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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

This bit confused me at first because the 'return the favour' part is so far away in time "several seconds" from the bowing part.
Karl bows to her, and I decide to do the same. My current uniform doesn't include a skirt, anyway. The queen's clothing is made of green and purple cloth, and looks decidedly dated. Much like the castles. She stares at us for several seconds before deigning to speak.

"You're not the possessed one. Where are you from?"

Morgan does not return the favour.
Maybe move "Morgan does not return the favour." to before the sentence mentioning several seconds?

Also, was Paul speaking at all here? There's nothing with organge quote marks.
Remind me, did Wolf Krieger get a Magic School Bus ride through the hounds of Odin, or was that honor reserved for Savage?

I'm not sure what you mean here.

I'm guessing the Krieger comment and Odin thing is him going to Valhalla when he dies, but the Savage thing doesn't make sense.

Savage hasn't shown any connection to the Norse gods in this story aside from briefly working with a worshipper of theirs, and he probably wouldn't worship them since he considers himself superior.

Krieger was killed by the Hitler clone.
I'm guessing the Krieger comment and Odin thing is him going to Valhalla when he dies, but the Savage thing doesn't make sense.
Wolf and Albrecht Krieger fled to one of the Norse afterlives, it might have been Valhalla, after the heroes recaptured the Watchtower.

And there's that question answered. Probably forces she brought with her out of whatever fae realm she's been hidden in.
The Renegade ended up there when purging the British Elite. I forget the place's name, though it might have been Camelot.
I'm not sure what you mean here.

I'm guessing the Krieger comment and Odin thing is him going to Valhalla when he dies, but the Savage thing doesn't make sense.

Savage hasn't shown any connection to the Norse gods in this story aside from briefly working with a worshipper of theirs, and he probably wouldn't worship them since he considers himself superior.

Krieger was killed by the Hitler clone.
As NGamer11 said, after the starrotech mind control event, Savage and lackeys escaped through a portal to the realm those eight legged horses and their skeletal riders hailed from. Savage spent some time as puppy chow and as "plops," to use a word from Chrysalis. I had no memory of Wolf's powers so I figured he might have suffered a similar fate due to regeneration.
As NGamer11 said, after the starrotech mind control event, Savage and lackeys escaped through a portal to the realm those eight legged horses and their skeletal riders hailed from. Savage spent some time as puppy chow and as "plops," to use a word from Chrysalis. I had no memory of Wolf's powers so I figured he might have suffered a similar fate due to regeneration.
That happened to Savage because his remains were sucked into space and fell somewhere on Earth to be eaten by hyenas before he regenerated enough to fight them off. Only the Kriegers went through the portal the Viking revenants came from
I was going to say Darkseid... But if it's Trigon they're fucked...

Do you really think they would be less fucked with Darkseid then Trigon. Thats like trading a fatal burning for inoperable bone cancer. Trigon kills you, Darkseid destroys you so thoroughly you want to do the same to others before you "Die for Darkseid."
No, the clothes and the castles look dated.
Gotcha, I was wondering why Paul mentioned his uniform not having a skirt.
Well... I mean, it doesn't.
This bit confused me at first because the 'return the favour' part is so far away in time "several seconds" from the bowing part.

Maybe move "Morgan does not return the favour." to before the sentence mentioning several seconds?
Until Morgan takes an action, they wouldn't know that she wasn't returning the favour.
I mean in this situation Paul is are better off just throwing Trigon or Darkseid at them and be done with it they would get rid of the problem since there is no way to fix that Earth.
It helps that Trigon can only invade when invited
But i will admit that it might make things worse.
That happened to Savage because his remains were sucked into space and fell somewhere on Earth to be eaten by hyenas before he regenerated enough to fight them off. Only the Kriegers went through the portal the Viking revenants came from

Oh, yeah, now I remember this.

I think Zoat once mentioned something about him briefly becoming food for Odin's wolves, not the whole hyena thing.

Granted, that was probably years ago, so I may not fully remember, or maybe Zoat changed it.

Do you really think they would be less fucked with Darkseid then Trigon. Thats like trading a fatal burning for inoperable bone cancer. Trigon kills you, Darkseid destroys you so thoroughly you want to do the same to others before you "Die for Darkseid."

To be fair, Trigon is basically a being that has destroyed and corrupted multiple universes, while Darkseid hasn't really conquered or destroyed multiple universes, depending on the version, and versions of Darkseid have been beaten relatively easily, while when Trigon shows up it's usually an event of apocalyptic levels of destruction.
Oh, yeah, now I remember this.

I think Zoat once mentioned something about him briefly becoming food for Odin's wolves, not the whole hyena thing.

Granted, that was probably years ago, so I may not fully remember, or maybe Zoat changed it.
Savage told Mandated!Paul that he spent 2 months being gnawed on by hyenas because of Paul, and takes his anger out on Paul's counterpart despite intellectually knowing that they aren't the same guy.
Sorry if this has been answered, but who has the Ace of Winchesters now?
My bet: Paul and company fix up the demon Superman problem... And a chorus of angels immediately descends to clean up the demon magic and take all the credit.
Assuming they don't just Kill everyone in the process deciding everyone is irreparably tainted.
They're kinda assholes like that.

"That is an easy question to answer. His name is Wolf Krieger."
Oh not that Jackass again, welp time to face Demon Captain Nazi & Friends.
And Karl is going to be working out his issues with the Nazis on their faces.
Past Participant (part 22)
16th September 2012
19:31 GMT

They rebuilt Pevensey Castle!

I'm not sure if that's the original design or something they innovated, but it's still interesting to see it in one piece. Mr. Swift is still unconscious in a construct bubble, and he's not human enough for me to want to risk a purple healing ray. I'm… Assuming that he can fix himself up once he regains consciousness, though I'm not clear about how he got demonified in the first place. I've been assuming that it's a natural process due to the overwhelming demonic presence, but… Where are all the demons? Why aren't our spell eaters heating up? I don't want to try actually summoning a demon in case that results in them going 'oh! Earth! Right!' and flooding the planet, but I'd still like to know.

Angelika waves as she sees us. Or given that she's half-kryptonian, a good deal closer than that.

"Who is-? The Shade?"

Overman's eyes start glowing faintly, and I can see the mist in the air boil away from the heat.

"You've met your version of The Shade, then?"

He certainly lived through the Second World War, so he might have fought Overman back when he was a teenager.

"Yes. He was an extremely dangerous man, until The Ray finally killed him." His eyes dim a little. "I suppose that if America and Britain had won, he would not have become so murderous. You have good relations with your version of the man?"

"Okay relations. He was a criminal, but he's settled down a lot in the last couple of decades." I frown. "No idea why he'd turn murderous; he's killed before, but he's usually quite discerning."

"And your Uncle Sam?"

Superman smiles. "He mostly works in non-violent conflict resolution, going into communities with high instances of violence and calming things down. I… Assume that yours doesn't do that?"

"He continues a war that has been over for sixty years, usually by targeting civilians whose grandparents fought it. If he focused on me I would understand but America becoming a national socialist nation has broken his mind."

Superman moues, but interesting as this is I need to get us focused.

"A criminal group from our Earth called The Light appear to have been stealing from sites on this world. That would explain how they got hold of Demon Supergirl. They'd just have to attack where she was and have the equipment to neutralise her. The Shade attacked us when we tried to make contact with Atlantis, though… I'm not sure if he was warped by demon magic before we fought him."

Superman frowns, then nods. "It was disturbing, but it wasn't until my sunstone blew up in his face that he started demanding to know where our marks were."

"He will recover?"


Angelika looks down.

"We should get him inside the castle. The queen has put spells on them to protect people from the demon magic, but she told us that unprotected humans turn gradually over time."

I take one of my spell eaters out of one of my armour's pouches and slip it around his neck on a thong.


"Queen Morgan le Fay."

Superman frowns. "I suppose if the alternative was being overrun by demons, putting her in charge almost makes sense. Did you learn anything about how they're attacking your world?"

"A magician named Wolf Krieger is the most likely culprit." He sees me frowning. "You know him?"

"You don't? He used to work for the national socialists. In our timeline he was the head of the Thule Society."

"Ah." Overman nods. "He was most likely purged in our timeline. Hitler liked to believe that he was rational and not superstitious. Do you know where he is likely to be?"

"He was based out of South America in our timeline, but he moved around a lot…"

Oh. The Spear of Destiny. A connection to the soul of every human on the planet. If he went demon…

"You know something?"

"I suspect something. Our Wolf Krieger had an artefact that could bypass certain restrictions which usually limit magic. He never used it this way, but… It would let him manipulate a large number of magic-influenced people at once." I shake my head. "But that doesn't help us find him."

"What is the artefact?"

"The Spear of Destiny." I generate a construct replica of it. "It's a talisman rather than an actual weapon."

Overman shakes his head. "I do not know it."

"Was there any particular pattern to where the attacks came through on your world?"

"None that we could discern."

"Then… Okay, if we observe their behaviour from orbit and watch for unusual-."


Four sets of eyes focus on Mr. Swift.

"He's in..." His eyes open, and they're human, if a little unfocused. "He's in Peru. Superman has a fortress… There. They go there to worship, and he… Picks them up."

"Are you alright? Is there anything we can do to help you?"

"Get the… Blighter. I can…" He pulls himself up slightly, though he's clearly not in the best shape. "He did something to the Shadowlands. That was.. why… That happened. Drop me off, and let me know when I can start using my powers again. I used to be able to go for days without using them at all, and now I'm itching."

"That's probably the burns."

"Ah." … "Good?"

I lower the bubble construct and deposit him on the ground, then wait to make sure that he can actually move under his own power.

"Did either of you ever build a Fortress in Peru?"

Superman shake his head.

"It does not matter." Overman is looking more confident. "Kryptonian crystal technology has a particular sound to it. When we are closer, I will be able to find it."

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Superman clearly doesn't think it is. "Now we know where he is, we can call in reinforcements and take him down at the same time as the Demon version of us."

"We do not need to defeat him and his cultists. But we do need to learn more about him than 'he is somewhere in Peru'. And if it is at all possible to deny him the ability to attack my Earth, then I want to make the attempt."

Superman nods, and the four of us set course for South America.
Last edited:
16th September 2012
19:31 GMT

They rebuilt Pevensey Castle!
Heh, OL sounds so pleased. Of course, there's a practical reason for it. A safe ground for refugees, a staging site for hobgoblin forces to ride out against cultists... Hmm... Wonder if this Earth had a version of his home town? Probably not, given the other DC variations seen so far...

I'm not sure if that's the original design or something they innovated, but it's still interesting to see it in one piece. Mr. Swift is still unconscious in a construct bubble, and he's not human enough for me to want to risk a purple healing ray. I'm… Assuming that he can fix himself up once he regains consciousness, though I'm not clear about how he got demonified in the first place. I've been assuming that it's a natural process due to the overwhelming demonic presence, but… Where are all the demons? Why aren't our spell eaters heating up? I don't want to try actually summoning a demon in case that results in them going 'oh! Earth! Right!' and flooding the planet, but I'd still like to know.
Perhaps Hell is afraid to come here... Superman is a powerful foe even without a Kryptonian demon riding him. And if I remember right, there was some manner of deal involved...

Angelika waves as she sees us. Or given that she's half-kryptonian, a good deal closer than that.

"Who is-? The Shade?"
Heh. I wonder what Swift thought of the Nazis. I suppose he might have fought them out of a sense of patriotism, either for England or America...

Overman's eyes start glowing faintly, and I can see the mist in the air boil away from the heat.

"You've met your version of The Shade, then?"
And given their reaction, their relationship wasn't friendly.

He certainly lived through the Second World War, so he might have fought Overman back when he was a teenager.

"Yes. He was an extremely dangerous man, until The Ray finally killed him." His eyes dim a little. "I suppose that if American and Britain had won, he would not have been to murderous. You have good relations with your version of the man?"
The Ray (Earth-10). A counterpart of the Earth-1 original, and probably the latest in his family line to bear the name. He's normally seen aligned with the Freedom Fighters... But that power-set would be one of the worst for Shade to encounter...

"Okay relations. He was a criminal, but he's settled down a lot in the last couple of decades." I frown. "No idea why he'd turn murderous; he's killed before, but he's usually quite discerning."

"And your Uncle Sam?"
Perhaps Swift was grieving for his lost lady love... I doubt Opal City fared well in the outbreak. :(

Superman smiles. "He mostly works in non-violent conflict resolution, going into communities with high instances of violence and calming things down. I… Assume that yours doesn't do that?"

"He continues a war that has been over for sixty years, usually by targeting civilians whose grandparents fought it. If he focused on me I would understand but America becoming a national socialist nation has broken his mind."
And we all know what I think of that. Probably looks at everyone not trying to fight off 'the invasion' as collaborators and traitors to America!

Superman moues, but interesting as this is I need to get us focused.

"A criminal group from our Earth called The Light appear to have been stealing from sites on this world. That would explain how they got hold of Demon Supergirl. They'd just have to attack where she was and have the equipment to neutralise her. The Shade attacked us when we tried to make contact with Atlantis, though… I'm not sure if he was warped by demon magic before we fought him."
I mean, he didn't seem all that in control at first anyway. He's fought speedsters before, he should have been able to deal with Superman's speed...

Superman frowns, then nods. "It was disturbing, but it wasn't until my sunstone blew up in his face that he started demanding to know where our marks were."

"He will recover?"
Maybe the Sunstone discharge stunned him long enough for his resistance to the 'Mark' to give way... Nice job, heroes...:rolleyes:


Angelika looks down.

"We should get him inside the castle. The queen has put spells on them to protect people from the demon magic, but she told us that unprotected humans turn gradually over time."
How quickly? Days? Hours? Minutes? That could be important...

I take one of my spell eaters out of one of my armour's pouches and slip it around his neck on a thong.


"Queen Morgan le Fay."
Good to see they weren't fooled by her. Then again, it's not like she was really trying to hide anything about herself...

Superman frowns. "I suppose if the alternative was being overrun by demons, putting her in charge almost makes sense. Did you learn anything about how they're attacking your world?"

"A magician named Wolf Krieger is the most likely culprit." He sees me frowning. "You know him?"
...They've met once or twice... Wolf didn't come off well in any of their encounters.

"You don't? He used to work for the national socialists. In our timeline he was the head of the Thule Society."

"Ah." Overman nods. "He was most likely purged in our timeline. Hitler liked to believe that he was rational and not superstitious. Do you know where he is likely to be?"
So, Karl didn't meet him personally. Probably Hitler was wary of risking his wundermann against the old sorcerers...

"He was based out of South America in our timeline, but he moved around a lot…"

Oh. The Spear of Destiny. A connection to the soul of every human on the planet. If he went demon…
:eek: ...Well, shit. If he's working with Demon Superman, that might explain how humanity was corrupted so quickly. Superman would have claimed the entire world as his, and if Wolf put himself under that rule...

"You know something?"

"I suspect something. Our Wolf Krieger had an artefact that could bypass certain restriction which usually limit magic. He never used it this way, but… It would let it manipulate a large number of magic-influenced people at once." I shake my head. "But that doesn't help us find him."
...He'd have been able to mind-whammy nearly all of humanity. Only those nations that didn't bend their knee to Superman would be able to resist...

"What is the artefact?"

"The Spear of Destiny." I generate a construct replica of it. "It's a talisman rather than an actual weapon."
Though it's probably sturdy enough to be used as such, given how Hitler's clone used it in that Brazil mission.

Overman shakes his head. "I do not know it."

"Was there any particular pattern to where the attacks came through on your world?"
A central point in common? Somewhere equidistant to all of them? I could see that sort of arrogance creeping in.

"None that we could discern."

"Then… Okay, if we observe their behaviour from orbit and watch for unusual-."
Ah, the old 'needle in a haystack' routine...


Four sets of eyes focus on Mr. Swift.
Ha! Payoff for rescuing him.

"He's in..." His eyes open, and they're human, if a little unfocused. "He's in Peru. Superman has a fortress… There. They go there to worship, and he… Picks them up."

"Are you alright? Is there anything we can do to help you?"
I doubt he's in any shape to fight right now... But if he has time to recover...

"Get the… Blighter. I can…" He pulls himself up slightly, though he's clearly not in the best shape. "He did something to the Shadowlands. That was.. why… That happened. Drop me off, and let me know when I can start using my powers again. I used to be able to go for days without using them at all, and now I'm itching."

"That's probably the burns."
A little awkward. Having to explain how badly you hurt someone to snap them out of a bout of madness...

"Ah." … "Good?"

I lower the bubble construct and deposit him on the ground, then wait to make sure that he can actually move under his own power.
I doubt the locals would inclined to help him out. Not without very clear orders to do so...

"Did either of you ever build a Fortress in Peru?"

Superman shake his head.

"It does not matter." Overman is looking more confident. "Kryptonian crystal technology has a particular sound to it. When we are closer, I will be able to find it."
Even if it's an alternate universe version? I suppose it's just a matter of looking for the out-of-place sounds...

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Superman clearly doesn't think it is. "Now we know where he is, we can call in reinforcements and take him down at the same time as the Demon version of us."

"We do not need to defeat him and his cultists. But we do need to learn more about him than 'he is somewhere in Peru'. And if it is at all possible to deny him the ability to attack my Earth, then I want to make the attempt."

Superman nods, and the four of us set course for South America.
Why do I get the feeling this will end up biting someone in the ass...

Well, they've got a clear target now. The next question after finding the location is 'how well is he guarded?' Because if he's forming the lynchpin of Superman's control, the defences are likely to be massive. Though even if they do take Krieger and the Spear down, there's still the demonically-empowered Superman to deal with. And I don't see him being happy about their actions.
Maybe the Sunstone discharge stunned him long enough for his resistance to the 'Mark' to give way... Nice job, heroes...:rolleyes:

Hey, they didn't exactly have a lot of options, what with him trying to eat them.

They've met once or twice... Wolf didn't come off well in any of their encounters.

No, he did not.

His 'brother' wasn't any better.

So, Karl didn't meet him personally. Probably Hitler was wary of risking his wundermann against the old sorcerers

A reasonable worry to have.

A central point in common? Somewhere equidistant to all of them? I could see that sort of arrogance creeping in

I think he meant is there any connection or commonality between the attack sites, like were they all civilian, all military, did they have some historical value etc.

Why do I get the feeling this will end up biting someone in the ass...

Because you've been reading this story for years so you know what to expect.

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