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General chat thread

Ever take a car to be checked over and have them end up finding a million things wrong?

That's me with my doctor appointment.

9am 07/14 I go in, now I'm bored as shit and super uncomfortable in the hospital for overnight observation.
I've been there. That was me at fifteen. They found a lot of little things wrong with me.

That's the thing with little things, they aren't individually enough to do anything about.

Hang in there.
How to defeat Batman:
  1. Report Bruce Wayne to the IRS for Tax Evasion.
I'm pretty tired, but I read this three times and I still can't tell what you're asking.
I think the 'to' is supposed to be 'too', implying that the "quality" of Ao3 fics might not be to the taste of QQ.

The answer to which is something along the lines of "how the fuck would we know given that Ao3 is a big place and there are no links with which to sample the material?"
I think the 'to' is supposed to be 'too', implying that the "quality" of Ao3 fics might not be to the taste of QQ.

The answer to which is something along the lines of "how the fuck would we know given that Ao3 is a big place and there are no links with which to sample the material?"

Oh. I suspect, rather, that he's posted his fics here and they haven't gained the reception he's hoped for. Links would still be helpful, though, yes, as the chance of someone in this particular thread having even crossed his threads is middling at best. I think I may have clicked on one or two maybe, but I can't even recall.

EDIT: Ah, it seems he has some links in his signature at least.

Well, first off they all seem to be crossovers- which lowers the chance of reception since you're less likely to get a reader drawn in unless they're familiar with all noted properties.

I'm not familiar with Danny Phantom or Ben 10, so I'll pass over theirs for sure. Gravity Falls/The Owl House might be interesting, but I've only seen a few episodes of the latter so I'd need to watch a lot of it before I even wanted to try.
Are my fics too AO3 for this site?
I think its more about how consistent you are with your fics then the actual content matter itself. From what I've seen: people like fics that update frequently. Trust me, I've seen a million+ view fic on here start out as a one-shot on /a/. And no, I am not kidding.
Oh. I suspect, rather, that he's posted his fics here and they haven't gained the reception he's hoped for. Links would still be helpful, though, yes, as the chance of someone in this particular thread having even crossed his threads is middling at best. I think I may have clicked on one or two maybe, but I can't even recall.

EDIT: Ah, it seems he has some links in his signature at least.

Well, first off they all seem to be crossovers- which lowers the chance of reception since you're less likely to get a reader drawn in unless they're familiar with all noted properties.

I'm not familiar with Danny Phantom or Ben 10, so I'll pass over theirs for sure. Gravity Falls/The Owl House might be interesting, but I've only seen a few episodes of the latter so I'd need to watch a lot of it before I even wanted to try.
Should I give up?


No, never give up.
From a quick glance at your profile... you've started six new story threads since the start of 2023, not counting the snippets thread. Three of those were in April alone.

I think you should focus.
ADHD is a bitch.

With that in mind I've decided to put a bunch of them on hiatus sans a couple.
Last edited:
Got new glasses today. Specifically, two new pairs. One for distance and one for reading, because bifocals give me nausea. Just another old man trophy to go alongside the blood pressure medicine and daily breathing treatments.

I feel you by proxy. Mom needed trifocals for a while that she had all kinds of trouble with- went and got Lasik finally so she didn't have to deal with them anymore, which was actually hella cheaper in the long run- basic pair of trifocals, last time I went with her to get new glasses, were over $700. For the most basic of basic lenses and the cheapest frames they had. They had a BOGO deal at the time, and I got decent frames (but not the frames that are $500, yeesh) and lenses with every bell and whistle they had, and it still wasn't as expensive as her one pair of trifocals with nothing else.
I spent like a month or so away from QQ (i was playing Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom), then came back to like 130 alerts.

Now I've lost my place in a bunch of threads and am gradually playing catch up.

The bright/depressing side is some of them hadn't moved much at all. (4 pages at most is some cases)

And now there's a big deluge of lewds to binge in some threads.
Gavinrad the Bookish deleted his YouTube channel. Lots of WoW RP and lore is gone, no luck with Wayback so far.

The madman literally rewrote humanity's history for the Troll Wars video and explained how the name "Azeroth" came about. I never even got to watch his "how kal'dorei used to be" or the brand new Warlock video.

If someone would check his Twitter for me, I'd appreciate it.
Why is youtube recommending me cute hedgehog videos? Pretty damn sure I never expressed interest in them.

Also, why are people interested in them anyway?
Everyone says I need to have a consisting update schedule. But too many things get in away and I sometimes get distracted.
I don't have Patreon.

Then they're just whiners. Update whenever you want.

(Unless the intent is that you want a more consistent output, in which case do something to pace yourself, which might include scheduled updates. But that's for you, not for them, and it doesn't need to include scheduled updates. It's more likely to include stuff like timeboxes dedicated to writing.)

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