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Vote Thread for Ack's Omake Corner

[] Hypnosis Idea - 15
[X] NSW - 6
[X] Meet the Heberts - 5
[X] All Alone - 4
[X] I, Panacea - 3
[X] Bait & Switch - 2
[X] Danny & Taylor - 1

Yes, it's getting more valuable the more I think about it. Might spend some time this weekend on getting Ack the smutty pieces if I can get the NSW idea out first.
[X] NSW - 3

At the moment I'm looking for an extra 6 3 votes for NSW from somewhere, so any trades towards that end would be helpful.
I'm good now. :p
Erm... If you're only voting for one fic, why give it a 3, and not a 6?
[X] Confrontation II - 6
[X] Wyvern - 5
[X] One More Trigger - 4
[X] Recoil - 3
[X] Security! - 2
[X] I, Panacea - 1

First vote, I believe I've done that right?
Welcome; and yea, everything looks good.
I have room for one for more vote.
Throw a 1 on Slippery Slope then.:D
[X] Recoil - 6
[X] Wyvern - 5
[X] Trump Card - 4
[X] One More Trigger - 3
[X] Bait & Switch - 2
[X] NSW - 1
OK - my policy from this point is that I will copy top eligible vote of somebody who gives "I, Panacea" 6 points and quotes this post
So basically, if someone votes 6 for I, Panacea, and quotes your post, you'll copy their 5-point vote option (or 4-point option if you've already voted for their 5-pointer) into your next available slot?
[X] I, Panacea - 6
[X] Slippery Slope - 5
[X] Security! - 4
[X] Hostage Situation - 3
[X] Wyvern - 2
[X] Alea Iacta Est - 1

OK - my policy from this point is that I will copy top eligible vote of somebody who gives "I, Panacea" 6 points and quotes this post
OK, moved I, Panacea from my 4-slot to my 6-spot, please add Slippery Slope to your 4-spot.

Further, I'd like to arrange a deal. Firstly, given this:
If you add in a vote for NSW I'll vote for I, Panacea :D
It appears you only vote for I, Panacea normally, so typically your 5-spot is blank as well. I just copy and paste my vote from a txt file each vote, so it would be easy to put I, Panacea in my 6-spot every vote.

How about I just continually keep I, Panacea in my 6-spot, and you put Slippery Slope in your 5-spot every vote (unless you find another story you want to vote for yourself, in which case you can move it down to the 4-spot), without me needing to quote your post each time? Though if necessary I can just copy the quote into my txt file.
OK, moved I, Panacea from my 4-slot to my 6-spot, please add Slippery Slope to your 4-spot.

Further, I'd like to arrange a deal. Firstly, given this:It appears you only vote for I, Panacea normally, so typically your 5-spot is blank as well. I just copy and paste my vote from a txt file each vote, so it would be easy to put I, Panacea in my 6-spot every vote.

How about I just continually keep I, Panacea in my 6-spot, and you put Slippery Slope in your 5-spot every vote (unless you find another story you want to vote for yourself, in which case you can move it down to the 4-spot), without me needing to quote your post each time? Though if necessary I can just copy the quote into my txt file.
Added, and I really like this deal. Since this point I will be putting Slippery Slope on my 5-spot. "I can just copy the quote into my txt file" - I would prefer it, this way I will remember why I am voting on "Slippery Slope".
Added, and I really like this deal. Since this point I will be putting Slippery Slope on my 5-spot. "I can just copy the quote into my txt file" - I would prefer it, this way I will remember why I am voting on "Slippery Slope".
Txt file updated with new votes and quote.

And yeah, I did the math and I like the deal too.

My old votes:
Slippery Slope - 6
Security! - 5
I, Panacea - 4

Your vote:
I, Panacea - 6

I, Panacea - 10
Slippery Slope - 6
Security! - 5


My new votes:
I, Panacea - 6
Slippery Slope - 5
Security! - 4

Your new votes:
I, Panacea - 6
Slippery Slope - 5

I, Panacea - 12
Slippery Slope - 10
Security! - 4


I, Panacea: +2
Slippery Slope: +4
Security!: -1


So by switching my top 3 votes around, one of my top 3 loses 1 point, but the other 2 gain a total of 6 points, my actual top vote gaining a total of 4 points.

Yep, I like that math.:D

And Snake/Eater, how's THAT for an Ack's Voting Stock Exchange deal?:D I named it as a joke, you picked it up and rolled with it, and now I've shown you how it's REALLY done.:p
Last edited:
[X] Recoil - 6
[X] Wyvern - 5
[X] Trump Card - 4
[X] Security! - 3
[X] Alea Iacta Est - 2
[X] NSW - 1
[X] Security! - 6
[X] Recoil - 5
[X] Trump Card - 4
[X] I, Panacea - 3
[X] Alea Iacta Est - 2
[X] Wyvern - 1
And Snake/Eater, how's THAT for an Ack's Voting Stock Exchange deal?:D I named it as a joke, you picked it up and rolled with it, and now I've shown you how it's REALLY done.:p
So that's his leverage, to hold me hostage by putting a already popular fanfic one point over.... and i think slippery slope was in 6th or 7th place.
  • Like
Reactions: Ack
[X] Hostage Situation - 6
[X] Trump Card - 5
[X] One More Trigger - 4
[X] Wyvern - 3
[X] Confrontation II - 2
[X] Nemesis - 1
[X] NSW - 6
[X] Hostage Situation - 5
[X] Wyvern - 4
[X] One More Trigger - 3
[X] I, Panacea - 2
[X] Alea Iacta Est - 1
[X] Alea Iacta Est - 1
[X] Bait & Switch - 4
[X] Confrontation II - 2
[N] Recoil - 0
[X] Slippery Slope - 3
[X] Trump Card - 5
[X] Wyvern - 6
[X] Confrontation II - 6
[X] Alea Iacta Est - 5
[X] Security! - 4
[X] Recoil - 3
[X] Slippery Slope - 2
[X] War Games - 1
[X] Hostage Situation - 6
[X] Trump Card - 5
[X] One More Trigger - 4
[X] Security! - 3
[X] NSW - 2
[X] I, Panacea - 1
Vote 65: War Games
Thanks, as always, for voting.

User Errors
Anaja - Numbers. Please. I had to go back and find your vote and enter all the numbers manually. Please do not do this again.
Also: MirroVerse - please spell this correctly.
All Alone- 2: hendy853 - space before the hyphen, please.
Hostage Situation- 2: SwiftRosenthal - same with this one, please.
Meet The Heberts - 2: WindCall12 - 'the' is not capitalised, please.
Slppery Slope - 6: Lord Ultimus - missed an 'i' in 'Slippery'.
Trump Card -1: Monkey D. Funky - missed a space after the hyphen

Please correct these in future.

Thank you.

Just by the way - biggest voter turnout yet. Awesome sauce.

On to the main event.

Note that any BBcode at all aroud the vote will invalidate it. This includes quoting a previous vote, and applying font changes.

Alea Iacta Est 116
All Alone 636
Bait & Switch 342
Confrontation II 347
Danny & Taylor 272
Hostage Situation 358
I, Panacea 185
Junior Hero 544
Meet the Heberts 515
MirrorVerse 194
NSW 746
Nemesis 216
One More Trigger 298
Really Bad End 593
Recoil 668
Security! 638
Slippery Slope 344
Trump Card 321
War Games 0 (746)
Wyvern 611

[If you want to know which of these stories is NSFW, check the first post of the thread..]

NSW and War Games are in the high 600 range, so it'll be a toss-up between them for the next spot. Following that, Recoil might just make an appearance, if Wyvern doesn't do it first.

I predict some photo finishes.

A photo finish was had indeed. NSW and War Games tying on 746; I'm giving this one to War Games because it hasn't come up yet. NSW will probably be next.

After that, I predict some more close calls; first between Recoil and Wyvern, and then between All Alone and Security!. All fun and games, folks.

Anyway, thanks again for voting, and I hope you enjoy reading the stories as much as I enjoy writing them.

For anyone who hasn't voted on this thread before, the voting rules go as follows:

1) UP TO six votes. I will not count anything extra, and a write-in will likely be ignored (if I want to write a different story, I will, but at my own discretion). Suggestions are welcome, but I am under no obligation to carry them out. And just remember, the more stories I am writing, the longer it will take for your favourites to roll back around.
2) First vote is worth six points, second is worth five, and so on.
3) You can't vote twice on the same story. First vote is the only one that counts. QQbot will count the last vote and ignore previous ones.
4) If I say "Voting is CLOSED", then this post comes up, with "Voting is OPEN" at the bottom, then you can vote again.
5) If I say "Voting will continue", it's still the same voting period. Voting has not restarted. You can not vote a second time.

Vote format looks like this:

[X] Alea Iacta Est - 6
[X] I, Panacea - 5
[X] Security! - 4
[X] Recoil - 3
[X] Trump Card - 2
[X] NSW - 1

Specifically: SQUARE brackets around an X, one space, and please spell at least the first word of the name of the story properly. Number of voting points comes last. Please try to format your vote properly, so as not to confuse the vote counter.

Thank you.

Voting is OPEN.
[X] Recoil - 6
[X] Alea Iacta Est - 5
[X] I, Panacea - 4
[X] Wyvern - 3
[X] All Alone - 2
[X] Security! - 1
[X] Security! - 6
[X] Alea Iacta Est - 5
[X] I, Panacea - 4
[X] Confrontation II - 3
[X] Wyvern - 2
[X] Trump Card - 1

It's been too long since I've put my favorite story at the top of the list. Wouldn't it be nice if it could pull ahead and get the next update?
  • Like
Reactions: Ack
[X] Bait & Switch - 1
[X] Alea Iacta Est - 2
[X] One More Trigger - 3
[X] Danny & Taylor - 4
[X] Really Bad End - 5
[X] Wyvern - 6
[X] All Alone - 6
[X] Confrontation II - 5
[X] Wyvern - 4
[X] Trump Card - 3
[X] Alea Iacta Est - 2
[X] One More Trigger - 1
Last edited:

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