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Tanya’s Hogwarts Adventures (Youjo Senki, Harry Potter)

"Ron bad" was a tired take ten years ago.
and yet... it's still a significantly held opinion.

for me, he's more eh, than bad. Not a particularly good friend, but not worth bashing either. He's got his good points, but instead of issues, he's got a subscription.

I'd have kept him with Lavender.
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and yet... it's still a significantly held opinion.

for me, he's more eh, than bad. Not a particularly good friend, but not worth bashing either. He's got his good points, but instead of issues, he's got a subscription.

I'd have kept him with Lavender.

True, Ron/Hermione pairing, what was Rowling imbibing when she concocted that lunacy? (the only worse pairings in the books are Harry/Ginny and Remus/Tonks). Not that Hermione/Harry is any better. Hermione has a few subscriptions too for one
True, Ron/Hermione pairing, what was Rowling imbibing when she concocted that lunacy? (the only worse pairings in the books are Harry/Ginny and Remus/Tonks). Not that Hermione/Harry is any better. Hermione has a few subscriptions too for one
Rowling said in an interview, which I think was on the promotion tour for book 7, that she'd originally scripted for Ron and Percy to die, and Hermione end up married to Fred, helping the twins advance magic through the shop. But then things happened in her life, and she needed a happier outcome for personal reasons, with everybody being one big happy family.

I know a lot of people consider anythings she says outside of the books themselves dubious at best, but it fits to me.
I mean, not only is it Ron, but I'd also always had her pegged as Aro/Ace
When we first meet her, Luna laughs hard at his jokes, tells Ron that Padma was upset he didn't dance with her at the Yule Ball and would have been fine with that, and in general shows interest in him.

There is a lot of evidence towards her being VERY interested in Ron.

I am not all that into the idea of Luna/Ron as a couple myself, but I'm not pulling her crush from absolutely nothing. Maybe she wouldn't be interested in him at this point, but she is by fifth year.
The movies did Ron so dirty I still can't get over it. He's a much more likeable character in the books. He's still flawed for sure, but you aren't asking yourself why they still tolerate having the guy around.

Hermione is also flawed, as opposed to the vision of perfection the movies made her. She's genuinely annoying and overbearing to be around, and it makes sense why Harry would prefer Ron's company to hers when he's not being a jealous ass.

Worth noting, that "jealous ass" stuff was pretty much done after book 4 when shit got real. There was that blow up in Book 7 when Ron and Hermione are going insane with fear for their families' safety where people said shit they didn't mean and which blew over in ten minutes...which was also way worse in the movies.

Book 4 and Book 7 are the two moments the anti-Ron crowd draw most of their ire from, and imo the Book 4 one is the legit issue. However, he does realize what an ass he'd been, apologize, and start throwing his support behind Harry even harder to try and make up for it.

In Book 7 he really just tries to leave and go check up on his folks, realize "shit I can't they need me," and comes back to put his life on the line and help out again immediately.

What an asshole that Ron.
but you aren't asking yourself why they still tolerate having the guy around.
Because Harry's spent his life abused and is so desperate for a friend that he'll even forgive snape. And because Ron's not that bad most of the time.
Because Hermione's been ostracized for being a bossy annoying nerd ever since she started school and is similarly desperate. Add in that Ron's interested where Harry (and everyone else) seems not to be, and she'll forgive what's honestly a pretty poor and one sided relationship.
Book 4 and Book 7 are the two moments the anti-Ron crowd draw most of their ire from, and imo the Book 4 one is the legit issue. However, he does realize what an ass he'd been, apologize, and start throwing his support behind Harry even harder to try and make up for it.
5 and 6 he's an ass too. I've seen more people point to his weird ideas on how to treat Hermione across all 7 books than his issues in book 7, which mostly get forgiven due to him wearing The ONE RI *cough* I mean the locket.
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The movies did Ron so dirty I still can't get over it. He's a much more likeable character in the books. He's still flawed for sure, but you aren't asking yourself why they still tolerate having the guy around.

Hermione is also flawed, as opposed to the vision of perfection the movies made her. She's genuinely annoying and overbearing to be around, and it makes sense why Harry would prefer Ron's company to hers when he's not being a jealous ass.

Worth noting, that "jealous ass" stuff was pretty much done after book 4 when shit got real. There was that blow up in Book 7 when Ron and Hermione are going insane with fear for their families' safety where people said shit they didn't mean and which blew over in ten minutes...which was also way worse in the movies.

Book 4 and Book 7 are the two moments the anti-Ron crowd draw most of their ire from, and imo the Book 4 one is the legit issue. However, he does realize what an ass he'd been, apologize, and start throwing his support behind Harry even harder to try and make up for it.

In Book 7 he really just tries to leave and go check up on his folks, realize "shit I can't they need me," and comes back to put his life on the line and help out again immediately.

What an asshole that Ron.
A big problem with him, is that a lot of his positive scenes were stolen and given to Hermione and Harry. Like how he would explain things about the magical world being given to Hermine because "she would have read it in a book". They also added negative scenes to him when he was there, but not in focus in the book in an answer to the question of "what is Ron doing?". Like in book 2 when they're going into the forest, he's not very in focus, so in the movie they have him complaining about being scared of spiders instead. It doesn't help the the movie director was a bit of a Hermione fanboy, to Rowling's surprise, since she was so used to fan letters praising Ron.
It can be done today without too much hardship, but if you exclude the modern vegetarian synthetic foods you need to go to various specialty imports and end up paying several times as much for a healthy vegetarian diet as you would for a healthy balanced diet.
And even today that requires an adult willing to go to the extra effort, given that Luna needed to remind her father when she was going off to school I can't see him handling that so how would she get a healthy diet?
The most likely answer is she wouldn't and is thus suffering from various malnutrition disorders.
Tbh I wouldn't be surprised if the students all had malnutrition. Meat and dessert heavy feasts are a nice fantasy, but if you let a tween pick their own food at Hogwarts feasts they're going to have serious health problems once teenage invincibility wears off.
Tbh I wouldn't be surprised if the students all had malnutrition. Meat and dessert heavy feasts are a nice fantasy, but if you let a tween pick their own food at Hogwarts feasts they're going to have serious health problems once teenage invincibility wears off.
meat heavy isnt a problem from a nutritional standpoint, it's actually a boon according to the last 40 years of research. You could argue red vs white vs fish, but that's a different issue.
Sweets heavy (if its not fruit) and vegetable lite though are definite issues.
The Food Pyramid is pretty much inverted from what it should be, processed sugar level aside. Turns out the thing was designed by lobby groups, not anybody with any sort of medical background.
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Tbh I wouldn't be surprised if the students all had malnutrition. Meat and dessert heavy feasts are a nice fantasy, but if you let a tween pick their own food at Hogwarts feasts they're going to have serious health problems once teenage invincibility wears off.
I would - the feasts are one meal every ~3 months. That won't have any affect on their overall diet. Also keep in mind that unlike modern teens or tweens their access to sweets outside those feasts would be limited and access to soft drinks non-existent. Instead they drink pumpkin juice (or possibly fruit juices), which are much healthier than modern sodas.
Also, my (second hand)experiance with RL boarding schools had them let the kids pick what they want to eat...but also track what they eat. If a kid doesn't eat right for several days in a row they get pulled in for a talk, if they ignore that they could get a meanls picked for them and loss of other privileges...

In Hogwarts the House elves or magic monitoring could easily tell what the kids eat even though it's all on the table in front of them, and the nurse or a prefect could have a talk with anyone who wasn't eating right. For that matter the Prefects might direct younger kids to certain dishes as well.

Keep in mind for pre-teen kids the sort of nutrition issues we're talking about can be life threatening...
In Hogwarts the House elves or magic monitoring could easily tell what the kids eat even though it's all on the table in front of them, and the nurse or a prefect could have a talk with anyone who wasn't eating right. For that matter the Prefects might direct younger kids to certain dishes as well.

Keep in mind for pre-teen kids the sort of nutrition issues we're talking about can be life threatening...

makes total sense, that's probably going on indeed
Keep in mind for pre-teen kids the sort of nutrition issues we're talking about can be life threatening...
Snipped for space.

This is some very useful information. Very useful indeed. This might be the direction things occur. I can't picture Luna being bullied from day one. And I already had a Prefect notice her vegetarianism.

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