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Meh, the only thing I'd change about my appearance is the size of my teeth - they're too large for my mouth and so they grew in crooked.
But teeth size-customization isn't normally a part of a Fallout's character creation, so it slipped his mind.
Why would I want to suck on the tit of a stranger who doesn't know what I'm getting out of the experience?
Seriously, consent and mutual understanding are great aphrodisiacs'.
You're a strange man.
What's with this reaction? He's grown ass man and this is a book. I don't understand what's going on in his head. Is he retarded? Had he gone crazy?
He's elated that he's found something of his old world, something that was forcibly ripped away from him some months ago. It was a small comfort he received since coming to a new, alien world with a culture that he barely understood as a result of immense trauma, hence the exaggerated emotional response.
Int I can kinda sorta get. It'll allow him to learn faster. But luck? Without being certain what it does, relying on something that is by definition unreliable? With the justification that it'll help him survive? His decisions make less sense the further I read.
You've never played Fallout, huh?
Well, I can't fault you for ignorance, I suppose.
It's been explained already, so I'll just move on to the next point.
I was under the impression that Killing Intent could in fact be strong enough to induce suicide. However, it doesn't say anything about it on the wiki page. My handwave for this inconsistency is that if anyone could do it, it'd be special demon chakra from the nine tails.
This doesn't make him retarded, but the tone of your critique does make you look like a turd.
It was actually meant that way as a jab at min-maxing character builds. Specifically, one that I believe is fairly common in the Fallout community - dump the useless stat (charisma) and pump the best stats in the game (Int and Luck). Seriously, there is no reason to ever max CHA.
Playing it straight is meant as a Deconstruction, though I wound up pulling a Decon-Recon switch as we wound up progressing through the fic.
I'm already two of those. Buff falls under STR and END so that could be fixed with those.
(of course, you are free to disagree, but if I'm satisfied with my appearance, why would I change it?)
Charisma is very rarely used for checks of any sort and because you can save and reload your game, you can prepare for these moments. There's a variety of items that boost specific stats in the game and they all stack if they have different names. So you can walk around with a relatively high charisma from your gear and get even more from consumable items.
To my knowledge there are no Charisma checks like that in New Vegas, the game he played where this type of check was stadardized.