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Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

I'm not sure if poison is associated with a single Lore in particular? That being said, there definitely a Knock-aspected poison in CS, but I don't remember if we have any more examples.
Yeah now that you mention it I do remember a Knock and possibly a Lantern one in game, I was just assuming that poisons end things without a fight it might be more inclined to Winter than Edge but there is quite a variety and don't all need to be lethal. So I guess that poison could just be any Lore, especially if ingredient affinity contributes to the final result.
I'm not sure if poison is associated with a single Lore in particular? That being said, there definitely a Knock-aspected poison in CS, but I don't remember if we have any more examples.
From what I remember, poison is usually Knock, but occasionally other deadly substances are aspected in other Lores. Like the Watch-worms poison that was Winter or Glassfinger Toxin for Lantern. There's one that's Edge aligned in BoH too IIRC.

Or that was the narrative aspect, I think. I mostly just remember most of the poisons only having different aspects when they were specifically lore-created.
The fact Velvet's income was higher then in a lot of starts helped us skip over the need the early expeditions. Honestly though I agree with Venerable Ro. Seeking out some of the easy expeditions we didn't bother with, plus search for more in general isn't a bad idea. I don't think the 1st Canterlot expedition was that expensive and a level 4 reagent would have cost Velvet 80 bits to make.
The artifacts may not be as useful for Velvet, but they make her followers more useful and can fill some gaps for the Names if needed. Plus they often have useful abilities and if push comes to shove can be sacrificed. It may cost a little upfront, but considering we tend to be strapped for bits it may be something to focus on. We seem to be a focusing more on summons which we can use and when we are able to introduce the Bureau to the Lore they'll come in handy.
Canterlot part 1 took 3 days.

I THINK it was 7 bits per day, so probably 21 bits.

As you say, the reagent costs us 80 bits to make (and we're only able to make it NOW)

And then we got that knock 2 artifact, and that should be worth 100 bits.
From what I remember, poison is usually Knock, but occasionally other deadly substances are aspected in other Lores. Like the Watch-worms poison that was Winter or Glassfinger Toxin for Lantern. There's one that's Edge aligned in BoH too IIRC.
Fun fact, according to the Rowenariun, Glassfinger Toxin not only gains a Knock aspect in BoH, but actually becomes more Knock-aligned than Lantern aligned (4 Knock vs. 2 Lantern). And also gains a bit of Forge for some reason.
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Ah, wait, no. Serpent Milk isn't poison in and of itself, though I think it's made from poison. That's the Edge thing I was talking about, it's a drink you can take to boost your aspect.
Ah, wait, no. Serpent Milk isn't poison in and of itself, though I think it's made from poison. That's the Edge thing I was talking about, it's a drink you can take to boost your aspect.
Well technically you're not completely wrong, since arsenic is apparently in the game somewhere and is Edge/Winter/Lantern.
Huh. You know, I was thinking about what we might do with Raw Prophets if the Church expedition goes well and looked them up, and… I honestly forgot that they were Moth/Grail. I was thinking they were Edge/Grail, probably because I had them linked to Ezeem in my mind for some reason.

Moth/Grail would be stupidly good for spies, too. Good way to infiltrate organizations if we ever had a reason to that didn't merit throwing full Names at the problem.
Yeah Raw Prophets are Moth/Grail because of how confusing both their forms and their prophecies are.
Would Raw Prophets be good for infiltrations? They have Grail but unless they have Mareinettes disguising/no monsters here aura, they would only be able to advise on socials with their prophecies/Grail knowledge, they would be good for sneaking around though, they could probably collapse to just the height and width of a arm (girth wise) and roll under and through things to hide and traverse places.

The real question would be how funny of a scene would it be to have Stormchaser walk in on his Wife dictating orders to a pile of arms and legs (would they be hooved in this universe?) as casually as he does to his weather team.
So the Heartifact should be usable. Meaning DoA would have +75 to that roll after her other bonuses.

Honestly, the only hurdles I'm worried about are the first two, and even the very first probably isn't that hard. The last Lantern aspected "find your way around" challenge was a DC60, and this one doesn't even have the crystals confusing things. Really, the Forge roll is the main concern.
Your severely underestimating Ax she the Name of expeditions. + 50 is huge letting Ax easily clear anything but the super hard ones solo.
Your severely underestimating Ax she the Name of expeditions. + 50 is huge letting Ax easily clear anything but the super hard ones solo.
...You did read me say that there's only one hurdle I think she even has a chance of failing, right? How in the flying fuck is that underestimating her? Hell, that was explicitly supposed to be me praising how easy it would be.

Seriously, I am getting really tired of your "Names can do literallly anything they want" attitude when someone mentions even the slightest chance of them failing something. Just going by the last part of the expedition, which was supposed to be easier, there were two different checks higher than DC60, which is what she autopasses with the map bonus. A 75, and an 80.

Is 15% or 20% a very high chance to fail? No, not really. But it does exist, and I'm not going to pretend it doesn't.

Also, just to be clear, I was talking about clearing the expedition with only one roll for each hurdle. It would be annoying to have to spend extra bits for extra days.
Turn 19 - Results, part 2 New
[X] Plan Pittauro, With Changeling Detectives
-[X] Axe, yes! (Costs one VELVET action)
-[X][DETECTIVES] (FOLLOW UP) There are still changelings out there. Hunt them. Look for them, and for the ponies who colluded with them. (One of the chief expectations of the Bureau. Avert a future Catastrophe)
-[X][CONSTABLES] It is less paperwork for you if they just help with the investigations. (NO ACTION from the Constables. GAIN one VELVET action for the next phase)
-[X][COMMISSIONER] The Bureau is more than an institution, it is a gathering of dedicated ponies working towards a unified goal. Ingrain yourself with them. (Establish, increase, or salvage the loyalty of the Bureau towards you personally.)
-[X][RARITY] Take a commission. (Gain at least 100 bits immediately, will "fail" her career roll)
-[X][SELENE] Realize something about Edge. (Unlock her Edge skill) (TRAINING ACTION)
-[X][SELENE] Realize something about Knock. (Unlock her Knock skill) (TRAINING ACTION)
-[X] One extra Velvet action! (Costs 2 follower actions)
-[X] You need somepony to perform this ritual… (Reflection of the Tapestry, search for "The Key that Only Opens" the Daughter of Axe wants)
--[X] To be performed on the safe place Baldomare directed you to. (Will expire at the end of turn 20)
-[X] You need somepony to perform this ritual… (Reflection of the Tapestry, search for "the easiest lvl 6 book we can get for Baldomare")
--[X] To be performed on the safe place Baldomare directed you to. (Will expire at the end of turn 20)
-[X] WRITE IN: Canterlot part 2 expedition
-[X] Attack your foe, or defend yourself. In war, there is no other option.
--[X][GUARD] You would very much like to keep this safe. (Your home)

[X] Plan Betterer Biedde
-[X] (AotL) Edge
-[X] (Forge) Edge 3, Knock 2 Edge 1, SH 1
—[X] Gift used on Knock 2 Edge 1 retroactively

-[X] (Steppes) Ask about any rumors and general perceptions of us, Fair Trial, and our respective institutions, among both nobles and the commonfolk.
-[X] (Social) Level up Jade
-[X] Summon Biedde
--[X] Sacrifice Edge 3 and Knock 2 Edge 1 reagents
--[X] To be performed on an inconspicuous place, located by Baldomare
-[X] Fleeting Opportunity: Comet Feet
-[X] Study: Forge 3, Forge 3, Mystery Book
-[X] Explore the Mansus
--[X] Find a new location in the Ashen Wastes
--[X] Explore the depths of the Ruined Church

"Mom… did you know about Selene this whole time?"

Silky Stream asks you that just as you are about to step out of her room.

And the way she worded that question… gives you pause. Although you try your best not to let it show on your face, as you turn around to face her.

It is night. The weekend is over, Stormchaser is away at work, and you had just finished putting Silky to bed. On top of that, your saddle-bag is waiting for you in your room, and in less than an hour you should be leaving your home to make your way to Ponyville's train station, in order to catch the midnight train to Canterlot.

But naturally, the way your youngest daughter just asked that question just pushed all your other concerns to the faraway edges of your mind.

Because all that really matters right now, is for you to… talk to your daughter.

"Why do you ask, dear? Is anything the matter?" you ask with a soft voice, making your way back towards her and sitting on her bed next to her.

And the only answer Silky gives you is a slow, noncommitting shrug.

Of course, you know something is disturbing Silky. You would have been a fool if you didn't expect something like this to happen.

You have seen her frown, every now and then, for the entire day. Nay, the entire weekend, even. But she didn't have the sad, heavy frown of a filly who is depressed about something. She didn't have the kind of expression that you feel you could easily address, if you talked to her.

No, the weight she has on her expression is the slow-burning kind of pain. The type of thing that doesn't stop you from laughing, but that still creeps up to you with its doubts and its shivers when you least expect it. The confusing mixture of turmoil and uncertainty that is very much out of place on a filly's expression.

You know that, although she kept her relationship with Selene, that she still needs to… process, everything that happened. And you had planned to give her time to work through it.

But now that she is asking for your help, of course you will be here for her.

"I dunno… I've just been thinking about it and stuff…" she says. "I mean, was she always a… a Princess? Was Selene always going to, uh… to change? Ever since the first day she arrived?"

You are more than a little worried about how her expression is so… not sad, and not hurt, but she looks confused. Maybe even lost. And you can tell from her tone of voice that she doesn't even know what exactly is making her feel this way. The way she is speaking makes it very clear that she is still trying to grasp why she is feeling bad about this whole situation to begin with.

But still, you push back against your worry, keeping your expression serene and your voice level.

And you begin to gently stroke her mane, as you think about how you should answer her.

Maybe there is no answer. Maybe there is nothing you can say, and this is the kind of thing that only time can fix.

But still, you will try your best. And if that fails, you will at least be here for her.

"Well, yes Silky. I think so. Selene was always going to become a Princess, one day," you say, watching as she shrinks a little bit more under her blankets at that. You think you see a hint of betrayal on her eyes, or maybe helplessness, but even that disappears soon after. "But Silky, why do you think Selene changed into a Princess? Isn't it the opposite? The same way you were a pegasus since before you could fly, don't you think that Selene was a Princess this whole time, and she just now learned how to show it?"

You say that, your tone part question and part statement, and you let her think about it for a while. You keep stroking her smooth mane as you give her as much time as she needs, and you watch as her expression slowly but surely begins to change.

Although she doesn't look any calmer than before, and she certainly doesn't look like she just made peace with something. Instead, her frown deepens.

However, you can tell that she did realize something. The vague, confused expression she had on her face is gone now, replaced by the face of a filly who now knows what is causing her grief.

"Mom, I… did Selene…" she starts, then stops, as if afraid to even ask what is on her mind. Still, after a few more moments, she gulps down something dry and asks you what is on her mind. "Mom, did Selene change? Is she really the same Selene she was before… before all this?"

There it is.

Yes, you know this question. You know this small, insistent doubt that has been plaguing your Silky. And you can tell now how, day after day, this constant doubt has slowly but surely accumulated into a back-breaking fear.

You know this doubt very well, because you carry this same fear inside of you. You love Selene, and you trust her, but you and Stormchaser have already confided to each other that neither of you can really know what is going on inside Selene's head right now.

However, unlike Silky, you and your husband have the maturity to deal with it. The two of you have already decided that you will give Selene the time she needs to show you who she is now, and that you will both care for her regardless.

Silky, on the other hoof…

"Why do you ask that, Silky? Do you think she changed? Did anything happen that made you think she isn't she same Selene as before?"

"I… I don't know? She still goes to school with us and all. And there's times she pays attention like normal, but there's also times she just looks… bored? Not bored in a normal kind of way, but in a different way?" she says, and you can tell that her words are picking up speed the more she thinks about it. The thoughts that had been vexing her all this time suddenly coming out like a river. "And she still plays with me, but… but there's also times that I call her by her name, and she doesn't answer? Like, me calling her Selene doesn't even make her think that I'm talking to her?"

She keeps talking, and you keep listening. Letting her vent her foal-sized deluge of concerns, based on all the things she noticed up to this point.

And of course, you do realize that in the grand scheme of things Silky's concerns aren't really that "big". A strange answer from her sister here, an unexpected brush off there. And of course, the fact that Selene has just made herself absent for long periods of time now, whenever she gets the chance. You do realize that those are all the worries of a filly who can't spend as much time with somepony she loves now. You know this shouldn't be a big deal, and that growing up even means going through these kinds of things, more often than not.

But still, you care. Of course you care. This is your Silky, after all. And it doesn't matter to you how small her pain is, when compared to other things, because she is still in pain.

So, you keep stroking her mane as she speaks. Until she finally reveals what must be her deepest, darkest concern about this whole thing.

"… and is… is Selene just lying to me? I mean, she can play pretend so well. She pretends to be a filly, and nopony suspects anything happened, so… Is she just pretending to be my sister? Does she really care?"

She says that, and then she stops talking. By now, she already has her head lying against your flank, huddling against you even as she presses her blanket against herself. And even though you can't really see her face, you can tell her expression is downtrodden.

She really, really doesn't know the answer to her last question. And that doubt is crushing her.

And you…

Well, you don't know the answer to that question.

Nopony does. Maybe even Selene doesn't know it herself. Maybe she is just Princess Luna who is carrying Selene's memories, and maybe those memories will fade away as the years go by.

You hope that's not the case. You trust that's not the case. But the fact remains that you can't give your daughter the iron-clad, unquestionable certainty that she is asking for.

Nopony can.

However, you can still…

"Silky, I am going to tell you something right now, and I need you to listen to me very carefully. Can you do that?" you ask.

And you patiently wait, until the filly looks up to you and gives you a slow, hesitant nod.

"I don't think Selene changed. But I don't think she is the same filly she was before, either," you say. And just as Silky is about to open her mouth, you calmly raise a hoof to ask her to wait just a little longer. "I think Selene is just as confused about this as we are. But again, remember when you first learned to fly? Remember when you first grew into your wings and managed to fly without daddy's help? I think something like that just happened to Selene. And now we need to learn how to live with a Selene who is a Princess, the same way we had to learn how to live with a Silky who could suddenly fly."

Silky keeps looking up at you as you speak, and you look down to meet her gaze, giving her a small smile as you do. You wait a few more seconds, to see if she wants to say anything, but to your small surprise your daughter stays quiet, waiting for you to continue.

"But the most important thing, Silky, is that I trust Selene. I trust her when she says she wants to keep living with us. I trust her when she says is still part of our family. And I trust that she won't just… suddenly change her mind, or decide she wants to be a Princess rather than be your sister."

You say that, and you hear a faint sigh coming from your daughter. Because you are sure Selene already told Silky those very same things, even if she did it in another context or with actions instead of words. Still, you can tell that Silky is thinking back of all the things that… well that stayed the same about Selene, rather than just focusing on the things that changed.

"So, Silky, do you trust Selene? This is all a veeery big change for all of us, Selene most of all. But still, despite everything that happened, she still wants to be here with us. She still wants to be here with you. So, do you trust her? And do you want her to keep doing what she is doing?"

You thought you would get an immediate answer from her. You thought this would have been enough to shake Silky out of her worries. But to your surprise, your daughter hesitates a little bit.

You think you can hear her mumble something, about how Selene is still a Princess, and maybe she will just get bored of her… or maybe that Selene should get bored of her, so she can be a Princess for everypony else.

But ultimately, your daughter gives you a weak nod.

"Yeah, I trust Selene… I just hope that… that I'm worth it, for her… and that she doesn't…" she mumbles. And for a fraction of a second you raise an eyebrow, wondering what else your daughter has been thinking about, that she hasn't really been able to find the words to talk about yet.

But you quickly hide away your own concerns, once more. Staying there as the solid rock she can lean against, during this turbulent period of her life.

"Yeah, you're right mom… I trust Selene. And, uhm, do you think I can really help her?" she asks, her voice a little more energetic than before.

Which makes you feel more than just a little relief, as you watch Silky's expression slowly return to its usual self.

"Of course you can, love. You already are," you say, stroking her mane one last time before getting up from her bed. You aren't going to leave just yet, but if she thinks this conversation is ready to be wrapped up, then you will follow her lead. "After all, as long as nopony suspects a thing, we are winning. And you are one of the most important ponies she needs to keep things that way."

She gives you a small, confident nod to your answer. Not brimming with energy like she usually does, but still a lot livelier than a few minutes ago.

And then she lets out a small yawn, her eyes closing ever so slightly with each passing moment.

"By the way, do you think she would like us to call her something else?" she asks, although more with innocence than anything else. "I mean, if she doesn't feel like being called Selene anymore… I've been thinking about other names? Like Velvet Moon and other ones…"

You let out a small laughter at that, shaking your head as you slowly make your way towards the door.

"Silky, dear, you can't just go around giving ponies new names like that. That's not how it works," you say with a smile.

Of course, you don't feel the need to tell her what you really think about this particular subject. There is no need to tell her why, for example, she isn't called Velvet Stream.

She doesn't need to know that you wouldn't want Selene to change her name to that even if she asked.

She doesn't need to know that the Velvet legacy doesn't deserve them. That it never will. And that you won't let them tarnish their beautiful names and their peaceful lives even if that is the last thing you do.

"Axe didn't mind," she says, her voice unmistakably sleepy as she closes her eyes.

"Well Axe is…" you say, but you trail off, realizing that Silky is already asleep.

So, you quietly leave her room, closing the door behind you.

And only after you confirm your daughter is peacefully asleep do you turn your attention back to your other affairs.

- - -

"Mrs. Velvet, good evening. I'm so sorry to disturb you like this."

The moment you step out of Silky's room, you realize there was somepony waiting for you.

Of course, you don't really mind, and you quickly wave a hoof for her to get up from the short bow she is giving you. Heavens, how many times do you have to tell Softy she doesn't need to do that?

However, and much to your curiosity, Softy didn't come alone.

There was another pony waiting with her, a few paces away from Silky's room, who is still bowing to you next to Soft.

"I also share her sentiment, Lady Velvet. I am terribly sorry for intruding on your evening at an hour like this."

You don't really recognize her by her voice, not with how she is almost talking in a whisper, but you quickly recognize everything else. Besides, you only need to close your eyes for a few moments to pierce through the darkness of the corridor, and confirm that you know who this other mare is.

"Cantrip? Please, raise your head. I don't really mind Soft coming up at a time like this, but is there anything you need?" you ask.

And the unicorn mare, your brother's own personal maid, raises her head to look at you. Her eyes a mixture of thankfulness and nervousness.

You make sure to open your eyes, before she realizes what you are doing. And you light up your horn with a faint illumination spell, so you can all look at each other more easily.

But other than that, you just wait for the mares to say something. Your curiosity tingling as you wonder what this is about, at such a late time nonetheless.

"Yes, Lady Velvet. This is about my Lord Pride," she says. "He does not mean to intrude, and he is even willing to come here if it is more convenient to you, despite the late hour. But still, he would like to speak to you, if at all possible."

You tilt your head slightly, although part of you already… suspects what this must be about.

No, you are sure of it. It all lines up when you think about it. Your brother returned from Canterlot this morning, rather than staying in the capital for the entire weekend. And even though Ponpon has not yet confirmed the reason, you are sure it was because he heard that…

"Well, I don't mind talking to him, Cantrip," you say, to which the unicorn maid gives you a thankful nod. "But I have a train to catch in Ponyville, in less than two hours. So, do you think he would mind meeting me downstairs in the garden? I must be on my way as soon as we are done talking, you see."

The maid doesn't even need to tell you that she agrees, and is already bowing her farewell as soon as you are done speaking.

And moments later, you are following Soft downstairs, with your saddle-bag neatly fastened to your back.

Your conversation with your brother was quick.

"Good evening, sister. Again, I am very sorry for taking up your time at this late hour. And thank you for having me."

Hearing him call you "sister" is still a bit of a novel experience. But given how the two of you were in the garden, by the front gate of the estate, and alone, you think he was being more earnest than he usually would.

"I have heard the news, and I returned from Canterlot as quickly as I could. However, I haven't yet…"

But of course, there was another reason why he was being earnest. A more obvious, and perhaps notorious, reason.

"I haven't yet been able to see her. I have not yet been able to meet her, so… Was the news true? Is she really back?"

You try your best not to remember the exact words he used. For the rest of your life, you will try your best to forget those words such as "rare and radiant maiden, whom the Princesses name Axe".

"And more importantly, could you please tell me if she has any plans during her stay?"

But ultimately, your brother had called you to ask a question.

And the answer you gave him was that…

[Pick one]

[] [PRIDE] You will tell him everything you know. (Reveal to Pride all of Axe's actions, for the next three turns)

[] [PRIDE] You will tell him a little bit, but also that he should ask her the rest himself. (Reveal to Pride what action Axe will take this turn only)

[] [PRIDE] You will not tell him anything.

(None of these actions will result in revealing the Lores to Pride. Should Axe be commanded to perform a ritual, for example, Pride will be told that "she will be around for a few days," and not that she will be busy summoning alien gods.)

- - -

You lie on your bed, looking up at the ceiling as you try to clear your mind from the events of today.

Unfortunately, as you look up, you don't see the familiar ceiling of your own bedroom. Instead, you see the richly painted interior of the guest room you use in the Royal Castle.

And it only grates you a little bit to think that this ceiling, too, is not unfamiliar. But you suppose it is inevitable that you get used to this place, now that you spend more time here than you do at your home.

Today was hectic as usual. You have briefed everypony on your expectations for this week, and then you were presented with the countless small problems that appear on a daily basis in an institution as complex as the Bureau. Before you knew it, sunset was already fast approaching, and Shining Armor convinced you to stop working for the day.

He said, like he almost always does, that everypony needs a good night's sleep so they can work properly on the next day.

And you…

You wish he was right.

Or rather, you wish you were about to have a good night of sleep.

But you know that will not happen.

You take a deep breath, exhaling slowly as you try to relax your body. Falling asleep is not an unfamiliar motion, and you know you are tired enough to do it right now, if you really wanted to. And yet, you hesitate. You try to keep your mind busy, or at least you try to stop it from stopping, so you can stay awake for just a little longer. Making up excuses about why you don't really need to sleep right now, and you could maybe enjoy the soft sensation of your bed for just a minute longer.

And you know why you are doing this. Of course you do. You are doing this because you can't put this off any longer. You are doing this because you can't keep avoiding it.

You need to go to the Mansus. You need…

… you need to see what you have done.

You have avoided dreaming ever since the night before Cadance's wedding. There is a lever inside your head, or perhaps something else you can't quite name, that you have learned to control. A mechanism within your mind that allows you to either have a dreamless night… or that makes you go to the Mansus, without the need for the methods you have learned from your former cult.

So, with a great deal of… reluctance, you push that part of your mind into another position.

And when you wake up, you find yourself in the familiar stretches of the Crossroads.

It used to be that you could see the Woods from the Crossroads. It used to be that, should you look towards the neverending light of Glory, you could see the House, and the Path, and the great dark silhouette of the forest that grows around and under its walls.

That is not possible anymore.

Because the Woods are gone.

As you tread the familiar and winding path of the Crossroads, you try your best to look at the consequence of your actions. You try your best to keep your eyes straight, towards the approaching Mansus, rather than down.

And what you see is…

The first thought that comes to your mind is that you are looking at a desert. A vast and empty desert, filled with dunes and valleys that are constantly battered by invisible winds. A filthy desert, of sands that are not yellow or gold or colored like the Glory above, but that instead are grey and dull and made out of dirty ash.

You think you are looking at a desert, as you approach that place.

But you soon realize you are wrong. The realization this you the moment you approach the edge of the Crossroads, and your hoofs are about to step on the sticky cinders.

Because you realize now that you are not looking at a desert.

You are looking at an ocean.

The Ashen Wastes are not a true ocean. A pony who steps on its embers will not sink and be swallowed to their doom. Not immediately, at least. But still, the Ashen Wastes look like a tormented painting of how an ocean would look like if it was frozen in place.

But still, the ashen ground is solid enough. At least to walk. Or rather, your legs only sink a little bit, as you walk. Although you can't shake the impression that you are sinking just a little more with each further step.

Still, the ground is solid enough for you to walk.

So, you… step into the Ashen Wastes. And you try your best to ignore how warm your hoofs feel as you do.

The tall dunes of cold embers, that stretch as far as the eye can see, look like waves. They do not look like mounds, formed by wind and gravity. Instead, they look like waves that are perpetually frozen, curled and bent in ways that defy reason. And somehow, somehow, giving you the impression that they will suddenly move, crash and swallow you if you walk underneath the shadow of their faces.

Furthermore, every now and then you catch glimpses of… things. Things that make you feel like you are looking at a painting of a shipwreck, lost within a storm. Every now and then, you think you can see the burnt remains of a black tree, sticking out from a greedy mountain of ashes. Sometimes, you can even see glimpses of Manus-stone, sticking out from the barren surface. And just like planks of wood that were torn from a broken ship, those feel like the only place you can safely step without the ever-present fear that the next step on the ashen ground will see you swallowed.

You march on through this empty, desolate place, giving the menacing waves a wide berth as you go. You hear no sound but the howling of the wind, and you feel nothing but the slight burning sensation on your hoof and the feeling of dirty ash sticking to the coat of your dream body. You see no signs of life, or even movement, and you do not find anything noteworthy.

And as time stretches on, you soon realize you will never really find anything. Because there is nothing here. Nothing. This place is dead and desolate. A mass grave, devoid of peace or corpses. An eternally smoldering monument, whose only purpose is to remind ponykind of what was lost, and to torment anypony who dares to step hoof on it.

Even the smell is disgusting. You have no idea when you started feeling it, or even if it is a smell at all. But still, almost as if the atmosphere of this place is seeping into your dream-body, you can't help but feel a growing sense of revulsion. Towards this place or the world or yourself, or perhaps towards something else that does not yet have a name.

But still, you keep walking. You keep putting one hoof in front of the other, sinking your legs into the soot and trying not to think about the times you feel like you just stepped on something under the ashes.

You keep walking because you have to.

After all, the only reason you are here… the only reason anypony would ever be in a place like this… is still shining down on you.

Because the one thing this place cannot do, that the Woods could, is block out the light of Glory. And throughout your entire journey in this place, as your legs sunk deeper and deeper into the ashes until you could almost feel it on your belly, the Glory has been shining down upon you. The Glory has been shining down upon you, and you have been marching towards it.

And finally, you find an end to this place.

In the far distance, surrounded by wave-mountains of ash so high that you feel like they were trying to block it, you can see light. And you don't mean the light of Glory, no. You can literally see light. A pillar of light, that seems to stretch from the ashen grounds all the way to the Mesa of Mansus-stone high above you.

You don't feel relief, when you finally see that pillar of light. You don't feel relief, because relief seems to be forbidden in this place. But you do feel a wave of hope surging through your body, causing the filthy ash on your coat to burn and itch in reaction.

And the closer you get to the pillar of light, the more familiar it feels to you. You have already seen this light before.

In fact, the symbolism is not lost to you. Because if everything around you looks like a cruel and frozen ocean, then the pillar of light feels like a lighthouse. A beacon of safety, guiding the way to the shore and away from the hungry storm around you.

Eventually, although at much cost, you reach the base of the pillar of light.

The source of this beacon, you immediately realize, is at the very bottom of a long stair of Mansus-stone, that reaches up to the Blank Door.

In fact, as you look more closely, you soon realize that the source light is a horseshoe-shaped sigil, imprinted on the dark-blue stone of the stairs. As if a pony made out of light had left a part of herself there, to help illuminate and navigate the way forward.

But of course, you immediately realize who did it… in fact, you almost climb up the stairs to meet her. You almost make your way up to the Blank Plains, so you can meet her in her lodge.

However, as you look around you and realize why she had to place this beacon to begin with, you can't help but feel… ashamed. And you don't think you will be a welcome guest in her house.

So, you… don't. You climb up a few of the steps, but then you turn around. Sitting where she sat, seeing what she saw when she found you here.

And the only thing you feel as you look around at this place, at the vast and endless boundaries of the Mansus that once cradled the first forest…

…is regret.

- - -

You visit the Ashen Wastes several times, during the week. And every night, you feel that you learn a little bit more about this place.

For example, you are convinced that this place is not truly frozen, but instead that this ocean of ashes is just moving very slowly. You haven't been able to confirm it, and you don't think you truly want to. But still, you feel like the scenario around you is constantly shifting, inch by inch, whenever you are not looking.

Furthermore, you have discovered that there are other places connected to the Wastes. Or perhaps they are just extensions of the Wastes themselves? You are not sure. But you have seen glimpses of distant stretches of ash that do not seem to be covered by dunes or waves. Places that you can feel have other properties, or perhaps other purposes.

However, the single, most important, and most horrible thing you have learned from this place is that…

It is alive.

The Ashen Wastes are alive. They are alive, and they can think, and they have been watching you this entire time.

They have been watching you with bated breath. They have been watching you with an eagerness and glee that you can't describe or comprehend. And most of all, they have been watching you with anticipation. Waiting for you to notice it. Waiting for you to finally stare back at it, as it has been staring at you this entire time. Counting the seconds until you realize that every last mote of ash, and every last crashing wave filled with torment, is a part of this single… great… vast entity, that stretches as far as your eyes can see.

And when you finally realize it, you can't stop seeing it no matter where you look.

You feel like you are walking on the back of some great creature, made out of the corpses that were left after a fire. You feel like your hoofs are sinking into burning fur, every time you walk. Like you are a flea on the back of a beast that is the size of the Mansus.

And worst of all, you feel like… like you can hear it. You feel like you can understand it. As if the harsh winds that batter against the waves are trying to carry words rather than just misery. As if this entire time, this vast entity that you are riding has been breathing, thinking, and trying to speak to you.

You feel like you can hear it and… no, it's not just that.

You can actually understand it, now.

As if the knowledge is being shoved, or perhaps burned, into your mind. As if you have no choice but to understand it, now that you have recognized its existence. You understand that words being whispered in the wind, and your mind can't help but piece together a message, syllable by painful syllable, as they come to you in the whipping winds.


… has…

… a present…

… for its…

… Mother…

A chill runs through your spine as you piece together that last word.

And as soon as that happens, you notice something appearing on the ashen ground next to you. A trail of pawprints, as if an invisible wolf was walking right next to you.

The pawprints lead deeper into the Wastes, in a direction you had no yet dared to explore.

You know you will regret following the trail.

But you do it anyways.

- - -

The Ashen Wastes are a vast and dead stretch of misery, that goes as far as the eye can see. They are the filthy waves that crash against the walls of the Mansus, though it has no walls. And they are the burning tongues that lick against the undersides of the Blank Plains, yearning to spread its flames to that peaceful and dew-covered place of rest.

The Ashen Wastes are a misbegotten desert. An inanimate desert, which was born from the destruction of something older, greater, and better.

And yet, the ashes are also alive.

Ash is alive. And its body is as large as the Wastes, its fangs are as numerous as the specks of embers, and its rancor is as deep as that of the blood that spawned it.

Ash is alive.

And this is its mouth.

After following the track of pawprints for a long time, you finally come upon a cave.

An utterly unremarkable cave, made out of cinders, that leads to unremarkable darkness.

An utterly deadly mouth, with rows upon rows of hateful teeth, that leads to a fire that still burns.

The track of pawprints, created by some unseen presence (or perhaps pulled down into that shape by the very ground) leads you there, and then it comes to an end. The tracks end at the entrance of the cave, pointing the way towards the "gift" it wants to show you.

Within the cave, you find a body. The skeletal remains of a dead pony, curled up as if it was trying to hug something against itself during the last moments of its life.

Within the salty taste of those bones, you find a memory.

It is the memory of a pegasus. One that could never quite think straight, ever since she was struck in the head by an empty bottle, wielded by an uncaring parent. One that was never quite wanted, as she went from foster home to foster home, always being kicked out for being too slow, or perhaps too quick in all the wrong ways. One that never quite fit in the world created by ponykind, but that still tried with all her soul to earn the love she so desperately craved.

One that never really had any friends... until she did.

One that never really had any reason to be proud of herself... until she was taught that the insistence she carried in her heart was a virtue, not a vice.

One that never really had anyone who loved her... until she was adopted by a fatherly forest.

One that died in agony, as she watched everything she ever loved burn around her.

One that perished in vain, as she neglected her own escape so she could try to collect just one more seed, so she could at least try to replant the only place she had ever felt at home.

One that ultimately failed. At everything. Both in life, and now in death. And whose charred remains will remain here, forever, eternally cradling the burned and ruined crisps of the last seed of the Woods.

You look down at the "gift" your son has brought you, and you swear you can hear something behind you. Something that sounds too much like the noise of dust being swept by a tail, that is wagging in excitement. Something that you know is just the wind, but that deep down you realize is much more than just that.

You look down at the consequence of your actions.

And then your hear him ask who shall be next.

Beneath and around the walls of the Mansus, there is only Ash.

How shall it treat those who trespass upon its body?

(Regardless of the option picked, creatures that are part of Velvet Cover's faction will never be negatively affected.)

[Pick one]

[] [ASH-GUARD] Feast!
-"The treacherous ground of the Ashen Wastes will burn and torment every single pony who enters the Mansus."
-All ponies who access the Mansus will receive a small and temporary debuff.

[] [ASH-GUARD] Stalk.
-"The shifting waves will lie in wait, the sightless eyes will watch with bated breath, until its prey is right before its jaws."
-A reasonable number of ponies who access the Mansus will risk receiving a lasting debuff, or a wound if they are unlucky.

[] [ASH-GUARD] Starve...
-"It understands your hate, and it will be all the more gleeful to obey because of it. It will not attack any prey… that is, until madness and hunger subjugate it, and its impulse take over."
-A very small fraction of ponies who access the Mansus will risk receiving a wound, or they might die if they are unlucky.

Beneath and around the walls of the Mansus, there is only Ash.

What scent will you give it? Who has earned your focused hate?

(The character picked here will be actively hunted whenever they enter the Mansus)

[Pick one]

[] [ASH-PREY] Copper Secateur
[] [ASH-PREY] Windy Flakes
[] [ASH-PREY] Somepony else (Write in)
[] [ASH-PREY] No prey

You have explored the lowest level of the Mansus, after its latest change, and have found your way back to the Blank Door.

The Ashen Wastes, all of it, is your son. A vast ocean of its own namesake, born from the fires that you called down from a higher place. It leaves pawprints on your wake, to show that it is following you, and sometimes you swear that you can feel its burning tongue licking against your fur. And the glee it feels every time you visit is only eclipsed by the hate it feels for everything else. If it could, it would close its ashen jaws around the Mansus, and swallow it whole.

Velvet Covers has learned about Ash. And for the first, and perhaps most disturbing time, one of her "sons" has asked her for directions. Ash's skill has been updated on your character sheet.

Velvet Covers may now direct Ash, and dictate how it will treat those who have not been marked by her. All characters in Velvet's factions are immune to Ash's effects.

Starry Dancer has been confirmed as dead. Her death was not a peaceful one.

Twelve hours moratorium. Approval voting. Vote for whatever options you want, without making any plans. I do not feel these actions are sufficiently "linked" to the point a plan is warranted.
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I for one vote we let the bastard son starve. After all, we do intend to one day remove what we brought into the world.

So Ash will always keep Sweeps company. Even when his brothers are away. Even when they are lost. Even when they are ripe and full, he will keep her company.
In Ash.
In dreams.

Now, as for the votes...
We should tell Pride what Ax will be doing this time. But it is up to him to take further steps. He has to learn somewhere, so giving a show of what is, and nudging him forward will... be the easiest way to help I feel.

As for Ash... Stalk.
Be the wind full of teeth. Be the salivating hunger of those who trespass. Learn to become what once the Woods were. A threat, and a danger, and a monster. But, one that you can learn about. One who demands much, but you can avoid. One that will hurt you when you think you have learned all it's tricks and secrets, because there is always another thing hidden.
Velvet cannot tell it to feast in good conscience. So the choice are to Starve and let Velvet's guilt hurt others in a way that they cannot recover... or to Stalk.

I believe in Velvet enough to have her see this, and let him Stalk.
The world is a worse place because of him. But not everyone need suffer. No one save the foolhardy need die.
Velvet... velvet loves her family and the horrible nightmarish thing that we have just walked through is our son in every way... She would never let her son starve. To stalk and watch, that Velvet would allow, harry those who climb the steps to Glory, but never allow yourself to come to harm my son.
As much as it is "helpful" to have an attack dog wolf, I can't help but to worry what happens when it has no target. Or, we give it a target, and after going down the list, one day it finds we no longer have someone for it to seek.
What scent will you give it? Who has earned your focused hate?

(The character picked here will be actively hunted whenever they enter the Mansus)

A pity our son can't hunt in the Wake or at least can't hunt in the Wake yet.

In the good old days the Woods could spread into the Wake so why couldn't Ash learn to do the same?

Of course our Personal Knock Sacrament would be very useful here in opening the door for our Son to enter into the Wake.

Velvet... velvet loves her family and the horrible nightmarish thing that we have just walked through is our son in every way

Agreed, everyone had their imperfections, their sins. That alone does not make them unworthy of love, not to Velvet Covers.

She would never let her son starve.

On the other hoof our Son does like this option.

It understands your hate, and it will be all the more gleeful to obey because of it.

Though we really should social our sons sometime.
And then there were five.
Goodbye, Starry Dancer. You didn't deserve what happened to you.
And to think it was a head injury the whole time. Something likely fixable by the Forge's Redemption.
What a damn waste.

I don't like Starve. Feast has the advantage that it more clearly discourages Mansus exploration (the harshness of the punishment is less important than it's certainness), but it removes a lot of plausible deniablity if Velvet and company are the only ones not suffering from it. So it'll probably be Stalk.

I don't think I'll be voting for Copper to die. Mostly again for deniability reasons, but also because it doesn't feel right? I don't know, and maybe it would be no different than the Path through Nightmares was, but that turned out to be dancing on the Master's strings too.
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I really do wish we'd had a chance to talk to Axe about our brother's infatuation before this, even Pinkie Pie would probably be somewhat offput by a near-stranger discussing her possible love life with a comple stranger. To say nothing of the reticent Axe.

Does she want privacy, does she want a chance to do anything and everything unrelated to her prison, does she want to sail for Ys-as-yet-Unbuilt? We haven't any idea at all! I really do dislike blind guessing, we have such a poor track record with it.

Now unto the second, shall we ever tire of having questions answered in just the wrong way? We really do have such an astonishing Moth-talent for ruining things and people by ignoring them. Starry burns and Jade thrives, with little more than idle whim to separate them.

Now we have a wolf, son of his mother, son of his father. I really do need a clarification @OurLadyOfWires, since I tend to think too deeply, is this a character or a mechanic/consequence wearing a character's mask? It does matter, because this son loves something whereas his elder siblings merely hate. A bit more alike his mother than his father perhaps, perhaps, when it comes to The Wolf any difference at all is a vast gulf.


And on a final note, wouldst we command murder? Wouldst we command a death of uttermost horror? The easy way out isn't, it is not that no good comes of the Wolf, but rather no good can come of the Wolf.

"However, how you did it made all the difference. You brought the Wolf into this, Velvet, and you let him do things his way. So just like a ray of sunlight going through a colored lens, this whole thing will be twisted by his influence."

If something needs to die, let it be by our hoof or by our agents, not by Wolf-hate. It will never, not even once, make things better for anyone, not even the Wolf himself.
.... aaaah


I... this will take a time to write.
But, while I am working and thinking on that...

Asking Ash to Prey on Ash would be the same as telling him to starve. Or maybe to Feast? He understands that sort of hate, that malice, that internal self destructive impulse. Telling him to indulge that...
I do not recommend it.
@OurLadyOfWires the copyedit harvest:

Was. "News", despite ending in "s", is an uncountable/aggregate noun. Here is a random article I found.

They do not look like mounts, formed by wind and gravity.
You probably mean mounds or mountains. Or, "mount" can mean "mountain" but that is a bit archaic and it will be interpreted as the other meaning if there is an "s" as in "mounts". It is usually only used in the names of mountains like "Mount Everest", "Mount Fuji", etc.

Sitting where she sat, looking at what she looked when she found you here.
what she looked at or where she looked

"Mom… did you know about Selene this whole time?"

Silky Stream asks you that just as you are about to step out of her room.
Eek! :eek: We're in trouble!

…ok, reading the rest, I thought this was going to be about Silky feeling betrayed we told her nothing about Selene's true nature, only to break her heart when Selene "woke up". But…
"Well, yes Silky. I think so. Selene was always going to become a Princess, one day," you say, watching as she shrinks a little bit more under her blankets at that. You think you see a hint of betrayal on her eyes, or maybe helplessness, but even that disappears soon after.
She seems to have passed over that feeling quickly.

An inanimate desert, which was born from the destruction of something older, greater, and better.
I think the use of the word "better" is interesting, being a sort of value judgement. Who says the woods were better? In what way? Better in that it had a more vibrant ecosystem, or preserved the past, or had more interesting places to explore? I guess it can't be denied that some formerly living things are now ash.

It is the memory of a pegasus. One that could never quite think straight, ever since she was struck in the head by an empty bottle, wielded by an uncaring parent.
Who is this? My heart lept into my throat as I briefly thought this was for sure Derpy Hooves/Ditzy Doo somehow. But there is nothing about her crossed eyes, so I'm slightly relieved. But I suppose I can't rule this out, since the gender (she/her), mental acuity (a bit of a slow thinker), and race (pegasus) match. It would be kind of wild to find her body in the Mansus; isn't she a normal pony that lives in the Wake?

Starry Dancer has been confirmed as dead. Her death was not a peaceful one.
!! (And also RIP a friend/contact.)
Hmm. On the one hand I actually don't really like the Pride/DoA shipping nonsense, but on the other I kinda want to see if he'll try to join her on the expedition. Since she'll probably be using that secondary entrance I don't think it would be particularly suspicious, and I kinda want the humor of seeing him make a fool of himself using his money to try and help.

Also, the full disclosure option will probably tell him at least vaguely about the Frangiclave unless we somehow keep Axe completely seperate from that action which is extremely unlikely. So keep that in mind.
Goodbye, Starry Dancer. You didn't deserve what happened to you.
And to think it was a head injury the whole time.
Oh, that makes more sense than it being Derpy 😅. I see why she's there in the Mansus now as well.

So now, considering what we should vote for…

I am in favor of Feast. If you look at the actual effects, it doesn't kill anypony, and the debuff is "small" and "temporary". This is the option that actually does the least harm to innocents. It seems letting it go to town on ponies' dream bodies lets it retain the self-control to not kill in the Wake.
-All ponies who access the Mansus will receive a small and temporary debuff.
We would pick the others if we think that other factions being able to explore the Mansus is more important than the risk of ponies occasionally getting wounded or killed. But I see no reason to want this. Let me know if there is. Strangers we don't trust getting Lore powers? I'm not in favor.

Starry Dancer has been confirmed as dead. Her death was not a peaceful one.
[] [ASH-PREY] Copper Secateur
[] [ASH-PREY] Windy Flakes
So Copper and Windy are confirmed alive, and my optimistic hope that Copper was killed by our last ritual was false.

I am in favor of hunting and killing Copper, at least while a truce hasn't been agreed to. Letting her be alive is risky; this is an occult war we're talking about. We fear for the safety of our family because of her. Harming her this way is far more AP-efficient than sending a strike force. And if you have moral qualms with killing her, she might not even die. She'll just be locked out of the Mansus and unable to get more of its boons (such as juicy summons, lore scraps, etc.) to strengthen herself and her faction. Keep in mind we have no reason to believe the Master disclosed that she started everything to Copper like she happened to do to us.

Velvet may not be, since she has to actually deal with your negative aura, but I, for one, am proud of you Son. :V
Not surprised with Starry, but that one hits hard. I wasn't here at the time, but reading through the quest later, I think not reaching out to her is the thing that I'm saddest about the thread not doing. No real judgement, things always come up and one of this quest's strengths is the commitment to the idea that Velvet can't do everything and how there's always things to regret.

With regards to Pride, let him know about this turn. Give him an advantage, but don't bother Axe too much. Make him earn the rest.

Definitely leaning stalk. As others have brought up it makes getting through a challenge, but one that can be overcome.

Leaning towards setting him after Copper if for no other reason then to potentially save actions in later turns.

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