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The backlash of Golden Lion's Roar was always the worst part. It made Jaune's arm burn like he'd been on fire, he was left panting for breath, and even after training with Ren and Pyrrha to improve his Aura control? He still felt drained.
Now though… As he saw the devastation caused by the blast, the collapsing roof, the falling walls, a new feeling about his most powerful attack entered Jaune's mind:
He yanked out his Scroll and hit the mass call button.
"Ruby! Pyrrha! Ren! Yang! Nora! Weiss! Blake! Sun! Anyone?!"
Static was all he got back. He grit his teeth.
Damnit… Damnit…!
The clouds of smoke began to clear, as debris fell from the ceiling. The walls were groaning uncomfortably. Jaune looked back towards the impact point of Golden Lion's Roar, and could see what was left of the containers just peeking out.
He couldn't see anything beyond burned and cracked metal on the red, green, and blue containers. He tightened his grip on Crocea Mors, and took heavy, deep breaths.
Did… Did I kill her?
As much as he had desired this… Jaune felt empty as he looked over the wreckage. He didn't know if that was a good or bad thing-
A luminous glow filled the smoke cloud, shaped like a translucent, convex disk.
Ah, his mental Gato voice returned, A hardlight Dust shield! That's new.
Jaune's eyes widened.
Oh fu-
The containers exploded, and a gigantic mass blasted through the smoke right for him. A huge metallic two-pronged claw reached out and closed around him like a vice. His arms were pinned to his sides as his ribs creaked, and he let out a loud cry.
A massive Atlasian mecha stared at him, a viewscreen on the front. It turned translucent, and Iridescent's face appeared. She was blushing deeply, and licked her lips as she squeezed Jaune's body.
"Oh, darling~! You spoil me," Iridescent cooed over the speakers, as she licked her lips, "You really did go all out! If I didn't slip into this, I'd have been utterly destroyed."
"You…!" Jaune growled and struggled against the mechanical grip. Servos and hydraulics whined against his strength, but held him tight.
"Now now, sweetie," Iridescent clucked, shaking her head, "Did you think I'd settle for anything but the best? You've ruined me for everyone else, darling~. That fire to grow stronger, more powerful! Oh, it's simply wonderful!"
Rocket boosters activated on the giant mecha, and it flew through the air. It smashed right through the nearest wall, sending the rest of the docking facility collapsing with a roar as bricks and dust filled the air. They flew towards the overpass highway, and for a brief moment Jaune was terrified she was going to crash into it with its hundreds of innocent commuters-!
At the last moment, she dove underneath it. Nothing but a few abandoned cars and piles of rubbish greeted them.
Iridescent slammed the mecha down hard onto the pavement, and slammed Jaune with her as she skidded to a halt. The asphalt cracked, and Jaune screamed.
"Doing this in public is a bit embarrassing, but that venue was a little too wrecked by your passion, lover~," Iridescent went on with a smirk. She let Jaune go with the claw, and he sucked in a breath-Only for her foot to slam down and dig a crater with his body.
"AUGH!" Jaune yelled, as Iridescent tittered.
"So darling, what does it feel like?" She crooned. "Fighting for your life? Letting your passions run wild? Nothing left but to do or die before you?"
Her grin widened.
"It's what you LIVE FOR!"
Jaune gritted his teeth and glared up at her. He rummaged around his belt. It was a miracle his ever present pouches and their contents hadn't been crushed, but that's not what he was looking for. His fingers touched the hilt of Levigato, and he yanked out his dagger. It glowed as he charged his Aura. He thrust the dagger into the armor, his brute strength letting him start dragging it through the thick armor.
I'm at about fifty percent, but maybe…!
Iridescent fired a burst from the mecha's lighter machine guns. The rounds fell like steel rain onto him, and Jaune grit his teeth against the onslaught.
"Nothing to say, baby?" Iridescent asked mocking, as she ceased fire. "Nothing for the woman who made you who you are today?"
She smirked and dug her heel into Jaune's chest. The pain was unimaginable.
"That's it, let me hear you scream!" Iridescent panted like a bitch in heat.
Jaune looked up, feeling his floating ribs buckle as he tried not to cry out. He tried to grab onto Levigato again, pulse more Aura into it! He got a hold, but Iridescent just opened up with the guns again!
Damnit… Damnit… This is my fault, he thought, All my fault… My friends might be dead… My fault… It's all my own damn fault…!
Black Aura burst to life around the Atlasian mecha, and its armor cracked. The whole vehicle was forced backwards. Jaune yanked his dagger out of the mecha's foot, and forced himself to his feet. He looked up, and his eyes widened as his heart leaped.
The redheaded Amazon stood on top of an abandoned car, looking a little worse for wear but focused on the Atlasian mech with a fiery determination. Both her hands were outstretched and burning with black Aura energy. Jaune ran towards her, as the Atlasian mecha strained loudly against the force of magnetism holding it captive.
"J-Jaune!" Pyrrha gasped. "Sorry I'm late… I was a bit held up…!"
"YOU!" Iridescent snarled over the speakers, stomping the mecha's feet like an angry child, "YOU WHORE! SLICK!"
A tall man in blue pinstripes, a fedora, and a black gasmask slid up out of nowhere, looking utterly impeccable from his polished shoes to his stylish cane.
"Yes, Lady Iridescent?" He asked calmly, even as Jaune caught his breath and Pyrrha grunted to hold the mecha at bay with her Semblance.
Slick was unfazed. He glanced at Pyrrha, almost boredly, before he shrugged.
"I apologize, Lady Iridescent," he stated, "But the building collapsed and I lost her in the dust-"
"HE'S NOT YOURS!" Pyrrha shouted angrily back.
Pyrrha stared in shock and horror at the ranting woman… Before her eyes narrowed.
"You," she growled, "You're why he's so hurt. You're why he's…!"
Normally, Jaune would be terrified at seeing Pyrrha so furious. And yet…
She's like this… For me? Jaune thought, his heart skipping a beat.
Pyrrha strained as she brought her hands together-Or at least tried. Iridescent's mecha began to glow brighter as the Amazon pushed more power into it.
"She's fighting me! It's just too much mass to-to control!" Pyrrha gasped. "How's your Aura?"
"I can hit her with one more Golden Lion's Roar," Jaune managed, even as his Aura healed his ribs.
"Do it-!"
Slick blurred, and Jaune barely got his shield up in time to block cane strikes so fast and hard it felt like a machine gun was being unloaded on him!
"JAUNE!" Pyrrha cried. That momentary distraction allowed Iridescent's mecha to move. Its cannons opened up, and Slick, Jaune, and Pyrrha ran in different directions to avoid the fire.
"SLICK! GET OUT OF HERE!" Iridescent bellowed angrily, barely audible over the harsh roar of the cannon fire.
"NOW!" Iridescent shouted. Slick sighed, and vanished as quickly as he appeared.
Jaune and Pyrrha ran towards the far part of the underpass, the cannon rounds blasting up asphalt and concrete shrapnel. They held up their shields as the debris struck them from all sides. Pyrrha looked around, saw the apartment buildings and heard the traffic overhead…
"Get in close!" Jaune shouted. "We gotta take her out!"
"On it!" Pyrrha shouted. They split up, running in different directions before turning and charging Iridescent from opposite directions. Iridescent divided her fire, seething over the loudspeakers.
"You can't just-!"
Jaune dove in front of Pyrrha as they got to mid-range. She ducked behind his shield and switched Milo to rifle mode. Bracing her rifle on his shoulder (which he held steady through sheer willpower), she fired several shots on the mecha. She hit what looked like its sensors with pinpoint accuracy, making Iridescent swing its weapons around furiously and without accuracy.
"HOMEWRECKER!" Iridescent seethed. "I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU!"
Missile launchers activated on the back of the huge mecha. Jaune could count about fifty individual cells in the launcher boxes, and he grit his teeth.
Shit, that's a lot of firepower, but maybe we can-
"I WANT TO BE A HERO!" Jaune shouted back.
The laser designators for the missiles lit up. Jaune and Pyrrha tracked where they were focused on. Jaune's jaw dropped.
"No! Iridescent, don't-!"
Iridescent fired the missiles, and all fifty of the projectiles burst forth, turned, and screamed right for the apartment complexes!
- - -
Ruby came to the feeling of Aura flowing into her. She started and jerked awake. She saw a pale visage with a scar over one eye, framed by platinum blonde hair, and felt strong arms holding her up as she sat on rough pavement. She could make out a tanned face framed by blue hair, also looking worried.
"Ruby? Ruby, are you all right?" Weiss asked urgently. "Speak to me!"
"Come on kid, wake up!" Neptune said, as the sounds of sirens began to wail in the distance.
"Ugh… I… What… What happened?" Ruby managed, looking down. She could see Weiss pressing a Healing Dust Emitter to her stomach. It resembled a groomer brush with a strap to hold the oval-shaped business end against the palm. "Wait, you're healing me?"
Weiss flushed, and scowled.
"I do know how to use Healing Dust. It's Dust, I'm an expert at-"
"Why are you here?! What happened?!" Ruby demanded.
"Well, the factory exploded," Neptune deadpanned, "So I think that was a good reason to get out here."
"We found you outside with some Healing Dust and an emitter," Weiss went on, "Do you know why you had those with you? Or by you?"
Ruby's heart pounded in her chest and ears. She looked around. Those bodies were still there, lying amidst all the rubble and refuse kicked up by the collapse of the old factory. Piles of bricks and masonry were everywhere amidst damaged, naked supports and ragged remaining walls.
Her eyes just kept going to the dead bodies of the White Fang goons. Yes… Yes, they had been trying to kill her… But seeing the light go right out of their bodies and leave them like Grimm…
The dead… They're dead…
"Ruby," Weiss murmured, "Ruby… It's all right."
She shifted a bit to block Ruby's view of the bodies, and looked into her eyes.
"It's all right… You're our leader. Now, what do we do?"
Ruby sucked in a deep breath. Her heart rate slowed, just a little.
She knew where she was.
Ruby sprang to her feet, and scanned around. She pushed her Aura into her eyes again. The world darkened, but points of bright light began to appear amidst the rubble of the fallen factory.
Points of bright light that might fade away and go black, too, if she didn't do something right now.
"Come on!" Ruby shouted, charging in. Weiss and Neptune followed, too shocked to really disobey.
"Ruby, we need to wait for the rescue teams-!"
"Weiss! Gravity Dust, right there!" Ruby shouted, pointing at a pile near where the main entrance had been. Weiss was shocked, but slammed the required canister into Myrtenaster and unleashed a Purple shockwave. The bricks rose up, higher, higher…
A massive yellow Aura blast threw the rest away. Out of this rubble emerged Yang and Blake-Blake was clutching a few thick binders of documents in her left arm as she supported Yang with the right.
"YANG! BLAKE!" Ruby cried.
"Ugh, hey sis," Yang managed, as Ruby hugged her tightly. She grunted at the touch, but patted Ruby's head. "We really brought the house down, huh?"
"Please, no," Blake muttered. Yang snickered.
"What? It fell like a ton of bricks!"
"Weiss, heal them!" Ruby ordered. She dashed to another point of light. "Neptune! Get over here! Use your Water Semblance!"
"Wait, hang on-"
"THERE'S NO TIME!" Ruby shouted. "GET OVER HERE!"
Neptune complied as though pulled by a chain sickle. He summoned up water and sent it underneath the rubble. He grit his teeth as the bricks rumbled. He moved his hands upwards, and the bricks and debris began to float.
Neptune grunted, his brow beginning to sweat as he focused.
"Come on, come on…!" He growled.
A massive pink Dust blast went off, scattering Ruby and Neptune with loud cries. Sun Wukong emerged, bloodied and bruised, as he carried Ren and Nora under his arms. He had used Magnhild, and dragged it along.
"SUN!" Blake shouted, and she rushed over to him. Yang and Weiss followed, as Sun panted and gently set both Ren and Nora down on the rubble.
"Ren! Nora!" Ruby gasped. "WEISS!"
"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Weiss insisted, quickly kneeling down. She pressed the Healing Dust Emitter against Nora's bloodied, bruised body first. Ren opened his eyes first, his pink Aura flickering to life.
"Haa… Nora? Where's-?!"
"She's here! She's alive," Ruby insisted, holding him down. He pushed against her, and sat up. He looked down at the unconscious form of his best friend, grimacing deeply. His hand went out and he grasped Nora's hand.
"Nora… Nora, I-URK!"
Nora's fist clenched tightly around his hand, and she sat up fast. Weiss yelped, thrown back.
"I'M ALIVE!" Nora cheered. She then scowled at Sun, who was being held up by Blake. "You touched my hammer!"
"Sorry, had to save our lives," Sun grunted. Nora grumbled, but then brightened and smiled cheerfully.
"I forgive you! Thanks for the kiss!"
"What?!" Ren blurted out, as everyone else stared.
"What kiss?" Yang asked, eyebrows waggling.
"Not with him," Nora scoffed, "With Renny! Our first~!" She beamed and nuzzled him. Ren coughed.. Then coughed up blood.
"Oh right, heal him!" Nora demanded, grabbing Weiss and dragging her over into Ren's lap.
"OOF! Don't treat me like that-!"
"Complain later, heal now!" Nora demanded. She looked around, and, as though seeing them for the first time, smiled and waved her hand.
"Hey Ruby! Hey Blakey! Hey Yang-Yang! Hey…"
She stared at Neptune. Neptune scowled back.
"Sure!" Nora said cheerfully. She turned to Ruby.
"Where's Jaune-Jaune and Pyrrha?"
Loud gunfire and explosions filled the air. Ruby's Aura Sight let her see the action, no matter how many ruins were between them and the action.
A giant, luminous mechanical device, burning with luminous Aura, was confronting two smaller Aura signatures. One burned a strange white and black, but it was comfortingly familiar. The other was golden yellow, burning like a bonfire.
"Over there!" Ruby shouted, all ready to speed over to the rescue. "We need to-!
Forever Fall again appeared in her mind. She stopped herself, and took a deep breath.
There were many other little lights under the rubble, too. Maybe they were White Fang… But after what she'd seen…
"Weiss! Neptune! Heal everyone else up! Get anyone else out of the rubble!" Ruby shouted, as she saw emergency service vehicles driving up to the scene. "And when we're done-"
"Smashy time!" Nora cheered.
Ruby grinned at her fellow redhead.
- - -
The missiles… Were a bit of an issue. Pyrrha had to channel most of her considerable Aura into her Semblance, and the black energy answered by ensnaring all of the screaming projectiles. She dropped Milo and stretched out her wide open hands, so she could concentrate everything she had into keep the fifty missiles in place above her. Their Dust powered rocket motors were very loud, and after the flashbangs from before she was a little disoriented.
She looked around and spotted Jaune on her right side, charging up his sword. Ahead of them was Iridescent in the mecha, the guns on the giant military robot audibly charging up.
"JAUNE! GET DOWN!" Pyrrha screamed. Jaune looked back at her in shock.
Polarity let her know that slugs of hyper dense metal were screaming through the air for her. She could sense them, tell their trajectories through long practice. She was able to shift herself just enough that one shot past, grazing her side. The next hit her stomach, but her weakened Aura just barely managed to absorb the hit, though the pain was immeasurable.
Next hit… No Aura left… The missiles…! Channel it!
Pyrrha tried to move to the side, tried to do anything, even as she moved her Aura away to prevent it breaking.
The shots struck and drove her back. She slammed up against something sharp.
She felt an explosion of pain, and then a horrible numbness. She looked down, and saw a chunk of metal poking out of her stomach as blood oozed out of her torso. She blinked at it, as her knees shook. The missiles still roared overhead, straining to escape her Semblance.
Oh dear… That might be… A problem… She thought as she tried to focus on the missiles and not the chunk of metal piercing through her stomach.
- - -
A scream tore its way out of Jaune's mouth.
Gut shots. Gut shots were the worst injuries by far in a hospital. Even with Aura healing, if it wasn't addressed right away, septic shock could still be fatal.
The fact Pyrrha was still on her feet, her arms up, her Aura flaring as she kept the missiles from hitting anything, was nothing short of a miracle. Just like her.
"H-Hit her, Jaune!" Pyrrha gasped, despite the fact her diaphragm had likely been hit, "T-Take her down!"
Jaune looked away at Iridescent. She was smirking in the Paladin mech's cockpit, powering up another barrage. He looked at his sword, burning with power. One more Golden Lions' Roar, and he could finish her.
He could kill Iridescent, like he'd almost done in the docking area. She'd be dead and… And Pyrrha…
Minutes. She had minutes. At best. Even with her Aura, disease and illness from the septic shock would kill her. The surest fire way to save her was with the Aura energy burning in his sword. The means to save her… The means to kill Iridescent…
"JAUNE!" Pyrrha gasped out. "TAKE THE SHOT!"
"COME ON!" Iridescent shouted, licking her lips.
It was what he wanted, wasn't it? The perfect opportunity to kill Iridescent. To get his revenge. To get justice for Gato.
Why won't you tell me anything, Gato?! He thought frantically. WHY?!
Because you know what the right answer is, Jaune, a voice spoke in his head, not quite Gato but still intimately familiar. As though spoken into his ear while a strong hand rested on his shoulder. You always have.
You want to be a hero, right?
The Paladin's rotary cannon spun up again… Pyrrha grit her teeth and glared into the oncoming barrage…
Jaune dropped his sword and ran, diving in front of her with his shield up. Even with Aura enhancement, Crocea Mors took dents from the high velocity slugs as Jaune stood in front of Pyrrha. The redheaded Amazon gaped at him in shock.
"J-Jaune, your shot-!"
"Shut the hell up, Pyrrha!" Jaune growled, "If I don't get to martyr myself then you sure as hell don't either!"
Thanks to long practice, he found the canister of Healing Dust and jammed it into the emitter without looking and with only one hand. Still taking fire and being forced back, Jaune swung his arm back and pressed it against her gaping stomach wound and the metal that pierced her.
"YAAAHH!" Jaune bellowed, channeling all the Aura he could spare through the Healing Dust into Pyrrha. She screamed as well, her aura flaring behind him, black and yet somehow bright.
He somehow heard the metal spike fall from her wound. He managed to glance back: Through the hole in her armor, only smooth skin and awesome abs were visible. Her eyes had rolled into the back of her head.
"Pyrrha?! PYRRHA!"
Her Aura surged, and she flung her hands forward. Puppeteered by her power, the fifty missiles turned around and, while without Dust propulsion, flew right into the gigantic Paladin mecha. Its pilot screamed.
Jaune was able to see Iridescent's eyes widen almost comically and the glow of its hardlight shield just before they all impacted.
Jaune felt Pyrrha fall against him. He turned, pulled her all the way down onto the pavement, put himself between her and the mech, and put everything he had left into his shield.
The impact of the shockwave blasted him back, skidding along the pavement. They slammed into an abandoned car, smashing in its door and shattering all the windows. Its alarm went off, which just made Jaune's headache worse. He groaned and opened his eyes.
A pillar of smoke and flame obscured the Paladin. Jaune turned his attention to Pyrrha. Her eyes were shut, and he shook her shoulder.
"Hey! Hey, Pyrrha!" Jaune shouted. "Pyrrha!"
Please, don't be dead, don't be dead…!
He checked her pulse-It was slow, but strong, and some tension left his entire body. He nearly dropped like a boneless fish when she opened her eyes.
"J-Jaune…?" He murmured.
"Hey," Jaune said with a smile. "How… How are you?"
"I'm… I'm okay," Pyrrha said. She smiled softly. "Aura… Aura's low… N-Never felt that before."
"Bet you haven't," Jaune laughed. He looked back over at the smoke and flames… And his heart dropped into his stomach. "Shit."
The Paladin mech slowly stepped through the flames. It was pretty beat up, but still operational. He could still see Iridescent through the smoke clouded cockpit glass. The hardlight shield flickered, then apparently died when a component on top of the Paladin burst into flames.
"Ooh… I suppose I could accept another in our relationship, lover," Iridescent said, "If she's gonna get that rough? Maybe… But you're not done yet."
Jaune took a deep breath. He took a few steps between himself and Pyrrha. He hefted up his shield, and glared down Iridescent.
"No," Jaune stated, "We're done. You're nothing to me, Iridescent. And I'm tired of you hanging over my life."
He flared his Aura, his gaze focused on her. Iridescent laughed mockingly.
"You'll never be rid of me, lover! I'll haunt your steps! I'll always be in your heart!"
"No," Jaune stated coldly, "You won't. Not… Not anymore."
"J-Jaune," Pyrrha tried.
"Stay down," Jaune ordered. He pulled out Levigato, and clenched his fist. He channeled Aura into it, and the little blade began to glow like a small star. He prepared to charge…
A massive blast of Ice Dust erupted, forming a barrier around the Paladin mech. A flurry of rose petals burst in front of it, and Ruby appeared with Crescent Rose aimed right for Iridescent's head.
"YAH!" Ruby shouted, firing multiple anti-material rounds into the mecha. A second later, Yang, burning like a small sun, charged in and punched the Paladin's left arm clean off. Blake and Sun appeared underneath, firing shots at the Paladin's joints and dancing around at high speed. Ren joined in, leaping artfully over the mech to take out the right arm joints. Ruby spun at it, and as a blur, slashed right through and took off the right arm.
"YOU!" Iridescent screamed. "GET AWAY! HE'S MINE! HE'S-!"
Nora dove down like an avenging angel, swinging Magnhild with all her might. She brought it down on the back end of the Paladin mecha, and unleashed the full grenade payload of her hammer.
Nora flipped backwards, and everyone else managed to get clear as the power generator for the Paladin went up in gigantic blast. He watched Ren grab her out of mid air, and they landed safely. The rest of the teams came together in front of the burning mecha, Weiss and Neptune gracefully landing after jumping off the nearby bridge support structures. Jaune turned back and helped Pyrrha to her feet. She gratefully clung on, and they walked to meet them.
"You guys okay?" Ruby asked anxiously, reaching out to touch Jaune's chest.
"Pyrrha! Are you all right?" Weiss cried.
Pyrrha beamed and nodded.
"I'm fine," she said softly, "Just… Aura exhaustion. Jaune took good care of me."
"I sure hope he did!" Ruby said… Then blushed. "Oh… Ohhhh…"
"N-Not like that!" Pyrrha insisted, blushing a bit.
Yang smirked a little with a raised eyebrow. Weiss looked scandalized. Neptune' jealousy knew no bounds, which made Jaune smirk a bit back. Blake was hiding a smile, as was Ren, and Nora just hugged Jaune and Pyrrha tightly.
"Urk… Yeah…" He looked over at the flaming wreckage. He sighed.
"Yeah… We're done," he muttered.
"Hm?" Pyrrha asked. Jaune shook his head.
"Nothing… It's nothing."
- - -
There you go! A nice, big, action packed chunky update! All that's left is the epilogue for this arc, and then? Onto the next one!
Though with my new job beginning next week, I may have to slow down a bit. Sorry about that.
The backlash of Golden Lion's Roar was always the worst part. It made Jaune's arm burn like he'd been on fire, he was left panting for breath, and even after training with Ren and Pyrrha to improve his Aura control? He still felt drained.
Now though… As he saw the devastation caused by the blast, the collapsing roof, the falling walls, a new feeling about his most powerful attack entered Jaune's mind:
He yanked out his Scroll and hit the mass call button.
"Ruby! Pyrrha! Ren! Yang! Nora! Weiss! Blake! Sun! Anyone?!"
Static was all he got back. He grit his teeth.
Damnit… Damnit…!
The clouds of smoke began to clear, as debris fell from the ceiling. The walls were groaning uncomfortably. Jaune looked back towards the impact point of Golden Lion's Roar, and could see what was left of the containers just peeking out.
He couldn't see anything beyond burned and cracked metal on the red, green, and blue containers. He tightened his grip on Crocea Mors, and took heavy, deep breaths.
Did… Did I kill her?
As much as he had desired this… Jaune felt empty as he looked over the wreckage. He didn't know if that was a good or bad thing-
A luminous glow filled the smoke cloud, shaped like a translucent, convex disk.
Ah, his mental Gato voice returned, A hardlight Dust shield! That's new.
Jaune's eyes widened.
Oh fu-
The containers exploded, and a gigantic mass blasted through the smoke right for him. A huge metallic two-pronged claw reached out and closed around him like a vice. His arms were pinned to his sides as his ribs creaked, and he let out a loud cry.
A massive Atlasian mecha stared at him, a viewscreen on the front. It turned translucent, and Iridescent's face appeared. She was blushing deeply, and licked her lips as she squeezed Jaune's body.
"Oh, darling~! You spoil me," Iridescent cooed over the speakers, as she licked her lips, "You really did go all out! If I didn't slip into this, I'd have been utterly destroyed."
"You…!" Jaune growled and struggled against the mechanical grip. Servos and hydraulics whined against his strength, but held him tight.
"Now now, sweetie," Iridescent clucked, shaking her head, "Did you think I'd settle for anything but the best? You've ruined me for everyone else, darling~. That fire to grow stronger, more powerful! Oh, it's simply wonderful!"
Rocket boosters activated on the giant mecha, and it flew through the air. It smashed right through the nearest wall, sending the rest of the docking facility collapsing with a roar as bricks and dust filled the air. They flew towards the overpass highway, and for a brief moment Jaune was terrified she was going to crash into it with its hundreds of innocent commuters-!
At the last moment, she dove underneath it. Nothing but a few abandoned cars and piles of rubbish greeted them.
Iridescent slammed the mecha down hard onto the pavement, and slammed Jaune with her as she skidded to a halt. The asphalt cracked, and Jaune screamed.
"Doing this in public is a bit embarrassing, but that venue was a little too wrecked by your passion, lover~," Iridescent went on with a smirk. She let Jaune go with the claw, and he sucked in a breath-Only for her foot to slam down and dig a crater with his body.
"AUGH!" Jaune yelled, as Iridescent tittered.
"So darling, what does it feel like?" She crooned. "Fighting for your life? Letting your passions run wild? Nothing left but to do or die before you?"
Her grin widened.
"It's what you LIVE FOR!"
Jaune gritted his teeth and glared up at her. He rummaged around his belt. It was a miracle his ever present pouches and their contents hadn't been crushed, but that's not what he was looking for. His fingers touched the hilt of Levigato, and he yanked out his dagger. It glowed as he charged his Aura. He thrust the dagger into the armor, his brute strength letting him start dragging it through the thick armor.
I'm at about fifty percent, but maybe…!
Iridescent fired a burst from the mecha's lighter machine guns. The rounds fell like steel rain onto him, and Jaune grit his teeth against the onslaught.
"Nothing to say, baby?" Iridescent asked mocking, as she ceased fire. "Nothing for the woman who made you who you are today?"
She smirked and dug her heel into Jaune's chest. The pain was unimaginable.
"That's it, let me hear you scream!" Iridescent panted like a bitch in heat.
Jaune looked up, feeling his floating ribs buckle as he tried not to cry out. He tried to grab onto Levigato again, pulse more Aura into it! He got a hold, but Iridescent just opened up with the guns again!
Damnit… Damnit… This is my fault, he thought, All my fault… My friends might be dead… My fault… It's all my own damn fault…!
Black Aura burst to life around the Atlasian mecha, and its armor cracked. The whole vehicle was forced backwards. Jaune yanked his dagger out of the mecha's foot, and forced himself to his feet. He looked up, and his eyes widened as his heart leaped.
The redheaded Amazon stood on top of an abandoned car, looking a little worse for wear but focused on the Atlasian mech with a fiery determination. Both her hands were outstretched and burning with black Aura energy. Jaune ran towards her, as the Atlasian mecha strained loudly against the force of magnetism holding it captive.
"J-Jaune!" Pyrrha gasped. "Sorry I'm late… I was a bit held up…!"
"YOU!" Iridescent snarled over the speakers, stomping the mecha's feet like an angry child, "YOU WHORE! SLICK!"
A tall man in blue pinstripes, a fedora, and a black gasmask slid up out of nowhere, looking utterly impeccable from his polished shoes to his stylish cane.
"Yes, Lady Iridescent?" He asked calmly, even as Jaune caught his breath and Pyrrha grunted to hold the mecha at bay with her Semblance.
Slick was unfazed. He glanced at Pyrrha, almost boredly, before he shrugged.
"I apologize, Lady Iridescent," he stated, "But the building collapsed and I lost her in the dust-"
"HE'S NOT YOURS!" Pyrrha shouted angrily back.
Pyrrha stared in shock and horror at the ranting woman… Before her eyes narrowed.
"You," she growled, "You're why he's so hurt. You're why he's…!"
Normally, Jaune would be terrified at seeing Pyrrha so furious. And yet…
She's like this… For me? Jaune thought, his heart skipping a beat.
Pyrrha strained as she brought her hands together-Or at least tried. Iridescent's mecha began to glow brighter as the Amazon pushed more power into it.
"She's fighting me! It's just too much mass to-to control!" Pyrrha gasped. "How's your Aura?"
"I can hit her with one more Golden Lion's Roar," Jaune managed, even as his Aura healed his ribs.
"Do it-!"
Slick blurred, and Jaune barely got his shield up in time to block cane strikes so fast and hard it felt like a machine gun was being unloaded on him!
"JAUNE!" Pyrrha cried. That momentary distraction allowed Iridescent's mecha to move. Its cannons opened up, and Slick, Jaune, and Pyrrha ran in different directions to avoid the fire.
"SLICK! GET OUT OF HERE!" Iridescent bellowed angrily, barely audible over the harsh roar of the cannon fire.
"NOW!" Iridescent shouted. Slick sighed, and vanished as quickly as he appeared.
Jaune and Pyrrha ran towards the far part of the underpass, the cannon rounds blasting up asphalt and concrete shrapnel. They held up their shields as the debris struck them from all sides. Pyrrha looked around, saw the apartment buildings and heard the traffic overhead…
"Get in close!" Jaune shouted. "We gotta take her out!"
"On it!" Pyrrha shouted. They split up, running in different directions before turning and charging Iridescent from opposite directions. Iridescent divided her fire, seething over the loudspeakers.
"You can't just-!"
Jaune dove in front of Pyrrha as they got to mid-range. She ducked behind his shield and switched Milo to rifle mode. Bracing her rifle on his shoulder (which he held steady through sheer willpower), she fired several shots on the mecha. She hit what looked like its sensors with pinpoint accuracy, making Iridescent swing its weapons around furiously and without accuracy.
"HOMEWRECKER!" Iridescent seethed. "I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU!"
Missile launchers activated on the back of the huge mecha. Jaune could count about fifty individual cells in the launcher boxes, and he grit his teeth.
Shit, that's a lot of firepower, but maybe we can-
"I WANT TO BE A HERO!" Jaune shouted back.
The laser designators for the missiles lit up. Jaune and Pyrrha tracked where they were focused on. Jaune's jaw dropped.
"No! Iridescent, don't-!"
Iridescent fired the missiles, and all fifty of the projectiles burst forth, turned, and screamed right for the apartment complexes!
- - -
Ruby came to the feeling of Aura flowing into her. She started and jerked awake. She saw a pale visage with a scar over one eye, framed by platinum blonde hair, and felt strong arms holding her up as she sat on rough pavement. She could make out a tanned face framed by blue hair, also looking worried.
"Ruby? Ruby, are you all right?" Weiss asked urgently. "Speak to me!"
"Come on kid, wake up!" Neptune said, as the sounds of sirens began to wail in the distance.
"Ugh… I… What… What happened?" Ruby managed, looking down. She could see Weiss pressing a Healing Dust Emitter to her stomach. It resembled a groomer brush with a strap to hold the oval-shaped business end against the palm. "Wait, you're healing me?"
Weiss flushed, and scowled.
"I do know how to use Healing Dust. It's Dust, I'm an expert at-"
"Why are you here?! What happened?!" Ruby demanded.
"Well, the factory exploded," Neptune deadpanned, "So I think that was a good reason to get out here."
"We found you outside with some Healing Dust and an emitter," Weiss went on, "Do you know why you had those with you? Or by you?"
Ruby's heart pounded in her chest and ears. She looked around. Those bodies were still there, lying amidst all the rubble and refuse kicked up by the collapse of the old factory. Piles of bricks and masonry were everywhere amidst damaged, naked supports and ragged remaining walls.
Her eyes just kept going to the dead bodies of the White Fang goons. Yes… Yes, they had been trying to kill her… But seeing the light go right out of their bodies and leave them like Grimm…
The dead… They're dead…
"Ruby," Weiss murmured, "Ruby… It's all right."
She shifted a bit to block Ruby's view of the bodies, and looked into her eyes.
"It's all right… You're our leader. Now, what do we do?"
Ruby sucked in a deep breath. Her heart rate slowed, just a little.
She knew where she was.
Ruby sprang to her feet, and scanned around. She pushed her Aura into her eyes again. The world darkened, but points of bright light began to appear amidst the rubble of the fallen factory.
Points of bright light that might fade away and go black, too, if she didn't do something right now.
"Come on!" Ruby shouted, charging in. Weiss and Neptune followed, too shocked to really disobey.
"Ruby, we need to wait for the rescue teams-!"
"Weiss! Gravity Dust, right there!" Ruby shouted, pointing at a pile near where the main entrance had been. Weiss was shocked, but slammed the required canister into Myrtenaster and unleashed a Purple shockwave. The bricks rose up, higher, higher…
A massive yellow Aura blast threw the rest away. Out of this rubble emerged Yang and Blake-Blake was clutching a few thick binders of documents in her left arm as she supported Yang with the right.
"YANG! BLAKE!" Ruby cried.
"Ugh, hey sis," Yang managed, as Ruby hugged her tightly. She grunted at the touch, but patted Ruby's head. "We really brought the house down, huh?"
"Please, no," Blake muttered. Yang snickered.
"What? It fell like a ton of bricks!"
"Weiss, heal them!" Ruby ordered. She dashed to another point of light. "Neptune! Get over here! Use your Water Semblance!"
"Wait, hang on-"
"THERE'S NO TIME!" Ruby shouted. "GET OVER HERE!"
Neptune complied as though pulled by a chain sickle. He summoned up water and sent it underneath the rubble. He grit his teeth as the bricks rumbled. He moved his hands upwards, and the bricks and debris began to float.
Neptune grunted, his brow beginning to sweat as he focused.
"Come on, come on…!" He growled.
A massive pink Dust blast went off, scattering Ruby and Neptune with loud cries. Sun Wukong emerged, bloodied and bruised, as he carried Ren and Nora under his arms. He had used Magnhild, and dragged it along.
"SUN!" Blake shouted, and she rushed over to him. Yang and Weiss followed, as Sun panted and gently set both Ren and Nora down on the rubble.
"Ren! Nora!" Ruby gasped. "WEISS!"
"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Weiss insisted, quickly kneeling down. She pressed the Healing Dust Emitter against Nora's bloodied, bruised body first. Ren opened his eyes first, his pink Aura flickering to life.
"Haa… Nora? Where's-?!"
"She's here! She's alive," Ruby insisted, holding him down. He pushed against her, and sat up. He looked down at the unconscious form of his best friend, grimacing deeply. His hand went out and he grasped Nora's hand.
"Nora… Nora, I-URK!"
Nora's fist clenched tightly around his hand, and she sat up fast. Weiss yelped, thrown back.
"I'M ALIVE!" Nora cheered. She then scowled at Sun, who was being held up by Blake. "You touched my hammer!"
"Sorry, had to save our lives," Sun grunted. Nora grumbled, but then brightened and smiled cheerfully.
"I forgive you! Thanks for the kiss!"
"What?!" Ren blurted out, as everyone else stared.
"What kiss?" Yang asked, eyebrows waggling.
"Not with him," Nora scoffed, "With Renny! Our first~!" She beamed and nuzzled him. Ren coughed.. Then coughed up blood.
"Oh right, heal him!" Nora demanded, grabbing Weiss and dragging her over into Ren's lap.
"OOF! Don't treat me like that-!"
"Complain later, heal now!" Nora demanded. She looked around, and, as though seeing them for the first time, smiled and waved her hand.
"Hey Ruby! Hey Blakey! Hey Yang-Yang! Hey…"
She stared at Neptune. Neptune scowled back.
"Sure!" Nora said cheerfully. She turned to Ruby.
"Where's Jaune-Jaune and Pyrrha?"
Loud gunfire and explosions filled the air. Ruby's Aura Sight let her see the action, no matter how many ruins were between them and the action.
A giant, luminous mechanical device, burning with luminous Aura, was confronting two smaller Aura signatures. One burned a strange white and black, but it was comfortingly familiar. The other was golden yellow, burning like a bonfire.
"Over there!" Ruby shouted, all ready to speed over to the rescue. "We need to-!
Forever Fall again appeared in her mind. She stopped herself, and took a deep breath.
There were many other little lights under the rubble, too. Maybe they were White Fang… But after what she'd seen…
"Weiss! Neptune! Heal everyone else up! Get anyone else out of the rubble!" Ruby shouted, as she saw emergency service vehicles driving up to the scene. "And when we're done-"
"Smashy time!" Nora cheered.
Ruby grinned at her fellow redhead.
- - -
The missiles… Were a bit of an issue. Pyrrha had to channel most of her considerable Aura into her Semblance, and the black energy answered by ensnaring all of the screaming projectiles. She dropped Milo and stretched out her wide open hands, so she could concentrate everything she had into keep the fifty missiles in place above her. Their Dust powered rocket motors were very loud, and after the flashbangs from before she was a little disoriented.
She looked around and spotted Jaune on her right side, charging up his sword. Ahead of them was Iridescent in the mecha, the guns on the giant military robot audibly charging up.
"JAUNE! GET DOWN!" Pyrrha screamed. Jaune looked back at her in shock.
Polarity let her know that slugs of hyper dense metal were screaming through the air for her. She could sense them, tell their trajectories through long practice. She was able to shift herself just enough that one shot past, grazing her side. The next hit her stomach, but her weakened Aura just barely managed to absorb the hit, though the pain was immeasurable.
Next hit… No Aura left… The missiles…! Channel it!
Pyrrha tried to move to the side, tried to do anything, even as she moved her Aura away to prevent it breaking.
The shots struck and drove her back. She slammed up against something sharp.
She felt an explosion of pain, and then a horrible numbness. She looked down, and saw a chunk of metal poking out of her stomach as blood oozed out of her torso. She blinked at it, as her knees shook. The missiles still roared overhead, straining to escape her Semblance.
Oh dear… That might be… A problem… She thought as she tried to focus on the missiles and not the chunk of metal piercing through her stomach.
- - -
A scream tore its way out of Jaune's mouth.
Gut shots. Gut shots were the worst injuries by far in a hospital. Even with Aura healing, if it wasn't addressed right away, septic shock could still be fatal.
The fact Pyrrha was still on her feet, her arms up, her Aura flaring as she kept the missiles from hitting anything, was nothing short of a miracle. Just like her.
"H-Hit her, Jaune!" Pyrrha gasped, despite the fact her diaphragm had likely been hit, "T-Take her down!"
Jaune looked away at Iridescent. She was smirking in the Paladin mech's cockpit, powering up another barrage. He looked at his sword, burning with power. One more Golden Lions' Roar, and he could finish her.
He could kill Iridescent, like he'd almost done in the docking area. She'd be dead and… And Pyrrha…
Minutes. She had minutes. At best. Even with her Aura, disease and illness from the septic shock would kill her. The surest fire way to save her was with the Aura energy burning in his sword. The means to save her… The means to kill Iridescent…
"JAUNE!" Pyrrha gasped out. "TAKE THE SHOT!"
"COME ON!" Iridescent shouted, licking her lips.
It was what he wanted, wasn't it? The perfect opportunity to kill Iridescent. To get his revenge. To get justice for Gato.
Why won't you tell me anything, Gato?! He thought frantically. WHY?!
Because you know what the right answer is, Jaune, a voice spoke in his head, not quite Gato but still intimately familiar. As though spoken into his ear while a strong hand rested on his shoulder. You always have.
You want to be a hero, right?
The Paladin's rotary cannon spun up again… Pyrrha grit her teeth and glared into the oncoming barrage…
Jaune dropped his sword and ran, diving in front of her with his shield up. Even with Aura enhancement, Crocea Mors took dents from the high velocity slugs as Jaune stood in front of Pyrrha. The redheaded Amazon gaped at him in shock.
"J-Jaune, your shot-!"
"Shut the hell up, Pyrrha!" Jaune growled, "If I don't get to martyr myself then you sure as hell don't either!"
Thanks to long practice, he found the canister of Healing Dust and jammed it into the emitter without looking and with only one hand. Still taking fire and being forced back, Jaune swung his arm back and pressed it against her gaping stomach wound and the metal that pierced her.
"YAAAHH!" Jaune bellowed, channeling all the Aura he could spare through the Healing Dust into Pyrrha. She screamed as well, her aura flaring behind him, black and yet somehow bright.
He somehow heard the metal spike fall from her wound. He managed to glance back: Through the hole in her armor, only smooth skin and awesome abs were visible. Her eyes had rolled into the back of her head.
"Pyrrha?! PYRRHA!"
Her Aura surged, and she flung her hands forward. Puppeteered by her power, the fifty missiles turned around and, while without Dust propulsion, flew right into the gigantic Paladin mecha. Its pilot screamed.
Jaune was able to see Iridescent's eyes widen almost comically and the glow of its hardlight shield just before they all impacted.
Jaune felt Pyrrha fall against him. He turned, pulled her all the way down onto the pavement, put himself between her and the mech, and put everything he had left into his shield.
The impact of the shockwave blasted him back, skidding along the pavement. They slammed into an abandoned car, smashing in its door and shattering all the windows. Its alarm went off, which just made Jaune's headache worse. He groaned and opened his eyes.
A pillar of smoke and flame obscured the Paladin. Jaune turned his attention to Pyrrha. Her eyes were shut, and he shook her shoulder.
"Hey! Hey, Pyrrha!" Jaune shouted. "Pyrrha!"
Please, don't be dead, don't be dead…!
He checked her pulse-It was slow, but strong, and some tension left his entire body. He nearly dropped like a boneless fish when she opened her eyes.
"J-Jaune…?" He murmured.
"Hey," Jaune said with a smile. "How… How are you?"
"I'm… I'm okay," Pyrrha said. She smiled softly. "Aura… Aura's low… N-Never felt that before."
"Bet you haven't," Jaune laughed. He looked back over at the smoke and flames… And his heart dropped into his stomach. "Shit."
The Paladin mech slowly stepped through the flames. It was pretty beat up, but still operational. He could still see Iridescent through the smoke clouded cockpit glass. The hardlight shield flickered, then apparently died when a component on top of the Paladin burst into flames.
"Ooh… I suppose I could accept another in our relationship, lover," Iridescent said, "If she's gonna get that rough? Maybe… But you're not done yet."
Jaune took a deep breath. He took a few steps between himself and Pyrrha. He hefted up his shield, and glared down Iridescent.
"No," Jaune stated, "We're done. You're nothing to me, Iridescent. And I'm tired of you hanging over my life."
He flared his Aura, his gaze focused on her. Iridescent laughed mockingly.
"You'll never be rid of me, lover! I'll haunt your steps! I'll always be in your heart!"
"No," Jaune stated coldly, "You won't. Not… Not anymore."
"J-Jaune," Pyrrha tried.
"Stay down," Jaune ordered. He pulled out Levigato, and clenched his fist. He channeled Aura into it, and the little blade began to glow like a small star. He prepared to charge…
A massive blast of Ice Dust erupted, forming a barrier around the Paladin mech. A flurry of rose petals burst in front of it, and Ruby appeared with Crescent Rose aimed right for Iridescent's head.
"YAH!" Ruby shouted, firing multiple anti-material rounds into the mecha. A second later, Yang, burning like a small sun, charged in and punched the Paladin's left arm clean off. Blake and Sun appeared underneath, firing shots at the Paladin's joints and dancing around at high speed. Ren joined in, leaping artfully over the mech to take out the right arm joints. Ruby spun at it, and as a blur, slashed right through and took off the right arm.
"YOU!" Iridescent screamed. "GET AWAY! HE'S MINE! HE'S-!"
Nora dove down like an avenging angel, swinging Magnhild with all her might. She brought it down on the back end of the Paladin mecha, and unleashed the full grenade payload of her hammer.
Nora flipped backwards, and everyone else managed to get clear as the power generator for the Paladin went up in gigantic blast. He watched Ren grab her out of mid air, and they landed safely. The rest of the teams came together in front of the burning mecha, Weiss and Neptune gracefully landing after jumping off the nearby bridge support structures. Jaune turned back and helped Pyrrha to her feet. She gratefully clung on, and they walked to meet them.
"You guys okay?" Ruby asked anxiously, reaching out to touch Jaune's chest.
"Pyrrha! Are you all right?" Weiss cried.
Pyrrha beamed and nodded.
"I'm fine," she said softly, "Just… Aura exhaustion. Jaune took good care of me."
"I sure hope he did!" Ruby said… Then blushed. "Oh… Ohhhh…"
"N-Not like that!" Pyrrha insisted, blushing a bit.
Yang smirked a little with a raised eyebrow. Weiss looked scandalized. Neptune' jealousy knew no bounds, which made Jaune smirk a bit back. Blake was hiding a smile, as was Ren, and Nora just hugged Jaune and Pyrrha tightly.
"Urk… Yeah…" He looked over at the flaming wreckage. He sighed.
"Yeah… We're done," he muttered.
"Hm?" Pyrrha asked. Jaune shook his head.
"Nothing… It's nothing."
- - -
There you go! A nice, big, action packed chunky update! All that's left is the epilogue for this arc, and then? Onto the next one!
Though with my new job beginning next week, I may have to slow down a bit. Sorry about that.