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Advent of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

Don't necro. This is against Rule 7.
hello first quest i'm taking apart of so be gentle please.

my vote is spend time with akeno.

btw typing this on a Xbox so i can't do the vote box thing
Excalibur Arc - Part 9
[X] Spend time with
-[X] Irina
No. of Votes: 12


Blight Gecko





Prince Charon





[X] Spend time with...
-[X] Akeno
No. of Votes: 9
John At Dawn







soul ice


[X] Talk with...
-[X] Kiba
No. of Votes: 2


[X] Trainning with ...
-[X] Kiba
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Spend time with Koneko
No. of Votes: 1

Previous Votes:

[X] Continue working on your own version of the Evil Pieces.
[X] Resume magic lessons with Akeno.
[X] Complete training for Hypnotic Tongue Technique and Hastening Night's End.
[X] Practice (Raise Rank in Devil Magic)

The incident with Aika aside...no, you cannot really call it an incident. Because, she wasn't angry at you for being intimate with Mittelt.

Simply put, you shouldn't have really mentioned another woman in the aftermath of your 'fun times' with Aika.

[That was a very impolite thing to do Issei.] Elsha as you go through the homework accumulated during your absence. [Multiple relationships or not, when she is alone with a man a woman wants to feel special to him, like she's the only one in his life.]

'What about threesome? Or foursome?' You ask, genuinely curious. 'Or any other -some?'

[This and that are different things. No matter how kinky a woman can be, there will always be a romantic in here somewhere.]

'Oooo...kay.' You wince at another spike of phantom pain. 'And how should I make up for blunders without suffering so much?'

[Be a man and endure~] She sing-songs. [Oor, a very long and private date somewhere she likes.]

That is a way better alternative.

Someone knocks at the door. "Ise-kun?" Comes Irina's voice. "Can I enter?"

"Yes, come in."

As she steps inside, still wearing that black skin-tight bodysuit that is for some unfathomable reason the attire of female exorcists, you have to once again admit your old friend grew into a very beautiful young woman. The violet eyes are the same as ever, but the chestnut hair are now long and tied into glorious twintails. Even if you don't have Motohama's Doujutsu, you can tell her body measurements are firmly in the [Full Stamp Of Approval!] category!

Sol and Luna both, you're a pervert and even you can feel the awkwardness of that! Even more since Irina is now your best friend by virtue of Matsuda and Motohama having reached the bottom floor of the ranking and the others you all met only a month ago.

And, of course, Ddraig is laughing. Die shitty dragon, die!

Irina lets herself fall on the bed, bouncing a few times with evident appreciation. "It's been a while, isn't it?" She looks around with a nostalgic smile. "We used to come here, wait for Auntie to bring us snacks and then spend the day playing fighting games."

"Yeah." I nod in reminiscence. "You would lose most of the times, but keep insisting for a rematch until you win. Then you would drag me outside to play 'heroes and villains', but to be allowed to play the hero I had to plead a lot because you didn't like the idea of being the bad guy."

She pouts. "Muoo, Ise-kun! Why must you remember something so embarrassing?"

"We were kids." You shrug. "It would have been stranger if we didn't do stupid things. Or do you prefer for them to come out from your parents when your friends from school visit?"

"No way!" She visibly shudders. "No way! No way! I'll die of embarrassment if it happens!" then she laughs. "I'm so glad...Even if you changed so much, in some ways you're still the old, silly Ise-kun."

"And you're still Shido-kun, even if now is Shido-chan." You crack a smile. Is this what normalcy feels like? You almost forgot. "Say, when did you enter the supernatural world?"

"You can say since the day I was born. Papa is also an exorcist, and I'm following in his footsteps. Ah, but I learned that the servants of the Lord still visit the Earth when I started Middle School, and Papa asked me if I wanted to become a member of the Church too."

You nod. "Is that way you had to transfer to England?"

Irina's smile dims. "No...not only for that at least. Even if he tried to hid it Papa was very sad at the time. I think something bad happened, and he couldn't bear to stay there."

"Did you ask...?" She shakes her head. "Okay." None of your business anyway.

Now, how to improve the mood...Eureka! "Hey, Irina-chan?" You grin. "Want to do something embarrassing?"


You begin to search within your cupboard. "Where...where...Here!" With a flourish spin you put on the red sheet like a mantle and turn around. "You thought it was your childhood friend...but it was me, Demon King Hi-Odo! Hero Irina, prepare for your demise! Buahaha!"

Irina looks at you like you're insane before a fire ignites in her eyes. She jumps back to her feet and makes a pose Phoenix Wright would be proud of. "Never! As long as this heart of mine beats with the power of Justice, I will never allow you and your wicked ways to prevail! In the name of the Lord I will defeat you! Amen!"

Too late you and Irina realized the door was left open, but it was great while it lasted.

Re-Kindled Intimacy:

Irina Shidou (Friendship)


There is nobody inside when you enter the ORC's room. Checking the message again you confirm that, yes, you're on time for the magic lesson with Akeno. Even if the time and day is different from your normal routine. "Akeno-sempai?"

"Ara, Issei-kun? Welcome." The black haired beauty's voice from behind a door. "Please get comfortable, I'm almost ready."

"Okay." You take a seat and sit down. "Koneko-chan isn't here yet?"

"She cannot come today. And the others are busy with a...complicated request. It's just me and you, Isse-kun...just me and you. Fufufufu."

There is...something strange with Akeno's voice. But what, you cannot say. "Is that so? In that case, do you mind if we go through what I already learned one more time." The door opens. "I want to make sure I can use what I already have well eno-gh!" You almost bite your tongue when you see Akeno.

Red heels. Almost transparent stockings that reach mid-thigh before showing the garterbelt's suspenders and tantalizing flesh. A miniskirt so short it almost covers nothing. A white shirt a few sizes too small, forcing her to keep open half the buttons and creating a magnificent of her breasts and the black bra holding them. The long black hair has been tied into a bun. The nails has been painted red, and the only piece of make-up is the deep crimson lipstick on her lips curved up in a sultry smile, while the violet eyes are drilling holes into you from behind black-framed glasses.

As she walks to the desk, hips swaying all the while, her humming makes you swallow. "Indeed. It isn't the size of what you have that matters, but how you use it. Though, I know for you aren't falling behind in either category, Issei-kun~"

"Thank...you." You manage to get out. You know Akeno's way of speaking can get suggestive at times, but that was almost a phrase worth of a porn. "Akeno-sempai, what-"

"Sensei!" Fast as lightning a stick appears in her hands and she slams it down on the desk, producing a sharp 'crack'. "Call me sensei!"

"Akeno-sensei!" You stand up straighter. "Can I ask what's going on?!"

"You may." She sits on the desk and crosses her legs...revealing a very risquè black lingerie. "Simply put, since I'm being a teacher I decided to dress also the part."

Moving her center of gravity she leans on the desk's surface. So, for today, I'll be your sensei and you my adorable little student who will be on his best behavior. Bad boys will be punished." Then she spanks her own ass. "Like this."

[ME! ME! I'VE BEEN A BAD BOY! PUNISH ME!] One of your sempai screams, soon followed by many identical cries. Both male and female.

You pinch yourself, only to receive the confirmation that, no, this isn't one of your usual erotic dreams.

"Did you listen to what I said, Issei-kun?" Akeno asks with an overly sweet tone moving the stick between her breasts.

"Yes Akeno-sempai!" You reply. Until you can find an explanation that isn't just 'Akeno is being weird' it's better to play around. "Please forgive me Akeno-sempai!"

"Fufufufu. That's how I like you Issei-kun, docile and submissive." She sensually licks her fingers. "Though I don't mind ravenous, manly beasts either."

With that the lesson begins, but Akeno's weird behavior doesn't abate. Rather, it escalates to the point where she uses every excuse to say something with a double meaning, make an erotic pose or both.

You don't dare move a muscle above your chest, afraid that the slightest stimulation will set off your raging boner. The excited voices of your sempai for the 'free show' don't help. 'Can you please shut up and give me a hand?!'

No sane response. Only a few, agonizing minutes later there is sudden but blessed silence. [Sorry, took us a while to figure out the trick.] Comes the voice of one of your male sempai. [To help you...well, isn't it clear the lil' lass is seducing you?]

'I got that much!' Seriously, there are not many way to misunderstand this. 'But why here and like this?'

[...Honest opinion?]


[She's a damn big pervert. S&M, or she just wants you to take advantage of her because roleplays like that turn her on the most. Like those women that only go after married men for the taste of the forbidden.]

Your thoughts come to a screeching halt.

[Look, I know you're a honest kid...but women that wants to be forced don't exist solely within eroge. They're rare, yes, but not a fantasy.]

(OOC: Link to NSFW scene.)


At the end of the week the moment you were both dreading and waiting for finally arrives.

Your Manse, and official residence as a Youkai Yakuza Boss, is ready.



By appearance and structure it resembles the Nura residence: a traditional Japanese mansion, with lot of rooms, gardens and rice paper walls. Since there is no Heartstone it takes some time and Bright's coaching to move your attunement from the demesne to the manse, but you eventually manage.

"How nostalgic." Homura comments while else is either exploring the compound or, like Kii and Mii, is bringing in the furniture.

"Nostalgic?" You ask while adjusting a mirror so it doesn't reflect backward.

"Hebijo, our Shinobi School, was located inside an old castle." She explains. "The old Japanese style is the same. So this is your new home, uh?"

"Well, for now it's just a 'house'. This whole affair just happened outside my control." You take out and handle to her a slip of paper. "But you can consider it your new home. After all, you and your friends are its new guardians. Here's the password."

She takes and reads it before laughing. "[The light from the dragon's scales will illuminate the path]?"

"Homura!" Mirai opens the door at the end of the corridor. "There's an Onsen! An Onsen! Me and Haruka-sama are taking a bath!" She closes it again.

She blinks. "An Onsen? A real Onsen? Here? How does it work?"

You look up. "If I say 'magic'...?"

"I'll accept it because of the private Onsen." She grins. "What else does this place have?"

"A training room with advanced training dummies, moving targets and variable difficulty settings. Then the automated kitchen that help you cook whatever you want, and-"

"GIANT BEAN PLANTS!" Followed by a girlish scream of delight.

"Right. Probably should have mentioned the 'able to provide any type of food, animal or vegetal' stuff..."

"...Did you give just Yomi the ability to put bean sprouts in any dish?" Homura asks with a shaking voice.

"Again, automated kitchen that help you cook."

"I haven't touched meat in months! YOU WILL NOT TAKE IT AWAY FROM ME!" She yells before rushing away.

"...That sounds rough." I rub the back of my head.

{Leave handling their diet to the mortals. If they cannot look after themselves at least that much, they're a liability.} Bright harshly says. {You have more important matters to attend to. The workshop worm, the workshop.}

"Right!" You move deeper into the house, past your excited friends and into the most sacred and private place of the manse.

The Workshop. Filled with the best tools and ingredients your (current) money could buy, it's a dream came true.

For Bright, it's barely passable for a Solar, even one as young as you. But really, at the moment it's your best option.

{This will have to do for now. The most important thing is starting to work on a prototype.}

Yes, the prototype for you own version of the Evil Pieces.

Time to remove a few of humanity's limits.

Void Manse

-The energy from the Void promotes creativity and intellect (+1 dice to all Intelligence rolls)

-No HearthStone

-Maintenance: one full day every month

-Fragility 1: 6L/9B, 30 points of damage

-Habitability: a nice home

Attunement Recognition

Basic Sense

Cosmetic Displays

Well Flavored Aspect (Solar)

Password Activations

Magical Conveniences (that can't be provided by technological means)
-Advanced training room
-Onsen (works despite the lack of a source of hot water. Solars are awesome ^^)
-Automated kitchen (you can cook in it: the kitchen itself will help you)

Provider (Mag 4) (every food needed is provided, no matter the type)

Master's Workshop

Wyld Revocation (Time) (time flows faster inside, working like the hyperbolic time chamber from DBZ)


The next day you find yourself standing on the ground floor of the old school building, in front of a door sealed by tape with 'KEEP OUT' and various magical seals written on it. Everyone from the ORC is also gathered there.


Well, in your case it's because Rias asked for your help, saying that the method you used to help Raiser may be needed. Why is may be needed...she's explaining it right now.

"All of you know I have a Bishop member in my peerage. But new members like Raynare has never seen him. It's because his ability is deemed dangerous and he cannot control it at all. I was also unable to help him control it, so the higher-ups decided to seal him. However, thanks to the matter with the fertility charms and a recommendation from the Phenex family I was given another chance and the sealing condition has been lifted."

She explains before knocking on the door. Not receiving a response she starts to lift the magical seal on the door.

"So we're all here to deal with the most problematic member?" Dohna asks. "What's he like?"

"All day, he lives inside this room. His powers loosen up in the night, and if he stays within the building he can exit the room, but he refuses to do even that."

"...A hikikomori?" You ask. Rias' sigh pretty much confirm it. "Then, rather than his ability isn't his personality a bigger problem?"

Rias sighs again.

"However, the kid inside is the biggest earner among us." Akeno says while helping Kiba remove the tape.

"How?" Kala asks.

"Through a computer. He takes special contracts from those humans who don't like to meet directly and do everything through the internet. Among the new devil servants, this kid grabs enough numbers like those of a superior rank."

"So he's a hikikomori who deal with other hikikomori?"

"To be fair, suddenly appearing from a magic circle in front of someone for the first time may give the wrong impression." Kiba sighs. "You can even cause a stroke that way."

...You never thought of that.

"Now then, I am opening the door." Once the magic seal is gone Rias opens the door-


An outrageously high scream is emitted from inside! W-What was that?

Rias isn't surprised, rather while sighing again she enters alongside

Akeno while the rest of you wait outside. "Good day. It's nice to see you all energetic."


Judging from the voice, it could be a middle schooler. A girl? Or a younger male?

"Ara ara, the seal got removed you know? You can leave the building now. Now, let's all go out together."

Akeno's voice is gentle, trying to make that person relax.

"Noooooooooooooooooo! This place is gooooooooooood! I don't want to go outside! I don't want to meet peopleeeeeee!"

However, this is clearly a seriously bad case of hikikomori.

Kiba is smiling bitterly and Koneko is sighing. The Fallen Trio is exchanging confusing glances.

"Yeah, no. I'm not dealing with this. You, bastard: go there and do your bullshit. I've a date tomorrow, I don't want to postpone it." Dohna orders.

"Invoking the Bro Code is a low blow." You deadpan. Why the unrepentant asshole snickers you steel your resolve and walk inside.

With curtains tightly shut close, the dim room is decorated in an unexpectedly cute manner, like a girl's room. Stuffed dolls are present as well, and also...a coffin?

Approaching further I look at who Rias and Akeno are talking to.


A cute blonde girl! With noble looks, golden hair and red eyes she looks like a doll. Dressed in Kuoh Academy's girl's uniform she is sitting down on the floor and shaking a lot. If you put her next to Asia, they make a wonderful pair!

But wait. "Is she the mysterious Bishop? Why did you use the male pronum when talking about her then?"

"Appearance-wise, this kid here looks like a girl but without a doubt he is a boy." Rias calmly explains while looking at me.


Within me, a crack appears over something precious to me.

"He has a hobby of dressing in female clothes."

Akeno calmly adds.


That precious something shatters like cheap porcelain.


You scream out in absolute despair. Somewhere out there, a black and white stuffed bear is letting out a creepy laugh.

"Eeeeeeeeeeek!I am sorry, I am sorryyyyyyyyyyy!"

The golden haired guy dressed like a girl lets out a shriek.


[Ara. Cute traps are fine too.] Elsha happily comments.

The last restrain snaps, causing you to retreat to a corner and sulk. You just answer "I'm fine..maybe.." to questions while trying to get to terms with this real-life Hideyoshi.

That's when, suddenly, your field of vision turns white-

Only to snap back to normal an instant later. Feeling malice in the air you shove the shock aside and jump back to your feet, ready to fight any danger.

Nobody is moving. While you were sulking the others walked inside, but they're currently immobile as if frozen in time. Except for the blonde Bishop, who is freeing himself from where Dohna is pulling at his arms. Only to stop and stare at you with wide eyes...eyes that are glowing, the red iris now displaying a black grid and a yellow pupil. "Y-You can move?!"

You point a finger at him. "Hey you, real-life Hideyoshi! What did you do to everyone?"

"Don't get angry! Don't get angry! Please don't hit meeeeeeeee! Wait, real-life Hideyoshi...you mean Hideyoshi Kinoshita from [Baka to test to shokanju]? No way! At least compare me to Yuuko-chan!"

"You...really were wrong with the wrong gender, uh?" Instead of being angry, now you just feel sad.

At that moment everyone begins moving again. While the Fallen Trio looks confused in general, Rias is looking at you directly. "Ise, you...I see, you weren't affected. That's good, maybe you can really help him."

"What happened? Wait, is this related to the ability this guy cannot control?"

"Correct." Akeno begins to explain. "He possesses a Sacred Gear that, when he's excited, causes the time of everything in his field of vision to be stopped for a fixed interval."

Stopping time? Seriously? There are Sacred Gear that can do it?

{I strongly doubt that.} Bright comments. {Time flows even onward. Even if the rules of this world are looser than those of Creation, you can meddle with time only so much. Stopping time can only be done when relative to yourself, essentially letting you momentarily slip out of the normal flow of time. Since your anti-Shaping defense activated, I can guess the real effect of this Sacred Gear is making the brains of those he looks at think time is stopped, creating a gap thoughts and sensory reading.}

That's a more likely explanation.

Rias hugs the blonde guy from behind, and said to everyone: "This boy is Gasper Vladi, my Bishop and Kuoh Academy's first year student. Also, before being reincarnated he was a half human, half vampire."

Eeeh, a vampire that can stop time?


"A vampire...that can stop time?" You repeat out loud in a hollow voice.

Rias give me a questioning look. "Yes?"

"A blonde vampire that can stop time? Doesn't it sound familiar?!"

She shakes her head before stopping halfway, eyes widen in sudden realization. Stepping back she stares at Gasper in complete shock. "Gasper-kun...you..."

"Ueh?" Oblivious to the real reason he lets out an unforgivable cute sound of confusion.

"Unforgivable!" You repeat out loud.


"Being small and cute! Dressing like a girl! No way! No way! No way!"

You leave the room, go to where you know Rias keeps her otaku items, find what you need and return. Then you stand in front of Gasper, pointing at him while the other hand is holding a rolled-up poster. "Listen well Gasper Vladi-kohai! My name is Issei Hyodo, second year! My job is to do the impossible! Carve those words into your heart! Nice to meet you!"

"Uwaaaah! I don't understand what's going on anymore!"

"That is fine! You only need to understand this! That I will train you-"

You slam the poster on the wall and open it.


"Until you look exactly like this!"

"No waaaayyyy! There is absolutely no way for me to even remotely look like that incredibly handsome gentleman!" She shrieks, his eyes sparkling and mouth drooling.

Yep, definitely born the wrong gender.

"I approve!" Rias declares resolutely.

You have gained the "Turn Gasper Vladi into Dio Brando" resolution.

You are a Solar, you can do it. Maybe.

In any case, what's the plan for now?

[] Write-in.


I really need to stop doing this. Updating once a month, I mean.

I just hope this update makes you laugh enough to make up.

Replying posts later, writing this much took a lot and I need to take a breath of fresh air.
Last edited:
"No waaaayyyy! There is absolutely no way for me to even remotely look like that incredibly handsome gentleman!" She shrieks, his eyes sparkling and mouth drooling.

Yep, definitely born the wrong gender.
Oh please.

Every person who has a sense of sexual attractant inside them would think that DIO is hot. Dude or Girl this blonde british vampire with the body of his step(?)-brother is a Chick and Dude Magnet.
I really need to stop doing this. Updating once a month, I mean.
As long as you manage to continue doing that, and maybe release on a monthly basis for several stories, I have no problems with your release schedule.
Since your anti-Shaping defense activated, I can guess the real effect of this Sacred Gear is making the brains of those he looks at think time is stopped, creating a gap thoughts and sensory reading.}
Except in canon, he stopped a ball in midair. It just floated there without moving or being able to be moved until time returned to it. I believe the Balance Breaker was super bullshit though...

Thanks for the update!

Oh please.

Every person who has a sense of sexual attractant inside them would think that DIO is hot. Dude or Girl this blonde british vampire with the body of his step(?)-brother is a Chick and Dude Magnet.
As a guy, I can say I do not find him hot...I do think he needs medical help though, because he has to be suffering from some genetic disease.
Except in canon, he stopped a ball in midair. It just floated there without moving or being able to be moved until time returned to it. I believe the Balance Breaker was super bullshit though...
it's fine, Shaping can do whatever it wants as long as it's not no-selled by the world or a Solar Charm /laugh there is a reason the Sidereal Duck Punch is a Meme
I agree with bright sensei, to a point, Balor eye doesn't stop time, but its effect appears like that- it is like pausing a movie, Balor's eye freezes things in place, and to cover what bright sensei said, I think she was refering specifically to its effect on living things where it makes them pause mentally, they aren't paralyzed but they aren't aware of time passing while they are paused

to make the obvious comparison, Dio can move and do things while absolutely everything else is immovable (barring star platinum) Gasper can only do it to an area, thus it it more like pausing things then stopping time. Though if gasper can chain it through his bat eyes when he turns into a swarm he could to a good impression of Dio- even before getting into any subspecies or ballance breakers

I wonder if Gasper is so eager because he would like to look like dio, or if he is attracted to Dio (I could believe either)

on that note, It is wonderful to see this update as one of my favorite crossovers.
I agree with bright sensei, to a point, Balor eye doesn't stop time, but its effect appears like that- it is like pausing a movie, Balor's eye freezes things in place, and to cover what bright sensei said, I think she was refering specifically to its effect on living things where it makes them pause mentally, they aren't paralyzed but they aren't aware of time passing while they are paused

to make the obvious comparison, Dio can move and do things while absolutely everything else is immovable (barring star platinum) Gasper can only do it to an area, thus it it more like pausing things then stopping time. Though if gasper can chain it through his bat eyes when he turns into a swarm he could to a good impression of Dio- even before getting into any subspecies or ballance breakers

I wonder if Gasper is so eager because he would like to look like dio, or if he is attracted to Dio (I could believe either)

on that note, It is wonderful to see this update as one of my favorite crossovers.
Doesn't his power also freeze object in place ? That would make it more then just a mental effect if that's the case.

Personally, I was under the impression that he created a bubble withing which time is stopped but doesn't do anything to what's outside it.
How many years was it again since Alex last updated?
Only one month.

Except in canon, he stopped a ball in midair. It just floated there without moving or being able to be moved until time returned to it. I believe the Balance Breaker was super bullshit though...
Well, Bright hasn't see that yet. But she would probably have an explanation for it too.

No, but there's a description of him all grown up. Something about being manly as fukk.
Talk about irony.

I wonder if Gasper is so eager because he would like to look like dio, or if he is attracted to Dio (I could believe either)
No one knows for sure. Not even him ;)
hello first quest i'm taking apart of so be gentle please.

my vote is spend time with akeno.

btw typing this on a Xbox so i can't do the vote box thing
Welcome! I suggest using something else than the Xbox to vote if you can't do the vote box.

...you have caught my interest. What is the SDP, and what can it do that is Meme worthy?
A Sidereal Martial Arts Charm, it lets you change what you hit into (almost) whatever you want, even nothing (effectively killing it). Thus was the "punch someone so hard it..." meme born.
...you have caught my interest. What is the SDP, and what can it do that is Meme worthy?
The Geographical Duck-Punching Method is a Sidereal martial arts combo that uses charms from the Charcoal March of Spiders school and some perception charms to punch everyone in Creation so hard they turn into a duck. Twice.

Adding one more charm to that combo turns it into the Creation-Slaying Oblivion Kick. It's... pretty much exactly what it sounds like.
Welcome! I suggest using something else than the Xbox to vote if you can't do the vote box.

A Sidereal Martial Arts Charm, it lets you change what you hit into (almost) whatever you want, even nothing (effectively killing it). Thus was the "punch someone so hard it..." meme born.

The Geographical Duck-Punching Method is a Sidereal martial arts combo that uses charms from the Charcoal March of Spiders school and some perception charms to punch everyone in Creation so hard they turn into a duck. Twice.

Adding one more charm to that combo turns it into the Creation-Slaying Oblivion Kick. It's... pretty much exactly what it sounds like.
So can it turn people into near anything or only ducks and oblivion (which is humorous and awesome on its own)?

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