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[X]-Okay you have a Hyuuga, and you even have permission to have that Hyuuga now - clearly, there's no longer anything else stopping your nefarious plans.
-[X]-Explain to Saki how you're trying to steal-no not that, copy in a neighborly fashion, that sounds better - you're trying to do that, to a sealless, seemingly Kai-proof genjutsu that you'll magnanimously let Saki also learn for helping you out.
--[X]-In the process of explaining, attempt to resist the urge to cackle at your genius. Fail to resist urge, because dang this is such a great idea.
---[X]-While Gai-stalking (and Gai-baiting if he doesn't pose without any input from you), pass the time with some smalltalk - you guess you could get to know Saki better, and you are kind of curious why the guy isn't like, the Hyuuga's favorite non-clan member. They love melee, he loves melee - seems like a match made in heaven, so what gives?
[X]-Okay you have a Hyuuga, and you even have permission to have that Hyuuga now - clearly, there's no longer anything else stopping your nefarious plans.
-[X]-Explain to Saki how you're trying to steal-no not that, copy in a neighborly fashion, that sounds better - you're trying to do that, to a sealless, seemingly Kai-proof genjutsu that you'll magnanimously let Saki also learn for helping you out.
--[X]-In the process of explaining, attempt to resist the urge to cackle at your genius. Fail to resist urge, because dang this is such a great idea.
---[X]-While Gai-stalking (and Gai-baiting if he doesn't pose without any input from you), pass the time with some smalltalk - you guess you could get to know Saki better, and you are kind of curious why the guy isn't like, the Hyuuga's favorite non-clan member. They love melee, he loves melee - seems like a match made in heaven, so what gives?
----[X] afterwords buy Saki Dinner for her help.
heh adorable, sooooooooooooo Hyuuga harem plan anyone? :D

Well Mio needs a Cloud nun to talk about fate and gravity on the bed but as long as we can get one I suport the Hyuga harem plan.

[X]-Okay you have a Hyuuga, and you even have permission to have that Hyuuga now - clearly, there's no longer anything else stopping your nefarious plans.
-[X]-Explain to Saki how you're trying to steal-no not that, copy in a neighborly fashion, that sounds better - you're trying to do that, to a sealless, seemingly Kai-proof genjutsu that you'll magnanimously let Saki also learn for helping you out.
--[X]-In the process of explaining, attempt to resist the urge to cackle at your genius. Fail to resist urge, because dang this is such a great idea.
---[X]-While Gai-stalking (and Gai-baiting if he doesn't pose without any input from you), pass the time with some smalltalk - you guess you could get to know Saki better, and you are kind of curious why the guy isn't like, the Hyuuga's favorite non-clan member. They love melee, he loves melee - seems like a match made in heaven, so what gives?
chat and track
"Put me down already..." Saki whines, wriggling around on your shoulder. "People are watching you clown around!"

"Excellent!" you shoot back. "It is only right and proper that I, Mio, be the center of attention!"

"Are you crazy?"

It's such a ridiculous question that you don't even bother to answer. You do toss Saki down on a bench, though, and she groans quietly.

"So, you're going to help me with a thing." you begin, simply. "I need you to take a look at Jounin Maito Gai."

"Wha... from here?" Saki babbles. "Even leaving aside that, that that's spying on a Jounin, I can't!"

"Sure you can." you press.

"No, not won't, I can't!" Saki insists again. "I'm, I'm not super-skilled or talented or highly trained! I'm Branch House. I'm not even a part of the Branch that's, that's set to guard the homestead, or scout, or anything. I'm in the academy because, because that's expected of all Branch Hyuuga, but I'm the kind of branch member that's going to be a housekeeper or cook after the academy!"

"Huh... not what I'd go for, but I guess if that's what you want to do with your life." you note, dubiously.

"Wanting doesn't have anything to do with it!"

"Whatever, whatever you say." you continue, brushing her insistence off like water off a duck's wings. "So, you've got the Byakugan, but you can't... it's a matter of accuracy, or distance?"

Saki's hands come up to cover her mouth, like she's horrified at letting slip that not all Hyuuga can see for miles.

Which is kind of disappointing, but there's always variables in ability to account for.

"How close are we going to need to be, here?" you ask.

"I don't want to spy on a Jounin!" she insists.

"... Close enough that he's going to know you're there, huh." you muse aloud, and a frustrated flush crawls across her face.

"T... Twenty meters." She finally hisses, softly.

... Well, that's not so good. You point at a billboard way down the street.

"What's that say?" you ask.

"I'm not blind outside of that!" she huffs back at you.

That's just how far her Byakugan works, huh?

It's not like she's even crippled in terms of how the clan stuff works. For all that you hear about Hyuuga vision stretching for miles, few of them make much use of that. The famous ones are all known for their Taijutsu. Extremely short-range combat, to the point where all that's absolutely relevant is within a meter or so of the furthest reach of your arm.

"Hm... so we're going to have to get inside of twenty meters." you muse aloud, rubbing your chin.

"Are you crazy?" she repeats herself.

"We're going to have you look at what Gai is doing when he pulls out that sunset-vista trick of his. I'm really interested in it!" you say, not answering her question again. "Doesn't do much, but it's a sealless genjutsu that doesn't release properly... as far as I can tell. Wahaha! The fun I can have with that..."

"I'm a Hyuuga, Genjutsu isn't my thing..." Saki complains again.

"No, that's Taijutsu you're famous for." you agree. "Huh, you guys should love Gai, I'd think. He loves brawling, you love brawling-"

"You know nothing of Taijutsu at all if you can equate the elegant and sophisticated precise nature of Jyuuken with, with the coarse and unrefined approach of Jounin Maito Gai's full-force 'just punch harder' style." Saki snaps.

Whoo, looks like you finally touched a hot button. The grin slowly crawls across your face.

"... I'm not doing it." Saki says, frowning at you.

"Oh, come on. It'll be fun." you cajole.

"It will be a breach of trust between, between active duty ninja and genin candidates, and- stop iiiiit!" Saki complains as you decide to just ignore her whining to grab her and run again.

She thumps her fists against your back as you move, and while it's tiring it's not anywhere near enough for you to drop her...

... Ah, there you are.

Maito Gai is doing a handstand and walking around the small combat ring of a training ground. No. You correct yourself as you draw a little closer. He's not standing on his hands, he's balanced perfectly on just one fingertip of each hand, keeping himself perfectly at a right angle to the ground. He bounces a little and switches fingers with every lap, and he makes those laps at a rapid clip.


[ ] ??
[X]-Make sure that Saki knows that if she doesn't at least try to help you out here... you're just gonna come back and force her again and again until she does it; better for everyone if she plays along from the outset, right? ...Heh, you're so smart.
-[X]-Okay, well you've met Gai before and you know how to get him going... time to give him a challenge! "Hey Gai, you mighty mighty guy - I bet you can't pose even harder and more theatrically than last time!"
--[X]-If that doesn't get you what you need, remind him you were totally interested in his jumpsuit stuff and that you're still waiting on some awesome gold one... and attempt to use that reminder conversation to prompt him to do more of his genjutsu-assisted posing.
---[X]-Obviously while he does this you'll pose right back at him, only better, because you're the Great Devil Queen Mio!
----[X]-Once you've got what you want/THE GREAT MIO is pooped from Gai-time, have a pow-wow with Saki and see how she did!
Last edited:
Well, not like we don't know how to get Guy going.

[X]-Make sure that Saki knows that if she doesn't at least try to help you out here... you're just gonna come back and force her again and again until she does it; better for everyone if she plays along from the outset, right? ...Heh, you're so smart.
-[X]-Okay, well you've met Gai before and you know how to get him going... time to give him a challenge! "Hey Gai, you mighty mighty guy - I bet you can't pose even harder and more theatrically than last time!"
--[X]-If that doesn't get you what you need, remind him you were totally interested in his jumpsuit stuff and that you're still waiting on some awesome gold one... and attempt to use that reminder conversation to prompt him to do more of his genjutsu-assisted posing.
---[X]-Obviously while he does this you'll pose right back at him, only better, because you're the Great Devil Queen Mio!
----[X]-Once you've got what you want/THE GREAT MIO is pooped from Gai-time, have a pow-wow with Saki and see how she did!
[X]-Make sure that Saki knows that if she doesn't at least try to help you out here... you're just gonna come back and force her again and again until she does it; better for everyone if she plays along from the outset, right? ...Heh, you're so smart.
-[X]-Okay, well you've met Gai before and you know how to get him going... time to give him a challenge! "Hey Gai, you mighty mighty guy - I bet you can't pose even harder and more theatrically than last time!"
--[X]-If that doesn't get you what you need, remind him you were totally interested in his jumpsuit stuff and that you're still waiting on some awesome gold one... and attempt to use that reminder conversation to prompt him to do more of his genjutsu-assisted posing.
---[X]-Obviously while he does this you'll pose right back at him, only better, because you're the Great Devil Queen Mio!
----[X]-Once you've got what you want/THE GREAT MIO is pooped from Gai-time, have a pow-wow with Saki and see how she did!
[X]-Make sure that Saki knows that if she doesn't at least try to help you out here... you're just gonna come back and force her again and again until she does it; better for everyone if she plays along from the outset, right? ...Heh, you're so smart.
-[X]-Okay, well you've met Gai before and you know how to get him going... time to give him a challenge! "Hey Gai, you mighty mighty guy - I bet you can't pose even harder and more theatrically than last time!"
--[X]-If that doesn't get you what you need, remind him you were totally interested in his jumpsuit stuff and that you're still waiting on some awesome gold one... and attempt to use that reminder conversation to prompt him to do more of his genjutsu-assisted posing.
---[X]-Obviously while he does this you'll pose right back at him, only better, because you're the Great Devil Queen Mio!
----[X]-Once you've got what you want/THE GREAT MIO is pooped from Gai-time, have a pow-wow with Saki and see how she did!
Pffffft I'm liking Saki even more (even more committed to the Hyuuga Harem Plan(tm) than before)

[X]-Make sure that Saki knows that if she doesn't at least try to help you out here... you're just gonna come back and force her again and again until she does it; better for everyone if she plays along from the outset, right? ...Heh, you're sosmart.
-[X]-Okay, well you've met Gai before and you know how to get him going... time to give him a challenge! "Hey Gai, you mighty mighty guy - I bet you can't pose even harder and more theatrically than last time!"
--[X]-If that doesn't get you what you need, remind him you were totally interested in his jumpsuit stuff and that you're still waiting on some awesome gold one... and attempt to use that reminder conversation to prompt him to do more of his genjutsu-assisted posing.
---[X]-Obviously while he does this you'll pose right back at him, only better, because you're the Great Devil Queen Mio!
----[X]-Once you've got what you want/THE GREAT MIO is pooped from Gai-time, have a pow-wow with Saki and see how she did!
Saki is perfect.

[X]-Make sure that Saki knows that if she doesn't at least try to help you out here... you're just gonna come back and force her again and again until she does it; better for everyone if she plays along from the outset, right? ...Heh, you're sosmart.
-[X]-Okay, well you've met Gai before and you know how to get him going... time to give him a challenge! "Hey Gai, you mighty mighty guy - I bet you can't pose even harder and more theatrically than last time!"
--[X]-If that doesn't get you what you need, remind him you were totally interested in his jumpsuit stuff and that you're still waiting on some awesome gold one... and attempt to use that reminder conversation to prompt him to do more of his genjutsu-assisted posing.
---[X]-Obviously while he does this you'll pose right back at him, only better, because you're the Great Devil Queen Mio!
----[X]-Once you've got what you want/THE GREAT MIO is pooped from Gai-time, have a pow-wow with Saki and see how she did!
Say Chibi-Reaper, I want to do a bit of lore benchmarking here.

As I recall, there was some canonical reference (manga, databook, or perhaps one of the Kishi-approved novels) that noted how Gai built the Strong Fist fighting style, at least in part, via having studied Gentle Fist (among other things). It wasn't made clear if he stole this info in a bombastic sense, or whether this was an actual partnership - though the latter makes more sense, given his canon genin team having a Hyuuga melee prodigy, and the utter lack of any 'man fuck that Gai guy' sentiment amongst the Hyuuga, wherein it would have been relevant.

So my question, then, is twofold:
  1. Did Gai use Gentle Fist as one of the reference points for designing his fighting style?
  2. Is Saki just not aware of this relation her clan has with Guy, or is this part of the good ol' MUH HYUUGA PRIDE stuff?
...I wonder how she'll be listed in MIO's friendlist...
Helpful despite ineffectual whining?
Yay! It's back!

[X]-Make sure that Saki knows that if she doesn't at least try to help you out here... you're just gonna come back and force her again and again until she does it; better for everyone if she plays along from the outset, right? ...Heh, you're sosmart.
-[X]-Okay, well you've met Gai before and you know how to get him going... time to give him a challenge! "Hey Gai, you mighty mighty guy - I bet you can't pose even harder and more theatrically than last time!"
--[X]-If that doesn't get you what you need, remind him you were totally interested in his jumpsuit stuff and that you're still waiting on some awesome gold one... and attempt to use that reminder conversation to prompt him to do more of his genjutsu-assisted posing.
---[X]-Obviously while he does this you'll pose right back at him, only better, because you're the Great Devil Queen Mio!
----[X]-Once you've got what you want/THE GREAT MIO is pooped from Gai-time, have a pow-wow with Saki and see how she did!

...I wonder when, exactly, Mio psychologically cracked from her circumstances and fully transformed into MIO.

Cracked? No. This is just Standard Jounin Coping Mechanism, kicked in early because of The Eyes That Never Sleep. Calling *her* cracked would mean that you're saying that nearly every jounin in Konoha is insane. That's clearly not true. By extension, MIO is just a normal little girl - perhaps a bit precocious.

I found a kid fem-Madara - that is, I found a MIO.

Sadly, the base drawing was already pixelated so I couldn't easily make more colorful renditions, but still.

MIO is a master of the art of grumpy cute.
Grumpy because she had to de-sharingan for this pic.
Cracked? No. This is just Standard Jounin Coping Mechanism, kicked in early because of The Eyes That Never Sleep. Calling *her* cracked would mean that you're saying that nearly every jounin in Konoha is insane. That's clearly not true. By extension, MIO is just a normal little girl - perhaps a bit precocious.

And if 1986ctcel Hyuga harem plan Tm succeds she shall not even sucumb to the worst off that pesky curse of hatred the Uchiha have because Mio shall spread her love around instead of concentrating it on a single vessel.Sideglances at Obito.

[X]-Make sure that Saki knows that if she doesn't at least try to help you out here... you're just gonna come back and force her again and again until she does it; better for everyone if she plays along from the outset, right? ...Heh, you're sosmart.
-[X]-Okay, well you've met Gai before and you know how to get him going... time to give him a challenge! "Hey Gai, you mighty mighty guy - I bet you can't pose even harder and more theatrically than last time!"
--[X]-If that doesn't get you what you need, remind him you were totally interested in his jumpsuit stuff and that you're still waiting on some awesome gold one... and attempt to use that reminder conversation to prompt him to do more of his genjutsu-assisted posing.
---[X]-Obviously while he does this you'll pose right back at him, only better, because you're the Great Devil Queen Mio!
----[X]-Once you've got what you want/THE GREAT MIO is pooped from Gai-time, have a pow-wow with Saki and see how she did!

I like this, what I love the most is poor Saki trying to spy on a jounin with just 20 meters of distance.Quick Saki grab a newspaper and act casual.
Why not offer dinner as a reward?
Because given the general size of Chibi's updates and how often we get curveballs, assuming that this plan, fun as it might be will work is... rather audacious.

If there's any success to be had, we can surely vote to do something about it next update - anything else is fairly liable to be wasted vote-space.
Cracked? No. This is just Standard Jounin Coping Mechanism, kicked in early because of The Eyes That Never Sleep. Calling *her* cracked would mean that you're saying that nearly every jounin in Konoha is insane. That's clearly not true. By extension, MIO is just a normal little girl - perhaps a bit precocious.
In one of the earlier updates, I believe the one where MIO responds to being painted orange by claiming to be the Sun one of the academy teachers grumbles "future Jounin".
Say Chibi-Reaper, I want to do a bit of lore benchmarking here.

As I recall, there was some canonical reference (manga, databook, or perhaps one of the Kishi-approved novels) that noted how Gai built the Strong Fist fighting style, at least in part, via having studied Gentle Fist (among other things). It wasn't made clear if he stole this info in a bombastic sense, or whether this was an actual partnership - though the latter makes more sense, given his canon genin team having a Hyuuga melee prodigy, and the utter lack of any 'man fuck that Gai guy' sentiment amongst the Hyuuga, wherein it would have been relevant.

So my question, then, is twofold:

Did Gai use Gentle Fist as one of the reference points for designing his fighting style?
Is Saki just not aware of this relation her clan has with Guy, or is this part of the good ol' MUH HYUUGA PRIDE stuff?

'Eh, maybe, he probably at least had the 'help' of volunteering as a sparring training dummy', and 'Saki's kind of got a complex about Jyuuken'.
[X]-Okay you have a Hyuuga, and you even have permission to have that Hyuuga now - clearly, there's no longer anything else stopping your nefarious plans.
-[X]-Explain to Saki how you're trying to steal-no not that, copy in a neighborly fashion, that sounds better - you're trying to do that, to a sealless, seemingly Kai-proof genjutsu that you'll magnanimously let Saki also learn for helping you out.
--[X]-In the process of explaining, attempt to resist the urge to cackle at your genius. Fail to resist urge, because dang this is such a great idea.
---[X]-While Gai-stalking (and Gai-baiting if he doesn't pose without any input from you), pass the time with some smalltalk - you guess you could get to know Saki better, and you are kind of curious why the guy isn't like, the Hyuuga's favorite non-clan member. They love melee, he loves melee - seems like a match made in heaven, so what gives?
[X]-Make sure that Saki knows that if she doesn't at least try to help you out here... you're just gonna come back and force her again and again until she does it; better for everyone if she plays along from the outset, right? ...Heh, you're so smart.
-[X]-Okay, well you've met Gai before and you know how to get him going... time to give him a challenge! "Hey Gai, you mighty mighty guy - I bet you can't pose even harder and more theatrically than last time!"
--[X]-If that doesn't get you what you need, remind him you were totally interested in his jumpsuit stuff and that you're still waiting on some awesome gold one... and attempt to use that reminder conversation to prompt him to do more of his genjutsu-assisted posing.
---[X]-Obviously while he does this you'll pose right back at him, only better, because you're the Great Devil Queen Mio!
----[X]-Once you've got what you want/THE GREAT MIO is pooped from Gai-time, have a pow-wow with Saki and see how she did!

Saki is fucking adorable I wanna pinch her cheeks until she squeals.
[X]-Make sure that Saki knows that if she doesn't at least try to help you out here... you're just gonna come back and force her again and again until she does it; better for everyone if she plays along from the outset, right? ...Heh, you're so smart.
-[X]-Okay, well you've met Gai before and you know how to get him going... time to give him a challenge! "Hey Gai, you mighty mighty guy - I bet you can't pose even harder and more theatrically than last time!"
--[X]-If that doesn't get you what you need, remind him you were totally interested in his jumpsuit stuff and that you're still waiting on some awesome gold one... and attempt to use that reminder conversation to prompt him to do more of his genjutsu-assisted posing.
---[X]-Obviously while he does this you'll pose right back at him, only better, because you're the Great Devil Queen Mio!
----[X]-Once you've got what you want/THE GREAT MIO is pooped from Gai-time, have a pow-wow with Saki and see how she did!
"You know nothing of Taijutsu at all if you can equate the elegant and sophisticated precise nature of Jyuuken with, with the coarse and unrefined approach of Jounin Maito Gai's full-force 'just punch harder' style." Saki snaps.
That's right Saki. One of these lets you stand up to a Rinnegan wielding Madara and the other one doesn't. No comparison at all.

As I recall, there was some canonical reference (manga, databook, or perhaps one of the Kishi-approved novels) that noted how Gai built the Strong Fist fighting style, at least in part, via having studied Gentle Fist (among other things).
That's kind of weird, actually, given that they are very different styles. Gai's school favors opening with jumping kicks whereas the Hyuuga almost never kick at all, for example (probably because it's a lot harder to do precise chakra manipulation with your feet). Given the degree of difference, the amount of study might not have been that in-depth and Gai's one guy, not a rival clan, so it makes sense that it'd be a relative non-issue (other than looking down on his style because of course theirs is the best).

[X]-Make sure that Saki knows that if she doesn't at least try to help you out here... you're just gonna come back and force her again and again until she does it; better for everyone if she plays along from the outset, right? ...Heh, you're so smart.
-[X]-Okay, well you've met Gai before and you know how to get him going... time to give him a challenge! "Hey Gai, you mighty mighty guy - I bet you can't pose even harder and more theatrically than last time!"
--[X]-If that doesn't get you what you need, remind him you were totally interested in his jumpsuit stuff and that you're still waiting on some awesome gold one... and attempt to use that reminder conversation to prompt him to do more of his genjutsu-assisted posing.
---[X]-Obviously while he does this you'll pose right back at him, only better, because you're the Great Devil Queen Mio!
----[X]-Once you've got what you want/THE GREAT MIO is pooped from Gai-time, have a pow-wow with Saki and see how she did!
[X]-Make sure that Saki knows that if she doesn't at least try to help you out here... you're just gonna come back and force her again and again until she does it; better for everyone if she plays along from the outset, right? ...Heh, you're so smart.
-[X]-Okay, well you've met Gai before and you know how to get him going... time to give him a challenge! "Hey Gai, you mighty mighty guy - I bet you can't pose even harder and more theatrically than last time!"
--[X]-If that doesn't get you what you need, remind him you were totally interested in his jumpsuit stuff and that you're still waiting on some awesome gold one... and attempt to use that reminder conversation to prompt him to do more of his genjutsu-assisted posing.
---[X]-Obviously while he does this you'll pose right back at him, only better, because you're the Great Devil Queen Mio!
----[X]-Once you've got what you want/THE GREAT MIO is pooped from Gai-time, have a pow-wow with Saki and see how she did!
[X]-Make sure that Saki knows that if she doesn't at least try to help you out here... you're just gonna come back and force her again and again until she does it; better for everyone if she plays along from the outset, right? ...Heh, you're sosmart.
-[X]-Okay, well you've met Gai before and you know how to get him going... time to give him a challenge! "Hey Gai, you mighty mighty guy - I bet you can't pose even harder and more theatrically than last time!"
--[X]-If that doesn't get you what you need, remind him you were totally interested in his jumpsuit stuff and that you're still waiting on some awesome gold one... and attempt to use that reminder conversation to prompt him to do more of his genjutsu-assisted posing.
---[X]-Obviously while he does this you'll pose right back at him, only better, because you're the Great Devil Queen Mio!
----[X]-Once you've got what you want/THE GREAT MIO is pooped from Gai-time, have a pow-wow with Saki and see how she did!

Would you tend to agree that Saki is adorable and worthy of hugs?

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