Turn 11 - Results, part 6
Uh-oh, better hide those FOALS!
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- Jan 7, 2024
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[X] Plan Seeking Illumination
-[x] 7+1 actions
-[x] The Lies We Tell
--[x] Stormchaser: Silence
--[x] Rarity: A cautious explanation
-[x] Confidant/Servant Actions
--[x] Rarity: Focus on her work
--[x] Jade: Investigate Selene
--[x] Selene: Moth Lesson
--[x] Servants: Canterlot book search
-[X] Uncle Steppes: We are going to be making the rounds in Canterlot given the occasion. Perhaps he can help out somehow?
-[x] Attention of the Laws: Secret Histories towards book search
-[X] Buy
--[X] FORGE 3
-[x] A fleeting opportunity: Openly go to the Royal Castle
-[x] A fleeting opportunity: Accompany Twilight to Canterlot
-[x] A fleeting opportunity: Gather followers
-[X] Talk to Windy Flakes
--[X] Let him know that you arranged a prank for him; you haven't interacted too tightly so far, but given some of his earlier actions you thought it would amuse him.
--[X] Explain that you weren't originally expecting to be able to aid his... project... at the same time, but you are glad things worked out well. Ask if it is something he is willing to talk about; you aren't really clear on the details yourself, but perhaps you can help?
-[x] Study
--[x] SH 3 Artifact
--[x] Edge 3 Book
-[X] Book Shopping in Canterlot
--[X] Invite Twilight to join you
-[x] Family idle interaction
--[x] With Selene.
-[x] 7+1 actions
--[x] Stormchaser: Silence
--[x] Rarity: A cautious explanation
-[x] Confidant/Servant Actions
--[x] Rarity: Focus on her work
--[x] Jade: Investigate Selene
--[x] Selene: Moth Lesson
--[x] Servants: Canterlot book search
-[X] Uncle Steppes: We are going to be making the rounds in Canterlot given the occasion. Perhaps he can help out somehow?
-[x] Attention of the Laws: Secret Histories towards book search
--[X] FORGE 3
-[x] A fleeting opportunity: Openly go to the Royal Castle
-[x] A fleeting opportunity: Accompany Twilight to Canterlot
-[x] A fleeting opportunity: Gather followers
-[X] Talk to Windy Flakes
--[X] Let him know that you arranged a prank for him; you haven't interacted too tightly so far, but given some of his earlier actions you thought it would amuse him.
--[X] Explain that you weren't originally expecting to be able to aid his... project... at the same time, but you are glad things worked out well. Ask if it is something he is willing to talk about; you aren't really clear on the details yourself, but perhaps you can help?
-[x] Study
--[x] Edge 3 Book
-[X] Book Shopping in Canterlot
--[X] Invite Twilight to join you
-[x] Family idle interaction
--[x] With Selene.
- - -
[X] Yes, the alicorns have returned and all that. But more importantly, you have free time inside the Royal Castle. And the Royal guard's numbers have… regrettably dwindled. That means you are inside the most ancient building known to Ponykind, with little to no oversight being directed at you. Go to the older and deeper reaches of the castle, and try to find something interesting.
- - -
[X] You talked a lot about many things, important and not, but it was one thing in particular that gained her your respect and friendship: "In the end, Cadance, we're all doing the best we can with what we have, and limited by what we know. Sometime that doesn't feel like enough, but all we can do is try and do better. Sometimes we regret our choices, even while we think it was really the only choice we could have ever made. And sometimes, it helps to have a friend to talk to, someone that will listen and give some advice without judging you for your weaknesses. they can give you strength when you find yourself with none of your own."
Princess Cadance will remember this.
- - -
That was honestly unexpected.
You truly wish that there was something more you could do for Cadance. But you can tell that her problem is far more complex than your talk, as long as it might have been, could have possibly covered.
To tell the truth, you even identified yourself with her, a little. There is a mare, underneath all of those problems, who is doing her absolute best given the circumstances. A mare who at times thinks that she is way out of her depth, but who truly believes that she has to keep going regardless. As much as it might be confusing, or frightening, or even painful at times.
Heavens, even the words you left her with were words that you have told yourself several times already.
And you could tell from her expression that they struck her.
However, there is also the other part to her situation.
The part that no matter how much you think of her as a simple mare that is trying her best, she is still an alicorn. You would have thought that it would be easy to see past her, that it would be easy to just think of her as a pegasus with horns or a unicorn with wings.
Oh, how wrong you were.
Cadance might be a pony, underneath all of that. Celestia as well, as you have well seen, might have been a pony who was borne like anypony else. But the fact remains that they are still alicorns. They are still Princesses.
And you don't mean that just in the sense that they are powerful, or that they might live a very long time (or perhaps forever) or any of that.
No, as much as you might think of Cadance as a mare, she is still… she is still relevant.
You don't exactly have the words to describe it. It really is more of a gut feeling than anything else. But still, you know that even if you met a terribly powerful unicorn, perhaps some figure of myth and legend, they would still not have that same weight about them that the Princesses have.
There is the fact that you know, that you have seen in Luna's mind, that at least the Two Sisters came from outside of this world.
There is the fact that you know that they, perhaps Cadance included, made a covenant with Harmony, whatever that might mean.
There is the fact that she is called the Princess of Love. And for all that it might be a cute title, and there is little information surrounding it, you can tell that it's not a label that she bears just for show. Much like how Princess Celestia and Luna are the Princesses of the Sun and Moon, and it is all but confirmed that they have a connection to those things.
Heavens, you… even the way you found her, a few hours ago. You didn't just wander around the castle at random and stumbled upon Cadance as she had a very personal moment by sheer chance.
You felt her.
It might have been your awareness of Winter, it might have been because of your Brand, or perhaps a mixture of everything.
But you found Cadance because you could feel her mourning. Because you could feel her sadness. And you followed that feeling like you might have a scent.
Something that you very much doubt would have happened if it was anypony else.
"Still," you mutter to yourself, as you walk past one of her two guards, his back still turned towards you, and trot back towards the castle at large. "I really hope I helped her, even if just a bit."
Because after all, even though they might be special, or perhaps "destined" to do more due to their nature, they still can't carry the world on their backs.
And the hug she gave you, as you two exchanged your goodbyes, still feels warm against your coat.
So, you know that she is still a pony with feelings, who you can very much help. Even if just with the small things.
"Uh… excuse me. Miss? Did you just come from that corridor?!" you hear the confused guard who you just walked by call out for you.
Oh, right. You completely forgot you snuck past him on your way in!
- - -
It is very late. Or perhaps very early, depending on how you look at it.
You started to think that was the case when you realized you had not passed by a castle servant, or another wandering noble, in quite a while. But you confirmed it once you checked on a clock in one of the more public areas.
Your talk with Cadance took a lot longer than you realized. To the point where you even wonder if she will sleep at all. After all, there will be ponies who will be waking up in a few more hours.
It's this damn eclipse, you think idly. You can see the symbolism of it, of course, but you really think that keeping it for an entire week is being too much. Of course, maybe it's because the whole situation has been stressful, but nowadays you can't think of the constant orange light as anything but gloomy.
"Still, this might be a good opportunity to do something I had in mind for a while," you say to yourself, as you look around to see if there is anypony nearby.
And of course, you confirm that you are alone.
Which makes this the ideal moment to check on something.
You had a thought the last time you had been to the castle, all those months ago.
You had a thought that many other ponies like yourself have wondered about. Something that has been well documented in some books, even, in various degrees of accuracy and speculation.
You wondered to yourself just how old Canterlot is. Or rather, how old the Royal Castle itself is.
Pony history is a rather complicated thing. It is well documented, of course, but not exactly in a cohesive manner.
You see, the problem is that until a few centuries ago there wasn't much of a concerned effort to record pony history in a unified and objective manner. Of course, Princess Celestia has been a patron of education and culture for as long as anypony remembers, but the fact remains that only the last eight or nine centuries of pony history is actually documented in a scientific manner.
That is, only the last few centuries have enough books, accounts, and trusted sources about them for everypony to be able to agree that "yes, that is indeed what happened".
The centuries before those, on the other hoof, also have their accounts, books and sources. But many of them have problems like not using the Pony Kingdom's calendar, which makes it hard to pinpoint when they were written, or not being dated at all. Other sources of information from those long-past centuries come from texts written by isolated scholars, or from communities which had not yet been brought into Princess Celestia's fold, which brings another set of complications to the table.
So, to put it simply, the first few decades (or perhaps even centuries) of Princess Celestia's reign are even to this day the subject of debate and confusion. To the point that events that should have been of extreme importance, such as Princess Luna's imprisonment, have been thought to be legends and myths.
To be honest, nopony really knows what other bits and pieces of knowledge is missing from ponykind's collective memories. Nopony can say for sure what the world was like before Princess Celestia's rule, apart from what can be gleamed from unreliable texts and myths.
And although Princess Celestia is a benevolent and wise ruler, she is surprisingly unhelpful when it comes to clearing up those mysteries. Much to the dismay of the more studious ponies.
Of course, the fact that you know that history is full of inconsistencies to begin with makes this whole affair even more convoluted than it normally would be.
Anyhow, back to the matter at hand. The Royal Castle.
It is well accepted that centuries ago, when Princess Celestia became the ruler of ponykind, there were several communities of ponies scattered throughout Equestria. Details of that period are hazy at best, with oral tradition being often the best source of information regarding said communities, but still it is also widely accepted that Canterlot was founded so as to serve as a ruling seat for the Princess' reign.
The fact that Canterlot is very close to the center of the known mainland, also, lends good sense to those assumptions.
Still, there are all sorts of mysteries and blank spots when it comes to said founding. For starters, trains would only be invented much, much later, so it makes little sense for contemporary scholars as to why Princess Celestia would build the Royal Castle on the top high face of a mountain.
You have already heard your fair share of speculations, so you won't dwell on those. Instead, you are much more interested in what you can find with your own two eyes than anything else you might have heard throughout your years at the university.
So, you set out to the deeper reaches of the castle.
After all, it is late in the night, or perhaps early in the morning. And you have nothing to keep you company but the gloomy light of the eclipse.
The fact that the castle is also much emptier than it should be, thanks to the engraved names before which you and Cadance had your long talk, is also something that you decide not to think too much about.
- - -
You look down at the wooden ground beneath your hoofs, double-checking for the third time that you are indeed seeing what you think you are seeing, and not that you have gone insane on the last five minutes.
This is…
Well. Truth be told, this is what you had hoped to find. But having found it, you still have that feeling of disbelief about you.
And now that you think about it, you are not sure you would have found it if you had looked for it in a more mundane manner. Or to be more specific, you are not sure you would have found this if you did not have the Brand you carry upon your flank.
Although you are not sure how you might explain that particular thought of yours.
Still, you are in a rather curious place.
The Royal Castle is old, of course. Perhaps it might even be more accurate to call it ancient. But it is still the very current and in-use residence of Princess Celestia. Which means that your initial plans to "go somewhere on the deeper levels" in order to find a glimpse of something older and half-forgotten didn't exactly go as planned.
Specifically because the Royal Castle does not have any "deeper levels". Not in the way you were imagining there would be, at least.
Everywhere you went, even the underground passageways that lead to the other buildings of the Royal District, looks like they have been cared for or renovated not long ago. You don't know much of architecture, but you think those places have all seen an architect's hoof no more than a century ago.
Which meant that you couldn't even find an old place to investigate in the Royal Castle to begin with.
That is, until you had a flash of inspiration. One that you can't tell if you should attribute to luck, or a stray thought, or an itch you felt on your cutie mark for less than a second.
But still, you decided to stop skulking around the castle as if you were looking for something old.
And you started going about it as if you were looking for something secret.
That is how you got here.
You are currently in a small and empty cellar. One underneath the servant's wing of the castle, and that by the markings on the walls you believe was used to store coal, perhaps for the servant's own uses seeing how far you are from the more important parts of the castle.
Still, you are in a small and empty cellar. The place is pitch dark, it was locked behind a door that you know had not been opened in years, and you had to sneak by three puffy-eyed maids who had clearly just woken up just to get here.
But still, you know that you found what you were looking for.
And that is because…
Because the floor, the old, wooden, coal marked floor on which you are standing, is denying you passage.
You wouldn't have noticed it. It would have been impossible to notice it, without your Knock-sense at least. But somehow, you are absolutely sure that… that there is something down here, underneath the floor.
You simply know, by the itching on your cutie mark and the whispers of the not-floor that there is a lot more underneath this cellar than its simple appearance lets on. A lot more underneath this castle, perhaps, and that you just might have found a door to it.
However, you resist the urge to check on it now. You resist the urge to give the ground that gentlest tap that would open it. You don't have time for this, at least not right now.
You also think that you will need to bring a lot more rope, and perhaps a few more helping hoofs, if you are to take a peek into someplace as old and forgotten as whatever might be underneath this cellar.
You have located an Expedition Site of unknown details: "Beneath the Royal Castle".
More to follow.