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Theo Anders and the Black Exaltation[Worm/Exalted][Hiatus]

State of the Empire circa Exaltation
"[T]hough i think me and the readers need some clarity on who is a crew boss with their own faction in the empire besides Hookwolf and Kreig and who besides Fenja and Menja is in the Anders loyalist camp." <- Came up.

Power flows from Kaiser in the Empire. Right now, the Empire 88 is more circles than factions.

Kaiser at the top, followed by Krieg and Viktor(The Captains if you will). Both are loyal to the Empire, but Krieg has the most direct ties to the Gesellschaft(His greater loyalty). Fenja and Menja are arguably at this level, but they act as bodyguards and agents of Kaiser's will for the most part, they don't really advise or anything. Viktor takes the space Krieg did for Allfather. Krieg is the older advisor loyal to the (dead) Grandfather, Viktor is the younger advisor loyal to the Father.

Othala is kinda in weird political spaces. She has a lot of worth, being a Trump who can heal. Rune is her closest relative, and Rune kind of falls into the same space, due to her age and relation to Krieg.

The rest sort of fall into Lt type positions, and are a bit more ground level. Hookwolf, Cricket, and Stormtiger all hang out, and 'work' together. Crusader is loyal to the cause but his heart aches at the missing Purity (who would be a Captain in her own right, due to her power levels (over 9000) but likely without a whole lot of troop support). Alabaster (and Crusader) is a bit more involved on the street level because of his power, so a lot of the mooks know him. Night and Fog are really loyal to the cause but are retired and loyal to Purity before Kaiser, but more loyal to the cause than Purity.

Hookwolf and his friends are probably more loyal to Kaiser than anyone else in the organization, but that's because Kaiser is charismatic. Hookwolf heads up the 'lead enforcer' type position and is the 'kill sponge' for the organization. He has the highest personal kill count followed by Stormtiger and Cricket, who are pretty equal in terms of kills.

Hookwolf is the kind of guy who would be a cop if only to abuse the fuck out of the position and hurt people. He's a so-so leader in the modern age. Back in ye olden tymes, he'd be given a decent command, a few dragonships and sent a viking. He believes, and the cause is what allows him to be big, mean, and powerful. Stormtiger and Cricket fall into the same boat. They -are- racist and have always been, but it's more about being in a position of power for them(Even if they don't realize it).

If Purity left town, Crusader would probably follow.

Alabaster is not fond of Krieg at all, and usually works under Viktor.

... I don't recall much of this coming up in canon, so I could have some details messed up if it did.

But Theo will jump straight to a position of power. He is expected to inherit, and so everyone expects him to start getting leadership jobs right off. Mostly his commitment to the cause will be questioned, if anything. It would behoove his initiation kill to be brutal from capture to kill. Or have really good words about why animals deserve a quick clean death. Everyone kind of expected Theo to join the Empire if he did trigger, despite his previous distaste concerning the cause. That or run straight to the PRT ASAP.

Word has already reached the other Parahumans in the gang, that Theo triggered and is joining the Empire. Most of them will figure he won't be pulling a mole plan, if he debuts with the Empire. If he runs, that's when they'll start having issues, or if he starts trying to make the Empire not white-supremacist(Honestly, they'd, in general, probably be alright with if the Empire went KKK WN style, but you'd lose a lot of Gesellschaft backing.). Kaiser is going to have an extra few eyes on Theo. Or have the ones he already has be a bit more attentive than usual.
21- Escort Service
A little more explicit than Loving the Lover, but I still think it's safe for the QQ SFW forums. Still, have a 'Questionable' Warning. re: I believe everything sexual in this snip falls under [Listed under 'Questionable' and it is considered polite to give a warning] 'Written scenes that heavily imply any kind of sexual conduct (even if the sexual conduct itself would be illegal), so long as it remains at implication, and does not cross over into explicit explanation/description.' without getting into [Definitely NSFW] 'Written Fiction that contains graphic descriptions of Gore or sex. (Saying 'They fucked like rabbits' and using suggestive imagery is okay, spelling out all mechanical details is not.)'


You check the time on your very nice wristwatch. Its starting to get late.

Now would be a good time to leave. You certainly are important enough and skilled enough to have accomplished all that you wished this evening, and you will be seen leaving with a certain lovely woman on your arm.

It will also help you avoid the adults who are starting to move past buzzed and into tipsy or even outright drunk. And avoid anybody who may decide, now having liquid courage, to take some form of frustration at your actions on you. As a prince, you are above such things.

"Sabah, are you alright with leaving now? The party is just going to wind down at this point, and people will start 'pre-gaming' for their next one."

Sabah looks up from talking with Sam, an eyebrow raised. She gives a quick glance back to Sam, who gives her a smile and a nod. They exchange numbers and you begin to make your good-byes around the rest of the group. The twins give you a kiss on the cheek, at the same time.

The Mayor wishes you well, as does Rory. You are 'politely' dismissed by the Stansfields.

"There is a car waiting for you and Sabah outside, Theo. I'll see you at home," your father tells you when you make your rounds to him, the subtle order of not staying the night with Sabah implicit.

An obvious display of wealth, even to the Stansfields, who drive themselves around the city.

It would be an Empire member. Which one was the question. No matter, you'll deal with it when you get to the car.

"Of course, Father, after I've escorted Ms. Sabah home," you reply, receiving a nod.

Sabah takes your arm and the two of you begin to take your leave.

I came, I saw, I conquered.

Those words reverberate in your mind as you leave, looking out at the party as if it were a dominated battlefield: the frequent furtive glances of Castle Panacea, her gates open, her draw-bridge down; the still smoking crater of Dean's self-esteem, now nothing more than a cloud of dust, the look of shell-shock still on his face as you spy him leaving the bathroom; the now absent Shadow Stalker.

Your allies in the Empire are still too strong to deal with, still too independent of you. You will avoid any issues that will arise from your courtier's orientation. Your Social Stealth Lesbian Infiltration-Bomber. Aaron and Ophelia have unwelcoming sensibilities, and so you wave to them, but do not join them.

At this juncture, you have not made the PRT aware of you, nor do you wish to have any of their attention upon you. Truly, you wish for their attention to be ever elsewhere until such time as you have already won the inevitable conflict.
That shall be a battle, a war, to be won another day.

You do not even acknowledge the Deputy Director's existence as you pass by his group.

New Wave is reeling from your surgical strikes. From the lessons you have learned on your father's lap, you know not to talk after closing a deal, legal, corporate ones or criminal extortion. Right now, Sabah and yourself are what the Harpy and Amy desire. They hunger for the two of you.

You shall sharpen their hunger by denying them your presence. You want Amy's hunger to be painful, her needs overwhelming, her judgement impaired.

Furthermore, you do not wish to risk the prize of Amy's heart, by attempting to complete the set of the second generation of New Wave's women by seducing Crystal, in front of Amy.

For the time being, leaving is your strongest, and your cruelest, move.

And so you, the Dark Prince, and your courtier move, with grace, with strength, and with cold cruelty. You had been a nobody, and now had power; you were once a boy who was pitied and are now a man who is envied.

Sabah moves in concert, having learned her position for the night well in such a short time, a brighter and feminine reflection of yourself.

You are leaving early, in plain sight, with a lovely young lady on your arm. At least half the party wants one or both of you. Every eye follows as you exit and the light seems dimmer, the music less vibrant with your lack.

The lights in the hallway flicker, as you pass under them, and the two of you end up out on the street. The driver and car your father mentioned are currently missing.

"Sabah," you start, "I know that the original deal had us part ways at this point, but allow me the honor of escorting you to your door?"

She smiles impishly.

"Isn't that what gentlemen are supposed to do on the first date?"

"Gentlemen are still supposed to ask," you remark back at her, as she rolls her eyes slightly.

"Yes, you may," Sabah says haughtily before dissolving into a light round of giggles.

"I take it you had a good time overall?"

"I had a wonderful time," she smiles widely at you, "And it was all thanks to you!"

"I had a much better time than usual," you take her hand and lightly kiss the back of it, prompting more giggles, "because of the lovely lady who deigned accept my invitation."

"You were persuasive. And it was a good deal. I'm glad I accepted. I can't wait until next time."

"Ah, just one thing," you have the decency to look embarrassed, "if you wish to continue to spend time in my circles, it is advised that you find a 'beard.' There are-"

"You, who else?" Sabah cuts you off, "Just play any girlfriend I get, hopefully Victoria, off as something, like... an open relationship. I'm not going to complain if I see you with someone."

Before you can continue a sleek black car pulls up and a huge, blonde man with his long hair in a pony tail comes out and around, opening the door for you and Sabah.

Its Brad.

More commonly known as Hookwolf.

Hookwolf is the driver.

Hookwolf, and your father, will know where Sabah, an Asian-White, lives. Well played Max, well played.

It would be best not to cause a scene in front of Sabah.

"Brad, you washed your hair."

"Boss said I had to pretty up," he says, giving Sabah a tip of his hat, "And take you and the lady to your respective homes."

You help Sabah into the car, ignoring her confused and concerned look. You shoot her a look and she slides across the seat to her spot quietly. You take the door from Brad and shut it firmly. The large man gives you a wolfish smirk.

"Don't worry, Theo. Boss wants us to talk some shop on the ride home. But she's under your protection. Don't fuck up, she's good. Simple as that."

With a nod, Brad opens the door again and you slide into place, frowning slightly. Sabah's hand finds yours and she gives it a reassuring squeeze as the door shuts and Brad makes his way to the driver's seat.

She tells Brad where she lives when asked and you are on your way. Surprisingly Sabah cuddles up to you, hugging you around the midsection.

You look down at her questioningly, she mouths 'beard' back up at you. Such a quick witted courtier, you were glad of her.

"I'd get a little more handsy," she says loud enough for Brad to hear, "but the twins made sure I knew what I was allowed to do with you tonight."

"I won't tell if you won't," you shoot back, a smirk gracing your face, "and neither will Brad."

Almost as if it had been rehearsed, Brad tips his hat and the divide between the front and the back went up.

You sag slightly, and close your eyes, relieved that you had some privacy. The back was likely bugged.

And then Sabah shifts up and over and settles into your lap. Her hands diving under your jacket and pressing into your chest.

Your eyes snap open just in time to have Sabah's lips crash onto yours, hot and needy. You begin to respond in kind, before breaking off the kissing. Her hips start moving, sliding back and forth lengthwise across your lap.

"Sabah?" you ask, unsure of what exactly is going on.

Her eyes are practically smoldering.

"You deserve this. You were really awesome tonight. It's the nicest I've been treated in ages," she smiles sheepishly, her hips still grinding into yours, "and you're kinda the only guy I think is hot. So, let's just enjoy this until my stop, okay?"

You are surprised enough at her declaration that you forget to use the cold-bone power, your forehead darkening significantly with a perfectly shaped bruise. Her hands are running up and down your ribs.

She wants to explore her physical attraction to you, sexually. You don't deny her.

Her lips descend back onto yours. Her hands find yours and place them on her buttocks before returning to your chest and ribs.

Sabah has a really nice bottom. And you thoroughly enjoy feeling it in your hands, as the two of you begin to add tongue to the kisses, and her hips buck against yours. She makes the most adorable squeals and moans while you knead her rump.

The two of you do as Sabah asked and enjoy the alone time. You would swear to the Neverborn she orgasmed from the way she shuddered and mewled against your lips, that one moment.

Its almost painful by the time the car stops.

She slides off of you and waits for Brad to open your door, the two of you panting.

"You're bigger than most of my toys," she says with giggle, gliding a hand along your tented pants. You grab it and shake your head.

How embarrassing would it be to gain a wet spot on your pants? Even black ones.

The door opens and you step out, offering a slightly unsteady Sabah a hand out of the car.

"Don't take too long, Theo. Boss wants you home," Brad says as you help Sabah to the door of her... shoddy looking apartment complex.

You eventually manage to make it up the stairs. Sabah makes a game of stealing kisses from you. Of course, you must deny them.

Eventually, you make it to her door and she unlocks it.

"It seems we must part ways," you say with a small smile.

Her response is to roll her eyes, open her door and yank you in, shutting the door behind you. Your back hits the door with a small thump and Sabah lowers herself.

"This has to be hurting, you've been hard for twenty minutes now," she murmurs, as she runs a hand along your tented pants, "I'll take care of it, and then you can be on your way."

You make token protests, but soon enough you are enclosed in her mouth and quickly undone by a swirling tongue.

She gags a bit and walks off into her kitchenette, you hear her spit into what must be the sink, given the running water and gargling that follow. You do up your pants and make sure you're all set before you leave.

She hasn't returned and you take a cursory look around her... hovel as you step away from the door.

Its certainly cozy, but other than the bolts of cloth and the mannequins around her living room/work area, it's terribly low quality.

What Do about what you and Sabah just did?:
[] Play it cool, she was exploring a newly revealed aspect of herself. You enjoyed it, but there is more to your relationship with her than sticking your dick in her.

[] Maybe she's willing to go farther? Surely, your father would understand. Brad will wait.

[] Holy fuck that was awesome.

[] See if she's willing to give up her panties.

[] Write in

What say about Sabah's living conditions?:
[] Nothing. Its her life.

[] She is yours. Your friend, your fuckbuddy, your courtier, your whatever. And nothing of yours will live like this.

[] Write in

Anything else you want to tell Sabah?:
[] No

[] Write-in (Things like having powers, the Empire, her being under your protection)

Mote Gain: -1

XP Gain: +18 for completion of party; +1 'Social Combat' training day

XP Spending:
[] Purchase
-[] Write in

[] Bank


Decided to change the Anima levels. Bruising -> Bleeding -> Glow plus glowing stigma(No more bleeding, because blood is joining stigma it leaves forehead) -> Robes + Orbs -> Totemic
22- Goodnights
You'd like to say something about her living conditions. You really would.

However, Sabah is already working to change her situation. Open her own shop, get orders for dresses and other costumes. It is upsetting, at least a little bit, and a tad grating, that the correct course of action is to help her indirectly.

She is your courtier, and she should be allowed the chance to continue proving her courtly worth.

Furthermore, given her unsure actions when asking her to the party, at the start of the party, and in the car, it might be too much.

You don't want to come across as a 'sugar daddy,' just the obscenely rich friend. Who apparently gets blowjobs from a lesbian.

Before you can contemplate that final action further Sabah returns.

She gives you a nervous smile.

"So, how was it? Because I just pretended it was a gigantic clit."

Playing it off like it wasn't the goal of the night would be best, you decide, especially since it wasn't. A distant hope at best. And some honesty would go a long way.

"Fantastic. It was the first time something like that happened, so it was amazing," you say with a slightly embarrassed look.

"No way," she counters as she starts clearing a pile cloth from a spot on the couch. She offers it to you, "Not the way you look. Or the way Jessica talked about you."

"No lie, that was the very first time I ever made out with a girl, or had... that done to me."

She smiles with a giggle as you sit down on the couch.

"The story you told Sam's Rory was true then?"

Sabah disappears behind a folding dressing wall.

You make a noncommittal noise.

"This is where I live," comes over the wall along with Sabah's overcoat, "It's not much. Most of my money goes to cloth, and school. I do have refreshments that I would normally offer you, but your driver is waiting outside."

And your father wants you home.

"And your father wants you home. Plus Jessica and Nessa did make it very clear what I was allowed to do with you tonight."

Her head pokes out, along with a naked shoulder. Her face is serious.

"Seriously, don't tell them about the blowjob. I don't want to wake up with a mannequin head in my bed," she shudders and pulls her head back behind the wall, "Or something."

There has been a nervous warble in her voice since she returned from the kitchen. It is best you take care of that now.

"Sabah, you don't have to be nervous. When we left the party, I had already achieved everything I wanted to with you tonight, save for a pleasant parting. I like having a friend," you'd stand if she could see you, and look into her eyes so she could see how serious you are. "Any... benefits beyond that are not expected or needed, unless you want to do such things."

"Okay," drifts to your ears, her voice soft, then, much louder, her voice is laced with a bit of surprise and disgust, "Those are ruined. I suppose three orgasms would do that. Surprised there isn't a- yes, there it is."

"Three orgasms?" your voice cracks. Damn your voice.

"Yes," there is a rustling of cloth and Sabah steps around the changing wall wearing the fluffiest bathrobe and slippers you've ever seen, you can't stop the snort of amusement. "Three of them, two from Victoria, and one from you on the ride over."

You stand as she takes your hand and tugs you towards the door. Its obvious she's dismissing you, and honestly, you're a little sad to go. It'd be nice to just sit and talk for a while. You let her hear your thoughts.

A kiss on the cheek is your reward.

"There will be other parties, won't there? Or we can just hang out sometime. You have my number, I have yours. We'll talk. Like you said: 'I like having a friend.'"

She gives you another strange look.

"If you were a few years older, or if we'd met sooner," she shakes her head, "We could talk 'if's for months. I'm glad you asked me to this party. I'll talk with Victoria if she and I get serious, so we can keep going to parties together, at least."

"I'll do the same wi-"

"Please," she laughs, "You are going to have at least dozen girls swirling around you all the time. If you have a steady girlfriend before you turn twenty, I'll be surprised."

She's a bit shorter than you without her boots, she lifts herself up just enough to give you another kiss. This one is a kiss of general affection, just on your lips.

"Goodnight, Theo," Sabah says as she opens her door with a smile, "Call or text me later this week?"

"Goodnight, Sabah," you say with a nod, and a stolen kiss of your own.

With a laugh she pushes you out into the hallway, closing the door behind you. You hear the light thump of her back against the door and her mutter of: 'Time for some wine, and settle in for a night of touching myself to a man. That's a first.'

You allow yourself a smile and touch your lips. Who would have known that your first real kiss, you had received one or two from the Twins growing up as (occasionally cruel) jokes, would turn into a heated makeout session in the back of a car, followed up by receiving oral sex.
Speaking of the car, you'd been in the building for about fifteen minutes.

Brad was probably bored, time to head downstairs.

You come back out into the street and find the out of costume Hookwolf playing Angry Birds on his personal smartphone.

"Fucking little pigs," the man growls putting away his phone, "Sit up front."

He doesn't open the door for you this time, which suits you just fine. A silence is building as the car is started and pulled smoothly out onto the street.

What Do?:

[] You are a prince. It is best Brad learns this now. Command him to speak his piece.

[] Wait patiently for him to speak. He does have seniority in the organization you are soon to join.

[] Speak first, casually. Prompting him to begin this shop-talk.

[] Write in


XP Gain: 2 xp

XP Purchase:
[] Purchase
-[] Write in

[] Bank


I rolled for hearing Sabah last minute. Six successes on six dice. So now you know that Sabah is going to think of you fondly this night. You also rolled well for soothing Sabah's nervousness.
23- Very Good Nights
Sorry about the wait, lost three hours to errands. There is a slight case of info dump midway through.


You decide to let the silence grow, and patiently wait. You bide your time looking out into the city you live in, and maybe even love a bit.

Its a shame that it's falling to pieces.

When you take over the Empire, you'll fix that. You just hope that someone will be able to help you achieve that.

The silence eventually fills the car as you watch the lights pass and blink, occasionally spotting a pedestrian out and about this late on a chilly December night. The only sound is the gentle hum of the vehicle's electric engine and the woosh of the heater fans.

There is no music, or words. Just a silence stretching on as you draw nearer your home.

It suited you just fine though. You knew how Brad previously felt about you, how he probably still felt about you. You didn't even need to put any effort into it, or use your powers. You were still the fat, lazy, contrary boy to him, even with your new powers.

Hookwolf was a simple man, he respected those who could fight, and he awarded more respect to those who fought well.

You know that not only could you fight him now, but win. But you also felt knowledge well up inside you, telling you that you could be more, would be more. What you were now would be nothing before what you would become.

And so, you waited in the silence, and just watched the city go by. What darkness there was concealed the rot and decay of the city, only broken up by the islands of light cast out by the lamps.

You were a prince, after all, and you didn't answer to Hookwolf. You would speak if you wished, you would remain silent if you wished. He had been instructed to talk with you. If he had something to say, you would reply.

There was no need to seem weak, especially not when you were alone with him.

Brad pulled smoothly onto the road that ran alongside the Boardwalk and the Bay, a few minutes later, and finally broke the silence.

"Never expected to have you join up when you triggered," he says casually.

You hum a non-committal answer, not even looking at him. Your forehead bruises heavily as you tap into your hot-blood power for the second time that night. You project being a prince to the world yet again.

"I do believe we were to talk shop," you cut off his next statement, which was likely just as inane, your eyes leaving the world outside and locking on to your driver, "Not my taking my rightful position as the Dark Prince of the Empire."

Hookwolf barks a slightly nervous laugh.

"Right, sorry," he coughs lightly, "Identities, don't go after 'em, and if you suss 'em out, don't go after families or their civie ID. Specific like. Like we know Shadow Stalker is a nigger, even know her name. But we don't attack her family on purpose. If they're there we treat 'em the same as any other niggers, but we don't go after 'em."

"Truly?" you drawl out, "That seems like a tactical mistake. And contrary to our values."

At that, he barks out another laugh, this one genuine.

"Yeah, I think its kinda stupid too. But it keeps them from coming after us like that too. You know Gavel?"

At your nod he continues.

"Keeps nutjobs like Gavel from gettin' fresh with kids like you or Aster. Eye for an eye and all that shit. You don't do it, so they don't do it. Now, killing people. You're gonna hafta get blood on your hands, you know that right?"

"Yes, what of it? Many shall fall to my blade. Oblivion comes to all things," you state cooly.

That seemed to shock Brad a bit. You definitely definitely changing his position on you. He wouldn't think of you as pudgy fat doughboy for very much longer.

"Just try not to kill any heroes then, even niggers like Stalker. But villains are free game if they're in a gang like the chinks, or the scum Merchants. You let me take those. Already got a few under my belt."

You nod, a bored look on your face.

Killing time!: (Is a thought and not said out loud)

[] Honestly, you'll kill whoever you want to kill, spare who you wish to spare.

[] Only those that obstruct you shall die.

[] You're not gonna kil- pfffffft hahahahahaha. You're totally going to kill people.

[] These rules make sense, for now, at least.

"Anything else I should know?"

"Kaiser is gonna talk to you, but word is he wants your debut and initiation to happen just after New Years. Other than the identities and killing, your dad will fill you in. Like what you're gonna do to 'earn' your way in, it'll probably be easy since you're his kid; and what your duties'll be. That'll probably line up with what Rune does, just with different people, not Krieg."
Gwen stuck close to Krieg if she was out and about as Rune. Rarely did her uncle let her roam freely in costume, unless it was deep in Empire territory.

You nod and the car falls back into silence. Soon enough, you arrive back at your home. Some of the lights are on, indicating your father and the twins have returned before you. You don't even bother to thank Brad, leaving him to park the car, and go do what Brad does a few nights before Christmas.

You meet your father in the hallway heading to your room, he is already in his bathrobe and nightclothes. The two of you share a nod.

"I will drive you to Kayden's in the morning, sleep well."

"I will, thank you."

And that was that, it was getting late.

You open the room to your door and turn on the light, stopping momentarily at the sight of a nightie clad Jessica on your bed. She stares at you with half-lidded hungry eyes, and a small smile on her face.

"Hello there, Theo," Jessica purrs in her best smoky bedroom voice, "I've been so cold waiting for you. Come warm me up?"

She wants to honor her end of the deal.

What do?:

[] Empty your pockets onto your desk, making sure she can see all the panties you scored. Maybe she'll get a bit jealous that you were surrounded by other women all night, not just Sabah.

[] You remember a scene from an Aleph movie called 'Bruce Almighty' where he posed and all of his clothes whipped off. You can't do it quite like that, but you'll try.

[] Take your time and undress, she can wait, and you can prepare.

[] Deny her. You need your energy for Aster tomorrow.

[] Write in


XP Gained: 2 xp

XP Purchase:
[] Purchase
-[] Write in

[] Bank

Mote Gain: -2m
Last edited:
24- Early Christmas
You had been mulling over the 'rules' that Brad lay out earlier since he said them. It is as you approach your door that you finally settling on the rules making sense, for now. Things may change with time, and even with the limitations of the rules, acceptable targets exist.

With any luck they will suffice. If they don't? You give a mental as you pass by the dining room, heading to yours. Fuck the rules. The only real rule about rules was don't get caught. That was true whether you were a pitiful mortal or a prince such as yourself.

You open your door, and turn on the light. You are momentarily stopped by the surprising sight of Jessica, clothed only in a short nightie, lying seductively on top of your bed covers.

The question of why she was waiting in the dark, flits through your mind.

Her eyes are half lidded and hungry, and her face bears a sultry smirk.

"Hello there, Theo," she purrs, following it by an obviously faked shiver, "I've been so cold waiting for you. Come warm me up?"

You give her a dashing smile of your own. Jessica in your bed? She wants to honor her end of the deal from yesterday. Before you manage to lose your virginity on your own.

Like you could've with Amy Dallon, like you probably could have with Sabah. Especially given the older girl's utterance as you left.

You decide that Jessica should feel your displeasure at being denied, just because she wanted to be your first, by being confronted with how easily you could have forced the deal to be invalid.

You let her lie.

"Hello, Jessica, I'll be just a minute."

Her response is cut off by the first brightly colored thong leaving your pocket, entering her view, and being laid on the desk with the young lady's name stated. It's followed shortly by a few more, a total of seven pieces of ladies undergarments lay on your desk, alongside which you place the notes your received in a more traditional manner.

"And the coup de grace," you make sure she sees you reaching into your jack and removing the red and white thong that had been tucked in there by its previous owner, "the panties of the infamously distant Amy Dallon. With whom I have a hot date this Friday."

This rainbow of Marks of Conquest decorate the desk that you usually did your homework on, as you finally turn enough that you can see Jessica's face clearly. There was some tension in her face that told you that your message has been received. Furthermore she was jealous that you had so many woman after you. Not just Sabah.

You didn't need her pity or a bet to get laid. Not anymore. Jessica needed to know that. You weren't going to be her easily accessed toy.

You were also aware that after this night, the word of your masculinity would be gleefully spread and exaggerated. You were going to exceed those exaggerations anyway.

Now that you were done making her jealous, you were going to excite her.

"I'll admit," you say as you begin to carefully remove and store your suit, it wouldn't do to ruin the very nice clothes, that actually fit you, "I didn't expect this so soon."

Her eyes are glued to your body, roaming it, her hands clutched at your comforter, and her red lips were being licked.

"I keep my word. Your virginity is mine."

Your smile turned smug, Jessica positively radiated excitement and arousal. She needed you. And when you finally are fully undress and turn to face her, she practically launches herself off the bed, grabs your hand and pulls you on top of her as she falls onto her back.

Her lips sought yours and her hands-

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Thank you for waiting patiently. We now return to our regularly scheduled programming.

Jessica crawls out from under the covers and gently lays herself on your chest, smacking her lips, her eyes now half-lidded with fatigue. She snuggles into you and falls fast asleep, with a final sleepy mumble of 'so good.'

She's sticky and slick with sweat. There is a huge wet spot on your bed, forcing you to be squeezed up onto the very edge of it or lay in it. Jessica is uncomfortably hot, though her soft curves are still pleasant against you. Your berries hurt, and feel incredibly empty.

You, yourself, were sticky and slick with various bodily fluids. Jessica's mouth had probably graced every inch of your front, and with her leg over yours, she was leaking onto you.

All of these things no one ever told you about sex, and that you didn't experience with the Lover, that were... less than pleasant.

They were still dwarfed by the awesome that was sex and that was dwarfed by the fact you were officially no longer a virgin.

A smile dopey smile graces your face, and you fall asleep yourself.


You dream again, of the Lover Clad in the Raiment of Tears, and though you remember it perfectly, the dream itself was hazy. Shadows swirled, and fog drifted. You get the impression that the Lover is pleased with your actions so far.


Thursday, December 23rd, 2010

Once the morning came you received a very surprising wake up, afterwards Jessica walked with a wobbly in her step, but proudly in her birthday suit back to her room, leaving her nightie and other underclothes in yours.

"There is nothing shameful about what happened last night," she said giving you a kiss on the cheek, "Let's do it again sometime."

Breakfast was a little awkward, with Max being purposefully oblivious to the world around him, and Nessa's foot spontaneously appearing your lap. You were sure it was Nessa, because Jessica was in full lazy day mode, and the blonde that jumped, when you tickled the foot, wasn't plopped lazily in her seat.

Max cleared his throat and stood.

"We're leaving in a half-hour, Theo. Johann dropped off a few more outfits yesterday while you were reading. The box is in the coat room. Make sure to have your things ready to go as well. Girls," he waved at the new table in the dining room currently covered in dishes, and left the room. The twins pouted but did as they were bid and you left to get your box.
It was time to go to Kayden's and see little Aster.


Walking outside and seeing your own shadow twist in unnatural ways, and out of time with yourself was a bit startling.

Tell Max?:

[] Yes

[] No

You otherwise make small talk with your dad on the way to your sister's mother's place. The two of you did briefly cover when your initiation was going to happen, the night of January 1st. But not what it would entail.

'You need to get used to very long nights' was the argument used to counter staying up late for the new year. You suppose that was very true, Max frequently only slept for a few hours a night, with a nap just before dinner time.

He doesn't help you bring your box of goodies or overnight bag up the stairs, after you were buzzed in. The split with Kayden left everyone involved with bad feelings. Max' just were the most intense.

You raise your hand and knock on the door. It opens shortly, the mousy yet beautiful brunette Kayden, mother of your sister opens it. In full costume.

Not her Purity costume, but a Christmas elf outfit. Mrs. Schmidt is wearing a matching one of her own, her gentle if ever present vacant smile seems a bit more genuine. Mr. Schmidt is in a chair visible from the door, wearing a terribly tacky sweater and holding Aster.


"Theo, we wer- Who are you?" her voice, starting out warm, turns hard, "Where is my stepson?"

What do?:
[] You are/were Theo.

[] Turn it around, mock her, teasingly, for assuming you aren't/weren't Theo.

[] Play along, get her to do something like call Max. And confirm that you are/were Theo

[] Write in

Explain your new looks how?:

[] You triggered. The sorta truth.

[] Tinkertech answer you gave Rory. Outright lie.

[] It might have been Freja, or Hel, but a goddess gave you powers. (What you told Max) Sorta Truth

[] The Lover Clad in the Raiment of Tears gave you power.

The inevitable 'Are you going to join the Empire' answer:
[X] Yes
- [] You shall take it over and lead it forward unto glory and heroism. You shall take your legacy and make the world look upon it with awe.

- [] Niggers and chinks have ruined this city, you're going to fix that.

- [] It is what you are to do. Your father is Kaiser, you are the Dark Prince. It is the way of things.

- [] Write in


XP Gained: 2 xp + 2 xp for achieving Trophy: Cherry Popped: Jessica (Minor Motivation Goal) = 4 xp

XP Purchase:
[] Purchase
-[] Write in

[] Bank

Mote Gain: 4m
WP gain upon wake up: 1wp
Last edited:
25- Xmas with the Fam
You decide that revealing your shadow has a mind of its own to your father probably wouldn't be worth it as you plop your gifts into the trunk.

He can find out on his own.

It seems to have settled back to normality anyways.


You blink at the sudden hostility. Your confusion seems to give Kayden a reason to pause.

"No one told you?"

Her eyes narrow slightly. Mrs. Schmidt has left your line of sight, and Mr. Schmidt has stood and left for Aster's room. Presumably at least.

"Told me what?"

"Kayden, it's me. I can't look that different," you smile slightly and snort in disbelieving amusement. Why does Max have to be so petty about this? Just have Crusader shoot Kayden a text, for fuck's sake, "I finally had a growth spurt."

You also had a 'spurt' or two inside Jessica the previous night, but Kayden definitely doesn't need to know that.

She holds out her hand to tell you to wait a second and digs her phone out of her cleavage. You suppose her outfit had no pockets, but did she really need to carry it around like that in her own home? You put the box down, there's no reason to just continue to hold it. Kayden starts going through her text messages.

"Oh," she says, some tension leaving her body, "Max sent a text last night, I, uh, ignored it?"

Kayden has the decency to look embarrassed and your slight frustration switches from Max to Kayden as Mrs. Schmidt scurries off after her husband to retrieve him and the baby.

Kayden invites you in and your gifts are placed under the tree, and Aster is handed off to you to take care of. It isn't for long as the little one uncharacteristically begins wailing the instant she touches you.

"Powers," Mrs. Schmidt answers, giving you a decidedly heated once over, "Can have weird effects on small children. Especially if you have shaker or striker abilities. Aster doesn't like me holding her either. I can only assume its because she can feel the monster inside."

You didn't know the first bit, but you did know the second. But it could also be because 'Mrs. Schmidt' feels very forced, and small children pick up on that. Its a shame because everyone in the Empire knows how badly Mrs. Schmidt wants and loves (white) children, but is denied her own by her power.

"If it's alright with everyone, I'd like to not talk about it. It is what it is, and if Aster no longer likes me all that much, I shall endure."

You can't help it, you send a look of brotherly longing at Aster, who is once again held be Mr. Schmidt, and all of the tension is removed from Kayden. She must have expected something else to happen, or still didn't believe you were you. Or perhaps she believed there had been an even greater impact on you by your 'trigger event.'

There is a lot of little talk between yourself and the Schmidts while Kayden makes sure her Christmas lunch and dinner are on track. Eventually she comes out of the kitchen, a smudge of white sugar visible at the corner of her mouth.

Her hands settle on her hips. Kayden's face is set and determined. Its time for the most obvious question of the day.

"Theo, are you going to join the Empire?"

"It is a bit of a fixer-upper, but I think I can handle it," you counter with a smirk.

"You," your former (You can't remember if the divorce has gone through or they were still in the separation stage) step-mother sounds incredulous, "Are going to 'fix' the Empire?"

"I am a Prince, am I not? Is it not the place of the son to build and improve upon what is left by the father? Especially when that father is an emperor."

Kayden rolls her eyes.

"A prince. Sure. Listen, Theo, your father is crafty, his words are like poison honey -"

"And despite knowing that, you still fall for all of his tricks. I am a Prince, because it is so. What do Princes become, Kayden?"

Your words have left her standing, mouth agape, your admonishment has a slight build up of tears in her eyes. And it is not her who answers, but Mr. Schmidt.

"A king or emperor," he says clearly, "And it is good to see such a good attitude, Theo. Someone needs to brings the true glory of the Empire and its cause out."

He gives you a respectful nod, which you return with one that simply acknowledges his words.

"There's a bit of rot in the drywall," you say in a teasing tone, "And it could use a new coat of paint. Do you think I can get what I need at Aubuchon's?"

That gets the Schmidts chuckling, but Kayden still looks a bit upset, though no tears have fallen. You tap into cold-bone power, and the answer flows into you.

She had hoped that you would have joined her when you triggered and, in doing so, shown Max that she was right and he was wrong.

"It is Aster's first 'not in the hospital' christmas, so let's cheer up and be smiles for her?"

"I'll get the cookies!" Mrs. Schmidt singsongs. Which is awesome. Her cookies are so good that you'd be willing that Kayden would cave if Mrs. Schmidt withheld them over the issue of 'the cause.'

Kayden nods, takes a deep breath, wipes her eyes, and smiles wide. She takes Aster from Mr. Schmidt and the two of them settle on the floor. And you start doling out gifts as the youngest present, capable of doing so.

What did you get for who?:

(Realistic. Possible gag gifts, but remember this is a SFW thread. Pictures are okay, just spoiler them please)

[] The Schmidts
-[] Write in

[] Kayden
-[] Write in

[] Aster
- Write in

What do about Kayden?:

[] Soothe her worries. Its very expected of you to join, and you have a chance to do good with it.

[] (Possibly use power to) Convince her to come back to the Empire.
-[] To take her previous position high in the Empire, as your secret eyes and voice
-[] To be your asset

[] Her opinions and worth have already been seen. She would make a poor Queen-Regent, she should stay Aster's nursemaid and misguided vigilante who does the Empire's work without realizing it.

[] Write in


XP Gain: 2 xp

Motes: -3

XP Purchase:
[] Purchase
-[] Write in

[] Bank


I tried to keep TDP laughing at his 'how to deal with the Empire' answer, but I didn't expect Kayden to accept that. Thinking, like many older people, that she knew better. *shrug*

Next snip will be some warm and fuzzy, and whatever you decide about dealing with Kayden. I think I'm going to skip the 24th up to the date with Lisa, and just back fill with some telling instead of showing. We don't need to go over every conversation TDP has, right?