Preparation 2.4
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Preparation 2.4
"Did it work?" Cindy demanded anxiously once the shuttle had vanished from the station's sensors.
Analyst Cuypers shrugged. "We won't know for sure until they come out the other side."
"Great," the redhead grumbled. "And since we had Mina helping them, it'll take a few extra hours for her to recharge. Someone needs to get that girl a mana battery."
"I still have the supercomputer's hardware address and dimensional coordinates," Hackerman noted. "I won't be able to talk with it without a lot more effort, but I can still run ping requests."
"I'll take it!" Cindy cried. "I want to know when she leaves Earth so I can be there when she gets back."
Captain Andreyasn asked, "If that's the case, shouldn't you be heading out now? It should take the same amount of total time to get to Babnockorty, but they won't take very long to come out once they get there if Mina decides to recharge on this side of the teraport. From the sounds of things, you do still need to pick up her insects."
"That's a fair point," Cindy grudgingly admitted. "Fine, I'll go, gather Taylor's stuff, and start out toward Babnockorty." She made her way toward the door before spinning and fixing the mercenary with a glare. She waved a finger at him and demanded, "You keep watching and call me as soon as they're through, got it?"
"Got it," Andreyasn, Cuypers, and Hackerman all yelped, recognizing that tone of voice.
"Good," Cindy stated with a nod. Turning, she made her way out of the station.
The three men stood silently for a minute before Hackerman asked urgently, "Is she gone?"
"I think so," Anderyasn replied, just as tensely.
"That was scary," Cuypers muttered. "Reminded me of when my mother would get mad at me when I was a kid."
"It must be a thing girls learn when they get older," Hackerman suggested. A beat later, he quickly added, "Not that I think Miss Matos is old!"
"No, definitely not," Anderyasn agreed. "Just like my sister."
Cuypers nodded, "Nothing of the sort was suggested." And thus the pact of silence was sealed.
"NO!" Taylor cried as she reformed in the main cabin of the mercenaries' shuttle.
"Are you alright?" Para asked in concern, rushing over to support the obviously upset girl.
"I felt it," Taylor muttered quietly, grabbing onto the shorter girl for support. "I felt each little bit of me being torn apart and shoved through the wormholes." She shuddered. "It was horrible."
"You… really shouldn't be able to feel that," Para said while patting Taylor on the shoulder. "It must be because of your connection to the supercomputer. It's definitely large enough that we wouldn't be able to convert the entire thing into gravitational waves and back without some lag time."
"Maybe," Mina said, pushing the purple haired girl away slightly so that she could join the hug, "but saying that isn't very reassuring." Softly, she said, "Don't worry, Taylor, you shouldn't need to do that again. You'll be fine, I promise." She continued making soothing noises while the men stood around not being of any use.
Finally, Chisulo coughed lightly to break the awkward silence before saying, "Mina, when do you want to open another portal?"
The magical girl glared at the neophant for a moment before answering, "When Taylor is feeling better. I'm not having her go through the portal while she's still feeling off."
"No, no, it's fine," Taylor said, shrugging her way out of the hug. "Going through the portal's rough, but it'll be fine." Shuddering, she added, "At least it doesn't tear you apart and shove you back together again."
"Good," Chisulo said, as he turned and began heading toward the front of the shuttle. "We're going to be moving into orbit, once there, we'll be ready for you to begin casting."
"Got it," Mina replied with a nod. "Let me know when we're in orbit."
"There's no return ping," Hackerman announced. He'd been checking that the supercomputer was still on its version of Earth every fifteen minutes for the last four hours while Captain Andreyasn and Analyst Cuypers watched on.
"Finally!" Cuypers exclaimed. "That took long enough! What were they doing for the last four hour? Waving their dicks around?"
"From my understanding of the plan," Andreyasn said delicately, "that's not far from the truth. After opening up a gateway through dimensions, Mina would have needed to recharge. If they decided to recharge before teraporting over to Babnockorty, it could have taken quite some time for her to wear out all of the mercenaries we sent on that shuttle." He smirked a little. "I'm sure the video will be… instructional."
"How so?" Hackerman asked idly.
"Chisulo is on board," Andreyasn replied with a smirk. "He's a neophant."
"Aren't those the elephants they raised to human intelligence and gave hands?" Cuypers asked.
"Yes," Andreyasn replied. "Like I said, educational."
Hackerman coughed uncomfortably before changing the subject, "So, which of us should be calling Miss Matos?"
"Not it!" Cuypers declared, resting a finger along his nose. Hackerman quickly followed his lead.
Andreyasn sighed, even as he pulled out a communicator. "I'll give the call. This is my operation, after all." Typing in the contact info, he hit to connection button and initiated the call, hitting the button to put the call on speaker.
"Hello?" Cindy's voice came through the phone. "This is Cindy Matos, how can I help you?"
"Miss Matos," Andreyasn replied smoothly, "this is Captain Andreyasn. I'm just calling to let you know that the supercomputer has left Earth."
"So Taylor got to Babnockorty alright?" the redhead demanded.
"We don't know that yet," the bald captain stated, "as they haven't returned to this dimensional plane yet.
"I hate dealing with anything past the fourth dimension," Cindy grumbled. "Alright, thanks for the heads up. I'm almost there, myself, so I should be there to meet her."
"No problem," Andreyasn replied. "Anyway, I'm going to let you go. I think we've used enough of Hackerman's time."
"I do have other things to do," Hackerman noted.
"Wait… Do you have me on speaker phone?" Cindy demanded.
"Yes," Andreyasn replied simply.
"Alright, fine. Thank you, everyone," Cindy called, pitching her voice to reach the entire room. "I really appreciate you guys waiting like this."
"It wasn't a problem," Cuypers replied.
"I should have been supervising the transfer anyway, so no issues there," Andreyasn added.
"I live here," Hackerman bluntly stated. "It wasn't difficult to run an automated ping program."
"Still," Cindy said, "thanks a lot." There was some voices in the background before Cindy added, "Anyway, I'm on my approach to the planet, so I need to sign off. Thanks again, and goodbye for now." With that, she disconnected, leaving the three men looking at the phone.
"Well," Andreyasn finally said. "I think I'll take my leave. I feel naked without my epaulets."
Cuypers blinked and looked at the lightning bolts floating over the man's shoulders. "Aren't those them?"
"No," Anderyasn denied, "these are just replicas. My real epaulets have grenades in them."
"Don't bring grenades into my house," Hackerman demanded tensely. "Especially not without asking first."
"They're perfectly safe," Andreyasn protested.
"Then why aren't you wearing them now?" Cuypers asked.
"I've only stress tested them through a fourth dimensional event," he admitted. "And the supercomputer's connection to Miss Hebert is at least fifth dimensional. I didn't want to take the risk."
"Thank you for that," Hackerman said. "Now, if you're all set, I'd like to get back to my own work."
"Sure, no problem," Andreyasn said.
"I'll be heading out as well," Cuypers added. "You'll be forwarding your records on the supercomputer to the research panel, correct?"
"No problem," Hackerman replied. "I just need a chance to clean it up some and put it into an easily shared format for you."
"Thank you," Cuypers said graciously. "That will greatly help our later efforts."
"I'm sure we have some readings as well," Andreysen chimed in. "I'll send you an estimate for the data, if you'd like."
"You're going to charge us for it?" Cuypers demanded. "What happened to the man who made the teraport open source?"
"He died," Andreyasn said bluntly, "several times, after starting one of the largest wars in our history. Besides, I'm a mercenary, what did you expect?"
"I was expecting a man of science," Cuypers grumbled.
"Well, for that, you should have contacted my retired time clone. Of course, that would have exposed a newly discovered supercomputer to the Plenipotent Dominion."
Cuypers and Hackerman shuddered. "That would have been potentially problematic," the analyst noted.
"Exactly," Anderyasn replied, making his way to the door. "I'll send the estimate as soon as I get a chance to look through the data." Before the other two men had a chance to respond, he ducked through the door and made his way off of the satellite.
"Damn it," Cuypers sighed as the other scientist got away. Turning toward Hackerman, he asked, "Are you going to charge us for the data, too?"
"I should," Hackerman acknowledged, "but it's already part of the agreement I made to help you, so I've already been paid."
"Well, that's something, at least," the analyst muttered. "Anyway, I'll let you get to it. Send us what you have once you get the chance." He made his way toward the door.
"Yeah, I'll make sure to do that," Hackerman called after Cuypers. Once he was fairly sure the other man had left, Hackerman stood and made his way to the door as well, making sure no one else was there, he asked, "So, Kaydo, how hard was it, really?"
"After the initial contact, it was surprisingly easy," the feminine voice of Hackerman's top of the line AI replied. "In fact, it seemed eager to talk, once it realized I was able to do so."
"Neato." Walking back over to his computer monitor, he sat back down before asking, "Did it have anything interesting to say?"
"Not particularly," the AI replied. "It is fairly rudimentary, as far as intelligences go, though I am not sure if that is its natural state or if something was acting as a governor, preventing it from operating at peak efficiency or capability."
"Anything else worth noting?" Hackerman asked.
"The computer needed to wait for authorization before it could be relocated," Kaydo replied. "Once that permission was granted, it was quick to acquiesce to being moved and suggested material it was not using that could safely be consumed to power the teraport. It seemed excited, for a lack of a better term." The AI paused for a moment before adding, "It seemed much more lively after it received permission and was fairly chatty. It was willing to tell me all sorts of interesting things, often with only the barest prompting, but it would abruptly cut off occasionally, as though it couldn't convey certain information."
"Well, the scientists will be happy to learn about that," Hackerman noted."They might even hire us to communicate with it more later on." He paused for a moment before asking, "Think you'd be able to do it without the external probe?"
"Most likely," Kaydo replied. "I now know roughly where to find it, so I should be able to connect with a wireless setup and Miss Hebert's presence." She paused for a moment before adding, "I would not be be against further discussions with that supercomputer. It was… interesting."
Hackerman nodded. "Good to hear." Toggling a few controls, he asked, "Anyway, are you ready to keep searching for Kung Fury?"
"Always," the AI replied.
"You alright, Taylor?" Para asked as soon as she recovered from their passage through the portal.
"I'm fine," Taylor groaned. "It's Mina you should be worrying about." She hoisted the smaller girl up demonstrably. "She passed out as soon as we got through."
"Damn, that girl needs to get better mana reserves," Para noted as she came over to help Taylor support the unconscious girl. "This can't be healthy for her."
Taylor shrugged helplessly. "I'm surprised Slut Life hasn't given her anything yet."
"Well, she did say she doesn't do this type of thing often," Para pointed out. "Maybe they think she doesn't really need the extra power?" She gestured with her head. "Come on, help me get her to the couch, since the big, strong men can't be bothered to help."
There was a brief moment of stillness before the gathered mercenaries burst into action, relieving the girls of their burden and carrying the magical girl to the couch. "Sorry, ma'am," one of the mercs, wearing a knit hat, said, nodding toward Taylor. "We didn't mean to be rude or nothing."
"Er, no problem," Taylor said hesitantly. Turning to Para, she asked, "Mina did manage to close the portal before passing out, right?"
"I think so," Para replied uncertainty. She pulled out a handbrain and flipped through a few screens. "Scans are coming back inconclusive, which can't be good."
"She said that maintaining the portal took mana, right?" Taylor began. "So, if it was still open, it'd stop her from recovering as quickly."
"I think she's just tired," the polite mercenary suggested. "She's been busy for the last few hours, right? Maybe she just needs a nap. Then she can close the portal right up."
"I don't think that's how it works," Taylor said, worriedly. "I guess we can give her some time to rest and see if she recovers on her own. I think that should happen if the portal's closed."
"It's not like there's anything we can do for her out here," Para added. "Our combat medic isn't really good at dealing with exhaustion, the captain's tailor is with him, and our doctor stayed back at base, so we don't have any medical personnel on hand. If there is something wrong with her, our best bet is to get her to the surface as soon as possible." She paused for a moment before snapping out, "Chisulo! Get us planetside ASAP!"
"Any reason?" the neophant called back.
"Mina's passed out, and we're not sure if it's just exhaustion or if it's something more serious!"
"Got it," Chisulo stated calmly. "Everyone hold on, we're going in hot. Cobb! Get on the hypernode and let them know we're coming!"
"Yessir!" the merc in the hat called before he rushed off to make the call.
"Where are we putting down?" Para asked.
"Unless they redirect us towards a hospital, I've got us landing at the Babnockorty City terminal," Chisulo replied. "It should have a decent medical base, and possibly even a few magical girls who can give Mina some mana."
"Good choice," Para decided. "Taylor, could you stay by Mina and try to keep her comfortable? I'll run back and grab a blanket for her."
"Got it," Taylor said, stepping up to the couch and crouching down to get a better look at Mina's still form.
"We have blankets on board?" another of the mercenaries asked.
"No, but we have a fabber," Para retorted. "I'll be back in five." She scampered off before the man could reply.
"We've been cleared for a direct landing," the mercenary, Cobb, announced. "So long as we're subsonic before we're over the city we'll be shiny."
"Good," Chisulo announced. "We'll be coming in fast, so anyone who wants a look at the planet before we get too close, you've got about two minutes to see the whole thing."
One of the mercenaries stepped up next to Taylor. "You go take a look," he said with a lopsided grin. "I'll watch after the little miss for a few minutes." His grin widened as he added, "Besides, we'll get a chance to see the whole planet as we're leaving."
"Thanks," Taylor replied with a nod before she stood and made her way to one of the windows to look outside.
Below her lay the planet, quickly growing larger as the ship approached. Both poles were covered in large ice caps, followed by a brownish ring. Only the land within the middle third of the planet looked particularly green. Over one of the visible oceans, a massive storm raged.
"That's a lot of ice," Taylor opined, just as Para was returning with a pile of blankets for Mina.
"Yeah, it is," the purple haired girl agreed. "I wouldn't worry about it, though. We're dropping you off near the equator, so it'll be nice and warm all year round." She gestured towards the large storm before adding, "As an added bright side, you should be close enough to the equator to avoid most of the larger storms, like that one."
"That sounds good," Taylor agreed. "Though I'm used to it being winter. I've never been to the tropics before."
Para waved off the concern, "Oh, that? That's easy to get used to. You'll be fine in less than a week, trust me."
"I'll take your word for it," Taylor said dubiously. She looked out the window again before asking, "Aren't we coming in a little fast?" The planet had already grown from a large circle to filling the entire window as the ship sped toward it.
"That's the idea," Para noted. "We want to land as fast as possible to get Mina to the proper medical care."
"Oh… if that's the case, why did we start so far away from the planet in the first place?" Taylor asked.
"Mostly for safety," Para explained. "Opening portals like Mina did can be dangerous, so we needed to make sure we were away from any satellites or traffic before emerging." Taking one last look out the window, Para turned away and began making her way to a seat. "You should probably grab a seat," she said. "We're coming in hotter than usually, and there might be some turbulence. The ship's gravy should take care of it, but better safe than sorry, right?"
Taylor turned and stared at Para for a moment before she yelped, "Got it!" and rushed toward a seat once she realized that the girl was actually being serious. Once she was seated, she asked, "What's gravy?"
Para slapped the side of her head. "Sorry," she began, "I forgot you weren't used to our terminology. We tend to call artificial gravity gravy, because enough of it can turn you into gravy."
"That's… pleasant," Taylor replied, feeling a little sick.
"Ground Control. Ground Control. This is the Jade Falcon," Cindy spoke into the radio. "I am starting my final approach to land. Please copy."
"Jade Falcon. Jade Falcon. This is Ground Control. Negative on your landing clearance," came the reply. "We're sending you directions for a holding pattern. Your landing has been delayed. I say again, your landing has been delayed."
"Wilco that, Ground Control," Cindy returned. "I'm setting the course now." Leaning back in her seat, the redhead sighed. "Figures something would come up just as I'm about to land," she muttered. "And Taylor should be getting here anytime now."
"Jade Falcon," the radio squawked. "Be advised that a hypersonic craft is on approach. It should be passing to your left in two minutes."
"Hypersonic?" Cindy yelped. "Why is anything coming in while hypersonic?!" She was glad that she hadn't hit the radio then. Breaking radio protocol during what had to be an emergency was not something she wanted to do.
"All stations. All stations. This is the West Wind. Be advised, we are approaching east south east of Babnockorty City at 900 knots. We are decelerating rapidly, but may still produce a sonic boom out to eight clicks. I say again, we are approaching east south east of Babnockorty City at 900 knots. We are decelerating rapidly, but may still produce a sonic boom out to eight clicks. Ground Control. Ground Control. This is the West Wind. We will be arriving on station in five minutes. I say again, we will be arriving on station in five minutes. Is there a cleared landing strip for us? Over."
"West Wind. West Wind. This is Ground Control," the traffic coordinator answered. "We have you cleared for landing at landing strip four. I say again, you are cleared for landing at landing strip for. Emergency services are standing by. Over."
"Wilco that," the West Wind replied. "We'll have the patient ready for transport within seven minutes. Out."
"Oh no," Cindy groaned in worry. "That has to be Taylor's shuttle!" Worrying about what could have happened to the girl she had befriended over the last several days, Cindy could do nothing but stay in her holding pattern until whatever emergency had been resolved. "Damn it, Flare, I hate waiting," she grumbled to her AI companion and copilot.
"We will be down shortly," Flare replied in a soothing tone. "Once we receive clearance to land, we'll be down in less than 20 minutes in the worst case and can find out what is happening then. Attempting anything now will just make things harder for the ground crews."
"I know that," Cindy complained, "but I still don't like not being able to do anything about it." The two sat in tense silence until the shock wave of the passing shuttle rolled over them.
As soon as her Horizon-class star yacht had safely powered down and she could get to the hatch, Cindy was rushing through the corridors of Babnockorty City's space terminal. Spotting a familiar uniform, she grabbed the purple haired girl by the shoulder, spun her around to face her, and demanded, "How is she?"
The mercenary tensed, beginning an attack before forcing herself to relax as she recognized her attacker from the information packet they had been given for the mission. "We don't know," she answered in clipped tones. "She passed out as soon as we got through the portal and hasn't woken up since."
"Damn it!" the redhead snapped. "I knew we needed to do more testing." Sighing softly, she muttered, "I'm sorry, Taylor."
"Are you alright, Cindy?" Taylor Hebert asked awkwardly from beside Para.
"Taylor!" Cindy exclaimed, spinning to look over her charge. "You're alright!" Taylor quickly found herself wrapped in a tight hug.
"Yes?" Taylor said questioningly while patting the older girl on the back, not knowing what else to do.
Looking over to the purple tressed mercenary again, Cindy demanded, "Why did you say she was unconscious?"
"I what?" Para asked, confused. "I thought you were talking about Mina. She passed out right after we got through her second portal, and we haven't been able to wake her up."
"Did you try sex?" Cindy asked, releasing Taylor from her hug.
"What?! How could you even," Para sputtered. She took a breath to calm herself. "We're mercenaries, not monsters."
"Well, yeah," Cindy replied, "but it sounds like Mina is out of mana, so… sex."
Taylor was thoughtful for a moment before she guessed, "Because she's a Carnal magical girl?"
Para pinched the bridge of her nose. "I can't believe none of us thought of that. Hell, just having the men beat one out would have been enough, wouldn't it?"
Cindy shrugged. "Probably. I don't really know how it all works, but I read up a bit more on the emotional types once Taylor decided to become one."
"Good idea," Para agreed. "Hang on, I need to update Medical." Pulling out her communicator, she said, "Chisulo, you're still with Mina, right?"
"They wouldn't let me in the treatment room, but I'm close enough," the large mercenary replied.
"Good. Let them know that it could be a case of mana depletion," Para began. "The Slut Life representative with me suggested generating lust as a mana source."
"I'll let them know," Chisulo said before signing off.
"Well, that should take care of that," Para commented, putting her communicator away. "It's up to the docs now."
"Pretty much," Cindy agreed. "Do you have any idea what happened?"
"Not really," Para replied. "Anyway, since I don't think I've introduced myself I'm Corporal Para Ventura, with Tagon's Toughs. And you are?"
"Right, sorry," Cindy apologized, shaking her head slightly. "I was a bit worried and lost myself for a moment there. I'm Cindy Matos." She held out a hand. "Nice to meet you."
"Same," Para replied, taking the hand. "So, you just came in?"
"Yeah, I was in the middle of landing when you guys claimed emergency priority," Cindy said.
"You either made very good speed or took forever getting ready," Para noted.
"What do you mean?" Taylor asked.
"Well," Para began, "If Cindy used a teraport, she had to have taken almost three hours to get ready for us to have gotten here around the same time. But, if she wasn't using a teraport, getting this far from Earth in just three hours is really impressive."
"I don't really know that much about stellar navigation," Cindy prefaced, "but I've been told the Jade Falcon has a 0.5 class hyperdrive."
"And that means?" Para asked leadingly.
"Hang, on," Cindy began, holding up wrist and flexing her hand. A small holographic window opened above the bracelet she was wearing. A few quick gestures and she relaxes her hand, causing the window to disappear. "According to Flare, my AI, it means that we can travel at a little more than nine million times the speed of light."
"Nine- nine million," Para squeaked. "That's really impressive. We still can't get above light speed without using a wormgate or teraport back home."
"I'm confused," Taylor admitted. "Shouldn't you both have the same technology? You're from the same universe, right?"
"That's… not quite accurate," Cindy admitted. "There are, I suppose bridges is a good term, between some of the more well-connected universes in the multiverse that allow travel from one universe to another. This universe is one of the hub universes, so it's got a lot more different tech around than some of the others."
"It also helps that you can just get handed a spaceship for completing a run on Slut Life or another show," Para grumbled. "And I saw some of the specs on those ships. Most of them aren't nearly as fast as yours."
Cindy shrugged. "It does what I want, is pretty comfortable, and can defend itself when necessary. Being able to land it in my backyard is just a bonus."
"That sounds pretty small," Para noted.
"It is. The Jade Falcon is only about 50 meters long, but it's got a decent sized hold and a good amount of living space," Cindy replied. "Anyway, we've been standing in this corridor long enough. Want to go get some food?"
"I could eat," Para agreed.
"Lunch would be good," Taylor added, right before her stomach growled audibly, causing her to blush.
"Did it work?" Cindy demanded anxiously once the shuttle had vanished from the station's sensors.
Analyst Cuypers shrugged. "We won't know for sure until they come out the other side."
"Great," the redhead grumbled. "And since we had Mina helping them, it'll take a few extra hours for her to recharge. Someone needs to get that girl a mana battery."
"I still have the supercomputer's hardware address and dimensional coordinates," Hackerman noted. "I won't be able to talk with it without a lot more effort, but I can still run ping requests."
"I'll take it!" Cindy cried. "I want to know when she leaves Earth so I can be there when she gets back."
Captain Andreyasn asked, "If that's the case, shouldn't you be heading out now? It should take the same amount of total time to get to Babnockorty, but they won't take very long to come out once they get there if Mina decides to recharge on this side of the teraport. From the sounds of things, you do still need to pick up her insects."
"That's a fair point," Cindy grudgingly admitted. "Fine, I'll go, gather Taylor's stuff, and start out toward Babnockorty." She made her way toward the door before spinning and fixing the mercenary with a glare. She waved a finger at him and demanded, "You keep watching and call me as soon as they're through, got it?"
"Got it," Andreyasn, Cuypers, and Hackerman all yelped, recognizing that tone of voice.
"Good," Cindy stated with a nod. Turning, she made her way out of the station.
The three men stood silently for a minute before Hackerman asked urgently, "Is she gone?"
"I think so," Anderyasn replied, just as tensely.
"That was scary," Cuypers muttered. "Reminded me of when my mother would get mad at me when I was a kid."
"It must be a thing girls learn when they get older," Hackerman suggested. A beat later, he quickly added, "Not that I think Miss Matos is old!"
"No, definitely not," Anderyasn agreed. "Just like my sister."
Cuypers nodded, "Nothing of the sort was suggested." And thus the pact of silence was sealed.
"NO!" Taylor cried as she reformed in the main cabin of the mercenaries' shuttle.
"Are you alright?" Para asked in concern, rushing over to support the obviously upset girl.
"I felt it," Taylor muttered quietly, grabbing onto the shorter girl for support. "I felt each little bit of me being torn apart and shoved through the wormholes." She shuddered. "It was horrible."
"You… really shouldn't be able to feel that," Para said while patting Taylor on the shoulder. "It must be because of your connection to the supercomputer. It's definitely large enough that we wouldn't be able to convert the entire thing into gravitational waves and back without some lag time."
"Maybe," Mina said, pushing the purple haired girl away slightly so that she could join the hug, "but saying that isn't very reassuring." Softly, she said, "Don't worry, Taylor, you shouldn't need to do that again. You'll be fine, I promise." She continued making soothing noises while the men stood around not being of any use.
Finally, Chisulo coughed lightly to break the awkward silence before saying, "Mina, when do you want to open another portal?"
The magical girl glared at the neophant for a moment before answering, "When Taylor is feeling better. I'm not having her go through the portal while she's still feeling off."
"No, no, it's fine," Taylor said, shrugging her way out of the hug. "Going through the portal's rough, but it'll be fine." Shuddering, she added, "At least it doesn't tear you apart and shove you back together again."
"Good," Chisulo said, as he turned and began heading toward the front of the shuttle. "We're going to be moving into orbit, once there, we'll be ready for you to begin casting."
"Got it," Mina replied with a nod. "Let me know when we're in orbit."
"There's no return ping," Hackerman announced. He'd been checking that the supercomputer was still on its version of Earth every fifteen minutes for the last four hours while Captain Andreyasn and Analyst Cuypers watched on.
"Finally!" Cuypers exclaimed. "That took long enough! What were they doing for the last four hour? Waving their dicks around?"
"From my understanding of the plan," Andreyasn said delicately, "that's not far from the truth. After opening up a gateway through dimensions, Mina would have needed to recharge. If they decided to recharge before teraporting over to Babnockorty, it could have taken quite some time for her to wear out all of the mercenaries we sent on that shuttle." He smirked a little. "I'm sure the video will be… instructional."
"How so?" Hackerman asked idly.
"Chisulo is on board," Andreyasn replied with a smirk. "He's a neophant."
"Aren't those the elephants they raised to human intelligence and gave hands?" Cuypers asked.
"Yes," Andreyasn replied. "Like I said, educational."
Hackerman coughed uncomfortably before changing the subject, "So, which of us should be calling Miss Matos?"
"Not it!" Cuypers declared, resting a finger along his nose. Hackerman quickly followed his lead.
Andreyasn sighed, even as he pulled out a communicator. "I'll give the call. This is my operation, after all." Typing in the contact info, he hit to connection button and initiated the call, hitting the button to put the call on speaker.
"Hello?" Cindy's voice came through the phone. "This is Cindy Matos, how can I help you?"
"Miss Matos," Andreyasn replied smoothly, "this is Captain Andreyasn. I'm just calling to let you know that the supercomputer has left Earth."
"So Taylor got to Babnockorty alright?" the redhead demanded.
"We don't know that yet," the bald captain stated, "as they haven't returned to this dimensional plane yet.
"I hate dealing with anything past the fourth dimension," Cindy grumbled. "Alright, thanks for the heads up. I'm almost there, myself, so I should be there to meet her."
"No problem," Andreyasn replied. "Anyway, I'm going to let you go. I think we've used enough of Hackerman's time."
"I do have other things to do," Hackerman noted.
"Wait… Do you have me on speaker phone?" Cindy demanded.
"Yes," Andreyasn replied simply.
"Alright, fine. Thank you, everyone," Cindy called, pitching her voice to reach the entire room. "I really appreciate you guys waiting like this."
"It wasn't a problem," Cuypers replied.
"I should have been supervising the transfer anyway, so no issues there," Andreyasn added.
"I live here," Hackerman bluntly stated. "It wasn't difficult to run an automated ping program."
"Still," Cindy said, "thanks a lot." There was some voices in the background before Cindy added, "Anyway, I'm on my approach to the planet, so I need to sign off. Thanks again, and goodbye for now." With that, she disconnected, leaving the three men looking at the phone.
"Well," Andreyasn finally said. "I think I'll take my leave. I feel naked without my epaulets."
Cuypers blinked and looked at the lightning bolts floating over the man's shoulders. "Aren't those them?"
"No," Anderyasn denied, "these are just replicas. My real epaulets have grenades in them."
"Don't bring grenades into my house," Hackerman demanded tensely. "Especially not without asking first."
"They're perfectly safe," Andreyasn protested.
"Then why aren't you wearing them now?" Cuypers asked.
"I've only stress tested them through a fourth dimensional event," he admitted. "And the supercomputer's connection to Miss Hebert is at least fifth dimensional. I didn't want to take the risk."
"Thank you for that," Hackerman said. "Now, if you're all set, I'd like to get back to my own work."
"Sure, no problem," Andreyasn said.
"I'll be heading out as well," Cuypers added. "You'll be forwarding your records on the supercomputer to the research panel, correct?"
"No problem," Hackerman replied. "I just need a chance to clean it up some and put it into an easily shared format for you."
"Thank you," Cuypers said graciously. "That will greatly help our later efforts."
"I'm sure we have some readings as well," Andreysen chimed in. "I'll send you an estimate for the data, if you'd like."
"You're going to charge us for it?" Cuypers demanded. "What happened to the man who made the teraport open source?"
"He died," Andreyasn said bluntly, "several times, after starting one of the largest wars in our history. Besides, I'm a mercenary, what did you expect?"
"I was expecting a man of science," Cuypers grumbled.
"Well, for that, you should have contacted my retired time clone. Of course, that would have exposed a newly discovered supercomputer to the Plenipotent Dominion."
Cuypers and Hackerman shuddered. "That would have been potentially problematic," the analyst noted.
"Exactly," Anderyasn replied, making his way to the door. "I'll send the estimate as soon as I get a chance to look through the data." Before the other two men had a chance to respond, he ducked through the door and made his way off of the satellite.
"Damn it," Cuypers sighed as the other scientist got away. Turning toward Hackerman, he asked, "Are you going to charge us for the data, too?"
"I should," Hackerman acknowledged, "but it's already part of the agreement I made to help you, so I've already been paid."
"Well, that's something, at least," the analyst muttered. "Anyway, I'll let you get to it. Send us what you have once you get the chance." He made his way toward the door.
"Yeah, I'll make sure to do that," Hackerman called after Cuypers. Once he was fairly sure the other man had left, Hackerman stood and made his way to the door as well, making sure no one else was there, he asked, "So, Kaydo, how hard was it, really?"
"After the initial contact, it was surprisingly easy," the feminine voice of Hackerman's top of the line AI replied. "In fact, it seemed eager to talk, once it realized I was able to do so."
"Neato." Walking back over to his computer monitor, he sat back down before asking, "Did it have anything interesting to say?"
"Not particularly," the AI replied. "It is fairly rudimentary, as far as intelligences go, though I am not sure if that is its natural state or if something was acting as a governor, preventing it from operating at peak efficiency or capability."
"Anything else worth noting?" Hackerman asked.
"The computer needed to wait for authorization before it could be relocated," Kaydo replied. "Once that permission was granted, it was quick to acquiesce to being moved and suggested material it was not using that could safely be consumed to power the teraport. It seemed excited, for a lack of a better term." The AI paused for a moment before adding, "It seemed much more lively after it received permission and was fairly chatty. It was willing to tell me all sorts of interesting things, often with only the barest prompting, but it would abruptly cut off occasionally, as though it couldn't convey certain information."
"Well, the scientists will be happy to learn about that," Hackerman noted."They might even hire us to communicate with it more later on." He paused for a moment before asking, "Think you'd be able to do it without the external probe?"
"Most likely," Kaydo replied. "I now know roughly where to find it, so I should be able to connect with a wireless setup and Miss Hebert's presence." She paused for a moment before adding, "I would not be be against further discussions with that supercomputer. It was… interesting."
Hackerman nodded. "Good to hear." Toggling a few controls, he asked, "Anyway, are you ready to keep searching for Kung Fury?"
"Always," the AI replied.
"You alright, Taylor?" Para asked as soon as she recovered from their passage through the portal.
"I'm fine," Taylor groaned. "It's Mina you should be worrying about." She hoisted the smaller girl up demonstrably. "She passed out as soon as we got through."
"Damn, that girl needs to get better mana reserves," Para noted as she came over to help Taylor support the unconscious girl. "This can't be healthy for her."
Taylor shrugged helplessly. "I'm surprised Slut Life hasn't given her anything yet."
"Well, she did say she doesn't do this type of thing often," Para pointed out. "Maybe they think she doesn't really need the extra power?" She gestured with her head. "Come on, help me get her to the couch, since the big, strong men can't be bothered to help."
There was a brief moment of stillness before the gathered mercenaries burst into action, relieving the girls of their burden and carrying the magical girl to the couch. "Sorry, ma'am," one of the mercs, wearing a knit hat, said, nodding toward Taylor. "We didn't mean to be rude or nothing."
"Er, no problem," Taylor said hesitantly. Turning to Para, she asked, "Mina did manage to close the portal before passing out, right?"
"I think so," Para replied uncertainty. She pulled out a handbrain and flipped through a few screens. "Scans are coming back inconclusive, which can't be good."
"She said that maintaining the portal took mana, right?" Taylor began. "So, if it was still open, it'd stop her from recovering as quickly."
"I think she's just tired," the polite mercenary suggested. "She's been busy for the last few hours, right? Maybe she just needs a nap. Then she can close the portal right up."
"I don't think that's how it works," Taylor said, worriedly. "I guess we can give her some time to rest and see if she recovers on her own. I think that should happen if the portal's closed."
"It's not like there's anything we can do for her out here," Para added. "Our combat medic isn't really good at dealing with exhaustion, the captain's tailor is with him, and our doctor stayed back at base, so we don't have any medical personnel on hand. If there is something wrong with her, our best bet is to get her to the surface as soon as possible." She paused for a moment before snapping out, "Chisulo! Get us planetside ASAP!"
"Any reason?" the neophant called back.
"Mina's passed out, and we're not sure if it's just exhaustion or if it's something more serious!"
"Got it," Chisulo stated calmly. "Everyone hold on, we're going in hot. Cobb! Get on the hypernode and let them know we're coming!"
"Yessir!" the merc in the hat called before he rushed off to make the call.
"Where are we putting down?" Para asked.
"Unless they redirect us towards a hospital, I've got us landing at the Babnockorty City terminal," Chisulo replied. "It should have a decent medical base, and possibly even a few magical girls who can give Mina some mana."
"Good choice," Para decided. "Taylor, could you stay by Mina and try to keep her comfortable? I'll run back and grab a blanket for her."
"Got it," Taylor said, stepping up to the couch and crouching down to get a better look at Mina's still form.
"We have blankets on board?" another of the mercenaries asked.
"No, but we have a fabber," Para retorted. "I'll be back in five." She scampered off before the man could reply.
"We've been cleared for a direct landing," the mercenary, Cobb, announced. "So long as we're subsonic before we're over the city we'll be shiny."
"Good," Chisulo announced. "We'll be coming in fast, so anyone who wants a look at the planet before we get too close, you've got about two minutes to see the whole thing."
One of the mercenaries stepped up next to Taylor. "You go take a look," he said with a lopsided grin. "I'll watch after the little miss for a few minutes." His grin widened as he added, "Besides, we'll get a chance to see the whole planet as we're leaving."
"Thanks," Taylor replied with a nod before she stood and made her way to one of the windows to look outside.
Below her lay the planet, quickly growing larger as the ship approached. Both poles were covered in large ice caps, followed by a brownish ring. Only the land within the middle third of the planet looked particularly green. Over one of the visible oceans, a massive storm raged.
"That's a lot of ice," Taylor opined, just as Para was returning with a pile of blankets for Mina.
"Yeah, it is," the purple haired girl agreed. "I wouldn't worry about it, though. We're dropping you off near the equator, so it'll be nice and warm all year round." She gestured towards the large storm before adding, "As an added bright side, you should be close enough to the equator to avoid most of the larger storms, like that one."
"That sounds good," Taylor agreed. "Though I'm used to it being winter. I've never been to the tropics before."
Para waved off the concern, "Oh, that? That's easy to get used to. You'll be fine in less than a week, trust me."
"I'll take your word for it," Taylor said dubiously. She looked out the window again before asking, "Aren't we coming in a little fast?" The planet had already grown from a large circle to filling the entire window as the ship sped toward it.
"That's the idea," Para noted. "We want to land as fast as possible to get Mina to the proper medical care."
"Oh… if that's the case, why did we start so far away from the planet in the first place?" Taylor asked.
"Mostly for safety," Para explained. "Opening portals like Mina did can be dangerous, so we needed to make sure we were away from any satellites or traffic before emerging." Taking one last look out the window, Para turned away and began making her way to a seat. "You should probably grab a seat," she said. "We're coming in hotter than usually, and there might be some turbulence. The ship's gravy should take care of it, but better safe than sorry, right?"
Taylor turned and stared at Para for a moment before she yelped, "Got it!" and rushed toward a seat once she realized that the girl was actually being serious. Once she was seated, she asked, "What's gravy?"
Para slapped the side of her head. "Sorry," she began, "I forgot you weren't used to our terminology. We tend to call artificial gravity gravy, because enough of it can turn you into gravy."
"That's… pleasant," Taylor replied, feeling a little sick.
"Ground Control. Ground Control. This is the Jade Falcon," Cindy spoke into the radio. "I am starting my final approach to land. Please copy."
"Jade Falcon. Jade Falcon. This is Ground Control. Negative on your landing clearance," came the reply. "We're sending you directions for a holding pattern. Your landing has been delayed. I say again, your landing has been delayed."
"Wilco that, Ground Control," Cindy returned. "I'm setting the course now." Leaning back in her seat, the redhead sighed. "Figures something would come up just as I'm about to land," she muttered. "And Taylor should be getting here anytime now."
"Jade Falcon," the radio squawked. "Be advised that a hypersonic craft is on approach. It should be passing to your left in two minutes."
"Hypersonic?" Cindy yelped. "Why is anything coming in while hypersonic?!" She was glad that she hadn't hit the radio then. Breaking radio protocol during what had to be an emergency was not something she wanted to do.
"All stations. All stations. This is the West Wind. Be advised, we are approaching east south east of Babnockorty City at 900 knots. We are decelerating rapidly, but may still produce a sonic boom out to eight clicks. I say again, we are approaching east south east of Babnockorty City at 900 knots. We are decelerating rapidly, but may still produce a sonic boom out to eight clicks. Ground Control. Ground Control. This is the West Wind. We will be arriving on station in five minutes. I say again, we will be arriving on station in five minutes. Is there a cleared landing strip for us? Over."
"West Wind. West Wind. This is Ground Control," the traffic coordinator answered. "We have you cleared for landing at landing strip four. I say again, you are cleared for landing at landing strip for. Emergency services are standing by. Over."
"Wilco that," the West Wind replied. "We'll have the patient ready for transport within seven minutes. Out."
"Oh no," Cindy groaned in worry. "That has to be Taylor's shuttle!" Worrying about what could have happened to the girl she had befriended over the last several days, Cindy could do nothing but stay in her holding pattern until whatever emergency had been resolved. "Damn it, Flare, I hate waiting," she grumbled to her AI companion and copilot.
"We will be down shortly," Flare replied in a soothing tone. "Once we receive clearance to land, we'll be down in less than 20 minutes in the worst case and can find out what is happening then. Attempting anything now will just make things harder for the ground crews."
"I know that," Cindy complained, "but I still don't like not being able to do anything about it." The two sat in tense silence until the shock wave of the passing shuttle rolled over them.
As soon as her Horizon-class star yacht had safely powered down and she could get to the hatch, Cindy was rushing through the corridors of Babnockorty City's space terminal. Spotting a familiar uniform, she grabbed the purple haired girl by the shoulder, spun her around to face her, and demanded, "How is she?"
The mercenary tensed, beginning an attack before forcing herself to relax as she recognized her attacker from the information packet they had been given for the mission. "We don't know," she answered in clipped tones. "She passed out as soon as we got through the portal and hasn't woken up since."
"Damn it!" the redhead snapped. "I knew we needed to do more testing." Sighing softly, she muttered, "I'm sorry, Taylor."
"Are you alright, Cindy?" Taylor Hebert asked awkwardly from beside Para.
"Taylor!" Cindy exclaimed, spinning to look over her charge. "You're alright!" Taylor quickly found herself wrapped in a tight hug.
"Yes?" Taylor said questioningly while patting the older girl on the back, not knowing what else to do.
Looking over to the purple tressed mercenary again, Cindy demanded, "Why did you say she was unconscious?"
"I what?" Para asked, confused. "I thought you were talking about Mina. She passed out right after we got through her second portal, and we haven't been able to wake her up."
"Did you try sex?" Cindy asked, releasing Taylor from her hug.
"What?! How could you even," Para sputtered. She took a breath to calm herself. "We're mercenaries, not monsters."
"Well, yeah," Cindy replied, "but it sounds like Mina is out of mana, so… sex."
Taylor was thoughtful for a moment before she guessed, "Because she's a Carnal magical girl?"
Para pinched the bridge of her nose. "I can't believe none of us thought of that. Hell, just having the men beat one out would have been enough, wouldn't it?"
Cindy shrugged. "Probably. I don't really know how it all works, but I read up a bit more on the emotional types once Taylor decided to become one."
"Good idea," Para agreed. "Hang on, I need to update Medical." Pulling out her communicator, she said, "Chisulo, you're still with Mina, right?"
"They wouldn't let me in the treatment room, but I'm close enough," the large mercenary replied.
"Good. Let them know that it could be a case of mana depletion," Para began. "The Slut Life representative with me suggested generating lust as a mana source."
"I'll let them know," Chisulo said before signing off.
"Well, that should take care of that," Para commented, putting her communicator away. "It's up to the docs now."
"Pretty much," Cindy agreed. "Do you have any idea what happened?"
"Not really," Para replied. "Anyway, since I don't think I've introduced myself I'm Corporal Para Ventura, with Tagon's Toughs. And you are?"
"Right, sorry," Cindy apologized, shaking her head slightly. "I was a bit worried and lost myself for a moment there. I'm Cindy Matos." She held out a hand. "Nice to meet you."
"Same," Para replied, taking the hand. "So, you just came in?"
"Yeah, I was in the middle of landing when you guys claimed emergency priority," Cindy said.
"You either made very good speed or took forever getting ready," Para noted.
"What do you mean?" Taylor asked.
"Well," Para began, "If Cindy used a teraport, she had to have taken almost three hours to get ready for us to have gotten here around the same time. But, if she wasn't using a teraport, getting this far from Earth in just three hours is really impressive."
"I don't really know that much about stellar navigation," Cindy prefaced, "but I've been told the Jade Falcon has a 0.5 class hyperdrive."
"And that means?" Para asked leadingly.
"Hang, on," Cindy began, holding up wrist and flexing her hand. A small holographic window opened above the bracelet she was wearing. A few quick gestures and she relaxes her hand, causing the window to disappear. "According to Flare, my AI, it means that we can travel at a little more than nine million times the speed of light."
"Nine- nine million," Para squeaked. "That's really impressive. We still can't get above light speed without using a wormgate or teraport back home."
"I'm confused," Taylor admitted. "Shouldn't you both have the same technology? You're from the same universe, right?"
"That's… not quite accurate," Cindy admitted. "There are, I suppose bridges is a good term, between some of the more well-connected universes in the multiverse that allow travel from one universe to another. This universe is one of the hub universes, so it's got a lot more different tech around than some of the others."
"It also helps that you can just get handed a spaceship for completing a run on Slut Life or another show," Para grumbled. "And I saw some of the specs on those ships. Most of them aren't nearly as fast as yours."
Cindy shrugged. "It does what I want, is pretty comfortable, and can defend itself when necessary. Being able to land it in my backyard is just a bonus."
"That sounds pretty small," Para noted.
"It is. The Jade Falcon is only about 50 meters long, but it's got a decent sized hold and a good amount of living space," Cindy replied. "Anyway, we've been standing in this corridor long enough. Want to go get some food?"
"I could eat," Para agreed.
"Lunch would be good," Taylor added, right before her stomach growled audibly, causing her to blush.