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New profile posts

Liu Bei is treated like a savior-hero, but he's also the one who said battle brothers are like limbs, irreplaceable, but women are like clothes, to be used and tossed away, so who's really a hero hmph hmph
Hey man, hope you are doing better. Health issues are a scare for all of us, so I help you pool through without any problems or complications
I just want to say, I enjoyed the industrial revolution quest, im not going to bother typing out the name (lol), but I found it quite good and somewhat inspiring, especially since your attitude matches my own in some manners.

Also, because im a filthy gremlin, can I steal some of your ideas?
I'm enjoying SMT 5 : Vengeance. Been making changes to the Personas I have planned for Futaba Quest because of it.
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Reactions: auzzie
Nice! I played through the original when it came out on the switch. I stand by that SMT has the better designs and variety of demons compared to what we get in persona. Can't wait to see what changes you make!
Current mood:
It's been a while since your last update. Is it a lack of enthusiasm to write? Just curious. If you're looking for an idea, what about a WC fic set in Log Horizon? Also, a fic recommendation- Bladed Horizon (LH/FSN crossover).
I should go and be a correctional officer for a couple of months, just so I can legitimately be a Federal Bussy Inspector... Or wait until I finish my LPN and be medical then.
Thank Marika but the final Dlc boss is done at last. Unless they nerf the bastard hard never doing that again.

On a more humorous note, Radagon and the Elden Beast were so easy by comparison, I went in half cocked and melted them.

They were generous too, giving me time to react, to cast and heal, to make mistakes...

Oh, and also, Ranni supremacy!
reborn as a catgirl
Violet Evergarden is a rather fun and happy little anime, you should watch it, it's quite light-hearted healing
Looking back, Fate/Stay Night was a miracle to have such low budget and make such a ero game with such good music and okay art
It was a work of love
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Hope my Lore explanation doesn't break canon... If I remember, Mystery was dying out and Humanity would be woefully under prepped for it. Gaia would do it's best with Counter-Guardians and such... But I do think a sudden resurgence of it would cause global damage.

Alongside with the recent break-throughs of the Singularities.
it seems that your profile a little empty friend, let me fix that for you.

the first chapter of Flesh and Metal was pretty interesting. love the idea of a techno-organic hive-mind hybrid character. hope the next chapter is out soon.
I read this really nice villainess story, but in the end, it turned out she's so cold blooded that she played with the affections of both boys and girls, and then left them all to die like tools
