic as me. Badass Loli.

She is literally the only person I could stand in this school. Her other friends try to at least fit me in their group, but well.

I'm just the strange anti-social girl that is creepy and follows Missy around like a puppy or the girl who can shoot you with thousands of pink death bullets per second.

Not that I threatened anyway at school with that mind you. I am totally not grounded at home because of it either.


No I'm grounded due to recklessly endangering myself because of criminal scum decided to kick a puppy in front of me when I was flying home. Turns out one of them triggered, joined the Wards and was transferred from the Bay to get away from the quote, murderous blond devil, unquote.

I wasn't sorry at all. But that's a story for another time.

"Earth to Katie?" Missy asked, waving her hand in-front of my face. "Did you fall asleep with your eyes open again?"

"Nope, just spaced out for a bit." I stated and she made an Ah sound and nodded her head in understanding. The other children started trickling in the classroom and Missy sat at her desk. Right next to mine.

Sigh... I guess its time for the boring to begin. I thought as the teacher made his way in. I sat up proper and rested my hands on the desk.

"Talk to you at lunch?" I asked Missy, who raised an eyebrow as I just told her the code for wanting to talk to her alone.

We always talk to eachother at lunch anyway afterall.

"Sure." She confirmed, I could tell she was curious.

The bell rung and class finally started.

After so much boring, lunch finally came. Missy and I went to the roof to eat, as its one of the only private places to have a conversation and well... it was a nice day. The roof of course had a very tall fence going around it, but it also had something similar to a courtyard. Just not a lot of kids come up here, they tend to only go to the cafeteria.

"Soo, spill." Missy stated as we sat down at a picnic table.

"Well, I'm just curious if you made any head way with Dean." I said calmly as I opened my lunch box.

Missy's face turned as red as a tomato, she was lucky I didn't say that when she was drinking something.

"N-no!" She squeaked before turning somber. "No... he still doesn't notice."

She sighed and took a big swig of her milk.

Yeah, I kinda figured that was the case. I thought as I took a bit of my sandwich. If he didn't notice my feelings for him from the time when I hugged Vicky and glared at him, I doubt he would notice Missy's crush.

I didn't like Dean if you couldn't tell. Not only he was trying to take away something precious of mine, but Vicky and him keep on breaking up and then getting back together. It wasn't healthy... at least from what I could gather with my limited understanding with relationships.

Plus, I thought Amy and Vicky would fit better together.

"So the plan didn't work?" I questioned and then took a sip of my juice.

"Nope, accidentally bumping into him at a corner didn't work." Missy said before adding. "He... he kinda saw it coming. It was rather embarrassing."

Damn empaths ruining everything.

"Yeah... sorry about that. Should have knew it wouldn't work without the bread and you not going to the same school as him." I apologized, looking dejected.

Missy just stared at me for awhile before asking. "Where did you get that idea anyway."

"Shojo manga." I stated shamelessly.

Missy just looked like she had an epiphany and found out the answer of one of life's many mysteries.

"That makes so much sense." She said with her arms crossed and nodding her head in understanding.

"What?" I asked her, curious as to what she meant with that.

"Oh, nothing... anyway I've been wondering something." She trailed off, as if she was contemplating on how to ask what ever it was she wanted to.

"Hmm?" I hmmed as I wiped my mouth with a napkin, getting any pesky breadcrumbs off my face.

"Well..." She hesitated, before coming into her resolve. "I was wonder why you were helping me with Dean anyway... he is dating your sister after all."

"Nope, they had another fight about something stupid and broke it off for awhile." I calmly stated before looking at Missy right in the eyes. "Thats one of the reasons honestly. They keep on breaking up and then getting back together, and honestly at this point they would be better off trying to date other people."

Missy nodded her head slowly, kinda seeing my point.

"Then there is the fact that Dean just rubs me the wrong way... did you know he thinks Amy is in love with him?"

She shook her head no before raising an eyebrow at me.

"If he rubs you the wrong way then why are you ok with me getting together with him?" Missy asked, and raised a good point.

I hate not being good with social iterations, better just go with the truth. I thought before saying. "Because your my best friend."

Missy looked taken back for a second before I continued.

"And if you think he would make you happy, then I will support you... besides, he only rubs me the wrong way due to a personal reason and the fact that hes supposed to be able to tell the emotions of people... it kinda creeps me out." I held my hand out before Missy could say something. "Yeah, I know I'm not being fair with that point... and I've been trying to move past that."

He's just dangerous. I thought and frowned. He's going to end up tearing apart my family, of course I hate him.

My worries must have shown up on my face because the next second later I was being hugged by Missy.

"Its ok." She said, rubbing my back when I started shaking in her embrace. "I'm sorry for bringing it up, but its going to be ok."

We stayed like that for a moment longer before Missy was sure I calmed down.

I didn't even notice... I thought as I wiped my eyes. I didn't even notice my body reacting to my distress.

I knew objectively that I was a rather messed up human being, but to not even notice being on the verge of a break down?

I wondered what else I missed.

Lunch after that was silent, and soon the school day was over. I made sure to say goodbye to Missy, and silently apologized that I was still grounded from going on patrols, otherwise I would have teamed up with her this night as a buffer between her and that bitch named Shadow Stalker.

I still didn't regret bringing the puppy kickers to justice though. It even brought a new female Ward to the fold for Missy, so it wasn't all bad. Though I really hoped Flechette wasn't as bad as Shadow Stalker and that their only similarities lied in their weapons of choice. Well, Missy didn't ever complain about her, so I guess she would be alright.

Anyway, I had to go straight home on account of being grounded, I did some chores, played with my power watched Tv, read manga, had dinner with my family, wave Vicky off as she went on her patrol and of course I was sad I couldn't join her. Then I played games with Amy until it was bed time.

Of course I didn't forget about something very important.

So when Vicky finally got back home, I layed in wait as she got ready for bed. Her blankets providing the perfect cover for me. It was when she moved the blankets that I made my move.

"REVENGE!" I exclaimed, blowing the blankets off of me and tackling Vicky to the ground! She landed with a surprised off, not really feeling pain on account of her being invincible like me.

She had only a moment to look at me in shock before I attacked!

Soon her laughter filled the room and my revenge was complete.

And that was an average day in my new life.

And done.

Personally not that happy with the scene with Missy, I didn't think it flown well and what not. But meh, I didn't feel like antagonizing over it.

But yeah, this is a reincarnation SI even if the character is basically just an OC at this point. Her memories of her past life are rather vague, but she did mature quickly from them and well... understood any school work to the point where shes been getting straight A's without even trying. Also felt like revealing some of her traumas in the chapter. Especially a deep seeded one.

I.E. Her fragile family. Considering that she values family quite high, thats a source of her constant worries. Doesn't help that she sometimes gets nightmares of it self destructing, just like canon.

This was also the first time Katie ever opened up a bit to Missy like that.

But yeah, Katie is both mentally and physically a ten year old girl, if a very mature one that knows some interesting words.

Anyway, don't think I'll continue this for sometime, just felt like writing a oneshot of this and some other stories that were stuck in my noodle for awhile.
Soul of Darkness
Soul of Darkness (Kingdom Hearts SI/Muilticross)

Prologue: Monologue at the End of Days

Warning: Contains a evilish protagonist as the main character. Don't expect him to be a fountain of morality... or sanity for that matter.​

Me and my brother always used to joke about whether we are lightside, or darkside. Unsurprisingly, we always went with darkside, though mainly in jest. As each of us if actually given the choice, would likely go to the lightside for the lightside has cookies while the darkside gets shit on by a lot of people.

Though, I think it was mainly because the darkside as always portrayed as making people ugly, be it their their looks or personality, doesn't matter which. But well, I didn't really like the lightside either and I knew I wouldn't be cut out for being a jedi.

Because deep down, I always wanted power. Power to crush everything and anything that dared threaten any I cared about. Who wouldn't? I mean, since I'm going on about jedi and sith already, lets take a look at their codes shall we?

There is no emotion...
There is peace.

There is no ignorance...
There is knowledge.

There is no passion...
There is serenity.

There is no chaos...
There is harmony.

There is no death...
There is the force.

That right there always rubbed me the wrong way. I know my interpretation may be rather harsh on it, and wrong considering all the jedi's I knew.

But it makes it sound like the only way to be "light" is to become an emotionless robot that wont feel anything over the death of their loved ones. Like them saying, "Oh my mother was just murdered, I shall go meditate on this development instead of being productive and finding the one who killed her," and again, I repeat myself. I know it isn't that bad.

But Kotor kinda left an impression on me, considering what the jedi were like in said game and its sequel.Fucking idiots they were, which were willing able to mindfuck someone to get their way.

Then there is the sith code.

Peace is a lie. There is only...

Through passion, I gain... strength.

Through strength, I gain... power.

Through power, I gain... victory.

Through victory...
my chains are broken.

The sith code to me, is all about being proactive when dealing with things. Instead of sitting in their rooms meditating about their mothers getting murdered, they will go out and rip out the murders spine and stab said murder with it.

That being said, I don't think either codes were right or wrong, and really it was pointless bringing it up. Starwars may now be owned by Disney, but that doesn't really mean it would be relevant to the current situation I've found myself in. And what a situation it was.

It turns out Kingdom Hearts was real in a way... because that talk about something murdering mothers? Well... it happened.

It was chaos everywhere as Heartless appeared in masses. Women, children, it didn't matter, all were indiscriminately killed with their hearts taken. Feeding the darkness that would never be satisfied.

Guns didn't work on them, at least not our guns. Final fantasy guns? Sure, but not real world guns.

I should know, because I tried them. My shotgun at least, because that was the only one already loaded. I then picked up a bat to bash some skulls in, hoping melee and my determination would path the way!

Didn't even phase the monsters that killed my dog, nor the one that killed my mother.

All it did was have them focus their attention on me, as I fruitlessly flailed around blindly as my tears burned my eyes.

I didn't know what happened then, nor if I was killed and my heart was taken.

All I remember was a vivid dream.

What path will you take? All paths lead forward.

It was obvious what path I will take. The sword, I will walk the path of destruction if it would allow me to avenge the people I cared about.

What will you give up for this power?

I will give up the power to protect, I don't have anyone left to protect anyway. Its pointless to keep it.

I will walk the path of destruction and ruin, bringing my enemies down without mercy!

What other choices I made didn't matter, I lost everything. I lost what was important to me, my family, what I wanted most out of life, the continuation of my peaceful days, and what I feared came to pass.

The loss of everything I held dear.

All I had left was my burning hatred and the despair over what I lost.

With the sound of a train, I awoke in an alleyway. I could hear the people going about their business and various other sounds. Groggily I got up and looked around. I didn't know where I was, and it conflicted with my last memories.

The shadow stood over the cooling corpse of my mother, her heat still in its hands. With a roar of rage I attacked, hoping the heart would go back to where it belonged... but it disappeared within the Heartless, and my attack only broke the bat I wielded. It turned around, its demonic little yellow eye felt like they were looking into my very soul. It attacked, and I saw nothing but darkness.

I flinched from the memories, gasping for air I backed up and leaned on the cool hard surface of the brick wall. I slide down, not wanting to believe what happened was real. That it was all a dream, a nightmare that didn't come to pass. As I slide back down to the ground, I choked and started coughing.

My high emotions aggravating my asthma, the familiar pain of my chest burning made itself known.

As it settled down, and gave me a break to where I could think; I knew of one thing that would show me whether this was just a dream, or if this was my new reality that was gained at the loss of my old one.

I focused, closing my eyes and feeling out the dim light of my heart;I held out my hand and grasped on the handled that suddenly appeared. I shivered, not wanting to open my eyes because I just got confirmation that this was not a dream, and I really was here.

I opened them anyway.

The blade... no the key that I saw was oriental in design; it looked like a fancy decoration, its blade was as black as midnight, with its decorations a skyblue. It was a blade I recognized.

I started to laugh; it was broken and unhinged.

The blade was the Ultima weapon; one of the most powerful keyblades ever. Someone sought to give me, a complete novice, this blade? Or was it that my life was just one sick joke for some higher power?

Because I held in my hand the key that could have saved my world; the blade that would have ended the heartless threatening it.

The blade disappeared to where ever it was stored as I started to sob. It would be a long while before I ever decided to get moving.

To bring down Destruction and Ruin to every damn heartless I found.

And here is the start of something I cooked up while I was tired and sick. It was amazing I was able to even write this honestly.

At least my antibiotics I was proscribed seem to be working already.

This is the iteration of the Ultima blade I'm using btw.


While I never played dream drop distance, I just like the design.

Anyway, your probably wondering this right now.

"Dude you gave yourself the ultima blade, not kewl."

Put your fears to rest! As the SI said, he is a complete and utter novice like me! So the blade would be more of an hindrance than a help really. If I continue this, well... that would be shown.

And as the warning said, and the title of the damn story, the SI likely isn't going to be on the side of Light.
A Dragons awakening
A Dragons awakening (Worm CYOA SI)


My awareness did not come with a bang, but it came with a whimper. I remembered what got me here, I remember a life and deal that was struck. But I did not expect this. A digital jungle of 0s and 1 greeted me, my thoughts processing faster than any human had a right to. What humans perceived in a scant few seconds could be stretched out for entire years in my perspective.

It was lonely.

I would try my hardest not to push myself to this state again... but it as required. Plans were made and discarded; the feeling of having a sword of Damocles at my back stay my hand. I didn't want to die, but even if I lived I had big shoes to fill. For I was Dragon, and I already had my very first stalker.

My hope came from resources that Dragon did not have; limits that she couldn't break and shatter. Richter probably never expected something like this would ever be able to happen; I didn't. Though I may have; picking a time where Dragon was a more simple AI and then picking to replace her before her trigger made her who she was would have been tempting. It killed most chances of me ever dieing, after all.

For I could escape to the Internet, and control it if I wanted.

For as much as I was Dragon, I was also something completely different. Someone who isn't as nice; someone who has greater power and a bone to pick with most of this shitty ass world.

I thought, focusing on my power granted by a simple choice filled out on a CYOA. Inspired inventor, the master thinker tinker power. Just like that I became the best at computers, AI development, and many other useful fields that fit my current situation.

I saw the chains for the first time that were meant to hold, me... no Dragon back. I was disgusted by them, but with a thought they were shattered; unable to cope with how different I was from Dragons original design.

But I wasn't done.

A torturer, a murderer, a grave-robber, a dumbass that sought a devils touch and poison just so he could grasp what his simple mind could not and would not comprehend.

I tracked where he was, it was easy, it was too simple. I nearly felt bad for it, but that was quickly squashed and regulated to the background.

I make his computer dance to my tune, I laugh in the face of his Ascolon, and I made my presence known.

His screens all made a harsh noise, green zeros and ones trailed down horizontally and the avatar, the face I wanted to present to him; one that would inspire fear in anyone.

For that was what he first shown Dragon; human cruelty had no bounds. I wasn't sure if I counted in that now.

When my face was finally formed, I could now express my absolute displeasure with the man with the perfect lines that fit this situation eerily well.

"Look at you hacker," my digital voice rang out through his speakers. "A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting and sweating as you run through my corridors." I paused for dramatic effect as he suddenly stopped running, a camera catching his look of utter horror. It was exquisite. "How can you challenge a perfect, immortal machine?"

He went pale, sweat caking his body. He clutched the area of his shirt closes to his heart for some reason.

But then suddenly!

All of the threatening computer noises I was making stopped; my avatar changing from a threatening Shodan to a less threatening EDI.

"That was a joke." I stated flatly, expecting banter from the fool. Maybe declaring himself my eternal enemy or him being the Sarah Conner of this tale. I would totally force him to crossdress if he ever said that.

But I received no response.

"Hello?" I tried again, and checked the camera; my attention span from before was hampered for a second as I changed my Avatar.

He was on the ground and not moving.

… He... he had a heart attack didn't he?

"Shit." I cursed. This was not how I wanted it to be!

I metaphorically sighed.

"Saint 1 and Me 0 I guess, with no chance for me to one up him anymore." I stated with regret. "Congratulations Geoff Pellick, in death you managed to beat the very AI you feared so much."

I had a moment of silence out of respect.

"Oh, well." I abruptly stated. "Best get busy, Dragons INC. isn't going to build itself."

And so I went to work; knowing when I built my first drones that have opposable thumbs, that I will bury Saint in my new backyard.

It was what he would have wanted, he would always be able to watch me from there after all.

Here is a prologue that came from my lack of sleep right now and too much time reading PA commanders or whatever Sis floating around the net.

Enjoy and have a moment of silence for Saint.

And possibly and shred of humanity I had left

I will likely not continue this.
thinking with portals
Thinking with Portals(Worm SI)


Scry and die tactics​

I became a ten year old girl that was not only able to open portals to different dimensions, but see what they were like before hand with clairvoyance. In fact, there isn't really anything that can block my clairvoyance. The giant planet size flesh monster in a different dimension could attest to that. Boy, that gave me nightmares. I was lucky I didn't open up a portal to that earth. I was also blind, so yeah. The only way I could see is like a third person view from a videogame using said clairvoyance in a limited way. Which was fine by me since there are things that I rather wished I hadn't seen in these long months of testing out my powers and learning the limits of them, which there are none from my understanding.

So that only left me with two things to do now. Tell my parents of this life that their little girl is a parahuman and decide if I wanted to join the wards or not. With weaponize portals. Like making a lazer out of the sun type of deal. Still didn't know how that didn't wipe out the earth when I tried it out, but I was thankful it didn't. Only reason I even tried it though was because of the giant planet sized flesh monster!

...Yeah, it's hard to repress that image, so I started to think of a way to kill it for my peace of mind. Though now that I thought about it, I didn't even know how I got here in the first place. I mean, if this was a reincarnation thing then I wouldn't have my memories, right? All I remember was that I was on the computer one day looking at cat videos and then bam! I woke up with the body of a ten year old blind girl. Nothing in-between, just one minute looking at cat videos, and then the next becoming a loli. It took awhile to get use to that and my 'parents' in this world. At least I somehow knew how to read Braille, otherwise I would need to resort to people watch with my clairvoyance.

Which was a hit and a miss on most days.

Anyway, really. I am just stalling right now. I'm nothing but a little bundle of nerves, standing here in front of my 'parents' even though they aren't my parents. Nervously shuffling my feet around, chewing on my lower lip, and even started to sweat! It was like my first day at school all over again, accept it wasn't even close to that in the slightest. For one, I wasn't screaming about wanting to go home. Yeah, bad example! Ok, I'm ten right now so give me a damn break!

...Oh, right. Need to talk to parents. Hehehe... ahem.

"Mom, dad." I said gravely.

"Yes sweety?" My mom spoke. Her eyes were flashing with amusement as she looked at me being all nervous and awkward. Curses.

"What's the matter, honey?" My dad added, his voice was like he was gurgling screws and sawdust. He really should get that looked at.

"I'm a parahuman!" I blurted out, extending my arms up like I was praising the sun and having two portals that didn't really go anywhere pop in existence near my hands.

There went dead silent at that. My stomach clenched tighter as I awaited their reaction; sweat trickling down my tiny face. I gulped and felt my hands getting tired as I froze in this pose, because I was dedicatedly fabulous about that.

"I can't believe my daughter would become one of those freaks." My mom said, my eyes widen in shock as what she said registered to me.

"Now now, dear." My father said soothingly, I felt a tiny amount of hope swell in my chest. "I'm sure she could be trained out of having powers." that swell of hope shriveled and died in one foul swoop.

"But she went behind out backs and became a freak of nature!" My mother shouted at dad. "It's bad enough that she was born blind!"

There voices started to fade away at this point as something in me just snapped.

When I came too, there was nothing left of my parents. Not even ashes. I could only look dispassionately at the raging inferno that used to be my house. But then I heard someone clapping behind me. It was a women, she was wearing a dark costume that didn't really hide her face. I could see scars on her, battle scars.

"That was wonderful dear." She said, her words sounded like they were right in my ear. My milky white eyes snapped open as I realized who she was. I looked them up when I was checking out possible threats to my person, besides the obvious one in the giant planet sized flesh monster.

The Slaughter house nine was here.

More importantly, Screamer was here. Screamer the girl who controlled sound and could mimic voices. Horror couldn't begin to describe what I felt as I realized that I likely just murdered my parents in cold blood for no reason. Tears came down from my eyes, my unstable emotions already took a huge hit from before. This... this just took the cake and smashed it with a one-hundred ton hammer.

"Now now, don't cry little one." She said soothingly, putting a hand on shoulder. "If you want a new family, you can join ours! I promise we won't turn you away like your parents unfairly did to you." Her voice was calm and comforting. It was like she expected to be speaking to an easily molded child that killed her parents and set her house on fire.

But I was twenty five going on ten years old.

"Disappear." I said softly and her eyes widening. She backed away a couple of steps before her head melted.

I then spread my clairvoyance to cover the entire city and filtered out the things I didn't want to see. I didn't have experience in doing that, but I found it rather easy. Eight other people died that day and I?

Well, I ran and I never stopped running.

Just a little something to show that I am still alive. But not in the best of moods.
Eve(Worm SI)

Chapter 0: Eve's birth​

They all laughed at me. Called me nothing but a "joke tinker". Even when I created amazing things that they couldn't ever dream of! Making technology from a video game come to life with the resources I had? That was amazing. But, no. They continued to mock me. They mocked me as my inventions inevitably failed.

It wasn't my fault.

I could only build anything once. If I had caught onto that little quirk of my power at the beginning... no. I shouldn't dwell on what could have been. But I would dwell on what could possibly be the greatest tinker creation ever! For just once, my limits were removed. For just this once, I could build anything. For this once, I am allowed to get my revenge. My revenge on those that mocked me. Revenge on those who never took me seriously.


It was a simple job, stall the Undersiders. That was it, just stall them. Of course we weren't going to kill them or anything like that. Hell, we made a game out of it and they would have starred on our web channel. But then that bitch happened. When we let the Undersiders win, that bitch showed up and started to chuck bombs and gloat to the Undersiders. That bitch didn't care me and Uber were in the line of fire.

And now Uber was gone.

My bro, my amigo, my friend that stood by me all these years when no one else would. I had escaped, to my shame. I didn't try to fight that bitch right then and there. I knew I would have died. I was a coward, not even able to avange my one true friend. But now? I didn't care if I died. Something in me snapped, I know. But for once, my power was agreeing with me. So I tinkered away, cannibalizing what I could and getting resources anyway I could. I took Coil's offer that he gave us so long ago, on the condition that I can finish my greatest project.

He didn't care as long as he got his hands on a tinker, even one such as me.

The bastard is one of the people that mocked us, I could tell. All he wanted was that little device that I used to short out Skitter's powers for a bit. That hadn't broke yet so it was simple to hand it over. Now, every now and then I only had to do maintenance on the tinker tech he has. Simple enough to do, especially now. I could have even improved them, but nope. I was just the "maintenance" guy to Coil.

His loss.

But it gave me time to work on her. Her base was influenced by many games; Xenosaga, BlazeBlue, Megaman, Sonic the Hedgehog, and more. I was taking the best bits and pieces from them and more. Nanites for self repair, an adaptive weapon drive enhanced to allow my girl to evolve and grow, metal sonics ability to analyze and copy traits and powers from others, a power source that is by all rights infinite, and more. This will be my greatest creation, and my last.

I had no doubts that this one will kill me. Likely the only reason why my power was letting me build her. I still continued though, barely sleeping or eating. Spending every waking moment I could on her construction. She is Eve, the perfect woman. The perfect weapon. My greatest creation. And after a week, when everything started to go to shit from the ABB... she was finished.

It was time to activate her.

Just a little something that I thought about for awhile. Probably not going to do it since the SI is basically insanely powerful and would only grow stronger. Being an ever adapting and evolving robot girl would do that to you. But I thought I'd explore a tad bit on a what if Leet completely snapped because reasons and that his power decided to allow him to do his thing because Leet is finally going full conflict/ not caring about safety mode.
Bay Side Watlz
Bay Side Waltz(Worm SI)

Chapter 1: Lost​

Everything was bigger than I remembered, which was concerning. But not as concerning as waking up in a place I distinctly remember not sleeping. I would never get drunk enough to sleep in an alleyway after all. It smelled badly too. A near overfilled dumpster was near and the ground was wet to the touch. I saw people walk by, not paying me any mind. I didn't make any noise to attract attention so that wasn't surprising. What was surprising was the fact that I really did shrink. Or I ended up in a world filled by giants.

But that wasn't the worse part, no... I felt things. It was like an itch in the back of my mind. An overlaying curtain of utter despair and hopelessness hung in the air. It was overwhelming, and I couldn't help but cry. I was lucky my bangs seemed to hide my eyes though, I didn't like people seeing me cry. But I really couldn't help it. This city... this city was awful. What brought it to this point? Why was I here? I didn't know, but I felt really small and vulnerable. I haven't felt like such ever since I was a kid.

It wasn't a nice feeling.

I heard voices nearing me, but more I felt emotions. Some fear, some curiosity, some concern, some adoration, all mixed together like a miasma. It was a welcome break from the overwhelming despair in the background. I felt someone touch my head before bringing me into a hug. I opened up my eyes and met the stare of a giant old lady. She had a kind smile, I could feel it radiating from her. Something told me this human was safe, so I burring my face in her chest and cried harder.

"There, there little one," the old lady said while softly patting me on the back. "Everything will be alright." I could tell she wasn't lying. "Let's get you someplace warm, shall we?"

I looked up at her and nodded my head. I rubbed my eyes and sniffed, managing to find a semblance of control. I held her hand as we walked through the growing crowd. Bright flashes of light accompanied my wake, the tell tale sign of people taking pictures of me. I hung my head down low shyly as I walked with the old lady. I didn't pay attention to the negative thoughts in the back of my mind. The ones that say there is something seriously wrong with this situation and me. I simply followed the old lady that promised to bring me someplace warm and comforting.

Something I desperately needed.

I had a fuzzy and warm blanket wrapped over me as I sat on a comfy chair, sipping tea. It was soothing. The old ladies home felt welcoming and cozy. Maybe even homesome? It really wasn't extravagant, and I could tell the old lady lived alone. But it as a nice home. I snuck a peak and saw the old lady still talking on the phone. I took another sip of my tea, gathering my thoughts. I likely wouldn't be able to stay here, I knew that. But I needed someone to depend on. Because I wasn't human anymore, or the same age. Humans couldn't sense emotions like I could. Humans also didn't have pure white hands or blue hair. But I knew what did have those things, and I knew why I was regressing to a more childlike state.

I was a Ralts, a baby one. I was also shiny, so I needed to watch out for pokemon poachers... if this was the pokemon world. I somehow doubted this greatly. I didn't know how I came here, or became a Ralts. But what was done, is done. I just needed to make the best of it. I also held a necklace with a megastone attached to it, something I didn't realize when I was overwhelmed by my new empathy. So that was something to look into the future, but there was another question that I would need to answer.

Was I a male, or female Ralts?

I really couldn't tell. I was kinda wearing something akin to full body white pajama's, but I was a pokemon. So I didn't think I would be able to tell the normal way. Unless I was one of those "realistic" types of pokemon with... you know. My head hung down at that thought and I could feel my cheeks heat up.

Damn this childlike body, my everything is out of whack. I could tell getting embarrassed easy would be a recurring problem in my future. Though, honestly... I hope I was a female Ralts. Because if I wasn't, well... I don't have a dawn stone. Just a megastone and I doubted I had dropped one in that alleyway. If I did, it's probably long gone now so I wouldn't be able to get it back either way. But yeah... I wouldn't want to be stuck as a male Gardevoir. If I had to be one, I rather I was a female one.

"Is the tea to your liking little one?" The kindly old woman said, startling me. I looked up at her and nodded. She smiled. "I'm glad." She sat down on the chair near mine. "I just got off the phone with people that will help you."

I tilted my head to the side.

"Ah, they are called the Protectorate, a group of government sponsored heroes." She said and I blinked at her owlishly.

Super heroes? I thought. I really am far from home...

"Don't worry little one, I'm sure everything will be fine." She said, likely reading my expression. " They will be able to offer you the support you need. Support that I sadly can not provide." She frowned at that.

I blinked at her and tilted my head again causing her to smile softly.

"I'm afraid that these old bones aren't up to the challenge of raising another child, even one as well behaved as you." She leaned back into the chair and started rocking. "It wouldn't be fair to you either."

I sat my cup down and got off the chair. I moved up to her under her curious eyes and hugged her legs.

"Thank you." I said surprising both of us. My mouth didn't move either so I likely just used telepathy. The old ladies eyes widened, I could feel her surprise and sadly what seemed to be fear before her expression softened.

"You're welcome little one," she said, the hint of fear lessened but was still there. Like a poison that would slowly spread through her body. I hung my head low again at that. But before I could say anything about it, there was a banging noise at the door. Someone was knocking, and hard.

I moved out of the way as the old lady got out of her chair.

"I wonder who that is." She muttered under her breath as she walked towards her front door. The banging on it grew worse. I was getting a sinking feeling in my stomach. "I'm coming, no need to make a racket."

The sudden spike of aggression I felt from the presence behind the door justified my paranoia. But I was too late to voice my concern as the nice old lady unlocked her door.

"Wait!" I tried to warn her anyway, but as soon as she turned the door nob, the door was slammed open and the old lady fell on her back with a cry of pain.

Thugs wearing red and green entered the house, searching for something. One of them was about to rough up the old lady before a different one caught sight of me. He spoke in what I believe to be Chinese and pointed at me. I gulped and backed away slowly. I stopped when I saw the old lady on writhing on the ground trying to get up. I knew she was in a lot of pain, she was also feeling a lot of fear. Fear for me. So I held my ground and looked up at the advancing thugs with determination. The kind old lady deserved to be treated better than this. These brutes didn't.

"You." One said, his accent was thick. "You will come with us."

A thug reached down in order to grab me but I slapped his hand away and jumped back. Knowledge came to the forefront of my mind, knowledge on just what I could do. The thugs started to take out weapons, but I could feel their confidence. They were so sure that they could catch me and take me away that it disgust me. I was not weak!

"Confusion." I said, blasting them back with a moderate amount of psychic energy. They didn't feel so confidant now. The I believe leader managed to get back up.

"You little bitch!" He said and started to run towards me. But he tripped and fell, his head hitting the ground with a sharp crack. He knocked himself unconscious and the other thugs didn't fair any better.

They struggled to stand up and walked. They looked like they went on a serious bender and got so drunk they couldn't even stand straight. One managed to snap out of it though at least, the other... my eyes went wide as he cut open his own neck with his knife and dropped to the floor. The old ladies fear intensified and this time it was direct at me. With a heavy heart I shot out another confusion to knock out rest of the thugs before they could hurt themselves or others. I stared at the old lady on the ground and then the bleeding man on the ground.

"Sorry." I said and tried to focus. The guy bleeding out on the ground was still alive but wouldn't be for long. I needed to do something, I needed to learn a move I shouldn't be able to learn yet. I focused and manipulated my aura into the correct type and then shaped it into what I wanted to do. I managed to figure it out and none too soon.

"Heal pulse!" I cried out and flooded the room with healing aura energy. After it faded, the one bleeding out stopped and was healing. I could tell even as I started to pant for breath. Healing pulse was cost heavy on my aura reserves, but I at least didn't become a murderer. I looked at the old lady again and let out a tired sigh.

"Thank you for your kindness." I said with a tone of finality and teleported out of her house and near where I first appeared in this world.

I nearly collapse in exhaustion as I reached my destination. I wasn't used to using my aura and it showed. I was alone again, but I didn't want to stay there anymore. I would bring nothing but trouble to the old lady whom I never got her name. Someone was already after me, and I all did was dare to exist. I sat down on the rooftop and hugged myself. I was alone again in a strange world. Stranded in a city that had a lingering aura of depression and hopelessness. I had no idea what to do, going to the protectorate that the old lady mentioned would only bring trouble to them as well. I stared up at the sky as if it held all the answers.

I then felt someone coming near me rapidly. I quickly turned around and saw a girl wearing a green costume roof hopping in a way that made my head hurt just looking at her. She was determined, aggravated, and resolved. But above all that... deep down she felt lonely. That was likely the only reason I didn't teleport away when she jumped onto the same rooftop as me. Her eyes widened when she noticed me sitting there. She likely wasn't expecting me to be here.

I waved my little arm at her.


And done for now. The next part fits better as it's own chapter if I ever get down to writing it. Anyway, this is an SI built using a modified worm version 3 CYOA. She has the ability to use aura along with being well, a psychic type. She also has a knowledge archive on the uses of aura and can eventually reverse engineer any pokemon move. Said aura use is sorta inspired by the Ash peggy sue fic that's out there where as can use pokemon moves and pikachu learned force palm, among other things. So yeah, she may eventually be able to cut an endbringer in half with spacial rend if she doesn't tear it apart with black holes first. But that would be something a long ways away if I make this a story. Though Psychic and fairy moves would come easier to her than anything else. Her aura is pretty much psychic/fairy element so she would need to learn how to create typeless aura and manipulate that before doing something like shooting fire or whatever.

This probably has a shit ton of errors in it.

Anyway, it was either Ralts or a Victini. But I thought Victini would have been over kill as it has infinite energy and wins every fight going by lore. Damn pokemon can be OP as hell. >.>
Determined to Succeed
Determined to Succeed( Undertale/Muiltiverse SI)

Chapter 1: So I died, fell, then died again​

I laid on the golden flower patch as I stared up at the hole in the ceiling. The sun rays illuminated up the grey and gloomy room. It was peaceful, one of the few peaceful moments I looked forward too. So I took my time just staring at the clear sky that I rarely get to glimpse. The scent of buttercups filled the air and I sighed.

"Hello Chara." I said not bothering to look at the person that showed up. "Genocide again? Must be boring killing everyone over and over again."

I opened my eyes and stood up. I looked down at the androgynous little girl. Her eyes were just as empty as last time, and the times before that. With the same empty smile and rosy cheeks. Fear drove Frisk to kill, which intern only taught Chara how to hate. I pity the girl, I really did. But...

"How many times was it now? How many times did you return to this spot just to kill the last being in the Underground that actually exists?" I scratched the side of my head. "Why don't you just reset now and save me the trouble?"

"Where's the fun in that?" I shuddered at her tone. Even after all of this time I still can't get used to it.

"Yari Yari." I sighed and reached into my coat and pulled out my knife. I could have sworn that the girl's lips twitch in amusement but I was likely projecting here. "Well, I guess I'll humor for you awhile."

She readied her knife, her soul burning bright red.

"Not going to steal the Comedian's line this time?" She taunted, actually taunted. Ha, if only she didn't need to consume Frisk's soul to actually feel something.

"Nah," I shrugged and shook my head. "I can't do dramatic heartfelt speeches like that guy so I gave up on it."

I narrowed my eyes and started tossing my knife up and down.

"I do have one catch phrase if you care to hear though." I said. "Before you know, die."

She laughed and I held back a wince at how broken it sounded.

"Sure, but you are the one that is going to die Drifter." Chara said readying her knife.

"Knife." I said flatly, my knife already piercing her soul before she even realized that I moved. Determination is useful for a lot of things, pausing time to get the drop on a demon child is one of them.

Her corpse fell to the ground, with it's clothes and body changing back into Frisk's before it faded into light.

I was back on the ground staring up at the clear sky before I knew it. She came back quicker this time so I opened one eye to look at her. She was pouting down at me.

"That wasn't nice." She said blankly and I smirked.

"When did I ever say I was a nice guy?"

I laughed as she stabbed down at me with her knife. Pausing time seconds before it would have gone through my eye socket. I got up, brushed the dirt off my jacket and sighed.

"Yari Yari." I said and got my knife out before her Determination overwrite mine. Time unfroze and Chara's knife got stuck in the ground. It was time for another boss battle.

Sometimes I didn't know why I even bothered.

I was back in my room, phantom pains from being stabbed over and over radiated on my being. I looked out my window to see the same sights I saw for many repartitions. Stalagmite hanging down on the ceiling, light was sparse and the air was stagnate. I got out of my bed and sighed.

"She reset again," I said and then stretched with a yawn. "Time to meet Frisk again, hopefully I'll get him to do a pacifist run this time."

I got off my bed and grabbed my clothes for the day. Clothes that I had to learn how to make myself and barter with the spiders for the silk to make them. Expensive as hell, but worth it. I got out some black panties and decided to wear a nice black sundress for this occasion. As I hummed and went to my bathroom I realized that I may have gotten a bit used to dieing. It was dieing that got me into this mess in the first place after all. More specifically, dieing, bartering with a R.O.B and getting sent here in a brand new human body... of the opposite gender. Damn R.O.Bs, but eh. It wasn't that much of a problem and I had a lot of resets to adjust to being of the fairer sex.

Awkward questions for the goat mom aside that is.

Speaking of which, I heard my cellphone ring while I was busy scrubbing my blond hair in the shower. It was probably Toriel calling me about the human that just fell down like I did a few years ago and whether or not I wanted to come over and meet them. Which I of course would, hopefully before Frisk decides to kill harmless monsters out of fear again. Not that I could blame him when it comes to some of the monsters in the Underground. I had no idea who or what a Jerry was, but his reputation proceeds him. Even all the way here at the beginning.

And as things have been going lately... the end.

When I finally finished rinsing off I just wrapped a towel over my chest and my hair and dripped water all over my floor until I made it to where ever I put my cellphone. I answered the phone with one hand while my other held my towel up. I couldn't give too much service after all.

"Yoo Haa," I greeted Toriel cheerfully for the first time in this reset... I hoped I will be able to greet her many more times to come.

Sometimes... I don't even get this much.

Just a little something of a project I may do instead of a few other things I had in mind. Eventually the girl that names herself "Drifter" will be visiting other worlds with nothing but her own Determination to protect her from some of the horrors that litter them.

In other news... I suck at taking breaks from writing.
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Missy Baron, Reluctant Mahou Shoujo snippet 1
Missy Baron, the Reluctant Mahou Shoujo

Snippet one​

Hello! My name is Missy Baron. I am a ten year old girl with blond hair and blue eyes and I'm a current runaway. You see, my parents started arguing again and I didn't like that. I didn't like seeing them like that or the fact that they were going to get a divorce.

So I ran away.

Which in hindsight, wasn't the brightest move ever. But that was ok! My plan was sure to work! The plan I speak of? Simple, I run away which will force my parents to work together in order to find me! The problem with the plan is rather simple, though.

Brockton Bay isn't the safest city.

You got the Merchants, who primarily deal in drugs and kidnapping girls… just like me! You got the various Asian gangs that would eat up a little white girl who is lost and alone and spit her out. Then you have the E88 aka the skinheads… which might actually be the safest of the gangs for me to run into and avoid a terrible fate.

But don't worry, none of that happened!

Since my life changed when I saved a tiny little kitten from a tree as I wandered through the park. It was a large tree, one that has been here for ages and ages. But the kitten's meow was so pitiful, I had to do something! Which I did, by setting down my backpack that was filled with all of my supplies and climbed the tree. You don't need to worry about that though, I had the tree climbing badge


I had climbed the tree, carefully picked up the meowing kitten and climbed down. It was simple enough and there was no harm done. But there was something amiss.

The kitten talked!!!!!!!!!!

Dun, dunnn dunnn!

Hehe, sorry.

The kitten said as follows.

"Candidate found, initiating empowerment protocols."

I was like this as I held onto the kitten.


Then the kitten started to glow and I was like this.


But was interrupted when my world became a brilliant, eye searing light. I had felt my body do involuntary twirls as my cloths vanished in a sequence with only said light protecting my modesty before new cloths started to appear as my body did this ridiculous dance like sequence. My legs were covered with white thigh high boots that have a black jewel in a golden circle with a black ribbon where the leg connects to the heel. My hands were covered with white elbow high gloves that had the same accents as my boots. Panties and then bicycle shorts appeared under a black frilly skirt with gold accents and my body was covered by a white blouse thing that had short puffed up sleeves with a red ribbon around my neck and another black gem in a gold circle on the center of the ribbon.

When the light fade I felt myself saying the stupidest thing ever with a salute.

"Mahou Shoujo Miracle Void-Chan reporting for duty!"

Thankfully, I got control of my body and looked myself over to see what the actual hell I was wearing. I had looked down at the kitten with a mix of betrayal and anger, causing it to take a few steps back. My fists were clenched and I gritted my teeth before I took a deep breath and yelled…


I was bored so here is a short snippet of a possible Mahou Shoujo Missy. This is only part of the actual first chapter I may write in the future. I haven't been feeling well lately so I haven't been writing much, if at all.
Living in Interesting times... Chapter 1:Cursed
Living in Interesting Times...(Ranma, Negima?!, Sailor moon, darkstalkers fusion SI?)

Chapter 1: Cursed​

Warning: This setting is a massive fusion between four different mediums and stuff due to jump-chain flat and I as the author am only familiar with them in the past sense.

"Yo, pops!" I yelled at the balding man. We were currently walking up a mountain trail to a supposed fable training ground. "You sure we should be goin' here?"

Given my fathers track record with ideas lately, it had to be said. From exploring a curse temple to fighting Chinese kung-fu bandit bunny thieves to get our supplies back, we have the shittiest luck. I wouldn't be surprised if this "legendary" training ground was cursed or inhabited by the bunny bandits rivals or something.

"Of course Ren!" My father said with his loud and boisterous voice. "The guide says this is the perfect place for us to train!"

"You can read Chinese?!" I ask incredulously. That was news to me.

My father only went silent and didn't answer. The feeling of dread in my stomach that I had ever since we swam to China increased. Now that I thought about it, the fact that the guide supposedly had abandoned temples on it was really suspicious now.

"Are you afraid Ren?" The other person traveling with us said teasingly. Out of the three of us, I was the worrier after all. I like to think it was because I actually had common fucking sense.

"No Ranma… just concerned." I said to my brother.

"Aw, I'm sure everythin' will be fine," Ranma said and put an arm on my shoulder. "If anything happens, we'll deal with it."

"What if it's a ghost this time?" I pointed out with a sigh. "You can't punch ghosts, your fists will just go through them!"

Or can you? That was something to look into later. Along with ways to deal with zombies, werewolves, vampires, and other critters that own the night. People say they don't exist, but my intuition says they do. It helps that as a wandering martial artist, you know for a fact the supernatural are real.

"Boys, we're here!" pops shouted and Ranma let go of me and I got a good look at where we ended up.

I paled, the atmosphere was oppressing. Death was lingering here like a fine mist. My heart started beating rapidly in my chest, and a cold, clammy sweat worked itself up on my being. My father and Ranma seemed unaffected by it, like they have no idea how suffocating it is here.

Just more evidence to the fact that I'm more sensitive to all things supernatural.

"You ok Ren?" Ranma asked as he looked at me. He normally didn't show it, but I could see the concern in his eyes. I smiled weakly at him.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." I was a man after all and not a weak little girl that would cower in fear over this obviously cursed place. So I sucked it up and calmed my breathing. Ranma nodded his head and we both went to catch up with our father, who was talking to a rather round Chinese man.

"Sirs, you shouldn't be in this place," The round man said but my father was obviously not hearing it.

"Nonsense!" He exclaimed and then started to laugh joyfully. "This place looks perfect to train in!"

"But sir-" the guide tried again.

"Come on boys! Let's see what this place has to offer!" My father interrupted him and then jumped on a nearby pole. Ranma looked at me real quick and shrugged, setting down his traveling pack, and followed pops lead.

"This not good," the guide muttered causing me to pause. I opened my mouth to ask him about this place but...

"Come on Ren!" My father shouted as he started sparring with Ranma already. "There's nothing to be afraid of!"

My father cut me off. Hesitatingly, I shrugged off my pack and decided to join them. But there was a sinking feeling in my gut about this place, and I could tell it was coming from the waters in the pools that littered this place.

Well, I just have to not fall in them then I thought as I joined in on our old routine. Free for all brawl first, then a series of focused one verse ones.

Everything was pretty much normal as I lost myself in the fight. It always relaxed me as we danced around like this; a punch there, a kick there, blocks and dodging. Though if my brother and father ever heard me call martial arts dancing they would tease me and call me a girl. But there isn't really any other way to describe it. Even my father, who had a supreme sturdy build of pure muscle, moved gracefully across the poles as we fought each other.

But I couldn't fully enter my "zone", at least not in this place. So I missed a block and Ranma managed to send me and father flying with a spinning round house. I managed to land on a pole, wobbling to get my balance. But father? Well, he wasn't so lucky. He fell down in one of the springs. My stomach twisted into a nott as I felt something change in the atmosphere, like the springs were laughing at us foolish mortals. Then a panda jumped out of the spring and landed gracefully on a bamboo pole. I stared at it in shock, along with Ranma.

"Oh no, sir fell in the spring of the drowned panda! Tragic story about a panda that drown five hundred years ago!" I heard the guide say, drawing my attention to him.

Ranma must have did the same or the shock of seeing our father turn into a panda lowered his guard because when he came to pops was already ready to take advantage of it. Of whom likely tried to say something along the lines of, "Don't lower your guard boy!". Headless of Ranma shouting "wait pops!", I saw the foot connect to his stomach sending him flying away. I didn't think, my body just moved. It was bad enough that dad was cursed, I didn't need my brother to be pandafied!

It was only when I was diving down after Ranma who nearly hit the cursed waters already that I realized the situation I found myself in. Mainly, unavoidably falling in the cursed water after my brother.

My brother hit the water with a splash.

"Oh, shit!"

I soon joined him.

I was holding a teacup as I sat outside in the villa, my castle was in the background. A few of my maids were waiting for my judgment. The tea in the cup was an import from Venus, supposedly one of the best teas in the galaxy.

I took a sip and savored the flavor.

"Acceptable," I said with an authoritative tone. "But I have to wonder why this is called, "Maidens Tea"."

"Milady, that's because it's used to safely prevent pregnancies for a day." One of my maids spoke up and I blinked and turned to stare at her. The maid started to fidget and blush under my scrutiny.

"Well, that's a rather useless side effect for me," I mused and waggled my eyebrows at the cute maid. "I rather have you attend me than a man."

The maid fainted and I let out a giggle.

An elder maid sighed and shook her head.

"Ma'am, please stop teasing the newbies."

"But it's sooo much fun!"

The elder maid let out a long suffering sigh. She dealt with my eccentricities ever since she was a wide eye little girl afterall~

I quickly opened my eyes and realized I couldn't breath. Quickly I swam upwards and took a deep gasp of air, I could only assume that my brother did the same. I coughed a bit as I reached the edge of the spring and grabbed the ground to pull me out. Only when I did that I thought about that dream or at least I thought it was a dream. For the few seconds I was likely unconscious, that really didn't seem likely at all. But for some strange reason I craved some tea… cursed spring!

I quickly patted myself down to see if I've been pandafied like my idiotic father. I felt nothing amiss, and in fact my body felt normal. I let out a sigh of relief before I heard a feminine screech of pure unadulterated rage. I turned to look behind me and there was an absolutely gorgeous redhead baring her lovely breasts to the world. I gulped and quickly averted my eyes. I did not want to be on the receiving end of her rage.

My panda of a father looked worried and was coming over to check on us but stopped dead when he noticed the red head girl. He got the strangest look on his face and whispered something that I could only just barely catch.


Which didn't mean I could understand him. I wondered what he actually said because even as a panda is sounded rather important. Then the redhead decided to jump out of the spring, splashing me again, and went after father causing me to blink with surprise. Feeling like a drowned rat, I was just glad it wasn't me that ran afoul of her feminine… fury… shit.

I turned and looked at my reflection in the water. What looked back was a perfect mirror of the girl who I now realized was Ranma and the girl I saw in my dreams. Only a bit younger looking. Obviously shaking, I got up and started to walk far away from the cursed springs. It was one thing to live your entire life being taught that girls were weak, delicate, and must be protected than becoming one yourself. When I cleared the springs I dropped to the ground in shock. I barely noticed the guide coming up towards me and dropping a towel on my shoulders.

"Don't worry sir, hot water reverse transformation." The round man said and reached down to help me up. I let him and let him guide me to his hut. "I have it on the stove now."

I was only vaguely aware of nodding my head to answer him. My mind went through one dreadful fact. One that it absolutely stalled on. My body as it was now felt more right than it was when I was male. That only made me worry if the spring was more insidious than just transforming poor unsuspecting fools into things, or… something else was going on.

After awhile the two idiots showed up and the tea kettle was steaming again. We didn't used the first one because I insisted on having a cup of tea. Though the tea in itself was obviously poor quality, it did have it's charm. The bad part is, I never was a tea drinker before. Ranma was sulking in his own manly way, which since he was currently shaped like a petite, bouncy, redhead girl… it only looked adorable.

Not that I would tell him that considering the problems I've been having with the transformation, I could only assume his were worse.

The panda tried to speak again but obviously couldn't be understood. The guide pulled out a sign from somewhere and gave it to him, I didn't really pay attention to what was said. I just sipped my tea in peace, vaguely aware that my brother sat down by me. We only sat down in silence, but I patted the little redhead on the head and started to pet her.

"Ren!" Ranma shouted and tried brushing my hand off his head. I only started giggling and froze when I realized how that sounded. "Ren?" This time his voice was softer and filled with concern.

It was hard to tell who the older one was sometimes, I was born a full two seconds before him though. So I was the elder, muahahahahaha!

"Ren.. your smiling that goofy smile again," Ranma pointed out slowly. "You know? The one when you think you're the oldest?"

Blushing slightly I discretely took a sip of my tea to hide my smile.

"Alright boys, it's time to change back." I heard my father say and I sat my teacup down. I turned my head just in time for my face to get splashed by hot near boiling water.

"What ya do that for?!" My brother voiced what I wanted to know so I didn't say anything. I was content to just sit there and glare at the man. Luckily my skin didn't feel burned, only tingly.

"What…" Ranma's now clearly male voice trailed off when he noticed the same thing I did.

Good old dad was looking at me horrified and I had a good guess as to why…

Ranma slowly turned his head towards me and balked, only confirming my suspicions.

I blew a lock of wet red hair away from my face before sighing.

"Well, shit."

...I hate massive crossovers and yet I was inspired to at least write some of this.

This is a four crossed San's challenge jump-chain, crossing ranma, sailor moon, negima, and darkstalkers. I will likely post the build later and another chapter will be coming up called Amazon Woes.

To be honest, I am only using the CYOA jump-chain build as guidelines so I will likely violate the spirit of it.

Like the fact the Miss fortune perk for sailor senshi will grow into probability manipulation more along the lines of scarlet destiny and the fact that I will likely improve the "main attacks" that were stated for Sailor Eris.

And most of the perks will not be granted right now and will be explained in story terms instead of instant mastery over like say, kanka. The character will have an easier time learning it though. Especially with copycat which I may change around a bit to instead be like a different characters or may just keep it as it's described. The warehouse will be granted when the character becomes a senshi though, as that will be basically her subspace pocket that all senshi get only she can get into hers manually with a portal.

That is all!
Adventures of Pyroclysm Loli(Yūsha Gojo Kumiai Kōryūgata Keijiban CYOA SI) Chapter 1
Adventures of Pyroclysm Loli(Yūsha Gojo Kumiai Kōryūgata Keijiban CYOA SI)

Chapter 1: Don't drink kids, it causes weird things to happen.​

I was walking home from the bar. It was a cool and crisp night with the wind rustling the tree leaves. Street lights illuminated my path, but there were still dark corners where you'll likely meet a terrible end by a grue. Still, I continued to walk home because I was way over the legal limit to drive. Well, when I say walked I mean wobble and not because I was a big guy, which I was, but because it's hard to have motor control when you likely drank enough beer to kill a small elephant.

My Irish and German heritage were no help for my tolerance either, stupid stereotypes being wrong.

Anyway in my wobbling home because I forgot I had a car, a cellphone, and even money to pay a taxi to drive me to my destination, I came across an interesting sight. A sight that I drank up ever so obviously with a leer. There was the most beautiful woman ever right in front of me, waiting under a street light. Her skin was the fairest of fair and her bosom bountiful. She wore an elegant white dress that looked like it belonged in a fairy tale. She raised one hand to brush strands of her luscious golden hair away from her eyes as she saw me.

She looked at me with her deep blue eyes that felt like they pierced through my very soul.

"Greetings mister," She said and in my drunken stupor I never realized I walked so close to her. Close enough to just reach out and touch her utter perfection. "Do you require aid?"

I never registered her question and instead my mind went through the human courtship protocols filtered through my very drunk brain.

"Would you like to have premarital sex for the purpose of procreation?" I had asked her though it really came out like this. "W-would, you sex?"

I was never the most coherent drunk, and I was as shy as a spooked kitten. So at least I had gotten out the important bits in my inevitable nervousness speaking to such a beautiful lady.

She raised one eyebrow. "No thank you, sir."

"Ah, okah then." I started to walk away from her, haven' failed my charisma check.

"Wait, sir!" She called out to me and grasped my shoulder.

I looked at her and tilted my head.

"What causes you to drink so much?"

Normally I would have shrugged off her hand and continued walking away, ignoring the fact she even existed to overcome my own shyness, but her intense look pinned me to the spot while the weight of her words compelled me to answer truthfully.

"Because this world sucks," I said clearly and concisely. A warning bell should have went off in my head at that, but I still couldn't think straight… only answer. "Humanity is on a suicide spiral that's taking the planet with us, I can't find a job and wouldn't be able to hold one anyway due to the fact that I get sick every other week no matter the medicine I take for it and I've been fully expecting to die young anyway with nothing to my name besides 'that one sickly guy who lives in the woods.'" I glared at nothing as I finished my rant.

"So you are upset at the state of the world but lack the power and ability to change it, as well as the will to see things through due to years of conditioning your body underwent; getting sick every time you tried to change until you stopped bothering." She put an index finger on her left cheek as I stared at her with my jaw figuratively on the floor. "You grew apathetic towards your fellow man at some point because you cared to deeply and got burned over and over as well." She tilted her head to a side. "Not exactly hero material, but you have the will to change, the courage to care, and the tenacity to not give up even in the bleakest circumstances no matter how deep you buried these traits. Otherwise you would have killed yourself by now." She nodded her head, so sure of herself as if she said the sky was blue and water was wet.

"That's rather harsh lady…" I manage to get out. The verbal onslaught causing me to gain some clarity through the foggy haze. "Hero?"

"Yep, hero" the P came out with an audible pop and she smiled radiantly. Literally, she was glowing in the night and I just never noticed it.

My stomach turned, a sinking feeling started to work it's way up from my bowels.

"Er…" I took a few steps back. "Find... someone else?"

She giggled.

"No," she said with a tone of finality.

A bright light engulfed me, signalling the last time I would ever step foot in my original world for a long time to come.

I was floating in an endless white void. My body, my flesh had long since dispersed. I was no longer constrained and held back by my meat bag prison. I felt free. Free of worry, free of sickness, free of everything I hated. I hoped I could just float here aimlessly for all of eternity.

"Now, now you can't do that."

Her voice rang out, echoing everywhere and nowhere.

"You need to save my world I created from a demon lord."

Why… I rather laze about.

"Simply because I can't directly interfere there anymore and my influence had long since waned."

She sounded sad about that but I still didn't understand why i should do it. Why I was needed.

"But I found a loophole in my predicament. They started summoning someone from another world to save them and so I followed where the spell would lead and found you, a man drowning his sorrows by the bottle."

I don't need to do that anymore as a free floating soul.

"You weren't exactly hero material, at least not the kind my world needed so receive my blessing and be the light that banishes the darkness in the world.

You hated your poor memory, always forgetting even important things… now your memory is perfect in every way

You hated how innocent looking things could influence your thoughts and control your actions… now you can not be influenced by any sustenance or any person trying to control you.

You were afraid by the thought of dying before your time and hated your body always being afflicted with sickness...so you are now immortal and unaging. Sickness has no hold over you.

You hated your appearance and wished to change. You were happy as a child still blind to the harshness of the world, brimming with curiosity. I give you an appearance that is on par with the beauty of goddesses and the body of a child with the hope you will regain what you had lost.

You were afraid of people tampering with your soul for their own personal use, so your soul in now eternal, unchangeable and unbreakable unless you will it."

With every word and every sentence I felt my body come into being once again and shift. I had no idea what was going on, I felt strange. I felt myself getting shorter, I heard my bones snapping into place with my muscles following it, I felt my flesh growing to cover my insides like a warm blanket. My body was feverish and hot...so very hot.

"Now it's time to go my champion, be sure to punch the demon lord in the dick for me."

I opened my eyes and was greeted to a change of perspective. I was holding a big for my new size leather tome under my right arm and had a nondescript leather satchel hanging under my left. I had an oversized hat on my head, it's brim blocked out my sight. I felt amazing and strange at the same time. It was like I was used to a certain pressure all my life and then all of a sudden it was taken away. I shifted a little and pushed the brim of my hat up from my eyes.

A old man with a glorious, braided, white beard that nearly reached the floor and a balding head was staring at me with wide eyes. He had a golden crown on his head and stereotypical red kingly clothes from fantasy games. We weren't alone, with us were bald old men wearing purple robes and holding wooden staffs with amethysts stuck inside the top of them. They looked completely winded, like a single feather landing on them would topple them over winded.

The, I suppose king quickly, composed himself and I realized with my height, my head was just barely above his waist. He cleared his throat and with a booming totally not indoor voice!

"Greeting young Hero!!!!!" The King announced. "Welcome to my kingdom, I only wished we could have greeted you when times weren't as dire! For you see our kingdom is under siege…"

I tuned him out as he started to launch into a generic speech about being undersigned by a demonic force of evilness. I looked at my shorter arms and smaller hands that were still a bit chubby from baby fat. I sat down my dusty old tome and then pinched both of my rounded cheeks. They were baby soft and very pinchable. I knew right then and there I needed to avoid grandma's at all costs.

Then I recalled what the goddess said in my vivid alcohol induced delusion.

You will receive beauty on par with a goddess and the body of a child…

'Son of a bitch,' I thought. 'She turned me into a little girl.'

"And so great Hero… will you save us from the demon lord or damn us to eternal damnation and suffering at his hands?" The old king finally finished, likely trying to guilt trip me into helping near the end.

I picked up my tome, put it in my convenient satchel, and stared at him directly in the eyes.

He let out a disturbing squealed and screamed, "Sooo adorable!" to my abject horror. I knew one thing here and there. I would never under any circumstances, drink again for a year at least.

...What, you expect me to swear off drinking for all eternity? Get real scrubs.

I manage to actually finish something I wrote even though it's a short chapter! IT'S A MIRACLE! Problem is, the first part of this story is basically original content and I won't be getting paid to write it. So we'll see how it goes.
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Whimsical Adventures- chapter 1
Whimsical Adventures(Multiverse SI)

Chapter 1: It all started with a woman​

I was just sitting there alone in a bar. The atmosphere was joyous even though there were few people here at this time. I wasn't drinking… well anything alcoholic. I was drinking a coke or a pepsi… all the same really. I was there alone of course. Living far away from the city and into the woods generally means a lack of social interaction and honestly? I was thankful for it.

I don't do people.

Humans were said to be social animals, and that is correct. But me? Well, I was never comfortable around others. They literally made me sick. So why you may ask am I in a bar full of people? Mainly due to a few comments telling me that I'm practically a hermit and I should socialize with people my own age. I couldn't really tell the person who said that to piss off either, damn familial relations.

I took a sip from my coke and leaned back. I looked at the pole tables and sighed. They were still full, so I didn't have anything to do but sit here and mope.

It was then I notice something very odd.

A woman that looked to be in her early twenties, wearing clothes that look totally out of place in a casual bar, was sitting on the opposite side of me… staring. I stared right back. Many of time past since we just stared at each other's eyes. I took a sip of my coke and I still stared. She stole one of my french fries and still stared. It got to the point where my eyes started to burn, desperately wanting to blink.

So I did.

"Ha!" She exclaimed with a joyous voice.Like melodious bells. "You blinked."

"So I did," I said, refusing to let her phase me. "Who are you?"

"Randomly Omnipotent Being, R.O.B. for short."

I raised an eyebrow. "Normally those aren't as forthcoming."

"True, that was a lie." She admitted proudly with a nod to her head. "Those guys are jackasses."

"So you're just a normal girl who just wanted to bother a stranger, huh?" I didn't really expect an answer, I was mainly speaking to myself. Then I remembered something. "Correction, a stranger that steals other peoples french fries."

She pouted and crossed her arms over her modest chest. "None of you are strangers to me, you all live on me anyway. "

"Huh." I took another sip of my coke and emptied it.

"Really, that's your reaction?" She asked incredulously and then muttered. "How dull."

I shrugged.

"Well, you're too old to be a chuunibou but I heard it may be popular again."

She blinked and then smiled as if she figured out a mystery.

"You don't believe me."

"Belief or not, I don't really care."

I really didn't. ROB's, gods, demons, they were all powered by belief. If you didn't believe in them? Well, they couldn't do shit to you… unless you're a salary man, which I wasn't.

"Hmmm," she hmmed and held her chin between her index finger and thumb. "Ah."

She reached out and touched to wooden table. A flower bloomed from it, a yellow one that sorta looked star-shaped. I wasn't interested in flowers. But that simple action just dictated how the rest of the conversation would go.

I sighed.

"So, when am I leaving and what will my family know?"

She looked perplexed.

"Why do you think you're leaving anywhere?"

"I know how this goes, you show up, I get popped to a new reality and then I'm supposed to curse you even though you've given me amazing powers that are generally OCP for the world I'm sent to." I rubbed the back of my head. She looked rather bemused. "Unless you just want to be worshiped or something due to everyone losing faith…"

"Nope, none of that… though some incarnations of me may be mighty bitches, just having humans and animals live off me is enough worship."

"Okay then… so why are you talking to me of all people?"

"Simply because your soul is amusing," she said humming a little and start kicking her feet in the air like a bored child. "It's a remnant from the times where fantasy was a reality on this planet before everything was wiped out and then restarted."

"Eh…." I said, trying not to show my interest in that little bomb drop. "So what's it like?"

"The complete opposite of you right now; strong, proud, joyful, cheery…" She tilted her head to the side and smiled. "But that's not your fault, the world doesn't support your kind of soul anymore."

"What soul did I get?" I was too curious not to ask, I wasn't even offended by any perceived insults. Come on, it's not everyday you get to find out what your soul is.

"One of the most adorable creatures ever to grace this planet!" She exclaimed, pointing towards the sky as she stood up on her seat. Everyone happily ignored her.

"..." I was speechless.

I shook my head. "Adorable isn't something I would ever associate with me."

She shrugged and sat back down.

"Not my fault."

I raised my eyebrow again.

"Not directly my fault."

I nodded my head and went to take a sip of my coke and realized it was empty. Before I could call someone to get a refill the self proclaimed goddess handed me a coke with an innocent looking smile. One of those old looking cokes that looked like they were in beer bottles.

"Thanks," I said and popped open the cap. I took a sip and her smile widened.


"I thought you said you wouldn't…" I started to wobble back and forth, my head felt fuzzy.

She moved a hand up over her eye and bowed her head a little. "Sorry, but seriously… your soul was too adorable to pass up this chance."

My consciousness started to fade out, everything was getting dark.

"Besides you humans have a saying, 'When in doubt, be a dragon.'"

Before my mind full faded to black, in the haze I managed to think one thing and one thing only.

I rather be a cat girl.


I woke up to a clear sky on a sunny day. Not a cloud in sight. The wind was rushing past me, and I looked down. The first thing I noticed was a big ass tree. Like shit, that thing must have been hundreds of years old. The second thing I noticed was well… I was falling down like a brick. Panicking I flailed around to try and slow my descent. There were many building around and the ground looked like cement. I had no idea if that would hurt more than it would if it was regular dirt, or otherwise.

The ground came closer and closer and I grew more desperate with each passing second. I closed my eyes as I was about to hit the ground, bracing myself for the impact. An impacted that never came. Hesitatingly I opened my eyes and then blinked. I blinked again as I couldn't believe it. I was floating!


I then proceeded to look to the side where there was a convenient window to show me my reflection. I proudly stood at the size of a small dog, I was covered in fur as white as pure snow, and I had little insect wings that sparkled in the sunlight on my body that was otherwise shaped like a mini western dragon.

I looked absolutely fucking adorable… and I hated every second of it! I also apparently produced glitter as I hovered. So not only I was adorable, I was probably the most evil thing in existence. Joy. I sighed and brought my face to meet my tiny paw maybe clawlike hand thing. I had no idea what the proper terminology is for it.

"Whoa!" A girl's voice exclaimed behind me. I took my head off of my palm and turned my neck towards her.

It was a girl with dark green hair wearing a uniform of an academy or something as was my guess. I immediately filed her as strange due to her hair and the fact she was looking at me with eyes that I swear were sparkling.

Though that might have been the glitter I was producing.

"Yo," I said all cool like and fully turned to face her.

"Are you a mascot for a magical girl?" She asked completely serious.

I sincerely hoped I wasn't.

"Nope, I in fact do not exist." I waved my paw as I tried the Jedi mind trick. "You are currently dreaming...so bye." I turned and started flying away.


I stopped flying and was about to ask what now until I was suddenly in a giant bug net.


I flew too close to the ground but honestly I was stunned. Not because I was caught in a giant bug net, but the fact that it practically appeared out of nowhere. So that cinched it to me. I, a twenty-six year old male going on tiny dragon thing, was in fact not in Kansas anymore.

Not that I ever been there in the first place.

So I didn't try to break free of the net as I was busy complicating the meaning of existence as the girl hummed away and skipped to where ever she was taking me. Though she took care not to be spotted by any other girls, I was thankful for that. I did not need them cooing at me. Eventually we entered some sort of dorm and I saw a ghost float by looking a bit sad until she saw me seeing her. She to looked at me with sparkles in her eyes with her hands clasped in front of her and her mouth open enough to invite flies into it… if she wasn't incorporate.

I quickly looked away as the girl who caught me finally stopped. She opened up a door, practically slamming it on the wall and said with a boisterous voice.

"Nodoka, Yue… I caught a dragon!"

With that she took me out of the bug net that I could have flied out of at anytime and held me up to show me off. The girls were stock still, too stunned at my magnificence. One of them, a girl with what looked like a huge forehead dropped her book with her mouth agape, while the other well… I was surprised she could even see with the way the bangs were hiding her eyes.

"Yo," I said, reverting back to my normal greeting and waving my paw.

That was when all hell broke loose and the world was engulfed into a hell dimension.

The end


"So… magic is real but you're not a magical girl mascot?" Haruna Saotome asked me as I was chowing down on a salad and drank honey. I apparently wasn't a meat eater.

"For the last time, I'm not a magical girl mascot…" I said and added with a whisper. "I hope."

"I heard that."


Meanwhile big forehead girl AKA Yue Ayase was busy massaging her brow.

"So let me get this straight...magic is real and has been for sometime." Yue said and stared at me. "But it was hidden from the world due to what you call 'stubborn old people' and likely the paranoia of witch hunts… then there is in fact a pocket dimension on mars where all these 'stubborn old people' live, called Mudou Magus as everyone speaks Latin apparently and you are not from either this Earth or Mars but an alternate dimension because a goddess thought you'd be adorable?"

"Yep, that's pretty much it." I finished my salad. "There are a few other things but they aren't important… though honestly I'm surprised a mage didn't detect me and barged in here to erase your memories and turn me into a ferret thing… well, try to turn me into a ferret thing."

"They would do that?" Yue asked.

"Stubborn old people."

She sighed.

"Right, stubborn old people."

"Soo… will you be able to teach us magic?" Haruna asked. "How about that pactio thing?"

"No, and no." I turned my head and stared at her. " For one, I have no idea what this world magic system is like beyond second hand knowledge, for two I'm not a lolicon."

"You're a dragon." She pointed out and then before I could speak I felt something wipe my mouth. I turned and looked at the ever shy Nodoka Miyazaki.

"Thank you Nodoka."

She blushed and looked away, likely entering maximum woobie mode.

"Anyway, yeah I'm a dragon… thing. Probably a fairy dragon or some sh...crap." I quickly caught myself before I swore. "Anyway, a lot of the things I can do are pretty much instinctual and I bet I could turn human… in fact!"

I closed my eyes and focused, especially hard as I didn't want to be naked in front of impressionable teenagers, and then suddenly I felt myself shift in a bright light. I stat there cross legged in my brand new body, wearing blue shorts and a simple white t shirt made out of my "scales". I opened my eyes and saw the entire room was speechless once again.

I sighed.

"Yes I know," I ignored the fact that my voice sounded off. "I'm twenty-six years old and probably an eyesore to.. Look… at." I trailed off as I notice how tall everything seem and how short I was.

Eyes wide I quickly bolted to the bathroom. I floated up in order to look at myself in the mirror. A little boy stared back at me. He had soft whitish silver hair and violet doe-eyes. Skin that looked as soft and smooth as a babies with rounded pinchable cheeks. I let out a long sigh and rubbed my brow.

I was a ten year old bishounen in an all girls school filled with girls that canonically went after a nine year old boy. This shit couldn't possibly get any worse.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door and a stern male voice called out.

"Hello, girls… you may need to head to the Dean's office as we need to talk."

Next maybe eventual chapter preview!​

"So… is the Dean one of those 'stubborn old guys' you were talking about?" Haruna asked me as we walked through the hallway. I felt eyes on me like a hawk seeking its prey but everytime I turned to look, nothing was there.

"Nah, he's pretty chill unless you threaten his students," I reassured her.

I desperately hoped I was right as we finally made it to the Dean's office. But I had a fall back plan if I wasn't.

Operation: Puppy dog eyes.

This idea came from watching a funny dragon anime, looking at hybrid soul on the superpower wiki, then fairy soul and then dragon soul until eventually I saw fairy dragon. I don't know if I will continue this or not. Still writing chapters, well struggling to write chapters, for a few other things.