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The problem become that the drafters of the laws and regulations never envisioned that the home situation the young parahuman needed to escape included the prt itself and its the big hold up on their side that they cant seem to grasp that they are part of her trigger and keep hitting it. They basically would need to put her in some foster care with the prt only distantly watching. Her as a ward is just not happening and the more they push the more the is liable to run. Honestly once this situation finally blows up it is going to be a long studied mess that will bring all sorts of change to the system. Both to prevent it happening again and protocols for more Phases to try and channel and limit the damage.
You've never heard of the phrase being Taylor is suffering have you I honestly expect that when this blows up they blame everything on her and do a coverup
The problem become that the drafters of the laws and regulations never envisioned that the home situation the young parahuman needed to escape included the prt itself and its the big hold up on their side that they cant seem to grasp that they are part of her trigger and keep hitting it. They basically would need to put her in some foster care with the prt only distantly watching. Her as a ward is just not happening and the more they push the more the is liable to run. Honestly once this situation finally blows up it is going to be a long studied mess that will bring all sorts of change to the system. Both to prevent it happening again and protocols for more Phases to try and channel and limit the damage.
Well I think they do realize that the PRT is part of Taylor's trigger but seem not to accept the fact that Taylor blames the entirety of the PRT for her trigger instead of just the ENE department. Unfortunetly due to how things are run the PRT do not like letting go of a parahuman they already have even if that parahuman will be a hero on their own and hates the organization just look at Shadow Stalker, so them letting Taylor go is very unlikely, especially if she keeps up her hero thing because what court would let a minor go out a beat up criminals when a safer alternative is available.
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You've never heard of the phrase being Taylor is suffering have you I honestly expect that when this blows up they blame everything on her and do a coverup

Good luck when they would probable need the triumvirate to even try to affect her.

Well I think they do realize that the PRT is part of Taylor's rigger but seem not to accept the fact that Taylor blames the entirety of the PRT for her trigger instead of just the ENE department.

They will need to figure out something because they have more or less failed and alienated her to the point she has not run only because she has no where to go. If say the elite show up with a good offer she might just walk out giving them all the finger. They have already lost her they need to figure out how to keep her from going villain or corporate and try to mend things so when she does hit 18/20 the prt is actually a option she would even consider working with and becoming a walking narrative to the prts fuck ups.
The problem become that the drafters of the laws and regulations never envisioned that the home situation the young parahuman needed to escape included the prt itself and its the big hold up on their side that they cant seem to grasp that they are part of her trigger and keep hitting it. They basically would need to put her in some foster care with the prt only distantly watching. Her as a ward is just not happening and the more they push the more the is liable to run. Honestly once this situation finally blows up it is going to be a long studied mess that will bring all sorts of change to the system. Both to prevent it happening again and protocols for more Phases to try and channel and limit the damage.

Vetting candidates for placing Wards in their care in the first place eliminates any basis for further PRT concern, especially given the already established deleterious relationship and the fact she's not in any way a criminal. Since that's exactly what they do with independents (Not give a shit), and given her circumstances, I imagine the YG wouldn't have much trouble divesting them of "ownership" in exchange for less of what is happening thanks to the ENE.

Her as a ward was never happening. Boston just ensured Taylor's idea of them as an organization reached beyond Piggot's demesnes.

Given Armstrong's internal monologue on the YG, as I've covered extensively before, those protocols only matter if future Phases have future Jims. Otherwise, you'll see shit like Vista and Shadow Stalker. The first who should have been in a foster home like, immediately, and the latter who never should have become a Ward at all, as it would've evinced the Barnes's as the perjurers they were. Whether they'd helped hide bodies by then or not.

They will need to figure out something because they have more or less failed and alienated her to the point she has not run only because she has no where to go. If say the elite show up with a good offer she might just walk out giving them all the finger. They have already lost her they need to figure out how to keep her from going villain or corporate and try to mend things so when she does hit 18/20 the prt is actually a option she would even consider working with and becoming a walking narrative to the prts fuck ups.

They can't really mend things without shoving Ampere, Shadow Stalker, and Piggot into very public pits. I'd almost say by now adding Armstrong and Gauss in too.

She's already become that narrative, hence 'angry teen is angry'. Their issue is how many more fuck ups they want to make before they decide to start thinking, issuing better orders, or paying attention to when people say things like "I don't want to be your teammate." and letting said individual simply live instead of deciding to force them to provide the evidence of why they're angry. Not that being angry delegitimizes anything she said, especially about why

[sic]... so them letting Taylor go is very unlikely, especially if she keeps up her hero thing because what court would let a minor go out a beat up criminals when a safer alternative is available.

thoughts like this are stupid. Since they don't invite gangbangers and villains into the Protectorate HQ for a nice, safe, refereed spar (where things can still go wrong and someone gets injured, crippled, or dead), said alternative isn't actually any safer, because as examples like Hero and Alexandria display, a brand new trigger or the wrong cape engaging you means you're just as susceptible as the expendables the likes of Piggot and Tagg have no problem nuking or abandoning to massive cape fights. Given that Boston can't even be bothered to listen to her wishes and simply sees 'oh cool a power let's get you out there', I'd say that being in their ranks is expressly less safe than being a rando by virtue of being in the system and therefore meaning your info can be found by the likes of Coil/Nine/whomever.

Courts in a world where vigilantism is legal, probably.

Not that it's really their business to be determining such remotely near a case like Phase's anyway, given that the only instances in which the Wards is mandatory is when the individual is serving a probationary term in lieu of incarceration.
Omake: A Glimpse Past a Phase
One idea that hit me when considering that they're dealing with someone their main means of understanding don't work on who can also walk through walls...

A Glimpse Past A Phase...

Glimpse felt sick as he wandered the eerily silent halls of what had been the facilities of the Boston PRT.

One could argue that they had been lucky to have survivors, any survivors, due to other obligations at the time...two wards were still there, one having been home with an upset stomach and the other had been at a family funeral three states away...their remaining protectorate member had been sitting on one of the criminals captured during transfer.

There was little that could be seen of the violence that occurred when they pushed to far.

He couldn't understand why they didn't realized that they'd gone to far to push the girl into doing what they wanted, and she'd decided that the only option was direct retaliation.

Someone who can walk through walls was bad enough for either containing or just keeping out, but add in the anti-thinker part...the teams had little warning because someone who can just waltz into military bases until she got what she wanted combined with a lack of knowledge about what her limits were.

Someone who viewed the PRT and Protectorate as enemies, and anyone associated there were...

He shuddered while looking at the newspapers in the lobby. She'd proceeded back to Brockton Bay and continued the carnage after seeming to finish with Boston's targets.

Several people had died in their sleep, never realizing when she took her revenge, others through the initial rampage with grenades and knives...part of him was grateful that her inexperience hadn't made things worse as she hadn't managed to fully set up the mines placed outside to deal with any that fled the building.

He tried to keep everything in his head as the color began to fade from the world, the first sign of his powers reach ending...

An announcement on the news about the parahuman who did it taking over a TV station and making an announcement before ending herself...

The blinding headache flooded through him and he fought to keep from vomiting while the world faded.

His eyes were watering and sticking, prompting him to reach up and realize that there was blood there as he forced himself to breathe, trying to force himself to remember even as the memories of his powers use began to flicker in his memories, fading into the mists of dreams.

Only a moment later, Glimpse lost his battle with what had once been his lunch while only the slightest glimpse of the future remained for him to try writing down for his bosses in WEDGDG...

He regretted the suggestion to try working around Phase's protections, he regretted the attempt to do so by using his talents to glimpse at it.

By the time he got control of himself back, he only remembered enough for four little words...the merest glimpse of a dream. But one major statement as he tried to remember what, exactly had been so horrific in the vision he sought.

Do not push her...
Guessing this is an attempt to precog Taylor through a theoretical future. Either way I can see this going good for Taylor as it convinces the PRT/Protectorate to back off and leave her alone, or it can go horribly wrong and the PRT use the precog's warning as an excuse to act against her in some way as a means of preventing a catastrophe.
Guessing this is an attempt to precog Taylor through a theoretical future. Either way I can see this going good for Taylor as it convinces the PRT/Protectorate to back off and leave her alone, or it can go horribly wrong and the PRT use the precog's warning as an excuse to act against her in some way as a means of preventing a catastrophe.
Yeah, the idea was that someone suggested looking past her in the future and the precog they used managed to see something connected in a future that the PRT's pressure went far enough that she decided the only solution was to, essentially, go for as close to a clean sweep as possible...and because Taylor ended up dead, the protection had only ended there.

It's the kind of thing where I see idiots trying to push superman or others into things without realizing that them viewing you as the villains and to their breaking point is likely to end with a whole lot of corpses...

As a side note, Glimpse is more of an idea for limiting a precogs power while, at the same time, giving more than expected. He can view the future from a location for a short period of time and get more information there, but it begins to fade rather rapidly...essentially similar to how your memories of dreams fade. In the end, the only real benefit is a mere glimpse of the future that may or may not be helpful
Omake: Seeing Red
Omake: Seeing Red

*Warning mentions of suicide*

Emma slumped as she walked through the halls of Winslow ready for another day wallowing in her own misery and mistakes. Glancing back and forth Emma saw the same hallways she always saw for the past year and a half since coming here, old rotted with numerous gang signs marking the walls the only thing different was the fact that Taylor wasn't here anymore. Not that it mattered to anyone other than Emma most people hadn't cared about Taylor when she was here and actively being tormented in front of them, so asking them to care about her being gone just wasn't happening. Emma actually recalled some of her old hanger ons starting some rumors that Taylor had finally killed herself, it almost made Emma want to laugh the thought that someone like Taylor would actually take her own life, no Taylor was stronger than that stronger than all of them, if she was going to commit suicide she would have done it already Emma knows how many dares she and Sophia had given her.

She sighed thinking back to it all before continuing on, it was lunch, and her mom 'forgot' to pack her something again. No that was a lie her mom didn't forget they were just avoiding each other since everything was revealed, unable to even look each other in the eye after her mom found out what she did to Taylor the girl who was like the niece she never had. It was amazing really how quickly she could go back to lying to herself even after everything, at least she could catch herself now and that was progress according to her new therapist.

Walking into the cafeteria she saw the mass of humanity crowded together, the various social circle ranging from gang kids to other less memoriable groups, and her old group her former hanger ons claiming a full table for themselves. As she was looking she saw the newest addition to Winslow, a security guard not one hired by the school but brought on by the insistence of the Youth Guard, since relying on the school to report on the actions of its two Wards clearly wasn't reliable.

Emma almost laughed again at the sight of them, of all the changes that could have been made that was it. No punishments for the people involved no criminal investigation into the school, and certainly no justice for Taylor. Hell from what she heard even Sophia's parole officer got off with a slap on the wrist for clearly not doing her job, she even kept her position of checking in with Sophia from what she heard, of course the woman no longer went to Emma for reports on Sophia's behavior now knowing just how much Emma had been lying to her about those.

Moving through the lunch line Emma grab whatever looked most edible, not caring which, the old Emma would have made a big deal about watching her figure or proper diet but she was well past caring about that at this point. Finding the closest empty seat away from most of the people Emma sat down, and tried to tune everything out.

Was this how Taylor felt, she thought all alone no one to talk to. No it isn't because I would have attacked her for daring to think she was allowed to eat in here with everyone else.

She briefly wondered if Gallant had heard anything back from Boston today, it had been almost two months since their conversation and still nothing from the other Wards about Taylor. She thought about contacting them herself but figured her actions wouldn't be appreciated over there, it wouldn't surprise her they probably heard about everything by now. It sickened her that she ever thought that Taylor would just accept her as a friend again after everything, she knew how bad trigger events where even now she still had nightmares about hers. Only now the roles were swapped she was no longer the victim but the one holding the knife against Taylor, only Taylor never screamed or cried like she did, she just stood silently as she carved away at her best friend with no one coming to help her until nothing was left, she usually woke up after that not even her mind giving her the mercy to stop before the dream was done.

The sound of another lunch tray hitting the spit next to her broke her out of her thoughts. Emma lifted her gaze from her food not having touched it yet and looked at the only person in the school who still associated with her, due to a lack of better options more than an actual sense of friendship. Madison for when Emma got booted out of her old group they kicked Madison out with her, and with Sophia now longer talking to her she ended up stuck with her.

"Jesus Emma what's gotten into you lately, you and Sophia still fighting?" Madison asked.

"No, we are not fighting just not talking to each other anymore," she said. She never really told Madison what happened but there were rumors, not that she paid attention to those things anymore.

"Well it's bumming me out so stop," the other girl said rudely.

God Madison disgusted her Emma thought to herself. She had no idea why Sophia even let her into the group in the first place without proving herself like Emma had and Taylor still needed to. At the time Emma had justified it as just keeping a placeholder for Taylor for when she finally showed some spine and fought back, they would kick Madison out and Taylor would have taken her place in their group. Of course that never happened, Taylor simply had to much integrity to ever stoop to their level she knew that now, but Madison was just a fucking parasite not a survivor like Taylor and certainly not a predator like Sophia. It made her sick thinking more on it, this bitch simply inserted herself in a place ment for Taylor and acted like she belonged there and they just fucking let her with her bullshit cutesy attitude to hide how much of a bitch she really is.

"Hey Emma guess what? I found out what happened to Hebert, apparently she is in some school up in Boston, from what I heard her dad fucking ditched her. Go riddance too if I was her parent I wouldn't want that freak around either," Madison said with a sneer.

In that moment everything stopped, Emma turned her head to look at Madison not noticing her power activate and showing her where to punch to break the other girl's nose.

"First her mom left her, and now her dad ditches her, I wonder if she will finally take the hint that no one wants her and finally do the world a favor and just kill herself to put us out of her misery you know."

Emma felt something break in her mind at Madison's words. How dare she, how fucking dare she say that about Taylor about Annette. She felt her breathing pick up as Madison's nervous system lit up like a Christmas tree in her vision empathizing weak points and old injuries. It was enough as Emma saw red and attacked.

The rest was a blur, at some point the security guard dragged her off Madison and called someone to come pick her up. She came to sitting in the back of one of the PRT's inconspicuous vechicles being driven to the main building to discuss her actions. She wasn't afraid, if Piggot wasn't willing to punish anyone for attempting to kill Taylor she certainly wouldn't lift a finger to do anything about her breaking some bitch's nose, hell she will probably be back in Winslow tomorrow like nothing happened, just like with Taylor.

A.N: Hey FirstSelector got a new one for you.

Anyways I decided to do an Emma omake this time, so let me know what you all think.
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Not bad. See how far Emma can get before she completely snaps but yeah if they are not punished at all Sophia is just going to start pushing and causing problems and Emma might break and surprised she is not the full pariah now. Who ever took over should be making sure the bitch 3 don't get ideas after all.
Not bad. See how far Emma can get before she completely snaps but yeah if they are not punished at all Sophia is just going to start pushing and causing problems and Emma might break and surprised she is not the full pariah now. Who ever took over should be making sure the bitch 3 don't get ideas after all.
She is a pariah with the Wards due to them knowing what she did but her isolation at school is entirely self inflicted due to her guilt making it impossible to keep her queen bee position. As for her mental state yeah it is pretty bad with self loathing added to her preexisting issues. With Sophia as far as we know she simply isn't talking to Emma anymore and probably believes she has gotten away with what she did by this point so she will probably be back to doing her usual routine sooner rather than later.
This is great! I like how Emma compares herself to the thugs in the alley, and finds herself unable to think about anything other than Taylor at school. I'll admit that I haven't thought too seriously about how Emma is handling school post-Taylor leaving, but this is probably close. Madison being an irritating little shit is the cherry on top.

Thank you for sharing this!
Thank you for sharing this!
Thanks for the compliments, and I am happy I managed to get somewhat close to this story's Emma's mind set here considering the last time we saw her in story she was wallowing in self pity/loathing. As for Emma comparing herself to the thugs it was just something that popped into my head and seemed pretty natural the more I thought about it within Emma eventually coming to the conclusion that she has become the very same person that caused her own trigger event only with Taylor no one was willing to save her, kinda based on Emma's second trigger in Inheritance. With Madison out of all three members of the trio she was the one who could be considered annoying rather than harmful so her unknowingly provoking Emma seemed pretty natural.

Also just to mention it there are several other omakes you never thread marked throughout the thread the most recent being this one:
A Glimpse Past A Phase...
Good advice, and a good omake — sorry I missed it! Don't be afraid to ping me if I go too long without threadmarking things.

It's fun to read omake where Taylor goes nuts, because her power is rather limited in some ways but ridiculous in others.
It's fun to read omake where Taylor goes nuts, because her power is rather limited in some ways but ridiculous in others.
Have to wonder what her limits are, considering what we have seen so far her defenses are pretty much perfect so long as she actually reacts to the threat and combined with her danger sense her reaction times are pretty much superhuman, maybe Velocity could stick a tranq in her if moves quick enough. Other than that the only issue I can think of is her lack of non lethal options in combat, which shouldn't be much issue if she fights brutes or carries around a taser or baton for non brutes.

Personally I have a theory that Taylor might be vulnerable to gas based attacks, since she does seem to take in air when she phases, which might be a hint to some uncomfortable power interactions with Sophia at some point.

For her anti-thinker power it seems not to protect her from non-targetted thinker power, since Lisa seems to have gotten something from her power after looking at her, but Taylor did detect Lisa using her power so it kinda muddles the water. There is also the question of if her anti-thinker power only works on thinker powers since Shards don't use the same power rankings the PRT uses so her Trump power might work on any targeted ability like Quarrel or Lily's perfect aim ability being unable to lock on to her or Victor being unable to steal her skills if he tried to (which if true will make the Wards ENE lossing her as a member hurt even more). Hell I had a theory a while ago about Taylor being immune to the Butcher inheritance due to her Trump power canceling out the Butcher Shard from locking onto her for transfer, makes me want to write an omake for that but I don't think I am good enough to do it.

Honestly the more I write this out the more it seems that Taylor's power is all about ignoring threats to herself, like what she was doing at Winslow regarding the bullying ignoring it and hoping it goes away. Which does fit the Shards' gimmick of giving ironic powers that reinforce bad habits. By giving Taylor the ability to ignore pretty much anything she will have a harder time moving past her isolation be it enforced by outside elements (Emma and Sophia) or self imposed like what she is currently doing in Boston. That really puts a different spin on her trigger event, it wasn't about getting out of a harmful environment like the locker it was about ignoring her issues no longer being enough.
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Anyone else curious about what happened to Sophia's parole officer, and Blackwell and the other teachers at Winslow after the locker, because it is unlikely that the Heberts got hush money after the locker like they did in canon plus with the YG investigating I imagine things might not be looking good for the school. Or the PRT just said they were gonna do an 'investigation' like they said they were gonna investigate Sophia and Emma's crimes. Most likely they were forgotten about which is a shame since they deserve to be punished since they are also at fault for what happened just like Sophia and Emma.

Either way Blackwell is probably pissed that she won't be getting extra funding from a third Ward at Winslow.
Omake: Resignation
Got an Omake here for you First. I was thinking what if Taylor said fuck it and left before vanishing into the wind and this was the result.

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♦Topic: Resignation
In: Boards ► Boston ► New Ward Announcement.

Phase (Original Poster)
Posted on January 6, 2011:

AN: Cross posted to Brockton Bay thread.

This will be my first and only post on this username for reasons that will become obvious.

While under normal circumstances I would be happy to announce my new position at a Ward of the PRT, It is with a heavy heart, but grim acceptance that I announce that due to the direct wilful actions of Director Kamil Armstrong (Protectorate Boston) and Director Emily Piggot (Protectorate Brockton Bay ENE) in the coverup of events of January 3rd 2011 at Winslow High School (Brockton Bay) and previous events, I hereby tender my direct resignation effective immediately from the PRT Wards program with cause.

On January 3, 2011 at approximately 7:45AM, upon arriving at Winslow High School, the Wards Emma Barnes(Amperage, Wards ENE) and Sophia Hess(Shadow Stalker, Probationary Wards ENE) in conjunction with Madison Clements (unpowered minion) shoved me in a locker filled with biohazardous waste before locking it closed behind me in the culmination of almost 2 years of sustained torment both in and out of school resulting in my Trigger Event.

All attempts to report my situation to the authorities were met with outright dismissal and threats in the case of Winslow High, and outright ignorance in the case of police.

Upon awakening in the hospital, and agreeing to join the Wards, it quickly came to my attention that the Wards Emma Barnes and Sophia Hess were using their position as wards to strong-arm the staff to sacrifice a single unpowered girl to keep them happy.

Attempting to bring the situation to the attention of the Director Piggot was met with outright dismissals, and a transfer to Boston in an attempt to remove the victim from the jurisdiction of the crime so that she would not have to remove two of her Wards from active duty.

It is due to these actions by the PRT, and the repeated wilful actions of corruption and malfeasance in all parties involved, that I remove myself from participation in an organization of such criminal actions, that constitute direct violations of their founding charter, and operational mandate, as to render them little more than a domestic terrorist organization.

With regards, Taylor Hebert, (Independent Hero)

The basic premise is that Taylor grabs her stuff, throws the wards crap in a trashcan, and just walks right out through a wall into the night and posts the notice that morning once they start looking for her with thinker powers.
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Got an Omake here for you First. I was thinking what if Taylor said fuck it and left before vanishing into the wind and this was the result.
Unfortunately I can see this post being taken down rather quickly since it exposes the identity of three Wards, even if one of those Wards is outing herself, and the PRT/Protectorate and Dragon have bots and people on the lookout for those things so the chances of Taylor's story staying up there long is very unlikely. Of course that wont stop people from seeing it in the meantime but considering this is a new account with no verifications on PHO I don't see her thread getting a lot of traffic except from the prementioned bots scanning for cape IDs.

Still it is a good omake and I hope to see more, especially the reactions from Brockton and Boston.
They might remove it but won't change fact they have a rogue "ward" running about with no reason not to tell her story. At least a few will see and copy the post and the more the authorities try to hide it the more people will question what is going on and oh yeah Dragon is probably the one to see it and unless ordered otherwise will investigate and probably cc in what passes for prt internal investigation if not the FBI themselves. Things could get very interesting fast.
They might remove it but won't change fact they have a rogue "ward" running about with no reason not to tell her story. At least a few will see and copy the post and the more the authorities try to hide it the more people will question what is going on and oh yeah Dragon is probably the one to see it and unless ordered otherwise will investigate and probably cc in what passes for prt internal investigation if not the FBI themselves. Things could get very interesting fast.
Plus Taylor can go to the press and directly tell her story. While the PRT/Protectorate can legally squash many elements of it, investigative journalists can do independent research on Winslow and reveal most of the story without the obvious links to the Wards and then the legal office of the PRT will not have a clear cause to ban the story while still making life hell for every burocrat involved as well as the girls who caused the incident in the first place.
Plus Taylor can go to the press and directly tell her story. While the PRT/Protectorate can legally squash many elements of it, investigative journalists can do independent research on Winslow and reveal most of the story without the obvious links to the Wards and then the legal office of the PRT will not have a clear cause to ban the story while still making life hell for every burocrat involved as well as the girls who caused the incident in the first place.
Squashing parts of the investigation also causes different issues. If they cover up the fact that the two bullies were Wards then it looks like they don't actually care about parahumans because they let people who attempted to murder one off scot free which will alienate any potential parahuman recruits. If they let the fact that the two bullies are Wards then it looks like they are making a protected class of people which will alienate the normal civilians. So in short their is no winning option for them if the story gets out, but the issue for Taylor is getting the story out at all.
Sadly, going nuclear will never happen. Worm writers are incapable of actually making the PRT antagonists, let alone having Taylor actually strike at them.
Sadly, going nuclear will never happen. Worm writers are incapable of actually making the PRT antagonists
Might I point you to Implacable? Or perhaps anothvortex's Taylor: Hero Of Legacy, Sharp Reflections of A Diamond, or their Worm/Now You See Me snippets would prove you wrong.
Might I point you to Implacable? Or perhaps anothvortex's Taylor: Hero Of Legacy, Sharp Reflections of A Diamond, or their Worm/Now You See Me snippets would prove you wrong.
Which has Taylor working with them anyway because "moral high ground" stupidity and redeems the organization in the name of happy thoughts. My point stands.
Sadly, going nuclear will never happen. Worm writers are incapable of actually making the PRT antagonists, let alone having Taylor actually strike at them.
Probably because despite all the issues the organization has as a whole and in Brockton it is still one of the few things keeping America together in the face of villains, and Endbringers. So while it is satisfying to see the PRT taken down a peg every so often going nuclear on them will just create more problems in the long run, so it is better to focus on specific individuals in the organization rather than it as a whole to minimize damage.
Which has Taylor working with them anyway because "moral high ground" stupidity and redeems the organization in the name of happy thoughts. My point stands.
.....Have you even read those fics? Implacable has Taylor destroy the Wards ENE within a month of being press-ganged, she destroys Piggot and Co's reputation in HOL (and only works with the PRT after since the new heads actually want to help her), SROAD had Taylor second trigger thanks to her treatment by the PRT, and the NYSM snippets have her out Shadow Stalker because she hated the PRT's attempts at silencing her.
Squashing parts of the investigation also causes different issues. If they cover up the fact that the two bullies were Wards then it looks like they don't actually care about parahumans because they let people who attempted to murder one off scot free which will alienate any potential parahuman recruits. If they let the fact that the two bullies are Wards then it looks like they are making a protected class of people which will alienate the normal civilians. So in short their is no winning option for them if the story gets out, but the issue for Taylor is getting the story out at all.
Plus with the trigger stuff that is publicly known, there becomes a major accusation that the PRT is condoning (and potentially encouraging) this kind of activity against the people they're supposed to be protecting in order to make more parahumans...and potentially opens the doors to go through a lot of villains and others to see how many ended up that way due to the PRT being assholes

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