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[X] Don't let her go
-[X] Mind control is an oft under appreciated art, and you need some practice. Besides, she will still be your friend afterwards, right?
[X] Don't let her go
-[X] Attempt a Glamour
--[X] If that fails have the spirit knock her out then keep watching her while you ask Hollow Man for advice
[X] Don't let her go
-[X] Knock her unconscious
-[X] Keep a spirit watching her at all times, even while she's unconscious.

Overgeneralizing much?
While my explanation was a bit generalized, it doesn't make it any less true.

It all comes down to them fixing her so NOTHING will ever be more important to her than the cause. It's one of the reasons man are/were turned into eunuchs as well.
You spend the next minute trying to carefully word your offer before you finally say "So... I was thinking about your problem with uh conceiving. I could probably make it so you could have kids again if you want and I could also help you get revenge on those that hurt you. But in return I will need your help in destroying the Empire."

"No thank you." she says without looking up from her work.


"No thank you." she says again but more firmly this time.
Because we were advocating for the destruction of the Empire, the literal raison d'être of Night's existence..... on a faulty assumption without evidence.
And THAT is why my vote had not a single mention of E88. She's now completely disregarded our offer of healing her, and will not think on it later, we blasted it against her programming and the programming won, we needed to nudge it in, not try to hammer it in.

We're Fae, manipulating mortals should be instinctual... So why do we suck at it so much?

Our only options now are to either let her go, and escape immediately; or capture her.
While my explanation was a bit generalized, it doesn't make it any less true.

It all comes down to them fixing her so NOTHING will ever be more important to her than the cause. It's one of the reasons man are/were turned into eunuchs as well.
The thing is, "overgeneralizing" means that you're generalizing to the point where it isn't true anymore.

Hell, I know a good number of women who are actively trying to get themselves sterilized.

And your comment about women's instincts, especially in the context of brainwashing? No. Just no.
[X] Let her go
-Have the spirit watch her. Just in case she doesn't have to go and is going to do something sneaky. If she does do something sneaky, have the spirit stop her.
--In case she is going to do something sneaky instead of going to the bathroom, cast a spell on her to make her have to go really really bad. Just to be sure.
[X] Read her mind now
While you wait to

[X] Wait for her husband to come back and grab him to


[X] Leave and do a frame job

By burning down the house
[X] Read her mind now
[X] Wait for her husband to come back and grab him to
[X] Leave and do a frame job
-[X] Read her mind back at the Necropolis

Her husband is Fog... I don't think we have anything capable of beating fog in our repertoire atm, unless the manacles can do it somehow, but we don't know their powers yet... We really should take a vote to study them and learn how to use them.
because you didn't add a dialogue.
every time I've included dialog with my vote, and the vote won, the opposite of my dialog has happened...
The thing is, "overgeneralizing" means that you're generalizing to the point where it isn't true anymore.

Hell, I know a good number of women who are actively trying to get themselves sterilized.

And your comment about women's instincts, especially in the context of brainwashing? No. Just no.
I know some women who have gotten their tubes tied myself. But it's only a small % of women who can have that done without psychological effects.

If you do a bit of research into genetics, you'll find that male/female is determined by a bit more than 'X' or 'Y'; there are different types of X and Y chromosomes that actually lead to there being 26 distinct genetic gender identities (not counting mutations/defects that lead to people like hermaphrodites, which usually happens from an XXY chromosome setup). Of the 13 female genetic gender identities:
2 are asexual
1 is "a man in a women's body"
4 have strong maternal instincts
and 4 have weak maternal instincts
(I'd have to do a few hours of research to go into more depth than that, it's been a few years since I've seen the relevant articles, and they were mostly talking about the homosexual and transgendered community)

That is purely genetics though, environment DOES have an effect. But any of the ones with maternal instincts would be greatly affected by the inability to have a child.

And there is a BIG difference between choosing not to have a child, and having that forced on you.

Forced sterilization of woman as part of a brainwashing or indoctrinating process HAS been used in the past, so I'm not just talking hypotheticals. It is FAR more common for rape/pleasure to be used instead, but it has happened; usually in cases where the indoctrinating started at a young age.
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I know some women who have gotten their tubes tied myself. But it's only a small % of women who can have that done without physiological effects.
... "Physiological" doesn't mean what you think it does.

Neither does "effects".

If you do a bit of research into genetics, you'll find that male/female is determined by a bit more than 'X' or 'Y'; there are different types of X and Y chromosomes that actually lead to there being 26 distinct genetic gender identities (not counting mutations/defects that lead to people like hermaphrodites, which usually happens from an XXY chromosome setup). Of the 13 female genetic gender identities:
2 are asexual
1 is "a man in a women's body"
4 have strong maternal instincts
and 4 have weak maternal instincts
(I'd have to do a few hours of research to go into more depth than that, it's been a few years since I've seen the relevant articles, and they were mostly talking about the homosexual and transgendered community)
Uh, no. It doesn't work like that. At all. If you want an actual introduction to that sort of thing, I'd suggest you start here, although if it's anything like the edition I studied in grad school (the 10th), there are serious problems with a few of the chapters that I'd want to supplement with external research.

Then, just to throw out one example, read this.

Then read this.

That is purely genetics though, environment DOES have an effect. But any of the ones with maternal instincts would be greatly affected by the inability to have a child.
Again, no. Your understanding of genetics is absurdly wrong, and your attempt to use a 26-part (!) model of gender identity is just plain silly. Then the comments on sterility... no. The loss of the ability to bear children can be traumatic, but it doesn't work the way you seem to think it does. Also, see "any of the ones with maternal instincts," which is an absurdly wrong phrase in this context.

And there is a BIG difference between choosing not to have a child, and having that forced on you.
Yes, but that's a non-sequitur, and doesn't support your point anyway.

Forced sterilization of woman as part of a brainwashing or indoctrinating process HAS been used in the past, so I'm not just talking hypotheticals. It is FAR more common for rape/pleasure to be used instead, but it has happened; usually in cases where the indoctrinating started at a young age.
Yes, and so has just about every form of making someone feel like they've lost control of their selves or their bodies. Forced sterilization isn't even particularly blatant by that standard.
[X] Read her mind now
-[X] Renew the invisibility
oh yea, well there's no reason to not just

[X] Read her mind now

and get the information we need. Hand her over to the protectorate later.
[X] Read her more private memories

Normally I would be incredibly against this... But we might end up being able to help her like we helped Oni Lee (though not with the same method, obviously), depends on exactly what the damage is. Basically I'm making this vote because of OOC knowledge.

And Necros might be curious about why her eyes are so dead...

... "Physiological" doesn't mean what you think it does.

Neither does "effects".
Spellchecker victim on physiological, should have been psychological.

And for effects/affects... Pretty sure effects is the right word to use there, though I will double check the rules on that.

And the rest of the stuff won't be getting a response at the author's request.
Name a example, because that sounds like a lazy excuse not to put more thought into a vote you want people to support.
I've done several votes with full paragraphs of dialog written out, at least 2 of which ended up winning, and having some core component of the vote pretty much ignored (probably because no one copying the vote actually copies the dialog...). I'm not digging through 112 pages of the thread to find a specific example though (the search function failed me, no way to search purely within one thread....).

The argument's invalid though, because my vote didn't even win last round, it was actually the last vote before the chapter came out... It's the early voters that have a chance of setting a trend, heh.
gonna go with

[x] leave and do a frame job

we've already fucked up enough this session, let's just leave.
[X] Leave and do a frame job
-[X] Take her with us, we can't leave her like this (besides, she makes cookies)
[X] Head back to the Necropolis.

This is good to spark a intra-gang war,more and we risk exposing our involvement.

Not to mention we have a new love interest captive to deal with.

And I think the Glamour is making Night feel emotions for the first time in years, and she can't deal with them properly... We may be helping Night out by mind controlling her, lol.
Except it'll wear off in 24 hours and she'll be super pissed at you mocking and manipulating her, as well as mind controlling her

I'd vote for dumping Night at the PRT jails except that'd fuck over the frame job. So instead just

[x] Head back to the Necropolis

and get Sherrel to build a cell to imprison her until things with E88 are over.

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