• The site has now migrated to Xenforo 2. If you see any issues with the forum operation, please post them in the feedback thread.
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XF2 transition feedback

I don't know if this is possible to fix or not, but I'm annoyed at one feature in mobile (no idea if it's the same on desktop). When you click on the word count for a thread, the usual things show: thread marks, watchers, creation date, etc. What I'm annoyed at is the box for the summary/synopsis cuts off way to damn early and just rails off to "…" in the middle of a sentence and prompts me to read thread or all thread marks. I clicked on the box to get some more info before diving in, let me see the info!

That gripe aside, everything seems way more spaced out. I'm sure 80% of my discomfort is just unfamiliarity with the new format, but I enjoyed how compact and streamlined the old one felt.

Two things I've seen others mention that I'll quickly echo, the alerts are weird and harder to differentiate, and dark theme isn't "dark" enough/other minor things. I'm too tired to figure out what else bothers me yet right now, we'll see how the change feels in a few days.
Hey, neat. The forum is being updated as I read. When I started reviewing the thread, there were a bunch of reaction emoji. Now there are only thumbs up and angry.

The tab tags have been mentioned. Those were monumentally helpful for organizing lots of info in a way rolldown just couldn't do. I hope there are plans to enable them or that there's an alternative.

Another old feature that's missing is [hl]highlight[/hl]. It was particularly useful for differentiating different states in a status block.

Different styles display different info. Light and Dark provide more information when hovering over a thread title than Xenforo Default. I hope this extra info density can be included in new styles added. Hovering over thread titles in the Watched Threads list appears to just show a few lines (or a section of an image) from that thread's first post, which isn't terribly helpful. Would it be possible to have the same hover info as you'd get from the forums page? Or even better, the first few lines of the newest post or the first unread?
Is there a way to hide the "What's New" button in the top right corner of the UI (the lightning bolt one)?

It's incredibly annoying on mobile that it's existence pushes the Alerts button one space to the left, because it means that the Alerts button is in a different place than on SV/SB despite the UI being so similar.

So here's a review of the current usage I've had so far.

1) The overall setup looks good. It's similar to SB and SV, so it's not a huge transition for me.
2) The styles are complete trash and I'm going to have to use a Dark Background, Light Text extension until new suitable styles are added. Images are added for reference.
3) The filters and other things are pretty easy to get used to. Previously it automatically showed read threads and we had to scroll down to select "See all watched threads" to see read threads as well. So having to just remove the "unread" filter is pretty easy transition.
4) You need to being back the freaking "Spoiler" option in the text editor. Like who tf uses Tables on QQ? This is a site for degenerates, no one is gonna use a freaking table to make some kind of presentation.
5) Directly adding images doesn't work. You have to insert them as "Insert Link". It doesn't show preview of images.
5) I might update as I notice things, but I think other's are doing a pretty good job at feedback. The main complains seem to be Style issues and spoiler options and image stuff.
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Is there any way to increase the number of viewed threadmarks per page in reader mode back to 30? Though anything higher than 10 per page would be good really, I use a screen reader for a lot of my reading and not having to switch pages constantly was a big reason I read things here rather than elsewhere.
Other people have already mentioned this, but I'll reiterate: Please bring back the large margins on the sides, or at least have it as an optional toggle. Everything feels way too spread out now. I genuinely liked having the large blank spaces to the sides, it made it easier to read through.

I'll also support the calls to unsticky the header. Hopefully that shouldn't be too difficult, as iirc SV/SB were able to implement a way to unsticky it when they did their upgrades.

And yeah, as literally everyone else has stated, some better themes would be much appreciated.
Is there a way to hide the "What's New" button in the top right corner of the UI (the lightning bolt one)?

It's incredibly annoying on mobile that it's existence pushes the Alerts button one space to the left, because it means that the Alerts button is in a different place than on SV/SB despite the UI being so similar.
Not just that, but on profile (edit: as opposed to landscape) view it also means there's not enough room for all of the other actually useful buttons. And unlike it moving the notifications button left, that's not a problem that can be fixed with adblock filters.
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Dont know If I'm blind but it seems like you cant actually find all thread by one author anymore? use to go to people profile then posts and it would have a tab for All thread by this person but the option is gone now. That or it blends in perfectly with the background.
Tags in the topic lists have too small font size to read comfortably, I have to zoom the browser to at least 120% to be able to read them. It's not that bad in the "Xenforo Default" theme as that has way better contrast and a bit larger font size, but it's unreadable in the light/dark themes .
i need ui x dark back in my life


the new way to view images is definitely cool tho
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Don't know if this has been mentioned before, because I am not searching 20 pages for it, but the "All Threads" option in profile pages is gone. How am I supposed to know what Threads an author has written now?
Don't know if this has been mentioned before, because I am not searching 20 pages for it, but the "All Threads" option in profile pages is gone. How am I supposed to know what Threads an author has written now?

It's under the "Find" button, would be nice to include the button in the "small" profile when you click on someone's avatar too, not just on the full profile.

edit: Linking an image with the "Insert image" button doesn't seem to work, just showed a missing image thingie afterwards, had to edit to "Insert media"
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I believe you can set that in your preferences. Change Alert pop-up options to "Never mark alerts as read".
Thank you, that was a partial solution.

Now the update alerts are staying unread, but random comments and reactions are staying unread too. SB and SV doesn't have that issue, is that in the Preferences too?
New dark style is meh, I hope that orange one will make comeback
I've not received multiple alerts since the upgrade.
Edit: received my first alert since the upgrade.
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Only seeing a fraction of my watched threads is really annoying. Bad civ people
Anyone know a way to have the email alerts give you the whole post, rather than just a link?
Anyone know a way to have the email alerts give you the whole post, rather than just a link?
It's something that both SB and SV encountered when they did their upgrade a few years ago. At the time they both fixed it within a few days, so hopefully it is easy for the staff to do.
Oh, new update! Yay! And we can do more than like? Finally!

*limited to "like" and "angry"* Has been reduced to simply "Like" again. Hopefully we get more reactions.

Well... this does not spark joy...

Also, like others, I'd like the old themes back, please. Blackened purple was very easy on my eyes, and now this dark theme feels... lesser. In many ways. This has been addressed. Thank you, staff.

Also also, why the hell do we have fewer text colors to choose from? We used to have, what, 48 or so? Now we only have 27? I think my Chaurus green is still there, but... why?

Additionally, tags are included in thread update alerts now. This feels superfluous, and makes it harder to read the alert. Furthermore, again with the text being hard to read because of the wrong greys being used for text and background.
Solved with runic sorcery or something, I dunno.

*sees other people mentioning image breaks* hold on, let me try this...


Uploaded fine, we'll see what happens when I post. Might be a site-to-site thing. Turns out it's Imgur-related. Stop using Imgur. It's trash. Also, I'm not removing the Beel image, because that would be heresy.

About the only positive I've got so far is that we have more posting and QoL options, but overall, this is not good civilization. Absolutely delighted that the staff are listening to the community. Thank you for my purple theme back. There's still a few areas that could use improvement, but this is a good start. Text colors, though? Is that on the table?
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