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Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

The Crucible-Lock is amaranthine, it cannot be circumvented or broken except by the method that we have discovered. So there's no danger of someone getting to Glory ahead of us excepting for the highly unlikely chance of another outsider just lying around.
This is a dangerous assumption to make; we figured it, our Master figured it out and someone else can too. If we just leave the Glory for pursuing other endings under the assumption that no one else will come up from behind then we're begging to lose. It's not like we'll know someone has gotten to Discord until after the break in.
I also note that involving Names in this expedition would mean directly tempting them with a real shot at Glory, Baldomare changed her mind, Axe or Biedde might just decide to take the opportunity. At the very least we could not under any circumstances risk Mareinette, even if she didn't want Glory she would absolutely want that Blood.
Marinette was never an option in anyone's mind, hopefully, and as for DoA and Biedde? Neither know about us searching for an Outsider, that is presumably between us and Baldomare (maybe Selene) and if we spontaneously take them along for an expedition then they should have no time to figure out why we need the blood either. It took us pointing it out for Baldomare the Lantern Name to do so and no offense to DoA but I don't think she comes close in that regard. As for Daybreaker? I, and presumably others, plan on her being dealt with before we go deal with Discord (unless he'll escape in the Chaos in which case we'll have decide what we wanna risk).

No, what I and others are arguing against is leaving Glory behind for other endings. We simply don't have the luxury to do so, the longer we play the more chances we get to mess up. The longer we play the more chances someone else wins.
In the meantime, we have a minimum of two expensive endeavors coming up in the Book and the Key, which will have to be tackled almost simultaneously given how Baldomare is coming up on her desummoning and Axe isn't very far behind. We're going to spend money, we're going to spend actions, and it's all going to scrape very closely to the walls because our margins are paper-thin. Everything is going to get more expensive, Biedde's payroll, Baldomare's Lvl 7 book, Axe's who knows what, Mareinette's who knows what, the Forge name that we'll probably find in the ruins of the Malleary and immediately try to summon, reagents, expeditions, Hearth's Warming gifts for the family, ect.
And your point with this is what? That we stop pursuing Glory, actions with no bits cost mind you, actions that we don't need to take (outside of the Mansus search) because we'll be running low on bits? Something we've had to deal with since quest start?
This is a dangerous assumption to make; we figured it, our Master figured it out and someone else can too. If we just leave the Glory for pursuing other endings under the assumption that no one else will come up from behind then we're begging to lose. It's not like we'll know someone has gotten to Discord until after the break in.

Forgive me but I'm not certain The Master had any idea about the whole blood of an outsider business, though I'll freely admit my memory for fine detail is somewhat lacking in this regard. I was under the impression that her final gambit was a matter of bunting because the current situation wasn't producing useful results so she'd decided to reset the board and try again in 20-something years with a better position.

The only reason we know about Discord and his location in Canterlot is a combination of OOC knowledge and Baldomare bending her rules. We only figured out Selene/Luna due to close interaction, I'm not sure if anyone else in the world even knows what an outsider is, let alone that one's blood could break the lock, let alone that one is in Canterlot specifically.

I'm not suggesting we durdle, I'm simply pointing out that we don't need to panic and rush since every single scrap of information save our own thoughts, Baldomare, and the DM's omniscient System-notifications will tell competitors that Glory is simply unreachable. That's why the Mansus was abandoned and empty before the quest began, everyone from aspirants to Names simply gave up.

and if we spontaneously take them along for an expedition then they should have no time to figure out why we need the blood either.

In order to use the blood we will have to either go home or find somewhere else where we can go to sleep and thus dream our way to the Door. This will take time, leave us physically vulnerable, and for an especial treat the road up to Glory takes us right past The Worm Museum and through Biedde's territory. He's not stupid you know, if we wave the situation under his nose he's going to have to make A Decision. Honestly, I don't think he'd care, as long as we don't threaten his charge, but that's just one of multiple Names, if we gear up for a big unusually risky expedition they'll wonder what we're doing same as anypony else.

And your point with this is what? That we stop pursuing Glory, actions with no bits cost mind you, actions that we don't need to take (outside of the Mansus search) because we'll be running low on bits? Something we've had to deal with since quest start?

What I'm saying, is that since Glory is going to be a dangerous path at the moment to summarily force open, we should take a moment after accomplishing our immediate goals (which yes, include searching for the outsider) to improve our position so we won't run out of gas in the final stretch and end up flailing for resources to get us that last little bit of the way home. I'm saying we don't have to be low on bits, we don't have to be low on actions, we could firm up our foundations so we don't get kneecapped at the penultimate step by something completely preventable.
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Pardon, I kinda just want to print this out and title it "Cope"

Because, yes! You are, technically speaking, correct.
She's not dead. She is just the reanimated person of the same person that we ripped back in and installed into the same body with a lingering malignant shard of a reflection of the Wolf after she killed herself, whom we then gaslit her and everyone around by cracking and smothering them in Edge and Grail influence enough that they were unable to see and or remember the fact she killed herself, and is and was manifesting aspects of the Wolf unbeknownst to herself and others.

So... yes. She is not "dead" in the same way that a Flourishing Risen is.
But this is the part of the Ship of Theseus that I say "Yeah, that's not them anymore."
a Risen is basically the Woods filling an empty body and moving it for a bit.

What we did to Soft is basically take her breaking body, and force a bit of wolf in there to keep it powered on, as the Wolf is unceasing and can't die.

Soft is still Soft. She's just "powered" by an extremely dangerous and corrupting seed... which is MOSTLY dormant as long as we don't feed it with regrettable actions

They're COMPLETELY different things. Soft is still Soft, what happens is that she has a seed of a Wolf inside her, and as we take RAs that seed grows and, I imagine, starts to corrupt her and/or take over.

Overall my thought on the whole Outsider, Glory, hurry-up-the-winning, and so on business is that it feels rushed. Inadvisably rushed. Luna and Cadance are committed to helping Celestia, a healthy Celestia freed of Daybreaker would be immensely grateful with Luna and Cadance vouching for us, at that point we could just ask for Discord's statue. The Crucible-Lock is amaranthine, it cannot be circumvented or broken except by the method that we have discovered. So there's no danger of someone getting to Glory ahead of us excepting for the highly unlikely chance of another outsider just lying around.

There's AT LEAST three outsiders around that we know of.

Discord, Celestia, and Selene/Luna.

There's also plenty of villains who might or might not find out about the Outsider Lock. I wouldn't put it beyond Bird to make it so Sombra or Tirek are aware.

if getting to Glory means quest end, then remaining problems likely don't matter because Hour Velvet would be in a much better position to fix them.

If it doesn't, it's still likely to be a boost, probably longhood, and we're still far better off than before.

I also note that involving Names in this expedition would mean directly tempting them with a real shot at Glory,

Axe likely doesn't know about Outsider thing, BALDOMARE didn't realize it EVEN after having met an Outsider until we explicitly told her.

as for Biedde, he can't leave the Worm Museum unguarded, so I'm going to assume that even if he knew it wouldn't change anything.

I'd definitely prefer if we kept Mareinette away from this Outsider search though. even if she doesn't realize the glory-lock... an Outsider is likely to be a rare treat she might like to nibble on...

As for Daybreaker? I, and presumably others, plan on her being dealt with before we go deal with Discord (unless he'll escape in the Chaos in which case we'll have decide what we wanna risk).

Well, at the very least FINDING the Outsider is not particularly risky.

If we find out that the next step is something like an expedition in Celestia's palace to steal the statue right from under her watch, then we can maybe reconsider.

But... ASSUMING Discord is still petrified, he's likely going to get free soon. That would be even MORE stressfull for Celestia than Discord just disappearing I think, and Celestia doesn't currently have a way of stopping him.

I'm going to assume Celestia is currently stronger than she was the first time she fought Discord more than a millennia ago... but I don't think it's enough.
Forgive me but I'm not certain The Master had any idea about the whole blood of an outsider business,
That... is certainly a possibility. The Master knowing about the Blood, on my side at least, was a given because of the way he talked about the Alicorns, it was almost like he wanted the cult to kill them and considering he said Harmony was a path we could take that feels weird.

I remember that we learned that the vote for the Cult's Principle was to decide who would take action, so I think most assumed it meant "who found out how to open the Lock" but it could just mean "who decided to act".

Getting the Blood is not easy, aside from finding an Outsider you need to find a way to get the trait by finding the right place in the Mansus and kill it which is not something most ponies have a chance of doing, all of these steps are difficult to complete and would take like 5 turns if there was absolutely no failure at all and the one doing it knew about the Blood.

But... ASSUMING Discord is still petrified, he's likely going to get free soon. That would be even MORE stressfull for Celestia than Discord just disappearing I think, and Celestia doesn't currently have a way of stopping him.
I honestly feel like that is the perfect setup for an end of current season/start of a new season plot. For those who don't know much about MLP, it tends to have a whole world affecting plot at the start and end of every season and Daybreaker and Discord being the villains of those "episodes" in the Quest seems like it would fit.

The best part is those episodes make Harmony... I want to say exponentially stronger but I'm not sure, it will become stronger if everything goes right though. The Elements also take part as Harmony's most active agents so Twilight might be recovering to be ready for that.
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I remember that we learned that the vote for the Cult's Principle was to decide who would take action, so I think most assumed it meant "who found out how to open the Lock" but it could just mean "who decided to act".

I always assumed it was the second. The problem The Master was trying to solve was not getting to Glory, but rather finding a way to avert the encroaching worms being attracted by Harmony's light. The interest in the Sisters was due to their connection to Harmony, the original Path Through Nightmare that buggered everything up was only meant to be a fact-finding mission to identify Luna's relationship to Harmony and/or The Worms.

Personally I'm pretty sure whatever grand plans The Master had imploded right there with Luna's stability.
Forgive me but I'm not certain The Master had any idea about the whole blood of an outsider business, though I'll freely admit my memory for fine detail is somewhat lacking in this regard. I was under the impression that her final gambit was a matter of bunting because the current situation wasn't producing useful results so she'd decided to reset the board and try again in 20-something years with a better position.

The only reason we know about Discord and his location in Canterlot is a combination of OOC knowledge and Baldomare bending her rules. We only figured out Selene/Luna due to close interaction, I'm not sure if anyone else in the world even knows what an outsider is, let alone that one's blood could break the lock, let alone that one is in Canterlot specifically.

I'm not suggesting we durdle, I'm simply pointing out that we don't need to panic and rush since every single scrap of information save our own thoughts, Baldomare, and the DM's omniscient System-notifications will tell competitors that Glory is simply unreachable. That's why the Mansus was abandoned and empty before the quest began, everyone from aspirants to Names simply gave up.
Someone needs to only climb to the Tricuspid Gate and find out the Lock exists and can't be broken by something from this World to start investigating. The cult remnants can start spamming RotTs for a solution, if that doesn't work make a new ritual, maybe search for books or other Knowledge sources, ask Names in their service and who knows what else (Neighina alongside Baldomare and Marinette are uniquely suited to connect the dots). Anyone dedicated will catch up if we give them the time.
The only reason we know about Discord and his location in Canterlot is a combination of OOC knowledge and Baldomare bending her rules. We only figured out Selene/Luna due to close interaction, I'm not sure if anyone else in the world even knows what an outsider is, let alone that one's blood could break the lock, let alone that one is in Canterlot specifically.
In order to use the blood we will have to either go home or find somewhere else where we can go to sleep and thus dream our way to the Door. This will take time, leave us physically vulnerable, and for an especial treat the road up to Glory takes us right past The Worm Museum and through Biedde's territory. He's not stupid you know, if we wave the situation under his nose he's going to have to make A Decision. Honestly, I don't think he'd care, as long as we don't threaten his charge, but that's just one of multiple Names, if we gear up for a big unusually risky expedition they'll wonder what we're doing same as anypony else.
It's one or the other, either no one can figure it out or someone can. Also if Bieede (or any other Name for that matter) does seek to stop us (Biedde specifically being an impossible scenario because the Worm Museum must have a Guard) then this is going to happen irregardless of when we climb for Glory, i.e it's a universal complication thus the point is moot. Why? Because in this scenario Bird would have us, a Mortal attempt to fight a Name giving it their all. There is no amount of prep that would suffice.
What I'm saying, is that since Glory is going to be a dangerous path at the moment to summarily force open, we should take a moment after accomplishing our immediate goals (which yes, include searching for the outsider) to improve our position so we won't run out of gas in the final stretch and end up flailing for resources to get us that last little bit of the way home. I'm saying we don't have to be low on bits, we don't have to be low on actions, we could firm up our foundations so we don't get kneecapped at the penultimate step by something completely preventable.
We are not forcing open Glory next turn we are only advancing the quest line. Also, how long and how many actions will either endeavour take? Bits we'd need to start doing illegal stuff for, something the community has universally voted against while more AP requires either summons, immediately useful and already being considered for next turn, or other Ponys who require multiple APs over multiple turns for unknown benefit
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Someone needs to only climb to the Tricuspid Gate and find out the Lock exists and can't be broken by something from this World to start investigating. The cult remnants can start spamming RotTs for a solution, if that doesn't work make a new ritual, maybe search for books or other Knowledge sources, ask Names in their service and who knows what else (Neighina alongside Baldomare and Marinette are uniquely suited to connect the dots). Anyone dedicated will catch up if we give them the time.

We are not the first adept to get to the Gate, we are the last, if not the least then certainly less than many who rose this high. Nobody ever hit on even a hypothetical situation, an imaginary pie in the sky dream solution of otherworldly creatures to quench burning chains with their blood. Baldomare testifies herself.

"Of course not, Velvet. Nothing can be done. There is no power in this world that can undo that ward. Trust me, they tried. They all tried."

No occult revelation or lost record is going to point at an outsider, if Baldomare herself back in the day couldn't divine anything other than "no power in this world" then some scraggy Grail cult or independent lacking primordial context definitely won't. We have uncovered the very concept of an outsider through close and prolonged interaction with Luna, without that particular factoid Alicorns and chaos spirits are assumed to be a natural part of the world. It would be bitterly ironic if Chrysalis was somehow an Outsider though, then not only would we have missed out on a priceless opportunity but Celestia would quite possibly have [Blood of the Outsider].

It's one or the other, either no one can figure it out or someone can. Also if Bieede (or any other Name for that matter) does seek to stop us (Biedde specifically being an impossible scenario because the Worm Museum must have a Guard) then this is going to happen irregardless of when we climb for Glory, i.e it's a universal complication thus the point is moot. Why? Because in this scenario Bird would have us, a Mortal attempt to fight a Name giving it their all. There is no amount of prep that would suffice.

Anyone with records of alicorn origins and the opportunity to regularly observe an alicorn can figure it out you mean. We had Luna's memories and physicality to contemplate, and Baldomare to put it all together once we laid out the pieces. And I think it's very possible Bird would allow us to make a fatal mistake, hence the need to discuss matters.

We are not forcing open Glory next turn we are only advancing the quest line. Also, how long and how many actions will either endeavour take? Bits we'd need to start doing illegal stuff for, something the community has universally voted against while more AP requires either summons, immediately useful and already being considered for next turn, or other Ponys who require multiple APs over multiple turns for unknown benefit

Agreed, I never said we shouldn't complete the [Locate an Outsider] task, I was and am cautioning against bulling ahead on the Outsider once we do know where they are. That would undoubtably be the single-most volatile and potentially deadly expedition we could embark on, since Celestia is on a hair-trigger and we need to sleep to achieve the Mansus. Imagine getting the Blood only to then instantly be dragged into a Daybreaker-themed crisis without an opportunity to sleep and thus actually reach Glory.

The last time we invested multiple APs over multiple turns for an unknown benefit we got ourselves a second alicorn conspirator plus her husband as a free bonus. A while before that we we acquired our current greatest source of bits besides our own employment. It is my genuine belief that we're about to hit a slow point in the quest as we complete our current Name-related expeditions/acquisitions, work the Outsider matter to a momentary stopping point, and fiddle with personal Sacraments. During this time, I want to make some long-term investments that will pay off in some mechanical fashion similar to how investing in Rarity has.
It would be bitterly ironic if Chrysalis was somehow an Outsider though
Nope, Mansus creature that was cursed with insatiable Grail emotion-hunger that used Moldywarp's Stone to hide from execution related to the Crime of the Sky but lost her memories in the process. I wonder how many like her just forgot their roots in the Mansus.

Hummm, you actually made me remember a theory I had about that. The Horned Axe was mentioned by Chrysalis when she recovered her memories and we know the Daughter-of-Axes was the Daughter of another once, most likely the Mother of Ants, and her insistence on there being no Crime + Axe's "After my Mother did what she did" makes me think there was some sort of plot involving the Crime, maybe the same one that caused the Granddaughters to be hunted?

They could be separate things but the Horned Axe has a good reason to hate the Mother of Ants considering she took an active part in the Lithomachy and both of them are Knock Hours so she could have done it to gather more power over the Principle especially if the Meniscate was sacrificed for the Second Dawn and did not return(unlike the Wolf).
The way thou the gate is written on the lock itself. The old cultist gave up only because their was no outsiders to find, by the time their where they had all succumbed to hopelessness.
The way thou the gate is written on the lock itself. The old cultist gave up only because their was no outsiders to find, by the time their where they had all succumbed to hopelessness.
Not really:
"Still, the Mansus was swarmed. And for a very short time, everypony thought they could do it. After all, everything was falling apart so why not give it a try? However, those who made it to the top… well, they eventually came face to face with that. And one by one they realized there was nothing else they could do. One by one they tried, and by the Watchpony did they try. But eventually, everypony… every creature, every thing gave up."
"Of course not, Velvet. Nothing can be done. There is no power in this world that can undo that ward. Trust me, they tried. They all tried."
Baldomare herself can see that the only reason she didn't notice it herself was because she was too dulled to care. She had already seen so much, and tried so hard, that she had been disinterested ever since she arrived in the Wake. Even though she saw Selene so long ago, she never really bothered to see.
Everyone knows that no power in the World can open the way to Glory, but (almost)no one knows that a power that is not of the World is the key to Glory. Baldomare herself(the last Lantern Name)only realized it after Velvet mentioned using Selene to break the lock and she knew Outsiders existed and what they are, so there were some in the World even back then.

Only those who know Outsiders exist have the chance of discovering it, even then they may try doing other things in desperation like in the past, History loves repeating itself, after all. There is no need to worry that much about someone else finding out about the Blood, our main worry should be keeping Velvet alive and capable of pursuing a Victory(and reaching it too, of course).
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Because in this scenario Bird would have us, a Mortal attempt to fight a Name giving it their all. There is no amount of prep that would suffice.

NOT WITH THAT ATTITUDE! The Colonel Did it, I'm sure we can do it too!

given a decade to reach all-7 and a few artifacts, maybe...

A while before that we we acquired our current greatest source of bits besides our own employment.
I'm still proud of the rarity-focused plan. Beside the actual gains, I just found that turn particularly entertaining.

Admittedly we invested a LOT of resources on her, including one of Cadance's "gifts", we'll see if it was worth it.

A Commission is >100 bits. We COULD have just taken the... I think 500 bits of "spare change", admittedly, but that's not as narratively satisfying!
and she knew Outsiders existed and what they are, so there were some in the World even back then.

I don't think there were. My assumption is that as a LANTERN Name she knew of them, but that generally speaking the Hours kept them... you know, out.

That Outsiders could only come in because the Gods are no longer stopping them.

It makes sense. All the Outsiders we know of (The original being that became Celestia and Luna, Discord, MAYBE Sombra and/or Tirek) are all beings that came AFTER the Mansus broke down after all.
Anyone reaching the Gate will know the specifics of the Lock, the Cult Remnants know about Luna and Celestia being Outsiders because the Master kept harping on about, occultists know about Meteoric Iron thus they know about other things being from Outside. The connection is there, the connection can be made. And once made they can start RotT like we would've had to to find Discord. Sure they don't have our advantages but to assume it just won't happen is folly.

Chrysalis was of the Mansus, she can't be an Outsider we've been over this before.

You are comparing the Rarity an Element Bearer and the product of multiple high rolls and potent choices made from other long term projects alongside fucking Cadance who we spent something like 10 turns on with the Mayor. Do you see what's wrong here? And again, if AP and bits is what you want then loosening restrictions on Summons and Summons themselves are flat out better.
Everyone knows that no power in the World can open the way to Glory, but (almost)no one knows that a power that is not of the World is the key to Glory. Baldomare herself(the last Lantern Name)only realized it after Velvet mentioned useing Selene to break the lock and she knew Outsiders existed and what they are, so there were some in the World even back then.
Correction no one made the connection because there were no Outsiders at the time, it's only know that Outsiders are present can the connection be made but the Names have given up, they're complacent thus it isn't.

I'd assume in the Lantern and Secret Histories Cults Baldomare does make the connection and decides it's time to climb again.
NOT WITH THAT ATTITUDE! The Colonel Did it, I'm sure we can do it too!
Trying to emulate the Colonel is a loosing proposition, we also kinda lack a converted priestess of royal descent…

…wait a min-
Trying to emulate the Colonel is a loosing proposition, we also kinda lack a converted priestess of royal descent…

…wait a min-
"Mom, I really don't think this is a good idea."

"Hush, Selene dear. Now finish stabbing your scarred mother in the eye, so that the sight of Discord will not destroy me."


Anyways. Writing. Hopefully we have an update today.
Anyone reaching the Gate will know the specifics of the Lock, the Cult Remnants know about Luna and Celestia being Outsiders because the Master kept harping on about, occultists know about Meteoric Iron thus they know about other things being from Outside. The connection is there, the connection can be made. And once made they can start RotT like we would've had to to find Discord. Sure they don't have our advantages but to assume it just won't happen is folly.
You want to tell me some random cultist in position to climb to the top of Mansus? We will deal with Copper one way or another, find Windy next and can hunt or take over the rest later. There is no indication that anyone else climbs Mansus beside our former cult, and if someone totally random appears I guess we will get signs of it.

We are not forcing open Glory next turn we are only advancing the quest line. Also, how long and how many actions will either endeavour take? Bits we'd need to start doing illegal stuff for, something the community has universally voted against while more AP requires either summons, immediately useful and already being considered for next turn, or other Ponys who require multiple APs over multiple turns for unknown benefit
We could have send Marionette to talk to Rich this turn instead of having her guard our house. We don't even need many AP. Even one talk should be enough to know what to invest into in Ponyville while it is in its expanding phase.
Or scry for expedition with the most amount of valuables in it . Then send Names to mine diamonds or something.
I don't think there were. My assumption is that as a LANTERN Name she knew of them, but that generally speaking the Hours kept them... you know, out.

That Outsiders could only come in because the Gods are no longer stopping them.

It makes sense. All the Outsiders we know of (The original being that became Celestia and Luna, Discord, MAYBE Sombra and/or Tirek) are all beings that came AFTER the Mansus broke down after all.
They may have generally kept them out but the Nowhere Hours and Worms(since some managed to get hosts even with the wards active in the past) are proof that even back then things from outside the World were able to get in, the fact we only know of the more recent ones is not exactly proof there weren't others in the World.

It looks like the Hours mostly kept Outsiders from coming in the World but some slipped through anyway, if they lived long after entering is another story.
Do note that simply killing Selene or Celestia is not sufficient for getting the Blood of an Outsider Trait. Only killing Selene under a very specific set of circumstances would have gained us that previously. As to why that is, maybe it is due to their entering this world through birth as pieces of an outsider, and you have to strip away their worldly identity in order to expose the Outsider bits for harvesting, or something. Which leaves things like Tirek or Discord on the plate, of course.

Though uh, Discord has anti-scrying that can fool Baldomare built-in, so good luck with that. Tirek might be easier to scry, or maybe he just eats the ritual, who knows how his shit works.
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You are comparing the Rarity an Element Bearer and the product of multiple high rolls and potent choices made from other long term projects alongside fucking Cadance who we spent something like 10 turns on with the Mayor. Do you see what's wrong here? And again, if AP and bits is what you want then loosening restrictions on Summons and Summons themselves are flat out better.
Honestly I'm just waiting for Cadance to be able to fund us.

Narratively speaking, as a princess she definitely HAS to have a discretionary budget, and it shouldn't be THAT hard for her to share it with us.

She KNOWS about Selene now, and we're probably going to go clean with her soon about more stuff too. It's hardly unreasonable of us to ask for money needed for "special magic rituals".

as for the Mayor, or Filthy Rich (not really Cherilee) I can see them being useful, that said I'd prioritize teaching Rarity and Fluttershy first really.

Trying to emulate the Colonel is a loosing proposition, we also kinda lack a converted priestess of royal descent…

…wait a min-



"Mom, I really don't think this is a good idea."

"Hush, Selene dear. Now finish stabbing your scarred mother in the eye, so that the sight of Discord will not destroy me."


Anyways. Writing. Hopefully we have an update today.
History Doesn't Repeat Itself...

but It Often Rhymes

Unironically, I think that Velvet COULD potentially beat a Name for real (Using the Wolf doesn't count)... IF she basically dedicated her whole life to prepare for that.

She has, after all, the potential to reach all-7, and could gather and maybe even create artifacts to help her.

but that's, like, the best case scenario and would take her an absurd amount of effort.

They may have generally kept them out but the Nowhere Hours and Worms(since some managed to get hosts even with the wards active in the past) are proof that even back then things from outside the World were able to get in, the fact we only know of the more recent ones is not exactly proof there weren't others in the World.

It looks like the Hours mostly kept Outsiders from coming in the World but some slipped through anyway, if they lived long after entering is another story.
question is, did beings from Nowhere count, or are Outsiders "something else"?

If Hours from Nowhere and Worms didn't count, then it's possible that no, Outsiders just didn't get in ever. Really, we just don't know one way or the other.

Though uh, Discord has anti-scrying that can fool Baldomare built-in, so good luck with that. Tirek might be easier to scry, or maybe he just eats the ritual, who knows how his shit works.
We don't even know for sure if Tirek counts.

Discord is very much not explained in canon, and has a thing about having his own personal chaos dimension, being able to dimension travel and in general break the rules of the setting.

Tirek, on the other hand, actually has a backstory about a brother, parents, and a kingdom he comes from.

Sombra fits better than Tirek, but the show seems to have him be only a "normal" unicorn, and the comics give him an umbrum (evil shadow pony) backstory that kinda have them remind me of the Worms.

For all we know in any case neither of them is REALLY an Outsider. Sombra and Tirek might very well just be Lore users. Them being Longs would explain their longevity, wouldn't it?
For all we know in any case neither of them is REALLY an Outsider. Sombra and Tirek might very well just be Lore users. Them being Longs would explain their longevity, wouldn't it?

Tirek is definitely a Grail Long in such a scenario. Dude just chugs magic with endless gluttony. Never really watched any of the Sombra stuff so can't make a guess about him.
I believe both were referred to as Outsiders by the Master, in very early updates.
He could have lied, or he could have just been wrong. They were hardly omniscient.

Tirek is definitely a Grail Long in such a scenario. Dude just chugs magic with endless gluttony. Never really watched any of the Sombra stuff so can't make a guess about him.
show he's mostly just a bad Sauron Expy, bodyless smoke capable of manipulating black crystals that could trap unicorns and stop magic from working by encasing a horn in them (also They somehow prevented teleporting... I think that Twilight technically got out, and then was instantly teleported back in again).

very later on he actually gets a full body, as Discord sorts of resurrects him, and he actually starts talking (in a very posh way If I remember right).

He's shown to have a thing for crystal manipulation AND Mind Control, particularly through the use of some kind of brainwashing helmet.

He also manages to destroy the Tree of Harmony at one point (and I think the physical elements with it, though I don't quite remember if the elements in jewel form were actually destroyed).

In the comics his story is basically that the "Umbrum", basically evil shadow ponies, from their sealed prison, manage to send baby sombra outside to be found by the crystal ponies, so he'd grow in the Empire so he could one day free them.

and the local princess (NOT an Alicorn, by the way) knew, and she knew why Sombra suffered horrible sickness every year when the Crystal Fair started due to the light of the Crystal Heart.

Once Sombra finds out she Knew and let him suffer like that... he gets angry. VERY angry. that's when he basically becomes a villain, because the princess was kinda stupid enough to

1) Give him a chance, BUT also to

2) let him suffer while hiding his true nature from him.

Really, a stupid half measure. At the very least she should have sent him away from the Empire during the festival! That was just cruel...

oh, also something something he had a childhood friend that had an incredibly rare talent for healing magic, was going to become Princess Celestia's student (I think, it's been a long time so I don't quite remember all the details), and I think there was an implication of her having the potential to become a princess one day. Somehow she apparently survives into the present days while Sombra is sealed to try and save him...

Sombra makes more sense as an outsider than Tirek I think, but it could easily be that none of them count. There's also other possibilities I suppose, some of which were mentioned in the "scrying for outsider might have found this" note Bird said.

The ritual could have pointed us at Tartarus (Tirek), Grogar's Bewitching Belle, and... I forget the third one. Probably the place where the Crystal Empire will reappear?

That kinda implies those three are NOT actually related to Outsiders, if they're dead end results.
Turn 19 - Results, part 7 - 1/3 New
[X] Plan Pittauro, With Changeling Detectives
-[X] Axe, yes! (Costs one VELVET action)
-[X][DETECTIVES] (FOLLOW UP) There are still changelings out there. Hunt them. Look for them, and for the ponies who colluded with them. (One of the chief expectations of the Bureau. Avert a future Catastrophe)
-[X][CONSTABLES] It is less paperwork for you if they just help with the investigations. (NO ACTION from the Constables. GAIN one VELVET action for the next phase)
-[X][COMMISSIONER] The Bureau is more than an institution, it is a gathering of dedicated ponies working towards a unified goal. Ingrain yourself with them. (Establish, increase, or salvage the loyalty of the Bureau towards you personally.)
-[X][RARITY] Take a commission. (Gain at least 100 bits immediately, will "fail" her career roll)
-[X][SELENE] Realize something about Edge. (Unlock her Edge skill) (TRAINING ACTION)
-[X][SELENE] Realize something about Knock. (Unlock her Knock skill) (TRAINING ACTION)
-[X] One extra Velvet action! (Costs 2 follower actions)

-[X] You need somepony to perform this ritual… (Reflection of the Tapestry, search for "The Key that Only Opens" the Daughter of Axe wants)
--[X] To be performed on the safe place Baldomare directed you to. (Will expire at the end of turn 20)
-[X] You need somepony to perform this ritual… (Reflection of the Tapestry, search for "the easiest lvl 6 book we can get for Baldomare")
--[X] To be performed on the safe place Baldomare directed you to. (Will expire at the end of turn 20)
-[X] WRITE IN: Canterlot part 2 expedition
-[X] Attack your foe, or defend yourself. In war, there is no other option.
--[X][GUARD] You would very much like to keep this safe. (Your home)

[X] Plan Betterer Biedde
-[X] (AotL) Edge
-[X] (Forge) Edge 3, Knock 2 Edge 1, SH 1
—[X] Gift used on Knock 2 Edge 1 retroactively
-[X] (Steppes) Ask about any rumors and general perceptions of us, Fair Trial, and our respective institutions, among both nobles and the commonfolk.
-[X] (Social) Level up Jade
-[X] Summon Biedde
--[X] Sacrifice Edge 3 and Knock 2 Edge 1 reagents
--[X] To be performed on an inconspicuous place, located by Baldomare

-[X] Fleeting Opportunity: Comet Feet
-[X] Study: Forge 3, Forge 3, Mystery Book
-[X] Explore the Mansus
--[X] Find a new location in the Ashen Wastes
--[X] Explore the depths of the Ruined Church
-[X] [BIEDDE] Ask for an Influence of Edge.

You are Raven Inkwell, and right now you are…

"Oh wow, your face says it all. Was it really that bad…?"

… you are taking a deep breath.

You are taking a deep breath, and you… you really just need a moment to think.

"Raven? Is… is everything alright? Memoir, help me out here."

"Hmm? What did you s-? Oh dear Celestia! Raven, what happened?"

You just need a moment to think. And to breathe. And to make sense of this storm you have going on inside your mind.

Yes, that's all you need. Just a moment. Less than a minute. You just need a minute to yourself, and you will be fine!

Like that. Breathe in, breathe out, and do it again. Without any chills running down your spine. Without any implied threats hanging over your head. And most importantly, without any existential dread that you have no choice but t-

"Raven? Raven!!!"

-your thoughts come to a sudden halt, and your entire world finally comes into focus, as you realize somepony is shaking you by the shoulders.

When…? How did she…?

"Oh, thank Celestia. Raven, can you hear me? Is everything alright?"

Memoir says that as she holds you by the shoulders.

And you… you try to answer her, but…

"Everything is fine, Raven. Just look into my eyes. Deeeeep breaths, girl. Deeeep breaths."

You can't really answer her because, apparently, you are hyperventilating. Or rather, you are still, hyperventilating. And you seem to have been doing that for a while now.

Also, are you pushing your back against the door?

It takes you several more seconds to get your bearings. But eventually, you manage to get a hold of yourself.

"Dear Celestia, I… thanks, everypony," you say to everypony else in the Secretariat.

To which Memoir finally let go of your shoulders.

Although, she doesn't even have to voice the question she has inside her head. You can see from her expression that she, and everypony else, wants to know what just happened. And of course, you will tell them. You need to tell them. After all, you will need everypony's help to perform the task you have just been given.

"Everypony, I need to tell you all something," you say out loud.

You are currently inside the Secretariat of the Lunar Bureau. Everypony else is also here, save for the Deputy. And of course, you have just returned from the Commissioner's office.

Yes, you just returned from her office, and she just gave you a task. That is why you were… well, a little nervous, once you got back here. That is why you have… or rather, that is why you still have your back pressed against the door, as if your body had unconsciously tried to secure the thin barrier that exists between this room and the Commissioner's office.

But now that you are a little more calm you… well, you unglue your back from the door, for starters, and then you address everypony else.

"The Commissioner just asked for something, and I think it will take us a little more than usual to get it done."

You say that, and what little work everypony else was doing finally stops. Typewriters that were being used finally come to a halt, and the few ponies who were only listening to you, but who were still working on something else, finally stop whatever they were doing to give you their full attention.

More than just that, you can sense that the air itself is getting a little heavier. As if everypony's collective nervousness is finally coming to the front.

And you understand why this is happening. Of course you do. You understand why everypony reacted to your words this way. Everypony does.

And that is because, ever since this week started, the Commissioner has been…

… well, let's go with the word focused. Because you don't truly know the correct way to say it better.

It wasn't really anything she did. By Celestia, it wasn't even anything she said. It's just that during this last weekend, there has been a breakthrough in the investigations over the shapeshifters.

You are not sure when the Commissioner learned about it, but you are sure she has a more direct link with the investigators. It probably happened that, during the weekend and right after the family event, she must have received news from a runner.

But still, the fact remains that ever since the week began, the Commissioner has been almost unrecognizable. The kind and gentle mare, who would come to the Secretariat every now and then to ask for something, or to just chat with all of you and the Deputy, is nowhere to be seen. The cautious and patient mare, who would usually ask for everypony's opinion before making a decision, is now gone.

And ever since the news arrived that the investigators caught a whiff of the shapeshifters, she has been focused to the point that she is frightening. Every word out of her mouth an order. Every moment of silence a gathering storm, and every decision final.

"She is still on her meeting with the team leaders," you continue, "but there seems to be a… problem, of sorts."

You say that, and then you explain everypony else what just happened.

The Commissioner is, as you said, currently on a meeting with everypony. The deputy, the chief investigators, the team-leaders of the Constables. All the department heads of the Bureau are there, reporting to her the latest updates of the investigation.

Or rather, they were all trying to explain to her the latest… problem they have met.

Following the trail of where the shapeshifters might have gone after the Catastrophe, the investigation teams have found something promising on the outskirts of Tall Tale, a city on the western shore of Equestria. More specifically, they believe that the shapeshifters were, or perhaps still are, somewhere on or around the Smokey Mountains.

"But the problem is that… well, the mountaineer guild of the city has been awfully protective of their maps and trails. And for all that the mayor of the city isn't causing any problems, he is also refusing to help and…"

Everypony collectively winces, as you tell them the details. And they all understand the implications of what you are saying.

Because, as far as the detectives were able to explain, they city mayor is trying his best to stay out of trouble. With all parties involved. However, given how the Commissioner is currently acting, everypony immediately understands that she will conclude the mayor is getting in her way.

"… so, the Commissioner wants everything we have," you conclude.

Although a few ponies, Memoir included, can't help but frown at what you said.

"Raven, what exactly do you mean by everything?" Memoir asks, and a few other ponies nod in support of her question.

"Everything. Everything," you say, feeling another chill run down your spine as you recall the exact words the Commissioner said to you, just a few minutes ago. "Every name of every official in Tall Tale. Every contact they ever had. Every birth certificate from everypony in their family. Everything."

"Is… is the Commissioner going to Blueblood them?" somepony asks, the tension in his voice very clear. He asks that to the room at large, to nopony in particular.

He asks that question because, in all honesty, that is the question in everypony's mind. Even your own.

And of course, nopony answers him.

Nopony answers him because, deep down, everypony thinks this will be worse than it was with the Bluebloods.

With that, you all get to work.

- - -

It has been half an hour, since you all started poring over the files.

The Commissioner is still in her office, and the meeting with the department heads is still ongoing. However, she has not asked for any of you secretaries yet. So, you all assume you are supposed to be working on your latest task.

And by Celestia are you all working.

The Lunar Bureau has a very generous archive to speak of. But given the investigative focus of the institution, most of the information you have in the underground storages are copies from the police archives of the several cities of Equestria. Convenient duplicates, that were gathered here when the Bureau was still being formed, so that an ongoing investigation could collate information from the entire country without your detectives having to take a several hours trip just to check some obscure detail.

Furthermore, the Lunar Bureau is also located in the Royal District. So, you also have access to the Royal Archive. And that building (and its several underground levels and vaults) literally dwarfs the Bureau's archives both in size and in breadth.

But still, having access to all these sources does not take away from having to comb through it, locate what is relevant, and then summarize it for the Commissioner's attention.

And by Celestia, is that a lot of work.

"Alright, so… we have the mayor, his wife, and his parents. Anything on foals or siblings?" you ask, as you light up your horn and push yet another box of files towards you.

"Nothing on the city reports," Memoir says, as she sifts through the information you currently have. "But all we have here are reports and dossiers. We will only have the more official stuff, like the birth and marriage certificates, once they come back from the Royal Archive. And that could be hours from now."

You nod at the mare, weaving your levitation magic as you parse through another set of reports.

This task, you know, will take a while. More than just a few hours, you might have to spend the next few days on this. Because for all that Equestria has a healthy bureaucracy, there isn't really an easy way to search through all the accumulated information that said bureaucracy creates.

So, right now, you and Memoir are going through all the reports that the detectives have done on or around Tall Tale. The detectives of the Bureau are, you already know, very competent. So, it is not unusual for their reports to contain notes, comments, or disparate findings about the powerful ponies who govern the areas they are investigating.

However, as Memoir said, those reports can only go so far. And you will need to go through other documents, such as family trees, official contracts and whatnot, if you want to get a proper snapshot of who is who in Tall Tale.

"You know, I always thought this kind of thing was easier to do if we had actual ponies going around and asking questions. Do you think we should advise the Commissioner to, I don't know, ask a team of investigators to do this instead?" Memoir asks.

And on one hoof, you agree with her.

But on the other hoof…

"… do you want to go there and tell her that?" you ask.

And the mare quickly goes silent.

Besides, you are sure the Commissioner will do something like that. You are sure that this task, this initial research on her targ-… on these ponies of interest, is just the first step. The first step of a very short road that will end with several hoofs kicking down several doors.

Another shiver runs down your spine, as you remember the intensity in the Commissioner's eyes as she ordered you to begin this search. By the sun, she wasn't even looking at you when she ordered you to do this, but you could still feel her gaze on your back.

"Ah, found something!" Memoir says, triumphantly raising a field report dated a few weeks back, "here, the mayor seems to have an older brother. Still alive, it seems. This report has a mention that this brother would visit Vanhoover a few days later."

You nod to yourself, writing down that new piece of information in the first draft of the report you are all preparing.

Four of you have gone to the Royal Archive, to start the long process of searching for more information. And one of you is currently in the underground archive fetching a few more boxes of documents. But still, you would like to think that you and Memoir are doing enough progress by yourselves.

"Good, good. Very good," you say under your breath. Although you don't even realize that you are still floating several files with your magic, and that you are currently writing with your mouth rather than your horn.

However, your concentration is almost broken by a sudden knock on the door.

"Mail run! Mail run from the Castle!" a stallion's voice, slightly hoarse for some reason, comes through the door. "May I please come in?"

You and Memoir look at each other, before she just shrugs at you. The two of you know who it is, of course. You both recognize that voice. But still, neither of you think the Secretariat is rather presentable right now.

After all, both you and Memoir are sitting on the floor, surrounded by boxes upon boxes of files, like two foals who has decided to spend the entire evening playing with their toys. Except that, instead of castles made out of building blocks, you each have your own pony-tall stacks of files you are combing through.

But still, as you can see from Memoir's shrug, neither of you really care about how you look right now.

"Come on in," you say towards the door.

And the familiar figure of Trusty Cloud, the Princesses' own courier, enters the Secretariat.

As always, he is wearing his flying cap, and the magical saddlebag on his back is firmly locked. But thankfully, you don't see any judgment in his one working eye.

"Scuze me. I usually deliver the mail to the stallion on that desk," he says pointing at Night Spark's desk. But the stallion, you know, is probably navigating the labyrinthic Royal Archive right now. "Is it alright if I give it to one of you, though?"

"Of course, I'll have it," you hear Memoir say, and you once again focus on what you are doing.

And soon enough, Memoir has signed what needs to be signed, received the small pile of letters directed to the Lunar Bureau, and waved the pegasus goodbye as he left to continue his own errands.

But a few seconds later, you a strange noise coming from the mare, and you once again look up towards Memoir.

Only to find her with a… very apologetic expression on her face, as she looks down at one of the letters she just received.

"What's the matter, Memoir?" you ask, wondering what could possibly have made the mare react that way. After all, the letters she was sifting through are all still closed and sealed. The only thing she can read from them, right now, is the address and name of the senders.

So why on Equestria would Memoir be…?


You can feel your own heartrate quicken up, as you come to the only obvious conclusion.

Oh no…

"Raven, I… I'm afraid we have a priority one letter…" she says.

And you can only gulp something dry, as she very meekly delivers you the letter in question.

- - -

Despite the several jokes that are whispered by the constables, the Secretariat of the Lunar Bureau is actually a very busy department.

Granted, the results of their actions may appear to be modest. After all, the reports that go to the Commissioner, and the written orders that come from the Commissioner, aren't really that long.

But that is precisely why the Secretariat has so much work to do. Because ultimately, their job is to be the last line of communication between all the inputs the Bureau receive, and the one pony who was chosen by the Princesses to decide how to react to all those inputs. Like the Offices of the Princesses themselves, the Secretariat act as a great funnel (and at times as a filter) to review, compact and present the information that the Bureau receives. So that the Commissioner, who only has twenty-four hours in the day like everypony else, may do her job as efficiently as possible.

So, naturally, the Secretariat receives all the correspondence of the Lunar Bureau.

Anyways. All that matters right now is that, as per the Commissioner's own orders, there are four separate "priorities" that a letter may have.

The lowest priority is, basically, junk mail. Attempts from nobles to entreat the Commissioner, resumes from ponies who would like to be hired by the Bureau, and all other manners of correspondence that is neither expected nor related to the Bureau's activities fall under that priority. This is the lowest level of priority an arriving letter can have, and is the kind of thing you are all allowed to open, and "dispatch at your own judgment". But most importantly, that is the kind of letter that should never waste the Commissioner's time by reaching her desk.

During the first few weeks of the Bureau's existence, Deputy Shining Armor would go through those letters himself. But nowadays, it is basically Night Spark who deals with those.

After that, there are the "priority three" letters. Letters from investigators, such as reports sent through secure couriers, or other mail that is important to the Burau itself, falls under this category. Normally, those letters can be opened in the Secretariat. And after that, they are either dispatched to whatever department should receive them, or they are added to the Commissioner's end-of-week report, for her to go over while she travels back home.

And of course, what matters to you is that, again, the Commissioner never really sees those letters. And unless she directly asks for them, she will only read of their contents through Spark's reports.

"Priority two" letters are letters that carry more weight than just that. Direct letters from the governors of the major cities, or some other correspondence reporting a major issue, fall under this category. Furthermore, there is a running list of specific sources, such as Fair Trial's office, that fall in this category. Letters that the Deputy thinks are important can also be "bumped" up to this level, and these are the letters that the Commissioner will read at the end of the day, once she is done with her agenda.

And finally, "priority one" letters are, according to the Commissioner's own words, "stop whatever I am doing and make me read it" letters.

There are only three senders that fall under this priority: Princess Celestia's office, Princess Cadance's office, and…

You gulp down something dry, as you stand in front of the office of the Commissioner.

You don't want to go in there. You very much do not want to go in there again. It was already intimidating enough to just take notes, before she sent you away. But you definitely do not want to go there and be the subject of her attention.

You don't want to.

But you have to.

You cautiously raise a hoof towards the doorknob, and you try to ignore voices you can hear coming from the other side.

"-really a need for that? I-I mean… we could try some other alternative, no? Lady Fair Trial already said that she could help us, even. It would take a few days, but she could push the local judiciary to-"

"Princess Celestia has ordered that the changelings be persecuted, Deputy. And that is exactly what is going to happen."

The words, her words, seem to cut through the air.

And you can feel, rather than hear, how everypony else in the room just had their breaths stuck inside their lungs.

You know what is going on inside that room. You know very well who is currently gathered in that meeting.

And yet, even though you realize there are more than ten strong, competent, and even dangerous mares and stallions sitting in front of the Commissioner, you also know they are all currently cowered… perhaps even suppressed as she speaks those words.

You have no idea how the Deputy is managing to talk back to her.

Although, from his tone of voice, it doesn't really sound like he is "talking back" rather than he is begging for the Commissioner to be lenient.

"But this… think of the long term, ma'am. If we do this to all these ponies, there will be nopony else to run the city. Everypony else will realize that-"

"They will realize what should already be obvious, and what Princess Celestia has already made very clear. To hinder the Bureau is to offend Princess Luna, and there shall be none of that under Equestria's sun."

"… but…"

"Discipline requires victims, Deputy. And why are you standing there doing nothing, Raven Inkwell?"

Your hoof lunges for the doorknob, and you open the door right after, almost as if somepony had just pushed you.

And you don't even stop to think about how she could possibly know you were standing there. Nopony stops to question that. Because even a single glance at the Commissioner would make it crystal clear that she knows everything. So, of course she already knew you were idling behind the door to her office.

But still, as soon as you enter the room you are… frozen.

Everything is exactly as it was before you left. Two rows of chairs, brought from another room and arranged in perfect lines, are currently being occupied by the same number of ponies. They are all sitting ramrod straight, some of them with notebooks being clutched on hoofs, as they direct their full attention to the Commissioner.

And they are all tense. There is no way to question that, and no need to hide it. They are all tense, keeping their mouths tightly shut, and only speaking when they have something relevant to add. Or when they are ordered to do so.

They are all like that because, sitting opposite to them behind the great office desk is…

"You have not yet finished your current task. Report the reason for this interruption."

Commissioner Velvet Covers is sitting on her large and cushioned chair, her hoofs joined together in front of her and hiding the scowl you all know she is wearing.

But still, even though you can't really see her mouth, you can perfectly see everything else. From the no-nonsense expression she has on her face, to the chilly, almost cutting presence that is coming from her eyes.

It is almost hard to believe that you are standing before a mere unicorn, and not a Princess. No, more than just that, you have already met Princess Celestia and Princess Cadance, and you did not feel this intimidated even when you were in their presence.

The only thing you can think about is how… where in Equestria did they find a mare like this? What terrible design does Princess Celestia have for the Lunar Bureau, that would need a mare like this at its head?

The only thing you can think about is that.

And the only thing you can do is answer the question she just asked you.

No other options come to your mind. No other alternative could even come to you, other than the unthinkable alternative of disobedience.

There is only the Commissioner's word, and her word is final.

"W-we have received a letter, Commissioner," you say, the words pushing against each other as they fight to rush out of your mouth. "Priority one."

You say that, and then you wait. You wait because there is no alternative but to wait. You wait because she has not yet ordered you not to wait for what comes next.

And you watch as several ponies around you narrow their eyes, as they wonder what your words could possibly mean. At the same time that the Deputy, who understands the workings of the Secretariat, takes in a deep and tense breath.

However, less than a second passes before the Commissioner herself acts.

Her horn lights up, glowing with a sharp thrum of magic, and moments later the letter you are carrying begins to glow with the same light. And it begins to float towards her.

The letter is already open, cut with an impossibly thin incision on its side, before it reaches her hoof.

And the entire room awaits in silence as her eyes scan through its contents.

Once she is done reading…

… something begins to happen…

… and slowly…

impossibly slowly

… the Commissioner's expression begins to shift.

It is a change that happens inch by inch, a transformation that is so gradual it might as well not be happening at all.

But as she reads through the letter, line after line, something impossible begins to happen with the Commissioner's expression.

It begins to soften.

The forelegs that were over her desk fall down to the side. The harsh eyes become less judgmental, perhaps even gentler. And as impossible as it might sound, her judging scowl turns neutral. No, it turns into a smile.

You feel like you are looking at a great mountainside, who is currently going through an avalanche. Like you are looking at the snowy top of Mount Canterlot itself, as it gradually thaws out to reveal the lush green of grass.

And the heavy atmosphere of the office, so thick that the ponies in here could barely breath, starts to fade away. Disappearing as if it has almost never been there, like a bad dream or the cold of a foggy morning.

Until finally, at long last, Commissioner Velvet Covers is just reading from the letter with a smile on her face. Her eyes making it clear that she is re-reading it, perhaps even for the third time now.

"Ah, this is wonderful. Thank you very much for bringing this in, Miss Inkwell," she says, nodding to herself.

And you realize that your body was so tense, that simply hearing her say the word "Miss" before your name is so relaxing that it is almost painful. The muscles of your hindlegs protesting, as your body finally allows them to be less stiff.

"Alright everypony, it seems I will have to leave Canterlot earlier than expected," the Commissioner continues, as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Her calm mood contrasting so much with everypony else's tension that it is almost glaring.

But still, she gets up from her chair nonetheless, and begins to make her way out towards the door.

"Shining Armor, I'll leave this matter to you," she says. And even though everypony's eyes just went wide in surprise, as they witness the impossible scene of the Commissioner changing her mind, the mare herself seems entirely undisturbed. "What was your suggestion again?"

"GiveFairTrialafewdayssoshecantrytodefusethissituation!" the Deputy answers in a rush, without even breathing. Sharing everypony's opinion that they need to take this opportunity before it disappears.

"Yes, yes, that. Very well. Do whatever you think is best. And give me a report next week," she says, as she passes by your side and leaves through the open door. "Oh, and Inkwell? Could you have a carriage ready for me? Have it wait on the Royal Castle. One of my daughters just got her cutie mark! So I am going back home right now."

She says that, and then she is gone. Walking down the corridor, with a happy skip on her hoofs, until she disappears down the stairs.

Leaving you all… there. In her office. Wide-eyed at the fact that… that she just… That through the several last days she was one way, and now she is back to…

Everypony, yourself included, just stay like that for a few more seconds.

Until finally, somepony lets out a long breath. You can't tell if it is one of disbelief, or if it is a sigh of relief. But still, somepony practically deflates on his chair. And he is quickly followed by another, and another. To the point that the Deputy himself tries to get up from his chair, only for him to give up as he realizes his legs are still wobbling under him.

"What… what in Celestia's name just happened…?"

"Her family just got a new cutie mark, that's what happened... I think?"

"But… but that's it? I-Is… is she gone? Or will she be the same way when she comes back?"

"I mean, you saw how she was with her family during the event, no? How she was around the two fillies, and the older one? Must be the one weak spo-… no, she doesn't have those. Must be her one button, that I hope never gets pressed."

"But it can't be just that. She was normal last week, but now… She must really have it out for the changelings. I mean, it has to be that, right?"

"Tartarus if I know, but thank Celestia for this. I could feel my mane turning gray during this last meeting! Deputy, please, in Celestia's own good name give my team a mission so we can leave. I do NOT want to be here for the next report."

"M-mine as well! Send me away as well!"

The conversation, which started in hushed whispers, quickly gains intensity as it dawns on everypony that the Commissioner is really gone for the rest of the week. And more than a few ponies, especially a pair of administrators who were sitting on the back row of seats, just cup their heads with their hoofs in shocked silence.

But eventually, and inevitably, everypony goes back to work.

"Oh, and Raven?" the Deputy says, before you leave through the door. "You can stop the research that the Commissioner asked for. We'll sort all of this out before she comes back," he says.

And you can only thank him as you go back to the Secretariat.

- - -

- - -

- - -

You are Velvet Covers, and you have just arrived at home.

Of course, you do realize this is a weekday. In fact, right now is the afternoon that is smack down in the middle of the week. And of course, you also realize that (against your own habits) you flew here in a chariot.

Your week so far was… normal? Yes, the last three days you spent working on the Bureau were utterly normal, and you have nothing out of the ordinary to tell about it whatsoever.

More importantly! You are here right now. You are here, and you made an exception to come here by carriage because today is an exception. In fact, today is an exception upon exceptions. More than just that, this is the kind of day that only happens once in a pony's life.

Because today, you have just learned one of your daughters got a cutie mark!

Granted, it technically happened yesterday. After all, unless a pegasus runner directly brings something to you, the mail still takes an entire day to come from your house to your workplace. Because even though your estate is now in the daily route of the Royal Courier, that route is only made once a day for obvious reasons.

And of course, the fact that it was Selene who "gained" her cutie mark yesterday has its own implications. You know that she, well, can take certain liberties with her filly body. And you realize that, in truth, this was a decision she made rather than the happy realization of a filly.

Of course you know all of that. You are an intelligent mare.





Because your filly just got her cutie mark!

"Good afternoon, ma'am," Ponpon says, greeting you the moment the door of your carriage opens.

She has a smile on her face. And Soft Sweeps, who is standing right next to her, is also beaming.

Because how could they not? A filly just got a cutie mark! One of their charges, as maids of a noble household, just got her cutie mark! So, it is only natural that they are happy about this. More than just that, you are sure that every last servant in the estate has already heard the news, and that this has been the main topic of conversation since yesterday.

After all, cutie marks are a big deal. And a foal of a noble household getting a cutie mark is no different!

"Great afternoon, Ponpon!" you say, practically hopping down the stairs of the carriage and making your way to the two mares. "So, where is she? And where is everypony else?"

The three of you are all smiles as you make your way through the front door, and into the entrance hall. You vaguely wave for the flying carriage to leave, not really caring enough to look back towards them, as you listen to Ponpon.

"We sent a letter to your husband at the same time we sent yours. So given how far he is up north, he should arrive in two days. Or maybe tomorrow, if he decides to fly straight here as soon as he gets it."

You nod at her as the three of you make your way up the stairs. It will probably be the latter, you think.

"And young Silky is in Selene's room," she finishes, getting a vigorous nod out of Soft as well. "Oh, and something else you should know. Their little friends also came by after school, so don't be surprised when you see a small army of fillies once you get there."

"The more the merrier," you say, feeling your heart soar as you trot up the stairs. Quickly reaching the second floor where your family lives, and already feeling the noisome crowd Ponpon just told you about. "In fact, Ponpon, you know what happens next right? You can already start working on it, if you don't mind."

You say that, and the maid immediately understands.

Because of course, when a foal gets her cutie mark there is one thing that absolutely must happen. It will happen as soon as your husband arrives, but Ponpon can absolutely start organizing it immediately!

"Of course, ma'am. I'll oversee the preparations myself!" the head maid says, a small fire appearing in her eyes. Turning around and trotting downstairs right after.

Leaving you alone with your oldest daughter.

"Oh, Softy, but this is just so exciting!" you can't help but say, as the two of you make your way through the corridor. Making a beeline towards Selene's room, where you can already hear a chorus of fillies saying something, laughing as they joke about this or that. "I spent the entire trip here wishing you had included a description on the letter, but now I'm glad you didn't! There's something special about seeing it for the first time!"

Soft Sweeps, still walking next to you, lets out an adorable laughter as she listens to you.

And as the two of you arrive in front of the door to Selene's room, you can barely hear her over the sound of the fillies yelling, coming from inside the room.

"Absolutely! And you have to hear how everypony else reacted, too. You know, when the fillies arrived here after school, they practically-"

Soft Sweeps starts to talk, as you light up your horn to open the door.

But something inside of you practically freezes as you-
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-something inside of you breaks… no, something inside of you shatters as you finally realize what the fillies were yelling this whole time.

Something inside of you shatters, it crumbles into pieces, and your body goes completely still as you… as you just stand there.

Listening to the chanting of the fillies. Stringing together what they are saying, innocent word after innocent word, until your mind finally pieces together the terrible, horrible thing they have been saying all along.

And you swear that… you swear that something inside of you, your heart or your mind or maybe even your soul, is gone. You swear that you are somehow less, now that you have heard…

Now that you realize…

Now that you know that…

"Mrs… Mrs. Velvet? Is everything alright?" Softy asks, from somewhere far, far away.

But you can barely hear her. You can barely hear anything at all.

The only thing your ears can truly understand right now, is the constant, mocking, almost droning thing that the fillies are saying from behind this door. Over and over again.

"Seleeeene has a boooyfriend! Seleeeene has a boooyfriend!"

Yes. You can hear them. All of them. You recognize them, like a prisoner might recognize the lash of his captors, or like a flank might recognize the heat of a branding rod.

They are all yelling that, singing that. In voices that are as pure as they are mocking. And you don't think they will ever stop singing that until the world turns into dust and the wolves sift through what remains.

And yet, you recognize all of them. All of their individual voices. Sweetie Belle's melodious voice, Diamond Tiara's mocking timbre, Scootaloo's tomboyish tone. Even your own, precious, beautiful Silky Stream's voice is in there, repeating those words.

In fact, you can hear what they are doing as well. You can hear it, from how their voices come and go, that they are skipping around in a circle. Surrounding something, or maybe somepony, as they repeat that damnable, cursed combination of words.

And you…

… you…

"Mrs. Velvet? W-what… what is wrong?!"

Yes, you know what to do next.

It is obvious, isn't it?

More than merely obvious, this is the only logical conclusion that you can reach. That anypony could possibly reach.

After all, your beautiful, precious, growing little filly just got her cutie mark yesterday. So of course she would already have a boyfriend today.

She got her boyfriend today. And tomorrow she will be married. And the day after she will be old. And after that you will be burying her bones in her final place of rest.

That is how the world works, isn't it? That is how time works, right?

"Mrs. Velvet? W-where are you going? A-aren't you going to talk to Selene? Or d-did you need to get something from your room?!"

Well, if that is the case… if that is how time, and the world, works…

Then you just need to do something about that, don't you?

Yes, it is obvious.

You need to protect your little filly.

You will protect your little filly. From time, and cause and effect, and every other small little thing that tries to take her away from you.

So, you just need to…

"Mrs. Velvet? Why did you just lock the door!? W-wait, watch out! Don't move the bed around like that and-!"

Yes, yes, this should do. You just need a flat surface. Some empty space where you can draw.

Of course, you also need the right stuff to draw with. So, you bring your right hoof to your horn and-

"Mrs. Velvet! Y-you're bleeding!"

-you push a little bit.

There it is! The perfect shade of red.

Now, what were you supposed to do again…?

[Velvet Covers has learned the Rite of Apoplectic Hate]

… that's right! You remember it now.

Time to work.

"N-no! Stop that! Mrs. Velvet, please listen to me!"

The final design will look like a circle, once you are done. But you don't need to begin with a circle.

More importantly, you need to draw the Sixteen Paths. The sixteen roads, or maybe alternatives, that can lead to the place you need to go.

Hanging… Bleeding… Self-starvation…

One by one, you draw them. Your vision gets a bit blurry, every now and then, but you just clean it on your dress.

Ego-death… Drowning… Self-mutilation…

Why, you think you could even make a lullaby out of it! The Ways surely have a rhythm to them, that you could work with. But that would be work for later. For now, you should just-

"Mrs… Mom, please stop! Y-you're scaring me!"

What was that?

You turn around and realize that…

Oh… your poor little daughter, holding on to your hindlegs like the little filly she is. She must miss you so much. And why is she crying?

Oh, no, no, no! This will not do. You can spare a few seconds to take care of her.

"Do not worry," you say.

After that, you hug her.

And with that, your good little Softy calms down! Like the good filly she is.

Of course, she tries to struggle every now and then, but your hug will keep her safe. Even more so because you don't need your body to hug her, and you are using things that are far more suitable for that!

But still, your precious daughter is crying… hmm… what to do…

Well, what else? You make your way towards her-

"Fear not. All will end soon."

-and you plant a light kiss on her forehead!

She mumbles something under her breath. You can't hear her, because the hug also covers her mouth. But you are sure she is thanking you for being such a good mother!

Although you do leave quite a large, red mark on her forehead. Funny, you don't remember putting on any lipstick. But decide to leave it there.

Back to work! You continue to write the runes, going through the seventh to the thirteenth in a breeze.

When your thoughts are suddenly interrupted by a sound.

You hear the door to Selene's room opening, and the small crowd of fillies walking out of it as they chat with each other.

"Selene and Pipsqueak sitting on a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

"Guys, stoppit! You're all being silly! He just gave me that gift because of my cutie mark! He's not my boyfriend and you all know it! Shuddup!"

You hear that and you…

… you…



You shake your head. Once. Twice. The fog you had in your thoughts beginning to dissipate.

It seems you have been operating under a misunderstanding. How silly of you!

In fact, this is all so silly that you can't help but laugh. You literally laugh out loud, not even realizing that certain thoughts are disappearing from your head as you do.

[Velvet Covers has forgotten the Rite of Apoplectic Hate]

And as you look around you, you…

Oh dear, what just happened here?

"Softy, dear, are you alright?" you ask, as you make your way towards your daughter.

Because the poor mare is currently on the ground, heaving, as if she had just been released from something that was crushing her.

And the way she looks at you, with a mixture of fear and relief is…

"Y-yes! I'm… I-I-I'm... I am alright… Everything is…" she says, in starts and stops, and you take her on her word.

"I see, I see… Well, I am sure we are all a little embarrassed about this little misunderstanding," you say, to which the young mare nods, "but still, I am glad nothing came out of it."

Of course, there is the fact that your bed is currently thrown against the window, completely blocking it. And that two of your cabinets are currently barricading your door.

You have no idea how any of that happened, but you are sure it wasn't due to anything important.

And more urgently, you need to go see Selene!

"Softy, dear, could you please clean up? I will go freshen myself in the bathroom, maybe change to another dress, and I'll go see Selene right after that!" you say.

And your faithful Softy, good little daughter that she is, just nods. As she tries to stand up, amidst her exhausted heaves, and gets back on her hoofs.

"Thank you, dear! I don't know where I would be without you," you say.

You think she mumbles something about needing a mop, to clean all the red paint on your floor, but you are sure she will figure it out. You trust her!

And you, on the other hoof, get yourself ready to go see Selene.

A few minutes later you-
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Turn 19 - Results, part 7 - 3/3 New
-as you...


You shake your head.

What… what were you doing again?

Did… did anything just happen?

Ehh, probably not.

So, you just make your way to Selene and-

"Here! Is! My! Beautiful! Daughter!!!"

-you say that, the joyous words practically jumping out of your mouth, as you light up your horn and float the filly towards you.

"M-mom?!" is all she says, wide-eyed in surprise by your sudden appearance.

"And who else would it be, silly? Do you think I'd not come once I heard the news?" you say, giving her a long hug as soon as she is on your forelegs.

And more importantly, immediately shifting her to the side as soon as you are done kissing her face.

"And would you look at that! Selene, dear, this is wonderful!"

Because finally, finally, you are looking at her cutie mark. You are looking at your filly's cutie mark!

As is the case with everypony else who is old enough, a small but detailed drawing is now on your daughter's flank. It is the symbol of a telescope, looking up at a pair of white stars, with a large moon to the side. The kind of cutie mark that would immediately identify her as an astronomer, or perhaps a scientist, who no doubt has a great deal of love for the night sky.

And just like your little Selene, it is perfect!

"Oh Selene, I am so happy for you!" you say, hugging her even more tightly.

Some of her friends, who are right in front of you (you did steal her away from the middle of that little crowd, after all) laugh a little as you fawn over her. But most of them just wait with a smile.

But you don't care. Nopony cares! Because everypony knows this is all good fun. Everypony, even the young fillies in front of you, realize that this is a happy occasion. One that should happen to everypony, and that will certainly happen to the four fillies in front of you who still have nothing on their flanks.

Right now, the only thing to do is celebrate!

Are you hugging your daughter? Absolutely!

Are you going to let her go anytime soon? Who knows!

Did you rub your cheek against her flank a few times? Even if you did, nopony is here to stop you!

At some point, your celebratory parade led you and the fillies down to the dining hall. And right now, you are all currently in the process of emptying the large pantry of everything that is remotely sweet. As well as planning a sleepover for all your daughters' friends.

And at some point, when she realizes everypony else is too busy to pay attention, Selene shily makes her way to your side.

"Mom… I… Is any of this really necessary? I mean, um… You don't need to make a big deal about this, you know…?" she asks, her tone low, and more than just a little embarrassed.

To which you answer by picking her up with your hoofs, and gently bringing her face closer to you. Until she is looking right into your eyes.

"Selene, you know we all love you, right?" you ask, with a tone that is as sincere as it is soft. And thankfully, Selene answers you with a nod. "That is great! Now… between the two of us, I understand why you did this," you continue.

After all, a cutie mark about loving the night sky is the perfect way for a filly to explain why she must stay up late. That, and it can justify why she knows so much astronomy, and why she might need certain items, and… well, there are several points you could make. But the point is that, in short, it is just a great way for her to keep her appearances as a filly.

You know that. And you can tell, from how she has been so embarrassed all day, that she certainly was not expecting a tenth of the attention this has received.

Ah, poor Selene… she is still so innocent in some aspects.

So, it is your duty as her mother to teach her about this.

You have a smile on your face, as you say your next few words.

"I understand why you did this. But if you think even for a moment I won't make the biggest deal ever about this, you are sorely mistaken."

You say that. And then, Selene's expression turns from embarrassment to muted horror, as you explain to her the meaning of the word "Cute-ceñeara".

Yes. Your young, innocent daughter still has much to learn.

But luckily for you, she will still be with you for a long, long time.

Selene has gained her cutie mark! A proper celebration will follow. And Velvet Covers will not think about anything else until that is done.

What? What do you mean? Nothing else happened. Nothing at all! You had a boring week at work, and then you came back to your daughters.

If you REALLY think you missed something, maybe go back
HERE and manually scroll down. And make sure you turn "Reader Mode" off while doing it.

"But if something is not threadmarked, did it really happen? Probably not. I think not... I hope not."

And on a completely unrelated, and certainly unimportant note, it seems one of Selene's classmates already gave her a present. A small lens-cleaning kit, that works for cameras and telescopes alike. How adorable of him!
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I think I mentioned it before. But just this turn, you guys managed to line up at the same time:
-Selene's return;
-Cadance's befriending; AND
-Your third RA.

Storyboarding this turn was delightful. But """unfortunately""" that means that some updates, like this one, will not really "advance" any of the options in your turn-plan list.

But of course, to be very clear, this is not an apology :V

I hope you are all doing well! My next order of business is to catch up with the thread, answering pings and whatnot.

See you all later.
"But if something is not threadmarked, did it really happen? Probably not. I think not... I hope not."
…You know, it never really occured to me until just now, but… Velvet's main lore is Secret Histories. If and when she becomes an Hour, this fact… may have some consequences.

After all, there aren't any other Hours with Secret Histories as a primary Aspect. Or even confirmed to be an aspect at all, unless something got revealed about the Vagabond recently that I don't know about.
Velvet's reputation as an ironhooved taskmaster continues to grow, the Edge influence really brings out that perfectionism that Velvet sometimes shows.
Great updates with a neat Wolfy treat hidden between the two threadmarked ones.
Selene's Cutie Mark Party is going to blow Candance's Wedding out of the water just you wait.
A max-power Name-granted Resolution is nothing before Rank 7 Mother Lore.

Also, Velvet, please, wrestle your Wolf back down, it's embarrassing. I am glad that Soft didn't get sucked into that Apoplectic nonsense though, despite literally running on Wolf Power herself. Gives me some hope.
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A max-power Name-granted Resolution is nothing before Rank 7 Mother Lore.

Also, Velvet, please, wrestle your Wolf back down, it's embarrassing. I am glad that Soft didn't get sucked into that Apoplectic nonsense though, despite literally running on Wolf Power herself. Gives me some hope.
Hours dammit. Saying that she runs on Wolf power has made me think that the Wolf is just fossil fuels with how the stains are considered oily and sticky and thats made me think of this.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m__J1Jw6TxA
With the Stains/children being the people and the Wolf-divided being Captain Pollution. I mean one is Hate and one is Deforestation, (Evil and Ash respectively).

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