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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

The State of New York would need to have a reciprocity agreement with Maltus for that to work.

Otherwise you're just some guy who, temporarily, knows the law.

Maltus would probably claim to have an effectively unilateral reciprocity agreement: So long as you've been briefed on how their court works, anybody qualified to either practice law or argue a case (the two are sometimes different) in a legal system they consider sound will be recognized to do so on an ad hoc and purely case by case basis if no other agreement exists. It's probably happened for the Greenies more than once before; this is just the first time it's shown up for the Orange.

Luc "Legal System" French
There are apparently other things you can dial besides H-E-R-O, with different effects, but no full list is given, and I don't think there's an example of dialing a specific hero.
I say something on the wiki where someone used the Hero dial to dial "Horror" instead, and it mentioned this being a BAD THING but neglected to provide details.

Should probably let Hammil stew for a bit because man do I pity the fool who tries to get fresh, and focus on finding the thing.
It was an old issue of DC Comics Presents (which was basically Superman teams up with fill in the blank). Chris, the male teen with a HERO dial, got curious what would happen if he dialed in something other than 'HERO'. with only 4 letters he was limited in options but came up with 'HORROR', which led to Superman and a transformed Vicky trying to contain him without hurting him until the transformation reversed itself.
I mean, the part that I don't get is- isn't wanting Mr. Hamill to be called she pretty transphobic? Since he is now, factually, (mt)ftm trans, identifies as a guy, and wants to transition.

Edit: sorry if I missed a mod thing.

Edit: yeah I missed that, sorry.
Last edited:
I mean, the part that I don't get is- isn't wanting Mr. Hamill to be called she pretty transphobic? Since he is now, factually, (mt)ftm trans and identifies as a guy.
I don't know, but I don't think we should discuss it because of this:

Bye, see you in two months.

Bye, see you in two months, don't let the door hit you on the way out,

Now stop talking about this shit already. Unless you want me to ban your ass. If that's the case, by all means, continue.
"And what makes you qualified to speak on the behalf of your client, if you haven't been certified as a lawyer by the state?"

"The alien supercomputer that I wear on my finger implanted a entire law doctorate into my brain fifteen minutes ago."

"... Fine. It beats that guy with two heads who served as both the defense and prosecuting attorney last week."
The disturbing thing is, that's actually plausible in DC. Less so in YJ, but not completely.
is there a convenient repository of all the AU snips?
Look at the first post of this thread. The renegade snips are listed as "(supplementary, Renegade Option)" inside the spoilers for each episode; if an episode has "(supplementary, SI Option)" against some updates then that entire episode is AU (except, obviously, the aforementioned supplementary updates). Also episode 42 (Fool's Canon) is almost entirely AU-ish snips.
When one has just swum out of a sea of shit, even a toilet seems like the cleanest thing in the world.

(In other words, I'm still amazed and happy that we're somewhere where you can say things and not immediately get banned for it. Combine with the fact that I'm still thoroughly in the habit of brown-nosing so hard that you have to be careful to avoid teeth, because that's what you do on SV to not get banned, and yeah I can understand why you'd think that.)

People keep saying this, but the mods here seem MORE restrictive in my experience. Perhaps a LITTLE 'nicer', but in terms of what you're not allowed to say, this place seems far more restrictive except as far as NSFW stuff goes. SV may have had that "No hate EVEN AGAINST FICTIONAL CHARACTERS" rule, which was stupid, but that ultimately ended up being less restrictive than what we're working under here. Putting aside what I personally believe about the no-politics rule (because this isn't the place to complain about it), it's hard to deny that it's getting in the way of the ability to discuss the story given that it's highly relevant to the chapter. SV at least allowed expressions of one side of the discussion, which would have been fine if Zoat had been on that side (I mean, I'm against censorship anyway, but NEITHER platform is free speech, and if we're not gonna have free speech, I personally prefer SVs system over one where the issue simply can't be discussed at all, if only because the officially supported viewpoint is the one I believe is the only acceptable one). That's about as much as I can say on this subject without getting into politics, so I won't continue. I'm trying my best to keep this abstract and strictly about the amount of ideas we're allowed to say on a given platform rather than invoking any specific ideas, as if I understand it that should be fine under the rules and not count as politics.

It was an old issue of DC Comics Presents (which was basically Superman teams up with fill in the blank). Chris, the male teen with a HERO dial, got curious what would happen if he dialed in something other than 'HERO'. with only 4 letters he was limited in options but came up with 'HORROR', which led to Superman and a transformed Vicky trying to contain him without hurting him until the transformation reversed itself.


How fucking stupid do you have to be to type in "HORROR" on a device that transforms you!? I mean, I get wanting to experiment, but that seems like the sort of thing that you at the very least shouldn't do without a lot of thought beforehand. Even "ERROR" would have been better, and he could have done that with the letters available. But there are plenty of more innocuous options he could have gone with like "HERE", "ERO" (for something appropriate for this forum), "HER", even "ORE" would be better! You could have tried ANY of those first! Almost ANYTHING would be better than "HORROR" to type into a device designed to transform you.
People keep saying this, but the mods here seem MORE restrictive in my experience. Perhaps a LITTLE 'nicer', but in terms of what you're not allowed to say, this place seems far more restrictive except as far as NSFW stuff goes. SV may have had that "No hate EVEN AGAINST FICTIONAL CHARACTERS" rule, which was stupid, but that ultimately ended up being less restrictive than what we're working under here. Putting aside what I personally believe about the no-politics rule (because this isn't the place to complain about it), it's hard to deny that it's getting in the way of the ability to discuss the story given that it's highly relevant to the chapter. SV at least allowed expressions of one side of the discussion, which would have been fine if Zoat had been on that side (I mean, I'm against censorship anyway, but NEITHER platform is free speech, and if we're not gonna have free speech, I personally prefer SVs system over one where the issue simply can't be discussed at all, if only because the officially supported viewpoint is the one I believe is the only acceptable one). That's about as much as I can say on this subject without getting into politics, so I won't continue. I'm trying my best to keep this abstract and strictly about the amount of ideas we're allowed to say on a given platform rather than invoking any specific ideas, as if I understand it that should be fine under the rules and not count as politics.
Okay, yes.

The no politics rule is restrictive, I'll admit. It does butt heads a fair bit with the current topic, definitely.

But I can still understand where it's coming from; politics usually turns into such a shitstorm that banning it outright starts to look reasonable.
And SV only bans one side, and this creates a echo chamber that just leads to even more vitriol and hate on both sides than if you did or didn't ban it entirely. One side is continually reinforced and pushed towards the extreme by the echos, and the other side feels like they're unjustly censored.

And you're right that QQ's admins are nicer. A admin actually took the time to stop here, and say "Okay guys, I know you're new here, so here's a rule that the old place didn't have but we do. Try and work towards it." And they actually gave it time, and only when it kept going for a day+ afterwards did they take action, and only against the more blatant two examples. And when a admin who didn't understand the situation thought that the name mystery was doxxing, they issued a statement. And then, when they were corrected, they took it back and apologized.

Both of those are excellent examples of being a decent person and enforcing rules reasonably. With similar scenarios on SV, the first warning of rule break that you'd get are infraction points, and the only 'apology' you'd get would be a successful appeal days later. If you were lucky.

And you can criticize them! Your post right there? The one you just made? Back on SV, that'd be a immediate infraction.

Whatever issues you might have with the rules, all of these things are a lot of points in their favor. They're human; they accept and act like not all situations are black and white, they don't treat rules like they're set in adamantium by whatever deity you believe in, and they're willing to hear people out, admit they make mistakes, and more. That's a damn sight better than SV.
People keep saying this, but the mods here seem MORE restrictive in my experience. Perhaps a LITTLE 'nicer', but in terms of what you're not allowed to say, this place seems far more restrictive except as far as NSFW stuff goes. SV may have had that "No hate EVEN AGAINST FICTIONAL CHARACTERS" rule, which was stupid, but that ultimately ended up being less restrictive than what we're working under here. Putting aside what I personally believe about the no-politics rule (because this isn't the place to complain about it), it's hard to deny that it's getting in the way of the ability to discuss the story given that it's highly relevant to the chapter. SV at least allowed expressions of one side of the discussion, which would have been fine if Zoat had been on that side (I mean, I'm against censorship anyway, but NEITHER platform is free speech, and if we're not gonna have free speech, I personally prefer SVs system over one where the issue simply can't be discussed at all, if only because the officially supported viewpoint is the one I believe is the only acceptable one). That's about as much as I can say on this subject without getting into politics, so I won't continue. I'm trying my best to keep this abstract and strictly about the amount of ideas we're allowed to say on a given platform rather than invoking any specific ideas, as if I understand it that should be fine under the rules and not count as politics.
QQ used to allow politics, and even had threads dedicated to it, but unfortunately, people just could not be civil when discussing politics, so I think around 2016 (and let's not speculate as to why that year, specifically), Rule 8 was instituted. There are serious issues with it, but on average, I would say discussions here have mostly been more civil since then.
People keep saying this, but the mods here seem MORE restrictive in my experience. Perhaps a LITTLE 'nicer', but in terms of what you're not allowed to say, this place seems far more restrictive except as far as NSFW stuff goes. SV may have had that "No hate EVEN AGAINST FICTIONAL CHARACTERS" rule, which was stupid, but that ultimately ended up being less restrictive than what we're working under here. Putting aside what I personally believe about the no-politics rule (because this isn't the place to complain about it), it's hard to deny that it's getting in the way of the ability to discuss the story given that it's highly relevant to the chapter. SV at least allowed expressions of one side of the discussion, which would have been fine if Zoat had been on that side (I mean, I'm against censorship anyway, but NEITHER platform is free speech, and if we're not gonna have free speech, I personally prefer SVs system over one where the issue simply can't be discussed at all, if only because the officially supported viewpoint is the one I believe is the only acceptable one). That's about as much as I can say on this subject without getting into politics, so I won't continue. I'm trying my best to keep this abstract and strictly about the amount of ideas we're allowed to say on a given platform rather than invoking any specific ideas, as if I understand it that should be fine under the rules and not count as politics.


How fucking stupid do you have to be to type in "HORROR" on a device that transforms you!? I mean, I get wanting to experiment, but that seems like the sort of thing that you at the very least shouldn't do without a lot of thought beforehand. Even "ERROR" would have been better, and he could have done that with the letters available. But there are plenty of more innocuous options he could have gone with like "HERE", "ERO" (for something appropriate for this forum), "HER", even "ORE" would be better! You could have tried ANY of those first! Almost ANYTHING would be better than "HORROR" to type into a device designed to transform you.
Some people just want to be Edgy
QQ used to allow politics, and even had threads dedicated to it, but unfortunately, people just could not be civil when discussing politics, so I think around 2016 (and let's not speculate as to why that year, specifically), Rule 8 was instituted. There are serious issues with it, but on average, I would say discussions here have mostly been more civil since then.
If civility is your sole goal, then I suppose I understand it. Personally, I think civility is overrated and that the only way free speech can work is if the other side can be vocally shamed and condemned, and it made clear that their beliefs are not acceptable or tolerated by society at large. I think this might be getting too close to the politics of free speech itself, though.

And SV only bans one side, and this creates a echo chamber that just leads to even more vitriol and hate on both sides than if you did or didn't ban it entirely. One side is continually reinforced and pushed towards the extreme by the echos, and the other side feels like they're unjustly censored.

I still think this is superior to banning both sides OR banning neither side but banning incivility, as long as the side banned is the one I believe to be in the wrong. My preferred solution would be allowing total free speech WITH incivility, but even then, the culture needs to be carefully cultivated to ensure that the majority support the correct opinion (once the culture is established, it'll be self reinforcing. I wish this weren't necessary at all, but places like 4chan prove that it is, as without doing so it'll inevitably become a hive of bad opinions. It can almost certainly be done without actual restrictions though, just careful design to ensure the sort it attracts to begin with have the right opinion).
Derail - not the thread to discuss Rule 8
I see Generic_Generica missed one. Don't worry, you won't be left out.

And RE: Discussing how oppressive Rule 8 is/isn't/whatever, yeah feel free to talk about it.... perhaps in a different thread, though, it seems to be veering away from relevance to the story. If you don't want to go into Rants, feel free to make one in general or the Announcements + Rules board, though the Admins have already said their piece in the past.

Thanks and have a nice day.
If civility is your sole goal, then I suppose I understand it. Personally, I think civility is overrated and that the only way free speech can work is if the other side can be vocally shamed and condemned, and it made clear that their beliefs are not acceptable or tolerated by society at large. I think this might be getting too close to the politics of free speech itself, though.

I still think this is superior to banning both sides OR banning neither side but banning incivility, as long as the side banned is the one I believe to be in the wrong. My preferred solution would be allowing total free speech WITH incivility, but even then, the culture needs to be carefully cultivated to ensure that the majority support the correct opinion (once the culture is established, it'll be self reinforcing. I wish this weren't necessary at all, but places like 4chan prove that it is, as without doing so it'll inevitably become a hive of bad opinions. It can almost certainly be done without actual restrictions though, just careful design to ensure the sort it attracts to begin with have the right opinion).
Okay, there's a fairly major point here:
Whichever side you're on, you think that your side is correct and the other side is wrong, and unacceptable and terrible, etc.

And the other side thinks the same thing.

Even if you don't care to consider the possibility that no, one side is not necessarily absolutely correct and perfect and the other side is completely terrible and must be destroyed, you should consider what would happen if you got your way... except for the other side, and your side was the one that was shunned and declared in the 'wrong' by the majority. Imagine if the culture of society was carefully cultivated to ensure that the majority supported the 'correct' side, in a self-reinforcing way, so that a hive of 'bad opinions' like yours never emerged again.

That, my friend, is a very, very dangerous road. Far better to let both sides have a voice, and work things out by words, not censorship, social pressure, and the tyranny of the majority. We've seen how well that tends to go in the past.

Edit: sorry, mod post didn't show up again before I hit 'post'. Not sure if this is considered part of the derail or not, though.
I smile politely, then open the door to the interview room where Mr Hamill is sitting… Pacing in a state of agitation.
I smile politely, then open the door to the interview room where Mr. Hamill is sitting… Pacing in a state of agitation.

But, one of the ways this 'universal jurisdiction' manifests is that they consider themselves authorised to practice law anywhere.
But, one of the ways this 'universal jurisdiction' manifests is that they consider themselves authorized to practice law anywhere.

I shrug. "I know I look good. I'd find being whistled at.. a bit odd, but if it was just a one off thing I think I'd smile, and.. maybe pose a little.
I shrug. "I know I look good. I'd find being whistled at.. a bit odd, but if it was just a one-off thing I think I'd smile, and.. maybe pose a little.

Mr Hamill pulls a face.
Mr. Hamill pulls a face.

Generally they're prepared to overlook minor offences when something sufficiently weird is going on, but I would encourage you to tell me now if you hit anyone else, or… Did anything else that might constitute a criminal offence."
Generally, they're prepared to overlook minor offenses when something sufficiently weird is going on, but I would encourage you to tell me now if you hit anyone else, or… Did anything else that might constitute a criminal offense."

You were attacked and acted in self defence. You did take the money, but there were extenuating circumstances and it's going to be returned.
You were attacked and acted in self-defense. You did take the money, but there were extenuating circumstances and it's going to be returned.
I smile politely, then open the door to the interview room where Mr Hamill is sitting… Pacing in a state of agitation.
I smile politely, then open the door to the interview room where Mr. Hamill is sitting… Pacing in a state of agitation.

But, one of the ways this 'universal jurisdiction' manifests is that they consider themselves authorised to practice law anywhere.
But, one of the ways this 'universal jurisdiction' manifests is that they consider themselves authorized to practice law anywhere.

I shrug. "I know I look good. I'd find being whistled at.. a bit odd, but if it was just a one off thing I think I'd smile, and.. maybe pose a little.
I shrug. "I know I look good. I'd find being whistled at.. a bit odd, but if it was just a one-off thing I think I'd smile, and.. maybe pose a little.

Mr Hamill pulls a face.
Mr. Hamill pulls a face.

Generally they're prepared to overlook minor offences when something sufficiently weird is going on, but I would encourage you to tell me now if you hit anyone else, or… Did anything else that might constitute a criminal offence."
Generally, they're prepared to overlook minor offenses when something sufficiently weird is going on, but I would encourage you to tell me now if you hit anyone else, or… Did anything else that might constitute a criminal offense."

You were attacked and acted in self defence. You did take the money, but there were extenuating circumstances and it's going to be returned.
You were attacked and acted in self-defense. You did take the money, but there were extenuating circumstances and it's going to be returned.
The thing with the "z"s, "c"s, and "s"s is a difference between American and British English. If the quotes are in orange, or there are no quotes, then it goes by British spellings. In which case, you would be incorrect. Same applies with the periods at the end of Mr.
The year is 2048. Zoat has been banned from QQ, Frozen in Carbonite, Dark Lord Potter, stardestroyer.net, AO3, Wattpad, LiveJournal, The Fanfiction Forum, and Fimfiction. His next attempt, a fanfiction mailing list, fails to get off the ground thanks to restrictive spam filters. Not willing to let this stand, he creates his own website and is promptly kicked by his host for "unsanctioned use of copyrighted material," due to the restrictive international IP laws of 2023. He purchases his own server to host his site; he is swiftly unlisted by the DNRs. He experiments with a gopher service hosted with a seasteading community in international waters, but literal pirates interrupt service frequently enough to leave him with a mere 4 nines of reliability. Next: an onion site starts out strong, but ends in tragedy when Chinese Intelligence exploits a vulnerability in the TOR backend, nuking the infrastructure and revealing the physical location of many onion services. Now on the run from corporate kill teams and armed with a crowdfunded fabber, a haggard Zoat travels doorstep to doorstep, leaving behind the latest update before he takes to the road again...
Last mod post in that very page said to knock it off, so Rule 5 warning. Drop it now.
I still think this is superior to banning both sides OR banning neither side but banning incivility, as long as the side banned is the one I believe to be in the wrong. My preferred solution would be allowing total free speech WITH incivility, but even then, the culture needs to be carefully cultivated to ensure that the majority support the correct opinion (once the culture is established, it'll be self reinforcing. I wish this weren't necessary at all, but places like 4chan prove that it is, as without doing so it'll inevitably become a hive of bad opinions. It can almost certainly be done without actual restrictions though, just careful design to ensure the sort it attracts to begin with have the right opinion).
And there's the rub, isn't it? And the literal definition of hypocrisy.

Because the irony here is your opinion is banned here, and I am ok with that because I believe you are in the wrong.
I mean advocating incivility over a reasoned debate makes me think whatever your viewpoint is, isn't actually something defensible, since you don't want to have to actually bother to defend it, just berate and bully the other side until they cave.

but even then, the culture needs to be carefully cultivated to ensure that the majority support the correct opinion (once the culture is established, it'll be self reinforcing. I wish this weren't necessary at all, but places like 4chan prove that it is, as without doing so it'll inevitably become a hive of bad opinions. It can almost certainly be done without actual restrictions though, just careful design to ensure the sort it attracts to begin with have the right opinion).
You do know you are coming off sounding like a creepy cultist right now, Ok?
Hey, made a bit of a noob mistake and read the entirety of the original WTR story instead of the revised WTR story. I tried to pick up around where the original ends in the revised version but it seemed like enough small things had changed that I couldn't just go from one to the other.

I've been scouring the wiki and the threads for some sort of explanation of the difference between revised or original, or a sort of tl;dr of the changes, but I haven't found anything and I really don't want to have to re-read the the first like 12 threads worth of stuff. Any of you guys got help/advice? (please @me if you do so I see it)

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