• The site has now migrated to Xenforo 2. If you see any issues with the forum operation, please post them in the feedback thread.
  • Due to issues with external spam filters, QQ is currently unable to send any mail to Microsoft E-mail addresses. This includes any account at live.com, hotmail.com or msn.com. Signing up to the forum with one of these addresses will result in your verification E-mail never arriving. For best results, please use a different E-mail provider for your QQ address.
  • For prospective new members, a word of warning: don't use common names like Dennis, Simon, or Kenny if you decide to create an account. Spammers have used them all before you and gotten those names flagged in the anti-spam databases. Your account registration will be rejected because of it.
  • Since it has happened MULTIPLE times now, I want to be very clear about this. You do not get to abandon an account and create a new one. You do not get to pass an account to someone else and create a new one. If you do so anyway, you will be banned for creating sockpuppets.
  • Due to the actions of particularly persistent spammers and trolls, we will be banning disposable email addresses from today onward.
  • The rules regarding NSFW links have been updated. See here for details.

XF2 transition feedback

Looks great overall, but I've noticed two small but annoying bugs already on mobile.
If you open a thread in a new tab, then it does not consistently scroll to the correct post after opening the tab. Sometimes it does, sometimes is doesn't This was not an issue in the previous version.
If you open and close an image, and then scroll down right away, it rubberbands you back to the image, which can be a bit jarring.
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I am potato. Steps to use funny runes?
Install Stylus in your browser (assuming desktop). Firefox link, Chrome link

When you're on QQ, click on the toolbar icon for Stylus and select the text to write a style for forum.questionablequesting.com.

Paste the above CSS into the edit window.

Give the style rule a useful name.


You can enable or disable the rule from the toolbar icon, as well as edit it to make further changes.
Dark style text is a bit inconsistent in color. Or at least the same dark color in sligtly different backgrounds make it feel like some words are in gray, some in more whitish gray and some in darkish gray
Oh god why does everything look so bloated now? There's so much redundant space in various sections including the top headers. Can we please get the old look back?

Also, just learnt that you can give Angry reactions now by hovering over the Like button. Not sure how to do that on mobile though.
There is so much wasted space with this new design. The stuff I am actually interested in reading is squashed into a significantly smaller area. I stoped using reddit because of the terrible change in format, QQ is not immune to this kind of problem. If you want to upgrade your software, or add options that's fine but why is it that the go to seems to be radical design and function changes with no option to opt out.

My advice is build the default interface like they used to build space capsules. All the mandatory functions with minimal embellishments. All this additional junk that's now default can be added in by people who want it without ruining the experience for the rest of us.

In this case, it's because the old forum software had been unsupported for a full half-decade at this point, swapping to XF2 was always going to have to happen and the current UI options are mostly default to XF2.
Can you post mp4 files now?

*checks* nope, still no funny video posting possible...

Oh god why does everything look so bloated now? There's so much redundant space in various sections including the top headers. Can we please get the old look back?

Also, just learnt that you can give Angry reactions now by hovering over the Like button. Not sure how to do that on mobile though.
Press the like until the options appear.
Oh god why does everything look so bloated now? There's so much redundant space in various sections including the top headers. Can we please get the old look back?

Also, just learnt that you can give Angry reactions now by hovering over the Like button. Not sure how to do that on mobile though.
Press and hold Like.
The upgrade seems promising in a general sense. I'll reiterate others in a desire for more style options, either similar to or the same as pre upgrade, alongside the Watched sub menu being above Find Threads in the mobile expandable menu on the left.

Here's hoping threads alert people properly again now.

Is the site logo supposed to be this tiny?



It is also a problem on Default Light mode
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I'm not sure if I missed something but the expanded watch options seem to be gone (the 'only recieve alert for threadmark' and such). Would really appreciate this coming back.

Edit: Also, ignored members aren't completely invisible to you anymore. Idk if this is an intended change or just a consequence of the new system.
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When you click inside the box to update your status. another box will appear under it. Like endlessly. When you hit post, it just posts the one status, but it's still kinda unnerving lmao.
At least on my screen the site bar at the top of the screen is obnoxiously large. Like an inch tall. Can that be shrunk down so its not taking up so much screen real estate? Or made to hide itself. Or set as part of the top of the page rather than fixed to the user view so when you scroll down its gone.
Not a fan of the currently available themes. Would like something like the old Flexile Dark theme, or a dark version of the Xenforo Default one as I like the margins for that better due to my big monitor. I dislike how most of the themes have to have me click the Forums drop down to get to the Watched Threads link, since it's an extra click to go to a thing I access often.

Also, thanks for the hard work on the upgrade. It had to happen to ensure the forum could stay running in the long run. I know a lot of us are griping about the appearance stuff, but that's hopefully just a temporary problem I know our amazing forum team will resolve. :)
Don't want to reiterate the same stuff everyone said (though I do agree with some such as the sticky site bar), but I noticed a problem that I haven't seen from anyone else.
I'm on an IPad Pro (using safari) so I don't know if I'm using a desktop or mobile version (or if such difference exists outside of screen size), but I'm not receiving alerts from watched threads. Viva's "Hard Enough" updated 40 minutes ago, and Brosef's "The Dungeon is the perfect place for a Psycho" did the same at 10:03, but my last alert is from yesterday.

Also, deleting anything that I was writing here lagged (though writing did too, it is extremely minor in respect to the first). Also thanks for the change, I appreciate y the much lowers chance for either accidental or purposeful site implosion.

EDIT: Also, despite what I remember reading on this thread, stealth edit seem to still be a thing?
EDIT 2: Though the window is really small.
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A problem aside from the terrible new appearance. The place on a page is no longer maintained when resizing a window.
It's very ugly.:(

Now for suggestions.

(01.) Talk to the folks at SpaceBattles. Their "Light" theme is a hell of a lot better than this one. See if they'll share it. With QQ's "Light" theme, the words are blurry.:( Their "Light" theme doesn't have blurry words.

(02.) The bar at the top won't go away.:( Talk to the folks at SpaceBattles. They have an option to unsticky the bar. See if they'll share it. You need it.

(03.) The new forum is demanding too much memory from my browser. SpaceBattles doesn't. You might want to talk to them about how to cut browser memory demands.
Could you make it so the header does not follow you in mobile view like it works on SB and SF. It wastes valuable screen space and it's distracting.

Also: start nuking all the unnessecary whitespace. The spaces between threads are gignormous. In general pretty much every UI element now takes more space for no benefit at all.

Also: is there a memory leak or something? a forum should not take this much bandwidth to load up.
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With the new upgrade, most especially the bookmark function, is is possible to add a function to delete my profile status update?

I've been mostly using it to save a post I like reading again in the future, but with the new bookmark function, I would like to clean up my profile to make it look clean and all.

Every other feedbacks I had have, since this thread been open, been mentioned and talked to death already.

And regardless of my feeling on the matter, I understand the necessity of the update and greatly appreciate the intent and purpose of doing so.
Finding threadmarks in a thread is fucking atrocious. I go to a snippets thread with like 800 thread marks and try searching for a specific story by name, and it won't because it's separated page by page with 50 chapters per page. I have to manually search page by page to find my story.

Please change this, or teach me if it can be changed more in the settings!

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