• The site has now migrated to Xenforo 2. If you see any issues with the forum operation, please post them in the feedback thread.
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  • Due to the actions of particularly persistent spammers and trolls, we will be banning disposable email addresses from today onward.
  • The rules regarding NSFW links have been updated. See here for details.

XF2 transition feedback

Image test was good, ad apparently the images embed into the damned Rich Text Editor now? (had to swap it in preferences to actually get the normal stuff back, should probably be set as a sitewide default unless changed.).

Also, the Like setup is...weird. You can just drop a quick like and it will give the default, but at least on PC you have to hover to get the others. This is likely just default behavior, but it's annoying as all hell even if it means we now get more than one like style...
Am I blind or is there no way to disable the sticky header at all? And blocking the element removes the header entirely too?
I've been digging around and have been unable to find a way to disable it so far. I don't think there is a way to do it. :(
I would like to suggest that on the Dark theme, the default text color be changed to white instead of gray for added contrast. The thread link text when browsing forums should also be not white, but some other color instead, as having it be white makes it difficult to distinguish between clicked links and non-clicked links.
Only issue I have is, like a lot of places, they try to force too much info on you in mobile. Desktop site is far superior. Like why does there need to be so much information went the thread at the top of the thread. Too much going on. I actually stopped going to spacebattles because I hated it so much.
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Btw, for those who hate all three of the Styles currently available and are on Google Chrome, download the Dark Reader Extension and use it in conjunction with Xenforo Default.

This is what it looks like:


Definitely the best atm imo.
You can't check what threads a user has made in their profile anymore. Not great for a fanfiction forum, where you might want to check what other stories someone has written.

Edit: Looks like there's a button on the profile page, now. Right next to Start Conversation, you can click Find and then Find Threads. Kind of annoying to not have it on the Posting tab anymore, but not a huge deal.
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It's too boxy, badly laid out, and just kind of unpleasant to look at. The dark theme is very low contrast and the light themes are way too bright. I get that the technical migration had to happen, but it's really annoying whenever a desktop site is made worse for the sake of the mobile experience.

Also yeah having 'users who are viewing this thread' be above the reply box is just terrible.
Basically this
Where did the See All Threads button go in users Postings tab go? I don't want to see every single one of their posts.
Yeah this is absolutely a crucial loss in functionality. Many authors don't (and the most prolific authors can't) include all their stories in the signatures. How am I supposed to find them now? If you click the Find ▼ button on their profile it will open a dropdown with all content and all threads like before.

As for everyone else complaining about the themes, adding existing XF2 themes is like a 5s process...but porting over your previous XF1 theme is unlikely to ever happen. Let's all just be a bit more patient and wait for a new selection to be added, then we can all discover a new favourite.

Ninja edit: Why do the edit/delete buttons have to be hidden under a ... menu?

Edit 2:

Look at all that free space edit/delete can fit in like before. Also, apparently ninja edits are no longer a thing. Looks like it'll be extra obvious when Jason just writes "thanks" the second an alert comes in.
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Gonna add my voice to the people saying that the new look is worse than the old. It's too boxy, badly laid out, and just kind of unpleasant to look at. The dark theme is very low contrast and the light themes are way too bright. I get that the technical migration had to happen, but it's really annoying whenever a desktop site is made worse for the sake of the mobile experience.

Also yeah having 'users who are viewing this thread' be above the reply box is just terrible.
If 'this' is for the sake of the mobile experience, they must hate the people on mobile.
What was wrong with hovering over the alerts to read them? Yeah I agree with every one else the themes are shit.

By the way the logo of the site is replaced by the xenforo logo for me for the 30 seconds it took me to get out of default theme.
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Btw, for those who hate all three of the Styles currently available and are on Google Chrome, download the Dark Reader Extension and use it in conjunction with Xenforo Default.

This is what it looks like:


Definitely the best atm imo.

You can also get the Dark Reader extension on Firefox for Mobile
Threadmarks are a complete mess.

I found a workaround to looking at all threads on author's pages. Click on "Find" then "Find all threads by _". It's not as obvious, but it seems to work.
Btw, for those who hate all three of the Styles currently available and are on Google Chrome, download the Dark Reader Extension and use it in conjunction with Xenforo Default.

This is what it looks like:


Definitely the best atm imo.
I'm not wise in such technoblo how dose one do this
Listen, I appreciate that we made an upgrade and why. the moving options bar has some real use and it's nice to be able to search properly on mobile. With that said, christ almight is it ugly is there any way that, like SB did when it upgraded, we could have kept the aesthetic of the forum prior to the change.


This is hideous, generic, and also has way worse readability with how decompressed posts are.

I like the UI for mobile so far but I really dislike the Mat grey color for Dark Mode.
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