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Later That Evening
*Dinner Noises*
Nora: "Wow, this is loads better than the wild goats, Renny and I rustled while traveling to Vale!"
Ren: "The cows on the Arc family farm are pampered, Nora, they don't live wild."
Yang: "You can really taste it, I agree, this is some premium Yangus Beef!"
Jaune: *Anguished Groan*
Weiss: *Hic!* "You, barbarian!" *Hic*
Ruby: "Weiss, maybe its time to put the wine down? You already have a wine mom, and I don't need a wine besty...."
Blake: "Where's the rest of the wine that came in the care package?"
Jaune: "Mrs. Goodwitch took it, something about needing to inspect it for cross Kingdom taxes...."
*Glynda's Office*
*Empty bottle noises*
Glynda: "Why am I still shingle?!?!"
Then comes the beer: Golden Arc Lager.
Yang challenges Jaune to a drinking contest, and they get distracted by that. Weiss will turn up her nose at the Arc Farm beer, at first, but then drinks it and turns into a very giggly drunk. Nora sneaks some sips but it turns out she's basically immune (she is Norse). Ren just keeps the peace (Until he has some beer and then just becomes giggly and hyperactive). Ruby sneaks some sips too and becomes a wild happy drunk. Blake has some, and becomes very drunk and babbles and cries a lot before she starts chasing mice only she can see. Pyrrha is no better, having only drunk wine and she turns into a happy huggy mess.
Jaune and Yang just start making out after they don't know who was winning the contest. Pyrrha becomes violent and makes out with Jaune next. Yang and Pyrrha then break a lot of things while still trying to make out with Jaune (as do Weiss and Ruby, for various drunken reasons). Many things get broken. Jaune manages to keep them all from getting in trouble by handing over all the beer to Professor Port, who agrees to look the other way as long as they keep giving him Golden Arc Lager.
Jaune agrees. They're all unhappy they have to share the beer, but it's better than getting in trouble.
Yang: "Hmm... Sure is good no one remembers what happened, huh Jaune? Except Nora, who won't say anything."
Jaune: "Ah, eheheheh... Y-Yeah..."
Yang: smirk "And you... And me."
Jaune: "... Uhhhhh.... Ummmm...."
Yang: "I'm looking forward to the next beer delivery, Jaune~." winks "I intend to win our next contest. You don't have enough spirit."
Jaune: bright red "Ohhhhh boy..."