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Story time dot ORG (My Snippets, updates, and news thread)

Queen of Ghosts
Queen of Ghosts(a worm cyoa reincarnation SI)​

It's been a week since the locker incident.

The locker incident... the one thing that allowed me to know without a doubt that the trio will never stop. Or be stopped.

At least not by the authorities.

Since why would they care about the quiet, ugly loner girl that has a record as a trouble student?

The trio will continue to escalate unhindered. Probably until they kill me.

They would get away with it too. Going by past experiences with authority.

I should never had told dad about the bullying. Alan Barnes threaten to sue us for slander when dad called him up yelling about what Emma had done.

I called bullshit on that, but it's not like we could afford a court case anyway.

Even if we win, we'll loose.

Cant even sue the school.

Even though I was trapped inside of a bio-hazard for four hours, screaming for help that never came, it didn't even cause me spend a day in the hospital.

They just gave me some antibiotics and sent me on my way.

So it would look like it was better than it was on paper, not to mention that there were no witnesses.

Which of course there wasn't. No one likes a snitch after all.

Since Winslow is pretty much a prison instead of a school.

A prison that teaches the kids who have a wonderful future in gang politics. Or as a villainous grunt!

Such bright prospects I know.

Should have just gone to Arcadia when I had a chance. Especially the reason I didn't turned into a traitorous bitch.

But no use crying about stupid mistakes you made in the past.

The past is past.

And I have super powers.

Very lame super powers.

I heal better than most people, but it's not some miraculous regeneration that would allow me to not die from getting shot.

But I noticed something else that I can do! From when I was killing the "generous" time that Principal Blackwell gave me to recover from my tragic accident.


Anyway, I have a thinker power I believe.

I can sense other parahumans. Not just sense, but tell what they could do and even see how they are limited.

My range is even two blocks so far!

Great right?


You see, parahumans like having secret identities. So if someone found out about my power I would be either hunted down and killed or kidnapped and forced to work for a gang or something.

Not something I plan on doing any time soon. But, nifty little super power I have isn't.

So instead... I planned on sending all the evidence I gather on my bullies and against Winslow to the media and then kill myself.

But in a different life that was 100% better than this one, I was strongly against suicide.

Sadly that carried over.

I didn't send anything to the media, because I rather not be alive when they pick through it like vultures while my name gets slandered and most of the evidence gets dismiss with nothing changing again.

So as wise little green goblin thingy said "Do or do not, there is no try!" I did not.

Just like I have been, I endured and did nothing.

Not really, I did immerse myself in my past life's happier memories.

But that just added to my depression when I compared it to my life.

I apparently like girls now though. So there's that.

Not like anyone would date someone like me anyway. With my too wide mouth and lanky, skinny limbs.

I did think about going to Protectorate to join the Wards, maybe even get a transferred to Arcadia as the Wards are rumoured to do.

But I decided not too.

My power is useless for super heroing for one, for two I have enough teenage drama in my life, and for three I don't trust authority to do anything for me. They haven't before.

I did take up jogging as a hobby though.

That was a good idea as it turned out. Made me feel a lot better.

But I digress.

As I said before the school generously gave me a week off. That week is now over.

Given that I am currently standing in front of Winslow.

I should really look into getting a G.E.D or something.

Anyway, of course I feel the stares.

I am the girl that returned after all.

I heard some snickers as I walked by, not stopping by the locker as I don't trust it.

My past life never trusted his either. For different reasons though. Mainly it was a shitty locker in an inconvenient area.

"Oh what's that smell?" I hear a girl loudly whispering to her friend.

"Oh, it's the locker girl. All covered in filth." Her friend whispered back.

I ignored them and started walking faster to my first class.

"Isn't that locker girl?" I heard a dumb boy ask his dumb buddy.

"Yep, better not touch her. You might get something." The dumb buddy said.

I ignore them, wearing a stoic mask. I will not allow them to get to me anymore.

This must be the trios new tactic since they didn't break me in the locker.

The entire school is against me.

'That's fine.' I thought, reaching my first class. Computers. 'It's not like they were with me in the first place.'

The interesting thing is, I think Shadow Stalker is in this school. I sensed a power that could be hers.

Another reason not to join the Wards, a Ward wouldn't even step in to help me. Assholes.

But that was pretty much my entire day. Enduring insult after insult. Madison still kept up her childish pranks.

Madison is honestly terrible at bullying someone. But she is good at manipulating teachers.

Anyway, things changed. Things changed forever after I was surrounded by a gaggle of girls leaving Mr. Gladly's class.

Though I did stealthily appreciate the sight since some of them are really pretty. Including my traitorous best friend.

Too bad they all have terrible personalities.

But what really changed everything was when I locked by eyes on Sophia Hess A.K.A the serial killer to be.

I ignored the whispered insults and barbs thrown my way. My eyes going wide as I stared at the bitch that turned my best friend against me.

Sophia Hess is a parahuman. Not only that Sophia Hess is Shadow Stalker, a Ward.

Certain things clicked together. Why Emma stopped being my friend. Does she know who Sophia is?

Did she really drop our friendship because she got a new super hero buddy instead?

I know I should be angry, and I am. But anger took a back seat. Really.

This is the first time I ever been this close to a parahuman before. The first time I could see the connection of their powers so close.

I let out a giggle and smiled as I walked towards Sophia.

She looked at me weary but not willing to give me ground.

"Look at her, is she high?" Someone asked, I don't care who.

I was focused on something that was so grand and terrible at the same time.

"What the fuck are you looking at Hebert?!" Sophia snarled. But I ignored her and instead reached out and caressed her cheek. Her face flickered to disgust, but I didn't care about her face.

I cared about the wondrous thing that was attached to her meagre human brain. The way it allows your body to shift through dimensions, or how it allows you to fuse things together, and how I could make it better. How I could tear its limits away.

My smile widened. So many things that can be done.

But the sheer complexity of it is so... soo...

"Beautiful." I said breathlessly.

"W-what the fuck Heb-" Sophia tried to say, even reaching up with her hand to remove mine from her cheek.

It was the last thing she ever did.

Sophia Hess dropped like a puppet that got it's strings cut.

The gaggle of girls looked down at her and realized that Sophia wasn't breathing anymore.

They screamed, some ran away some only stood frozen in horror. I didn't care.

I giggled and laughed amongst the screams, shifting my body in and out of the dimensions. I played with my new found power like a kid that just got a shiny new toy.

It wasn't until my giddiness died down until I realized something.

I killed Sophia Hess.

I started breathing heavier. My heart beating what felt like miles a minute.

I killed a Ward in their civilian identity.

The Protectorate will come after me. I will be beaten and caught.

I will be caged.

"Please let me out!" I cried my self horse banging on the locker door with all my strength. Cutting my hands, and feeling the bugs skittering all around and on me. The putrid stench filled my nostrils almost making throw up again. The walls feel like they are closing in on me. I've been left, left to rot, to be forever trapped inside this... this... cage.

"No." I whispered. "No." I said louder, my face twisting in anger.

"NOOOOOO!" I screamed, scaring the people around me further. " I will not be locked in a cage!"

The Shadows gathered around me and I disappeared from Winslow High School.

Never to return there again.

When I next appeared it was in the center of what seemed to be an abandoned building.

I collapsed to the ground, breathing heavily.

"Why?" I asked, nearly snarling with anger.

I started to pound the ground with my fist.

"Why Why?!"

I continued to pound the ground with my fist with increasing intensity.

"Why do they always have to ruin everything?!"

With a scream of rage my fist slammed into the ground.

I felt my fingers crack and I bit back a pain filled scream. Only whimpers escaped my lips as I lied down on cool wooden floor. Cradling my hand to my chest.

I felt the tears well up in my eyes. My rage did not subside though.

"Those bitches always ruined everything!" I roared, my voice echoing throughout the empty building.

First Emma ruined our friendship, next my grades, then my mother's flute! Everything!

Not even having super powers helped! They just made things worse.

Sophia just had to be a parahuman. A Ward of all things.

It's not fair.

Sophia... she's... I...

"I killed someone." I whispered, my tears started to flow.

I killed her, doesn't matter what I say, I killed her.

A Ward in cold blood.

The Protectorate will be out for my blood.

Doesn't matter, they cant stop me.

I cant go home.

No I don't want to kill them.

Dad would be disappointed in me.

I need to prepare to defend myself.

Dad... I wont see him again, will I?

How can I stop the Protectorate from putting me in a cage?

How would he look at me? His murderer of a daughter.

I don't know...

I wonder what they are... telling... him... now.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I woke up to someone screaming for help.

I bolt up, by back stiff from sleeping on the ground.

"How long have I've been out?" I wondered, cracking my back.

My hand throbbed with a dull pain. Reminding me in my sleep addled state at what happened.

"Sophia..." I calmly said. I used my shirt sleeve to wipe my eyes.

I didn't notice something shift behind me.

"Please someone!" The voice shrieks, just outside the building.

"Shut up bitch!" A gruff voice yelled and I heard a meaty twach and a body falling down onto the ground.

I turned towards the direction of the sound.

"What's going on?" I asked myself.

"This is why I hate testing new recruits. Always too over eager." I heard an exasperated male voice state.

Curious, I walked towards the wall and stuck my head through it using my nifty new power.

I saw two toughs wearing an E88 symbol, along with a man that was pure white.

I felt something niggling in the back of my mind when I looked at the man. He was a cape aright.

His power was interesting.

"Hurry up and finish the nigger off, I don't have all afternoon to spend with new blood." The man said and then yawned.

"Sorry sir." One of the toughs said, properly chastised. He then took out a pocket knife.

"Nonono." The dark skin women repeated over and over again from where she lied on the ground.

His power can be used to restore objects to their prime conditions.

The thug started to advance towards the dark skinned woman.

His power... I want it.

I felt something touch me and I screamed, jumping straight into the alley way where the gang members were.

"What?!" "The hell?!" The rookie thugs yelled in surprised. The knife dropped and cut the woman's exposed leg.

She screamed in pain. Blood started run down her led.

The pure white man reacted by pulling out a gun and pointed it at me.

I gulped.

"H-hello?" I asked nervously, sweat started running down my face.

"Oh, hello there." The man said pleasantly before yelling at the two toughs. "Hey Dumbasses! Shape up! Now!"

"Yes sir!" They both cried and straightened themselves up.

They looked at me nervously.

"It seems we have a guest boys. A newbie projector too." The unpleasant man stated calmly.

'Projector?' I thought and then turned to look behind me.

Standing there was a ghostly looking Sophia Hess, her expression completely neutral.

'Is she haunting me?' I thought perplexed. 'Figures that she cant even leave me alone even when she is dead.'

"Oi, girly!" I heard the guy shout, causing me to turn back to him. "Stop getting distracted!"

"I'm not distracted." I stated with a pout. The guy sighed.

"Look kid, you should just leave and forget that you saw anything." He began. "I mean, you don't even have a fucking mask. You should just go home to your parents and stay there." He put the pistol away and started walking towards me. Confident his power would protect him. "I don't want to have to hurt ya kid. Especially a nice white girl like you." He put a hand on my shoulder, content that I haven't moved Sophia to attack him.

"Or maybe you would like to go with dear old uncle Alabaster to see Kaiser?" He asked and then added with a surprising softness. "I'm sure Kaiser would welcome you to the family if you don't have one."

Family.... dad... mom.

I felt tears run down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry." I apologized quietly.

"What's wro-" That was as far as he got before I pulled his power from him.

He dropped to the ground dead, just like Sophia.

The dull pain of my hand vanished and another ghost appeared behind me.

"Oh shit!" A tough yelled in panic.

"Let's get out of here!" The other one yelled and ran away with the other one in tow.

I wiped the tears from my eyes again. This isn't the time for crying.

I killed someone again. For what.. their power? Because my hand hurt?

I heard sniffling and looked down at the woman. Then looked at her bleeding leg.

No... I did it to save her... yeah. I saved her. I smiled and nodded my head, happy with that conclusion.

So with my head held high, I walked towards her. She saw me and her eyes went wide. The women started to sob harder.

I imagine its because of the new ghost that decided to haunt me. But I paid it no mind.

When I got to her, I reached down to touch her leg.

The woman tried to move it away, but I managed to tag it.

I used my new power and reset her body back into peak condition.

She blinks away her tears and stared at me. Not sure about what just happened.

I stood back up and stared back with a bright smile.

"T-thank you." She manages to say as got up. The woman started to check over her body. I probably made her healthier then she's ever been. "Thank you for saving me."

"Don't mention it!" I exclaimed cheerfully. The woman looked at the corpse on the ground and made click sound with her tongue.

"About time someone done that bastard in." She stated, staring at the corpse coldly.

I said nothing, not wanting to look at, or even think about the latest corpse I made. She looked back at me and smiled brightly.

"Thank you again and don't worry." I tilt my head questioningly. "I promise I wont tell anyone. But you did a good thing today." The woman finished saying and nodded her head.

I did, didn't I?

"Well, take care." She said and started to walk away. "Keep up the good work!"

I watched her go and realized something great!

That's it! That's how I can stop the Protectorate from caging me!

My smile widens as I come to a great solution to my problems.

If I go after the villains... if I help the Protectorate do their jobs.

Then they wont see me as a threat, but an asset! I wont be locked away!

I turned to walk back into the abandoned warehouse I appeared in. The ghosts haunting me follow dutifully.

Maybe... maybe I can be a hero.

I always wanted to be one after all. Every since I was a kid.

The shadows gather around me and I disappeared once more.

After all, how hard can it be?

And done.

Honestly, my heart wasn't really into this one. But I still completed it.

This is different from how I wanted the first version of Tyrant queen to go.

In the first version I was going to give my SI Taylor the powers of shaper, phycokinetic, and cross over Sarah Kerrigan A.K.A the queen of blades.

Then Taylor would have had one bad day. You can guess what happened after that.

I didn't do that because If I continued it, well, most of the story would probably be politics and honestly.

That Taylor could probably conqueror the world and kill the Endbringers and Scion in less then a week.

So it would have been a rather short story.

Anyway, about this Taylor. I wont say what her powers she has or anything but I will say that this Taylor is not exactly the sanest person right now.

I probably failed to show this well, but meh. What can you do?

Anyways, if her thoughts and dialogue seem a bit jumpy and her mood and things like that?

It's supposed to be that way. Taylor actually has a few thought processes running at the same time.

It's kinda hard to show that. Especially since it's not something she realized.

Something related to her powers. Which I wont tell you about.

Anyway, sorry if this wasn't really all too enjoyable and not what you were expecting.

Oh, Joy redone will be next.
Well its rather obvious what one of her powers is or at least similar to. I wonder how everyone is going to react to a second Glaistig Uaine.
Well its rather obvious what one of her powers is or at least similar to. I wonder how everyone is going to react to a second Glaistig Uaine.

No the question you should be asking should be how will Glastig Uaine react to a second Glastig Uaine.
I cant really confirm or deny anything. But I will say that if Queen of Ghosts gets made into a story. GU and -insert cape name- Taylor will meet at a point in time.
Had a SI build using the first one.

Ended up with me being a girl again with Legends powerset, A.K.A all powers of the rainbow, and ended up with me somehow dating Parian.
Yeah. Don't know how that happened, but I know some later chapters would only have me post it on QQ, either the SFW section or the NSFW one.

Considering that I don't write smut due to my reasons, probably the SFW one. Either way, probably wouldn't write it in the first place.

Just a passing muse spawned with the idea of how would people in worm react to what is basically a female legend.

Thought I should share it.

Anyway, my sickness is going away finally, so I will probably complete Oh, Joy sometime soon. Probably.

After that I'm going to take a break from writing damn SIs and work on something else.

Probably Fluffy Tail. Sorry to those who wanted to see the Balrog!Taylor started up soon.
I'm sorry to inform you guys that I might not write my Loli bunny girl SI. Because any story plans for it started to turn into too much work, with me basically making an original story rather than this being a Worm SI.

One reason is, I show up in esburng or whatever that places name is two years before the goblin king. The other reason is, my character would not step foot inside Brokton Bay unless there is an enbringer attack there. So that would lead me to creating a bunch of OCs and everything.

I might still do it, but I probably wont turn it into a full story.

Anyway, this build is probably going to have almost the same problem.

Here is the character build I am talking about. Please note, this might actually spoil some things if I write this build as a story. So click the spoiler at your own risk.


Aura- 3 tinker+ library of Aura knowledge. semblance elemental dust crystallization? Think of it later. Probably

Wildcard-1 Hyperform- rating 1d8+2 → [6,2] = (8)


Comicbook pretty-1

special snowflake-1

charles atlast super powers-1

Item of power-3 dubbed the bag of holding- twin jail broke circus Pocket dimension is now bigger can hold more things. At the cost of losing every power circus had besides the pocket dimension.

wilbow whats a wilbow? +2

Without a map Eisnenburge +2

wanted protectorate +2

geas+ 1 berserk button, calling me short.

geas+1 claustrophobia.

geas+ 1 insatiable curiosity, the urge to know things.

pint size +1

In other news, Oh, Joy redux is nearly complete. Probably like 1k words left on it. I'll finish it when I stop having a headache.

Also, tell me if I got my math wrong if you click the spoiler, please.
Just a news update.

I'm going to finish plotting out a story that I am going to try and get published and then start writing the rough draft of it and what not.

Going to at least work at this for 1 hour a day.

So, what does that mean for my fanfiction that I started? Well, not much at all. Just slower updates probably. Or the update speed will remain the same as it has been.

Also, going to be sending in an app for a job, so I would know sometime during September whether or not I have a job, or that I need to continue job hunting.

So there is that as well.

Btw, going to finish Oh, Joy by tonight at least. Will more than likely post it tomorrow though.

Then I am going to get all my other god damn SI ideas out of my damn head and have you guys vote on what one you would like to see as a story first.

Current line up list looks like this right now.

1. Oh, Joy- Emma SI with the power of the Kaleidoscope.
2. A Simple Thief- Madison with the mad talent to steal anything.
3. Hunters in shadows- Sophia with her power jail broken and naruto magic
5. Queen of Ghosts- Taylor with jail broken QA and GU merged together.
6. [insert pokemorph SI tittle here]- A dropped in the worm universe SI with the power to change into a pokemorph and use pokemon abilities.
7. [ insert sailor moon expy tittle here]- A reincarnation SI with a worm AU built to have a girl named Usagi Tsukino and her family in it. Not going to be a full sailor moon cross. But meh, I could be lying about this one. Only CYOA inspired because there is no options for me to actually do this building from the CYOA.
8. Slayer of monsters- Another dropped in the worm universe SI. Where I spend weeks fighting for my life in eisberg or whatever city the goblin king took over. God damn asshole ROBs. I have the power of aura and a hyper form in this btw.

Each of these will be basically oneshots that could possibly stand alone as they are now. At least until I feel like making them into a story that is.

So yeah, that's all for news today.
Oh, Joy(redone version)
Oh, Joy

Ow... my head.

Wearily I opened my eyes. When I did, everything seems blurry as the sky was shifted in a way that there were two skies.

I blinked my eyes a couple of times and the weird double vision went away.

Where the hell am I?

Last thing I remember was nearly running over a black cat with a quad.

Which is strange in itself, as I lived in a forest area and house cats are generally not allowed outside.

'Oh well.' I thought. Though I admit that I feel unusually calm about this. But that was rather unimportant. I decided to stand up and take stock at my situation. Wondering if I got in an accident or something. But judging by my surroundings I'm not anywhere near the trail. In fact I seem to be in an dank alleyway. Huh.

With a shrug, I started to check for any injuries. Patting my body gently to see if any area stung, brushing off the dirt from my skirt and blouse. Feeling nothing amiss, besides a weird taste of Purple, I started brushing the dirt and grime out of my long, red hair.


I stop and stare at my arms as they seem a lot smaller then before. Looked down and found two developing mounds protruding from my chest.

'I have breasts?' I thought, still strangely calm. I groped them to see if they were real.

Yep, they are.


"Looks like the girly's got up and decided to get ready for us boys." I heard a sickening voice say. I turned to glare at the offender and he only smirked. He was Asian from what I could tell, wearing torn cloths that were red with green. Along with all the other thugs.

Why does that seem familiar.

"Tch, men thinking with their dicks like aways." The girl with them said with disgust. "She can't even be going on 15 you damn pedos." With that said she glared at the thugs until they were sufficiently cowed. When they were, she nodded her head and walked over to me.

Considering that I started ignoring her, trying to think on why this situation seemed familiar, it stands to reason that I was caught by surprised when the girl kneed me in my stomach and forced me to kneel on the ground, and then pulled my hair up and held a knife to my face.

"Still, you and your father entered our territory so brazenly, it's time to pay your tow." She stated calmly and gave me a vicious smile. I only stared back at her blankly. She showed some hesitation because of my lack of fear but quickly recovered her resolve. "And since you look like a well off pretty white girl thats used to getting anything she wants, it's time someone took something from you." She nodded her head, content with her inane reasoning. "So, will it be your eyes?" She moved her knife directly in front of my eyes. "Your nose?" She pointed the knife at my nose. "Or your teeth?" She asked tauntingly, moving the knife back to where she had it originally.

Suddenly everything clicked together. My life as a lawyers daughter, filling out a broken worm CYOA for the hell of it, playing with my best friend in the world, going quading in the forest and taking a trail I normally do, comforting my best friend after her mother died, the black cat smirking at me, being pulled out of the car by ABB thugs and blacking out, waking up as a girl.

Hello, my name is Emma Barnes and I used to be someone else until a fucking chaos god decided it would be a nifty idea to reincarnate me in the Worm universe and gave me everything I filled out in a stupid CYOA.

Cold fury radiated around me, even the woman that had me at her mercy, Yan, let go of my hair and backed away slowly. The confident thugs suddenly looked nervous as I stood up once more.

I will gain power. I decided. I will gain enough power to challenge even gods and I will fucking hunt down and murder that bastard of a cat.

'But first.' I thought, glaring at the thugs that traumatized me in the original timeline. 'Time to take out the trash.' I smiled at them menacingly. The smarter thugs already started running away. 'I know just the way to do it.' With that I closed my eyes and focused.

I submerged myself in memories not of my own and opened my eyes. The only answer to my fury, and the best way to give this universe the middle finger is full power, total annihilation. The White devil of the Time Space Administration Bureau was reborn through me.

"Chain bind." I stated eerily calm. Already mentally calculating everything. I might need to get an intelligent device sometime soon. Having one would make what I'm about to do a lot easier.

Pink chains appeared and wrapped around the thugs. Including the ones that thought they could get away from me.

"Shit!" One cursed, others started begging for their lives. I ignored them.

They needn't worry though, above all else I am a law enforcer and a teacher.

And it's time these students learn the error of their ways and cool their heads.

I used the chains to levitate them in the air and I bunched them together. Perfect.

I reached my hand out, a pink ball of energy started to coincide in front of it.

"DIVINE!" I shouted and pulled my hand back into a fist. "BUUUSSTTTER!" I punched the pink ball of energy and released the spell.

The pink beam of befriending shot out, hitting the screaming thugs in the air, going through the building that was behind, which caused me to mentally wince as I forgot about that, and destroying the roof top beyond that. In fact before I cancelled the spell off the beam of energy went all the way to the moon and exploded.

Creating a giant new crater on the moon that was visible from the ground.

'T-that...' I thought and stared at the moon wide eyed and in shock. 'That was a lot more powerful then I wanted it to be.' I gently lowered the unconscious, and most likely traumatized, thugs to the ground.

I'm probably going to have to fix the moon somehow... arn't I?

I didn't really get a moments rest, one minute I as starting at the devastation I've caused and the next I am being hugged.

No, not by my father, I really don't know where he is honestly, but by a girl in an edgy costume.

"That was awesome!" The girl exclaimed before releasing me from the hug.

"T-thanks?" I said hesitantly. I began to realize who this girl was.

"Seriously! The look on their faces." The girl starts laughing and I took a small step back. "Ah... sorry." She stated and sheepishly rubbed the back of her head when she noticed that I as starting to edge away.

"L-lets start over." She said and poked the cheek of her hockey mask in embarrassment. I'd imagine she is sporting a brilliant blush. She pretended to cough and composed herself. "I'm Shadow Stalker," she held out a hand and I shook it out of reflex, "sorry I didn't get here earlier to help you." she apologized and then looked around.

"But I guess you didn't really need help huh?" She asked and then looked up at the moon. "Did you just get your powers?" She looked back at me and I blushed.

"Yeah..." I told her, looking a bit sheepish myself. I really hope I don't get in trouble for that. "About the moon... can... can you please not tell anyone I did-"

"Great!" Shadow Stalker interrupted enthusiastically. "We should team up, I'll show you the ropes!" She nodded her head like it was already decided.

This... is this really Shadow Stalker? The traumatized little girl that liked to nail people to the wall with crossbolts?

The same one that fed me the bullshit philosophy in the original timeline?

Did I enter an alternate universe by mistake?

"Um, well-" I try respond to her generous offer but I was interrupted again... by another hug.

"Princess! Are you ok?!" My father asked with a great deal of worry.

Well, at least I found my father. But.. ugg, pet names.

"Yeah, I'm ok dad." I said, trying to reassure him so he would stop hugging me.

I'm not really a touchy feely type of person.

"Thank god..." He stated, with barely a whisper, and tightened the hug. "Thank god nothing happened to you." I felt droplets of water hit me and I awkwardly started patting my dad on the back.

I think now would be a poor time to tell him my new life's goal.

We stayed together like this for a couple more minutes and I heard police sirens in the distance.

Someone must have called them. Or... they saw a pink beam of death hit the moon or something.

Naw, can't be that... just in case.

"Dad." I tried to say only for it to be mumbled as my father still held onto me for dear life.

I managed to wiggle and break free.

"Yes sweetie?" My father asked and wiped his eyes.

"The police are coming." I calmly said. Come to think of it, I've been rather calm about this entire thing.

Almost too calm.

Damn you Invictus. Or I should be glad that I picked that? The Worm universe is rather fucked up. And I rather not be mastered.

That would end poorly on everyone involved.


Hell, what was I thinking channelling someone when I had absolutely no practice with the Kaleidoscope?

That could have seriously fucked me up.


Come to think of it, I think I still have Nanoha's memories inside my head. Isn't that supposed to not be permanent?

Damn it! Oh, well I'll deal with that later.

"Emma!" I heard someone shout and then suddenly my body started to shake violently.

I must admit I snapped a little.

"Yes?!" I asked rather sharply and glared at my father.

He looked back at me worriedly.

"Emma, you spaced out there... are you sure you're ok?" He said softly.

"Yeah... sorry dad." I said before taking a breath to calm down. He is not at fault for the circumstance that led me to be here. "Just... just a lot happened and I really need to process it."

"I see..." He said and looked around at the surroundings and noticed the pile of thugs on the ground. "What exactly happened?"

"Well..." I start to say and trailed off when I finally noticed something.

Where the hell is Shadow Stalker? Did she pull a batman on me?

Never mind that Emma, not important now.

"Short version is I got super powers." I took a deep breath.

"LongversionisthatIfeellikeIgotanentirelifetimeworthofmemoriesdownloadeddirectlyintomybrainandalmostblewupthemoon." I babbled.

Something Taylor taught me.

"What?" Father questioned me. He looked rather confused trying to make out what I said.

"I said I became a magical girl for truth and justice, and like all magical girls I accidentally caused a massive property damage when dispensing justice to villainous thugs." I couldn't resist saying. Somehow I managed to keep a straight face.

"What?" My father repeated.

I know it's probably cruel, but honestly. I am still coming to terms with who the hell I am.

"Hey look, the police are here. If anyone asks, tell them I didn't blow up the moon, ok?" I asked him sweetly.

My father only looked at me with further bafflement. Not knowing what to say before the Police got out of their cars and started doing their jobs with surprising professionalism.

The police worked rather fast, rounding up the unconscious thugs, checking to see if we were ok and getting our statements and what not. They must be used to this sorta of thing by now. Though I mostly ignored them, content to go through the new memories I gained.

There are differences from Nanoha's memories than from what I've seen in the anime. Which isn't surprising. Honestly I'm just glad they apparently didn't come with an emotional attachment to them, otherwise I'd be really screwed.

Or did the emotional attachment leave when I stopped channeling her and the memories stayed... huh. Something to think about later then.

The PRT was also called, as it's rather obvious one of us became a cape today.

Judging by the way they looked at me, and given what I said in my statement, plus the worried glances my father kept on sneaking my way while he was on the phone... they think it's me.

Good guess.

I heard a motor cycle coming in the distance.

Oh great... it's Halbeard. The one with the social skills of a brick and the tact of a...a... brick. Meh, best I feel like coming up with.

I turned to the direction of the sound only to be surprised as it pulled up.

Because unless Halbeard is female in this universe, then that couldn't be him.

I stared.

The woman that got off was wearing a type military uniform that seemed to have been tailored to accent her curves, which must have been the PR departments idea, and she also wore a sash patterned after the American flag with a matching scarf apparently as she took off her helmet and started walking towards us with a concerned look.

'Miss Militia.' I thought and gave her a small smile when she walked up to us. 'At least it's not Halbeard.'

She and gave me a quick smile as well, before she went back to being concerned.

"Are you alright?" She asked, here eyes flickering to my dad and then back at me.

"Yes, I am." I said,hoping it sounded like I meant it.

I mean, technically I am alright, it's just I shouldn't be. I know it must be a perk I picked at work, one that I could probably get rid of, but considering what I'm probably going to experience as a Kaleidoscope user. I rather not.

I like my sanity after all.

"Yes, we... we're alright." My dad responded quietly, sounding choked up.

Probably since he started to think about what might have happened to me if I didn't gain powers.

Miss Militia nodded her head in understanding.

"As you probably can tell, I was called here because of the parahuman involvement regarding this case." The hero started saying and discreetly looked at me. I tried not to fidget when she did. "The possibility of a new cape just gaining their powers was high." She paused and looked at the collateral damage and then back to us. This time I did fidget when my eye's met hers and I looked away, blushing. I could tell she was at least somewhat amused, judging by what I saw with her eyes.

I really didn't mean to cause that much property damage.

But I guess keeping a secret identity from the PRT is a no go now. Not that it was a thing before.

At least she isn't asking about the moon... I don't think I did enough damage to destabilize it's orbit or anything bad like that though. Thankfully.

"Yes, my daughter triggered..." My dad confirmed any suspicions about begin a cape, pausing only to tighten his grip on his phone. "If she hadn't... she would have been..." He started to shake, barely stopping himself either crying or breaking his phone in rage I guess.

Honestly I'm surprised that he is showing that much emotion, since I tended see him as some cold hearted lawyering god that always was put in the setting to give Taylor no legal way to solve her problems when they get to that point. But then I am surprised that I'm surprised about that.

He's my dad, of course he would be like this. He cares about me after all, I'm his daughter.

I saw Miss Militia's eye's widen a fraction and quickly looked me over.

"Are you sure you're ok?" She asked, concern practically dripping from her tone.

"Yes, they weren't going to do anything like that to me." I stated. After all, Yan dissuade them of that notion.

"The girl with them quickly stomped out any of that sort of talk and was instead just going to horribly disfigure me by either gouging out my eye, cutting my face up, or knocking my teeth out." I stated calmly, for some reason that just made her look more worried about me.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see my father looking down at me with a worried look as well. Why?

Oh yeah... normal people wouldn't be able to casually say something like that in this situation.

"Sorry..." I looked away from them again. "I think... I think this got to me more than I thought." I lied, but it's better to act at least somewhat shocked, right?

Miss Militia caught the lie though, but she only nodded her head in understanding.

I kinda wondered what she was thinking though. That my powers force me to have an unnatural calmness?

She would be right on that.

After that, my father and Miss Militia started talking again but I tuned them out.

If I focus, my vision starts to see double.

I know what was happening, and decided that it would take some time to get used to it.

'I wonder if my eye's color changed to prismatic.' I thought to myself while I stared at the property damage I caused. When I focused on it, I could see the buildings undamaged as well as damaged.

Which got me thinking.

I should be able to fix that easily. As simple as copy and pasting.

Probably a god send as far as super powers go, and certainly would make me popular with the aftermath of an Enbringer attack.

I could undo all the damage they cause, except for bringing back the lives lost after all.

Well, in theory I could undo all the damages they caused. Still don't know how to really do it.

Do I just wave my hand and make it all better?

"The Directer would want me to bring you and Emma to see her but..." I heard Miss Militia say with a bit of hesitation and I focused my attention on her once more. Only to blink when I saw her wearing Russian military colors instead of her normal American military inspired costume. I rubbed my eyes and looked again and saw that she was back to normal.

Yeah, seeing alternate possibilities of someone is going to be rather annoying, and tiresome.

"But since you both had a rather trying night, I believe it would be for the best if you went home to rest first before coming in to see her." She said and then looked at me.

She must think I'm tired or something, which I technically am.

But I'm used to being tired. So it really doesn't affect me as much.

Still, not looking forward to meeting Piggot, especially with the way fanon kept painting her as this frothing mouth unreasonable bitch, I wouldn't put it past her to use the collateral damage I caused as a means to force me in the Wards where she and the government would feel like they actually have control over me and my futures actions.

I know this is probably an exaggeration of her character, but given that I've technically never read Worm, I'll have to work with what I do know. So she's an unreasonable bitch until further notice.

"Thank you for your consideration, Miss Militia." My father said with a tone I only heard him use when he was working. "We will of course scheduled an appointment with the Director of the PRT when I feel that we recovered well enough from the trauma of this incident." Miss Militia nodded in response.

"That's reasonable." She stated. "If you require no further assistance..."

"We don't, but thank you Miss Militia." My dad said and smiled at her. "I'm glad the city has hero's like you looking after it."

Miss Militia smiled back and then wished us a good rest of the night and started to walk back to her bike

Way to go dad! You actually bought sometime for me to decide what I want to do with my powers!

'But I might be able to get them off my back further if I clean up the mess I made.' I thought, taking a quick look at the debris from the building I wrecked again.

"Miss Militia?" I called out.

She stopped walking and turned to look at me, puzzled.

"Do you need something?" She asked, curious as to what I want.

"I think I might be able to fix that." I said and pointed at rubble. Miss Militia looked where I was pointing and then back to me.

"Really?" The hero asked, clearly interested.

"Yeah..." I answered with a bit of hesitation. "Yeah I can." This time my answer was filled with determination.

"Princess?" I father asked, but I ignored him and started to walk towards the damage I caused.

'It could have been worse.' I thought as I stood by the debris. 'I could have channeled Akuma.' That though nearly made me blanch.

'Yeah... I'm going to need to be careful on who I channel in the future.' I thought and then focused once again, seeing the undamaged buildings overlay the damaged ones.

"Now... how do I do this?" I murmured to myself and tried waving my hand to see if that would work.

It didn't so I kept trying other things, some rather embarrising that I am sure I heard Miss Militia and my father hold back a laugh behind me. It wasn't until I started getting frustrated before it suddenly clicked and the area was bathed in a prismatic light.

When the light died down, I saw a pristine building, since the other one was behind it so I couldn't see if it's repaired, but I just knew I fixed that one as well.

So I turned and looked at the shocked adults behind me. "I told you I could do it." I was positively radiating smug.

It wasn't long after that we said our goodbyes and headed home. But I think I might have made a tiny mistake revealing that aspect of my power so soon.

Judging by the considering look Miss Militia gave me after she got over her shock, I can only assume if the PRT didn't want me before, now they would sell their first born child to have me under their thumbs.

Or I could be wrong. That happens more often than not.

"After all, I was completely wrong about Sophia." I mused to myself as I got ready for bed. My new father and mother were content to leave me alone. "I wonder how she got sooo.... peppy."

'Oh well, that is one mystery that would solve itself in time.' I thought, shrugging off my cloths and putting my pajamas on.

I then got on my bed and pull up my blanket.

'I'm in Worm.' I thought to myself and stared at the ceiling. 'Scion, Endbringers, the Slaughter house nine, the three blasphemies, the Teeth, the Fallen, so many threats. So much depressing shit in my future.' I started closing my eyes. 'The bullying, Taylor triggering, Taylor suffering as S-class threats come at this city one after another., Taylor loosing herself and saving the world only to be thanked by getting shot in the head by Ms. I Win Bitch herself.' I let out a small growl, feeling anger at myself and what Taylor had to become to save everyone.

I sighed and closed my eyes. 'That's only a possible timeline. One that is no longer possible because of me.'

I would never betray my friend like that and cause her to trigger afterall.

'So by the whims of that fucking cat, or me getting a wish fulfilled, the burden of saving this ungrateful cruel world falls to me.' I thought, and yawned

"Oh, joy." I murmured and curled in my blanket, and finally drifted off to sleep.

I could already tell my future is going to filled with sooo many headaches.

And done. Honestly, not too happy with it. Really started to struggle with the second half and the dialogue between Miss Militia, mister Barnes and Emma. But I managed to finally soldier on and finish it at least.

Even though I'm still not happy with it.

You could probably tell the area's where I started to struggle, or typed when I was tired.

Oh, well.

Anyway, somethings changed from the earlier versions of Oh, Joy. Besides it being longer, I cleaned some of the things I didn't like from the first version and then added a few things.

You might notice a slight difference in tone.

That is because, while this would have comedy in it, and probably cracky situations, there will be serious moments in it if I make it into a full story.

Having an OP power isn't always sunshine and rainbows. Sometimes you have to show the sick bastards who the bull moose is. ^.^
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Finished writing the first scene of a new chapter of fluffy tail. It's becoming a real bitch to write. Mostly due to the fact I'm not really in the fluffy tail mood right now.

Will probably get better later on.

Started storming outside. Might not have internet for awhile anyway.

Gonna probably start working on Balrog! Taylor.

Still haven't figured out a good name for it.

I make no promises though. I'm not very good at keeping them when it comes to my writing.

Other things I might work on include the interlude for my happy quest and my Slayer of Monsters SI.

Just wanted to update to tell people I am working on Fluffy Tail, slowly, but I am working on it.

Sorry for the wait.
Storm is somewhat contained.

Had 70 mile winds and everything.

Really loud thunder though. So it's still not through.

But I went outside and realized how fucking lucky I was.

There's some big tree's around my house right? Well, one of them fell.

This particular tree, if it fell, would have crush all of my transportation and hit my room if it didn't fall in the opposite direction.

Bullet dodged due to wind direction and gravity!

Also, my power is out. But I have a generator so it's a minor convenience.
Finished the second scene of the new fluffy tail chapter. I'll probably finish the last one tomorrow and send it off to the beta.

Then I'll probably end up rewriting the chapter a bit again. And then have it checked out with the beta.

Though, the next chapter will probably be boring since not much happens in it. Plus, it's a bit of an exposition chapter that probably has too much tell and not enough show since there are only so many interesting ways I could have Taylor talk to herself when looking up things at the computer in a damn library.

Though the chapter itself is going to hit 2k words soon. Probably wont go up over 2.5k words though. Which is a fine word length for this type of thing.
Tired as hell as I had to go to the city, which is an hour or so drive from where I live, to get fitted for tux because I forgot my brother is getting married in like two weeks.

Yeah. My memory is terrible.

So I wont be finishing the last scene of the new fluffy tail chapter tonight. Sorry.

Anyway, I hate odd numbers so I came up with possible new SI's that might do. Feeling like rolling for it. But I might not actually write whatever that wins. Especially since I'm not in the type of mind that allows me to think clearly at all.

1. The Female Legend one.
2. Mary Sue- probably based on a solor exalt, maybe even a solor exalt, I just feel like doing a comedy about a Mary Sue. If this wins, this will probably be a crack story. I also know jack shit about exalted.
3. A Naruto SI. Where I am Sasuke Uchia. Yes. I am the Emo. Fear my power of brooding!


And the God Queen Mary Sue wins! Though if this ever becomes a story, I may need to uncensor it a bit to get it on this site. Maybe. Probably lying my ass off about this.

I do that sometimes.
A Fluffy Tail has been updated!

Here is a link to the chapter, which might be kinda redundant posing it in this thread but meh.

I'ma do it anyway!

Chapter 3
The coming weeks are going to be rather busy for me in real life so I'm probably not going to be writing much at all during them.

In other news, the Mary Sue SI that I rolled for when I was tired will actually get written. I keep thinking about it, and it wouldn't leave me alone. Hell, I have some ideas for her power and everything. So yeah, due to it bugging me repeatedly, like the sailor moon expy SI did, I will write a one-shot of a mary sue si. And it will be fun.
Kinda wonder what would win out of the 4 SIs that I finished their oneshots for if I started up the vote.

Would it be slightly insane Taylor? Would it be Kaitou Panicky Madison? Would it be Kaleidoscope Emma? Or would it be ninja Sophia?

Only asking this since I am starting to loose interest in the other SI ideas I had and am tempted to scrap them and just start the vote now.

Though, I am still a bit interested in writing a naruto SI where I am Sasuke Uchiha. Mainly because it's not worm and worm is starting to burn me out a bit. To be perfectly honest.
I like both Taylor and Madison the most.

Madison is interesting and different then most of the other Worm fics.

Taylor however is essentially a second Fairy Queen and I would love to read about the reactions people have to that.

I really don't like most Naruto fics mostly because I hate everything from the end of the Pein arc on, especially how overpowered everyone got. Madraa and the Sharingan were just so OP and just pulling out power ups on a regular basis. Plus Naruto's timeline of events is just so convoluted.

Though I admit I will probably read your fic anyway.
Madison is interesting and different then most of the other Worm fics.

Honestly, it's one of the ones I probably have the most interest in writing.

Taylor however is essentially a second Fairy Queen and I would love to read about the reactions people have to that.

This will be fun to write as well, even though it would be dark and probably have the horror genre if there was a genre for it.

I really don't like most Naruto fics mostly because I hate everything from the end of the Pein arc on, especially how overpowered everyone got. Madraa and the Sharingan were just so OP and just pulling out power ups on a regular basis. Plus Naruto's timeline of events is just so convoluted.

Honestly stopped reading naruto during the zombie war and when Madera was about to kill that one dude.... Neji, yeah him. Mostly because my internet generally sucks ass and could break when reading it.

Though I admit I will probably read your fic anyway.

Fuck it, I'm making the last choice of worm SI a god damn catgirl SI. Serves me right for having a kitten as an avatar. Of course a ROB would use that against me!
Neko Dee Neko
Neko Dee Neko

(Or, this was bound to happen sooner or later)​

I awoke in a smelly, dank alley way with no clue where the hell I am or how the hell I even got here. That's probably not a good thing, especially since I woke up near a dumpster. Ugh. I am going to need like two showers to make sure the smell didn't stick to me.

With a sigh, I stood up and started to brush the dirt and grime that may have gotten on my body only to find out some things that were rather shocking.

One, I was naked. Two, I was a girl, rather easy to tell with the... the jiggling extra weight on my chest. Three, my arms and legs were cover with light brown fur; just a bit over my elbows and knees respectfully, with my "hands" and "feet" tipped off with white fur. Are... are those claws?

I felt my body shiver and not from the cold.

"Ok... everything is going to be alright." I said to myself softly, my new, more feminine tone sent another shiver down my spine. "I... I just need to stay calm. Yeah... j-just need to stay calm." But this isn't my voice... this isn't me. THIS ISN'T M- a meaty thwack sound filled the alleyway as I slapped myself hard, nearly causing me to topple over from the force of the impact.

"Ow." I muttered, rubbing my cheek. "But that's good..." I took a couple of deep breaths. "Pain... pain is good. It will help me keep focus."

Above all pain is something normal, and I needed normal. But sadly that just proved this wasn't a dream of mine. But at least I was calming down... to a certain definition of calm that is.

"Ok, think... what the hell happened last night that might of led to..." I paused and look myself over once more and shivered. "This."

I doubted anything last night could have fucking caused me to become what ever the hell I am though. But the thing was, when I tried to remember... I couldn't. I got vague memories about where I lived and how my life was like sure... but I couldn't truly recall anything. Not even my name.

"What happened to me?! Who am I? Where am I? Why did this happen? How did this happen?" I rapidly shot off each question, not expecting anyone to answer me, before I finally roared. "WHO THE FUCK DID THIS TO ME!"

Only silence answered me. Silence and the sound of my rapid breathing. I gave up and collapsed on the ground. Tears, my tears, started falling to the ground. Something odd, from what memories I did gather, I was never the most emotional person... so why am I crying? Fuck!

I don't know how long I cried, but it probably wasn't long all things consider. Still, after a few last sniffles I wiped my eyes and blinked a few times. I probably needed this... needed a safe way to vent.

"Still... there is something wron-" My voice hitched as I caught sight of something that filled me with dread. There was a broken mirror, and with it I saw my reflection.

There in the mirror, I saw a vaguely Asian woman with blood shot purple eyes looking back at me. A wild crimson mane matted her head; with two large light brown cat ears on each side. Her skin was a healthy pinkish-white, and she had a rather well-toned body; not bulky, but I could see the hints of muscle, and behind her, was a big, bushy, white tipped fluffy cat tail that I somehow missed having.

'That's me?' I thought, staring transfixed at the mirror. I started crawling towards the mirror. "I'm..." I trailed of when I reached the mirror and picked it up. "I'm a." I paused and tried smiling in the mirror. My smile showed the barest hints of a fang before I dropped the mirror, causing it to shatter. "I'm a fucking nekomata." I cursed my luck.

I sighed and stood back, being mindful of the broken glass, and walked over to lean on a near by wall. It was rather awkward considering my tail, but I still managed it,

"I can remember what a nekomata is by I can't remember my name?" I muttered, knowing that did not bold well. Because this is further proof that whatever happened to me, as caused by another party. One that could alter my memories.

"Well, there is not much I can do about that, I just need to look at the positives." I said, feeling less depressed already. "Pros; I'm possibly super strong, durable, and have never been in better health than ever in my life. No more asthma is also a major plus in my book!" I exclaimed, crossing my arms under my chest and nodding my head. "Cons; I'm the wrong gender, I'm not even the same species anymore, and I'll either get arrested for public nudity or get caught by a secret government organization and dissected." My shoulders started to sag after every con I listed and when I finished, I was sitting on the ground, hugging my knees and whimpering.

I suddenly stood right back up, slapped both my cheeks and then shook my head. "Positive thoughts, think positive." I uttered as a mantra.

I sighed.

"Thinking positive never helps, but I can't just stay here." I said and looked towards the exit of the alleyway. I started hearing people shuffling about.

'Enhanced hearing is definitely a thing.' I thought as I started to walk towards the sound of people. If worse comes to worse, I'll just have to break some legs.

You ever felt like you were cursed? Or that someone up there was out to get you?

Well I do, though if I was more superstitious, I would say breaking that broken mirror further gave me seven years of bad luck.

Anyway, yeah, there is always someone out to get you. Call me paranoid but that is almost always the truth.

Case in point; I woke up as a naked cat girl with no clue or memories on how the hell that happened, I walked towards the sound of people I heard and then saw a bunch of Asian gang members, and I am still a naked cat girl. So upon seeing that, I quickly used my amazing new stealth skills and clanged to the wall; hiding myself from their line of sight, while I could still take peeks at them.

I had hopped to continue hiding until they all passed, especially since I caught sight of a really fucking big, shirtless guy covered with a wicked looking dragon tattoo and wearing a steel mask at the head of the armed gangers, but no. That didn't work out so well, and it's my fault for always playing a god damn hero in games. I swear. Because as soon as the big guy went on about killing kids I, like an idiot, jumped out of my hiding spot and yelled at the top of my lungs. "Hey you dickless assholes! Why don't you pick on someone your own size?!" All with one hand on my hip, and the other dramatically pointing at the big guy. Considering that I'm probably five foot, going on four now, that was a rather silly comparison.

But lets recap shall we? I, a naked, busty cat girl just called out a, highly armed, Asian gang for being dickless assholes.

So yes, there is someone always out to get you. Remember that and you'll live your life peacefully.

I stood there, still pointing dramatically at the big guy while the others honestly just stared at me in shock. I had no clue why. Well, I did, but my mind did not want to go there... it's enough to know that I now, have a body that was featured on many a teenage boys fantasies.

We just stared at eachother for the longest time, and I swear if this was an anime I would have had a giant sweat drop on the back of my head. But the longer the silence continue, the more worried I became.

So it was understandable that I was relieved when I heard the big guy yell. "Shoot the bitch!"

Wait... oh shit!

My eye's widened as I dodged the first bullet on a reflex.

'Holy shit, I dodged a bullet.' I thought with surprise and then smirked at the ganger tried shooting me. Him and his buddies just shrugged and all started firing at me at the same fucking time.

'Shit, shit, shit, shit!' I repeated over and over in my head as I continued to dodge, weave and twisting my body in impossible ways through the oncoming bullet storm. I was so focused at dodging that I almost missed the sound of buzzing, a lot of buzzing.

But I wouldn't have missed the screams and the sudden biblical fucking plague that descended upon the gangers. Not looking a gift horse in the mouth, and given that the gangers are a bit busy getting bugged than shooting at me, I went on the offensive. Following my new found instincts, I start taking out the nearest tough and moving on to the next. Some managed to try and shoot me like idiots, but they missed.

The mooks started going down rather quickly, so I checked on the big guy. He was screaming in pain and rage as the insects descended upon his... his... ouch. I suppress a wince and accidentally kick a tough between the legs.

"Oops...Sorry!" I apologized to the ganger, but he didn't hear as he squeaked and fainted from the pain.

'I think I'm getting an hang on this whole fighting thing.' I thought, feeling much more confident with my stupid decision that landed me in this mess in the first place. That lasted until I turned back to the big guy and saw that he was being covered in what looked like metal scales and on fire.

"Shit, he's ninja proof!" I blurted out and he turned to glare at me. Then and there I made a mental note to myself. 'Adrenalin does strange shit to me.'

Lucky for me, I think he hated me less. Since he turned around as soon as he heard what I could assume was the person responsible for the bugs, and started running in that direction.

I found myself chasing him before I even thought about it. I was faster, so as soon as he started to jump up a building, I collided with him mid air and caused us to do a couple of somersault before I threw him down to the ground, hard. Hard enough the pavement crack from underneath him.

I, of course, landed on my feet nearby; settling in a fighting stance that I had no idea how I knew it, and waited. I didn't have to wait long. He picked himself off the ground and glared at me. His attention now solely focused on me. Shit.

"I' ku'l yu' b'ch!" He roared and charged at me. Much, much faster than he was moving before. I barely had time to dodge and he still managed to tag me.

"Fuck!" I screamed as I felt a searing pain on my side. I dropped to the ground and felt tears well up in my eyes. He started laughing... he was laughing at me.

A fucking child killing bastard was laughing at me. At this point, everything just came crashing down, my anger at being her in the first place, my despair at not know what the fucking hell happened to me, everything and I must have snapped because I started seeing red. Lots and lots of red.

Then the asshole breathed fire towards me, not even allowing me to get back up. Planning to burn me alive!

"Bastard!" I roared, managing to jump up out of the way of the fire before spinning and launching myself at the asshole with a kick.

My kick only managed to hit the ground, literally shattering it I turn my head towards the dragon man and glared at him. He started getting bigger, but I wasn't in the right frame of mind to care. I charge at him while he stood there.

He managed to block my punch and hit me with his; sending me crashing through a near by wall. I tore myself out of the rubble with another roared and I charged him again. This time he met my charge head on and sent me through another warehouse wall.

I picked myself out of the rubble and spat out some blood on the ground. I knew something was broken, and I knew I probably didn't have much time to live; but still, I moved. I walked out of the warehouse and glared at him. At this point, I think he was starting to sprout tiny wings, but that didn't matter since I saw the only reason why he didn't charge into the warehouse to finish me off was because bugs descended on him again. This time going for the eyes and mouth and nose. But that didn't last long since he set himself on fire again and glared in the direction of my little bug friend before turning his head to me again.

I coughed up some more blood.

'It was a nice try little bug friend, but I don't think I can move so well now.' I thought, wiping the blood from my mouth. I didn't even flinch when he started to charge at me again. 'You should have ran away though, you should have saved yourself.'

I stood my ground even though he was practically on me in an instant.

'I guess he didn't want to risk me dodging his fire again.' Was my last thought as his fist collided with my stomach. For a second I was surprised his claw didn't just ran me through, that second passed when I felt the worst searing pain ever. I looked down to see his burning claw was through my stomach. My eye's started to become foggy.

'I'm going to die.' I thought, with a strange sense of calmness.

Then I counter hit the bastard.

I couldn't tell why my fist glowed blue; I didn't hear the bastards strangled, pain-filled roar as my fist connected to his center of mass. All I remember seeing was the triumphant smug look in his eyes, and then the next him exploding in a shower of gore.

I suddenly found myself laying on the ground, the bastards claw still in my stomach.

"I... killed him.'" I started to say, tears flowing freely. "I... didn't... I...I..I just want to go home..."

My breathing finally stilled and the cold grasp of the abyss claimed me.

And done.

Think I might be the first person to ever kill their SI in the first chapter... well, at least in Worm. Hope I portrayed Lung's threat level right, if not I'm claiming alternate universe shenanigans right now.

My description probably sucked, and for that I apologies. I would link the picture of how my SI looks like, but well... it's NSFW, mainly due to bare boobs and her being a naked catgirl and all.

I will say that she looks like an old Disgaea nekomata, base on some of the original concept art sketches.

Now that is said, no this isn't a Disgaea cross. I really do not feel like dealing with the mechanics at all. I just thought that if I was going to make my SI a catgirl anyway, why not make it look like that one?

Her power is a strange thing though, and mostly inspired from Disgaea.

I think I might be a tad bit cruel to my first true Worm SI, instead of just being a bunch of memories and shit in the back of a characters skull via reincarnation after all.


Oh, well. And here is a spoiler if this has a next chapter anytime soon!

There is a myth that says cat's have nine lives.
Btw, the poll is going to start when I find out if I can post Neko Dee Neko on my SV thread or not. Given that it's been to days since I sent in the request, well... I'll wait another five days to check on what's going on there.
So far the votes for this day has Neko in the lead going by both sites. The vote count is as follows.

Neko- 10

Queen- 5

Simple- 3

Oh Joy- 2

I'll update the vote count around this time tomorrow. Otherwise I'm probably not going to check anymore today.
Btw, if there is a clear winner and no chance of others catching up and winning, I'll probably close the poll early.
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Here are the vote totals for today. I will periodically update them randomly throughout the day.

Neko- 17
Thief- 7
Joy- 6
Shadows- 1
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Unless there is a massive rush in votes, I'll probably be closing the poll in two days instead of 7 since I think I probably got all the votes I'm going to get for this.
Votes have been the same as yesterday for awhile so I'm closing the poll in three hours.

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