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Having the Vale CCT right in Beacon did offer certain advantages when it came to telecommunications, Ozpin reflected. He was able to hold his conferences with minimal chance of any eavesdropping, utilizing the most advanced cyber and electronic security ever devised by mankind.
Even so, he still preferred face to face meetings when it came to anything of importance. To impress upon his comrades the gravity of the situation. It also helped him maintain his humanity, to really interact with the people he was leading in this fight for survival.
It was rarely possible to have them all in one place, but anyone who could show up was a boon to this aspect of the fight. He looked over them, whether physically here or not, with a sense of pride.
General James Ironwood, the commander of Atlas' military. The stern, tall man was impeccably dressed in his white and blue uniform, the very image of professionalism. His aide, Specialist Winter Schnee, beautiful and deadly and cold as her namesake. Glynda Goodwitch, Ozpin's loyal, faithful, impeccable second in command. Beautiful, stern, powerful and efficient.
And one more newcomer… Who was drinking from a bottle of rum.
"Ah, that's the stuff," Captain James "Jim" Silverhand said, as he lowered his bottle. He gave a jaunty wink and grin at Ozpin. "Thanks Ozpin! Knew you wouldn't hold out on me!"
Ironwood scowled deeply at the pirate captain as he sat with Glynda and Winter on the other side of the Headmaster's desk.
"Ozpin," he began, "Would you care to explain why one of the most wanted pirates on the planet is here?"
"Haven't you heard?" Silverhand asked with a smirk, "I've been pardoned. Reformed. I'm on the up and up!"
Schnee wrinkled her nose in distaste. Goodwitch's eyes narrowed. Silverhand shrugged.
"Plus, we are talking about security here, right? If my son's going to be here, I should be involved in the arrangements."
"By all rights I should arrest him on the spot and drag him back to Atlas in chains," Ironwood growled. Silverhand smirked, his metallic hand resting easily on the hilt of his cutlass.
"That would be a neat trick, considering you've never been able to before-"
"Enough," Ozpin stated firmly. He shook his head. "In the end, we are all on the same side. Against the Grimm. And he has been pardoned, James. No need to provoke an international incident."
Ironwood still glared daggers at the slovenly pirate. Silverhand smirked.
"That said," Ozpin stated, "Jim, you will be courteous and polite."
Silverhand pouted a bit, but pulled his boots back and sat up straight in his chair.
"Yessir," he said.
"Now," Ozpin stated, "While the Atlasian fleet will secure the airspace above Vale proper, the Valean Defense Force will maintain watch over Beacon and the Emerald Forest."
He held up a hand to forestall Ironwood's objections.
"This is purely for practical reasons, James," Ozpin said, "The citizens are familiar with Atlasian ships and will not be alarmed. Former pirate ships could very easily be cause for alarm."
Silverhand pouted a bit. Ironwood scowled, but slowly nodded.
"The other militias and PMCs being integrated into the VDF will be camped out in the same area," Ozpin stated, "Making use of the old VDF base for training. This will, in turn, free up our students for more field missions."
"Are you sure that's wise, Ozpin?" Glynda asked calmly, "While field experience is all well and good, the increased Grimm activity means it might be much more dangerous."
Ozpin nodded. She was never one to shy away from speaking her mind, after all.
"I am. I believe the VDF and Atlasian forces will be a boon in that regard," Ozpin replied, "They will be able to provide back up and air support far more quickly than we could. The increased Grimm activity means there will be no shortage of training opportunities, but it can be done with increased security for our students."
"Sounds good to me," Silverhand contributed, "Robin and Ali are old pals of mine. They can handle the ground security."
"Indeed," Schnee deadpanned, "And in what hive of scum and villainy did you first meet?"
"Schnee," Ironwood admonished quietly. Silverhand smirked back, and leaned forward.
"Vale University Drama Club," he said, not missing a beat.
Winter blinked in confusion.
"He's not kidding," Glynda sighed.
More details were worked out. Silverhand, as the defacto commander of the VDF, made several useful and insightful recommendations on where they could assign the students first. Ironwood managed to stay professional enough to work out patrol and refueling schedules between their two fleets. Schnee even helped by working out a patrol and training rotation with the PMCs, and Glynda shared her knowledge of Vale's terrain and local Grimm patterns to work out potential areas for students to go on missions first.
Overall, the meeting ended in success, as they accomplished a great deal. Even with the occasional snarky remark between the participants. Most of them thanks to the pirate captain.
At last, James and Winter rose. Glynda did too, walking around to stand at Ozpin's side. Silverhand stood up, and stretched with a loud groan.
"Well, I'll be happy to tell Rufus we're actually getting somewhere," SIlverhand said with a grin. He winked at Glynda. "Before that, I'm getting a drink. Care to join me, Professor Goodwitch?"
"No," Goodwitch stated, calm but hard as steel. Silverhand looked over at Winter.
"Specialist Schnee?"
Winter scowled.
"After the disaster you caused in Ponce? Never!"
"I would hardly call that a disaster," Silverhand protested, "We paid for all the damages! I had my men clean up the glass!"
"Even so!" Winter growled. Silverhand laughed and held up his hands.
"Fair enough, fair enough! After all," and here he looked out the window at the distant form of his red ship, a wistful look on his face, "There's only one Lady for me."
"An obsolete hunk of junk," Ironwood snorted. Silverhand turned to Ironwood, the first spark of genuine anger burning in the captain's eyes.
"You may insult me as you wish, General," he stated, "But you will respect My Lady."
He grinned.
"Besides, as I recall, my hunk of junk was able to pull out of a dive in Niddhog Canyon… And your shiny new bucket of bolts didn't."
Ironwood grit his teeth and clenched his fists.
"You're fortunate none of my men died that day," he hissed.
Silverhand nodded.
"You could thank me for that: I did stick around long enough to give you some air support."
"It was unasked for and unneeded!"
"Unasked for? Sure, but unneeded? I don't think so-"
"Enough," Ozpin stated firmly, "Jim? No more provocations. You took an oath and are now legitimately employed. Please stop acting like a child."
Silverhand sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets.
"Fine," he muttered. He headed out to the elevator first, singing something under his breath. The elevator doors slid open, and he stepped inside. With a last bow and tip of his hat, the doors closed and he was gone. Ironwood gave Ozpin a glare.
"Really?" He demanded.
"In the end," Ozpin said, steepling his fingers, "He is doing all of this for his son and crew. And in the face of Salem, we need all the help we can get."
Ironwood sighed heavily. He nodded.
"Granted," he muttered, "But I don't have to like it."
James, Winter, and Glynda sat back down. Ozpin activated the full defensive suite for the room: Sealing the doors and windows, and cutting off any electronic noise more significant than stray electrons.
Holowindows appeared around the table. Headmaster Leonard Lionheart appeared, looking nervous as usual in his luxurious Haven office. Another window showed the face of Taiyang Xiao-Long, still a bit scruffy but in good spirits in his family home. Behind him, a gray corgi rolled around cutely on the carpeted floor.
A third window appeared, this one showing the cockpit of a private Bullhead. Qrow Branwen and Isabel Arc were sitting in the pilot and co-pilot seats, looking expectant.
"Ladies and gentlemen," Ozpin stated, "It is good of you all to join us. Doctor Arc has only recently joined us, but she is fully committed to the mission. And given the situation, I felt that expediting her membership was prudent."
"Hello," Isabel said politely. She nodded to James and Winter. "James, Winter, it's good to see you well."
Ironwood gave her a slight smile.
"Isabel. Glad you have finally joined us."
"There were… Some issues," Isabel admitted, while Qrow's face became stony. "Nevertheless, now that I know what we're up against? I'm all in."
"Good," Ironwood said with a nod. "Ozpin said you had crucial information for us."
"We do," Qrow added.
Isabel uploaded the scans of the medical results. Lionheart's face fell as he got a good look at them, and listened to Isabel's explanation.
"You mean to tell me that someone's been fusing humans with Grimm?" The lion Faunus asked, looking sick to his stomach.
"Unfortunately yes," Isabel said.
"Do we know who might be behind it?" Taiyang asked, looking deeply concerned.
"There's only one person I know who might have been able to pull this off," Isabel reported, "A Doctor Merlot of Atlas. James, you're familiar with him?"
"I was, to a point," Ironwood admitted, "It was Special Projects, part of the Research Directory. At the time I wasn't as highly placed, but the project was very popular. Doctor Merlot's disappearance was very abrupt, and the project shut down soon after."
"How are you sure it's him though?" Lionheart asked. "Surely other research projects into Grimm hybridization have been done."
"Yes, but the results matched the projected outcomes from Merlot's public scientific papers almost exactly," Isabel replied. She shook her head. "That can't be a coincidence."
"So, either Doctor Merlot is still alive, and active, or someone has his research and has taken it to its final conclusion," Ozpin said, "To what ends or purposes, we can't determine. It is clear he was not sharing all that he had accomplished with Atlas' government or military. That Spider-Grimm was too advanced to have been nothing but a one-off or a mistake."
"Which means we need access to all of Merlot's research and financial data," Qrow stated, "It's the only way to get a lead on where he or whoever's using his research might be."
All eyes turned to Ironwood. The general sighed.
"Much of the project was classified and buried in the ten years since he vanished," he admitted, "A great deal of it was lost in a lab explosion in the Scientific Directory two years ago. I'll dig up what I can, but I would suggest you contact Willow Schnee of the SDC."
"My mother? Why?" Winter asked, confused.
"She served on the grant committees for the SDC at that time," Ironwood explained, "And Merlot got a great deal of backing for his public research from them. They were interested in the possibility of using Grimm in Dust mining operations. Nothing came from it, but those records should still exist."
Winter nodded and looked to Isabel and Qrow.
"I'll see what I can do," she said, "But I was disowned."
"Any help would be appreciated," Isabel said with a compassionate look. "This Grimm didn't appear to be able to swim, so it likely came from Vale. Meaning that Merlot or whoever is using his research likely created it here."
"We'll cross reference it with financial records here as well," Ozpin decided. "Leonardo? Have you anything to report?"
Lionheart shrugged.
"Just that the re-establishment of the VDF is making the Mistralian Council nervous," he reported, "Are you certain it's needed? We know Winchester is a blowhard, and anti-Faunus-"
"As has been said, we need all the help we can get," Ozpin said calmly, "And while I cannot argue against the first, the second I will protest. He is not anti-Faunus, Leonardo. He can be trusted."
"If you say so," Lionheart muttered.
"You aren't thinking of adding him to our group, are you?" Glynda asked with a frown. "Not before he's fully vetted."
"I may consider it in the future, when we are certain of his motives," Ozpin said. He nodded to Ironwood. "Having another member of a Kingdom Council would be very useful."
"Indeed," Ironwood said, a small bit of annoyance in his tone, "But caution is warranted. Indeed, I would have liked to have been informed that Isabel was joining us beforehand."
"She figured it out herself, James," Qrow said dryly, "I had to bring her in after."
"Indeed?" Ironwood asked, raising an eyebrow. Isabel stared him down.
"I'm pretty deep in as it is," she said, "And if I were a spy? My cover is way too good. After all, what kind of idiot would join the bitch who murdered her husband?"
Ironwood was silent for a moment, before nodding slowly.
"Agreed. My condolences."
Isabel nodded gratefully.
Ozpin looked around.
"Anything else?"
There wasn't. Ozpin nodded.
"Good. Until our next meeting."
Ironwood, Schnee, and Goodwitch headed for the elevator, as Ozpin released the locks. Isabel, Qrow, and Lionheart's holographic screens vanished.
Ozpin waited for the elevator doors to shut. He resumed the lockout, and turned to Taiyang.
The blond man sighed and shook his head.
"I appreciate being included, Oz, but I don't think I had a lot to contribute-"
"Your daughter's eyes are active," Ozpin stated blandly.
Taiyang froze. He turned a calm look to his former Headmaster, and slowly nodded.
"Yes," he said, "She told me."
Ozpin nodded.
"Let me make one thing clear, Ozpin," Taiyang stated, his eyes burning even as his tone remained calm, "I am all in for fighting this war. For saving humanity. But my daughter isn't a weapon, she's a person. And she should be treated as such. I don't blame you for what happened to Summer, but she went into this with eyes wide open. That will be the same for Ruby. Understand?"
Ozpin was silent. He saw the burning, paternal anger in his eyes. It was a familiar feeling to him, one that had brought him much joy and pain over his long eternity.
He slowly nodded.
"I understand, Taiyang," he said, "I won't push her into anything she's not ready for. However… You won't begrudge me keeping an eye on her, will you? Others know about her lineage. They will be interested in her."
Taiyang sighed, and nodded. His corgi hopped into his lap, and Taiyang pet him.
"I know. She's got good friends looking after her there. But I'm warning you, Ozpin. Don't push it."
"I won't," Ozpin said calmly. Taiyang nodded.
They talked about a few other things, such as getting Taiyang out for the Vytal Festival, before the call ended. Ozpin released the lockouts, and contemplated the warm, late morning sunshine.
He wasn't going to put Miss Rose in a gilded cage, no. He had learned his lesson with Amber. At the same time, Amber's experience necessitated that he take some direct action.
A student who was close to her acting as his eyes and ears would do nicely, but which one? He looked through the files.
Miss Schnee was unlikely to do so. She would ask too many questions. Same with Miss Belladonna, and she had her own issues to address. Her big sister was right out for obvious reasons.
Team JNPR then? Miss Nikos had seemed pliable, and was still a top candidate for the Maiden Powers. Her abilities were not in question. However, the fact she had recently broken off ties with her mother meant her psychological profile had changed.
That would require more thought.
Lie Ren and Nora Valkyrie were too tightly bound to consider this. Miss Valkyrie herself was far too flighty and unpredictable.
Which left only one option, really…
- - -
"Why thank you Jaune," Cinder simpered, as they filtered into the classroom. She turned a smoldering smile on him, "You saved us a lot of time."
"Oh, it was nothing, don't mention it!" Arc said with a nervous smile. His partner Pyrrha ushered him away, her own smile very tense. It gave Cinder a bit of pleasure to see her petty distress, but she soon put it out of her mind. She grabbed some seats with Emerald, Mercury, and Neo in the far left hand side of the classroom. Professor Oobleck zipped in, and immediately launched into a lecture Cinder didn't pay any mind as she contemplated her surroundings.
Cinder Fall had never attended a regular school. Her life had not allowed it: She had been taught at home, just enough to read, write and do basic math by her contemptuous excuse of a family. She had once envied the children in the village who got to go to school. Who got to go and socialize, learn together, and gain a common understanding of the world.
Now, experiencing the real thing, she found her contempt increase. Such coddled, lucky little brats. Being taught in comfort while she had to suffer.
The Grimm inside her flexed. It caused pain, but pain was good. Pain brought her more power. And power was all she had ever desired.
Even so... Some prices for that power were more annoying than others. Such as having to put up with Professor Oobleck's high paced lecturing while sitting on this uncomfortable bench.
"... Which is why we have the Vytal Festival!" He summed up, pausing only to sip from his ever-present coffee mug. "Excellent question, Miss Rose!"
"Eh? Oh, uh, thanks Professor!" The young girl chirped, looking like she regretted ever asking the question in the first place. Cinder kept her face as neutral as possible, but inwardly she scowled. The carefree look on that annoying little brat's face burned her something fierce. Somehow, this teenaged imbecile kept interfering in her plans. Not enough to impede them, but she was making it more difficult. She'd have to deal with her properly.
"Now, while the two-week semester break was relaxing, and relaxation is vital to anyone's physical and mental well being," Oobleck rattled off, "I believe it is crucial to keep on your toes! Thus we will have a random question-and-answer session right now! MISTER ARC!"
The blond idiot who had guided them to the classroom jumped. Pyrrha Nikos, his partner, smiled encouragingly at the dope on his left side, while on his right, Rose's older half-sister grinned and winked.
"Yes Professor!" Arc cried.
"Here is an easy one: What is Healing Dust?" Oobleck prompted.
Arc cleared his throat, relaxing.
"Healing Dust is an artificial mixture of several Dust strains and compounds to allow for the transfer of Aura from one person to another!" He said cheerfully.
"I would hope the son of the inventor of said Dust would know that much," Oobleck observed, "Explain how it works!"
"Basically," Arc went on, "It's Dust that filters out the parts of Aura that another person's Aura would reject, boosting their healing with a kind of 'neutral' Aura energy. It can be applied to the whole body to enhance general wellness, or focused on specific injuries to heal them faster."
"What are the limitations of Healing Dust?" Oobleck continued his interrogation. Arc winced.
"Well, you have to have an unlocked Aura to use it," he said, "And the transfer efficiency is pretty low-Most of the time, only a tenth to a quarter of the Aura a person uses gets into the other person's body. My mom's managed fifty percent but that's really hard."
"Yet the use of Healing Dust increases the chances of patient survival by what percentage?" Oobleck pressed. Arc screwed up his face in mild concentration.
"A 300% chance on average."
"Exactly why it is worth it! Not unexpected, Mister Arc, but good to know!" Oobleck said. "Moving on! Mister Lark, can you tell us..."
Cinder gave Arc an appraising gaze as he leaned back, looking a bit embarrassed at the sudden increase in attention he was getting. Nikos was blushing while gazing at him in adoration, while Rose and Xiao-Long looked at him with similar affection. Hell, even the Schnee heiress and Princess Belladonna were eyeing him. As were several of the other exchange students.
Neo was smirking at him, but the little psycho did that to lots of people. She was probably imagining how much fun it would be to keep Arc alive while she sliced him up.
How a reprobate like Roman Torchwick had become an 'uncle' to this fop was an intriguing riddle. One that Cinder might need to unravel.
After all, Isabel Arc's revolution in medical Dust healing made her a person of interest to Mother. Perhaps her son would be a useful hostage when the time came.
It's not like the idiot was dangerous or anything.
- - -
Having the Vale CCT right in Beacon did offer certain advantages when it came to telecommunications, Ozpin reflected. He was able to hold his conferences with minimal chance of any eavesdropping, utilizing the most advanced cyber and electronic security ever devised by mankind.
Even so, he still preferred face to face meetings when it came to anything of importance. To impress upon his comrades the gravity of the situation. It also helped him maintain his humanity, to really interact with the people he was leading in this fight for survival.
It was rarely possible to have them all in one place, but anyone who could show up was a boon to this aspect of the fight. He looked over them, whether physically here or not, with a sense of pride.
General James Ironwood, the commander of Atlas' military. The stern, tall man was impeccably dressed in his white and blue uniform, the very image of professionalism. His aide, Specialist Winter Schnee, beautiful and deadly and cold as her namesake. Glynda Goodwitch, Ozpin's loyal, faithful, impeccable second in command. Beautiful, stern, powerful and efficient.
And one more newcomer… Who was drinking from a bottle of rum.
"Ah, that's the stuff," Captain James "Jim" Silverhand said, as he lowered his bottle. He gave a jaunty wink and grin at Ozpin. "Thanks Ozpin! Knew you wouldn't hold out on me!"
Ironwood scowled deeply at the pirate captain as he sat with Glynda and Winter on the other side of the Headmaster's desk.
"Ozpin," he began, "Would you care to explain why one of the most wanted pirates on the planet is here?"
"Haven't you heard?" Silverhand asked with a smirk, "I've been pardoned. Reformed. I'm on the up and up!"
Schnee wrinkled her nose in distaste. Goodwitch's eyes narrowed. Silverhand shrugged.
"Plus, we are talking about security here, right? If my son's going to be here, I should be involved in the arrangements."
"By all rights I should arrest him on the spot and drag him back to Atlas in chains," Ironwood growled. Silverhand smirked, his metallic hand resting easily on the hilt of his cutlass.
"That would be a neat trick, considering you've never been able to before-"
"Enough," Ozpin stated firmly. He shook his head. "In the end, we are all on the same side. Against the Grimm. And he has been pardoned, James. No need to provoke an international incident."
Ironwood still glared daggers at the slovenly pirate. Silverhand smirked.
"That said," Ozpin stated, "Jim, you will be courteous and polite."
Silverhand pouted a bit, but pulled his boots back and sat up straight in his chair.
"Yessir," he said.
"Now," Ozpin stated, "While the Atlasian fleet will secure the airspace above Vale proper, the Valean Defense Force will maintain watch over Beacon and the Emerald Forest."
He held up a hand to forestall Ironwood's objections.
"This is purely for practical reasons, James," Ozpin said, "The citizens are familiar with Atlasian ships and will not be alarmed. Former pirate ships could very easily be cause for alarm."
Silverhand pouted a bit. Ironwood scowled, but slowly nodded.
"The other militias and PMCs being integrated into the VDF will be camped out in the same area," Ozpin stated, "Making use of the old VDF base for training. This will, in turn, free up our students for more field missions."
"Are you sure that's wise, Ozpin?" Glynda asked calmly, "While field experience is all well and good, the increased Grimm activity means it might be much more dangerous."
Ozpin nodded. She was never one to shy away from speaking her mind, after all.
"I am. I believe the VDF and Atlasian forces will be a boon in that regard," Ozpin replied, "They will be able to provide back up and air support far more quickly than we could. The increased Grimm activity means there will be no shortage of training opportunities, but it can be done with increased security for our students."
"Sounds good to me," Silverhand contributed, "Robin and Ali are old pals of mine. They can handle the ground security."
"Indeed," Schnee deadpanned, "And in what hive of scum and villainy did you first meet?"
"Schnee," Ironwood admonished quietly. Silverhand smirked back, and leaned forward.
"Vale University Drama Club," he said, not missing a beat.
Winter blinked in confusion.
"He's not kidding," Glynda sighed.
More details were worked out. Silverhand, as the defacto commander of the VDF, made several useful and insightful recommendations on where they could assign the students first. Ironwood managed to stay professional enough to work out patrol and refueling schedules between their two fleets. Schnee even helped by working out a patrol and training rotation with the PMCs, and Glynda shared her knowledge of Vale's terrain and local Grimm patterns to work out potential areas for students to go on missions first.
Overall, the meeting ended in success, as they accomplished a great deal. Even with the occasional snarky remark between the participants. Most of them thanks to the pirate captain.
At last, James and Winter rose. Glynda did too, walking around to stand at Ozpin's side. Silverhand stood up, and stretched with a loud groan.
"Well, I'll be happy to tell Rufus we're actually getting somewhere," SIlverhand said with a grin. He winked at Glynda. "Before that, I'm getting a drink. Care to join me, Professor Goodwitch?"
"No," Goodwitch stated, calm but hard as steel. Silverhand looked over at Winter.
"Specialist Schnee?"
Winter scowled.
"After the disaster you caused in Ponce? Never!"
"I would hardly call that a disaster," Silverhand protested, "We paid for all the damages! I had my men clean up the glass!"
"Even so!" Winter growled. Silverhand laughed and held up his hands.
"Fair enough, fair enough! After all," and here he looked out the window at the distant form of his red ship, a wistful look on his face, "There's only one Lady for me."
"An obsolete hunk of junk," Ironwood snorted. Silverhand turned to Ironwood, the first spark of genuine anger burning in the captain's eyes.
"You may insult me as you wish, General," he stated, "But you will respect My Lady."
He grinned.
"Besides, as I recall, my hunk of junk was able to pull out of a dive in Niddhog Canyon… And your shiny new bucket of bolts didn't."
Ironwood grit his teeth and clenched his fists.
"You're fortunate none of my men died that day," he hissed.
Silverhand nodded.
"You could thank me for that: I did stick around long enough to give you some air support."
"It was unasked for and unneeded!"
"Unasked for? Sure, but unneeded? I don't think so-"
"Enough," Ozpin stated firmly, "Jim? No more provocations. You took an oath and are now legitimately employed. Please stop acting like a child."
Silverhand sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets.
"Fine," he muttered. He headed out to the elevator first, singing something under his breath. The elevator doors slid open, and he stepped inside. With a last bow and tip of his hat, the doors closed and he was gone. Ironwood gave Ozpin a glare.
"Really?" He demanded.
"In the end," Ozpin said, steepling his fingers, "He is doing all of this for his son and crew. And in the face of Salem, we need all the help we can get."
Ironwood sighed heavily. He nodded.
"Granted," he muttered, "But I don't have to like it."
James, Winter, and Glynda sat back down. Ozpin activated the full defensive suite for the room: Sealing the doors and windows, and cutting off any electronic noise more significant than stray electrons.
Holowindows appeared around the table. Headmaster Leonard Lionheart appeared, looking nervous as usual in his luxurious Haven office. Another window showed the face of Taiyang Xiao-Long, still a bit scruffy but in good spirits in his family home. Behind him, a gray corgi rolled around cutely on the carpeted floor.
A third window appeared, this one showing the cockpit of a private Bullhead. Qrow Branwen and Isabel Arc were sitting in the pilot and co-pilot seats, looking expectant.
"Ladies and gentlemen," Ozpin stated, "It is good of you all to join us. Doctor Arc has only recently joined us, but she is fully committed to the mission. And given the situation, I felt that expediting her membership was prudent."
"Hello," Isabel said politely. She nodded to James and Winter. "James, Winter, it's good to see you well."
Ironwood gave her a slight smile.
"Isabel. Glad you have finally joined us."
"There were… Some issues," Isabel admitted, while Qrow's face became stony. "Nevertheless, now that I know what we're up against? I'm all in."
"Good," Ironwood said with a nod. "Ozpin said you had crucial information for us."
"We do," Qrow added.
Isabel uploaded the scans of the medical results. Lionheart's face fell as he got a good look at them, and listened to Isabel's explanation.
"You mean to tell me that someone's been fusing humans with Grimm?" The lion Faunus asked, looking sick to his stomach.
"Unfortunately yes," Isabel said.
"Do we know who might be behind it?" Taiyang asked, looking deeply concerned.
"There's only one person I know who might have been able to pull this off," Isabel reported, "A Doctor Merlot of Atlas. James, you're familiar with him?"
"I was, to a point," Ironwood admitted, "It was Special Projects, part of the Research Directory. At the time I wasn't as highly placed, but the project was very popular. Doctor Merlot's disappearance was very abrupt, and the project shut down soon after."
"How are you sure it's him though?" Lionheart asked. "Surely other research projects into Grimm hybridization have been done."
"Yes, but the results matched the projected outcomes from Merlot's public scientific papers almost exactly," Isabel replied. She shook her head. "That can't be a coincidence."
"So, either Doctor Merlot is still alive, and active, or someone has his research and has taken it to its final conclusion," Ozpin said, "To what ends or purposes, we can't determine. It is clear he was not sharing all that he had accomplished with Atlas' government or military. That Spider-Grimm was too advanced to have been nothing but a one-off or a mistake."
"Which means we need access to all of Merlot's research and financial data," Qrow stated, "It's the only way to get a lead on where he or whoever's using his research might be."
All eyes turned to Ironwood. The general sighed.
"Much of the project was classified and buried in the ten years since he vanished," he admitted, "A great deal of it was lost in a lab explosion in the Scientific Directory two years ago. I'll dig up what I can, but I would suggest you contact Willow Schnee of the SDC."
"My mother? Why?" Winter asked, confused.
"She served on the grant committees for the SDC at that time," Ironwood explained, "And Merlot got a great deal of backing for his public research from them. They were interested in the possibility of using Grimm in Dust mining operations. Nothing came from it, but those records should still exist."
Winter nodded and looked to Isabel and Qrow.
"I'll see what I can do," she said, "But I was disowned."
"Any help would be appreciated," Isabel said with a compassionate look. "This Grimm didn't appear to be able to swim, so it likely came from Vale. Meaning that Merlot or whoever is using his research likely created it here."
"We'll cross reference it with financial records here as well," Ozpin decided. "Leonardo? Have you anything to report?"
Lionheart shrugged.
"Just that the re-establishment of the VDF is making the Mistralian Council nervous," he reported, "Are you certain it's needed? We know Winchester is a blowhard, and anti-Faunus-"
"As has been said, we need all the help we can get," Ozpin said calmly, "And while I cannot argue against the first, the second I will protest. He is not anti-Faunus, Leonardo. He can be trusted."
"If you say so," Lionheart muttered.
"You aren't thinking of adding him to our group, are you?" Glynda asked with a frown. "Not before he's fully vetted."
"I may consider it in the future, when we are certain of his motives," Ozpin said. He nodded to Ironwood. "Having another member of a Kingdom Council would be very useful."
"Indeed," Ironwood said, a small bit of annoyance in his tone, "But caution is warranted. Indeed, I would have liked to have been informed that Isabel was joining us beforehand."
"She figured it out herself, James," Qrow said dryly, "I had to bring her in after."
"Indeed?" Ironwood asked, raising an eyebrow. Isabel stared him down.
"I'm pretty deep in as it is," she said, "And if I were a spy? My cover is way too good. After all, what kind of idiot would join the bitch who murdered her husband?"
Ironwood was silent for a moment, before nodding slowly.
"Agreed. My condolences."
Isabel nodded gratefully.
Ozpin looked around.
"Anything else?"
There wasn't. Ozpin nodded.
"Good. Until our next meeting."
Ironwood, Schnee, and Goodwitch headed for the elevator, as Ozpin released the locks. Isabel, Qrow, and Lionheart's holographic screens vanished.
Ozpin waited for the elevator doors to shut. He resumed the lockout, and turned to Taiyang.
The blond man sighed and shook his head.
"I appreciate being included, Oz, but I don't think I had a lot to contribute-"
"Your daughter's eyes are active," Ozpin stated blandly.
Taiyang froze. He turned a calm look to his former Headmaster, and slowly nodded.
"Yes," he said, "She told me."
Ozpin nodded.
"Let me make one thing clear, Ozpin," Taiyang stated, his eyes burning even as his tone remained calm, "I am all in for fighting this war. For saving humanity. But my daughter isn't a weapon, she's a person. And she should be treated as such. I don't blame you for what happened to Summer, but she went into this with eyes wide open. That will be the same for Ruby. Understand?"
Ozpin was silent. He saw the burning, paternal anger in his eyes. It was a familiar feeling to him, one that had brought him much joy and pain over his long eternity.
He slowly nodded.
"I understand, Taiyang," he said, "I won't push her into anything she's not ready for. However… You won't begrudge me keeping an eye on her, will you? Others know about her lineage. They will be interested in her."
Taiyang sighed, and nodded. His corgi hopped into his lap, and Taiyang pet him.
"I know. She's got good friends looking after her there. But I'm warning you, Ozpin. Don't push it."
"I won't," Ozpin said calmly. Taiyang nodded.
They talked about a few other things, such as getting Taiyang out for the Vytal Festival, before the call ended. Ozpin released the lockouts, and contemplated the warm, late morning sunshine.
He wasn't going to put Miss Rose in a gilded cage, no. He had learned his lesson with Amber. At the same time, Amber's experience necessitated that he take some direct action.
A student who was close to her acting as his eyes and ears would do nicely, but which one? He looked through the files.
Miss Schnee was unlikely to do so. She would ask too many questions. Same with Miss Belladonna, and she had her own issues to address. Her big sister was right out for obvious reasons.
Team JNPR then? Miss Nikos had seemed pliable, and was still a top candidate for the Maiden Powers. Her abilities were not in question. However, the fact she had recently broken off ties with her mother meant her psychological profile had changed.
That would require more thought.
Lie Ren and Nora Valkyrie were too tightly bound to consider this. Miss Valkyrie herself was far too flighty and unpredictable.
Which left only one option, really…
- - -
"Why thank you Jaune," Cinder simpered, as they filtered into the classroom. She turned a smoldering smile on him, "You saved us a lot of time."
"Oh, it was nothing, don't mention it!" Arc said with a nervous smile. His partner Pyrrha ushered him away, her own smile very tense. It gave Cinder a bit of pleasure to see her petty distress, but she soon put it out of her mind. She grabbed some seats with Emerald, Mercury, and Neo in the far left hand side of the classroom. Professor Oobleck zipped in, and immediately launched into a lecture Cinder didn't pay any mind as she contemplated her surroundings.
Cinder Fall had never attended a regular school. Her life had not allowed it: She had been taught at home, just enough to read, write and do basic math by her contemptuous excuse of a family. She had once envied the children in the village who got to go to school. Who got to go and socialize, learn together, and gain a common understanding of the world.
Now, experiencing the real thing, she found her contempt increase. Such coddled, lucky little brats. Being taught in comfort while she had to suffer.
The Grimm inside her flexed. It caused pain, but pain was good. Pain brought her more power. And power was all she had ever desired.
Even so... Some prices for that power were more annoying than others. Such as having to put up with Professor Oobleck's high paced lecturing while sitting on this uncomfortable bench.
"... Which is why we have the Vytal Festival!" He summed up, pausing only to sip from his ever-present coffee mug. "Excellent question, Miss Rose!"
"Eh? Oh, uh, thanks Professor!" The young girl chirped, looking like she regretted ever asking the question in the first place. Cinder kept her face as neutral as possible, but inwardly she scowled. The carefree look on that annoying little brat's face burned her something fierce. Somehow, this teenaged imbecile kept interfering in her plans. Not enough to impede them, but she was making it more difficult. She'd have to deal with her properly.
"Now, while the two-week semester break was relaxing, and relaxation is vital to anyone's physical and mental well being," Oobleck rattled off, "I believe it is crucial to keep on your toes! Thus we will have a random question-and-answer session right now! MISTER ARC!"
The blond idiot who had guided them to the classroom jumped. Pyrrha Nikos, his partner, smiled encouragingly at the dope on his left side, while on his right, Rose's older half-sister grinned and winked.
"Yes Professor!" Arc cried.
"Here is an easy one: What is Healing Dust?" Oobleck prompted.
Arc cleared his throat, relaxing.
"Healing Dust is an artificial mixture of several Dust strains and compounds to allow for the transfer of Aura from one person to another!" He said cheerfully.
"I would hope the son of the inventor of said Dust would know that much," Oobleck observed, "Explain how it works!"
"Basically," Arc went on, "It's Dust that filters out the parts of Aura that another person's Aura would reject, boosting their healing with a kind of 'neutral' Aura energy. It can be applied to the whole body to enhance general wellness, or focused on specific injuries to heal them faster."
"What are the limitations of Healing Dust?" Oobleck continued his interrogation. Arc winced.
"Well, you have to have an unlocked Aura to use it," he said, "And the transfer efficiency is pretty low-Most of the time, only a tenth to a quarter of the Aura a person uses gets into the other person's body. My mom's managed fifty percent but that's really hard."
"Yet the use of Healing Dust increases the chances of patient survival by what percentage?" Oobleck pressed. Arc screwed up his face in mild concentration.
"A 300% chance on average."
"Exactly why it is worth it! Not unexpected, Mister Arc, but good to know!" Oobleck said. "Moving on! Mister Lark, can you tell us..."
Cinder gave Arc an appraising gaze as he leaned back, looking a bit embarrassed at the sudden increase in attention he was getting. Nikos was blushing while gazing at him in adoration, while Rose and Xiao-Long looked at him with similar affection. Hell, even the Schnee heiress and Princess Belladonna were eyeing him. As were several of the other exchange students.
Neo was smirking at him, but the little psycho did that to lots of people. She was probably imagining how much fun it would be to keep Arc alive while she sliced him up.
How a reprobate like Roman Torchwick had become an 'uncle' to this fop was an intriguing riddle. One that Cinder might need to unravel.
After all, Isabel Arc's revolution in medical Dust healing made her a person of interest to Mother. Perhaps her son would be a useful hostage when the time came.
It's not like the idiot was dangerous or anything.
- - -
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