In which one Struggles and Climbs
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To Struggle and Climb
You are Ashen Weaver, and you have started to realize something.
There are certain truths about the world as it is. Truths that belong to Honesty. After all, The nature of Light is to reveal, to make things known. It is Honest, True, a Lantern Light in the mist; and sadly, it so rarely has the chance to be Kind. But that doesn't matter. What matters… is that you have figured out a few important Truths.
Light is Honest, revealing and merciless. The Kindness of ponies filters Honest truth in Generous sweetness. It makes things more palatable. Loyalty ensures Honesty remains, while Kind Generosity brings out the best of the Light and Laughter helps soothe the harsher truths. The odd man out in the cute little five-man band of Harmony is Magic, which… it feels like there is a better name for Magic, as Magic itself seems like more a byproduct than the purpose and aspect mixed in.
But the fact of the matter is… you cannot lie to yourself. To burn the brightest you can, to share light and help it grow, you cannot remove that most fundamental and foundational key. Honesty remains the back on which everything else grows and can form, everything else is a Filter for it. You cannot lie and expect any kindness, generosity, or laughter to be true. Loyalty, by its nature, IS Honest. To be loyal, how can you lie to a friend?
Thus, your issue.
The nightmares have not stopped. The wolves prowl through your dreams, haunt your nightmares, and rest atop you in those rare days when your chest is heavy with paralysis before you can fully wake up. The creature chuffing in amusement and baring fangs in a hollow, aching smile of promised pain… promised Agony.
No, you cannot spread the light while lying to yourself anymore. You tried, for a month, and it failed. So… you stepped into a dream. You found some arcane secret kept intentionally or accidentally hidden from ponykind, and now you were in the thick of things. You could not play the blind fool any longer, and you refused to be another tragedy. So… how could you bring the light back? Well… Honesty was knowledge. Generosity and Kindness, even Laughter and Magic required knowledge. Every aspect of the elements spoken of so frequently in mythology surrounding the Sisters had knowledge within it. It was not an element, but something somehow even more foundational.
So, you needed knowledge. You knew of no one who had explored this place, nor anyone who could tell you the Honest truths you needed so badly. So… what else to do, but start actively exploring yourself? If nothing else, when you inevitably told others, you would at least know what pitfalls they could avoid.
As you climbed up to your apartment after a long day of physical labor, backbreaking for any other less physically gifted race, you considered your options and slowly nodded to yourself. You were determined to explore this 'Mansus' place, to face the wolf again.
This time, you knew what to expect. You settled into place properly, relaxed your breathing, cautiously clipping a section of your mane and settling in. You looked at the calendar as you settled in to rest. Hearthswarming would be soon… you needed to speak to your neighbors about how to start some event for the city… to spite the tragedy if nothing else. To mourn those lost, and celebrate those who survived. To show that they were not broken or made lesser by those monsters…
But those were thoughts for another time. Sucking in a breath, you lay down, looking at your empty bed and pondering on the odd feeling of Love that had hovered in your chest ever since the wedding. You… you wanted it. Somepony special to share your heart with, to build a life with. To be together with in this nightmare…
But you were alone. More than ever since the tragedy of not long ago…
Those lingering sorrows followed you down into what should have been a nightmare, and instead… you opened your eyes. Before you was a crossroads, a mess of winding paths… a place you had been before. You started walking, remembering the small trickle of secrets from the pamphlet. To be lost is to find your way. To know nothing, is to know everything. To be blind, is to see.
All idiotic rambling of somepony trying to be philosophical, but the main points, the meaning behind it… Well. That was something you grasped. Chaos, secrets, uncertainty. The world is full of wonder and horror, full of impossible truths and painfully realistic lies. The only way to tell them apart is to seek. To chase after that most precious and wonderous of things… the Light.
The very essence of the secrets in that pamphlet had all been surrounding the seeking of Light. Of something more pure and foundational to creation than anything else you could imagine or think of. Which made sense for a 'principle' called 'Moth'. It felt… right, as well. To chase the Light, like you had all your life.
So, you looked up. There was… the wasteland made seeing much beyond the heat and glare difficult, but there was… a Beacon. A Light. It was important, guiding, revealing the path, the way, the course that needed to be set. So you fixed your gaze on the Light, and started walking. You felt the path turn and twist under you, but ignored where your hooves took you, as long as your gaze remained fixed. And… and you yelped when you felt the burn of the Ash under your hooves.
It… you'd made it. To the ashen, sandy wastes. It… in truth, there was never any sand here, naught but ash, and the feeling of loss. It ached alongside the tragedy of what had been lost in the waking world, the truth reflected in this twisted dream. Still, whatever the case may have been in the past, you were here now, in a horrid wasteland of loss, ash, and laughing Wolves.
Every step was painful, a sharp, stabbing pain reminding you not to tarry. You felt, in some corner of your being, that you should try to fix this- to undo the tragedy, soothe the pain, and cool the heat. To make some fresh growth form out of this ashen nightmare. But you… you didn't know how. You were uncertain how to even keep yourself safe rigt now, much less how to heal this wound. Sadly, you were not talented in the healing of lands.
But… you may not have been specialized for repairing the lost ecosystem of this place, nor were you even sure how to start, but one thing you COULD do, was pave the path. Lead the way for others who knew more than yourself. You would become an expert in this place, learn its secrets, and share them with those that could help.
You pressed on, eyes fixed on the Beacon. You didn't know what you didn't know, but you DID know that you needed to reach that Light. Of course, the shift of Ash in front of you had you pause, and you slowly lowered your gaze. There, in the ash, sitting as though it had been there all along, was a wolf. A wolf already looking up at you with malice and gleeful cruelty.
You held back your shivers and fear, knowing it could still tell, but unwilling to grant it the satisfaction of seeing how badly it frightened you. Instead, you frowned, keeping your gaze on it. It bared its teeth in what could have been a grin, or a snarl- it was so hard to tell with its maw so cruel and full of sharp teeth… so harshly and hatefully eager to tear flesh from bone. The Pale fur and Yellow eyes haunting his mind as the Bloody teeth remained exposed.
"I see you finally came back… what took you so long? I've been wanting to say hello again for ever-so long…~" You found yourself shuddering as the mere sound of it left you aching inside, like your ears had been assaulted by some kind of torment- sandpaper layered in salt and glass shards, delicately avoiding the fragile parts and running roughshod across the less easily broken parts.
You swallowed, dearly wishing to step back, but… then it would sense weakness and chase. Instead, you refused to dignify it with a response. You walked past, giving it a Generous berth and doing it the Kindness of leaving it in peace. It flinched slightly at that, barely an ear twitch, but… you noticed. How could you not? It growled louder as you slowly moved to leave it behind, remaining fixed on the beacon. Though… you had to turn and leave your back turned if you wanted to continue. Could you make it…?
You turned and ran in the moment between one heartbeat and the next, hearing a howl the instant your gaze left the creature, and you could FEEL the ash shift under you, every step suddenly harder giving less power than expected. You were slower than you should be, and losing distance with every hoofstep of your gallop. The beast seemed able to glide across the ash, and the very ashen soil beneath your hooves clung to and dragged at you.
You heaved in air, air gushing out with each exhale as you pushed your innate Earth Pony strength into your legs and powered through the sheer awful burning, cloying ache of the ash as it dug into your hooves. Glancing up revealed the Beacon still in the distance…
And now far to the left. The very ground beneath you seemed to shift, guiding you further from your destination, and in some other direction. You gritted your teeth, already struggling to stay ahead of what felt like the beast snapping at your rear hooves- you couldn't even look back, too busy fighting to move forward.
You knew that wherever the beast was taking you would be horrendous, an awful experience, but you had to go through with it. To face this danger so you could prepare yourself and others to face it again in the future more safely. As it hounded your steps, you saw the temple you'd visited and fled last time in the distance, the awful thing full of horrendous and bloody knowledge you had refused to act on.
You knew… awful things because of that place. But it wasn't your destination, as you curved yourself away, and it vanished from view between one eye blink and the next. Just as rapidly, you could feel exhaustion beginning to fill your limbs, but you pressed on. You were asleep, it wasn't real exhaustion. You ignored it, and it faded as you pressed on. Though you suspected that you'd be paying for it later somehow.
Of course, when you eventually did find the place it was leading you, you dearly wished you hadn't. Here, a faint mist of ruddy, Brackish Fluid filled the air in a fine mist that seared with every touch against your fur. As you pressed on, bearing the agony with force of will, you saw the source. A massive and growing pool of Horrid Red that gushed from high above and fell below.
You had no idea how this had formed, or why a waterfall of horrendously Agonizing Blood would be falling from the sky, but it didn't matter. You were out of places to go. So you pressed on, then dove to the side just before the pool, whipping around and sending Ash flaring into the air in a faint dusty cloud around you as you turned and saw… nothing.
It wasn't there. It hadn't followed you. It- You screamed as pain FLARED in your rear left hoof, rearing and kicking your hind legs as you smacked into something with far too satisfying a CRACK. Turning again, now limping, you saw the wolf licking its chops as it slowly got up, your own blood leaking from the creature's maw as it slowly grinned, chuckling and chuffing, its eyes shining with malice.
"The first lesson of Heart, is that it never ceases to Beat. Through Agony, Suffering, and even when on the very verge of Death, it continues, forcing life to stay and attend it until every shuddering breath has been stolen away, every thought formed and faded, every Light dimmed and every Flame flickered out. And then, when all has been done and said, passed and withered and crumbled around you, it continues to Beat and Dance, to spite and howl against the dying of the light, and the Ending that all things must inevitably face. It is never ending, and it would deny all things their final rest, with no care for the pithy longings of those who Suffer in Agony. Do you understand…?"
The horrible thing was… you did. You could feel it, the knowledge beyond simple words burned into your mind. The agony of knowing you would live through this suffering… it wasn't escapable. You would live, and you would suffer, and nothing would EVER stop that… until the Heart no longer Beat in your chest. But… why. Why was it teaching you?
It grinned wider. "The first lesson of Winter is that all things end. Because all things MUST end. No matter the Agony, it will be relieved. No matter the joy, it will die. No matter the bliss, it will fade. Until everything is cold, and dead, and dark. Nothing can stop this, because Endings are inevitable. No Beating Heart can stave off Death forever, no pony, no thing, no idea is truly permanent, Aside from Glory. But Winter will remember all and hold you close in it's bitterly cold embrace, and beckon you sweetly into it's dark, endless eternity of Silence and Beauty. Oh, to End, to Finish and Cease... to Die. Is it not the most beautiful of gifts? So cruelly denied to those of us in Agony...~"
The pain of the teaching hurt worse than the bite had, and left you shaken, your mind struggling under the weight of it, each word digging deeper now, clawing at your insides. It left ragged, jagged wounds in your soul, and you weren't certain you could handle more. Another lesson would cause something to be horribly, irreversibly damaged you could tell. There was nothing you could do, either. It was too much, too quickly, and skipping over the baseline needed to know it existed, much less to have a level of understanding in it.
"The first lesson in Edge is-" You roared and lunged forward, spinning and kicking the creature again, it's pained yelping bark escaping it as it was rammed back, looking up in time to see you lashing out and throwing a hoof into its face, searing pain lancing through your hoof as you saw Wolven blood splatter across your hoof. Yet it was cackling and laughing, even as you turned and ran, certain you had not killed it and uncertain if you even could. It was so cruel and heartless, so cold…
You ran on your injured limb, your hoof sending Agony through every step as ash burned its way inside and bloody mist attacked the open wound. Seeking the Paths into your body, through the door exposed by your wound. It was… it was agony. Winter soothed the pain in your mind, while Heart soothed the agony in your leg, the suffering teaching a valuable lesson that itself sent your mind spinning with aches and pains. It was too much… you'd have to think this over for weeks or months…
But beyond everything else, you had to know… why. Why was the Wolf trying to teach you??? Why was it trying to kill you??? How did those overlap…? They couldn't, could they? What kind of horror was it spreading to you? Was there even a way to escape? It was so much, your mind spun and dove with the knowledge, the shifts in perspective, the sudden dives and dips in knowledge leaving you with no outlet for the buzzing in your brain…
You tripped before getting too far, tumbling and screaming as your wounded leg was buried in the ash. Looking back, there was the wolf. Sitting where you'd been running, and grin on its terrible face as you stared. It winked, then lunged with jaws spread and… and you sat up gasping for breath as you shook in your bed, the apartment dark and cold, but your body feeling rested… albeit, injured given the blood on your rear leg. Pulling it out from under the blanket exposed a bite weakly gushing blood, the pattern of your heartbeat strong and steady as you whimpered.
You stood, limping to your bathroom and beginning to bandage your leg, wrapping it in fabric you kept there for emergencies. After the tragedy, it had seemed like such a good idea, and it was paying off, but… but more importantly, there were secrets you had learned. Principles besides Moth. Winter, Heart, and you'd heard enough to know that Edge must be a principle as well, you had also felt something about your Wound, and how it… worked. You'd need to think about it for a while before risking another lesson with that Monster… or another encounter. It hadn't only taught, after all…
But still. You'd managed it. You'd visited that wretched place, survived, and… come back ultimately stronger. You'd fought the monsters, bloodied the unkillable, and stolen knowledge from the mouth of a biting Wolf. All while surviving. That was rare in stories, and difficult. You weren't sure it hadn't simply allowed you to escape.
But whatever the reason or cause, you were here. You were now. You had lived. And… and you would do this again. Whatever reason it had for taking you there, you were certain it had been important for more than just that reason, and you were curious. Still… you had a mission. One you'd already started on. It was a darker start than you'd hoped, but you HAD started. It was… something, at least…
You have learned the secret existence of the principles of Winter, Edge, Heart, andKnock Something about Wounds and Paths.
You must study a Knock and Edge lore object or book to gain a scrap for them.
You have gained 1 scrap of Winter, and 1 Scrap of Heart. You learned both in such quick succession, and from such an agonizing source, that you much spend an action each studying them to internalize the lesson and actually make use of them. Beware the Wolf.
You can FEEL the pattern forming in your mind. Edge leading to Winter, leading to Heart, leading… somewhere, before Moth. Knock at the center of it all. You're missing pieces you can tell, but you have not discovered what they are yet. Best of luck, Neophyte…~
So, this feels a touch rushed to me, but I'm fairly proud of it. Why is Ash teaching Lore to some random Pony?
Good question.
Anyways, if you notice points where it could be improved, please let me know! And if I made any major mistakes... also let me know.
Happy Holidays!
You are Ashen Weaver, and you have started to realize something.
There are certain truths about the world as it is. Truths that belong to Honesty. After all, The nature of Light is to reveal, to make things known. It is Honest, True, a Lantern Light in the mist; and sadly, it so rarely has the chance to be Kind. But that doesn't matter. What matters… is that you have figured out a few important Truths.
Light is Honest, revealing and merciless. The Kindness of ponies filters Honest truth in Generous sweetness. It makes things more palatable. Loyalty ensures Honesty remains, while Kind Generosity brings out the best of the Light and Laughter helps soothe the harsher truths. The odd man out in the cute little five-man band of Harmony is Magic, which… it feels like there is a better name for Magic, as Magic itself seems like more a byproduct than the purpose and aspect mixed in.
But the fact of the matter is… you cannot lie to yourself. To burn the brightest you can, to share light and help it grow, you cannot remove that most fundamental and foundational key. Honesty remains the back on which everything else grows and can form, everything else is a Filter for it. You cannot lie and expect any kindness, generosity, or laughter to be true. Loyalty, by its nature, IS Honest. To be loyal, how can you lie to a friend?
Thus, your issue.
The nightmares have not stopped. The wolves prowl through your dreams, haunt your nightmares, and rest atop you in those rare days when your chest is heavy with paralysis before you can fully wake up. The creature chuffing in amusement and baring fangs in a hollow, aching smile of promised pain… promised Agony.
No, you cannot spread the light while lying to yourself anymore. You tried, for a month, and it failed. So… you stepped into a dream. You found some arcane secret kept intentionally or accidentally hidden from ponykind, and now you were in the thick of things. You could not play the blind fool any longer, and you refused to be another tragedy. So… how could you bring the light back? Well… Honesty was knowledge. Generosity and Kindness, even Laughter and Magic required knowledge. Every aspect of the elements spoken of so frequently in mythology surrounding the Sisters had knowledge within it. It was not an element, but something somehow even more foundational.
So, you needed knowledge. You knew of no one who had explored this place, nor anyone who could tell you the Honest truths you needed so badly. So… what else to do, but start actively exploring yourself? If nothing else, when you inevitably told others, you would at least know what pitfalls they could avoid.
As you climbed up to your apartment after a long day of physical labor, backbreaking for any other less physically gifted race, you considered your options and slowly nodded to yourself. You were determined to explore this 'Mansus' place, to face the wolf again.
This time, you knew what to expect. You settled into place properly, relaxed your breathing, cautiously clipping a section of your mane and settling in. You looked at the calendar as you settled in to rest. Hearthswarming would be soon… you needed to speak to your neighbors about how to start some event for the city… to spite the tragedy if nothing else. To mourn those lost, and celebrate those who survived. To show that they were not broken or made lesser by those monsters…
But those were thoughts for another time. Sucking in a breath, you lay down, looking at your empty bed and pondering on the odd feeling of Love that had hovered in your chest ever since the wedding. You… you wanted it. Somepony special to share your heart with, to build a life with. To be together with in this nightmare…
But you were alone. More than ever since the tragedy of not long ago…
Those lingering sorrows followed you down into what should have been a nightmare, and instead… you opened your eyes. Before you was a crossroads, a mess of winding paths… a place you had been before. You started walking, remembering the small trickle of secrets from the pamphlet. To be lost is to find your way. To know nothing, is to know everything. To be blind, is to see.
All idiotic rambling of somepony trying to be philosophical, but the main points, the meaning behind it… Well. That was something you grasped. Chaos, secrets, uncertainty. The world is full of wonder and horror, full of impossible truths and painfully realistic lies. The only way to tell them apart is to seek. To chase after that most precious and wonderous of things… the Light.
The very essence of the secrets in that pamphlet had all been surrounding the seeking of Light. Of something more pure and foundational to creation than anything else you could imagine or think of. Which made sense for a 'principle' called 'Moth'. It felt… right, as well. To chase the Light, like you had all your life.
So, you looked up. There was… the wasteland made seeing much beyond the heat and glare difficult, but there was… a Beacon. A Light. It was important, guiding, revealing the path, the way, the course that needed to be set. So you fixed your gaze on the Light, and started walking. You felt the path turn and twist under you, but ignored where your hooves took you, as long as your gaze remained fixed. And… and you yelped when you felt the burn of the Ash under your hooves.
It… you'd made it. To the ashen, sandy wastes. It… in truth, there was never any sand here, naught but ash, and the feeling of loss. It ached alongside the tragedy of what had been lost in the waking world, the truth reflected in this twisted dream. Still, whatever the case may have been in the past, you were here now, in a horrid wasteland of loss, ash, and laughing Wolves.
Every step was painful, a sharp, stabbing pain reminding you not to tarry. You felt, in some corner of your being, that you should try to fix this- to undo the tragedy, soothe the pain, and cool the heat. To make some fresh growth form out of this ashen nightmare. But you… you didn't know how. You were uncertain how to even keep yourself safe rigt now, much less how to heal this wound. Sadly, you were not talented in the healing of lands.
But… you may not have been specialized for repairing the lost ecosystem of this place, nor were you even sure how to start, but one thing you COULD do, was pave the path. Lead the way for others who knew more than yourself. You would become an expert in this place, learn its secrets, and share them with those that could help.
You pressed on, eyes fixed on the Beacon. You didn't know what you didn't know, but you DID know that you needed to reach that Light. Of course, the shift of Ash in front of you had you pause, and you slowly lowered your gaze. There, in the ash, sitting as though it had been there all along, was a wolf. A wolf already looking up at you with malice and gleeful cruelty.
You held back your shivers and fear, knowing it could still tell, but unwilling to grant it the satisfaction of seeing how badly it frightened you. Instead, you frowned, keeping your gaze on it. It bared its teeth in what could have been a grin, or a snarl- it was so hard to tell with its maw so cruel and full of sharp teeth… so harshly and hatefully eager to tear flesh from bone. The Pale fur and Yellow eyes haunting his mind as the Bloody teeth remained exposed.
"I see you finally came back… what took you so long? I've been wanting to say hello again for ever-so long…~" You found yourself shuddering as the mere sound of it left you aching inside, like your ears had been assaulted by some kind of torment- sandpaper layered in salt and glass shards, delicately avoiding the fragile parts and running roughshod across the less easily broken parts.
You swallowed, dearly wishing to step back, but… then it would sense weakness and chase. Instead, you refused to dignify it with a response. You walked past, giving it a Generous berth and doing it the Kindness of leaving it in peace. It flinched slightly at that, barely an ear twitch, but… you noticed. How could you not? It growled louder as you slowly moved to leave it behind, remaining fixed on the beacon. Though… you had to turn and leave your back turned if you wanted to continue. Could you make it…?
You turned and ran in the moment between one heartbeat and the next, hearing a howl the instant your gaze left the creature, and you could FEEL the ash shift under you, every step suddenly harder giving less power than expected. You were slower than you should be, and losing distance with every hoofstep of your gallop. The beast seemed able to glide across the ash, and the very ashen soil beneath your hooves clung to and dragged at you.
You heaved in air, air gushing out with each exhale as you pushed your innate Earth Pony strength into your legs and powered through the sheer awful burning, cloying ache of the ash as it dug into your hooves. Glancing up revealed the Beacon still in the distance…
And now far to the left. The very ground beneath you seemed to shift, guiding you further from your destination, and in some other direction. You gritted your teeth, already struggling to stay ahead of what felt like the beast snapping at your rear hooves- you couldn't even look back, too busy fighting to move forward.
You knew that wherever the beast was taking you would be horrendous, an awful experience, but you had to go through with it. To face this danger so you could prepare yourself and others to face it again in the future more safely. As it hounded your steps, you saw the temple you'd visited and fled last time in the distance, the awful thing full of horrendous and bloody knowledge you had refused to act on.
You knew… awful things because of that place. But it wasn't your destination, as you curved yourself away, and it vanished from view between one eye blink and the next. Just as rapidly, you could feel exhaustion beginning to fill your limbs, but you pressed on. You were asleep, it wasn't real exhaustion. You ignored it, and it faded as you pressed on. Though you suspected that you'd be paying for it later somehow.
Of course, when you eventually did find the place it was leading you, you dearly wished you hadn't. Here, a faint mist of ruddy, Brackish Fluid filled the air in a fine mist that seared with every touch against your fur. As you pressed on, bearing the agony with force of will, you saw the source. A massive and growing pool of Horrid Red that gushed from high above and fell below.
You had no idea how this had formed, or why a waterfall of horrendously Agonizing Blood would be falling from the sky, but it didn't matter. You were out of places to go. So you pressed on, then dove to the side just before the pool, whipping around and sending Ash flaring into the air in a faint dusty cloud around you as you turned and saw… nothing.
It wasn't there. It hadn't followed you. It- You screamed as pain FLARED in your rear left hoof, rearing and kicking your hind legs as you smacked into something with far too satisfying a CRACK. Turning again, now limping, you saw the wolf licking its chops as it slowly got up, your own blood leaking from the creature's maw as it slowly grinned, chuckling and chuffing, its eyes shining with malice.
"The first lesson of Heart, is that it never ceases to Beat. Through Agony, Suffering, and even when on the very verge of Death, it continues, forcing life to stay and attend it until every shuddering breath has been stolen away, every thought formed and faded, every Light dimmed and every Flame flickered out. And then, when all has been done and said, passed and withered and crumbled around you, it continues to Beat and Dance, to spite and howl against the dying of the light, and the Ending that all things must inevitably face. It is never ending, and it would deny all things their final rest, with no care for the pithy longings of those who Suffer in Agony. Do you understand…?"
The horrible thing was… you did. You could feel it, the knowledge beyond simple words burned into your mind. The agony of knowing you would live through this suffering… it wasn't escapable. You would live, and you would suffer, and nothing would EVER stop that… until the Heart no longer Beat in your chest. But… why. Why was it teaching you?
It grinned wider. "The first lesson of Winter is that all things end. Because all things MUST end. No matter the Agony, it will be relieved. No matter the joy, it will die. No matter the bliss, it will fade. Until everything is cold, and dead, and dark. Nothing can stop this, because Endings are inevitable. No Beating Heart can stave off Death forever, no pony, no thing, no idea is truly permanent, Aside from Glory. But Winter will remember all and hold you close in it's bitterly cold embrace, and beckon you sweetly into it's dark, endless eternity of Silence and Beauty. Oh, to End, to Finish and Cease... to Die. Is it not the most beautiful of gifts? So cruelly denied to those of us in Agony...~"
The pain of the teaching hurt worse than the bite had, and left you shaken, your mind struggling under the weight of it, each word digging deeper now, clawing at your insides. It left ragged, jagged wounds in your soul, and you weren't certain you could handle more. Another lesson would cause something to be horribly, irreversibly damaged you could tell. There was nothing you could do, either. It was too much, too quickly, and skipping over the baseline needed to know it existed, much less to have a level of understanding in it.
"The first lesson in Edge is-" You roared and lunged forward, spinning and kicking the creature again, it's pained yelping bark escaping it as it was rammed back, looking up in time to see you lashing out and throwing a hoof into its face, searing pain lancing through your hoof as you saw Wolven blood splatter across your hoof. Yet it was cackling and laughing, even as you turned and ran, certain you had not killed it and uncertain if you even could. It was so cruel and heartless, so cold…
You ran on your injured limb, your hoof sending Agony through every step as ash burned its way inside and bloody mist attacked the open wound. Seeking the Paths into your body, through the door exposed by your wound. It was… it was agony. Winter soothed the pain in your mind, while Heart soothed the agony in your leg, the suffering teaching a valuable lesson that itself sent your mind spinning with aches and pains. It was too much… you'd have to think this over for weeks or months…
But beyond everything else, you had to know… why. Why was the Wolf trying to teach you??? Why was it trying to kill you??? How did those overlap…? They couldn't, could they? What kind of horror was it spreading to you? Was there even a way to escape? It was so much, your mind spun and dove with the knowledge, the shifts in perspective, the sudden dives and dips in knowledge leaving you with no outlet for the buzzing in your brain…
You tripped before getting too far, tumbling and screaming as your wounded leg was buried in the ash. Looking back, there was the wolf. Sitting where you'd been running, and grin on its terrible face as you stared. It winked, then lunged with jaws spread and… and you sat up gasping for breath as you shook in your bed, the apartment dark and cold, but your body feeling rested… albeit, injured given the blood on your rear leg. Pulling it out from under the blanket exposed a bite weakly gushing blood, the pattern of your heartbeat strong and steady as you whimpered.
You stood, limping to your bathroom and beginning to bandage your leg, wrapping it in fabric you kept there for emergencies. After the tragedy, it had seemed like such a good idea, and it was paying off, but… but more importantly, there were secrets you had learned. Principles besides Moth. Winter, Heart, and you'd heard enough to know that Edge must be a principle as well, you had also felt something about your Wound, and how it… worked. You'd need to think about it for a while before risking another lesson with that Monster… or another encounter. It hadn't only taught, after all…
But still. You'd managed it. You'd visited that wretched place, survived, and… come back ultimately stronger. You'd fought the monsters, bloodied the unkillable, and stolen knowledge from the mouth of a biting Wolf. All while surviving. That was rare in stories, and difficult. You weren't sure it hadn't simply allowed you to escape.
But whatever the reason or cause, you were here. You were now. You had lived. And… and you would do this again. Whatever reason it had for taking you there, you were certain it had been important for more than just that reason, and you were curious. Still… you had a mission. One you'd already started on. It was a darker start than you'd hoped, but you HAD started. It was… something, at least…
You have learned the secret existence of the principles of Winter, Edge, Heart, and
You must study a Knock and Edge lore object or book to gain a scrap for them.
You have gained 1 scrap of Winter, and 1 Scrap of Heart. You learned both in such quick succession, and from such an agonizing source, that you much spend an action each studying them to internalize the lesson and actually make use of them. Beware the Wolf.
You can FEEL the pattern forming in your mind. Edge leading to Winter, leading to Heart, leading… somewhere, before Moth. Knock at the center of it all. You're missing pieces you can tell, but you have not discovered what they are yet. Best of luck, Neophyte…~
So, this feels a touch rushed to me, but I'm fairly proud of it. Why is Ash teaching Lore to some random Pony?
Good question.
Anyways, if you notice points where it could be improved, please let me know! And if I made any major mistakes... also let me know.
Happy Holidays!
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