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The Music Thread

Ok folks, I need help identifying each girl here. I can name a lot of them but not all, and I don't think Utsuho is in it which is kinda sad since she is my favorite.
...do good metal soundtracks in games happen these days? Outside of DOOM I mean.

(2000, Hard Truck 2)

Halley Labs

A shit ton of free music from a bandcamp artist I've been following since I was a teenager.

She puts music she doesn't want on her main page in archive for free.

It's Murder, #BASEDSHARK, and Torpedo Torpedo are all good choices, found under the Lapfox Era section.

Smuthunter, could you threadmark this?
I've been listening to a lot of MC Jarbo/Da Gunt lately. It's some guy that clips Mundane Matt and Ethan Ralph, editing them together and messing with the tone to make it sound like they're rapping. I have no idea how this guy is so talented. He must do audio tech for a living, or something.


Divide Music does songs based on anime (and occasionally western cartoon) characters, he's got a bunch more on his channel.
Dr. Ludwig has been posting all sorts of German marches and songs, and the most surprising is... the Virus Hunter March...

... yes, Germans have a march for the Virus Hunters like they have for pretty much everything else (you wouldn't believe just how many marches are simply about soldiers pinning for their girls/wives).
i always love this songs especially the music video

also turn on cc for English

I also recommend 'Fire' and 'Glitter and Gold' by the same artist.

Automatic dance anthem.
Neil Cicierega has put out a new album, Mouth Dreams. If you're not familiar with him, he creates song mash-ups, like combining Chop Suey and Crocodile Rock.
Could it be? Have I found the legendary theme song for QQ?


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