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Sun checked his map of the city. He looked down from the top of a warehouse near the docks. Dock workers of every kind busily went about their business, moving freight, hauling cargo, loading and unloading. The cry of gulls filled the morning air as the last of the fog vanished thanks to the rays of the risen sun.
The golden monkey faunus sighed heavily.
"I am so lost..."
He dropped down, easily sliding to the pavement via the fire escape before backflipping off to land near a few open crates of bananas.
"Damn, and I had to skip breakfast," he muttered. He looked around... Then knocked a bunch off one of the piles. It fell for the ground. Sun grabbed it just before it hit and began eating happily. "Mmph... Well... Waste not, want not..."
"Hey, kid!"
Sun glanced over at two dock workers. He held up his hands, using his tail to hold the bananas behind his back. He gave them his most charming, idiotic pretty boy smile.
"Yo! Hey, sorry about startling you! I'm a little lost. Can you tell me where to find...?"
One of the dockworkers, a Faunus, opened his coat and revealed a pistol.
"You can find the exit, right now," he growled, pointing behind Sun, "Beat it, kid."
Sun's eyes narrowed a bit as he spotted something poking out of the man's pocket. A mask...
Shit. White Fang's around here, huh? Yeah, I'll leave you to that, assholes...
"I'm going, I'm going," Sun sighed theatrically. He let go of the banana bunch, spun around, and caught it in his hands as he began to run. He ate the bananas as quick as he could. Unfortunately, he ran past a few cops who were patrolling just outside the dock gates.
"HEY! Kid! Where'd you get those bananas?" One of the officers shouted. Sun shrugged.
"Found 'em. It illegal to eat bananas around here or something?"
"GET BACK HERE!" The second cop shouted, waving his stun baton. Sun rolled his eyes and took to the streets, nimbly dodging around morning pedestrians.
Hey, he needed his morning run anyway.
- - -
The others continued to torment Jaune some more. Blake admitted that it was quite fun... But she had some questions for Schwartz. She waited until he was called away to the front desk, and slipped away soundlessly courtesy of a shadow clone. She slunk through the rows of coat racks, her keen eyes locked onto the tailor as he went up to the new customer. It was a redheaded human woman in her forties, wearing an elegant dress. She gave Schwartz a a haughty look. Schwartz happily greeted her with a small bow.
"Welcome, Madame Winchester. You're here for the order?"
"Yes," the red headed woman said stiffly, "I trust it is ready?"
The cold look in the woman's eyes made Blake grit her teeth. Schwartz smiled politely, and snapped his fingers.
"But of course, Madame! Uncle?"
Perrito bounded up happily, the middle aged man still tearing about like a puppy. He produced a black dress bag, and handed it to his nephew.
"Thank you Perrito," Schwartz said cheerfully, holding up the bag and unzipping it. "As you can see, it has been completely altered. A much more modern cut. It will allow your daughter to turn many heads."
"Not too many, I hope," Madame Winchester sniffed, "She gets around too much as it is."
Still, she wore an approving expression as she looked the dress over.
"Ah yes, I know that feeling," Schwartz sighed, "My eldest is at Valean Medical College. Always off to some party, not doing enough studying..." He shook his head. "Children, eh?"
Madame Winchester's cold expression warmed slightly, as she nodded.
"Yes. They're always a handful," she admitted, "My youngest son, Cardin, just started at Beacon."
"Ah! How is he finding his armor?" Schwartz asked, heading to the front desk to ring up the order as Perrito followed at his heel. Madame Winchester shook her head.
"He hasn't talked to us much," she admitted, "I imagine it's because he wants to be more independent."
"He's away from home for the first time, it makes sense," Perrito said with a nod, panting happily, "Lots of teenagers want their space in that way! Doesn't mean he doesn't love you still, just wants to feel like a man."
Madame Winchester nodded indulgently.
"I suppose no news is good news." She gave Schwartz a glare. "You're quite sure his armor is up to standard?"
"Beyond standard, Madame," Schwartz chuckled, "It's the only way to keep my customer base. Your card?"
The woman handed over her card, and Schwartz ran it.
"I tested it myself," Schwartz said, "Opal is very enthusiastic when I do that."
"She was SUPER enthusiastic," Perrito chuckled, "She used a rocket launcher! My wife never uses a rocket launcher on me!"
"Indeed?" Winchester asked, her eyebrow raised. Schwartz nodded, wincing a bit.
"Only the best for our customers... And my wife is the best at rocket launchers!"
"Isn't that dangerous?"
"Only for amateurs," Schwartz said smoothly.
He handed her the receipt, which she took gratefully.
"Thank you," she said. She took the dress bag.
"You know, you could just have the dress delivered, Madame," Schwartz pointed out, as she turned to leave.
Madame Winchester nodded slowly.
"I could... But I prefer to do things the old fashioned way." She gave him a thin smile. "Makes me feel like I actually did something for my children."
"You always do something for them," Perrito insisted. Her smile widened, just a bit.
"I'd... Like to think so," she said. She headed out, the bell over the door ringing softly at her exit. The old door swing shut, and Blake watched Madame Winchester walk out to a waiting limousine.
"You do know what they say about curiosity and the cat, yes?" Schwartz asked, looking right at Blake with a raised brow. Blake emerged from the clothing rack with a slight scowl.
"You... Do know what the Winchesters did to Faunus during the Revolution, right?" She asked with soft, cold anger. "You know what the Schnee Dust Company does to us?
"Of course," Schwartz said, "I'm not an idiot."
"Then... Then how could you kotow to them?" Blake demanded. "How could you do business with them?!"
Schwartz chuckled, shaking his head sadly.
"My dear Miss Blake Belladonna! White Fang does not have the monopoly on Faunus," he stated, as Blake stiffened, "I do not call your father my king, nor Sienna my queen. And if you think you can guilt me into joining your band of terrorists-"
"I-I'm not White Fang anymore," Blake mumbled, looking away. Perrito grinned, and loped up to her with a bright smile.
"That's good! White Fang are really mean," he said, "I mean... I wanna assume the best of people, because how could I not with the wonderful world we live in? But they're super mean. If you left, then that means you're not mean!"
Not mean...?
"I..." Blake shook her head. "I just don't..."
"Listen, Miss Belladonna," Schwartz said, not unkindly, "I didn't do any business with the SDC. I didn't make my money off the backs of enslaved Faunus: I made a dress for their young heiress, who, to the best of my knowledge, has done nothing wrong to Faunus, nor anyone else. Madame Winchester's parents did fight in the Revolution... And so did my father. But! We didn't. My skill shows, I have good connections, and so she comes to me for her needs and is civil."
"But not everyone is," Blake insisted. Schwartz nodded.
"No. Not everyone. But if you want the world to be fair to everyone, you're asking for the impossible," he said with a shrug. "I do good business, and I have good customers and bad. I provide for my family, and have good neighbors. I consider myself blessed-"
"And what about all the Faunus who aren't?" Blake challenged him. Schwartz sighed.
"Again... All I can do, is what I can do," he explained, spreading his hands out, "Do you consider me a traitor for simply living my life as best I can?"
"I..." Blake looked aside. Schwartz finally came out from around the counter, and rested a hand on her shoulder.
"Listen, Miss Belladonna," he said, "In the beginning, White Fang did do good things. I'm not disputing that... But now, they're not about equality. They're about supremacy. We're tearing each other apart so much as though the Grimm aren't standing outside the walls waiting to devour all of us. Faunus and human. I'm no revolutionary, I'm no leader, I'm no great man. I just do what I can."
"I... I see," Blake mumbled. He chuckled.
"Be that as it may... If you need a safe place to come, or a friendly ear? Well... No charge. It would be a fitting tribute to my father."
Blake nodded. Perrito beamed at her.
"Aw... Someone's feeling unhappy... Hey! You know what cheers me up?" He held up a rubber ball. "Nephew?"
"Of course Uncle," Schwartz chuckled. He tossed the ball, and Perrito ran after it. He caught it in his hands, and put it in his mouth to chew on. He trotted back happily, and dropped the ball in Schwartz's hand. The cat man smiled as his Uncle panted happily.
"Again, Uncle?"
"Yes please!" Perrito cried.
Schwartz threw the ball, and Perrito chased after it. He glanced over at Blake, who wore a look halfway between disgust and horrified amusement.
"Hey, it keeps him happy," Schwartz said with a smile, "And my uncle deserves to be happy."
"Doesn't he care about how he looks?" Blake muttered.
"Of course not! Which is one reason I love him," Schwartz admitted.
"I love you too, Schwartz!" Perrito cheered, going for another thrown ball. It bounced off the window of the front door, and Perrito caught it happily. The door swung open, the bell ringing loudly as another customer entered. Schwartz's eyes narrowed, as Blake looked at the newcomers in confusion and suspicion.
Perrito looked up, panting happily.
"Hello, new people!" He said cheerfully, "How can we help you be happy today?"
- - -
Jaune shook his head.
"No," he stated, "Absolutely NOT. I'm not modeling underwear!"
"But Jaunnne," Nora whined, holding up a leather Speedo, "Come on! I wanna see how it'll look on Renny! You're the same size! In most ways!"
"No! Never! Nuh uh!" Jaune shook his head.
"Come on, Arc," Weiss stated.
"I..." Jaune scowled, and took the underwear. "It won't even fit! It's too... Uh..."
"Snug?" Nora asked bluntly.
Pyrrha fainted again, her face a wide, happy grin. Yang was giggling like a schoolgirl, as Ruby blushed and looked everywhere but at Jaune. Weiss too was flushed, but still kept up her evil grin.
"Come on Arc! Put on a show! You can't be an arbitrary exhibitionist!"
"I'm not an exhibitionist-!"
"Jauney, my boy!"
Jaune looked up, his eyes widening in shock. A blond, long nosed man in a charcoal suit, with glasses and a goatee, walked right up to him and hugged him tightly. A very familiar man.
Roman Torchwick?!
"It's so good to see you again," he laughed, patting Jaune on the back, "Surely you remember your old Uncle Alex?"
"Uncle Alex?" Ruby muttered, staring intently at the man. Schwartz and Blake stepped up behind her. Schwartz was smiling, but far more tensely, while Blake's eyes were narrowed in suspicion. Perrito was in the front of the shop, amusing himself by tossing a red rubber ball and chasing it.
Jaune cleared his throat.
"I uh-URK!"
Jaune looked over his shoulder. Yup, a familiar (if differently colored) young woman was clinging to his back with a bright, cheerful smile.
"And you remember little Mint, of course," Roman Torchwick laughed, "Been a while, huh?"
"It-It sure has," Jaune said weakly.
"Well, since we're here," 'Alex' chuckled, slapping Jaune on the back with an ominous glint in his eyes, "Why don't we catch up? We've got a lot to talk about..."
"We do?"
Neo tightened her grip on his shoulders. Jaune nodded quickly.
"Oh yeah! We-We sure do!"
"Wait! Wait! Stop everything, the main attraction has arrived!"
Even Ren's eyes widened a bit as a truly gorgeous white cat Faunus woman dressed in white emerged from the backroom. In her arms was a box filled with green cloth and white armor. She flung her white hair back with a winning smile, her blue eyes locking onto Schwartz with a truly loving expression.
"Hello Darling," she crooned. Schwartz chuckled, and approached her.
"Cara mia," he growled, taking her free arm and kissing up it to her neck. "You look even more ravishing every time I see you~!"
"Oh stop," she giggled, planting a kiss on his lips that made Schwartz growl again, "Not in front of customers~!"
"But my love," Schwartz whined. At her look, he sighed.
"Very well," he stated. He turned back to the assembled group, and took the box from his wife. "Allow me to introduce my wonderful wife and partner, Opal. The heart of my life, the gem of my universe."
Opal giggled again, and squeaked as Schwartz slapped her posterior. She pouted at him.
"You're going to pay for that, my love~," she crooned.
"Gods, I hope so," Schwartz chuckled. They nuzzled one another eagerly.
"Ahem," 'Alex' cleared his throat, "Please, there are children about."
"Good, maybe they can learn something," Opal simpered.
"W-We don't mind!" Pyrrha murmured, glancing away from the happy couple and back to Jaune with an eager smile.
"S-So shameless," Weiss muttered, covering up Ruby's eyes.
"Hey! Quit it, Weiss!"
"Yang, protect your little sister!" Weiss protested.
Yang chuckled.
"Hey, I'm not gonna tell them they can't express their love. They seemed suited for eachother!"
Blake flushed and muttered something about her parents. Neo continued to play with Jaune's hair.
"That could be us," Nora sighed happily, cuddling up to Ren.
"We're not cat Faunus," Ren deadpanned. Nora just scowled.
Jaune for his part took it in stride-He'd had to put up with his seven sisters and their romances, after all.
"That my gear?" Jaune asked. Opal beamed, as Schwartz handed it over.
"Of course! Go on, change!"
"I will," Jaune said. He looked up at 'Mint'. She pouted at him. "Come on Mint, off."
"If you need someone with you in the changing room," Pyrrha volunteered, "I'd be happy to-"
"No Pyrrha, no one but me will be in the changing room. Get going, Mint."
Mint pouted, poked him hard in his neck (which made him wince), then hopped off to sit on a table and leer at him.
Jaune sighed, and trudged back into the changing room. That he hadn't just fallen into utter apathy over this entire ridiculous fiasco was probably a testament to his will or something.
He emerged a few moments later, adjusting his modified bracers.
He stepped onto the platform in front of the mirror, and looked himself over.
His cloak was the same, but it had been heavily cleaned and modified-The hood was lined with white fur, as was the hem. White markings had been drawn into the fabric, all very geometric.
He now had abdominal armor plating that slotted neatly into the older stuff, though it had yellow borders around the plates where they connected to the undervest. His pauldrons were similarly attached, and fit well on his shoulders. His old hoodie laid in the box he'd left in the changing stall, a new, plain black hoodie taking its place as an underlayer for his armor. There was some light fur lining around his neck, too.
His bracers were now proper gauntlets, and he had full leather gloves underneath them with fur lining. Gold piping outlined the plates here, too.
A clean pair of gray combat pants and midnight blue combat boots covered his legs and lower body, with similarly upgraded knee and shin guards. Fur lined the tops of his boots, as well.
His sword and shield were no different, though they definitely had gone through a full cleaning and maintenance cycle. He had gotten a scabbard for Crocea Mors though, attached to his double belt along with his various pouches and bags.
He turned back to his audience.
"Well?" He asked.
"Oh... Wow," Ruby murmured, "That's the new Mistralian Haventech Armor Upgrade Kit?"
"The same," Opal said cheerfully, brushing back her neatly coiffed hair, "Designed to slot into older armor systems and be easily welded together without losing any strength or Aura compatibility. It may feel a bit odd for a few days but it will soon feel natural."
"And the Dust slots?" Ruby pressed.
"Interchangeable," Opal said, "He seems like he prefers close range battle, so may as well keep it simple. But there's always room for upgrades. There's a new kit from Atlas for swords-It would allow for a Dust Augment upgrade to allow for elemental damage. With his strong Aura, there's a lot of possibilities."
"... Can I live here with you?" Ruby asked, eyes shining.
Opal chuckled and patted her head.
"Don't you have school at Beacon?"
"Oh, right," Ruby grumbled. Her eyes lit back up as she looked over Jaune again. "Worth it... But I'd love to hang out here and talk shop!"
"Of course!" Opal said happily, "It's nice to meet a Huntress interested in such things! You've got a good head on your shoulders!"
"Well, glad you approve, Ruby," Jaune chuckled, as Ruby blushed, "Anyone else?"
"Not too shabby, Crybaby," Yang chuckled with a wink, "I think you'll look just fine for our date tonight~."
"In full combat gear?" Jaune asked. Yang grinned wider.
"Wouldn't be any fun otherwise, huh? As long as you can dance in that."
"I can dance in anything," Jaune said firmly.
"I guess we'll see if you can walk the talk," Yang chuckled.
Jaune turned to Nora and Ren. Nora beamed and gave a thumbs up.
"Nice! I'm glad you're sticking with green and white! It's the perfect color combo! Right Ren?"
"Indeed," Ren observed dryly. Jaune turned to Pyrrha.
"So, partner, how do I look?"
Pyrrha blushed and licked her lips.
"Like a barbarian warrior who's going to pin me down and-"
"OKAY, glad you approve," Jaune stated firmly, as Pyrrha flushed and looked down at the floor. "Seriously, you gotta get a handle on that or you'll faint in a fight."
"I absolutely wouldn't!" Pyrrha insisted. "Not with my barbarian knight alongside me!"
"Can that be your new nickname?" Yang asked with a grin.
"No, no, we are not doing that," Jaune stated firmly. "Alex" hummed.
"Eh... I think you'd look better in white and black. The green thing's a little..." He tilted his hand in a 'so-so' manner.
"They are the king and queen of colors, but they require contrast to be at their best," Schwartz said with a smile, "And I never make mistakes."
"My wonderful man," Opal cooed.
Jaune glanced at Neo, who grinned and mimed stabbing.
"No, you don't get to test his armor until later, sweetie," 'Alex' stated firmly. 'Mint' pouted.
"You know, you look really familiar," Ruby said, eyes narrowed, "Have we met before?"
"Ah, I just have one of those faces," 'Alex' said with a gentle shrug.
"Yeah but you look nothing like Jaune," Ruby pressed.
"He's just a family friend," Jaune said quickly, as he saw Neo looking at Ruby with violence in her eyes, "Really Ruby, Uncle Alex and I go way back."
"If you're sure," Ruby murmured, before returning to Opal to talk more shop. Jaune winced-He really did hate lying to her.
"Looks acceptable," Blake opined, still looking at 'Alex' and 'Mint' suspiciously.
"Thanks Blake, that helps," Jaune snarked.
Blake slowly turned her eyes onto him.
"It reminds me of the title character from Ascension of the Shield Sage, a man who has to fight in an unknown fantasy world with the deck stacked against him, and only his harem of warrior wives to aid him-"
"Okay, I get it, thank you," Jaune stated quickly, as Pyrrha eyed Blake in speculation.
Well, maybe if she gets into porn she'll calm down a little, he thought.
Jaune at last turned to Weiss, and shrugged.
Weiss hummed thoughtfully.
"Well, at least you don't look like you rolled out of a dumpster," Weiss stated with an approving nod, "You'd better appreciate the Atlesian fox fur!"
"I'm amazed you can afford this and all the other outfits," Jaune deadpanned. Weiss laughed, and Jaune narrowed his eyes. "What?"
"Oh Arc, you simple minded ruffian! I'm only paying for your upgraded outfit! Maybe a few odds and ends, like Pyrrha's suit choice, but that's it."
Jaune's jaw dropped.
"Wait... I'm not getting all the other outfits?!"
"Of course not!" Weiss huffed, "I'm not made of money!"
"Then this entire show was just to make me suffer?"
Weiss beamed.
"And for our entertainment. I'd say it was well worth it, right ladies?"
Much laughter and blushing ensued. Ren smirked very slightly.
"I hate you all, and I'm only going to be a good leader and keep you all alive because I'll get a bad grade otherwise!" Jaune growled. "I hope you know that!"
Ruby hugged him tightly and nuzzled his chest.
"We love you too, Jaune!"
Jaune sighed and patted her on the head... Before 'Mint' elbowed her out of the way.
"HEY!" Ruby squawked. 'Alex' strode forward, and placed a firm hand on Jaune's shoulder.
"How about I settle up this account, eh Miss Schnee? Least I can do for my nephew," 'Alex' said kindly.
Weiss glared at him, then calmly held out her lien card. Schwartz took it gracefully.
"Uncle? Can you take care of this?" He asked.
Perrito hopped up and took it with an eager smile.
"Sure thing, Schwartz! Hey Opal! You look great!"
"Aw, you told me that before!" Opal giggled.
"Well you always look great!" Perrito said happily, bouncing off to the register.
Schwartz smiled at 'Alex', the tension between the two men nearly palpable.
"Your money's no good here, Mister Alex," Schwartz said. "You should know that. Are we going to have trouble?"
"No trouble, no trouble," 'Alex' said with a smile, "Come on, Schwartz, Opal! We go way back, don't we?"
"Too far back," Opal stated with a sniff.
"He's my beloved nephew, I ain't gonna rough him up," 'Alex' chuckled. "Just want to spend some time with him. Alone."
"Jaune," Pyrrha began, but Jaune shook his head and smiled.
"It's all right guys, really. Go have fun, you've earned it," he said. Schwartz and Opal calmed a bit, but still look wary.
Jaune looked at Yang.
"So... Pick you up at 6?"
"Sounds good," Yang smiled. She walked up, and elbowed 'Mint' out of the way to hug Jaune tightly. "Don't be late, hm?"
They could feel the air crackle with magnetic power as Yang planted a kiss on Jaune's cheek, and heat up from 'Mint's' glare.
"Wouldn't dream of it," Jaune said, laughing uncomfortably, as Mint tightened her grip on his arm.
"We'll head out too, then," Weiss said, "It is our first day in Vale in a while, after all! Come on ladies. Good bye, Arc."
She smirked devilishly.
"Until next we need a male model."
"Ren should go next," Jaune said quickly, "Why should I get to have all the fun?"
"I-" Ren protested, before Nora cheered.
"THAT'S A GREAT IDEA! I wanna see you in black, in white, in pink, in naked...!"
Ren gave Jaune a look. Despite how hard Neo's fingers dug into his arm, Jaune managed a smirk and shrug.
"Fair is fair, bro."
"I suppose so," Ren sighed, closing his eyes as he felt the gazes of many interested females.
Please buddy, Jaune mentally snorted, as Roman and Neo led him towards the exit, You are getting the better deal. Trust me...
- - -
Sun checked his map of the city. He looked down from the top of a warehouse near the docks. Dock workers of every kind busily went about their business, moving freight, hauling cargo, loading and unloading. The cry of gulls filled the morning air as the last of the fog vanished thanks to the rays of the risen sun.
The golden monkey faunus sighed heavily.
"I am so lost..."
He dropped down, easily sliding to the pavement via the fire escape before backflipping off to land near a few open crates of bananas.
"Damn, and I had to skip breakfast," he muttered. He looked around... Then knocked a bunch off one of the piles. It fell for the ground. Sun grabbed it just before it hit and began eating happily. "Mmph... Well... Waste not, want not..."
"Hey, kid!"
Sun glanced over at two dock workers. He held up his hands, using his tail to hold the bananas behind his back. He gave them his most charming, idiotic pretty boy smile.
"Yo! Hey, sorry about startling you! I'm a little lost. Can you tell me where to find...?"
One of the dockworkers, a Faunus, opened his coat and revealed a pistol.
"You can find the exit, right now," he growled, pointing behind Sun, "Beat it, kid."
Sun's eyes narrowed a bit as he spotted something poking out of the man's pocket. A mask...
Shit. White Fang's around here, huh? Yeah, I'll leave you to that, assholes...
"I'm going, I'm going," Sun sighed theatrically. He let go of the banana bunch, spun around, and caught it in his hands as he began to run. He ate the bananas as quick as he could. Unfortunately, he ran past a few cops who were patrolling just outside the dock gates.
"HEY! Kid! Where'd you get those bananas?" One of the officers shouted. Sun shrugged.
"Found 'em. It illegal to eat bananas around here or something?"
"GET BACK HERE!" The second cop shouted, waving his stun baton. Sun rolled his eyes and took to the streets, nimbly dodging around morning pedestrians.
Hey, he needed his morning run anyway.
- - -
The others continued to torment Jaune some more. Blake admitted that it was quite fun... But she had some questions for Schwartz. She waited until he was called away to the front desk, and slipped away soundlessly courtesy of a shadow clone. She slunk through the rows of coat racks, her keen eyes locked onto the tailor as he went up to the new customer. It was a redheaded human woman in her forties, wearing an elegant dress. She gave Schwartz a a haughty look. Schwartz happily greeted her with a small bow.
"Welcome, Madame Winchester. You're here for the order?"
"Yes," the red headed woman said stiffly, "I trust it is ready?"
The cold look in the woman's eyes made Blake grit her teeth. Schwartz smiled politely, and snapped his fingers.
"But of course, Madame! Uncle?"
Perrito bounded up happily, the middle aged man still tearing about like a puppy. He produced a black dress bag, and handed it to his nephew.
"Thank you Perrito," Schwartz said cheerfully, holding up the bag and unzipping it. "As you can see, it has been completely altered. A much more modern cut. It will allow your daughter to turn many heads."
"Not too many, I hope," Madame Winchester sniffed, "She gets around too much as it is."
Still, she wore an approving expression as she looked the dress over.
"Ah yes, I know that feeling," Schwartz sighed, "My eldest is at Valean Medical College. Always off to some party, not doing enough studying..." He shook his head. "Children, eh?"
Madame Winchester's cold expression warmed slightly, as she nodded.
"Yes. They're always a handful," she admitted, "My youngest son, Cardin, just started at Beacon."
"Ah! How is he finding his armor?" Schwartz asked, heading to the front desk to ring up the order as Perrito followed at his heel. Madame Winchester shook her head.
"He hasn't talked to us much," she admitted, "I imagine it's because he wants to be more independent."
"He's away from home for the first time, it makes sense," Perrito said with a nod, panting happily, "Lots of teenagers want their space in that way! Doesn't mean he doesn't love you still, just wants to feel like a man."
Madame Winchester nodded indulgently.
"I suppose no news is good news." She gave Schwartz a glare. "You're quite sure his armor is up to standard?"
"Beyond standard, Madame," Schwartz chuckled, "It's the only way to keep my customer base. Your card?"
The woman handed over her card, and Schwartz ran it.
"I tested it myself," Schwartz said, "Opal is very enthusiastic when I do that."
"She was SUPER enthusiastic," Perrito chuckled, "She used a rocket launcher! My wife never uses a rocket launcher on me!"
"Indeed?" Winchester asked, her eyebrow raised. Schwartz nodded, wincing a bit.
"Only the best for our customers... And my wife is the best at rocket launchers!"
"Isn't that dangerous?"
"Only for amateurs," Schwartz said smoothly.
He handed her the receipt, which she took gratefully.
"Thank you," she said. She took the dress bag.
"You know, you could just have the dress delivered, Madame," Schwartz pointed out, as she turned to leave.
Madame Winchester nodded slowly.
"I could... But I prefer to do things the old fashioned way." She gave him a thin smile. "Makes me feel like I actually did something for my children."
"You always do something for them," Perrito insisted. Her smile widened, just a bit.
"I'd... Like to think so," she said. She headed out, the bell over the door ringing softly at her exit. The old door swing shut, and Blake watched Madame Winchester walk out to a waiting limousine.
"You do know what they say about curiosity and the cat, yes?" Schwartz asked, looking right at Blake with a raised brow. Blake emerged from the clothing rack with a slight scowl.
"You... Do know what the Winchesters did to Faunus during the Revolution, right?" She asked with soft, cold anger. "You know what the Schnee Dust Company does to us?
"Of course," Schwartz said, "I'm not an idiot."
"Then... Then how could you kotow to them?" Blake demanded. "How could you do business with them?!"
Schwartz chuckled, shaking his head sadly.
"My dear Miss Blake Belladonna! White Fang does not have the monopoly on Faunus," he stated, as Blake stiffened, "I do not call your father my king, nor Sienna my queen. And if you think you can guilt me into joining your band of terrorists-"
"I-I'm not White Fang anymore," Blake mumbled, looking away. Perrito grinned, and loped up to her with a bright smile.
"That's good! White Fang are really mean," he said, "I mean... I wanna assume the best of people, because how could I not with the wonderful world we live in? But they're super mean. If you left, then that means you're not mean!"
Not mean...?
"I..." Blake shook her head. "I just don't..."
"Listen, Miss Belladonna," Schwartz said, not unkindly, "I didn't do any business with the SDC. I didn't make my money off the backs of enslaved Faunus: I made a dress for their young heiress, who, to the best of my knowledge, has done nothing wrong to Faunus, nor anyone else. Madame Winchester's parents did fight in the Revolution... And so did my father. But! We didn't. My skill shows, I have good connections, and so she comes to me for her needs and is civil."
"But not everyone is," Blake insisted. Schwartz nodded.
"No. Not everyone. But if you want the world to be fair to everyone, you're asking for the impossible," he said with a shrug. "I do good business, and I have good customers and bad. I provide for my family, and have good neighbors. I consider myself blessed-"
"And what about all the Faunus who aren't?" Blake challenged him. Schwartz sighed.
"Again... All I can do, is what I can do," he explained, spreading his hands out, "Do you consider me a traitor for simply living my life as best I can?"
"I..." Blake looked aside. Schwartz finally came out from around the counter, and rested a hand on her shoulder.
"Listen, Miss Belladonna," he said, "In the beginning, White Fang did do good things. I'm not disputing that... But now, they're not about equality. They're about supremacy. We're tearing each other apart so much as though the Grimm aren't standing outside the walls waiting to devour all of us. Faunus and human. I'm no revolutionary, I'm no leader, I'm no great man. I just do what I can."
"I... I see," Blake mumbled. He chuckled.
"Be that as it may... If you need a safe place to come, or a friendly ear? Well... No charge. It would be a fitting tribute to my father."
Blake nodded. Perrito beamed at her.
"Aw... Someone's feeling unhappy... Hey! You know what cheers me up?" He held up a rubber ball. "Nephew?"
"Of course Uncle," Schwartz chuckled. He tossed the ball, and Perrito ran after it. He caught it in his hands, and put it in his mouth to chew on. He trotted back happily, and dropped the ball in Schwartz's hand. The cat man smiled as his Uncle panted happily.
"Again, Uncle?"
"Yes please!" Perrito cried.
Schwartz threw the ball, and Perrito chased after it. He glanced over at Blake, who wore a look halfway between disgust and horrified amusement.
"Hey, it keeps him happy," Schwartz said with a smile, "And my uncle deserves to be happy."
"Doesn't he care about how he looks?" Blake muttered.
"Of course not! Which is one reason I love him," Schwartz admitted.
"I love you too, Schwartz!" Perrito cheered, going for another thrown ball. It bounced off the window of the front door, and Perrito caught it happily. The door swung open, the bell ringing loudly as another customer entered. Schwartz's eyes narrowed, as Blake looked at the newcomers in confusion and suspicion.
Perrito looked up, panting happily.
"Hello, new people!" He said cheerfully, "How can we help you be happy today?"
- - -
Jaune shook his head.
"No," he stated, "Absolutely NOT. I'm not modeling underwear!"
"But Jaunnne," Nora whined, holding up a leather Speedo, "Come on! I wanna see how it'll look on Renny! You're the same size! In most ways!"
"No! Never! Nuh uh!" Jaune shook his head.
"Come on, Arc," Weiss stated.
"I..." Jaune scowled, and took the underwear. "It won't even fit! It's too... Uh..."
"Snug?" Nora asked bluntly.
Pyrrha fainted again, her face a wide, happy grin. Yang was giggling like a schoolgirl, as Ruby blushed and looked everywhere but at Jaune. Weiss too was flushed, but still kept up her evil grin.
"Come on Arc! Put on a show! You can't be an arbitrary exhibitionist!"
"I'm not an exhibitionist-!"
"Jauney, my boy!"
Jaune looked up, his eyes widening in shock. A blond, long nosed man in a charcoal suit, with glasses and a goatee, walked right up to him and hugged him tightly. A very familiar man.
Roman Torchwick?!
"It's so good to see you again," he laughed, patting Jaune on the back, "Surely you remember your old Uncle Alex?"
"Uncle Alex?" Ruby muttered, staring intently at the man. Schwartz and Blake stepped up behind her. Schwartz was smiling, but far more tensely, while Blake's eyes were narrowed in suspicion. Perrito was in the front of the shop, amusing himself by tossing a red rubber ball and chasing it.
Jaune cleared his throat.
"I uh-URK!"
Jaune looked over his shoulder. Yup, a familiar (if differently colored) young woman was clinging to his back with a bright, cheerful smile.
"And you remember little Mint, of course," Roman Torchwick laughed, "Been a while, huh?"
"It-It sure has," Jaune said weakly.
"Well, since we're here," 'Alex' chuckled, slapping Jaune on the back with an ominous glint in his eyes, "Why don't we catch up? We've got a lot to talk about..."
"We do?"
Neo tightened her grip on his shoulders. Jaune nodded quickly.
"Oh yeah! We-We sure do!"
"Wait! Wait! Stop everything, the main attraction has arrived!"
Even Ren's eyes widened a bit as a truly gorgeous white cat Faunus woman dressed in white emerged from the backroom. In her arms was a box filled with green cloth and white armor. She flung her white hair back with a winning smile, her blue eyes locking onto Schwartz with a truly loving expression.
"Hello Darling," she crooned. Schwartz chuckled, and approached her.
"Cara mia," he growled, taking her free arm and kissing up it to her neck. "You look even more ravishing every time I see you~!"
"Oh stop," she giggled, planting a kiss on his lips that made Schwartz growl again, "Not in front of customers~!"
"But my love," Schwartz whined. At her look, he sighed.
"Very well," he stated. He turned back to the assembled group, and took the box from his wife. "Allow me to introduce my wonderful wife and partner, Opal. The heart of my life, the gem of my universe."
Opal giggled again, and squeaked as Schwartz slapped her posterior. She pouted at him.
"You're going to pay for that, my love~," she crooned.
"Gods, I hope so," Schwartz chuckled. They nuzzled one another eagerly.
"Ahem," 'Alex' cleared his throat, "Please, there are children about."
"Good, maybe they can learn something," Opal simpered.
"W-We don't mind!" Pyrrha murmured, glancing away from the happy couple and back to Jaune with an eager smile.
"S-So shameless," Weiss muttered, covering up Ruby's eyes.
"Hey! Quit it, Weiss!"
"Yang, protect your little sister!" Weiss protested.
Yang chuckled.
"Hey, I'm not gonna tell them they can't express their love. They seemed suited for eachother!"
Blake flushed and muttered something about her parents. Neo continued to play with Jaune's hair.
"That could be us," Nora sighed happily, cuddling up to Ren.
"We're not cat Faunus," Ren deadpanned. Nora just scowled.
Jaune for his part took it in stride-He'd had to put up with his seven sisters and their romances, after all.
"That my gear?" Jaune asked. Opal beamed, as Schwartz handed it over.
"Of course! Go on, change!"
"I will," Jaune said. He looked up at 'Mint'. She pouted at him. "Come on Mint, off."
"If you need someone with you in the changing room," Pyrrha volunteered, "I'd be happy to-"
"No Pyrrha, no one but me will be in the changing room. Get going, Mint."
Mint pouted, poked him hard in his neck (which made him wince), then hopped off to sit on a table and leer at him.
Jaune sighed, and trudged back into the changing room. That he hadn't just fallen into utter apathy over this entire ridiculous fiasco was probably a testament to his will or something.
He emerged a few moments later, adjusting his modified bracers.
He stepped onto the platform in front of the mirror, and looked himself over.
His cloak was the same, but it had been heavily cleaned and modified-The hood was lined with white fur, as was the hem. White markings had been drawn into the fabric, all very geometric.
He now had abdominal armor plating that slotted neatly into the older stuff, though it had yellow borders around the plates where they connected to the undervest. His pauldrons were similarly attached, and fit well on his shoulders. His old hoodie laid in the box he'd left in the changing stall, a new, plain black hoodie taking its place as an underlayer for his armor. There was some light fur lining around his neck, too.
His bracers were now proper gauntlets, and he had full leather gloves underneath them with fur lining. Gold piping outlined the plates here, too.
A clean pair of gray combat pants and midnight blue combat boots covered his legs and lower body, with similarly upgraded knee and shin guards. Fur lined the tops of his boots, as well.
His sword and shield were no different, though they definitely had gone through a full cleaning and maintenance cycle. He had gotten a scabbard for Crocea Mors though, attached to his double belt along with his various pouches and bags.
He turned back to his audience.
"Well?" He asked.
"Oh... Wow," Ruby murmured, "That's the new Mistralian Haventech Armor Upgrade Kit?"
"The same," Opal said cheerfully, brushing back her neatly coiffed hair, "Designed to slot into older armor systems and be easily welded together without losing any strength or Aura compatibility. It may feel a bit odd for a few days but it will soon feel natural."
"And the Dust slots?" Ruby pressed.
"Interchangeable," Opal said, "He seems like he prefers close range battle, so may as well keep it simple. But there's always room for upgrades. There's a new kit from Atlas for swords-It would allow for a Dust Augment upgrade to allow for elemental damage. With his strong Aura, there's a lot of possibilities."
"... Can I live here with you?" Ruby asked, eyes shining.
Opal chuckled and patted her head.
"Don't you have school at Beacon?"
"Oh, right," Ruby grumbled. Her eyes lit back up as she looked over Jaune again. "Worth it... But I'd love to hang out here and talk shop!"
"Of course!" Opal said happily, "It's nice to meet a Huntress interested in such things! You've got a good head on your shoulders!"
"Well, glad you approve, Ruby," Jaune chuckled, as Ruby blushed, "Anyone else?"
"Not too shabby, Crybaby," Yang chuckled with a wink, "I think you'll look just fine for our date tonight~."
"In full combat gear?" Jaune asked. Yang grinned wider.
"Wouldn't be any fun otherwise, huh? As long as you can dance in that."
"I can dance in anything," Jaune said firmly.
"I guess we'll see if you can walk the talk," Yang chuckled.
Jaune turned to Nora and Ren. Nora beamed and gave a thumbs up.
"Nice! I'm glad you're sticking with green and white! It's the perfect color combo! Right Ren?"
"Indeed," Ren observed dryly. Jaune turned to Pyrrha.
"So, partner, how do I look?"
Pyrrha blushed and licked her lips.
"Like a barbarian warrior who's going to pin me down and-"
"OKAY, glad you approve," Jaune stated firmly, as Pyrrha flushed and looked down at the floor. "Seriously, you gotta get a handle on that or you'll faint in a fight."
"I absolutely wouldn't!" Pyrrha insisted. "Not with my barbarian knight alongside me!"
"Can that be your new nickname?" Yang asked with a grin.
"No, no, we are not doing that," Jaune stated firmly. "Alex" hummed.
"Eh... I think you'd look better in white and black. The green thing's a little..." He tilted his hand in a 'so-so' manner.
"They are the king and queen of colors, but they require contrast to be at their best," Schwartz said with a smile, "And I never make mistakes."
"My wonderful man," Opal cooed.
Jaune glanced at Neo, who grinned and mimed stabbing.
"No, you don't get to test his armor until later, sweetie," 'Alex' stated firmly. 'Mint' pouted.
"You know, you look really familiar," Ruby said, eyes narrowed, "Have we met before?"
"Ah, I just have one of those faces," 'Alex' said with a gentle shrug.
"Yeah but you look nothing like Jaune," Ruby pressed.
"He's just a family friend," Jaune said quickly, as he saw Neo looking at Ruby with violence in her eyes, "Really Ruby, Uncle Alex and I go way back."
"If you're sure," Ruby murmured, before returning to Opal to talk more shop. Jaune winced-He really did hate lying to her.
"Looks acceptable," Blake opined, still looking at 'Alex' and 'Mint' suspiciously.
"Thanks Blake, that helps," Jaune snarked.
Blake slowly turned her eyes onto him.
"It reminds me of the title character from Ascension of the Shield Sage, a man who has to fight in an unknown fantasy world with the deck stacked against him, and only his harem of warrior wives to aid him-"
"Okay, I get it, thank you," Jaune stated quickly, as Pyrrha eyed Blake in speculation.
Well, maybe if she gets into porn she'll calm down a little, he thought.
Jaune at last turned to Weiss, and shrugged.
Weiss hummed thoughtfully.
"Well, at least you don't look like you rolled out of a dumpster," Weiss stated with an approving nod, "You'd better appreciate the Atlesian fox fur!"
"I'm amazed you can afford this and all the other outfits," Jaune deadpanned. Weiss laughed, and Jaune narrowed his eyes. "What?"
"Oh Arc, you simple minded ruffian! I'm only paying for your upgraded outfit! Maybe a few odds and ends, like Pyrrha's suit choice, but that's it."
Jaune's jaw dropped.
"Wait... I'm not getting all the other outfits?!"
"Of course not!" Weiss huffed, "I'm not made of money!"
"Then this entire show was just to make me suffer?"
Weiss beamed.
"And for our entertainment. I'd say it was well worth it, right ladies?"
Much laughter and blushing ensued. Ren smirked very slightly.
"I hate you all, and I'm only going to be a good leader and keep you all alive because I'll get a bad grade otherwise!" Jaune growled. "I hope you know that!"
Ruby hugged him tightly and nuzzled his chest.
"We love you too, Jaune!"
Jaune sighed and patted her on the head... Before 'Mint' elbowed her out of the way.
"HEY!" Ruby squawked. 'Alex' strode forward, and placed a firm hand on Jaune's shoulder.
"How about I settle up this account, eh Miss Schnee? Least I can do for my nephew," 'Alex' said kindly.
Weiss glared at him, then calmly held out her lien card. Schwartz took it gracefully.
"Uncle? Can you take care of this?" He asked.
Perrito hopped up and took it with an eager smile.
"Sure thing, Schwartz! Hey Opal! You look great!"
"Aw, you told me that before!" Opal giggled.
"Well you always look great!" Perrito said happily, bouncing off to the register.
Schwartz smiled at 'Alex', the tension between the two men nearly palpable.
"Your money's no good here, Mister Alex," Schwartz said. "You should know that. Are we going to have trouble?"
"No trouble, no trouble," 'Alex' said with a smile, "Come on, Schwartz, Opal! We go way back, don't we?"
"Too far back," Opal stated with a sniff.
"He's my beloved nephew, I ain't gonna rough him up," 'Alex' chuckled. "Just want to spend some time with him. Alone."
"Jaune," Pyrrha began, but Jaune shook his head and smiled.
"It's all right guys, really. Go have fun, you've earned it," he said. Schwartz and Opal calmed a bit, but still look wary.
Jaune looked at Yang.
"So... Pick you up at 6?"
"Sounds good," Yang smiled. She walked up, and elbowed 'Mint' out of the way to hug Jaune tightly. "Don't be late, hm?"
They could feel the air crackle with magnetic power as Yang planted a kiss on Jaune's cheek, and heat up from 'Mint's' glare.
"Wouldn't dream of it," Jaune said, laughing uncomfortably, as Mint tightened her grip on his arm.
"We'll head out too, then," Weiss said, "It is our first day in Vale in a while, after all! Come on ladies. Good bye, Arc."
She smirked devilishly.
"Until next we need a male model."
"Ren should go next," Jaune said quickly, "Why should I get to have all the fun?"
"I-" Ren protested, before Nora cheered.
"THAT'S A GREAT IDEA! I wanna see you in black, in white, in pink, in naked...!"
Ren gave Jaune a look. Despite how hard Neo's fingers dug into his arm, Jaune managed a smirk and shrug.
"Fair is fair, bro."
"I suppose so," Ren sighed, closing his eyes as he felt the gazes of many interested females.
Please buddy, Jaune mentally snorted, as Roman and Neo led him towards the exit, You are getting the better deal. Trust me...
- - -