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Story time dot ORG (My Snippets, updates, and news thread)

thinking with portals
Thinking with Portals(Worm SI)


Scry and die tactics​

I became a ten year old girl that was not only able to open portals to different dimensions, but see what they were like before hand with clairvoyance. In fact, there isn't really anything that can block my clairvoyance. The giant planet size flesh monster in a different dimension could attest to that. Boy, that gave me nightmares. I was lucky I didn't open up a portal to that earth. I was also blind, so yeah. The only way I could see is like a third person view from a videogame using said clairvoyance in a limited way. Which was fine by me since there are things that I rather wished I hadn't seen in these long months of testing out my powers and learning the limits of them, which there are none from my understanding.

So that only left me with two things to do now. Tell my parents of this life that their little girl is a parahuman and decide if I wanted to join the wards or not. With weaponize portals. Like making a lazer out of the sun type of deal. Still didn't know how that didn't wipe out the earth when I tried it out, but I was thankful it didn't. Only reason I even tried it though was because of the giant planet sized flesh monster!

...Yeah, it's hard to repress that image, so I started to think of a way to kill it for my peace of mind. Though now that I thought about it, I didn't even know how I got here in the first place. I mean, if this was a reincarnation thing then I wouldn't have my memories, right? All I remember was that I was on the computer one day looking at cat videos and then bam! I woke up with the body of a ten year old blind girl. Nothing in-between, just one minute looking at cat videos, and then the next becoming a loli. It took awhile to get use to that and my 'parents' in this world. At least I somehow knew how to read Braille, otherwise I would need to resort to people watch with my clairvoyance.

Which was a hit and a miss on most days.

Anyway, really. I am just stalling right now. I'm nothing but a little bundle of nerves, standing here in front of my 'parents' even though they aren't my parents. Nervously shuffling my feet around, chewing on my lower lip, and even started to sweat! It was like my first day at school all over again, accept it wasn't even close to that in the slightest. For one, I wasn't screaming about wanting to go home. Yeah, bad example! Ok, I'm ten right now so give me a damn break!

...Oh, right. Need to talk to parents. Hehehe... ahem.

"Mom, dad." I said gravely.

"Yes sweety?" My mom spoke. Her eyes were flashing with amusement as she looked at me being all nervous and awkward. Curses.

"What's the matter, honey?" My dad added, his voice was like he was gurgling screws and sawdust. He really should get that looked at.

"I'm a parahuman!" I blurted out, extending my arms up like I was praising the sun and having two portals that didn't really go anywhere pop in existence near my hands.

There went dead silent at that. My stomach clenched tighter as I awaited their reaction; sweat trickling down my tiny face. I gulped and felt my hands getting tired as I froze in this pose, because I was dedicatedly fabulous about that.

"I can't believe my daughter would become one of those freaks." My mom said, my eyes widen in shock as what she said registered to me.

"Now now, dear." My father said soothingly, I felt a tiny amount of hope swell in my chest. "I'm sure she could be trained out of having powers." that swell of hope shriveled and died in one foul swoop.

"But she went behind out backs and became a freak of nature!" My mother shouted at dad. "It's bad enough that she was born blind!"

There voices started to fade away at this point as something in me just snapped.

When I came too, there was nothing left of my parents. Not even ashes. I could only look dispassionately at the raging inferno that used to be my house. But then I heard someone clapping behind me. It was a women, she was wearing a dark costume that didn't really hide her face. I could see scars on her, battle scars.

"That was wonderful dear." She said, her words sounded like they were right in my ear. My milky white eyes snapped open as I realized who she was. I looked them up when I was checking out possible threats to my person, besides the obvious one in the giant planet sized flesh monster.

The Slaughter house nine was here.

More importantly, Screamer was here. Screamer the girl who controlled sound and could mimic voices. Horror couldn't begin to describe what I felt as I realized that I likely just murdered my parents in cold blood for no reason. Tears came down from my eyes, my unstable emotions already took a huge hit from before. This... this just took the cake and smashed it with a one-hundred ton hammer.

"Now now, don't cry little one." She said soothingly, putting a hand on shoulder. "If you want a new family, you can join ours! I promise we won't turn you away like your parents unfairly did to you." Her voice was calm and comforting. It was like she expected to be speaking to an easily molded child that killed her parents and set her house on fire.

But I was twenty five going on ten years old.

"Disappear." I said softly and her eyes widening. She backed away a couple of steps before her head melted.

I then spread my clairvoyance to cover the entire city and filtered out the things I didn't want to see. I didn't have experience in doing that, but I found it rather easy. Eight other people died that day and I?

Well, I ran and I never stopped running.

Just a little something to show that I am still alive. But not in the best of moods.
Eve(Worm SI)

Chapter 0: Eve's birth​

They all laughed at me. Called me nothing but a "joke tinker". Even when I created amazing things that they couldn't ever dream of! Making technology from a video game come to life with the resources I had? That was amazing. But, no. They continued to mock me. They mocked me as my inventions inevitably failed.

It wasn't my fault.

I could only build anything once. If I had caught onto that little quirk of my power at the beginning... no. I shouldn't dwell on what could have been. But I would dwell on what could possibly be the greatest tinker creation ever! For just once, my limits were removed. For just this once, I could build anything. For this once, I am allowed to get my revenge. My revenge on those that mocked me. Revenge on those who never took me seriously.


It was a simple job, stall the Undersiders. That was it, just stall them. Of course we weren't going to kill them or anything like that. Hell, we made a game out of it and they would have starred on our web channel. But then that bitch happened. When we let the Undersiders win, that bitch showed up and started to chuck bombs and gloat to the Undersiders. That bitch didn't care me and Uber were in the line of fire.

And now Uber was gone.

My bro, my amigo, my friend that stood by me all these years when no one else would. I had escaped, to my shame. I didn't try to fight that bitch right then and there. I knew I would have died. I was a coward, not even able to avange my one true friend. But now? I didn't care if I died. Something in me snapped, I know. But for once, my power was agreeing with me. So I tinkered away, cannibalizing what I could and getting resources anyway I could. I took Coil's offer that he gave us so long ago, on the condition that I can finish my greatest project.

He didn't care as long as he got his hands on a tinker, even one such as me.

The bastard is one of the people that mocked us, I could tell. All he wanted was that little device that I used to short out Skitter's powers for a bit. That hadn't broke yet so it was simple to hand it over. Now, every now and then I only had to do maintenance on the tinker tech he has. Simple enough to do, especially now. I could have even improved them, but nope. I was just the "maintenance" guy to Coil.

His loss.

But it gave me time to work on her. Her base was influenced by many games; Xenosaga, BlazeBlue, Megaman, Sonic the Hedgehog, and more. I was taking the best bits and pieces from them and more. Nanites for self repair, an adaptive weapon drive enhanced to allow my girl to evolve and grow, metal sonics ability to analyze and copy traits and powers from others, a power source that is by all rights infinite, and more. This will be my greatest creation, and my last.

I had no doubts that this one will kill me. Likely the only reason why my power was letting me build her. I still continued though, barely sleeping or eating. Spending every waking moment I could on her construction. She is Eve, the perfect woman. The perfect weapon. My greatest creation. And after a week, when everything started to go to shit from the ABB... she was finished.

It was time to activate her.

Just a little something that I thought about for awhile. Probably not going to do it since the SI is basically insanely powerful and would only grow stronger. Being an ever adapting and evolving robot girl would do that to you. But I thought I'd explore a tad bit on a what if Leet completely snapped because reasons and that his power decided to allow him to do his thing because Leet is finally going full conflict/ not caring about safety mode.
Just a little something that I thought about for awhile. Probably not going to do it since the SI is basically insanely powerful and would only grow stronger. Being an ever adapting and evolving robot girl would do that to you. But I thought I'd explore a tad bit on a what if Leet completely snapped because reasons and that his power decided to allow him to do his thing because Leet is finally going full conflict/ not caring about safety mode.
Had a vaguely similar idea (including the reason his shard is being so helpful), but it involved Uber being killed by Hookwolf or Kaiser, or another E88 cape, and L33t doing a Wolfenstein-themed suicide run which effectively wipes out the Empire, at least in terms of capes (the fact that he manages to permanently remove Alabaster from the board attracts a great deal of interest). At best, the only survivors would be Rune (a kid) and maybe Othala (useful Trump, if the PRT can turn her), but neither would be in any condition to keep the PRT from taking them in.

Also had a vague thought of him having some sort of amnesia device, which might be what he hits Alabaster, Rune, and/or Othala with (probably not all three), before it blows up.

EDIT: If I ever write it (sadly not likely), it'll be told from the PoV of people watching the video Leet posts on his channel (possibly with a PHO section). All proceeds to be donated to victims of hate crimes.

Do you mind if I post the bit of your snippet that I quoted, when I post this to the ideas thread?
Last edited:
Had a vaguely similar idea (including the reason his shard is being so helpful), but it involved Uber being killed by Hookwolf or Kaiser, or another E88 cape, and L33t doing a Wolfenstein-themed suicide run which effectively wipes out the Empire, at least in terms of capes (the fact that he manages to permanently remove Alabaster from the board attracts a great deal of interest). At best, the only survivors would be Rune (a kid) and maybe Othala (useful Trump, if the PRT can turn her), but neither would be in any condition to keep the PRT from taking them in.

Also had a vague thought of him having some sort of amnesia device, which might be what he hits Alabaster, Rune, and/or Othala with (probably not all three), before it blows up.

EDIT: If I ever write it (sadly not likely), it'll be told from the PoV of people watching the video Leet posts on his channel (possibly with a PHO section). All proceeds to be donated to victims of hate crimes.

Do you mind if I post the bit of your snippet that I quoted, when I post this to the ideas thread?

Not at all.


That also sounds like an interesting potential snippet.
Bay Side Watlz
Bay Side Waltz(Worm SI)

Chapter 1: Lost​

Everything was bigger than I remembered, which was concerning. But not as concerning as waking up in a place I distinctly remember not sleeping. I would never get drunk enough to sleep in an alleyway after all. It smelled badly too. A near overfilled dumpster was near and the ground was wet to the touch. I saw people walk by, not paying me any mind. I didn't make any noise to attract attention so that wasn't surprising. What was surprising was the fact that I really did shrink. Or I ended up in a world filled by giants.

But that wasn't the worse part, no... I felt things. It was like an itch in the back of my mind. An overlaying curtain of utter despair and hopelessness hung in the air. It was overwhelming, and I couldn't help but cry. I was lucky my bangs seemed to hide my eyes though, I didn't like people seeing me cry. But I really couldn't help it. This city... this city was awful. What brought it to this point? Why was I here? I didn't know, but I felt really small and vulnerable. I haven't felt like such ever since I was a kid.

It wasn't a nice feeling.

I heard voices nearing me, but more I felt emotions. Some fear, some curiosity, some concern, some adoration, all mixed together like a miasma. It was a welcome break from the overwhelming despair in the background. I felt someone touch my head before bringing me into a hug. I opened up my eyes and met the stare of a giant old lady. She had a kind smile, I could feel it radiating from her. Something told me this human was safe, so I burring my face in her chest and cried harder.

"There, there little one," the old lady said while softly patting me on the back. "Everything will be alright." I could tell she wasn't lying. "Let's get you someplace warm, shall we?"

I looked up at her and nodded my head. I rubbed my eyes and sniffed, managing to find a semblance of control. I held her hand as we walked through the growing crowd. Bright flashes of light accompanied my wake, the tell tale sign of people taking pictures of me. I hung my head down low shyly as I walked with the old lady. I didn't pay attention to the negative thoughts in the back of my mind. The ones that say there is something seriously wrong with this situation and me. I simply followed the old lady that promised to bring me someplace warm and comforting.

Something I desperately needed.

I had a fuzzy and warm blanket wrapped over me as I sat on a comfy chair, sipping tea. It was soothing. The old ladies home felt welcoming and cozy. Maybe even homesome? It really wasn't extravagant, and I could tell the old lady lived alone. But it as a nice home. I snuck a peak and saw the old lady still talking on the phone. I took another sip of my tea, gathering my thoughts. I likely wouldn't be able to stay here, I knew that. But I needed someone to depend on. Because I wasn't human anymore, or the same age. Humans couldn't sense emotions like I could. Humans also didn't have pure white hands or blue hair. But I knew what did have those things, and I knew why I was regressing to a more childlike state.

I was a Ralts, a baby one. I was also shiny, so I needed to watch out for pokemon poachers... if this was the pokemon world. I somehow doubted this greatly. I didn't know how I came here, or became a Ralts. But what was done, is done. I just needed to make the best of it. I also held a necklace with a megastone attached to it, something I didn't realize when I was overwhelmed by my new empathy. So that was something to look into the future, but there was another question that I would need to answer.

Was I a male, or female Ralts?

I really couldn't tell. I was kinda wearing something akin to full body white pajama's, but I was a pokemon. So I didn't think I would be able to tell the normal way. Unless I was one of those "realistic" types of pokemon with... you know. My head hung down at that thought and I could feel my cheeks heat up.

Damn this childlike body, my everything is out of whack. I could tell getting embarrassed easy would be a recurring problem in my future. Though, honestly... I hope I was a female Ralts. Because if I wasn't, well... I don't have a dawn stone. Just a megastone and I doubted I had dropped one in that alleyway. If I did, it's probably long gone now so I wouldn't be able to get it back either way. But yeah... I wouldn't want to be stuck as a male Gardevoir. If I had to be one, I rather I was a female one.

"Is the tea to your liking little one?" The kindly old woman said, startling me. I looked up at her and nodded. She smiled. "I'm glad." She sat down on the chair near mine. "I just got off the phone with people that will help you."

I tilted my head to the side.

"Ah, they are called the Protectorate, a group of government sponsored heroes." She said and I blinked at her owlishly.

Super heroes? I thought. I really am far from home...

"Don't worry little one, I'm sure everything will be fine." She said, likely reading my expression. " They will be able to offer you the support you need. Support that I sadly can not provide." She frowned at that.

I blinked at her and tilted my head again causing her to smile softly.

"I'm afraid that these old bones aren't up to the challenge of raising another child, even one as well behaved as you." She leaned back into the chair and started rocking. "It wouldn't be fair to you either."

I sat my cup down and got off the chair. I moved up to her under her curious eyes and hugged her legs.

"Thank you." I said surprising both of us. My mouth didn't move either so I likely just used telepathy. The old ladies eyes widened, I could feel her surprise and sadly what seemed to be fear before her expression softened.

"You're welcome little one," she said, the hint of fear lessened but was still there. Like a poison that would slowly spread through her body. I hung my head low again at that. But before I could say anything about it, there was a banging noise at the door. Someone was knocking, and hard.

I moved out of the way as the old lady got out of her chair.

"I wonder who that is." She muttered under her breath as she walked towards her front door. The banging on it grew worse. I was getting a sinking feeling in my stomach. "I'm coming, no need to make a racket."

The sudden spike of aggression I felt from the presence behind the door justified my paranoia. But I was too late to voice my concern as the nice old lady unlocked her door.

"Wait!" I tried to warn her anyway, but as soon as she turned the door nob, the door was slammed open and the old lady fell on her back with a cry of pain.

Thugs wearing red and green entered the house, searching for something. One of them was about to rough up the old lady before a different one caught sight of me. He spoke in what I believe to be Chinese and pointed at me. I gulped and backed away slowly. I stopped when I saw the old lady on writhing on the ground trying to get up. I knew she was in a lot of pain, she was also feeling a lot of fear. Fear for me. So I held my ground and looked up at the advancing thugs with determination. The kind old lady deserved to be treated better than this. These brutes didn't.

"You." One said, his accent was thick. "You will come with us."

A thug reached down in order to grab me but I slapped his hand away and jumped back. Knowledge came to the forefront of my mind, knowledge on just what I could do. The thugs started to take out weapons, but I could feel their confidence. They were so sure that they could catch me and take me away that it disgust me. I was not weak!

"Confusion." I said, blasting them back with a moderate amount of psychic energy. They didn't feel so confidant now. The I believe leader managed to get back up.

"You little bitch!" He said and started to run towards me. But he tripped and fell, his head hitting the ground with a sharp crack. He knocked himself unconscious and the other thugs didn't fair any better.

They struggled to stand up and walked. They looked like they went on a serious bender and got so drunk they couldn't even stand straight. One managed to snap out of it though at least, the other... my eyes went wide as he cut open his own neck with his knife and dropped to the floor. The old ladies fear intensified and this time it was direct at me. With a heavy heart I shot out another confusion to knock out rest of the thugs before they could hurt themselves or others. I stared at the old lady on the ground and then the bleeding man on the ground.

"Sorry." I said and tried to focus. The guy bleeding out on the ground was still alive but wouldn't be for long. I needed to do something, I needed to learn a move I shouldn't be able to learn yet. I focused and manipulated my aura into the correct type and then shaped it into what I wanted to do. I managed to figure it out and none too soon.

"Heal pulse!" I cried out and flooded the room with healing aura energy. After it faded, the one bleeding out stopped and was healing. I could tell even as I started to pant for breath. Healing pulse was cost heavy on my aura reserves, but I at least didn't become a murderer. I looked at the old lady again and let out a tired sigh.

"Thank you for your kindness." I said with a tone of finality and teleported out of her house and near where I first appeared in this world.

I nearly collapse in exhaustion as I reached my destination. I wasn't used to using my aura and it showed. I was alone again, but I didn't want to stay there anymore. I would bring nothing but trouble to the old lady whom I never got her name. Someone was already after me, and I all did was dare to exist. I sat down on the rooftop and hugged myself. I was alone again in a strange world. Stranded in a city that had a lingering aura of depression and hopelessness. I had no idea what to do, going to the protectorate that the old lady mentioned would only bring trouble to them as well. I stared up at the sky as if it held all the answers.

I then felt someone coming near me rapidly. I quickly turned around and saw a girl wearing a green costume roof hopping in a way that made my head hurt just looking at her. She was determined, aggravated, and resolved. But above all that... deep down she felt lonely. That was likely the only reason I didn't teleport away when she jumped onto the same rooftop as me. Her eyes widened when she noticed me sitting there. She likely wasn't expecting me to be here.

I waved my little arm at her.


And done for now. The next part fits better as it's own chapter if I ever get down to writing it. Anyway, this is an SI built using a modified worm version 3 CYOA. She has the ability to use aura along with being well, a psychic type. She also has a knowledge archive on the uses of aura and can eventually reverse engineer any pokemon move. Said aura use is sorta inspired by the Ash peggy sue fic that's out there where as can use pokemon moves and pikachu learned force palm, among other things. So yeah, she may eventually be able to cut an endbringer in half with spacial rend if she doesn't tear it apart with black holes first. But that would be something a long ways away if I make this a story. Though Psychic and fairy moves would come easier to her than anything else. Her aura is pretty much psychic/fairy element so she would need to learn how to create typeless aura and manipulate that before doing something like shooting fire or whatever.

This probably has a shit ton of errors in it.

Anyway, it was either Ralts or a Victini. But I thought Victini would have been over kill as it has infinite energy and wins every fight going by lore. Damn pokemon can be OP as hell. >.>
My Kingdom for a Key( Kingdom hearts Jump-chain SI)

Prologue: Encroaching Darkness​

I have no idea what my name is, but I couldn't have found a better place to lose it and my other memories in. Destiny Island is rather peaceful, filled with good people. But I could feel it in the air, an underlying tension sullies what is a paradise. Whether if it's the Jolly trio's attempts to go to another world on a raft, or just a storm coming in. I could feel it, something is going to happen and soon.

I had hoped I was wrong.

Darkness, complete and utter darkness spread through the city consuming everything. Some people were fighting... and so will I. So with my heart filled with resolve I readied my wooden sword in one hand and a red rod in the other. I smashed into the nearest creature that was a mockery of life, actually dealing damage but not enough. Not enough to make a difference. They surrounded me, I block one the others attack my back. Even dodging doesn't help much in the middle of a swarm.

After taking a powerful blow I dropped my weapons as I cried in pain. I stood there holding my stomach and panting from my exertion. The ground was pure black now, fully consuming the city part of the island and making it's way towards the beach. Where I meet and play with my friends every day. I closed my eyes and grit my teeth. My fist clenched together as I nearly snarled at my own weakness.

I was going to lose.

The unbidden thought left as soon as it came. Tears threatened to fall as I realized the truth.

The Darkness will consume me.

But that is not my fear, that is not the cause of my pain.

I couldn't protect them.

My friends, my family are gone... I failed no matter how hard I fought.

I couldn't even protect myself.

I was going to suffer the same fate as them. Even now the darkness slowly approaches, as if it's mocking my suffering, my failure!

I should just curl up and die.

My eyes closed. Accepting my fate, to join the others in their deaths... it was a tempting thought. But...

"NO!" I roared at the top of my lungs. A light surrounded me, illuminating me within the darkness. "I will not give up!"

A new strength invigorated me, I found myself holding two swords that suddenly appeared. One glowed with inner light, the other with eerie darkness. Two opposite yet different sides of the same coin. I stared at the swarm of shadows that seemed to shy away from the light and grinned.

It was time for round two.

Author's notes:

Just a short little thing for now in Medias ras or however the fuck you spell that. Next chapter will be a thing. Anyway, this is based on a jump-chain challenge over in the jump-chain general thread and I thought long and hard on what world I wanted to do.

Then I started a new game in Kingdom hearts final mix so that sealed the deal.

Anyway, incoming build and challenge information and shit like that to artificially inflate the word count of the update. If I have five chapters of this, on the sixth I'll create a new thread for it and no sooner. Sooner than that I likely would stall on it as what seems to be the recurring problem that I have. :(

Jumpchain Challenge (sans chain)
  • Rather than a full chain, you're only allowed to use the Body Mod Supplement, the Warehouse Supplement, the Arena Supplement, and a single Jump.
  • To make up for the fact that you'll only have a single Jump's powers and abilities, to survive the jump with, you get double the CP from everything; Double the starting CP, double the bonus CP, and double the CP from Drawbacks. This includes the Supplements, as well.
  • There are no limits on how many Drawbacks you can take, or how much CP you can get from them. They only last for a maximum of ten years.
  • You don't need to take any "required" drawbacks. For example, if you took Speedster, in the Arrowverse jump, you wouldn't need to take "It was me, Jumper!"
  • You don't need to follow rules like "no wishes," "no becoming a god," or "You can never achieve X."
  • If a perk can only be used once per jump, that's changed into only being used once per decade. Same for items that replenish, once per jump, or items that get repaired at the start of a jump, if destroyed.
  • Perks such as Path to Victory, from Worm, have their full power unlocked from the start.
  • Even if you take an End Jump, you don't get a Spark.
  • After you die, you get sent back to your Earth. You have all of your powers, and you're in your new body, back in its prime. Most importantly, you have the ability to travel to different universes, at will. If you're immortal, you get this after a hundred years have passed, instead of at your death.
  • Optional: If you feel that you need them, you can take Red Dwarf's "600 Years?" and/or The Road to El Dorado's "The More I Learn, The More I See."

Body Mod 1200-150=1050-50=1000-200=800-200=600-200=400=200=200+100=300-50=250-150=100-100=0

Build: Medium

-Cat ears and Tail

Strength perks: 1
benchpress 180 IBS muscles are visible not overly so-50
Endurance perks:
Speed perks: 2
run at a constant 6 miles per hour-50
run at a constant 15 miles per hour-50
Dexterity perks:
jump over a hurdle while maintaining a dead sprint
basic parkour keep speed while moving over obstacles-50
keep your balance on a tightrope while riding a unicycle-50
mirrior's edge skills, wall running zipline rolling from falls etc-50
Appeal perks:4
no acne ever-50
hair is clean has volume doesn't get greasy or oily easily-50
No wrinkles or scars-50
perfectly smooth flawless skin.-50
Shape perks:4
-no extraneous body fat, any remaining fat is evenly distributed-50
-choice of leg to torso ratio-50
-supple hips-50
perfect body with curves or abs that could attract anyone-50
sense Perks:3
-20/20 vision
-20/15 vision
-power and range for all senses are doubled-50


-Black hair, violet eyes, healthy peach color skin

flexibility teir 1-100

Warehouse: 300-90=210-80=130

local net


miscellaneous: -150
free space
food supply
stasis pod
stasis pod
stasis pod
statis pod

Arena: 200-40=160-50=110-10=100-40=60-40=20-20=0

what if?-40
video playback-10
spectator seating-10
match modes-20
dark jumper-10
terrain adjustment -40
2-dfighting mode-10
battle options-40
extra opponents-20

Kingdom hearts jumpchain: 2000-350=1650-700=950-600=350-150=100+1800=1900-150=1750-500=1250-300=950-50=900-300=600-100=500-200=300-200=100+200=300+200=500+400=900+400=1300-600=700-300=400-400=0+200=200-200=0+50=50-50=0

Name: Anastasia Elizabeth Boureguard Runecleft The Third, but my friends call me Neko.
Age: 16
Origen Keyblade wielder-300
Location: Destiny Island
Race: "Human"


Free for all

Tema Del JUmper
Tema Di mondi
JRPG Style
A heart to call my own
Magical potential

Drop in

Double jump-100
protagonist endurance-100
Mentors touch-200
time keeper-300

local hero
best defense-100
hyper healing-400

protect the world border-100
MP rage-100
MP haste-200
cosmic arts-300

Choose Wisely
Dive into the heart
don't ever change-150
battle at the centre of the heart-150
last chance-200
Light my way-300

general perks
forget me not-300
In remembrance-600


Nomura brand outfit-free

Paopu fruit seeds-free

Deck of cards- 1 50 munny
Elixir- 1 100 munny
Unlimited sea salt ice cream
black coat-1 100 munny

Munny Pouch-100
Moogle badge- 1 50 munny
Cool skateboard- 1 50 munny
Tent- 1 100 munny
camping set- 1 100 munny

Drive CLoths- 1 50 munny
Valor-1 50 munny
master form- 1 200 munny
Final form- 1 200 munny
anti form-free


Gummi Ship-300
Gummi shipyard

Training weeapon:

Wooden sword - 1 100 free munny
skipping rope--1 100 free munny
blitz balls-50
red staff-50


Keyblade- Free
Where are my keys- 1 100 munny
where are my keys- 1 100 munny

They come +600
part of a whole +1200
Paopu Pursuer +200
frinding loot +400
Catle Oblivion +600

Keyblade Supplement: 30+4=34-4=30

Synch gear-4

Keyblade 1: 15-3=12-3=9-2=7-7=0

Keychain traits:
MP boost x3
TR Boost x3

Duel Elements

Leaf bracer
MP recovery-2

Keyblade 2:15-3=12-3=9-2=7-7=0

Key-chain traits:-7
Mp boost x3
STR Boost x3

Dual Elements

Health boost
MP recovery-2

Optional challenge perks

600 years?: Time seems to fly when you have little to do. To you there is no boredom, a place of calm and feeling of bliss can sustain you happily for however long you need to wait.

The more I learn: You never grow tired of what the world has to offer, you can still feel the wonder of something you have done a million times as if it was the first time granting you the ability to never truly grow bored of your adventures.

Anastasia Elizabeth Boureguard Runecleft The Third A.K.A Neko

Age: 16
Gender Female

Appearance: Silky Black hair with piercing violet cat eyes. A rather athletic build with a modest chest size. Has black Cat ears on the top of her head with a black cat tail. For cloths she wears "sylish" and punk rock inspired? A purple tank top with a pattern of star outlines on it making a X shape on both front and back, with a styish black bikini top underneath it, her abdomen is left bare showing off her abbs, short jean shorts that stop just above her knees in length with a black belt that has a golden heart shaped buckle and has a hole on the back for her cat tail, wears a black string bikini bottom underneath. Wears Dark purple flipflops with the top part being black and the string wire thing that goes in-between toes being purple again. Has a moogle Badge on the top of her right arm near her shoulder, and generally ties her hair or braids her hair with a purple ribbon.

(Inspiration for this outfit was something a girl would wear that is easy to get out of so she could go for a swim on the beach she lives near... I honestly have little to no knowledge on fashion since I'm the type of person that just grabs whatever and puts it on, considering it done.)


Tema Del JUmper: Every adventurer of the
world's needs a soundtrack. And you'll get your own personal
theme arranged to match the tone and mood of your day to day
life. In addition, this theme also meshes well with any of your other
companions very well. This can range from a beautiful sweeping
score to a simple little tune but it's your leitmotif and yours alone.
None shall claim it unless you say otherwise. You can control the
volume at will, and even let others hear it. Unless you actively draw
attention to it no-one will think this odd, even if they comment on
how much it suits you

Tema Di mondi:Worlds often follow a
theme. Why not get a little ear on what they're
broadcasting? Now every world (or otherwise unique
location) you go to has an over-world theme and
battle theme. Heck even a boss theme as well. As an
added bonus it acts as a forewarning to fights even if
you don't see them, and lets you know if a fight is a
boss battle or not. Nice to hear and useful to boot,
they pitch and flow, rise and fall in time with the action, while still retaining that location's theme.
There is a bit of variation, a town might have a particular set of cords as its theme that gets remixed
into electronica when you go to an electronics store, or takes on a country tone in nearby farmland
that contains elements of the world's theme. You can control the volume at will, and even let others
hear it.

JRPG Style: From the JRPG school of design and colour theory. You've got an eye
for the garish eye bleeding-ly complex technicolour vomit that is JRPG design. Somehow your over
designed and over the top costumes never suffer from impaired functionality, and despite all odds
always looks good on you.

A heart to call my own:In the world of Kingdom Hearts, the
Heart takes on a looser conceptual meaning. A Heart
is a powerful thing, and enough care and affection, or
just general interaction, can lead anything from beings
that don't exist to programs inside a virtual world
developing Hearts of their own. You could give emotions to an eldritch monstrosity or an unfeeling
robot, a soulless clone or a full blown AI. Post jump this Heart becomes almost synonymous with a
'soul', with all the benefits and detriments that implies. The closer the being is to 'human' the less
time this will take, with someone who is functionally human taking only a few years, while a horror
from beyond the stars may take several centuries of close interaction. You can choose to not affect
specific beings with this, or to have it only affect certain beings at will, progress however will very
slowly reverse if you stop mid-way.

Magical potential: In this setting everyone has at least a small pool of magical potential,
measured in Magical Points, or MP, these points power magical spells that can be found and learned
in-jump. You are no exception, getting a small pool of MP that adds to whatever other magic you had.
Your MP will grow over time, and with use, but non-magicians would need a lot of magic restoring
Ethers on hand if they wanted to cast more than a few spells in a row. Magicians have significantly
more starting MP and will peak even higher than other backgrounds.

Hit it!:You are able to hurt Heartless and Nobodies with physical attacks, even if you aren't
using a magical blade.

Double jump: You can now perform a second mid-air jump, literally doubling
your jump height! Jumping in mid-air in directions other than up is certainly possible, and will let you
dash through the air as if you'd jump off a solid object. Jumping or Air Dashing a second time without
touching the ground to recharge this ability will come after some serious practice. The uses of its two
features are separate, you can jump and dash before needing to touch down.

protagonist endurance: You only seem to get tired after a few days' hard
labour, or about a week of no sleep. In desperate times you can push past your exhaustion and keep
on going, though the longer and harder you push yourself the longer a recovery period you'll need.

Mentors touch: You have an air of professionalism about you. Those of less
experience seem more receptive of your teachings, allowing you to leave a strong impression on them.
This also lends you some interesting teaching methods. Imparting even hard to accept life-lessons is
as simple as a few words during a fight or a simple conversation over a mug of tea. If you will it anyone
can be your potential pupil, even your teachers. In addition your long term pupils will find their
learning rate noticeably improved.

time keeper: You are incredibly resistant - almost to the point of being
selectively immune - to the manipulation of time. Stopping, looping, reversing, whatever; it just
doesn't work on you, you'll shrug it off like nothing had happened. Spells, superpowers, the
environment, no matter the source, warped time has no effect on you. Although you can lower this
effect to allow specific temporal effects (and only those effects) to affect you, it defaults to 'On'. Do
keep in mind that a God of time or similar fundamental being may well be able to affect you anyway,
but it will be significantly harder for them to do so and you'll almost certainly notice the attempt.

best defense: he best defence is not being hit in the first place, but
even if you are hurt you're quick to get back on your feet. You recover from being knocked out or
rendered insensate in a third of the time it would otherwise take, and you also tend to catch your
breath a bit faster too. Recovery is all well and good, but it's your ability to get out of harm's way that
is most impressive as you can now effortlessly somersault or cart-wheel out of the way of attacks, or
try to anyway. Dodge Rolls are second nature to you, and unless you're being physically restrained
you can easily stop what you're doing, even mid attack, and transition into a roll or flip that will leave
you on your feet a short distance away, hopefully unharmed.

glide: You can cruise through the air at a bit above your jogging speed with
little effort, or just over your running speed if you push it. You'll slowly descend until about a foot or
two above the ground, at which point you'll maintain that height, falling again if the terrain drops but
not ascending if it rises, instead landing safely. If hit in mid-air, this perk cuts out. Given time and
practice you may be able to go faster, cruising just above your running speed and exerting yourself to
go faster than you can sprint.

hyper healing: No matter how good you are, in combat there's always a
chance you could get hurt, and if you get hurt enough? I'm sure you know what that leads to. You on
the other hand get hurt, then immediately start to recover from it. You can heal fast enough that you
can recover from broken bones mid-battle, and if you have a day to sit down and relax you could
probably regrow a missing limb. While near allies they'll recover a bit faster too, just enough to be
noticeable in combat.

protect the world border: You mean 'Order'! In this case the order is not to
interfere with other worlds, and part of that is making sure you don't stick out. These handy dandy
spells will help you blend into any population, changing clothes, skin, even some minor bodily features
to better suit the norm for your current location. This could mean adding spooky decals in a spooky
town, energy lines and futuristic lights in a high tech city, or even gaining a real life colour filter to
make sure you'll fit in. If you shift into another form you can also have your clothes change with you,
whether that's in size or shape such as fitting on a dragon or a shirt gaining extra sleeves if you have
four arms. This only covers your appearance though, so you may still give yourself away through
behaviour or lack of common knowledge. You can cast these spells on others, should you want to help
them fit in too.

MP rage: Magic allows you to do many fantastic, wondrous things, but only
so long as you have the magical energy to keep casting spells. In the middle of combat you don't have
time to let it recover by resting, and may not have time to quaff an ether or two to power your potent
abilities. Fortunately for you there's another way to recover magical energy and you've just gotten the
hang of it. Now, every time you take damage from an enemy you receive a sizeable portion of that
damage as MP. The more damage you take, the more magical energy you'll recover. Do note that this
is compensation for being hurt, it doesn't reduce your damage taken and you do actually have to take
damage, not just get hit with ineffective attacks.

MP haste: This is a dark secret, one that you'd best be careful with once
you've learnt it; you can recover magical energy by causing injuring living beings. The rush of restored
magic is directly proportional to the amount of damage you deal with each hit - poison or other effects
that cause injure over time do nothing. Should the damage be from a magical source you'll find that
at most you can only recover half of the magic used to cast that spell even with the most magically
efficient spells, and nothing at all from instant death or damage over time effects such as poison. Make
sure you don't let the power go to your head, don't want to think it's okay to start hurting innocents
to power your magic now do you?

cosmic arts: Fire! Thunder! Blizzard! All offensive spells you cast are
noticeably more powerful. Magical fire will burn hotter and faster, magical blasts will hit harder, and
your magic powered attacks will do more damage in general. This means you can throw your powerful
spells at your opponents for significantly less magical energy than you otherwise would have, or use
the same amount of mana to do a good deal more damage. In addition you know Firaga, Thundaga,
and Blizzaga right off the bat, isn't that nice?

Choose Wisely Rod: My magic is a little bit more potant

Dive into the heart: Making friends is easy, or at least, it's easy for you. There's
something about you that makes you a better friend, and seem plain friendlier to other people. There
isn't any one thing people can point to that does this, you just listen a little better, you say things they
like a little more and just seem more, well, friendly. Even those who are initially aggressive to you may
find a soft spot for you if you persevere... a very small soft spot for some, but that's a sign that it's
working, right? They just need to smile more!

don't ever change: Years pass, new worlds - new lives come and go, but
through it all you remain... well, 'you'. There's an inner strength in the core of your being that makes
it extremely hard to influence, memory manipulation struggling to affect you and forced personality
changes simply not taking hold. You can still grow as a person, new experiences shaping your attitude
and view of the world, but deep down inside, in your Heart of Hearts, you are you, and you won't ever

battle at the centre of the heart: Your Heart is strong, and you're just as
strong, unfortunately enemies sometimes attack in a way you can't fight off with your fists, or with
your blade. Well, that's the way it used to be, now if an attempt is made to control you you'll find
yourself standing in a strange locale evocative of the attack. A magical possession might result in a
plane of twisting shadows and motes of magic for example. Within this place you'll find the foreign
influence has taken a form just as powerful as and inspired by the effect itself, and you can now fight
it with the full extent of your items and abilities as of the point you entered this clash of wills. Should
you defeat it you'll shrug off the influence, should you lose however you may still find you've
weakened it, with damage done to the monstrous foe carrying across to the effect itself, giving you
one last try to push it off by other methods. Regardless of how long you fight in the mental world
you'll find only a second or two at most has passed in the real world.

last chance: When all hope is lost, when it's all over, when the jaws of
death are closing in, when darkness clouds everything; that is when your Heart shines brightest. The
more dire the situation, and the worse condition you are in, the stronger you are; finding reserves of
power deep within yourself that boost your strength, your determination, and even your magic to
impressive levels. This may not guarantee your victory, but it does make pulling it from the jaws of
defeat a likely possibility.

Light my way: One of the defining features of this world - of these worlds
- is the struggle between Light and Dark. As of taking this perk you're firmly on the side of the Light.
The Light in your Heart is bright enough that you can call it to the forefront, bathing yourself in your
radiance and reaping the benefits. You can throw out exploding points of light, slash at people with
blades of light, launch holy blasts that are either large and dangerous or small and rapid-fire, and
channel beams that do devastating damage over time. This light invigorates and revitalises your allies,
suffusing them with strength and energy to let them hit just a bit harder, and exert themselves for just
a bit longer. With practice you could learn to weave protective shrouds of light that can stand up to
ridiculous amounts of damage but are incredibly taxing to keep up, or use your light to drive out
corruption and taint - note that this will of course be increasingly more draining upon you the more
powerful the corruption is. Last but not least, this light inspires those who fight alongside you, raising
morale and giving hope to your allies and inducing doubt and uncertainty into your foes. They'll think
hard before attacking you and yours after seeing your gross incandescence.

Scan: It can be hard to tell at first glance just how durable someone is but now you can see
their HP bars to know just how much of a beating they can take. This is just an abstraction of how
much damage they can take before death, it doesn't make them run on Hit Points, as such a punch
with a certain amount of force behind it may do more damage depending on where it hits, as you
would expect in the real world. More durable enemies may have more bars, which will be represented
by pips or a number indicator at your discretion.

forget me not: Your memory is inviolable. Not science, nor magic, nor psychics, nor reality
warping can alter your memories. Heck, even time travel leaves you with the memories of both
timelines. The only thing that can cause you to forget something is yourself, as your ability to repress
things is given a mental trigger only accessible by you, and only willingly at that. Do note that as
Drawbacks override Perks, you may bring down upon yourself powers capable of affecting your mind,
but outside of these situations you no longer have to worry about forgetting where you left your car
keys, or that you just uncovered an Illithid Illuminati. As an extra bonus you can craft small items that,
when worn or carried by people you give them to, provides a significant degree of this protection to
them as well.

In remembrance: "Man's true immortality is to be remembered." In this setting this is taken
literally. To truly die is to be forgotten. Conversely, so long as you are remembered by someone on
the same plane of existence (excluding enemies of course) you can negate methods to wipe you from
existence through methods such as reality warping, temporal retcons, etc. Should something try it will
have to remove all personal memories of you before it can succeed. That is to say memories of your
friends, family, co-workers, and people you met only a few times but left a truly meaningful impression
on, not just random people seeing you in the street or neighbours you never talk to. It also doesn't
include enemies, even if they have fond memories of you. You can still be killed like any other mortal
just not removed from existence directly. This effect can be negated by mind-wiping and or killing
everyone who is close to you which would render you vulnerable again.

600 years?: Time seems to fly when you have little to do. To you there is no boredom, a place of calm and feeling of bliss can sustain you happily for however long you need to wait.

The more I learn: You never grow tired of what the world has to offer, you can still feel the wonder of something you have done a million times as if it was the first time granting you the ability to never truly grow bored of your adventures.

Nomura brand outfit: You get a set of clothes straight out of the mind
of Tetsuya Nomura, with all the zippers and bangles and odds and ends that entails. These clothes are
somehow completely functional and don't get caught on things, despite their impractical visual
appearance. They're also extremely comfortable and repair fast enough you probably won't notice
them being damaged in the first place.

Paopu fruit seeds: The seeds in this bag will grow into trees that produces a
bright yellow star shaped fruit. It's really juicy, delicious sweet treat to share with those close to you.
In fact, it's said that if two people share one their destinies become intertwined. But that's just a
rumour ...right? As a bonus, when grown near a ledge or overhang the trees will form a nice level
resting place mid part way up it that is surprisingly comfortable. Trees grown in other spots will grow
mostly vertically, they may have a bit of a jaunty lean to them.

Deck of cards: Why on earth would you pay fifty choice points for a deck of cards? Well, it's
because this magically updating deck is made for a custom card game based on you, your friends, and
your enemies. Split the deck face down and give a pile to each player. As you draw cards you'll find
that they have people, powers, events, and items from your adventures on them. There are a few
games to play with this, such as fighting each other, or against endless hordes of Heartless and Nobody
cards, and everyone instinctively knows the rules. You'll automatically draw and deal the right cards
for whichever game you're playing, and cheating will require more than just sleight of hand.
Guaranteed to be fun for up to nine players at a time!

Elixir: Isn't your arm getting sore throwing all those potions and ethers
around? Don't you wish you could restore both the MP and HP of a target with
a single item? Well now you can, with these Elixirs! For only One-Hundred
Choice Points you can get a set of three, you read that right three whole elixirs
in their very own carry-pouch that'll keep them from breaking or shattering! The
pouch will also replace any used Elixirs after only forty-eight hours, that's right; a new elixir only two
days after using one! Order now and they'll also come with a fumble guarantee that'll transport them
back into your pouch a minute after leaving your grasp!

Unlimited sea salt ice cream: Exactly what it says on the tin, title, whatever. You
now have a bottomless icebox of high quality sea salt ice cream. Made from the best ingredients
Munny can buy, this delicious treat is always refreshing and cold. You'll never be sad for long with
these fantastic frozen foods. Come on, have a taste! You know you want to.

black coat: A hooded black long coat with a huge zipper
down the length of it. Strangely this unassuming coat is completely immune
to the effects of darkness and corruption, allowing the wearer to travel
through normally inhospitable areas with a good deal more protection than
they might otherwise have had. Inexplicably hides your features under the
hoods shadow unless particularly inhuman (long tails, large wings, enormous
snouts, giant demon horns, etc). Do note that while the coat is completely
immune it won't have any effect on corruption that gets past it somehow.
Comes with free black gloves, pants, undershirt and shoes (normal shoes or
almost knee high boots, your choice) that provide the same protection while
worn under the coat, but aren't needed to gain the protection. If you want
this can be your Nomura Brand Clothes.

Munny Pouch: This bag transforms all cash placed into it into
Munny. Munny is a multi-versal currency and can change into almost any currency
simply by exposing it to local money. It transforms based on the local value of funds,
so a world in which a dollar gets you a loaf of bread may get you one Munny, which
may later turn into one gold coin that could be used to buy a loaf of bread in a fantasy
world that pays for loaves of bread with gold pieces. In essence this just means your buying power
remains the same, you can simply convert your funds into the local monetary system. Do note that
this won't help in worlds that don't use normal currency such as service based trades or similar

Moogle badge: While wearing this badge you'll find yourself a little sturdier, and
your magic's a little more potent and plentiful. It can stick to surfaces even though it has no pin, and
the wearer can take it off at any time just by trying to do so. If worn on skin, scales, fur etc. it will come
off easily without taking anything with it.

Cool skateboard: Need to get around town quickly? That's easy! Here, take
this to cruise around the block in style. This cool blue* skateboard is ridiculously fast, gains excellent
air and tends to defy laws of physics with its snap on grind rail action. Although it reappears in the
warehouse after being lost or broken you also tend to find it any time you go looking for a skateboard,
usually sitting in an out of the way area close at hand.

cottage: The Tent and Camping Set are replaced with what
looks like a model house. When placed on flat ground it will expand to form a four-bedroom
cottage complete with kitchen, bathroom, and a water purifier. Simply being in the cottage
will cause you to heal from even serious injuries at a visible rate. If you lived in it for a few
weeks you could even regrow lost limbs! The purifier is also improved, able to restore all of
your MP, and large amounts of other magical energies with a single glass. As with the Camping
Set this water only restores magic while in or around the cottage, otherwise it's simply
incredibly pure water. Unlike the Camping Set however it can purify water out of nowhere,
letting you refill your magic even in a dessert. Possessing a stronger aversion field than the
Tent, you can still be found by particularly persistent pursuers, the Cottage will need to be
redeployed should violence occur in or immediately around it to resume its healing effects.
To collapse it just close the front door with no-one in it and ring the bell to turn it back into its
miniature form. Anything you leave inside will appear on the ground where the cottage was
set up once its reverted to it's smaller form.

Drive CLoths: These clothes, in a rather unusual many belted style, allow
you to access powerful forms. These clothes are a step up from Sora's in that they do not require a
companion to power the forms. You may freely import a set of clothes you already have as your Drive
clothes if you wish, or one of the outfits you buy here (including your free outfit, if you want to use
that). Your Drive Clothes will adjust to fit any form you take, but only while you are wearing them.
Drive Clothes come with Anti-Form and either Wisdom or Valor form for free. Each form takes only a
little effort to activate, but staying in them for more than a few minutes will take ridiculous amount
of practice, and simply can't last more than half an hour even with centuries of experience. (Special ruling since it used the word can't; Eventually the time increases past the 30 min mark total)

Valor: By focusing all power on physical might
Valor form provides a powerful boost to your
strength and durability, as well as attack speed.
Your clothes become predominately red and you
can run faster and jump higher. The main benefit
though is to your skill - your melee capabilities go
through the roof! This is enough of a boost that a
home taught swordsman could spin a sword around one finger in the middle of a dual wielding
attack combo, on someone who already knows what they're doing this level of skill is the stuff
of legends. This form has a 15-minute cooldown, but with a few decades training you might
be able to cut it down to 5 minutes.

Wisdom: By focusing
all power on magical might Wisdom form provides a powerful boost to the
damage of your magical attacks, the speed at which you cast spells, and
your mana recovery rate. The real damage dealer comes when you cast a
spell a few times in a row - the final spell will be a combo finisher, which
boosts the scale of the spell considerably. One bolt may become three,
and a ring of fire becomes a wall. Your clothes become predominately blue
and you can magically slide above the ground and fire rapid, though not
particularly strong, bolts of magic. 15 minutes after exiting this form you'll be able to use it
again, although as the decades roll on your efforts with Wisdom form may reduce this to a
mere 5 minutes.

master form: Tapping into your potential, Master Form
provides a powerful boost to the damage of your melee
attacks, as well as attack speed. It also increases the scale
and power of your spells by a significant amount, and
provides exceptional mana regeneration. Your clothes
change colour to be predominantly yellow and you can
telekinetically wield a weapon in this form, and hover in
the air during attack combos. Oh, attack combos? Yeah, just like Valor Form you can do some
crazy techniques you couldn't normally pull off - in this case you'll find it very easy to lift
multiple enemies into the air with your attacks and keep them there while you wail on them.
It'll be a full half hour before you can enter this form again after it wears off, but hey, given a
few decades hard work I'm sure you'll be able to do it in a third of that time.

Final form: The cumulation of your physical valor, magical wisdom, and
skilful mastery this form brings out some truly impressive power. Able
to telekinetically dual wield weapons with finesse and ferocity you can
tear across battlefields without ever touching the ground - literally since
you'll be hovering around like a madman, or gliding through the air
weapons wheeling to take down your enemies. Whether hovering,
gliding, or attacking, you'll find yourself moving a fair bit faster, as if the
skill and strength boosts weren't enough already. Your physical prowess
is matched by your magical might - spells cast in this Form are far larger in scope and you'll
recover your magical energies much faster than normal. Your outfit will be done up in black
and white with your choice of pattern on it, flames by default. You can enter Final Form again
about an hour after exiting it, though in time you may bring this down to about twenty

anti form:A risky form that provides a blazingly fast boost to
your speed and attack speed, at the cost of physical vulnerability. You can
move like an animal, darting about on all fours and pouncing on your
prey, even gliding through the air in chaotic arcs, but cannot heal, use
weapons, or cast spells until the form ends. Entering Anti-Form again
within ten minutes of it fading will exacerbate the negative effects,
making you take massive damage from the slightest hits, but it also
increases your speed by a slight though noticeable amount; a risky trade
off. Unlike the other forms Anti-Form doesn't just change the highlights
on your outfit - you and your clothes will be swathed in Darkness, your eyes will glow yellow,
and wisps of Darkness will trail from your extremities

Ribbon: After tying this ribbon on to your clothes, into your hair, or around an arm or other
extremity it will extend its protection to you, making you a bit sturdier and granting a fair amount of
resistance to all elements. It comes in the colour of your choice and is always just long enough to tie
around a limb, when you're not trying to tie it to yourself it's about thirty centimetres long.

Gummi Ship: Well lucky YOU! Gummi ships are space ships
composed of a mysterious material called Gummies, highly malleable and tough stuff. It's resistant to
spatial distortions, corrupting influences, and darkness based effects. In this jump it's easily found
around the universe but is unique to this setting alone. First you'll gain a basic gummi ship balanced
in all stats and large enough to contain you and 8 of your companions. Secondly you gain a shipyard
that houses your vessel. Finally, while due to this jumps unusual cosmology you can only travel
between worlds through special corridors or other such paths, post jump you'll get a unique engine
upgrade that lets you fly through space at faster than light speeds, going along 'paths' between the
two closest systems in only a few hours. Going between planets in the same system will normally take
about half an hour. The Warp Gummi will also function in other jumps, letting you return to worlds
your Gummi ship has visited in the jump before, including previous jumps connected to the current
one such as via a continuity drawback. Post Spark it will be able to reach any world you've taken it to
before. You can transfer navigation data between Gummi ships in the Gummi Shipyard.

Gummi shipyard: One of the most impressive things about Gummi ships is
their flexibility - due to the nature of Gummi blocks you could make a ship that is almost literally a
flying block of armour with some guns on the front and it would be just as capable a fighter as a sleek
and carefully designed space combat vehicle. Designing and constructing these ships takes place here,
in the Gummi Shipyard. Run by Chip and Dale, who will put together the ships you design, this bay will
attach to your warehouse once the jump is over, but will be located in the indeterminate space
between worlds during the jump. It also comes with hangers for up to a dozen Gummi Ships. As a
bonus once you move on to the next jump the shipyards launch bay will lead to an ever escalating
challenge route. This is a simple space lane that becomes harder and harder as you go, up to and
including boss battles against super tough ships, until you eventually are defeated or quit. It is good
for testing out new Gummi ships as well as collecting new Gummi blocks, including a chance to get
some rare ones once you get fairly far in. For convenience not only does all ammo used get replaced
and damage taken within the challenge route disappear upon either losing or quitting, there are
checkpoints every ten or so minutes letting you try particular parts of it again, useful for either trying
to farm rare parts or testing new ship designs. Getting your ships in future jumps is as easy as calling
for Chip and Dale to deliver it to you and they'll warp it in nearby. Only one Gummi Shipyard per
Jumper - if a Companion gets it you can't get it too, and vice versa, though you can store a dozen extra
Gummi Ships for each person who gets the Gummi Ship item beyond the first.

Wooden sword: This simple wooden sword isn't sharp, and won't do much damage,
but that doesn't make it worthless. Training with this sword will make you gain in strength and skill at
an exceptional rate. Although it does work if you're just going through the motions you won't see
much improvement unless you have a sparring partner. As an added bonus those you train with will
find their physical form and skill increases a bit faster just by training with you, though not quite as
much as that of the person actually using this sword.

skipping rope: This plain skipping rope has a surprising amount of force behind its
swings, and can be used to deflect some projectiles and physical attacks. You won't be stopping giants
with this, or anything that can direct itself past the rope, or even elemental attacks, but unless the
bullets coming at you have aim-correction you'll be safe under this whirling rope... Until you try to
swing it for more than ten seconds at a time, at which point it'll almost certainly get tangled up. Using
this to actually skip will help you build your endurance at a staggering pace, and also help you jump
higher and further, given time.

blitz balls: An endless supply of nearly invincible blue and white striped rubber balls
that you can pull out of anywhere a stage magician could pull an egg or a coin, and disappear a few
seconds after you last touched them. Due to their durability they can do more damage the stronger
your throwing arm is, and repeatedly throwing these will help increase your throwing power and aim
by a considerable amount in a rather short period of time.

red staff: A rather plain wooden staff, painted red so you know it's fast. Well, it's an
inanimate object, so it's more that you're fast, or you will be once you've trained with this for a bit
since it'll drastically increase the rate at which your agility increases. You'll flip and spin around your
opponents in no time! The staff itself can also be used to deliver rapid-fire attacks, striking multiple
times in the time it would have taken to do a single attack with a similar staff.

Keyblades: The day you will open the door is both far off and very near. The
closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes. But don't be afraid. And don't forget... You
hold the mightiest weapon of all. So don't forget. You are the one who will open the door. You are
one of the few chosen to wield one of the legendary Keyblades, a fanciful weapon capable of cutting
regardless of its apparent suitability as a weapon, and possessing many unique powers. Keyblades can
open most mundane locks, and a good deal of magical locks too. They also act as a magical focus in
place of other such items, and can boost the power of spells cast with it - some are better at this than
others however. A Keyblade can be summoned into your empty hands with a flash of light, or can be
called upon to temporarily replace the weapon you're holding, which returns to your hands when you
dismiss the Keyblade. Your Keyblade may even have the potential to transform, but it would require
intense study under a master who knows how to accomplish it; you won't be learning how to do so
on your own.

Synch gear:You possess an unusual ability that makes you special even amongst the ranks of
Keyblade wielders you can summon a second Keyblade. It comes with a free Keychain of its own and
can be run through the customization options below. This can only be purchased once.

Name: Light's Fury

Appearance: Looks like an ordinate saber with angel wings folding downwards on the opposite end of the edge. Has a golden ordinate guard with a sapphire on the pommel. Keychain looks humanoid in shape with no defining characteristics with angelic wings spreading from it.


Long:Up to a half again as long, this blade isn't as fast as the shorter Keyblades, but has
amazing reach.


Heavyweight:Your Keyblades extra heft means it does more damage on every hit, but means
it is much harder to use it with high accuracy you aim to crush them with the force of your
blows rather than strike weak spots for precision damage.


sharp: maybe it doesn't look it, but your Keyblade is sharp and deadly, able to cut through
most things if you can put enough force into the swing.

Keychain traits:

MP boost x3: You can purchase this multiple times, and each one will increase the damage done by
spells cast using this Keyblade by a fair amount.

STR Boost x3:You can purchase this multiple times, and each one will increase the damage done by
this Keyblade by a fair amount. That's physical damage hitting people with the blade itself, whether
throwing it or swinging it.

Ornate:Keyblades aren't the most practical looking weapons at the best of times, but yours
really takes the cake. Maybe it has engravings, maybe it has literal frills and laces or gemstones up and
down the blade, whatever the case your weapon is unreasonably pretty and anyone who gets a
chance to take time to look at it will be awed by it's impressive craftsmanship. This somehow doesn't
impact its performance, and can be taken multiple times to make it ridiculously fancy.

Duel Elements:A second element infuses your Keyblade. Pick one more
element from the list below to have your Keyblade deal this damage as well. As with the first element
you can choose not to deal this elemental damage on hit.

Light: Blinding, dazzling, shining, shimmering, splendouring ahem. Is there anything this
element can't do? That was rhetorical. In addition to making it hard for your enemies to see
you, somehow without impacting the sight of you and your allies, this element lets your
keyblade cut enemies a bit further away than it should by covering itself in light, as well as
firing the occasional beam or blast.

reflect: If you're going to be blocking attacks with your Keyblade then this is the element for
you. In addition to being able to briefly create a reflective field around the blade, it simply
performs better at blocking things than it should, and can even reflect the occasional attack
back at the enemy that launched them once your skills get high enough.

Leaf bracer: If you need to cast a healing spell midbattle you're probably going to want to make sure
you don't get interrupted, which is where this comes in. While using a Keyblade with this to cast a
healing spell you can't be stopped from casting it by ... pretty much anything other than yourself or
your own death. You still take damage, but you can't be knocked over, pushed away, have your
concentration broken or ... you get the idea. This can fail if the healing spell also deals damage, but
will still make you sturdier than you'd otherwise be.

MP recovery: While wielding this Keyblade your magic will recover at a noticeably faster rate.

Name: Abysall Wrath

Appearance: Looks like Heaven's fury except shorter, the wings are more like bat wings, and the blade is pure black with an ordinate red guard, and a yellow topaz on the pommel The keychain looks like a vaguely human shaped with no defining features that is cut off at the waist with bat like wings spreading outwards.


short:You sacrifice between half to a third of your Keyblade's range in exchange for speed.


Lightweight: Due to its reduced weight your keyblade is now easier to manipulate, increasing
the ease with which you can hit vulnerable spots on your enemies. As an unfortunate trade off
when you don't hit vulnerable spots you simply won't be doing as much damage as you would
have with a heavier blade.


Sharp:maybe it doesn't look it, but your Keyblade is sharp and deadly, able to cut through
most things if you can put enough force into the swing.

Key-chain traits

Mp boost x3: You can purchase this multiple times, and each one will increase the damage done by
spells cast using this Keyblade by a fair amount.

STR Boost x3: You can purchase this multiple times, and each one will increase the damage done by
this Keyblade by a fair amount. That's physical damage hitting people with the blade itself, whether
throwing it or swinging it.

Ornate:Keyblades aren't the most practical looking weapons at the best of times, but yours
really takes the cake. Maybe it has engravings, maybe it has literal frills and laces or gemstones up and
down the blade, whatever the case your weapon is unreasonably pretty and anyone who gets a
chance to take time to look at it will be awed by it's impressive craftsmanship. This somehow doesn't
impact its performance, and can be taken multiple times to make it ridiculously fancy.

Dual Elements:A second element infuses your Keyblade. Pick one more
element from the list below to have your Keyblade deal this damage as well. As with the first element
you can choose not to deal this elemental damage on hit.

Darkness: In addition to looking rather impressive this shadowy element will leave a small
miasma on those you hit. The miasma will cause pain for a few seconds, then disperse. Every
so often you can lob blobs of darkness that will damage enemies that come in contact with
them. The blobs will stick to any surface and last up to thirty seconds.

reflect: If you're going to be blocking attacks with your Keyblade then this is the element for
you. In addition to being able to briefly create a reflective field around the blade, it simply
performs better at blocking things than it should, and can even reflect the occasional attack
back at the enemy that launched them once your skills get high enough.


Health boost: Healing spells and items will be noticeably more effective on you while using a Keyblade
with this ability. As a bonus healing spells cast with a Keyblade bearing this Keychain will also heal a
bit more, and in a battle every little bit helps.

MP recovery: While wielding this Keyblade your magic will recover at a noticeably faster rate.

They come: Hearless want to eat me very badly.

part of a whole: I somehow have a heartless clone that will be gunning for me.

Paopu Pursuer: I have a stalkerish stalker that thinks he is my destined partner. Surprising able to follow me even on the most dangerous worlds.

finding loot: It takes a hell of a lot longer for me to get look from defeated foes.

Castle Oblivion: My memories are gone and I would need outside stimulus to remember them. From fighting, socializing, or just doing things I normally would do.
Determined to Succeed
Determined to Succeed( Undertale/Muiltiverse SI)

Chapter 1: So I died, fell, then died again​

I laid on the golden flower patch as I stared up at the hole in the ceiling. The sun rays illuminated up the grey and gloomy room. It was peaceful, one of the few peaceful moments I looked forward too. So I took my time just staring at the clear sky that I rarely get to glimpse. The scent of buttercups filled the air and I sighed.

"Hello Chara." I said not bothering to look at the person that showed up. "Genocide again? Must be boring killing everyone over and over again."

I opened my eyes and stood up. I looked down at the androgynous little girl. Her eyes were just as empty as last time, and the times before that. With the same empty smile and rosy cheeks. Fear drove Frisk to kill, which intern only taught Chara how to hate. I pity the girl, I really did. But...

"How many times was it now? How many times did you return to this spot just to kill the last being in the Underground that actually exists?" I scratched the side of my head. "Why don't you just reset now and save me the trouble?"

"Where's the fun in that?" I shuddered at her tone. Even after all of this time I still can't get used to it.

"Yari Yari." I sighed and reached into my coat and pulled out my knife. I could have sworn that the girl's lips twitch in amusement but I was likely projecting here. "Well, I guess I'll humor for you awhile."

She readied her knife, her soul burning bright red.

"Not going to steal the Comedian's line this time?" She taunted, actually taunted. Ha, if only she didn't need to consume Frisk's soul to actually feel something.

"Nah," I shrugged and shook my head. "I can't do dramatic heartfelt speeches like that guy so I gave up on it."

I narrowed my eyes and started tossing my knife up and down.

"I do have one catch phrase if you care to hear though." I said. "Before you know, die."

She laughed and I held back a wince at how broken it sounded.

"Sure, but you are the one that is going to die Drifter." Chara said readying her knife.

"Knife." I said flatly, my knife already piercing her soul before she even realized that I moved. Determination is useful for a lot of things, pausing time to get the drop on a demon child is one of them.

Her corpse fell to the ground, with it's clothes and body changing back into Frisk's before it faded into light.

I was back on the ground staring up at the clear sky before I knew it. She came back quicker this time so I opened one eye to look at her. She was pouting down at me.

"That wasn't nice." She said blankly and I smirked.

"When did I ever say I was a nice guy?"

I laughed as she stabbed down at me with her knife. Pausing time seconds before it would have gone through my eye socket. I got up, brushed the dirt off my jacket and sighed.

"Yari Yari." I said and got my knife out before her Determination overwrite mine. Time unfroze and Chara's knife got stuck in the ground. It was time for another boss battle.

Sometimes I didn't know why I even bothered.

I was back in my room, phantom pains from being stabbed over and over radiated on my being. I looked out my window to see the same sights I saw for many repartitions. Stalagmite hanging down on the ceiling, light was sparse and the air was stagnate. I got out of my bed and sighed.

"She reset again," I said and then stretched with a yawn. "Time to meet Frisk again, hopefully I'll get him to do a pacifist run this time."

I got off my bed and grabbed my clothes for the day. Clothes that I had to learn how to make myself and barter with the spiders for the silk to make them. Expensive as hell, but worth it. I got out some black panties and decided to wear a nice black sundress for this occasion. As I hummed and went to my bathroom I realized that I may have gotten a bit used to dieing. It was dieing that got me into this mess in the first place after all. More specifically, dieing, bartering with a R.O.B and getting sent here in a brand new human body... of the opposite gender. Damn R.O.Bs, but eh. It wasn't that much of a problem and I had a lot of resets to adjust to being of the fairer sex.

Awkward questions for the goat mom aside that is.

Speaking of which, I heard my cellphone ring while I was busy scrubbing my blond hair in the shower. It was probably Toriel calling me about the human that just fell down like I did a few years ago and whether or not I wanted to come over and meet them. Which I of course would, hopefully before Frisk decides to kill harmless monsters out of fear again. Not that I could blame him when it comes to some of the monsters in the Underground. I had no idea who or what a Jerry was, but his reputation proceeds him. Even all the way here at the beginning.

And as things have been going lately... the end.

When I finally finished rinsing off I just wrapped a towel over my chest and my hair and dripped water all over my floor until I made it to where ever I put my cellphone. I answered the phone with one hand while my other held my towel up. I couldn't give too much service after all.

"Yoo Haa," I greeted Toriel cheerfully for the first time in this reset... I hoped I will be able to greet her many more times to come.

Sometimes... I don't even get this much.

Just a little something of a project I may do instead of a few other things I had in mind. Eventually the girl that names herself "Drifter" will be visiting other worlds with nothing but her own Determination to protect her from some of the horrors that litter them.

In other news... I suck at taking breaks from writing.
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all my writing is put on hold for now. my laptop lured me into a sense of false security and well,diedish. still turns on but the monitor is burnt out and wont turn of. i am really really pissed off since what i was writing? well, they didn't get back ups. so when i can, ill likely just use google docs in the future. it wouldn't really be such a blow since i do have a spare monitor, but it's for a desktop so i do not have the connections for it. so i am currently stuck on a tablet with no mouse, no keyboard, and no high powered adapter to hook up my two terrabyte hard drive, where i stored at least a more recent back up on. some of these things may change today, but until then i'm stuck just using this fucking touch screen to type really, really sloooooow. good news is, when i get the shit to hook up that monitor i should be able to recover any lost data... unless something else fucked up as well.

ps. don't be angry at mee if i fail to respond for awhile. typing out this message without a keyboard was a royal pain in the ass. expect me to be like a ghost or lurker until that is rectified.
all my writing is put on hold for now. my laptop lured me into a sense of false security and well,diedish. still turns on but the monitor is burnt out and wont turn of. i am really really pissed off since what i was writing? well, they didn't get back ups. so when i can, ill likely just use google docs in the future. it wouldn't really be such a blow since i do have a spare monitor, but it's for a desktop so i do not have the connections for it. so i am currently stuck on a tablet with no mouse, no keyboard, and no high powered adapter to hook up my two terrabyte hard drive, where i stored at least a more recent back up on. some of these things may change today, but until then i'm stuck just using this fucking touch screen to type really, really sloooooow. good news is, when i get the shit to hook up that monitor i should be able to recover any lost data... unless something else fucked up as well.

ps. don't be angry at mee if i fail to respond for awhile. typing out this message without a keyboard was a royal pain in the ass. expect me to be like a ghost or lurker until that is rectified.

Good luck!
Also, get good mobile keyboard. It helps! ...admittedly, tablet is less comfortable to write than phone.
Thanks. Actually should be getting a new laptop soon since my old one dieing apparently warranted an early birthday present. Pretty much a straight upgrade of my old one, but I'm kinda weary about windows 10.
Thanks. Actually should be getting a new laptop soon since my old one dieing apparently warranted an early birthday present. Pretty much a straight upgrade of my old one, but I'm kinda weary about windows 10.

Unless it's hardwired into the laptop's functionality, you can reformat it to win 7/8 easy enough with just the install disk.

This does require having a valid copy of the win 7/8 install disk of coarse as well as ensuring you get a list of the drivers you will need to reinstall afterwards, but the change-over isn't very difficult with even a minimum of technical aptitude.
So, got my new laptop set up. Will take awhile to get used to it, anyway. I lost all the new stuff that I was writing before this incident happened so I'm kinda stumped on how to proceed from here. My memory, as you should know by now, is very bad. So I now don't know where I was going with the majority of things I've been writing and I'm kinda bummed about it. Also this keyboard is going to be interesting to get used too. Windows 10 was similar enough that I'm pretty much all set on that, even have a back up restore USB in case shit happens. Again.

That is all.

-goes back to downloading all of his steam games he missed since he was forced into Linux-
You're already back on a Microsloth machine now, but I will note that there are few 'doze games that can not run just fine via PlayOnLinux/WINE. My own laptop is about a decade old so nothing modern runs on it well enough to play anyway, but performance was the same 1.5-2 seconds per frame for SW:TOR under Windows Vista as after liberating it to Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
You're already back on a Microsloth machine now, but I will note that there are few 'doze games that can not run just fine via PlayOnLinux/WINE. My own laptop is about a decade old so nothing modern runs on it well enough to play anyway, but performance was the same 1.5-2 seconds per frame for SW:TOR under Windows Vista as after liberating it to Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

I kinda had trouble running things with WINE the last time I tried it. But that was ubuntu 14.04 and my laptop was a decade old. At least I think it was. Not exactly sure on that.
Well, I learned many things since I accidentally wiped my Windows and switched to Windows a couple days ago. But the first and foremost? Backup is godsend. And Cloud Service is Her Herald.

Make use of Cloud Service. Box, Drive, pCloud - whatever. It's the only reason roughly 80% of my files safe despite changing OS.

Granted, I have to get them first. And not all of them can do Linux... but enough do. Thank Elloge.
Well, I learned many things since I accidentally wiped my Windows and switched to Windows a couple days ago. But the first and foremost? Backup is godsend. And Cloud Service is Her Herald.

Make use of Cloud Service. Box, Drive, pCloud - whatever. It's the only reason roughly 80% of my files safe despite changing OS.

Granted, I have to get them first. And not all of them can do Linux... but enough do. Thank Elloge.

Yeah, I've been backing up my story files at least on google while the rest got put in my 2 terrabyte external harddrive. It's just that the monitor burning out on my previous laptop or whatever was a major surprise when I went months without any problems.

Which caused me to get complacent with backing up my files instead of what I have been doing. So, yeah. It's entirely my fault for losing what I had. :(
I also found WINE annoying to set up, and a full installation wants more RAM than I have to be happy - that's where PlayOnLinux comes in, though at the expense of disk space. Disk space is cheap at this point, though, even on older machines unless you're stockpiling TV series or anime, or have a dozen different MMOs installed or something. It creates a tailored WINE installation for each game/program according to community-developed (hence available for most anything popular, and usually within hours or days of major releases) install scripts that leave out anything it doesn't need to create an application window to run it in. No second desltop or whatever, just a "start appname" double-clickable icon, or an aggregate launcher for whatever you have installed like Steam/Arc/Pando/etc.

A good number of Steam games run on Linux natively, too, though far from all of them. The Steam OS for the logo-imprint set-top devices they've been trying to get off the ground for a while is Linux based, after all.

As for butt services, they are good for backup, but my experience has been than as often as I have drive or CPU fan failures I lose connectivity much more often, so if something isn't on my local disks it is highly unreliable.
Missy Baron, Reluctant Mahou Shoujo snippet 1
Missy Baron, the Reluctant Mahou Shoujo

Snippet one​

Hello! My name is Missy Baron. I am a ten year old girl with blond hair and blue eyes and I'm a current runaway. You see, my parents started arguing again and I didn't like that. I didn't like seeing them like that or the fact that they were going to get a divorce.

So I ran away.

Which in hindsight, wasn't the brightest move ever. But that was ok! My plan was sure to work! The plan I speak of? Simple, I run away which will force my parents to work together in order to find me! The problem with the plan is rather simple, though.

Brockton Bay isn't the safest city.

You got the Merchants, who primarily deal in drugs and kidnapping girls… just like me! You got the various Asian gangs that would eat up a little white girl who is lost and alone and spit her out. Then you have the E88 aka the skinheads… which might actually be the safest of the gangs for me to run into and avoid a terrible fate.

But don't worry, none of that happened!

Since my life changed when I saved a tiny little kitten from a tree as I wandered through the park. It was a large tree, one that has been here for ages and ages. But the kitten's meow was so pitiful, I had to do something! Which I did, by setting down my backpack that was filled with all of my supplies and climbed the tree. You don't need to worry about that though, I had the tree climbing badge


I had climbed the tree, carefully picked up the meowing kitten and climbed down. It was simple enough and there was no harm done. But there was something amiss.

The kitten talked!!!!!!!!!!

Dun, dunnn dunnn!

Hehe, sorry.

The kitten said as follows.

"Candidate found, initiating empowerment protocols."

I was like this as I held onto the kitten.


Then the kitten started to glow and I was like this.


But was interrupted when my world became a brilliant, eye searing light. I had felt my body do involuntary twirls as my cloths vanished in a sequence with only said light protecting my modesty before new cloths started to appear as my body did this ridiculous dance like sequence. My legs were covered with white thigh high boots that have a black jewel in a golden circle with a black ribbon where the leg connects to the heel. My hands were covered with white elbow high gloves that had the same accents as my boots. Panties and then bicycle shorts appeared under a black frilly skirt with gold accents and my body was covered by a white blouse thing that had short puffed up sleeves with a red ribbon around my neck and another black gem in a gold circle on the center of the ribbon.

When the light fade I felt myself saying the stupidest thing ever with a salute.

"Mahou Shoujo Miracle Void-Chan reporting for duty!"

Thankfully, I got control of my body and looked myself over to see what the actual hell I was wearing. I had looked down at the kitten with a mix of betrayal and anger, causing it to take a few steps back. My fists were clenched and I gritted my teeth before I took a deep breath and yelled…


I was bored so here is a short snippet of a possible Mahou Shoujo Missy. This is only part of the actual first chapter I may write in the future. I haven't been feeling well lately so I haven't been writing much, if at all.
It's cute, but I will note than I'm pretty sure her surname is "Biron." This is happening in place of her canon trigger, I take it? Does that mean there's other players at work than just Scion and pre-crash Eden, or did her shard just happen to catch some episodes of Sailor Moon rebroadcast via some Tinker's epic but impractical device to pirate cable TV and become a fan?

It almost sounds like the kitten could be a different version of interface terminal like Nagato Yuki from Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. And Void powers, that's an automatic double-take if she's at all aware of the genre, is she reluctant because she's really determined not to become an Evil Magical Girl?
It's cute, but I will note than I'm pretty sure her surname is "Biron." This is happening in place of her canon trigger, I take it? Does that mean there's other players at work than just Scion and pre-crash Eden, or did her shard just happen to catch some episodes of Sailor Moon rebroadcast via some Tinker's epic but impractical device to pirate cable TV and become a fan?

It almost sounds like the kitten could be a different version of interface terminal like Nagato Yuki from Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. And Void powers, that's an automatic double-take if she's at all aware of the genre, is she reluctant because she's really determined not to become an Evil Magical Girl?

Yep, if I continue this there is something else going on in the background. Missy's magical girlness isn't from a shard. Also yeah, this happened before her trigger. I swear her name was Baron though, but I'll need to check it out again.

I haven't decided on whether she would know the genre or not though. But let's just say her offensive spells kinda are very lethal.

As for the interface terminal thing, I believed that is something I was going for.:)

Original draft had her merging with the kitten, but I scrapped it since it was too similar to other things. The one where Taylor becomes a mahou shoujo bioweapon from a different dimension along with contessa to be precise.
Aw, but then she could have had kitty ears in her magical girl form, and a built in excuse for why all the twirls and posing if she's merged with her mascot animal to transform.

I also have to admit I liked the tinkertech pirate TV idea - I laughed while I was writing it.
Living in Interesting times... Chapter 1:Cursed
Living in Interesting Times...(Ranma, Negima?!, Sailor moon, darkstalkers fusion SI?)

Chapter 1: Cursed​

Warning: This setting is a massive fusion between four different mediums and stuff due to jump-chain flat and I as the author am only familiar with them in the past sense.

"Yo, pops!" I yelled at the balding man. We were currently walking up a mountain trail to a supposed fable training ground. "You sure we should be goin' here?"

Given my fathers track record with ideas lately, it had to be said. From exploring a curse temple to fighting Chinese kung-fu bandit bunny thieves to get our supplies back, we have the shittiest luck. I wouldn't be surprised if this "legendary" training ground was cursed or inhabited by the bunny bandits rivals or something.

"Of course Ren!" My father said with his loud and boisterous voice. "The guide says this is the perfect place for us to train!"

"You can read Chinese?!" I ask incredulously. That was news to me.

My father only went silent and didn't answer. The feeling of dread in my stomach that I had ever since we swam to China increased. Now that I thought about it, the fact that the guide supposedly had abandoned temples on it was really suspicious now.

"Are you afraid Ren?" The other person traveling with us said teasingly. Out of the three of us, I was the worrier after all. I like to think it was because I actually had common fucking sense.

"No Ranma… just concerned." I said to my brother.

"Aw, I'm sure everythin' will be fine," Ranma said and put an arm on my shoulder. "If anything happens, we'll deal with it."

"What if it's a ghost this time?" I pointed out with a sigh. "You can't punch ghosts, your fists will just go through them!"

Or can you? That was something to look into later. Along with ways to deal with zombies, werewolves, vampires, and other critters that own the night. People say they don't exist, but my intuition says they do. It helps that as a wandering martial artist, you know for a fact the supernatural are real.

"Boys, we're here!" pops shouted and Ranma let go of me and I got a good look at where we ended up.

I paled, the atmosphere was oppressing. Death was lingering here like a fine mist. My heart started beating rapidly in my chest, and a cold, clammy sweat worked itself up on my being. My father and Ranma seemed unaffected by it, like they have no idea how suffocating it is here.

Just more evidence to the fact that I'm more sensitive to all things supernatural.

"You ok Ren?" Ranma asked as he looked at me. He normally didn't show it, but I could see the concern in his eyes. I smiled weakly at him.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." I was a man after all and not a weak little girl that would cower in fear over this obviously cursed place. So I sucked it up and calmed my breathing. Ranma nodded his head and we both went to catch up with our father, who was talking to a rather round Chinese man.

"Sirs, you shouldn't be in this place," The round man said but my father was obviously not hearing it.

"Nonsense!" He exclaimed and then started to laugh joyfully. "This place looks perfect to train in!"

"But sir-" the guide tried again.

"Come on boys! Let's see what this place has to offer!" My father interrupted him and then jumped on a nearby pole. Ranma looked at me real quick and shrugged, setting down his traveling pack, and followed pops lead.

"This not good," the guide muttered causing me to pause. I opened my mouth to ask him about this place but...

"Come on Ren!" My father shouted as he started sparring with Ranma already. "There's nothing to be afraid of!"

My father cut me off. Hesitatingly, I shrugged off my pack and decided to join them. But there was a sinking feeling in my gut about this place, and I could tell it was coming from the waters in the pools that littered this place.

Well, I just have to not fall in them then I thought as I joined in on our old routine. Free for all brawl first, then a series of focused one verse ones.

Everything was pretty much normal as I lost myself in the fight. It always relaxed me as we danced around like this; a punch there, a kick there, blocks and dodging. Though if my brother and father ever heard me call martial arts dancing they would tease me and call me a girl. But there isn't really any other way to describe it. Even my father, who had a supreme sturdy build of pure muscle, moved gracefully across the poles as we fought each other.

But I couldn't fully enter my "zone", at least not in this place. So I missed a block and Ranma managed to send me and father flying with a spinning round house. I managed to land on a pole, wobbling to get my balance. But father? Well, he wasn't so lucky. He fell down in one of the springs. My stomach twisted into a nott as I felt something change in the atmosphere, like the springs were laughing at us foolish mortals. Then a panda jumped out of the spring and landed gracefully on a bamboo pole. I stared at it in shock, along with Ranma.

"Oh no, sir fell in the spring of the drowned panda! Tragic story about a panda that drown five hundred years ago!" I heard the guide say, drawing my attention to him.

Ranma must have did the same or the shock of seeing our father turn into a panda lowered his guard because when he came to pops was already ready to take advantage of it. Of whom likely tried to say something along the lines of, "Don't lower your guard boy!". Headless of Ranma shouting "wait pops!", I saw the foot connect to his stomach sending him flying away. I didn't think, my body just moved. It was bad enough that dad was cursed, I didn't need my brother to be pandafied!

It was only when I was diving down after Ranma who nearly hit the cursed waters already that I realized the situation I found myself in. Mainly, unavoidably falling in the cursed water after my brother.

My brother hit the water with a splash.

"Oh, shit!"

I soon joined him.

I was holding a teacup as I sat outside in the villa, my castle was in the background. A few of my maids were waiting for my judgment. The tea in the cup was an import from Venus, supposedly one of the best teas in the galaxy.

I took a sip and savored the flavor.

"Acceptable," I said with an authoritative tone. "But I have to wonder why this is called, "Maidens Tea"."

"Milady, that's because it's used to safely prevent pregnancies for a day." One of my maids spoke up and I blinked and turned to stare at her. The maid started to fidget and blush under my scrutiny.

"Well, that's a rather useless side effect for me," I mused and waggled my eyebrows at the cute maid. "I rather have you attend me than a man."

The maid fainted and I let out a giggle.

An elder maid sighed and shook her head.

"Ma'am, please stop teasing the newbies."

"But it's sooo much fun!"

The elder maid let out a long suffering sigh. She dealt with my eccentricities ever since she was a wide eye little girl afterall~

I quickly opened my eyes and realized I couldn't breath. Quickly I swam upwards and took a deep gasp of air, I could only assume that my brother did the same. I coughed a bit as I reached the edge of the spring and grabbed the ground to pull me out. Only when I did that I thought about that dream or at least I thought it was a dream. For the few seconds I was likely unconscious, that really didn't seem likely at all. But for some strange reason I craved some tea… cursed spring!

I quickly patted myself down to see if I've been pandafied like my idiotic father. I felt nothing amiss, and in fact my body felt normal. I let out a sigh of relief before I heard a feminine screech of pure unadulterated rage. I turned to look behind me and there was an absolutely gorgeous redhead baring her lovely breasts to the world. I gulped and quickly averted my eyes. I did not want to be on the receiving end of her rage.

My panda of a father looked worried and was coming over to check on us but stopped dead when he noticed the red head girl. He got the strangest look on his face and whispered something that I could only just barely catch.


Which didn't mean I could understand him. I wondered what he actually said because even as a panda is sounded rather important. Then the redhead decided to jump out of the spring, splashing me again, and went after father causing me to blink with surprise. Feeling like a drowned rat, I was just glad it wasn't me that ran afoul of her feminine… fury… shit.

I turned and looked at my reflection in the water. What looked back was a perfect mirror of the girl who I now realized was Ranma and the girl I saw in my dreams. Only a bit younger looking. Obviously shaking, I got up and started to walk far away from the cursed springs. It was one thing to live your entire life being taught that girls were weak, delicate, and must be protected than becoming one yourself. When I cleared the springs I dropped to the ground in shock. I barely noticed the guide coming up towards me and dropping a towel on my shoulders.

"Don't worry sir, hot water reverse transformation." The round man said and reached down to help me up. I let him and let him guide me to his hut. "I have it on the stove now."

I was only vaguely aware of nodding my head to answer him. My mind went through one dreadful fact. One that it absolutely stalled on. My body as it was now felt more right than it was when I was male. That only made me worry if the spring was more insidious than just transforming poor unsuspecting fools into things, or… something else was going on.

After awhile the two idiots showed up and the tea kettle was steaming again. We didn't used the first one because I insisted on having a cup of tea. Though the tea in itself was obviously poor quality, it did have it's charm. The bad part is, I never was a tea drinker before. Ranma was sulking in his own manly way, which since he was currently shaped like a petite, bouncy, redhead girl… it only looked adorable.

Not that I would tell him that considering the problems I've been having with the transformation, I could only assume his were worse.

The panda tried to speak again but obviously couldn't be understood. The guide pulled out a sign from somewhere and gave it to him, I didn't really pay attention to what was said. I just sipped my tea in peace, vaguely aware that my brother sat down by me. We only sat down in silence, but I patted the little redhead on the head and started to pet her.

"Ren!" Ranma shouted and tried brushing my hand off his head. I only started giggling and froze when I realized how that sounded. "Ren?" This time his voice was softer and filled with concern.

It was hard to tell who the older one was sometimes, I was born a full two seconds before him though. So I was the elder, muahahahahaha!

"Ren.. your smiling that goofy smile again," Ranma pointed out slowly. "You know? The one when you think you're the oldest?"

Blushing slightly I discretely took a sip of my tea to hide my smile.

"Alright boys, it's time to change back." I heard my father say and I sat my teacup down. I turned my head just in time for my face to get splashed by hot near boiling water.

"What ya do that for?!" My brother voiced what I wanted to know so I didn't say anything. I was content to just sit there and glare at the man. Luckily my skin didn't feel burned, only tingly.

"What…" Ranma's now clearly male voice trailed off when he noticed the same thing I did.

Good old dad was looking at me horrified and I had a good guess as to why…

Ranma slowly turned his head towards me and balked, only confirming my suspicions.

I blew a lock of wet red hair away from my face before sighing.

"Well, shit."

...I hate massive crossovers and yet I was inspired to at least write some of this.

This is a four crossed San's challenge jump-chain, crossing ranma, sailor moon, negima, and darkstalkers. I will likely post the build later and another chapter will be coming up called Amazon Woes.

To be honest, I am only using the CYOA jump-chain build as guidelines so I will likely violate the spirit of it.

Like the fact the Miss fortune perk for sailor senshi will grow into probability manipulation more along the lines of scarlet destiny and the fact that I will likely improve the "main attacks" that were stated for Sailor Eris.

And most of the perks will not be granted right now and will be explained in story terms instead of instant mastery over like say, kanka. The character will have an easier time learning it though. Especially with copycat which I may change around a bit to instead be like a different characters or may just keep it as it's described. The warehouse will be granted when the character becomes a senshi though, as that will be basically her subspace pocket that all senshi get only she can get into hers manually with a portal.

That is all!
Going old school with Ranma and Sailor Moon, huh? It's decent, but honestly until you get to some of the newer elements there is absolutely no untrodden ground you can cover with R1/2 and SM. Still, if it's an engaging enough idea to hold your interest and keep writing instead of fading out quickly, that in itself is justification enough to keep at it. I know I sure haven't even got more than a scene or two into anything myself in so long I have no room to call that a "complaint..." :confused:
Going old school with Ranma and Sailor Moon, huh? It's decent, but honestly until you get to some of the newer elements there is absolutely no untrodden ground you can cover with R1/2 and SM. Still, if it's an engaging enough idea to hold your interest and keep writing instead of fading out quickly, that in itself is justification enough to keep at it. I know I sure haven't even got more than a scene or two into anything myself in so long I have no room to call that a "complaint..." :confused:

True, my interest would likely wane. If I fully commit to this. Plus I would need to refresh myself on each of the settings that will be a part of this but I likely wouldn't be able to do that with one setting.

It's actually a four cross you know?

Negima, Ranma, Sailor Moon, and Darkstalkers, with possible cameos from characters form street fighter and marvel. So there is a lot of ground to tred on plot wise but...

I would be juggling events from negima, ranma, and sailor moon generally at the same time while dealing with some events of darkstalkers until Negima's ending, ranma's ending, and likely the middle of sailor moon since I think that plot takes more than a year or two. Negima's from what I remember was a year, Ranma's like two years I believe. Dark stalkers generally had a shorter plot but I can't remember most of it. Even the capcom vs thingy. Doesn't help that my PSPs left shoulder button is fucked up so I probably wouldn't be able to play the game on it.

Anyway, what I'm actually saying is. If I want to continue this I would need to sort through a lot of shit to make sure the plot would make sense and everything fits seemingly. I actually started doing that as a thinking exorcise and this chapter was because I was inspired to at least give it a try.

...Honestly I don't know what I'm saying right now. My splitting headache is killing me.

Anyway, expect another chapter of this at least. If it gets past 5 then I'll likely just shrug and move it to a new thread because I have a story now that would keep my attention. I wouldn't know personally before then though.

I may do something else though, but I'm honestly fucking sick of worm. I'm still reading some fanfics for it, but writing for it is becoming a royal pain in the fucking ass. So I'm going to different fandoms that I enjoyed.

Ultamently, I have a feeling that the story that would likely hold my attention at least a good deal longer than mostly anything else would be in these fandoms.

Disgaea(Where I'm a Galaxy Knight(The magic knight girls final class that have big boobs) and get summoned to various fandoms to form a contract with people and ultimently funnel souls into my Overlords Neverworld), Mahou shoujo lynrical Nanoha(Where I'm a saint kaiser), Synthogear(where I somehow became fused with Durrandle and now have basically a nuke without the swan song and stuff), The above, and a few others.

Possibly devil may cry if I ever finish the HD collection of it. Though I don't own the fourth game, or the rehash or whatever that other devil may cry was.

Anyway, I'm going to stop typing now. I need to go deal with my headache.
Yeah, take care of yourself before worrying about randos on the interwebs. Maybe the key is to think up something that could legitimately be handled as a short subject, as in 3-5 parts? If it still keeps your attention, just tell the next adventure the characters have, if not, well, you can still look at it and feel good about finishing something. I've been playing Disgaea 4 again myself and finally finished the main story; now I'm grinding up an octet of Space Pirates Master Thieves to steal the rk35+ gear off postgame enemies since I haven't even started on getting ship parts to access the Land of Carnage, nor do I intend to before moving on to Disgaea D2. I think if I do an SI at this point, it will probably be as a D4 Mother Brain accompanying Desco and Deszetta in looking for Fuka's reincarnation across other worlds, after Flonne arrived just a little too late to stop her at the end of The Fuka and Desco Show but her soul wasn't allowed to return to that earth. Mainly because I also wished for a little sister with advanced functionality to help me take over the world when I was in single digit ages :D

(Aside: Did you ever notice that Desco is basically flactuled Engrish for "Death-ko?" At a guess, that's the origin of lil' miss Last Boss's name. Death-Z is just the natural follow on for an improved model after that, since they'd have trouble with Squeenix if they'd called her Death-X, which just makes changing her from Des-Z to Des-X for the NA release even odder. I guess they thought Americans would get her confused with Zetta if there was only one syllable's difference? To be fair, the fact that some people still think Trump is a legitimate candidate for President shows that a lot of us really are that stupid.)

I'd want to play DD2 through as well before writing such a thing though, because the way students and masters are handled in that game is much more convenient that the chara world and I'd like to see the new classes/monsters as well before deciding on a final party composition. Most likely it would end up as a Disgaea Stew, with D1 item capacity, classes ranging across D2-DD2, quad fusion and dual magichange along with monster mounts, etc.

And a Trapezohedron recast as a Macross mecha, because I like Macross mecha and D4 doesn't have a Super Robo Suit item as such, as far as I know. Also because seeing a VF land and open up, then Trampoline the slime hop out of the cockpit with a cheerful "Ba-ba-boing!" would put a hilarious look on the face of absolutely anyone from practically any setting. Though I suppose it wouldn't actually be necessary to get out of the cockpit, just let the Trapz's physical form fade back into wherever equipped weapons go when not being wielded, like the other armor and accessories that don't show up on the character's actual body while still having their full effect.

I don't really have a plot for it to follow, though. My well of inspiration seems to have been dry for years now, aside from mindlessly parroting stations of canon with a few extra quips or a different viewpoint character. :(
Maybe the key is to think up something that could legitimately be handled as a short subject, as in 3-5 parts?

The greatest weakness of my plotting ability is I can't for the life of me plot short stories. At all. Like, if I try they just grow longer and longer.

Anyway, I haven't really played Disgaea in a long time so a lot of things changed for me. Only played the first two and beat them actually. So while I say it would be in the disgaea universe, the overlord would have been an OC that only employs female demons and Prinnies. The beginning would have explained how I enter the netherworld(My great great great granpa sold his soul and all his future son's souls to fuck a succubus over and over again) then what I was doing all that time(Sweeping a corridor as a Prinny for literally a thousand years of laziness(the main reason why I haven't bothered reincarnating)) while getting bugged by the very same Succubus that my many greats grampa fucked(She loves sharing all the details and sometimes forces me to actually work and clean up the succubus room but otherwise treats me as her grandkid) until one day my lady overlord(bet you though it would be a guy surrounding himself with a harem of demon girls) sent her to give me a message which well, ended up with me being late to the meeting with the overlord(15 minutes to be exact) and she gives me a choice since I was so damn lazy to reincarnate(I knew that will bite me in the ass) she would give me a new job and body(I of course say that I was fine with how I am but she doesn't take no for an answer). Which she then proceeds to literally drag me to the dark assembly to become the Space!Knight and assigned me on getting summoned by foolish mortals in order to get them in contracts for their souls duties. But before that, I was given to that one succubus I mentioned to be taught how to be a girl.


It's too bad that I lost the chapter that was only a few sentence short of being complete when my laptop died. Otherwise I'd have the first chapter out by now.

The first world I get summoned into would be Familiar of Zero as well and lets just say... things are going end up a lot differently there Basically I would be trying to go for disgaea style humor while not really using much of the game mechanics and stuff like that, while giving other settings a taste of disgaea madness.

The gandalf runes plus Derf who would be grinded in the item world until level 100 would make my character insanely powerful as well. Since Derf actually counts as a staff as well as a sword! And gandalf runes makes all weapons S rank in growth rate at least.

I don't really have a plot for it to follow, though. My well of inspiration seems to have been dry for years now, aside from mindlessly parroting stations of canon with a few extra quips or a different viewpoint character. :(

You'd be surprised. I know of a few stories that did exactly that, adding a few extra quips and dialogue with a new character and followed the stations of canon religiously, and yet some of them were actually good and actually added a bit of depth even though they went by the rails.

Think my point is, you don't know if you don't try and the best thing you could do is probably just write since inspiration is a finical mistress.

Along with in my experience, you are your own worse critic.
The Space Knight is definitely a solid choice - she rocks that double-special-skills unique ability, and has the buff/debuff element affinity unique specials as well. One of D4's secondary evilities for her is to add 30% of her ATK to INT when a sword is equipped as well, which considering her high affinity for sword skills and the way Disgaea tends to make a sword the top-stat human weapon and include a decent INT bonus on it as well anyway is almost as hax as the ghosts with their regenerating SP or +30% RES to INT with a monster weapon equipped, or Skulls with their +30% Special damage-but-double-SP-cost.

Balanced ATK/INT monster weapons were in D2, right? I know they were in the PSP version, at least, along with Peta spells and magichange. D4's version of magichange is much better than D2DHD or (original, don't have a Vita to play the remake) D3, though, especially dual magichange that lets you make two attacks in one round. They replaced Magichange with being able to ride monsters in DD2, though.

On the other hand, that means the dreams of millions of ecchis to be able to mount a Succubus/Nekomata/etc. could finally be realized.... sorta ;) Another benefit of DD2 mechanics is only needing to match the rarity category (Common, Rare, Legendary) rathe than the exact number to get the equipment bonus, and IIRC item ranks go up to 300 if you get enough level bonus events like in D3/4, possibly even higher (still only 100 actual floors.) D2 still had the white-winged Succubus, though, a coloration I sharply miss in the newer games.

I like the Scientist tree because it has uniques to increase Move, Throw, jump, crit chance, magic range, and counter attacks, and evilities to double the effect of consumable items, increase how long buff/debuff magic lasts, or increase XP gain for all allies on the field, though the innate one is a little lackluster and I can't remember it right now. D3 had Cheerleaders filling that role and DD2 has the Sea Angel, but the Cheerleaders don't have very good stats otherwise and Monster characters of course can't use humanoid weapons, even if some of them like Succubi, Alraunes, or Reapers (whether D1 or D3/4) actually have more or less normal human hands. That of course could be relaxed for prose fiction rather than a game, though.

As a way to integrate the "looking at your/an enemy's stats" that is a big part of Disgaea's IC meta (if you'll excuse the expression) without actually explicitly checking a HUD status display, one way I've seen it done a few times is to make demons innately excellent aura-readers, able to tell the relative strength of themselves and/or another, loyalties, favored skills and techniques, significant attuned equipment, even a rough summary of their history or personality, etc. with little more than a bit of concentration and an intent look. Basically, rendering everything reported in the status screens into holistically interpreted insights from the patterns and layers of a person's soul or magical energies or whatever you want to call it.

Edit for late thought: I really, really want to see someone use the D1/2 Omega Star golem summon agaisnt Foquet, or an Endbringer. Really really. You could do that, with your Void Space Knight.
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