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[X] Uchiha Mio Beats Up Everyone.
-[X] Yes, everyone. It's not like the sides in this fight mean anything to you.
[X] You have dibs on certain people vis a vis the places to put them in. Besides, when it comes to punching faces, variety is the spice of life.
Conjecture & Combat
Well... free entertainment isn't easily passed by. You take a seat on top of a trash can and watch.

The girls cover each other pretty well, to be honest. One on one, it's quickly clear that this would be a loss. In a sort of team brawl, though, they're more than the sum of their parts. Not really any training, but it looks like they've been fighting back to back often enough that a punch that would get through to Shonen Hero girl gets slapped aside by purple Ami, and a kick that would have hit her in turn gets knocked out of the way with the stinging punishment of Shonen's bit of wood.

You make some rude commentary, but aren't entirely focused on what you're saying as you think. If you need to review the advice or exact insults then you can take a few minutes later. For now...

Well, there are different kinds of ninjas just as much as there are different degrees of civilians. For these two, it's pretty obvious that they aren't in the academy just out of pity and to make up the numbers, like some orphans are. It all depends on where the orphans come from, really.

Ninja die all the time, after all. Sometimes they have kids first. And even if it's only a few generations back, civilians with ninja in their family tree are very different from civilians of civilian stock, though it's more and more unlikely to actually find such a thing in a ninja village. And it's a truism that every generation tends to outstrip the previous by a bit, possibly something to do with the difference between parents who use chakra and who don't affecting the chakra of child.

Of course, that usually takes a lot longer than the villages as a system have been around, of similar talents training and intermarrying with similar talents, before an actual bloodline appears. As far as you know, anyway. Medical experiments and current technology might be able to speed that along, you guess.

You applaud a blow that leaves one of the boys on the ground clutching himself and gasping for a minute.

In any case, it's likely that there's ninja hiding in those family trees. Where precisely doesn't matter, but it's not like pure civilians go out and get in fights at the age of six, even if they are orphans. And they don't last long in the fight if they do.

In counterpoint, these two... it's kind of a shame that unless you have an official clan backing special requests, genin teams are selected on a basis of grades and not by who already works well together. Team-

You're interrupted from your thoughts, mid-insult, by a foot in the back that sends you rolling across the ground before you come up to your feet.

Right. The boys did look like they expected reinforcements. Three more, and they came from behind you, instead of the open alley in the other direction that you were keeping your eyes on. Neat. Now you've been forced into the conflict.

You still have a clear path to escape, but that gives entirely the wrong idea.

"Am I, Mio, going to have to choke a bitch?" you ask pointedly.

You catch an incoming fist and hold it in place.

"Because I, Mio, feel that there has not been anywhere near enough bitch choking lately." you continue.

"Crap, she's a police brat!" one of the little thugs yelps as your eyes start to whirl.

"Three guesses who's not going to get arrested for brutality~" you half-sing as the beating commences.

Back to back, Purple and the Shonen Girl can hold their own against a greater number with roughly equivalent ability. Alone, as long as you can see all of your enemies, you can destroy them. All you really need is to be strong and fast enough to keep up with your eyes.

One by one, the miniature thugs wind up stacked into a groaning pile, and you dust your hands off, blood pulsing hotly. Ami and the shonen girl are tense, but you don't see any attacks to start countering. Yet. Honestly, either one of them could make the first blow.

You smirk, silently inviting it. And for a moment, Ami seems perfectly willing to throw the first punch, and you can almost see the lunging motion starting to fade into being.

And then shonen-girl remarkably displays a marginally cooler head.

"You cut our training short." she says, a little crossly, and the image of Ami's attack steams away into nothing as she crosses her arms and 'hmph's.

"That so?" You say, idly.

"Might not have noticed, but not everyone has a big clan to provide personal instruction just for free." Ami remarks, snidely waving her hands. "So, what are you going to do about sticking your nose into someone else's practice uninvited, huh?"

That's cute. They're trying to ham-fistedly coerce you into helping. It's like baby's first ultimatum.


[ ] They've just told you a funny joke. Laugh and leave.
[ ] You were going to look for an excuse to punch them anyway, so...
[ ] They're going to need to make you an offer here. Like they said, they can't demand training for freeeeee....
[ ] Invent some sort of 'meaningful' task that could pass as training to get rid of them. (write in?)
[X] They're going to need to make you an offer here. Like they said, they can't demand training for freeeeee....

I like em.
[X] They're going to need to make you an offer here. Like they said, they can't demand training for freeeeee....
[X] Invent some sort of 'meaningful' task that could pass as training to get rid of them.
-[X] "Steal the egg of a eagle and a living snake captured in the wild and bring them to me."
[X] They've just told you a funny joke. Laugh, beat them up, and leave.

I almost voted for option two, but on rereading I think that was the "train them for free" option, which is heresy.
I'm kinda tempted to give them a gang initiation style beatdown.
[X] They're going to need to make you an offer here. Like they said, they can't demand training for freeeeee....
[X] Fine, fine. Come at me, and I will teach you. Of course, you don't seem very smart so I assume you are the types to learn with your fists. Or my fists.However that works. We'll figure it out.
[X] They've just told you a funny joke. Laugh, beat them up, and leave.
[X] They're going to need to make you an offer here. Like they said, they can't demand training for freeeeee....
[X] Fine, fine. Come at me, and I will teach you. Of course, you don't seem very smart so I assume you are the types to learn with your fists. Or my fists.However that works. We'll figure it out.
[X] They're going to need to make you an offer here. Like they said, they can't demand training for freeeeee....
[X] "You guys are just the cutest pair of spare orphan parts ever! Look at you trying to coherse actual training out of a real ninja... Well you happen to be in grave luck. For I Mio could use a pair of capable hench-wenches. From now on you work for Mio and Mio shows you how to be badass."
-[X] Proceed to beat their asses into the ground until they acknowledge their new found minion-hood and teach them something good once you have... hell make the subjugation beating part of the lesson... You're just generous that way.
[X] "You guys are just the cutest pair of spare orphan parts ever! Look at you trying to coherse actual training out of a real ninja... Well you happen to be in grave luck. For I Mio could use a pair of capable hench-wenches. From now on you work for Mio and Mio shows you how to be badass."
-[X] Proceed to beat their asses into the ground until they acknowledge their new found minion-hood and teach them something good once you have... hell make the subjugation beating part of the lesson... You're just generous that way.
[X] They're going to need to make you an offer here. Like they said, they can't demand training for freeeeee....
[X] They're going to need to make you an offer here. Like they said, they can't demand training for freeeeee....
[X] "You guys are just the cutest pair of spare orphan parts ever! Look at you trying to coherse actual training out of a real ninja... Well you happen to be in grave luck. For I Mio could use a pair of capable hench-wenches. From now on you work for Mio and Mio shows you how to be badass."
-[X] Proceed to beat their asses into the ground until they acknowledge their new found minion-hood and teach them something good once you have... hell make the subjugation beating part of the lesson... You're just generous that way.
Hm... you know what, we can make them actually learn the E-rank crap for us instead of doing it ourselves. Then we can focus on screwing the family reputation while maintaining plausible deniability. And also train our ninja skills. This had better not take more time away from actually fun things than it saves.

[X] "You guys are just the cutest pair of spare orphan parts ever! Look at you trying to coherse actual training out of a real ninja... Well you happen to be in grave luck. For I Mio could use a pair of capable hench-wenches. From now on you work for Mio and Mio shows you how to be badass."
-[X] Proceed to beat their asses into the ground until they acknowledge their new found minion-hood and teach them something good once you have... hell make the subjugation beating part of the lesson... You're just generous that way.
Hm... you know what, we can make them actually learn the E-rank crap for us instead of doing it ourselves. Then we can focus on screwing the family reputation while maintaining plausible deniability. And also train our ninja skills. This had better not take more time away from actually fun things than it saves.

[X] "You guys are just the cutest pair of spare orphan parts ever! Look at you trying to coherse actual training out of a real ninja... Well you happen to be in grave luck. For I Mio could use a pair of capable hench-wenches. From now on you work for Mio and Mio shows you how to be badass."
-[X] Proceed to beat their asses into the ground until they acknowledge their new found minion-hood and teach them something good once you have... hell make the subjugation beating part of the lesson... You're just generous that way.
>do everything with ninja magic
>not fun

The aliens have arrived, and they walk among us.
>do everything with ninja magic
>not fun

The aliens have arrived, and they walk among us.
No, I mean the bit where we have to actually learn the ninja magic ourselves. Which is why we'll outsource it to these scrubs. But minions are always a time sink, and I don't want to pour more time into them than they would save through this scheme.
No, I mean the bit where we have to actually learn the ninja magic ourselves. Which is why we'll outsource it to these scrubs. But minions are always a time sink, and I don't want to pour more time into them than they would save through this scheme.
Of course we won't save time with this scheme. Do you really think they could learn it faster then us, not even adding the time we have to invest in making them minions?
Of course we won't save time with this scheme. Do you really think they could learn it faster then us, not even adding the time we have to invest in making them minions?
Hm... yeah, you're right.

[X] They're going to need to make you an offer here. Like they said, they can't demand training for freeeeee....
-[X] You're thinking they can study E-rank ninjutsu for you to copy if they don't have a better offer
Hm... yeah, you're right.

[X] They're going to need to make you an offer here. Like they said, they can't demand training for freeeeee....
-[X] You're thinking they can study E-rank ninjutsu for you to copy if they don't have a better offer
That really doesn't solve the issue of them taking longer then we would. Also, didn't we want to snub the elder's by not copying the jutsu but instead learning It ourselves?
That really doesn't solve the issue of them taking longer then we would. Also, didn't we want to snub the elder's by not copying the jutsu but instead learning It ourselves?
That was before we discovered that it would take actual effort. And it's their time being used, not ours. Well, mostly.

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