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Re: Shunshin and Hiraishin.

Shunshin is a high-speed movement technique that includes some level of space distortion. It's a chakra hog, but it lets you go the places really fast as long as you can connect a straight line between points A and B with a chakra 'straw' to suck yourself through, basically. You can go around corners or in zig zags or more complicated ways if you practice a lot, but that can get risky. If you have ridiculous S-rank superninja reflexes, you can take a swing and kill someone in the middle of it just like the Kawarimi. It's much harder, because higher talent with the Shunshin lets you momentarily compress yourself to a much smaller size for the in between, or pull a schroedinger's technique where the straw you're moving through is shorter on the inside so you move through it faster, but you're still there and can technically be hit.

Hiraishin is fuck you teleportation from point A to B without crossing the space between. A distracting flash of light accompanies the technique, so you generally have a split second of 'the fuck?' to cut someone's throat and flash away.
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Vote Tally : Twisted Pinwheel | Page 79 | Questionable Questing [Posts: 2360-2507]
##### NetTally 1.9.9

[X] Eat YOU? Foolish Oni, it will be MIO that does the eating here!
-[X] Draw in your chakra shroud around you... GO WILD!
--[X] If it seems like you're losing the fight... then retreat with a Kawarimi.
No. of Votes: 9

[X] Draw in your chakra shroud around you... GO WILD!
-[X] If it seems like you're losing the fight... then retreat with a Kawarimi.
No. of Votes: 6

[X] Eat YOU? Foolish Oni, it will be MIO that does the eating here!
-[X] Force some of your chakra shroud into his gut and see if you can wrap it around what's in there. See if you can keep a link going both ways.
--[X] Give him a fight first, but if you need to dodge then swap into his insides, try to drag out as much acid as you can, and aim for the heart with something pointy.
No. of Votes: 5

[X] "Hoh... You've finally begun to bask in the glory of I, Mio, have you? Surely there would be greater feasts we could conquer and consume together rather than tearing one another apart for mere morsels, glorious though some may be?"
-[X] Attempt to entreat the Oni properly and work out something where neither of you are tearing the other's flesh apart, or if nothing else gain some insight on the players of this realm that would make you, Mio, his ideal target.
--[X] Be prepared to excuse yourself (with techniques) if necessary. Even your magnanimous generosity has limits for his recent step towards thyself, Mio, and your glorious light.
No. of Votes: 4

[X] time to leave
-[X] there is more than one way out of a skull. Exit via the base of the skull, nose, or eye holes.
--[X] try and use close range Shunshin if possible.
---[X] when the outside is visible Kawarimi
----[X] look around and see if there is anything you can use to help take dummy out for good.
No. of Votes: 3

[X] Eat YOU? Foolish Oni, it will be MIO that does the eating here!
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Force some of your chakra shroud into his gut and see if you can wrap it around what's in there. See if you can keep a link going both ways.
-[X] Give him a fight first, but if you need to dodge then swap into his insides, try to drag out as much acid as you can, and aim for the heart with something pointy.
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Eat YOU? Foolish Oni, it will be MIO that does the eating here!
-[X] Draw in your chakra shroud around you... G[X] time to leave
-[X] there is more than one way out of a skull. Exit via the base of the skull, nose, or eye holes.
--[X] try and use close range Shunshin if possible.
---[X] when the outside is visible Kawarimi
----[X] look around and see if there is anything you can use to help take dummy out for good.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Hit him as hard as you can. As he braces for the other strike (or reels from the first one), run. Depending on how much damage you deal, repeat this again.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 33
Mio invents the game of Baseball
"Foooooolish oni. MIO is the one who will do the eating!" you declare, pulling all the strands of your chakra close into your body as you leap to the attack.

Dummy responds to your attack reflexively, truly without thought. Rather than catching you, which would have served the purpose of holding you in place for eating, he instantly swings that great club of his.

He seems to realize the mistake too late to do anything about it, with a frowned and muttering 'oops'. Then...

... It's a good thing you've got the chakra all drawn close to your body. There's enough that the energy has become physically dense, and it can't really be damaged the same way as actually physical materials.

If you'd just leapt to the attack, like you're newly... carnivorous? Instincts had driven you to do... well, you think that would have less been crushed by the club and more have splashed apart, like a water balloon used for kenjutsu target practice with one of Fuki's wooden swords.

As things stand, your chakra serves as a deforming, rubber-ish kind of armor, which means that when the impact hits you, it doesn't break you.

Carrying on the metaphor, it means that you respond to the blow like a rubber bouncing ball instead of a water balloon.

You have the barest instant of realizing the impact before you smash outwards through the giant skull and keep on flying...

... Really, truly, disgustingly far through the air. The landscape is blurring around you. You hit... something, you don't know what, but it comes apart in a squawking cloud of feathers and blood that doesn't slow you down at all and your altitude is still increasing.

Why the hell is this your life?

At some point your altitude peaks, and then you start to fall, and you realize you've still got a long way to go before you-



[ ] Splashing violently down into an inky black and eerily silent sea. You feel wood for a moment, as water rushes back in. There's a skull glowing in the dark. They aren't supposed to do that, right?
[ ] Tearing through spider webs that obviously aren't supposed to tear. It's uncomfortable and sticky and that's a lot of spiders. Way too many spiders, and these webs are supposed to catch dinner for them.
[ ] You smash through a castle wall. Ceiling. Floors too. On the one hand, civilization? On the other, from the looks of this dungeon the owner is going to be either really unhappy or creepily pleased to see you.
[ ] You landed on clouds. And are standing on clouds. Literal sky clouds. Why?
[X] Splashing violently down into an inky black and eerily silent sea. You feel wood for a moment, as water rushes back in. There's a skull glowing in the dark. They aren't supposed to do that, right?

Who says that the glowing skull in the dark isn't civilization?
[X] You landed on clouds. And are standing on clouds. Literal sky clouds. Why?
[x] Tearing through spider webs that obviously aren't supposed to tear. It's uncomfortable and sticky and that's a lot of spiders. Way too many spiders, and these webs are supposed to catch dinner for them.

Let's do a spider contract!
[X] You smash through a castle wall. Ceiling. Floors too. On the one hand, civilization? On the other, from the looks of this dungeon the owner is going to be either really unhappy or creepily pleased to see you.
[X] You landed on clouds. And are standing on clouds. Literal sky clouds. Why?
[X] You landed on clouds. And are standing on clouds. Literal sky clouds. Why?

This one isn't as obviously dangerous as the others, which makes me wonder what's dangerous about it.

Also, interesting armor technique we have now.

(You think he's done chasing us?)
This seems the option that'd best facilitate THE GREAT MIO going full hammy pomp in any possible conversation that may transpire:

[X] You landed on clouds. And are standing on clouds. Literal sky clouds. Why?

Encounter some regular ol' skybeasts, some harpies, tengu, sky cities - doesn't matter what, she's gonna be riding high on actually being in/living in what would normally only exist in kids' excited imaginations.

Can you imagine how much MIO'd lord it over kids that no, she's actually been to a cloud-city, or the like?

The snide jokes about the Village Hidden in the Clouds would be unending, and legendary.
[X] You smash through a castle wall. Ceiling. Floors too. On the one hand, civilization? On the other, from the looks of this dungeon the owner is going to be either really unhappy or creepily pleased to see you.
[X] You smash through a castle wall. Ceiling. Floors too. On the one hand, civilization? On the other, from the looks of this dungeon the owner is going to be either really unhappy or creepily pleased to see you.
[X] You landed on clouds. And are standing on clouds. Literal sky clouds. Why?
[X] You landed on clouds. And are standing on clouds. Literal sky clouds. Why?

Does this mean we're no longer in Hell? :p
[X] You landed on clouds. And are standing on clouds. Literal sky clouds. Why?
[X] You landed on clouds. And are standing on clouds. Literal sky clouds. Why?

It's interesting that we have enough chakra around us to form something like a chakra cloak.
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[X] You landed on clouds. And are standing on clouds. Literal sky clouds. Why?
[X] You smash through a castle wall. Ceiling. Floors too. On the one hand, civilization? On the other, from the looks of this dungeon the owner is going to be either really unhappy or creepily pleased to see you.
[X] You landed on clouds. And are standing on clouds. Literal sky clouds. Why?
Vote Tally : Twisted Pinwheel | Page 85 | Questionable Questing [Posts: 2530-2546]
##### NetTally 1.9.9

[X] You landed on clouds. And are standing on clouds. Literal sky clouds. Why?
No. of Votes: 11

[X] You smash through a castle wall. Ceiling. Floors too. On the one hand, civilization? On the other, from the looks of this dungeon the owner is going to be either really unhappy or creepily pleased to see you.
No. of Votes: 4

[X] Splashing violently down into an inky black and eerily silent sea. You feel wood for a moment, as water rushes back in. There's a skull glowing in the dark. They aren't supposed to do that, right?
No. of Votes: 1

[x] Tearing through spider webs that obviously aren't supposed to tear. It's uncomfortable and sticky and that's a lot of spiders. Way too many spiders, and these webs are supposed to catch dinner for them.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 17
Eh, I'll switch. I don't want to leave Hell just yet.

[X] You smash through a castle wall. Ceiling. Floors too. On the one hand, civilization? On the other, from the looks of this dungeon the owner is going to be either really unhappy or creepily pleased to see you.
[X] Splashing violently down into an inky black and eerily silent sea. You feel wood for a moment, as water rushes back in. There's a skull glowing in the dark. They aren't supposed to do that, right?
[X] You landed on clouds. And are standing on clouds. Literal sky clouds. Why?
[X] You landed on clouds. And are standing on clouds. Literal sky clouds. Why?
[X] You landed on clouds. And are standing on clouds. Literal sky clouds. Why?
[X] You landed on clouds. And are standing on clouds. Literal sky clouds. Why?
Eh, I'll switch. I don't want to leave Hell just yet.

[X] You smash through a castle wall. Ceiling. Floors too. On the one hand, civilization? On the other, from the looks of this dungeon the owner is going to be either really unhappy or creepily pleased to see you.
Hell can have clouds. Cloudless hells might just be a hurtful stereotype.
[x] Tearing through spider webs that obviously aren't supposed to tear. It's uncomfortable and sticky and that's a lot of spiders. Way too many spiders, and these webs are supposed to catch dinner for them.
[X] You landed on clouds. And are standing on clouds. Literal sky clouds. Why?

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