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  1. 0Jordinio0

    To Love Ru Multicross Options

    So a discussion came up, and I honestly couldn't think of much that would be a good fit for To Love Ru using it as the base world. Basically series that would fit in the To Love Ru universe and not break established rules....to much. Any ideas?
  2. HelioBM

    Fate/Absurd Tale, or One Hit is Enough, But Not That Hit (Onepunchman/Fate short fic)

    Just (not very good) translation of my old text. Fate/Absurd Tale, or One Hit is Enough, But Not That Hit - Servant Puncher arrived! - annouce materialised before her… Being. Rin very much in doubt look over Servant. Yellow tights, red gloves… He looks less like Heroic Spirit and more like a...
  3. LucaNox220

    Shadow of the Self (Elder Scrolls/Multicross SI)
    Threadmarks: Shadow of the Prisoner 1.1

    A teen wakes up in the world of the Elder Scrolls, except it was just his luck that he couldn’t be the Dragonborn, whose story he had memorized. Or the Nerevarine whose story he knew fairly well, he couldn’t even be the protagonist of any of the major games. Instead he was the hero of an Obscure...
  4. We Just Write

    Dragon's Hoard (Worm Multicross)
    Threadmarks: Intro: Foothold

    "Miss Teresa Richter." Immediately, my attention was diverted from monitoring the Birdcage to the sharply-dressed man somehow standing in the building holding my main servers. Reviewing the footage, he'd apparently just walked out of a nonexistent gap in my camera coverage of the building. He...
  5. ldumbass


    hey so i read this fanfic a while ago and it's a self insert in medieval camelot ,it's SI/Morgan and it becomes multicross when arturia is born so morgan doesn't go crazy , anyone knows the name if so thanks
  6. ReiZetsubou

    Modded Factorio Multicross SI Rev.2
    Threadmarks: 01: The beginning

    This is a re-write of a previous story that will attempt to fix my previous lack of writing ability. With an emphasis on “attempt”. I had time during the lockdown. EXE I woke up to an unfamiliar moon. Lifting myself up, I looked around and found a desolate multicolored savannah. Looking...
  7. JBukharin

    The Living Bot! (Multiverse ft. Robot!SI)
    Threadmarks: Star Wars 1 - It's a bot! But also human!

    I hate my life- Actually scratch that, I hate the sob that has put me in this shitty situation. I think the term is ROB. SOB or ROB, there is still some sunnuvabeach that got us in this poopy version of Frankestein. It's not that bad. The B1 Droid is still mobile- Compared to a cup of...
  8. Allen1996

    Threadmarks: beginning

    I always thought that the person who were saying they seen alight when they was near of the death was a band of fucking liar, i was right after all. How can you confuse a bar with many bottles of unknows substances… and a creepy person with a hoodie I guess?! “Who the fuck I am?!” and because...
  9. BrokenRobot

    Misplaced Soul (Darkstalkers/Multicross - Lilith SI)
    Index: 001

    I woke up on the floor. Well, a floor. I’ve slept on floors a couple times in the past but generally I had an idea how I got there. This looks to be an office building. And not a familiar- THOOM -what in the fuck was that?! The whole building shakes, and I grab a cubicle wall for balance...
  10. messageboy

    Limits? Limits! (OC Multicross/Original)

    Limits? Limits! (OC Multicross/Original) Hello, this is something that I am posting to help drive me to spend more time on it with public pressure then keeping it private until I finish it. So I am rather new at showing my stories publicly and know that my sense of grammar is quite bad. So...
  11. tEN

    AOYC (Multicross SI)

    I frowned in annoyance at the window on my screen. I wasn’t sure why the password I was using suddenly stopped working, and I really wasn’t sure why my old AOL account from twenty years ago was still the recovery account. On the fifth try I remembered my childhood password, right before I got...
  12. Emiya Pendragon

    The Universe Cracks up. (Semi Crack WORM CYOA SI) Multicrossover
    Threadmarks: Unicrack 1

    I have always been fascinated by the Self-inserts that I see in sufficient velocity or space battles. I wonder what It would be like to escape this world. I knew such a thing cannot happen but nonetheless, I can't help but desire it. Little did I know that my worldview was about to change...
  13. RandytheBlackKnight

    Multiversal News Service
    Threadmarks: Report 1

    The screen flickered, static creating a small light in the otherwise pitch black area, and then suddenly it stopped, the faint hissing was replaced by music while the black and white gave way to a dazzling array of colors. Once the intro ran down the image shifted, a man in black gothic plate...
  14. Ars Nova


    Prologue Blinding pain greeted me when I woke up. It was unbearable, and I felt my consciousness slipping very fast. "We don't have a lot of time, make your wish so that you may live" That voice...its familiar to me. A wish huh...what do I want? The pain in my stomach was getting to me...
  15. MasterG

    A Wannabe Researcher's Attempt to Create a Magitech Empire - A Semi-SI's Multicross Journey
    Threadmarks: Index

    Index The Main Character is a Semi-Self Insert because while he acts much in the same way as I would, he has been changed in order to maintain my privacy
  16. Anon̦̦

    Of Witches and Crafting [SI Multicross]

    Of Witches and Crafting; Or, how I am joining the bandwagon to get out of my funk. Dear Journal: Today I have finally managed to create paper and adquire ink (coal is quite messy), and thus I created you. It's only been three days and the loneliness is already jarring. I wonder, was this a...
  17. MasterG

    How would a Multiversal Traveler go about gettting these things?

    If a multiversal Traveler wants to build a Multiversal Scientific Institute, what universes would you suggest to get the following assets? 1) Easy to get Nanotechnology 2) Easy to get Magical Powers aka not spells but the ability to do magic in and of itself. 3) Easy to get Cloning Tech 4)...
  18. Alexander

    Did you hear that more Problem Children are co-they are who?! (Mondaiji/Multicross) (DEAD)
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    Originally posted on Spacebattles: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/did-you-hear-that-more-problem-children-are-co-they-are-who-mondaiji-multicross.396871 Soon on Sufficient Velocity too. Summary: In which the Fantasy Killer, an impartial Non-Equal and a young King of Heroes band...
  19. ryuan

    A Traveling Commander [TA/Multicross]
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1

    As I stared at the screen, it was with great satisfaction that I took a sip at my coffee as I watched the ending of the CORE CONTINGENCY campaign. I had downloaded the game a couple of days back and spent all my free time playing it. The prototype in terms of 'von neuman kill bots RTS', being...