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So I'm coming up with different ideas and I had a question is this possible. I'm currently very interested in Dhampyr specifically the one's born to kuei-jin. And I'm looking at making a weird group of outcasts. A meiko and some thin bloods possibly a changeling and a fomori. And one completely normal person who mighty be a failed hunter. The idea is a bunch of fucking misfit's of the supernatural world trying to figure out what the hell is going on and survive.

One thing I was wondering is thin bloods can learn different displines? would it be possible for the meiko to teach them Kuei-jin displines? Wait I think I'm mixing up thine bloods with catiff? Who are also called thine bloods Or clanless eh question doesn't change can either be taught. Through thine blood alchemy or direct training to a catiff.
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So I'm coming up with different ideas and I had a question is this possible. I'm currently very interested in Dhampyr specifically the one's born to kuei-jin. And I'm looking at making a weird group of outcasts. A meiko and some thin bloods possibly a changeling and a fomori. And one completely normal person who mighty be a failed hunter. The idea is a bunch of fucking misfit's of the supernatural world trying to figure out what the hell is going on and survive.

One thing I was wondering is thin bloods can learn different displines would it be possible for the meiko to teach them Kuei-jin displines?
Sounds awesome! The failed Hunter could be a Shih or MIA Strike Force Zero Agent (both from Demon Hunter X) so they are on the same power level as the vampires.
Plus there is Demon Hunter X Overdrive to update it for V20 - and Analects of the Damned (fluff) and Record of the Hungry Dead (crunch) to update the Kuei-Jin.

Kuei-Jin disciplines are based on yin and yang magic - they are closer to Shih disciplines than Thaumaturgy is to Mage Magick.
Then again, if we take into account Kyuuketsuki: The Fading Sun (very good fan supplement for western vampires gone native in Japan),
which has yin and yang aligned vampires, and thin enough Thinbloods even being able to conceive children... it should be possible at out-of-clan costs.
So I'm coming up with different ideas and I had a question is this possible. I'm currently very interested in Dhampyr specifically the one's born to kuei-jin. And I'm looking at making a weird group of outcasts. A meiko and some thin bloods possibly a changeling and a fomori. And one completely normal person who mighty be a failed hunter. The idea is a bunch of fucking misfit's of the supernatural world trying to figure out what the hell is going on and survive.

One thing I was wondering is thin bloods can learn different displines? would it be possible for the meiko to teach them Kuei-jin displines? Wait I think I'm mixing up thine bloods with catiff? Who are also called thine bloods Or clanless eh question doesn't change can either be taught. Through thine blood alchemy or direct training to a catiff.
Pre v5 thin bloods can learn disciplines but it is difficult and they have a lower cap than normal vampires

Saulot is implied to have met the kuei jin and stolen their secrets but it seems more likely that he figured out the mechanics and made a whole new discipline instead of directly lifting it
Sounds awesome! The failed Hunter could be a Shih or MIA Strike Force Zero Agent (both from Demon Hunter X) so they are on the same power level as the vampires.
Plus there is Demon Hunter X Overdrive to update it for V20 - and Analects of the Damned (fluff) and Record of the Hungry Dead (crunch) to update the Kuei-Jin.

Kuei-Jin disciplines are based on yin and yang magic - they are closer to Shih disciplines than Thaumaturgy is to Mage Magick.
Then again, if we take into account Kyuuketsuki: The Fading Sun (very good fan supplement for western vampires gone native in Japan),
which has yin and yang aligned vampires, and thin enough Thinbloods even being able to conceive children... it should be possible at out-of-clan costs.
Thanks I'm going to look through these right now. I'm still thinking on concept's for the failed hunter so definitely going to consider your suggestions. I was thinking possibly a bystander a hunter who failed to be imbued but a Shih or a task force agent would have completely different perspective and that could be interesting with them stuck with a bunch of misfit's.
Thanks I'm going to look through these right now. I'm still thinking on concept's for the failed hunter do definitely going to consider your suggestions. I was thinking possibly a bystander a hunter who failed to be imbued but a Shih or a task force agent would have completely different perspective and that could be interesting with them stuck with a bunch of misfit's.
not all hunters have supernatural powers

some guys just load up on dragons breath rounds and silver buckshot. think early Supernatural
not all hunters have supernatural powers

some guys just load up on dragons breath rounds and silver buckshot. think early Supernatural
I know I actually considered one possible antagonist to be two hunter's based on the Winchester brother's. The reason I considered a failed imbued because it's ironically hilarious. This individual was chosen rejected it but still ends up deep in the shit with a group of half monsters.
Hi. any of you Dreaming fans? it seems that C:TD is the less liked of the Owod games.

I love the fact that it actually has colors in it.
Hi. any of you Dreaming fans? it seems that C:TD is the less liked of the Owod games.

I love the fact that it actually has colors in it.
I made jokes to my friends about the WOD art

Me: Okay, so, look at this image

Players: Pasty white girl

Me: And look at this one

Players: Maybe black cop guy?

Me: These are siblings

Players; What

Me: *shows descriptions and pull up images from v20 anniversary*

Players: These are supposed to be the same character?

Me: WOD Art is often not great, nor does even the same edition or book often have the same art style.
Hi. any of you Dreaming fans? it seems that C:TD is the less liked of the Owod games.

I love the fact that it actually has colors in it.

The thing I like most about Dreaming is the crazy stupid map of Concordia.


There is no irony or mockery here, I genuinely love this map. I could not tell you why if you held a gun to my head, but I do.
Wait, it's not just shoddily edited photos?
it gets far worse



Vampire the Masquerade: Swansong

The fucking gall of having that as the title when it can't animate the models to move and express themselves more than VTMB

looking at walkthroughs....the game design is terrible

and an over 300 year old Ventrue elder starts with the same level of skills the barely hundred year old malkavian and toreador tritagonists
Wait, it's not just shoddily edited photos?
Just as an example.
Exalted; "Do not add dirigibles." TLDR they added dirigibles.
The long and short of it seems to be that the artists White Wolf hired didn't give a damn and/or were passive aggressive.
it gets far worse



Vampire the Masquerade: Swansong

The fucking gall of having that as the title when it can't animate the models to move and express themselves more than VTMB

looking at walkthroughs....the game design is terrible

and an over 300 year old Ventrue elder starts with the same level of skills the barely hundred year old malkavian and toreador tritagonists
Probably should have had them as the last protagonist or have being that old actually Matter.
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Probably should have had them as last protagonist or have being that old actually Matter.
the scenes of Toreador, the people with super speed and enhanced senses, fighting is so fucking funny due to the jank of the animations

This is what we get instead of even the half assed attempt at VTMB 2
the scenes of Toreador, the people with super speed and enhanced senses, fighting is so fucking funny due to the jank of the animations

This is what we get instead of even the half assed attempt at VTMB 2

Still no word on that huh. And we'll I can at least see why the second inquisition was so successful that's uh something.
Still no word on that huh. And we'll I can at least see why the second inquisition was so successful that's uh something.

the sad fact is that I am pretty sure that so much of the fandom is starved for ANYTHING that they might just take this instead of joke about how terrible it is

News Report: chubby lesbian tries to peg her ex over jealous rage, accidentally rams herself.

also, those...damage indicators

whatever the fuck those were supposed to be


We live in hell

the sad fact is that I am pretty sure that so much of the fandom is starved for ANYTHING that they might just take this instead of joke about how terrible it is

News Report: chubby lesbian tries to peg her ex over jealous rage, accidentally rams herself.

also, those...damage indicators

whatever the fuck those were supposed to be


We live in hell

Has CofD/nWoD 2e suffered the same thing?
Has CofD/nWoD 2e suffered the same thing?
I don't think we even have any new world of darkness video games


anyways, I don't think I've really seen much of anything about the game's launch, it was days after it did that I even learned that it had happened

paradox...whoever...is really bad at marketing/making these games
I don't think we even have any new world of darkness video games


anyways, I don't think I've really seen much of anything about the game's launch, it was days after it did that I even learned that it had happened

I from time to time keep up with the WOD Newsshow so I knew it was coming, but outside of that I can't remember there being much advertising. Also I heard a lot of people seem to like it, personally felt it was to expansive for a game that looks like it has PS2 animations, so haven't try it out myself-

paradox...whoever...is really bad at marketing/making these games
Some people say that why they created the "Unbound" thingy, so other people will make their games for them. Also I will say that I personally liked "Shadows of New York". It did it best with the Lore it had to work on.
News Report: chubby lesbian tries to peg her ex over jealous rage, accidentally rams herself.

Isn't it part of lore that Vampires cant be fat? Exempt that one clan that can eat fresh human flesh and store it insode thier bodies. Vampires quickly lose all fat tissue after Embrace making them extremely skinny. And bad at swimming when your body lose all buoyancy which might give birth to superstition that Vampires can't cross large water bodies like lakes and rivers.

If she's centries old she shouldn't be chubby.

I don't think we even have any new world of darkness video games

And we probably never will.

Each splat of OWoD was meant to be a stand alone not fit for crossover play. Especially when most of the world lore can be very not compatible with each other. This setting is good for making video games that focused on story with one type of supernatural as MC

NWoD/CoD is opposite. It was designed around concept that all supernatural beings form each splat exist in same time on the same planet. Lore in these line is more ambiguous and open to interpretation to make it possible.
NWoD/CoD is opposite. It was designed around concept that all supernatural beings form each splat exist in same time on the same planet. Lore in these line is more ambiguous and open to interpretation to make it possible.

Something I take advantage of for my fanfics.

Have you read them, btw? At least the second one?
Isn't it part of lore that Vampires cant be fat? Exempt that one clan that can eat fresh human flesh and store it insode thier bodies. Vampires quickly lose all fat tissue after Embrace making them extremely skinny. And bad at swimming when your body lose all buoyancy which might give birth to superstition that Vampires can't cross large water bodies like lakes and rivers.

If she's centries old she shouldn't be chubby.
I don't know any lore about vampires losing fat, and one of the very first vtm sourcebooks had a guy who basically trademarked Fat bastard as his persona, but he was a Chicago gilded age robber baron who overate everything to mock people who were starving.

because world of darkness

With vampires, they can't gain fat as they draw no sustenance from food and will vomit it all out even if they use willpower, not sure about the mechanics involving blush of life because this stuff changes in every edition

my memory on lore about biology is more that the organs shrivel up as the body becomes just a vessel to contain blood. but vampire biology when you have it be an actual undead is always weird
I think vampires get stuck with whatever body type and stuff they have when they get turned.
If they change non-magically somehow, they turn back to "normal" while they're sleeping.
Not sure though.
OWoD Vampires keep their body type (unless they get a Tzimisce makeover) Dunno about NWoD

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