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Video Games General

Beat Saber Official Tracks:

Easy: Booooring...

Normal: Not bad.

Hard: I can just barely do this

Extreme/Extreme+: Nope.

Beat Saber Fan Tracks:

Hard: Haha, no.

Normal: Haha, no.

Easy: I can- *Level Failed* -'t do this.

Not 100% true, but feels like it sometimes. When lower difficulties exist at all.

Beware any of the Overlord OPs. Even if it says Easy, it's lying.

I will recc "Bella Belle" though, the difficulties are actually accurate and the beats make it feel like you're actually dancing to swing music. Plus the song legitimately makes you wanna dance.
Is there any point to trying to do stealth in Wolfenstien: Youngblood? I'm sorta stuck on the second level and the Mech-hound keeps killing me when I try to sneak by.

Also a big reveal; along with the two new biomes, bosses, weapons and music there will be an unlockable Richter mode ala Symphony of the Night.

Given that there has been a big 'return to basics' remakes/DLC uptick as of late, I'm not surprised.

Also, Pharaoh's remake/remaster just dropped eight days ago:

Triskell Interactive remade the game that inspired their Impression Games-style city builder Lethis, and it's faithful to the original. Also, the soundtrack is amazing. [insert chief's kiss emoji here]
I don't know if this is the right thread, but... Any good game characters that you guys recommend to do an AI voice?
Note: This is tortoise-tts and not ElvenLabs. but here is a sample of what I managed to do with a few hours of work/setting up tortoise(actual generation time is either 3-10 minutes).
I don't know if this is the right thread, but... Any good game characters that you guys recommend to do an AI voice?
Note: This is tortoise-tts and not ElvenLabs. but here is a sample of what I managed to do with a few hours of work/setting up tortoise(actual generation time is either 3-10 minutes).

How about CJ or Big Smoke?

You could redub videos of CJ Spiderman or Big Smoke spiderman.

So, keep scrolling past articles talking about people boycotting Atomic Heart for politics.

Had the random thought that I want a game where you play as the robot overlords instead.

And now I'm giggling at the reaction if someone put out a mod where you play as the hot robot girls mowing down KGB agents instead.

Also I would absolutely play that game.
So, keep scrolling past articles talking about people boycotting Atomic Heart for politics.

While there are articles focusing on trying to get people to boycott, outside of Ukraine I don't really see it viable on the basis they use.

Personally, I'm far more concerned about the fact that they used to provide information directly to an internal spy agency than a less than 3 degrees of separation between them and Gazprom.

While news reports reported them responding to that accusation of handing over information as denying it, their specific denial was that the EULA was outdated.

Or in other words, "We definitely don't do it now, but we used to."

Which personally is about as reliable EA going "we don't do it now" to Battlefront 2 style microtransactions or a company renowned for Crunch going "Yes, we used to be like that, but now we're all for treating our workers like they're actually people."
Plugged in Arizona Sunshine.

...And now I will acknowledge that zombies really do reduce your effective aiming range, no matter how slow they are. And getting closer doesn't really help!

Fast ones are even worse, and I shudder to think what I'll run into later on- especially as these seem to be fungal-based zombies from a few I've seen with growths. Not sure that one near the beginning was going to get up when my back was turned, but I followed Rule #2 anyway.
I haven't really had the motivation to look up the answer but out of all generations of Halo SPARTAN armor and augmentation sets which two would make for the most versatility and survivability focused SPARTAN?
You know you're in the deep end when you start to prowl Korean forums for Skyrim mods.
What kind of mods you looking for?
Okay, I think "The Wizards - Dark Times" is my favorite game so far besides maybe BeatSaber. Despite its super-plain title and lack of real story besides some generic fantasy crap about darkness overtaking the land and magical zombies.

The gameplay can be awkward too but the gesture-based magic system is so fucking cool it makes up for it.

Hold trigger + Turn Hand: Summon fireball. Throw at leisure by releasing trigger or use as a light source, light torches, beware does not work when raining and once it leaves you hand at any decent speed it travels in a STRAIGHT LINE- but fortunately homes in on enemies if it comes close enough. Decent homing. Had one do a full circle around a Darkling (bomb-tossing goblin thing) before it hit him, another went high then curved back to hit him right in the ass and launch him off the bridge he was harassing me from.

Hold hand to side + Hold trigger + bring hand straight to front: Summon shield. Block, bash or throw like Captain America. Release trigger to throw or despawn. Also homes if it's headed near enough to an enemy.

Grip controller WITHOUT pulling trigger + pull hand toward self: Charge Force Push. Release to fire. Completely fucks up frozen enemies or gives you some space.

Hold both hands to side + Hold triggers + bring hands to front: Summon Ice Bow. Fire up to five arrows before requiring re-summon, does not home but only weapon that's actually easy to aim. Arrows arc and freeze.

While holding bow + release string + grip bow with both hands and pull apart: Turn bow into ICE SWORDS. One hit each, up close or- as I just found out by accident- throw, with about the same accuracy and homing as the shields.

While holding 1 Fireball + grab with other hand + pull hands apart: Magma burst! Travels along ground, release trigger to burst- or let it hit a wall. Preferably burst in the middle of a crowd for maximum carnage.

And my newest spell: THE STORM. Hold both hands flat in front of you with triggers held, push hands forward. Release triggers to be Darth Palpatine. Grip controllers and pull apart quickly to Nova Burst, stunning all nearby enemies.

Suffice to say, the magic's pretty fuckin' cool and this game is perfect for feeling like you are the wizard.
Caught that modding bug again, and I'm stuck on whether to mod New Vegas or Oblivion...
Beat Wizards. Too short, want more.

New spells:

CHARGIN' MA LAZER: Grab shield with both hands, hold to charge or immediately move hands apart to fire. Shoots super-strong long-range laser, controlled by both hands, lasts longer the longer you charged, but only about five seconds I think? This is your kamehameha move and it rocks. Kills wizard enemies fast, and they're the most annoying so.

Arcane Blast: Grab over shoulder and pull forward and across with trigger held. Crystal spikes on your knuckles you can punch enemies with or throw for a scattershot. Grab in front of you and hold to charge- ten shots? Eight? I forget. Pull hands apart to activate, creates crystals in front of you, touch and they shoot up in the air and home in from a long range. Final boss especially weak to this weapon and the only one that affects the 'crystals' you need to activate.

One day someone will make a full fantasy RPG/MMO with multiple classes in VR, with both swordfighting and spellcasting classes, and I hope they use this game as a model for the spellcasters.

In other news, downloaded Venom of Venus by Powerwolf in Beat Saber, amused that normal difficulty has exactly 666 blocks. I think Powerwolf's stuff counts as Satanic Metal? Maybe. Anti-religious, at the very least.

I tried Incense and Iron too, the first song of theirs I ever heard, but there's only an Expert version. Was doing pretty good at it... until the guitar solo completely wrecked me.

Also doing Bella Belle and Voracity (Overlord OP 3) on Hard and getting through them with only a single note missed, no perfect yet.

EDIT: Not sure what I was thinking when typing that. I'm doing Bella Belle on Expert and Voracity on Easy still. Which is Expert for most songs but some song-modders are crazy. Tried Normal earlier and it was hilariously worse.
Last edited:
Decided to try Cosmonious High next. TL;DR: Space-School with all sorts of weird aliens. You're a Prismi, which adapts powers when put in stressful situations.

Like when the spacebus crashes into the school and catches fire, you adapt the ability to spray water at things. And paint.

It's surprisingly addictive for a puzzle game. Physics can be janky, but that's sort of to be expected. The puzzles actually make me think a bit, especially the... Chemostriphy? Class. Extra credit pedestals all around the room that made me really have to think about how to get what I needed to solve them.

Also, I think the school's AI has either gone Rogue or been hacked. Which is why so many problems.

Aliens so far include blobs, tentacly people, and Trisk. Trisk look like they're 2D to us, but they're actually in like 48 other dimensions. When you get the crystal-making power, one of them gets you to make a sword and shield for her so she can pacify "The Doomfather" so he doesn't cause problems. Which all happens offscreen, of course.

It's weird and cute and a lot of fun. First game that's managed to make me poke my TV- if you need to connect wires with crystals that are too far apart, move, and start from where you stopped, not the opposite wire. Instead of trying to reach outside the play area.
I think Powerwolf's stuff counts as Satanic Metal? Maybe. Anti-religious, at the very least.
Depends on the song really. Some are more pro religious some less so. "In the name of God" for instance is pretty pro even if there's a werewolfy bent to it. Good for crusade memes. Really if you want songs trying to go for the Satanic theme Ghost's stuff is probably more on that line if albeit not really metal (and people have joked that you could probably put some of them up as chase music for scoobie doo shows kek)
Cosmonious High: 100%.

...Strangely for a puzzle game, I feel the urge to replay it. It's such a fun, happy universe.


I feel like a dumbass for not picking up on that immediately and wandering around looking for the damn key for so long.

But yes, fun game, do recommend.

EDIT: Also, you find a Crewmate in one of the vents, makes the sound when you pick it up. Get some Honk Sauce and take a bite out of it for extra amusement.

...And it feels weird to recc that and DE-recc the next title I downloaded.

I'm glad I got both from a humble bundle so at least one was worth it, let's say.

DOOM VFR is... probably a matter of showing its age, but overall so far: Bleh. And there's at least one thing that should've been a no-fucking-brainer.

So, the controls are set up for the... vive or oculus one. One of the ones with a large thumb trackpad. The Index controllers only have a tiny one. And the game has no re-binding options built in.

There is NO turning built into the game. At all. Turn your body or perish. And with a small room size that's... less than ideal. Plus cord twisting. You have to fuck with the controller bindings to fix that. Smooth movement mode is also trash, so you're stuck with teleporting- which is better for your motion sickness anyway, but still kinda lame.

The guns... have HELLA recoil. Shots are way, way too slow. Even the pistol jerks back like you're firing a damn canon. I've only used that and the shotgun so far, but bleh. Telefragging weakened enemies instead of Glory Kills is also lame.

Also: you aren't even Doomguy. No, really, you aren't Doomguy. You're some random-ass office drone that got his brain downloaded into a robot after getting smeared across the elevator walls by a Pinky.

Finally... THE GAME DOESN'T PAUSE. Open the menu? Still dying. Open the Steam Menu? Still dying. Start of the first actual level and I'm getting killed by a basic bitch zombie because the washing machine went off and I needed to put things in the dryer. Ragequit after all the other shit.

Looks good. Plays like shit. No-pausing like a multiplayer game even though I don't think it has any. I might try to play a little farther but I'm probably gonna give this one a miss.
Give yourself high cholesterol and blood pressure for early access to Diablo 4 Beta :V
To be fair, you can always throw the "sandwich" away. :p
So what are the chances that the new Diablo will be a predatory cash grab like the mobile game?

Course I'm not going to buy it ether way. that would mean giving Activision money and I'm am loathe to do such a thing.
So what are the chances that the new Diablo will be a predatory cash grab like the mobile game?

Course I'm not going to buy it ether way. that would mean giving Activision money and I'm am loathe to do such a thing.
You just have to wait for it's release to see.
So what are the chances that the new Diablo will be a predatory cash grab like the mobile game?

Course I'm not going to buy it ether way. that would mean giving Activision money and I'm am loathe to do such a thing.
This age is a rotten one and hope is but the first step to disappointment, so of course they are going to put in garbage that shouldn't be in a game like "gacha" or "live service" or "Season pass". Ach, things suck for AAA gamers.

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