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funny thing... if Sasuke the Dick learns about the Eternal Mangekyo he's quite likely to (try to) kill Naruto and come after us for our eyes, since we're a way easier target than his brother or 'Madara'. It's debatable if it would work though since we're not 'close siblings' so maybe he won't risk it. We should be safe until we both activate the Mangekyo i guess.

Do we even have siblings not to make having the Mangekyo sharingan a slow descent into blindness? I think we're already at 3 tomoe since we can copy jutsus. I guess if we get it during the massacre we can try to extract Mangekyo's from powerful near kin corpse before ROOT gets them all (although Danzo would be annoyed). Maybe Mikoto is a aunt or something. But of course Mio doesn't know clan secrets so she wouldn't do that, fml.
Personally, my plan for avoiding Mangekyo-related blindness is... to not ever attempt to kill my best friend. Pretty straightforward, really.
Mmmm, that's just misinformation, the Mangekyo is just another evolution on the stress triggers, that's just the method the clan uses to induce it (cause they're emotionally dead assholes), so it might happen anyway. Then again, i think it took the massacre Shisui suicide for Itachi, so it will probably won't happen to us.

Probably the best course of action is to trust the shrimps about optometry and forget about the Mangekyo except if it happens.
I think it would be a nice 'side quest' to get rid of the Curse of Hatred by finding another healthier way to induce Mangekyo (without it being stupidily easy for our reborn clan to exploit ofc) that is infinitely preferable.

Maybe only shrimp sages get to unlock it without suffering and the shrimps have high standards (and a appreciation for bright colors).
Also it would make Itachi feel even more like shit for doing what he will do to Sasuke, which is only a bonus really, fucking Uchihas.
My personal belief on how the Mangekyo happens is that you need to see 'the worst thing in your world' happen, 'ideally' memorizing it permanently by seeing it with the Sharingan.

It has to break you.
Huh, having a hard time thinking of anything that could break MIO. Well, other than her being dead anyway.
[X] You WILL figure out that damn illusion, if it kills you! TO THE LIBRARY! ... but first, to the store to pick up your beautiful new golden suit.
Hmm... Wait, why am I thinking of ways to break Mio?
[X] There's some kind of civilian holy festival going on, and while the standard Uchiha response to such things is 'what an adorable waste of time when you could instead be learning to stab better', there's enough civilian kids in the class that you can be justified in getting dragged along to the candy and games without much note. Sucks to be you, Sasuke, have fun not-having-fun.
[X] You WILL figure out that damn illusion, if it kills you! TO THE LIBRARY! ... but first, to the store to pick up your beautiful new golden suit.
Have some no-name chuunin kill all the people she loves. Not some super ninja. Someone she could have defeated if she had devoted just a little bit more of her time to being a ninja instead of faffing about. The deaths would be entirely preventable, they wouldn't be something due to fate or a disease or anything like that. Nothing she can blame and subsume into her protective blanket of delusion and over-the-top acting.

No it must be her own fault that they died. That is how you break a Mio.
Again, perpetuating the curse of hatred in another form doesn't seem like the greatest of ideas. The clan is about to be funneled to 4 individuals, 2 of which canonically don't have children. This is a unique opportunity to change it (or make it extinct, whatever you prefer). And i think it'd be a better payoff. Seeking to place the MC in stupid, dumb, evil, out-of-character or suicidal situations for the sake of minor lolz, teh shiny, character hate or immense desire to turn the MC into a catgirl is the kind of behavior i expect of voters in quests though, so whatever, no sense getting pissed about it (again).
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[X] You WILL figure out that damn illusion, if it kills you! TO THE LIBRARY! ... but first, to the store to pick up your beautiful new golden suit.
[X] There's some kind of civilian holy festival going on, and while the standard Uchiha response to such things is 'what an adorable waste of time when you could instead be learning to stab better', there's enough civilian kids in the class that you can be justified in getting dragged along to the candy and games without much note. Sucks to be you, Sasuke, have fun not-having-fun.

The secret is hard work?! Damn it!
Why would MIO ever even want Mangekyo? Her face is gloriously perfect the way it is, introducing a new pair of eyes would only stain the perfection that is MIO.
[X] You WILL figure out that damn illusion, if it kills you! TO THE LIBRARY! ... but first, to the store to pick up your beautiful new golden suit.
Obviously, the secret is to have an inate Bullshit ability, and then train hard to unlock it's full potential (but not as hard as everyone else without bullshit)
Well, yes. Our problem right now is that we have one of those.

Fortunately, if all else fails, "jump into your summon realm, do what it takes to get on the contract, and then do what it takes to get out" often takes the form of a fairly hard-core training trip.
I kinda want to go for taijustsu, with maybe some genjutsu,route.

Only because an idea amuses me.
The idea of Mio going into a monologue about how we area all already moving and GRAVITY shackles the earth with a predetermined speed.And we do not notice because we are folish and slow creatures.Then proclaiming she will someday move at the speed of the world or some such.

Sadly this depends on surviving the THING so I do not have much hope for it.
Huh. One way to get taijutsu motivation... when she hits the right age, she could go all "first crush" on Rock Lee and try to keep up with him. He's oblivious enough to miss it entirely, Gai would be quietly amused, and so forth. I think it would be cute.
I definitely want a taijutsu focus. How else will we muda muda successfully. And that's not even taking into account our own version of ROAD ROLLER which would be impossible if we're too weak. Probably with meteors or something.
Flash of pink.
You sort of zone out through classes and then make your way to the merchant's quarter, where you sniff out the jump-suit store.

Gold is not a color that they have in stock, despite having greens, purples, reds, and a disgustingly pastel sunflower yellow. The difference between it and gold is vast and insurmountable.

You have to place a special order at a higher price. Annoying, but these things happen.

With that, you head to the library. You're going to figure out how to do Gai's genjutsu even if it kills you!


... In hindsight, you have no idea why you assumed that the library would be in any way helpful for you, here. It's pretty clear that Gai's thing is some kind of either a secret technique or unique trick that he developed on his own.

Neither of which are the kind of things you find in a library.

"Useless. Useless, it's all useless." you snap to yourself, sweeping aside memorized scrolls on chakra theory and anatomical representations of the coils and tenketsu.

"It's not!" A piping voice insists.

.... The Yamanaka girl's pink civilian pet flinches back a little and trembles when you turn your head to look her way.

"The library isn't useless!" she insists, knees shaking a little.


[ ] ..... You pickin' a fight, punk?
[ ] Roll your Sharingan and leave. There's got to be someone else to spend time harassing.
- [ ] Who?
[ ] New source of amusement located. Time to mess with the pink one.
[X] New source of amusement located. Time to mess with the pink one.

Oh little girl(Sakura), you have no idea what you've awakened.
well Plan B could be to get a Hyuga to watch us as we experiment with how we channel chakra and tell us when we manage to get it either coming out of our Pores and or Tenketsu separately.
[ ] New source of amusement located. Time to mess with the pink one.
[X] New source of amusement located. Time to mess with the pink one.
[X]-"Totally is, though - no amount of it being useful to other people's gonna make it any less useless for the great Devil Queen MIO."
-[X] If she still can't see logic, challenge her to prove the library's useful to you and your grand quest to peel apart Gai's technique - her failed attempts should be amusing to witness, and on the off chance she can pry some insights out of the library, then all the better.
[X]-"Totally is, though - no amount of it being useful to other people's gonna make it any less useless for the great Devil Queen MIO."
-[X] If she still can't see logic, challenge her to prove the library's useful to you and your grand quest to peel apart Gai's technique - her failed attempts should be amusing to witness, and on the off chance she can pry some insights out of the library, then all the better.

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