Turn 9
Uh-oh, better hide those FOALS!
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- Jan 7, 2024
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You have several things going on in your mind.
You are still slightly estranged with your husband, although you hope you will be able to address that sooner rather than later.
Jade Whistle knows. But you have no idea of how she might have taken to that since she simply asked you to... well, asked you not to look for her, basically, before she simply disappeared. She didn't even go to the latest cult meeting, mind you.
And then there is the cult itself, or rather the Master, who you were absolutely sure that knew about Selene until...
Well, whatever is going on, it does feel very Moth of her... him? Them? You're not even sure of that anymore.
Added to that is the fact that Copper and Comet will leave for another town soon, and you are not sure how long they might stay there.
And then, and then...
Heavens... you bring up the locket you have around your neck, staring longingly at the picture of your family, and try to center yourself even if just a little bit.
You have a lot to do, and little certainty about what might be best to tackle with your limited time.
You have NOT told Stormchaser about the following:
-The more unsettling details about your Master's nature, or at least what little you have interacted with them (your husband does not know that your Master is... well, he thinks they are a regular pony);
-The murders you believe your cult has committed;
-The cult's actions about Princess Luna's ritual and eventual disappearance;
-Details about the cult itself, and details about the Lores.
- - -
Last turn's shopping list
Last turn's available bits: 181
[] KNOCK lvl 3, "An encyclopedia about poisonous snakes, with several artful illustrations", 30 bits.
[] FORGE lvl 1, "A small handbook on camping, explaining the basics of how to build a tent and start a small fire", 7 bits.
[] MOTH lvl 1, "A poetry book. Amateur work, really, but one of them talks about masks…," 7 bits.
(Books not bought will be lost, other items will be available through the following turns, but have a chance of being sold to somepony else every turn)
- - -
Specify which action will be carried out by your ponyservants. They will apply ONLY your status bonus, as they will follow instructions or carry your name and influence, but they will not apply personal bonus (bonus given by Lore, personal items, personal Characteristics or of any other nature).
[] Before this month starts, you will perform a ritual to draw the attention of [SPECIFY LORE] (This is a free action to summon "The Attention of the Laws")
[] How much will you dedicate yourself to your family's affairs this month? (You must pick one)
-[X] A sense of urgency: There has never been any need for this, not for this much at least. No more double-checking, no more zeal. There are far more important things to be done. (5 personal actions and 1 servant action. Does not cause suspicion. DEFAULT PICK)
-[] A measured commitment: Give everything a once-over, sign everything in stacks. The farmlands won't just crumble and burn if you miss a few numbers this month. (6 personal actions and 1 servant action. Might be noticed by those closest to you. Will not be noticed by the family head if you do not do this often.)
-[] A furious dedication: You will not be able to do what really matters if you dedicate so much of your time to such mortal affairs. Do as little as it is acceptable, then move on. (7 personal actions and 1 servant action. Will worry those closest to you. Will be noticed by the family head, although you cannot say to what extent.)
-[] A desperate obsession: Everything is falling down, everything depends on this. You will not even sit on your office this month. (8 personal actions and 1 servant action. It is guaranteed that you will be called out for this.)
This turn's available bits: 301 (minus items you decided to buy)
Monthly revenue: 120 bits/month
[] A fleeting opportunity (rumor mills spin, opportunities come and go. These actions will never be available again)
-[] You know him too well, you love him too much. Heavens willing (because you will certainly do your own part) you will be able to settle things with Stormchaser. Enough time has passed for at least this much, so talk to him again. (Write in if you wish to approach this from a particular angle. Velvet will do it her own way if not.)
-[] You completely understand why your husband is feeling the way he is feeling, but you can also help him see that the "great secret" you were keeping to yourself isn't so great and terrible after all... (COMPROMISING about something, or gently introducing him to a certain thing will greatly help with your main efforts at getting your beloved husband back)
--[] Introduce him to a few Inner Circle members of the cult (pick TWO advisors to introduce Stormchaser to. Jade Whistle is unavailable for this)
--[] Introduce him to the Master... if you think that is a good idea.
--[] Try and teach him about the Lores, even if only to show him that they aren't as unnatural as they seem. (Failing to teach him might, instead, scare him and backfire)
--[] Teach him how to reach the Mansus, and try to teach him enough for him to even traverse the Crossroads (so you can actually meet him in the Woods, ideally). But all in all, give him access to the awe-striking and terrible vista that is the Mansus.
--[] Something else (Write in)
[] On what must be done (Ascending within the Mansus)
-[] There is no real trick to it, no grand preparation. You have reached the Blank Plains, now it is time to search for a path that leads upwards. (Mansus Hurdle CD 80, WINTER) (It is a single dice-roll to search for a way up. It applies DIPLOMACY to traverse the Blank Plains, SECRET HISTORIES Application Bonus to search, added to your WINTER Knowledge Bonus for its power.)
[] On the treasures that bits may buy (actions where you search for things to purchase)
-[] There are books that could be of use. You should start looking for them. All sub-choices not suspicious.
--[] In Ponyville, and its… great assortments of libraries? (no extra cost) (HEART, FORGE)
--[] In the great libraries of Canterlot… the ones that are open to public access, that is (20 bits in transportation) (applies "Royal Favor") (LANTERN, GRAIL, SECRET HISTORIES)
--[] In the many small bookshops that dot the side streets of Manehattan (35 bits in transportation) (MOTH, EDGE, KNOCK)
(Due to SECRET HISTORIES 3, now you have a better idea of what you are more likely to find in each city)
-[] The cult now has an appropriate place to meet, but you could still use a discrete location that is all your own. Scout for a suitable place, or other buildings that might be for sale. Not suspicious.
-[] Although you are personally judicious about such habits, you are still a noble. Searching for "peculiar items" to "add to your collection" is certainly not out of place… right? Not suspicious. Suspicion might arise if you later decide to buy the item, depending on its individual suspicion level.
[] Ponyville politics (furthering your influence in this town specifically)
-[] There is somepony in charge of the "heavy lifting" within your cult, of course, but you could do with a few strong hoofs at your personal disposal. Go looking for such contacts. (Low chance for success in Ponyville, according to Comet Feet) Moderately suspicious.
-[] There are bound to be, among all of those large, strong earth ponies, some who wouldn't mind a way to make some extra bits on the side. Reach out to them. (Scout out for ponies willing to get their hoofs dirty among your own employees. Low chance of success in Ponyville, according to Comet Feet). Highly suspicious.
-[] You are the highest authority from your family in Ponyville, and have countless earth pony farmers working under you. The next logical step it to scout for those who would be loyal to you and your cult. (Scout out for cult candidates within your own employees). Highly suspicious.
-[]Copper Secateur may be in charge of finding suitable candidates, she even was the pony who first introduced you into the Wildhoof Club, but you could use followers of your own.
-[] You now have a better grasp of the merchants in Ponyville, having had several letters of introduction sent around in your name. But what would you like to do next?
--[] Meet a few of them in person, and ingrain them to your cause. (WRITE IN if you will try to win them as personally loyal to you, or if you will point them in the direction of the cult)
--[] They are bit handlers, and that means they are a source of income. "Borrow" a few bits from your family and do a few quick investments. Everything will be back to its place by the end of the month, and you will be a little richer for that. (Attempt to gain a few more bits on the side, using your family's fortune as a lever) Highly suspicious.
--[] They know somepony who knows somepony who knows somepony. Use that to your advantage. (Ask them to search for an artifact. Specift LORE and LEVEL, up to Level 3. It will be added to your available list, but will be more expensive than normal) Not suspicious.
--[] Something else. WRITE IN.
-[] They're not the Royal Guard, but they're still guards, and as much as they might not have that much work on their hoofs, they're still the go-to ponies in case something worrying happens. Find out how the guard is structured in Ponyville, that will be the first step in getting to know them better. Moderately suspicious.
-[] A pony needs not to be a faithful of your cult in order to be useful, said pony needs only know what to report to whom, and when to keep one's mouth shut. Ponyville has an underworld, small as it might be, and their eyes and ears could be useful. Attempt to contact them. Highly suspicious.
[] Canterlot politics (furthering your influence in this town specifically)
-[] Despite the current kerfuffle you have with your family, you are still a noble. Try and reach out to others like you. Expanding one's influence has to start somewhere after all.
--[] Reach out to your family, at least the ones you go along well with.
---[] Reach out to your mother, as much as it might be… complicated. (costs 20 bits in transportation)
---[] Attempt to locate your older brother, Velvet Wings, as much as it might be difficult. (attempt to locate him, at first, via correspondence)
---[] Go there yourself and try to talk to your younger brother, Velvet Pride, although getting caught will probably be bad. (costs 20 bits in transportation, involves invading your family's own mansion)
-[] Reach out to other minor nobles of Canterlot.
-[] Reach out to other higher nobles of Canterlot, although that might be more complicated.
[] On aiding the cult (options not related to your current task, but related to the cult or with interactions with its members)
-[] You are the Loremaster! You are supposed to help your Master teach the faithful in the cult all manners of eldritch knowledge. Get to writing a Manifest on a Lore! [SPECIFY LORE] (Will produce a "book" to be added to the Bright Library, said book will be of the same level as your current level on the chosen Lore)
-[] Help Comet Feet
--[] He is probably... preparing, who knows how, for his coming trip. Reach out to him.
-[] Help Starry Dancer
--[] Now that you know her a bit better, you can always just spend time with her.
--[] One step further from getting into the good graces of Ponyville's Guard, she is now supposed to somehow get them even closer. She would surely benefit from your presence.
-[] Help Copper Secateur
--[] She was the first pony you met from the cult, and you two have become good friends. Pay her a visit, before she departs for who knows how long.
-[] Help Windy Flakes
--[] You realize you don't know very much about him at all. Time to remedy that.
--[] His business is all set up, and now he has to run it. And do you know who is good at running businesses? That's right, you are.
--[] Windy Flakes has messed with you, so now you will mess with him. (WRITE-IN HOW, specify if you will do it with good intentions [just to scare him] or with bad intentions [actually hinder him])
-[] Jade Whistle (UNAVAILABLE)
[] Set out on an Expedition.
-[] You don't have anywhere interesting to go, currently. Look for one. (Attempt to locate an interesting place to prepare an Expedition to. WRITE IN, if any specific theme is in mind.) Slightly Suspicious
[] On furthering your knowledge (actions directed at increasing your Lores, as explained in the Informational threadmark)
-[] The matters of [SPECIFY LORE] intrigues you, petition your cult's Master for a lesson (currently willing to teach all Lores up to level 4, gives a single scrap of Lore WITHOUT triggering a test)
-[]WRITE IN, to petition your Master for a question. (Mind you, however, that this will involve "trying" to talk to him, not a guaranteed audience, and he just might be very Moth about his answer.)
-[] There is something about this… thing, and you must learn what it is (pick a single artifact to learn from its Lore, and check it for hidden abilities).
--[]No artifacts available. (Unless if recently bought)
-[] It doesn't have to be just during a leisure weekend evening, you can fit a few minutes of reading even when walking between rooms if you really get into it! (Pick up to two books to attempt to learn a scrap of Lore. Consumes books).
--[] BOOK, HEART Level 1. "A small book that covers a particular kind of elegant dancing".
--[] BOOK, FORGE Level 2. "A book about ingenious farming equipment, and how they function".
--[] BOOK, HEART Level 2. "A novel about a mare who fell in love with a drummer, the romantic parts all written in rhyming poetry".
--[] BOOK, HEART Level 3. "A study about yak culture. The part about their history and folklore is of little use. The chapters about their songs, however…".
--[] BOOK, KNOCK Level 2 – "An absolutely boring encyclopedia about how the tunnels, on the mountain in which Canterlot is perched, were dug. Reading this will be a challenge…"
--[] Some other book (select a book you have bought this turn)
[] The Mansus is a place of contradictions. It exists, and yet it doesn't. It is frightening, and yet it calls to you. Only through exploring it will you learn its secrets.
-[] The Woods
--[] Explore the Woods, and its many whispers.
--[] There are other places connected to the Woods, but that are not in the Mansus proper. Look for them.
-[] The Blank Door
--[] Explore the Blank Plains, the first afterlife of ponykind.
--[] Visit the Lodge of the Sage Pony. You may not be able to talk to Baldomare, but you surely can listen very well.
--[] There are other parts connected to the Blank Plains. Look for them.
-[]You have studied the Lores, and are now more knowledgeable than before. It is time to climb even higher in the Mansus. (Mansus Hurdle CD 80, WINTER) (applies DIPLOMACY to traverse the Blank Plains, and SECRET HISTORIES Bonus to search, added to your WINTER Level) Already specified as current objective.
[] On the matters of house and heart (actions directed towards your own family, the part that you care for deeply as well as… the rest)
-[] Of course you love your family very much, but you could always spend a bit more time with them.
--[] Just another pleasant day that you will spend with them. Perfect for cooling your head off.
--[] Alright, this might be a BIT on the cult-y side, but… why not start giving your family subtle hints of Lore here and there? You might catch their attention, or perhaps even their interest.
--[] WRITE IN (other ways to spend time with your family, or anything else)
-[] You are on the good graces of Velvet Steppes, your uncle, although he feels like the pony who has his entire family on his good graces to begin with.
--[] Call him over! He hasn't met his own grandniece yet, after all, and better late than never when it comes to knowing him better.
--[] He is called the Facilitator. You have no idea why, but the effect is self-explanatory. Ask for his help regarding… (WRITE IN a favor you would like to ask, or COMBINE this action with another, to involve your uncle in it) (Your uncle is very good at making things easier)
-[] Bits are the engine of Equestria! You have been working your hooves off for years now, so it won't be seen as scandalous if you write a letter to your father requesting an increase in your share of the family's grants… right?
-[] You do know "your place" in the family, but bits are still important. A letter asking for a one-time gift will surely be better received than one asking for a permanent "raise", right?
-[] You really shouldn't, but needs must. Every single ledger from the farms east of Ponyville pass through you, it would be a simple matter to have some "administrative mistakes" make some bits disappear from the coffers and appear in your pockets.
--[] Have a servant do it, having an actual scapegoat is ideal if things go wrong. Highly suspicious.
--[] Do it yourself, it's better this way.
--[] Wait, right, the Wildhoof Club. Get in touch with Windy Flakes, and see how serious he was when he mentioned the whole "laundering bits" thing.
[] On those who surround you (actions directed at your contacts and friends)
-[] Go into town and try to meet somepony interesting.
-[] Sit down and work on a letter. Reach out to nobles who do not live in Canterlot. They, much like yourself, might not be deeply entangled on the webs of politics that surround the capital, but that just means they can also act with more freedom, right?
-[] Much to your own satisfaction, you now have a personal life outside of your maids, immediate family and business related meetings. You could choose to spend some time with… (SPECIFY if it will be "a social call" or "a step forward to converting said pony". SPECIFY if "you are willing to spend bits on this", for that little extra leverage)
--[] Teach Rarity, and have her turn into an Initiate
--[] Induct Rarity into the cult
--[] Twilight Sparkle, who leads the bearers of the Elements of Harmony
--[] Cheerilee, your daughter's schoolteacher
--[] Mayor Mare, the de-facto ruler of Ponyville
--[] Filthy Rich, a well-to-do and wealthy bussinespony
--[] WRITE IN (arrange to take your daughter to meet some of your younger acquaintances, or plan something else entirely)
[] You haven't forgotten about it, you just put it on hold until a more convenient time. (Purchases done here will arrive/be completed at the end of this turn.) (Does NOT cost an action)
-[] ARTIFACT – MOTH Level 2, buy for 100 bits.
[] On invoking the Lores (see RITUALS for more information, as well as CD and cost. SPECIFY if you will offer SACRIFICE)
-[] "The Attention of the Laws" (specify Aspect)
-[] "The Forge's Redemption"
-[] "The Incision of the Heart"
-[] "The Path Through Nightmares" (specify target)
-[] "The End is Beautiful" (specify target)
-[] "The calling of Influence" (specify Aspect)
-[] "The Reflection of the Tapestry" (specify subject)
--[ ] To be performed your cult's gathering place, where it is discreet but the cult will know of your actions. (Jade Whistle's Cadre can currently aid with a +10 bonus)
--[ ] To be performed at your own home, where the cult will not know of your actions, but you probably will be discovered or leave traces of it.
--[ ]To be performed on another location (you do not yet know or own any such location)
[ ] Others WRITE IN (anything, but I will have to consider it, and it might make the voting period a bit longer)
Contacts who are "Good Friends" have a better chance of reacting well or being useful if you include them in "Write In" options, although caution (and basic common sense on who to call for what) is advised. This might change if a contact is carpet-bomb called for everything.
There will be at least 48 hours of voting.
All voting will be in plan format. DO NOT INCLUDE actions you do not wish to take. No need to specify that "you will NOT buy X item" if you do not want to buy it. Merely do not mention it.
Velvet Covers is devoted to taking care of Selene. Actions that may ultimately lead to said duty being threatened will be extremely difficult to pull off. QM will comment if anything like that is being voted on.
Voting is getting more complicated. Kindly observe a SIX HOUR MORATORIUM before suggesting your plans, so as to avoid editing them too much, and to have enough discussion to know what you intend to lay down. These six hours are included in the first hours of the 48 hour period.
I hope I don't have to say that all actions are subject to writing-ins. Don't feel constrained by the abovementioned options, but keep in mind that they might be vetoed for in-character reasons.
You are still slightly estranged with your husband, although you hope you will be able to address that sooner rather than later.
Jade Whistle knows. But you have no idea of how she might have taken to that since she simply asked you to... well, asked you not to look for her, basically, before she simply disappeared. She didn't even go to the latest cult meeting, mind you.
And then there is the cult itself, or rather the Master, who you were absolutely sure that knew about Selene until...
Well, whatever is going on, it does feel very Moth of her... him? Them? You're not even sure of that anymore.
Added to that is the fact that Copper and Comet will leave for another town soon, and you are not sure how long they might stay there.
And then, and then...
Heavens... you bring up the locket you have around your neck, staring longingly at the picture of your family, and try to center yourself even if just a little bit.
You have a lot to do, and little certainty about what might be best to tackle with your limited time.
You have NOT told Stormchaser about the following:
-The more unsettling details about your Master's nature, or at least what little you have interacted with them (your husband does not know that your Master is... well, he thinks they are a regular pony);
-The murders you believe your cult has committed;
-The cult's actions about Princess Luna's ritual and eventual disappearance;
-Details about the cult itself, and details about the Lores.
- - -
Last turn's shopping list
These are the items that you had the option to purchase last turn. They must be bought with the resources you had available then, but if bought will be immediately available for use or study at this turn.
Last turn's available bits: 181
[] KNOCK lvl 3, "An encyclopedia about poisonous snakes, with several artful illustrations", 30 bits.
[] FORGE lvl 1, "A small handbook on camping, explaining the basics of how to build a tent and start a small fire", 7 bits.
[] MOTH lvl 1, "A poetry book. Amateur work, really, but one of them talks about masks…," 7 bits.
(Books not bought will be lost, other items will be available through the following turns, but have a chance of being sold to somepony else every turn)
- - -
Specify which action will be carried out by your ponyservants. They will apply ONLY your status bonus, as they will follow instructions or carry your name and influence, but they will not apply personal bonus (bonus given by Lore, personal items, personal Characteristics or of any other nature).
Some actions will be tagged with a suspicion level. These are the actions that can be carried out by your ponyservants, and the suspicion level refers to how well they would (or would not) take to your task. Tasks that involve high suspicion might be outright refused, carried out with the inevitable gossiping, or even sabotaged if your servants believe that what you asked them to do is wrong.
Keep in mind that suspicion level refers to what a servant would think if asked to perform such task, regardless of them performing them, being caught or not. If you choose to perform the task yourself, you will take the necessary steps to be as subtle as you can, but the task itself will still raise suspicion if you are caught.
Keep in mind that suspicion level refers to what a servant would think if asked to perform such task, regardless of them performing them, being caught or not. If you choose to perform the task yourself, you will take the necessary steps to be as subtle as you can, but the task itself will still raise suspicion if you are caught.
[] Before this month starts, you will perform a ritual to draw the attention of [SPECIFY LORE] (This is a free action to summon "The Attention of the Laws")
[] How much will you dedicate yourself to your family's affairs this month? (You must pick one)
-[X] A sense of urgency: There has never been any need for this, not for this much at least. No more double-checking, no more zeal. There are far more important things to be done. (5 personal actions and 1 servant action. Does not cause suspicion. DEFAULT PICK)
-[] A measured commitment: Give everything a once-over, sign everything in stacks. The farmlands won't just crumble and burn if you miss a few numbers this month. (6 personal actions and 1 servant action. Might be noticed by those closest to you. Will not be noticed by the family head if you do not do this often.)
-[] A furious dedication: You will not be able to do what really matters if you dedicate so much of your time to such mortal affairs. Do as little as it is acceptable, then move on. (7 personal actions and 1 servant action. Will worry those closest to you. Will be noticed by the family head, although you cannot say to what extent.)
-[] A desperate obsession: Everything is falling down, everything depends on this. You will not even sit on your office this month. (8 personal actions and 1 servant action. It is guaranteed that you will be called out for this.)
This turn's available bits: 301 (minus items you decided to buy)
Monthly revenue: 120 bits/month
-The ponies and creatures listed below can be given a "focus" for this turn. Not mentioning them will incur in their "default picks" being selected. Be wary, also, to the "expiration date" of summons.
-The ponies and creatures listed below may be safely taken for a single one-turn (five days) Expedition without hampering their "focus". Taking them for a two-turn (6+ days) or greater Expedition will cause them to not execute their selected "focus".
Rarity (currently an Enlightened, GRAIL Level 0, FORGE Level nonexistent):
Current Health: 3
-[X] Focus on her work. She has a contract with high-end merchants and a noble family, after all. (DEFAULT PICK) (Picking this focus guarantees her to succeed, not picking will still have her working throughout the month, but since she won't dedicate herself to it she will roll a test for success) [QM advises this pick a final time, three months making a full season's worth of clothing. After that, it will be your lessened risk and choice.]
-[] Accompany you, and lend her hoof. (Pick HALF of your own personal actions, rounded DOWN, and Rarity will accompany you while you perform them, giving narrative advantages or mechanical buffs as needed)
-[] Act as your emissary. (Pick an EXTRA action from your own pool, Rarity will perform it to the best of her abilities, ALONE, and report to you later)
-[] Call her. Give her tasks, and books, and lessons. Turn her into an Initiate. (This will level her up, at the expense of her own focus action instead of an action of your own)
-[] Call her, you have a lot of things to tell her… and then a few introductions to make. (Induct her into the cult)
-[] Lead an Expedition. (Select her as the leader of an Expedition in which you will not take part, plan the other details of the expedition accordingly. You will still have to fund the Expedition yourself)
-[] Other (WRITE IN, in case you have a viable idea that I have not thought about. Certain ideas might even enter this list if they make sense)
Selene (MOTH 1; WINTER 1; EDGE 0; KNOCK 0):
As an alicorn, Selene has TWO actions.
-[X] Go play. (Selene will live a normal and happy life. This option costs one of her actions, it will always be picked, and there is nothing you can do to stop it.)
-[] What might be learned from a simple game of hide-and-seek? (Subtly teach Selene a lesson of MOTH)
-[] Sometimes, it is more about knowing how to react to what happens than doing anything at all. Sometimes, it is all about patience. (Subtly teach Selene a lesson of WINTER)
-[] Life is an adventure, so go live it! (Subtly teach Selene a lesson of EDGE)
-[] There is always something more to be learned from our dreams. (Subtly teach Selene a lesson of KNOCK)
-The ponies and creatures listed below may be safely taken for a single one-turn (five days) Expedition without hampering their "focus". Taking them for a two-turn (6+ days) or greater Expedition will cause them to not execute their selected "focus".
Rarity (currently an Enlightened, GRAIL Level 0, FORGE Level nonexistent):
Current Health: 3
-[X] Focus on her work. She has a contract with high-end merchants and a noble family, after all. (DEFAULT PICK) (Picking this focus guarantees her to succeed, not picking will still have her working throughout the month, but since she won't dedicate herself to it she will roll a test for success) [QM advises this pick a final time, three months making a full season's worth of clothing. After that, it will be your lessened risk and choice.]
-[] Accompany you, and lend her hoof. (Pick HALF of your own personal actions, rounded DOWN, and Rarity will accompany you while you perform them, giving narrative advantages or mechanical buffs as needed)
-[] Act as your emissary. (Pick an EXTRA action from your own pool, Rarity will perform it to the best of her abilities, ALONE, and report to you later)
-[] Call her. Give her tasks, and books, and lessons. Turn her into an Initiate. (This will level her up, at the expense of her own focus action instead of an action of your own)
-[] Call her, you have a lot of things to tell her… and then a few introductions to make. (Induct her into the cult)
-[] Lead an Expedition. (Select her as the leader of an Expedition in which you will not take part, plan the other details of the expedition accordingly. You will still have to fund the Expedition yourself)
-[] Other (WRITE IN, in case you have a viable idea that I have not thought about. Certain ideas might even enter this list if they make sense)
Selene (MOTH 1; WINTER 1; EDGE 0; KNOCK 0):
As an alicorn, Selene has TWO actions.
-[X] Go play. (Selene will live a normal and happy life. This option costs one of her actions, it will always be picked, and there is nothing you can do to stop it.)
-[] What might be learned from a simple game of hide-and-seek? (Subtly teach Selene a lesson of MOTH)
-[] Sometimes, it is more about knowing how to react to what happens than doing anything at all. Sometimes, it is all about patience. (Subtly teach Selene a lesson of WINTER)
-[] Life is an adventure, so go live it! (Subtly teach Selene a lesson of EDGE)
-[] There is always something more to be learned from our dreams. (Subtly teach Selene a lesson of KNOCK)
[] A fleeting opportunity (rumor mills spin, opportunities come and go. These actions will never be available again)
-[] You know him too well, you love him too much. Heavens willing (because you will certainly do your own part) you will be able to settle things with Stormchaser. Enough time has passed for at least this much, so talk to him again. (Write in if you wish to approach this from a particular angle. Velvet will do it her own way if not.)
-[] You completely understand why your husband is feeling the way he is feeling, but you can also help him see that the "great secret" you were keeping to yourself isn't so great and terrible after all... (COMPROMISING about something, or gently introducing him to a certain thing will greatly help with your main efforts at getting your beloved husband back)
--[] Introduce him to a few Inner Circle members of the cult (pick TWO advisors to introduce Stormchaser to. Jade Whistle is unavailable for this)
--[] Introduce him to the Master... if you think that is a good idea.
--[] Try and teach him about the Lores, even if only to show him that they aren't as unnatural as they seem. (Failing to teach him might, instead, scare him and backfire)
--[] Teach him how to reach the Mansus, and try to teach him enough for him to even traverse the Crossroads (so you can actually meet him in the Woods, ideally). But all in all, give him access to the awe-striking and terrible vista that is the Mansus.
--[] Something else (Write in)
[] On what must be done (Ascending within the Mansus)
-[] There is no real trick to it, no grand preparation. You have reached the Blank Plains, now it is time to search for a path that leads upwards. (Mansus Hurdle CD 80, WINTER) (It is a single dice-roll to search for a way up. It applies DIPLOMACY to traverse the Blank Plains, SECRET HISTORIES Application Bonus to search, added to your WINTER Knowledge Bonus for its power.)
[] On the treasures that bits may buy (actions where you search for things to purchase)
-[] There are books that could be of use. You should start looking for them. All sub-choices not suspicious.
--[] In Ponyville, and its… great assortments of libraries? (no extra cost) (HEART, FORGE)
--[] In the great libraries of Canterlot… the ones that are open to public access, that is (20 bits in transportation) (applies "Royal Favor") (LANTERN, GRAIL, SECRET HISTORIES)
--[] In the many small bookshops that dot the side streets of Manehattan (35 bits in transportation) (MOTH, EDGE, KNOCK)
(Due to SECRET HISTORIES 3, now you have a better idea of what you are more likely to find in each city)
-[] The cult now has an appropriate place to meet, but you could still use a discrete location that is all your own. Scout for a suitable place, or other buildings that might be for sale. Not suspicious.
-[] Although you are personally judicious about such habits, you are still a noble. Searching for "peculiar items" to "add to your collection" is certainly not out of place… right? Not suspicious. Suspicion might arise if you later decide to buy the item, depending on its individual suspicion level.
[] Ponyville politics (furthering your influence in this town specifically)
-[] There is somepony in charge of the "heavy lifting" within your cult, of course, but you could do with a few strong hoofs at your personal disposal. Go looking for such contacts. (Low chance for success in Ponyville, according to Comet Feet) Moderately suspicious.
-[] There are bound to be, among all of those large, strong earth ponies, some who wouldn't mind a way to make some extra bits on the side. Reach out to them. (Scout out for ponies willing to get their hoofs dirty among your own employees. Low chance of success in Ponyville, according to Comet Feet). Highly suspicious.
-[] You are the highest authority from your family in Ponyville, and have countless earth pony farmers working under you. The next logical step it to scout for those who would be loyal to you and your cult. (Scout out for cult candidates within your own employees). Highly suspicious.
-[]Copper Secateur may be in charge of finding suitable candidates, she even was the pony who first introduced you into the Wildhoof Club, but you could use followers of your own.
-[] You now have a better grasp of the merchants in Ponyville, having had several letters of introduction sent around in your name. But what would you like to do next?
--[] Meet a few of them in person, and ingrain them to your cause. (WRITE IN if you will try to win them as personally loyal to you, or if you will point them in the direction of the cult)
--[] They are bit handlers, and that means they are a source of income. "Borrow" a few bits from your family and do a few quick investments. Everything will be back to its place by the end of the month, and you will be a little richer for that. (Attempt to gain a few more bits on the side, using your family's fortune as a lever) Highly suspicious.
--[] They know somepony who knows somepony who knows somepony. Use that to your advantage. (Ask them to search for an artifact. Specift LORE and LEVEL, up to Level 3. It will be added to your available list, but will be more expensive than normal) Not suspicious.
--[] Something else. WRITE IN.
-[] They're not the Royal Guard, but they're still guards, and as much as they might not have that much work on their hoofs, they're still the go-to ponies in case something worrying happens. Find out how the guard is structured in Ponyville, that will be the first step in getting to know them better. Moderately suspicious.
-[] A pony needs not to be a faithful of your cult in order to be useful, said pony needs only know what to report to whom, and when to keep one's mouth shut. Ponyville has an underworld, small as it might be, and their eyes and ears could be useful. Attempt to contact them. Highly suspicious.
[] Canterlot politics (furthering your influence in this town specifically)
-[] Despite the current kerfuffle you have with your family, you are still a noble. Try and reach out to others like you. Expanding one's influence has to start somewhere after all.
--[] Reach out to your family, at least the ones you go along well with.
---[] Reach out to your mother, as much as it might be… complicated. (costs 20 bits in transportation)
---[] Attempt to locate your older brother, Velvet Wings, as much as it might be difficult. (attempt to locate him, at first, via correspondence)
---[] Go there yourself and try to talk to your younger brother, Velvet Pride, although getting caught will probably be bad. (costs 20 bits in transportation, involves invading your family's own mansion)
-[] Reach out to other minor nobles of Canterlot.
-[] Reach out to other higher nobles of Canterlot, although that might be more complicated.
[] On aiding the cult (options not related to your current task, but related to the cult or with interactions with its members)
-[] You are the Loremaster! You are supposed to help your Master teach the faithful in the cult all manners of eldritch knowledge. Get to writing a Manifest on a Lore! [SPECIFY LORE] (Will produce a "book" to be added to the Bright Library, said book will be of the same level as your current level on the chosen Lore)
-[] Help Comet Feet
--[] He is probably... preparing, who knows how, for his coming trip. Reach out to him.
-[] Help Starry Dancer
--[] Now that you know her a bit better, you can always just spend time with her.
--[] One step further from getting into the good graces of Ponyville's Guard, she is now supposed to somehow get them even closer. She would surely benefit from your presence.
-[] Help Copper Secateur
--[] She was the first pony you met from the cult, and you two have become good friends. Pay her a visit, before she departs for who knows how long.
-[] Help Windy Flakes
--[] You realize you don't know very much about him at all. Time to remedy that.
--[] His business is all set up, and now he has to run it. And do you know who is good at running businesses? That's right, you are.
--[] Windy Flakes has messed with you, so now you will mess with him. (WRITE-IN HOW, specify if you will do it with good intentions [just to scare him] or with bad intentions [actually hinder him])
[] Set out on an Expedition.
-[] You don't have anywhere interesting to go, currently. Look for one. (Attempt to locate an interesting place to prepare an Expedition to. WRITE IN, if any specific theme is in mind.) Slightly Suspicious
[] On furthering your knowledge (actions directed at increasing your Lores, as explained in the Informational threadmark)
-[] The matters of [SPECIFY LORE] intrigues you, petition your cult's Master for a lesson (currently willing to teach all Lores up to level 4, gives a single scrap of Lore WITHOUT triggering a test)
-[]WRITE IN, to petition your Master for a question. (Mind you, however, that this will involve "trying" to talk to him, not a guaranteed audience, and he just might be very Moth about his answer.)
-[] There is something about this… thing, and you must learn what it is (pick a single artifact to learn from its Lore, and check it for hidden abilities).
-[] It doesn't have to be just during a leisure weekend evening, you can fit a few minutes of reading even when walking between rooms if you really get into it! (Pick up to two books to attempt to learn a scrap of Lore. Consumes books).
--[] BOOK, HEART Level 1. "A small book that covers a particular kind of elegant dancing".
--[] BOOK, FORGE Level 2. "A book about ingenious farming equipment, and how they function".
--[] BOOK, HEART Level 2. "A novel about a mare who fell in love with a drummer, the romantic parts all written in rhyming poetry".
--[] BOOK, HEART Level 3. "A study about yak culture. The part about their history and folklore is of little use. The chapters about their songs, however…".
--[] BOOK, KNOCK Level 2 – "An absolutely boring encyclopedia about how the tunnels, on the mountain in which Canterlot is perched, were dug. Reading this will be a challenge…"
--[] Some other book (select a book you have bought this turn)
[] The Mansus is a place of contradictions. It exists, and yet it doesn't. It is frightening, and yet it calls to you. Only through exploring it will you learn its secrets.
(Exploring a known part of the Mansus will yield the most varied of rewards, through a hidden roll of a dice. But beware that most rewards will be temporary, such as an Influence or a temporary buff. It is possible, however, to learn fragments of Lore as well, or to be rewarded nothing at all. Proceed at your own risk.)
-[] The Woods
--[] Explore the Woods, and its many whispers.
--[] There are other places connected to the Woods, but that are not in the Mansus proper. Look for them.
-[] The Blank Door
--[] Explore the Blank Plains, the first afterlife of ponykind.
--[] Visit the Lodge of the Sage Pony. You may not be able to talk to Baldomare, but you surely can listen very well.
--[] There are other parts connected to the Blank Plains. Look for them.
[] On the matters of house and heart (actions directed towards your own family, the part that you care for deeply as well as… the rest)
-[] Of course you love your family very much, but you could always spend a bit more time with them.
--[] Just another pleasant day that you will spend with them. Perfect for cooling your head off.
--[] Alright, this might be a BIT on the cult-y side, but… why not start giving your family subtle hints of Lore here and there? You might catch their attention, or perhaps even their interest.
--[] WRITE IN (other ways to spend time with your family, or anything else)
-[] You are on the good graces of Velvet Steppes, your uncle, although he feels like the pony who has his entire family on his good graces to begin with.
--[] Call him over! He hasn't met his own grandniece yet, after all, and better late than never when it comes to knowing him better.
--[] He is called the Facilitator. You have no idea why, but the effect is self-explanatory. Ask for his help regarding… (WRITE IN a favor you would like to ask, or COMBINE this action with another, to involve your uncle in it) (Your uncle is very good at making things easier)
-[] Bits are the engine of Equestria! You have been working your hooves off for years now, so it won't be seen as scandalous if you write a letter to your father requesting an increase in your share of the family's grants… right?
-[] You do know "your place" in the family, but bits are still important. A letter asking for a one-time gift will surely be better received than one asking for a permanent "raise", right?
-[] You really shouldn't, but needs must. Every single ledger from the farms east of Ponyville pass through you, it would be a simple matter to have some "administrative mistakes" make some bits disappear from the coffers and appear in your pockets.
--[] Have a servant do it, having an actual scapegoat is ideal if things go wrong. Highly suspicious.
--[] Do it yourself, it's better this way.
--[] Wait, right, the Wildhoof Club. Get in touch with Windy Flakes, and see how serious he was when he mentioned the whole "laundering bits" thing.
[] On those who surround you (actions directed at your contacts and friends)
-[] Go into town and try to meet somepony interesting.
-[] Sit down and work on a letter. Reach out to nobles who do not live in Canterlot. They, much like yourself, might not be deeply entangled on the webs of politics that surround the capital, but that just means they can also act with more freedom, right?
-[] Much to your own satisfaction, you now have a personal life outside of your maids, immediate family and business related meetings. You could choose to spend some time with… (SPECIFY if it will be "a social call" or "a step forward to converting said pony". SPECIFY if "you are willing to spend bits on this", for that little extra leverage)
--[] Teach Rarity, and have her turn into an Initiate
--[] Induct Rarity into the cult
--[] Twilight Sparkle, who leads the bearers of the Elements of Harmony
--[] Cheerilee, your daughter's schoolteacher
--[] Mayor Mare, the de-facto ruler of Ponyville
--[] Filthy Rich, a well-to-do and wealthy bussinespony
--[] WRITE IN (arrange to take your daughter to meet some of your younger acquaintances, or plan something else entirely)
[] You haven't forgotten about it, you just put it on hold until a more convenient time. (Purchases done here will arrive/be completed at the end of this turn.) (Does NOT cost an action)
-[] ARTIFACT – MOTH Level 2, buy for 100 bits.
[] On invoking the Lores (see RITUALS for more information, as well as CD and cost. SPECIFY if you will offer SACRIFICE)
-[] "The Attention of the Laws" (specify Aspect)
-[] "The Forge's Redemption"
-[] "The Incision of the Heart"
-[] "The Path Through Nightmares" (specify target)
-[] "The End is Beautiful" (specify target)
-[] "The calling of Influence" (specify Aspect)
-[] "The Reflection of the Tapestry" (specify subject)
--[ ] To be performed your cult's gathering place, where it is discreet but the cult will know of your actions. (Jade Whistle's Cadre can currently aid with a +10 bonus)
--[ ] To be performed at your own home, where the cult will not know of your actions, but you probably will be discovered or leave traces of it.
--[ ]
[ ] Others WRITE IN (anything, but I will have to consider it, and it might make the voting period a bit longer)
Contacts who are "Good Friends" have a better chance of reacting well or being useful if you include them in "Write In" options, although caution (and basic common sense on who to call for what) is advised. This might change if a contact is carpet-bomb called for everything.
There will be at least 48 hours of voting.
All voting will be in plan format. DO NOT INCLUDE actions you do not wish to take. No need to specify that "you will NOT buy X item" if you do not want to buy it. Merely do not mention it.
Velvet Covers is devoted to taking care of Selene. Actions that may ultimately lead to said duty being threatened will be extremely difficult to pull off. QM will comment if anything like that is being voted on.
Voting is getting more complicated. Kindly observe a SIX HOUR MORATORIUM before suggesting your plans, so as to avoid editing them too much, and to have enough discussion to know what you intend to lay down. These six hours are included in the first hours of the 48 hour period.
I hope I don't have to say that all actions are subject to writing-ins. Don't feel constrained by the abovementioned options, but keep in mind that they might be vetoed for in-character reasons.
[] The Attention of the Laws [SPECIFY LORE]
[] Number of actions
-[] 5+1
-[] 6+1
-[] 7+1
-[] 8+1
[] Buy Books
-[] KNOCK 3
-[] FORGE 1
-[] MOTH 1
[] Rarity
-[X] Focus on her work. (Third time is the charm, QM advised one last time)
-[] Accompany you.
-[] Act as your emissary.
-[] Level her up.
-[] Induct into cult
[] Selene
-[] Moth.
-[] Winter.
-[] Edge.
-[] Knock.
[] A fleeting opportunity
-[] Talk to your husband (Write in?)
-[] Compromise with something
--[] Introduce to two advisors (Write in)
--[] Introduce to Master
--[] Try and teach Lore
--[] Teach him how to reach the Mansus
--[] Write in
[] Mission
-[] Go higher in the Mansus
[] Shopping
-[] Books
--[] In Ponyville.
--[] In Canterlot.
--[] In Manehattan.
-[] Search for a place to buy in Ponyville.
-[] Search for Artifact
[] Ponyville politics
-[] Look for muscle-for-hire in town.
-[] Look for muscle-for-hire among your employees.
-[] Scout for cult candidates among your employees.
-[] Scout for cult candidates in town.
-[] Merchants
--[] Interact
--[] Attempt to raise bits for yourself.
--[] Ask for specific Lore artifact.
--[] WRITE IN.
-[] Contact Guard and law enforcement.
-[] Contact underworld(?) of town.
[] Canterlot politics (furthering your influence in this town specifically)
-[] Your family
--[] Contact your mother.
--[] Look for your older brother.
--[] Contact your younger brother.
-[] Reach out to other minor nobles.
-[] Reach out to higher nobles.
[] On aiding the cult
-[] Write a Manifest [SPECIFY LORE]
-[] Help Comet Feet
--[] Contact him.
-[] Help Starry Dancer
--[] Contact her.
--[] Help her with her task.
-[] Help Copper Secateur
--[] Contact her.
-[] Help Windy Flakes
--[] Contact him.
--[] Help him with his task.
--[] Get back at him.
[] Set out on an Expedition.
-[] Look for a place to go.
[] On furthering your knowledge
-[] Lesson from Master [SPECIFY LORE]
-[] Ask Master a question (risky)
-[] Study artifact (none availabe)
-[] Read book (write in which)
[] The Mansus
-[] The Woods
--[] Explore.
--[] Look for other places connected to it.
-[] The Blank Door
--[] Explore.
--[] Visit Baldomare
--[] Look for other places connected to it.
-[] Go higher in the Mansus
[] Personal life
-[] Family
--[] Idle interaction
--[] Attempt to teach Lore.
--[] WRITE IN (other ways to spend time with your family, or anything else)
-[] Velvet Steppes.
--[] Call him over.
--[] Ask for help (Write in on what)
-[] Ask your father for a raise.
-[] Ask your father for a one-time boon of bits.
-[] Steal bits from your family
--[] Have a servant do it.
--[] Do it yourself.
--[] Do it through the Wildhoof Club
[] Contacts
-[] Try to meet someone new.
-[] Contact other lesser nobles away from Canterlot.
-[] Interact with Known Contact
--[] Level up Rarity
--[] Induct Rarity into the cult
--[] Twilight Sparkle
--[] Cheerilee
--[] Mayor Mare
--[] Filthy Rich
[] Buy previous artifact.
-[] ARTIFACT – MOTH Level 2, buy for 100 bits.
[] Rituals
-[] "The Attention of the Laws" (specify Aspect)
-[] "The Forge's Redemption"
-[] "The Incision of the Heart"
-[] "The Path Through Nightmares" (specify target)
-[] "The End is Beautiful" (specify target)
-[] "The calling of Influence" (specify Aspect)
-[] "The Reflection of the Tapestry" (specify subject)
--[] To be performed your cult's gathering place
--[] To be performed at your own home
[] Something else? (WRITE IN)
[] Number of actions
-[] 5+1
-[] 6+1
-[] 7+1
-[] 8+1
[] Buy Books
-[] KNOCK 3
-[] FORGE 1
-[] MOTH 1
[] Rarity
-[X] Focus on her work. (Third time is the charm, QM advised one last time)
-[] Accompany you.
-[] Act as your emissary.
-[] Level her up.
-[] Induct into cult
[] Selene
-[] Moth.
-[] Winter.
-[] Edge.
-[] Knock.
[] A fleeting opportunity
-[] Talk to your husband (Write in?)
-[] Compromise with something
--[] Introduce to two advisors (Write in)
--[] Introduce to Master
--[] Try and teach Lore
--[] Teach him how to reach the Mansus
--[] Write in
[] Mission
-[] Go higher in the Mansus
[] Shopping
-[] Books
--[] In Ponyville.
--[] In Canterlot.
--[] In Manehattan.
-[] Search for a place to buy in Ponyville.
-[] Search for Artifact
[] Ponyville politics
-[] Look for muscle-for-hire in town.
-[] Look for muscle-for-hire among your employees.
-[] Scout for cult candidates among your employees.
-[] Scout for cult candidates in town.
-[] Merchants
--[] Interact
--[] Attempt to raise bits for yourself.
--[] Ask for specific Lore artifact.
--[] WRITE IN.
-[] Contact Guard and law enforcement.
-[] Contact underworld(?) of town.
[] Canterlot politics (furthering your influence in this town specifically)
-[] Your family
--[] Contact your mother.
--[] Look for your older brother.
--[] Contact your younger brother.
-[] Reach out to other minor nobles.
-[] Reach out to higher nobles.
[] On aiding the cult
-[] Write a Manifest [SPECIFY LORE]
-[] Help Comet Feet
--[] Contact him.
-[] Help Starry Dancer
--[] Contact her.
--[] Help her with her task.
-[] Help Copper Secateur
--[] Contact her.
-[] Help Windy Flakes
--[] Contact him.
--[] Help him with his task.
--[] Get back at him.
[] Set out on an Expedition.
-[] Look for a place to go.
[] On furthering your knowledge
-[] Lesson from Master [SPECIFY LORE]
-[] Ask Master a question (risky)
-[] Study artifact (none availabe)
-[] Read book (write in which)
[] The Mansus
-[] The Woods
--[] Explore.
--[] Look for other places connected to it.
-[] The Blank Door
--[] Explore.
--[] Visit Baldomare
--[] Look for other places connected to it.
-[] Go higher in the Mansus
[] Personal life
-[] Family
--[] Idle interaction
--[] Attempt to teach Lore.
--[] WRITE IN (other ways to spend time with your family, or anything else)
-[] Velvet Steppes.
--[] Call him over.
--[] Ask for help (Write in on what)
-[] Ask your father for a raise.
-[] Ask your father for a one-time boon of bits.
-[] Steal bits from your family
--[] Have a servant do it.
--[] Do it yourself.
--[] Do it through the Wildhoof Club
[] Contacts
-[] Try to meet someone new.
-[] Contact other lesser nobles away from Canterlot.
-[] Interact with Known Contact
--[] Level up Rarity
--[] Induct Rarity into the cult
--[] Twilight Sparkle
--[] Cheerilee
--[] Mayor Mare
--[] Filthy Rich
[] Buy previous artifact.
-[] ARTIFACT – MOTH Level 2, buy for 100 bits.
[] Rituals
-[] "The Attention of the Laws" (specify Aspect)
-[] "The Forge's Redemption"
-[] "The Incision of the Heart"
-[] "The Path Through Nightmares" (specify target)
-[] "The End is Beautiful" (specify target)
-[] "The calling of Influence" (specify Aspect)
-[] "The Reflection of the Tapestry" (specify subject)
--[] To be performed your cult's gathering place
--[] To be performed at your own home
[] Something else? (WRITE IN)