Cosplay and Consequences, Part Five
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"Shirogane-sama is really beautiful, isn't she?" Kirino asked, with small stars in her eyes.
They were behind the stage now, waiting for their turns. Negi, Kyosuke, Saori, Kirino and Matoi had been allowed to stay there as the assistants of the three cosplayers, and because Saori had money to slip discreetly. They watched the bespectacled, light-blue haired, and frankly pretty cosplay superstar smiling and waving at the audience from her spot at the top of the jury. Around her, there were four other jury members, who were generic enough that you are advised to imagine them as faceless NPCs.
Chisame bit on her thumb, also looking at Shirogane from afar. Negi and Kyosuke were just doing small talk, while Natsumi fanned herself bravely trying to endure through the heat. Damn, she is actually pretty without the need for Photoshock! Chisame thought. No wonder they call her the Ultimate Cosplayer...
"Our first contestant! Kitagawa Marin from CLAMP Gakuen, dressed as Shizuku from Slippery Girls 2!"
Hot damn! Chisame bit harder on the thumb, almost making it bleed. Her eyes widened at the sight of a gorgeous girl in lascivious black making her way into the scene confidently and waving happily at the crowd. Talk about starting with the wrong foot! How can I compete with that?!
"Wooooa! Whoooaaaa!" Kirino pumped a fist up and down, blowing steam off her nose. "You already lost, Kuroneko! Just look at that fine piece of-!"
"There's a child present, you philistine!" Kuroneko scoffed, backhanding Kirino's mouth close casually. "Domain of the scene is based on more than mere physical appeal! I have vanquished better looking foes before!"
This midget is too confident, but then again, she's won several contests, so she must know what she's saying, Chisame reflected, shifting over to bite on a pointer finger. Natsumi and Negi had started looking at her with concern. Small flat types always have an audience too, after all! Aaarrrghhh, why did I get a turn so late?! I'm going to look worse the more people come before me!
"Next, Kinomoto Sakura-chan from Mahora!" the announcer said while Marin left the scene, bathed by thunderous applause and cheers. A lovely little girl in Card Captor cosplay entered the stage, smiling nervously and holding a long staff in her hands. "As you can see, she has modeled her appearance after the mysterious Card Captor Magical Girl protecting our city!"
"UUUUOOOOHHH! UOOOOHHHHHH!" several creepy young and old men in the audience chanted.
"SAKURA-CHAN, YOU ALREADY WOOOOON!" shouted a little black haired girl in the front rows of the audience, pumping her fist up while, around her, a few tall women in black suits raised signs reading APPLAUSE OR ELSE for the audience's benefit. Predictably, applauses abounded.
"Rrrghhhh!" Chisame said, pulling a handkerchief out and starting to pull on it with her teeth. Kyosuke joined Natsumi and Negi's silent chorus of worried looks. I, I am too outclassed! I'm five years too old to match this kawaii overload! She looks better than Honya at being Honya!
"Our third charming contestant is Hoshakuji Renge from Ohtori!" the announcer said. Sakura was leaving the scene, laughing nervously as Tomoyo threw kisses her way, and a rather cute blonde in an aristocratic white dress strode in with a poise to match Iinchou's. That's it! Chisame decided. I can't do this, I can't! I'll feign fainting, surely not even the trained actress will notice-
"Ah ha ha ha, we've got some rough competition, don't we, guys?" asked a familiar voice. They turned around and blinked, seeing two girls, one dressed as Sailor V and the other as one of her sidekicks, standing there, also waiting for their turns.
Except because Negi and Chisame knew better. These WERE Sailor Venus and Sailor Mars.
"What, what are you doing here?!" Chisame screamed. "Are you insane?!"
Natsumi blinked. "Chisame? Do you know these people?"
"Oh, we've met occasionally!" Sailor Venus grinned, slapping the shoulder of a groaning Sailor Mars. "I'm Mina Carol from England," she said, keeping a very passable English accent, "and this is my little friend, Chiyo Huit! We studied under Negi-kun back in the Isles, and now we study in, huh, CLAMP!"
"Seriously?" Saori blinked behind the thick glasses. "We're from CLAMP, and I've never seen you in any of our local events..."
"Ah ha ha ha ha, we usually keep out of contests, but we decided to give it a try this time!" said who very obviously, to anyone in the know for both of her appearances, was Aino Minako, faking a careless laugh. "Of course, we had to choose our favorite heroines, the wonderful Sailor V and her loyal sidekick Sailor Mars!"
"I thought Sailor Mars was the tall one with black hair?" Kyosuke said blandly. "Um, sorry, I'm Kosaka Kyosuke, this is my sister Kirino, and these are-"
"Woooww, really high production values for these costumes!" Kirino gushed, pushing him aside and tugging on the edge of Minako's skirt. "You two really nailed the look! You might even have a shot at beating that Kitagawa girl!"
"A chance? We have this in the bag!" Minako said proudly. "But thanks for the praise! It took us a lot of time and effort to get the costumes just right, but knowing that it'll pay off makes all the sweat worthwhile..."
Negi frowned, not amused at all. "Carol-san... I take it you didn't bring your other friend here? The one who could play a convincing Sailor Mercury...?"
"God, no," Shiho groaned bitterly. "She would kill us if she knew we're here."
"Of course she would," Negi said sternly. "Can we please discuss this aside for a moment, please? It's about how... you know that your family would disapprove of this, as well," he added, narrowing his eyes at the duo. "Why, I'm sure even your housecat would be mad at you..."
"Ah ha ha ha, Sensei, as if the cat had any saying on- Hey!" Minako gasped as Negi grabbed her by a wrist and began pulling her away. Shiho sighed and followed them. "Okay, but make it quick! Our turn's almost on! Why, you never were this forceful before, Negi-kun!"
Chisame breathed in and out. Then she started going after them. "Tsunetsuki, keep on looking at Murakami!"
"Yes! Chisame-sama, as you wish!" the stalker nodded, and then went back to staring at Natsumi. Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!
Natsumi flinched. "Why me?!"
Kuroneko blinked. "Now what was that about?"
Kirino shrugged. "He's probably just worried that some supervillain with revenge in mind will crash the event, thinking that's the real Sailor V. Those things happen!"
"I really think we should leave," Kyosuke opined. "We can always watch the rest of the contest online..."
"NO!" Kuroneko and Kirino said as one.
They were behind the stage now, waiting for their turns. Negi, Kyosuke, Saori, Kirino and Matoi had been allowed to stay there as the assistants of the three cosplayers, and because Saori had money to slip discreetly. They watched the bespectacled, light-blue haired, and frankly pretty cosplay superstar smiling and waving at the audience from her spot at the top of the jury. Around her, there were four other jury members, who were generic enough that you are advised to imagine them as faceless NPCs.
Chisame bit on her thumb, also looking at Shirogane from afar. Negi and Kyosuke were just doing small talk, while Natsumi fanned herself bravely trying to endure through the heat. Damn, she is actually pretty without the need for Photoshock! Chisame thought. No wonder they call her the Ultimate Cosplayer...
"Our first contestant! Kitagawa Marin from CLAMP Gakuen, dressed as Shizuku from Slippery Girls 2!"
Hot damn! Chisame bit harder on the thumb, almost making it bleed. Her eyes widened at the sight of a gorgeous girl in lascivious black making her way into the scene confidently and waving happily at the crowd. Talk about starting with the wrong foot! How can I compete with that?!
"Wooooa! Whoooaaaa!" Kirino pumped a fist up and down, blowing steam off her nose. "You already lost, Kuroneko! Just look at that fine piece of-!"
"There's a child present, you philistine!" Kuroneko scoffed, backhanding Kirino's mouth close casually. "Domain of the scene is based on more than mere physical appeal! I have vanquished better looking foes before!"
This midget is too confident, but then again, she's won several contests, so she must know what she's saying, Chisame reflected, shifting over to bite on a pointer finger. Natsumi and Negi had started looking at her with concern. Small flat types always have an audience too, after all! Aaarrrghhh, why did I get a turn so late?! I'm going to look worse the more people come before me!
"Next, Kinomoto Sakura-chan from Mahora!" the announcer said while Marin left the scene, bathed by thunderous applause and cheers. A lovely little girl in Card Captor cosplay entered the stage, smiling nervously and holding a long staff in her hands. "As you can see, she has modeled her appearance after the mysterious Card Captor Magical Girl protecting our city!"
"UUUUOOOOHHH! UOOOOHHHHHH!" several creepy young and old men in the audience chanted.
"SAKURA-CHAN, YOU ALREADY WOOOOON!" shouted a little black haired girl in the front rows of the audience, pumping her fist up while, around her, a few tall women in black suits raised signs reading APPLAUSE OR ELSE for the audience's benefit. Predictably, applauses abounded.
"Rrrghhhh!" Chisame said, pulling a handkerchief out and starting to pull on it with her teeth. Kyosuke joined Natsumi and Negi's silent chorus of worried looks. I, I am too outclassed! I'm five years too old to match this kawaii overload! She looks better than Honya at being Honya!
"Our third charming contestant is Hoshakuji Renge from Ohtori!" the announcer said. Sakura was leaving the scene, laughing nervously as Tomoyo threw kisses her way, and a rather cute blonde in an aristocratic white dress strode in with a poise to match Iinchou's. That's it! Chisame decided. I can't do this, I can't! I'll feign fainting, surely not even the trained actress will notice-
"Ah ha ha ha, we've got some rough competition, don't we, guys?" asked a familiar voice. They turned around and blinked, seeing two girls, one dressed as Sailor V and the other as one of her sidekicks, standing there, also waiting for their turns.
Except because Negi and Chisame knew better. These WERE Sailor Venus and Sailor Mars.
"What, what are you doing here?!" Chisame screamed. "Are you insane?!"
Natsumi blinked. "Chisame? Do you know these people?"
"Oh, we've met occasionally!" Sailor Venus grinned, slapping the shoulder of a groaning Sailor Mars. "I'm Mina Carol from England," she said, keeping a very passable English accent, "and this is my little friend, Chiyo Huit! We studied under Negi-kun back in the Isles, and now we study in, huh, CLAMP!"
"Seriously?" Saori blinked behind the thick glasses. "We're from CLAMP, and I've never seen you in any of our local events..."
"Ah ha ha ha ha, we usually keep out of contests, but we decided to give it a try this time!" said who very obviously, to anyone in the know for both of her appearances, was Aino Minako, faking a careless laugh. "Of course, we had to choose our favorite heroines, the wonderful Sailor V and her loyal sidekick Sailor Mars!"
"I thought Sailor Mars was the tall one with black hair?" Kyosuke said blandly. "Um, sorry, I'm Kosaka Kyosuke, this is my sister Kirino, and these are-"
"Woooww, really high production values for these costumes!" Kirino gushed, pushing him aside and tugging on the edge of Minako's skirt. "You two really nailed the look! You might even have a shot at beating that Kitagawa girl!"
"A chance? We have this in the bag!" Minako said proudly. "But thanks for the praise! It took us a lot of time and effort to get the costumes just right, but knowing that it'll pay off makes all the sweat worthwhile..."
Negi frowned, not amused at all. "Carol-san... I take it you didn't bring your other friend here? The one who could play a convincing Sailor Mercury...?"
"God, no," Shiho groaned bitterly. "She would kill us if she knew we're here."
"Of course she would," Negi said sternly. "Can we please discuss this aside for a moment, please? It's about how... you know that your family would disapprove of this, as well," he added, narrowing his eyes at the duo. "Why, I'm sure even your housecat would be mad at you..."
"Ah ha ha ha, Sensei, as if the cat had any saying on- Hey!" Minako gasped as Negi grabbed her by a wrist and began pulling her away. Shiho sighed and followed them. "Okay, but make it quick! Our turn's almost on! Why, you never were this forceful before, Negi-kun!"
Chisame breathed in and out. Then she started going after them. "Tsunetsuki, keep on looking at Murakami!"
"Yes! Chisame-sama, as you wish!" the stalker nodded, and then went back to staring at Natsumi. Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!
Natsumi flinched. "Why me?!"
Kuroneko blinked. "Now what was that about?"
Kirino shrugged. "He's probably just worried that some supervillain with revenge in mind will crash the event, thinking that's the real Sailor V. Those things happen!"
"I really think we should leave," Kyosuke opined. "We can always watch the rest of the contest online..."
"NO!" Kuroneko and Kirino said as one.