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for those who follow me due to Wired Genesis allow me to explain what is happening with that. Right now i'm updating my quests. I do 1 or 2 updates a day. Once they're all updated i'll resume writing for Genesis, posting chapters as i finish them until we loop back around to Quest updating time.
I saw this one Gestalt Post-Apocalypse world (w/ Resident Evil, Highschool of the Dead, Day After Tomorrow, Fallout, etc.) and the MC has a system that trades with merchants in other worlds, and those merchants are like, all stupid retarded idiots, like Aqua Konosuba, Danmachi Loki, Yorinobu 2077, Ash Pokemon, Elden Ranni, Hokage Tsunade, etc.
After much consideration and several late-night pondering under the watch of starry skies, I've come to a realization that I fw fat anko.
Sorry for bothering you, but I want to ask something regarding the Generic Hentai World:

If a Perk is not specified to be usable for the whole chain, does that mean it will disappear Post-Jump? As in, do Perks that affect the Jumper and their companions like Porn Physics, Sexual Prodigy, the Superpowers Perks, and Origin-related Perks just disappear Post-Jump or do they stay Post-Jump?
Also, does Makeover's effect also disappear Post-Jump or does the Jumper get to keep their new body until they want to change it with other Perks?

Sorry if the questions sound stupid, I am very new to this Jumpchain stuffs.
Anything you buy with CP - perks, items, companions, anything - lasts the whole chain by default. That's not just for my jumps, that's a rule for jumpchain as a whole.

Also hi, welcome to the club! We've got a thread for jumpchain stuff in the NSFW Writing Index if you've got more questions.
Thanks for the answer! 👍🏻
"Master, please spare me! I had eyes and didn't recognize Mount Tai! I am wrong, I am really wrong, I beg you to be magnanimous and just let me loose like a fart! I am a poor man with an 80-year-old mother and a 3-year-old child at home. If you kill me, no one will aid my mother or feed my child. If you spare me, I will never offend you again! Please accept my 9 kowtows!"
Like how in other places, you have genres like comedy or romance, here, you have something called "抗日神劇", directly translated as perhaps "Anti-Japanese Divine Drama", which you can probably guess is a WW2-ish wuxia-styled thing, where kids with slingshots beat soldiers and peasants knock planes out of the sky with rocks and bikes drift on trains, that kind of thing
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That actually sounds hilarious
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There are female main characters with visible plastic surgery, overabundance of food, using martial arts to defeat guns, heavy makeup on girls... the only reason why it's so prevalent is because Anti-Japanese war that happened before and during WW2 is very politically correct, and therefore gets a pass in most auditing/govt licensing
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tsk tsk
I really liked that line in Hunter X Hunter about how even if monsters are stronger or evolve faster or whatever, humanity has our infinite hatred on our side
Hey I have an Idea for Your Fly me to the moon story, Kevin's Flames let him reverse his personal time or slow down nearby time, now that he's a herrshcer what's stopping him from rewinding or fast forwarding others people time?
I might have to delay Persona 5 story since I'm currently dying from my throat infection. If it happens expect it to be uploaded with the Celestial forge fic if I get better before then.
Hi Mr Dice! Short question: what system did you use for your quests? Specifically the Cthulhutech and Honkai ones.
Cthulhu tech I used the rpg's dice system

Honkai I use some of the skills from Legend of the five rings but it is just d100s with skills and traits giving bonuses of 10 to 15 per rank
Think about it;

Orochimaru -> drug addiction -> immortality, lots of kids, great prestige
Tsunade -> gambling addiction -> everlasting youth, great prestige
Jiraiya -> porn addiction -> died alone, porn author

Moral of the story: don't jerk off, just gamble your savings away and do drugs
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but then again, it makes sense, like, we saw more scenes where jiraiya taught random orphans than him teaching minato lmao
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lol yeah
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One day realizing that the World thinks your life's game difficulty isn't hard enough, so you wake up the next morning as a lazy hikineet succubus.
I found this super spicy indonesian snack, like, it's painful to eat, and I can't even eat the whole bag before giving up, but after a few days, I keep craving more, what the fuck is wrong with me

other than masochistic tendencies