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favorite quotes or quotes you created yourself

The cut hair covered the floor, and piled up on my shoulders like ash. I watched myself becoming someone else. One day you wake up and realize the world can be conquered.

-Doctor Impossible, Soon I Will Be Incincible.

Man, I love a good villain.
It's not enough to be petty, black-hearted and mean.
You've got to have gravitas, you've got to have style.

There's something about a villain who knows that their whole deal is probably futile, but they're going to continue anyway because that's who they are and what they do.
You don't just give up,
"You keep fighting. You keep trying to take over the world."
And when you're done? When you're tool old and too tired and too ruined by your own devices to keep continue on? You pass on that vitriol and that hatred down to the next generation of madmen and lunatics who think that they can fight the whole world and win.

Because maybe that encouragement will let them succeed where you failed.

It was dark by the time he finished. At the end, the Baron whispered the word itself in my ear.
"It won't work," I said.
"Maybe not. But it might do something."
I put my foot on his windowsill, but he stopped me again.
"Doctor Impossible?" His voice was scarcely more than a croak.
"What is it?"
"Do it, boy. Beat them hollow."

-Baron Ether, Soon I Will Be invincible
"The lines between good and evil blur when we're looking at people we know." -- (Paragon) Commander Shepard, Mass Effect 2
this quote is related to the one i posted previously here regarding my dislike for Arabic but this one is back in middle school which is the time where I'm not chill

"Arabic exam will become a game of luck and guessing because nobody know what the question is even about and you don't have enough time to think of an answer as you'll be too busy translating oh i don't know 50 FUCKING QUESTION AND ALL OF IT IN FUCKING ARABIC!!!

abcd? don't FUCKING because you'll be busy translating that as well!!"
"It appears the Hutt Cartel is having a stand-off with the Dark Eldar."
- My friend who mods X-Com too much

"I stormed the Vatican and beheaded the Pope like the good Christian I am."
- A different friend, describing how he plays Crusader Kings
"It appears the Hutt Cartel is having a stand-off with the Dark Eldar."
- My friend who mods X-Com too much

"I stormed the Vatican and beheaded the Pope like the good Christian I am."
- A different friend, describing how he plays Crusader Kings
I mean

I was daydreaming in a generic nigh-omnipotent power fantasy when one of my characters said to me:
"Just because you can do it doesn't mean that you should"(The most generic quote but when you are thinking in a nigh-omnipotent scale you kinda forget it)
I already had thought about that quote but while fan-wanking from Nasuverse a Type Galaxy and "waking up" the whole Milky Way Galaxy and the Trillions of deaths that it would generate with the new Galactic Phantasmal Beasts I kinda stopped daydreaming and went to sleep.
I'm not mad you used your father's connections to get the part, Half the people in hollywood are either related, fucking, or both. I'm just pissed that you don't have the decency to admit it. But that would ruin your image as the poor, oppressed little girl trying to break the glass ceiling all alone, wouldn't it? That you needed daddy's money to succeed.
If you would wield magic's power, you must be willing to pay magic's price. By me, original fantasy setting.
"If two pregnant women fight, it's kind of like two babies having a mecha battle" ~ a Pop Team Epic meme.

"Technically we've all kicked a pregnant woman at least once" ~Youtube comments

"He's outta line, but he's right" ~ Falcon

"Just because you're correct doesn't mean you're right" ~ Shirou Emiya

It's like all of them are responding to each other and ended up with two response.
"Harry, you must rock the fuck out."

"Is it a sin, should a man feel like faggarting a sun or a thousand? Why should the suns heave through the void, if not to be skewer't bypon ourn fagpoles?"

""I am no longer Scrumblegort." The ancient man dropped some of the planets he was juggling. "The worlds have shifted. I am Dumblecop, of the Darkmeal."
-Dumblecop, formerly Scrumblegort

"How does Ronnie Ron taste, master?"
Harry spat out an eyeball. "Like some kid with eyes."
-Dobby and Harry Potter
"My IQ is the highest among all Reddit"
~ SsethTzeentach

"That's not saying much"
~ Max0r

Source: An Incorrect Summary of Elden Ring | Part 1 by Max0r
"My IQ is the highest among all Reddit"
~ SsethTzeentach

"That's not saying much"
~ Max0r

Source: An Incorrect Summary of Elden Ring | Part 1 by Max0r


Isn't that a bit like walking up to someone with a shiny, red nose, shoes approximately 20 sizes too large and a green, garish wig before calling them a clown?
"Patriotism is when you win the revolution. Treason is when you lose" By Myself
Seeing a comments that saying "It's Literally Me!" in a "Literally Me" Youtube video.

"You guys aren't Travis Bickle, Tyler Durden/"Jack", The Driver, or Officer K/Joe. You guys are just Patrick Bateman"
"If I may play the devil's avacado for a moment..."

"My girlfriend is like the square root of -100. A solid ten, but also imaginary."

"A student who changes the course of history is probably taking an exam."

"I went to Theodicy-con 2017 and all I got was this lousy t-shirt and I don't understand why a just god would allow this to happen"

"I think I have solved theodicy.

In project management there is an iron law: "Cheap, fast, good. Choose two."

The world is cheap – God bought it for merely two coins. The world is fast – God made it in a week with a day to spare. Thus, the world can't be very good." --Jacob
"Только разве подвластен науке Восток"

A very useful bit of advice to any isekai protag and SI really.
"Только разве подвластен науке Восток"
"But is the East subject to science?"

Going to need some context on that one.

They say the pen is mightier than the sword, even though it takes a
lot more accuracy to kill someone with a single blow using a biro.
-- Doghead Thirteen

They looked into the abyss, and the abyss said "Sweet Jesus".
-- Anon

By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity. Another man's, I mean.
-- Mark Twain

Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.
-- Mark Twain

It is by the fortune of God that, in this country, we have three benefits:
freedom of speech, freedom of thought, and the wisdom never to use either.
-- Mark Twain

The face of a child can say it all, especially the mouth part of the face.
--Jack Handey

To me, clowns aren't funny. In fact, they're kinda scary. I've
wondered where this started and I think it goes back to the time I
went to the circus and a clown killed my dad.
--Jack Handey

Should array indices start at 0 or 1? My compromise of 0.5 was
rejected without, I thought, proper consideration.
-- Stan Kelly-Bootle
Run! Run! It's them! Humans! Humans invided us once again! (By lowly imp in Hell dimension in one of my unpublished stories).
"Elucina! We are fighting the end of the land of the dead! Enough!"

Khelta cried out, but the Rebel of String raised her sword. She aimed it at Roshal's ghosts, and an army flocked to her. Freed [Slaves], the [Rebels] and chainbreakers of every age. The Rebel of String shouted.
"Even at the end of the world, I will not join hands with those who enslave others. If all will fade away—I will see Roshal die first, screaming. Never again! CHARGE."
-The Rebel of String, Elucina
"My bussy got cucked by my mouth"

-quote i just made up two minutes ago.
"When you did this good of a job at working on something this is your reward, you get nitpicked"
- Johnathan Ferguson

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