• The site has now migrated to Xenforo 2. If you see any issues with the forum operation, please post them in the feedback thread.
  • Due to issues with external spam filters, QQ is currently unable to send any mail to Microsoft E-mail addresses. This includes any account at live.com, hotmail.com or msn.com. Signing up to the forum with one of these addresses will result in your verification E-mail never arriving. For best results, please use a different E-mail provider for your QQ address.
  • For prospective new members, a word of warning: don't use common names like Dennis, Simon, or Kenny if you decide to create an account. Spammers have used them all before you and gotten those names flagged in the anti-spam databases. Your account registration will be rejected because of it.
  • Since it has happened MULTIPLE times now, I want to be very clear about this. You do not get to abandon an account and create a new one. You do not get to pass an account to someone else and create a new one. If you do so anyway, you will be banned for creating sockpuppets.
  • Due to the actions of particularly persistent spammers and trolls, we will be banning disposable email addresses from today onward.
  • The rules regarding NSFW links have been updated. See here for details.

XF2 transition feedback

The '👍' next to likes feels wrong, disgusting, boomer-esque. Please remove.

Also, the new so-called "style" is the exact opposite.

Just give us back what we had. Please.

EDIT: why the fuck are there Facebook style reactions available to posts? Please please please please just change it back.
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Is there any possible way at all to make sure the top bar stays pinned to the top of the page and doesn't follow when you scroll down? It's incredibly distracting, and makes the website virtually unusable for me, because a good tenth of the screen is always taken up by this giant annoying bar. Neither SB nor SV have it.
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Not too bad. Just need to up the size of your logo at the top right of the tab.
As for people wanting it. It was less wanting and more needing. XF1's last update was like 10 years ago, it's a sunset system, the equivalent of someone's main driver being a shitbox Dell prebuilt running windows Vista/7 in the modern age. The tech is old, the code is old, the security is old. IF anyone wants new features, new hotness, gotta upgrade.
How long is it going to take to add the new features in though because it ideally needs to be quick. Would have been nice to have the features already added in before the switch.
Is there any possible way at all to make sure the top bar doesn't stay at the top of the page when you scroll down? It's incredibly distracting, and makes the website virtually unusable for me, because a good tenth of the screen is always taken up by this giant annoying bar. Neither SB nor SV have it.

They do have it, it is just much MUCH smaller especially if you zoom in or increase the font size for reading. To me this is the thing that needs to get fixed the most. Makes it very hard to read with that distracting thing in the way. Maybe some way to unpin it from the top or make it smaller?
So, I like that we can see thread tags in alerts now. What I like less is that I don't seem to be able to control which tags show up in the alerts or their order. Tags are snapping into alphabetical order, so I either have to axe any tag I don't want to show up in the alerts but come before the ones I do alphabetically or... Actually, that is what I have to do. Obviously not the highest priority, but it feels necessary for the feature to work right.
If anyone misses the old Dark Theme with green, I put this together real quick to make the site feel more like it used to. Literally just adds some padding, makes the header green, and edits the text to be more white. Only works for Dark Mode.

You need ViolentMonkey or TamperMonkey to use it. I'm providing no support, don't bother asking me questions or telling me if something doesn't look right. It's just a stopgap.

1. Install ViolentMonkey or TamperMonkey
2. Set this site to Dark Mode
3. Install this script:

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Dark Mode- Green QQ
// @namespace   Violentmonkey Scripts
// @match       https://forum.questionablequesting.com/*
// @grant       GM_addStyle
// @version     1.1
// @author      Taisei
// @description 5/8/2024, 14:30 UTC
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
  let css = "";
  if (location.href.startsWith("https://forum.questionablequesting.com")) {
    css += `
    .p-body-inner {

    .block--messages .message, .block--messages .block-row {

      background: #194d33;
      padding-right: 10%;
      padding-left: 10%;

    .p-nav-list .p-navEl.is-selected {
      background: #206040;

    .bbWrapper a{
      color: #396;

Update 1: Fixed a couple bugs, added colored links
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Blackened Purple may not be able to return, as it was made for XF1, and there might not be a version for XF2. Earlier in the thread I suggested a black and purple theme (I quoted it in this post)

Give me your opinion on it, if we get enough people asking for it, it might be added.
Waaay too pink.
  • Like
Reactions: Jao
It's funny that most complaints and requests can be boiled down to "can we please have the old looks and all the buttons whee they used to be, please"

Which actually is exactly what I'd like. QQ's old layout was extremely convenient and this modern UI nonsense feels strictly inferior.

Also, gib option to show more posts per page on reader mode please
At least change it to 25 posts per page instead of 10.
i'm too old for this shit
Oh right since I am thinking about it for alerts where the bell is. It doesn't have a little red icon with a number to indicate a new alert has arrived.
The bar at the top is indeed shit.
Being forced out of typing a reply by a forced autoscroll to a notification "Messages have been posted since you loaded this page. View Them?", as just happened, is worse.
Is there any possible way at all to make sure the top bar doesn't stay at the top of the page when you scroll down? It's incredibly distracting, and makes the website virtually unusable for me, because a good tenth of the screen is always taken up by this giant annoying bar. Neither SB nor SV have it.

Seconded, the header needs an option to not scroll with the page.
Oh right since I am thinking about it for alerts where the bell is. It doesn't have a little red icon with a number to indicate a new alert has arrived.
It does have the numbers, but they don't appear consistently unless you do something to refresh them.

It's weird, it has weird behaviour, but it still has the red icon with a number.
Currently on profile comments if you go to start writing a comment, you will end up with dozens of copies of that comment descending in a long chain downwards. It is maddening. Copies of the comment box appear with the same text or different stages of when you wrote it and the only way to remove the spam comment boxes is to reload the entire tab page on your browser.
Most reading sites that have this permanent bar at the top also have a way of hiding it. it's extremely obnoxious when it clips the top 10% of the words. A really easy solution is to minimize or hide it when moving the page down and showing it after moving the page up or reaching the top or bottom of the page.

Also since you are mixing things up, adding a darkmode should be extremely easy.

Edit: The alerts dropdown box should also be twice as big or resizeable, I can barely read anything when I click it.
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I'm not sure if this was brought up before but the email notification now only shows the title and option to view the thread.

Is there any way to have the whole post to be shown in the notification email like before?
How long is it going to take to add the new features in though because it ideally needs to be quick. Would have been nice to have the features already added in before the switch.
Dunno personally, not a code jockey. Would it have been nice? Sure, but I'm also not too sure what the cost of those features might be and I'm assuming the admins want to trim down the list of bells and whistles to those that most people will use to cut down on up front costs. Running a site of this size isn't cheap and the added features for entirely new architecture even moreso.

There's obviously going to be bugs, growing pains and adjustments. Though I certainly agree that there needs to be more styles at least to make reading less cancerous. Grey on grey hurts my eyes, and if I wanted to burn out my retina with light mode I'd go outside and stare into the sun.
Please move the option to see all threads from an user away from a dropdown menu I doubt I would have found it if it wasn't for this thread.
Dear gods everything is ugly. It's a new site/hosting/whatever the proper terms are and I know you have a lot of work ahead of you in the future so we can all be patient, right? That said I hope we can get the old styles back soon. All the ones available don't look very good. The "Dark" style is tolerable but it's not good. Also is there a way we can get the bar that says home, forums, what's new, etcetera to stay at the top of the page and not be stuck to the top of the screen when we scroll down? Is that called sticky headers? Can we have a toggle to turn that off? I can't find any option to do that in options and we didn't have to deal with that before.
I went to bookmarks expecting to find my watched threads and nearly had a heart attack thinking it was all gone, thankfully watched threads are under the 3 lines at the top right

Edit because of brainrot, *top left
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Question from someone who posts fics in CW, how does one copy and paste from a Google Doc without the annoying double spaces in-between paragraphs while keeping the formatting like centered text, bold text, and italicization? If I have to choose one, I'd be hard pressed to pick.
Currently on profile comments if you go to start writing a comment, you will end up with dozens of copies of that comment descending in a long chain downwards. It is maddening. Copies of the comment box appear with the same text or different stages of when you wrote it and the only way to remove the spam comment boxes is to reload the entire tab page on your browser.
Same with me.

And when a new post comes up it auto-scrolls to it when your at the reply box and users viewing this thread. For mobile probably.

Users who are viewing this thread
