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[x] Shout for a medic-nin to take care of your minion. This fight is a draw. If any adults ask questions, this was a training accident.
Hm. Actually, I kind of like having MIO be willing and able to pull shit like this when she chooses to.

[X] Shout for a medic-nin to take care of your minion. This fight is a draw. If any adults ask questions, this was a training accident.
[X] Shout for a medic-nin to take care of your minion. This fight is a draw. If any adults ask questions, this was a training accident.
[X] Shout for a medic-nin to take care of your minion. This fight is a draw. If any adults ask questions, this was a training accident.
[X] Shout for a medic-nin to take care of your minion. This fight is a draw. If any adults ask questions, this was a training accident.
It's been a month since the last story update, and most of the people who voted aren't going to change their votes this late into it, however valid your arguments might be.
Or, some activity may attract new people.

[X] Shout for a medic-nin to take care of your minion. This fight is a draw. If any adults ask questions, this was a training accident.
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[X] Shout for a medic-nin to take care of your minion. This fight is a draw. If any adults ask questions, this was a training accident
-[X] then keel over from chakra fatigue
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[X] Shout for a medic-nin to take care of your minion. This fight is a draw. If any adults ask questions, this was a training accident.

The hinata-girl just didn't know when to stop sensei!
[X] Shout for a medic-nin to take care of your minion. This fight is a draw. If any adults ask questions, this was a training accident.
[X] Shout for a medic-nin to take care of your minion. This fight is a draw. If any adults ask questions, this was a training accident.

Yeah, this seems like an interesting way for things to go, if this vote ends up winning I wonder what the med-nin would say about us as well, seeing as we are suffering from a "bit" of sleep deprivation..........
[X] Shout for a medic-nin to take care of your minion. This fight is a draw. If any adults ask questions, this was a training accident.
-[X] then keel over from chakra fatigue.

EDIT: Sub-vote added.
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[X] Shout for a medic-nin to take care of your minion. This fight is a draw. If any adults ask questions, this was a training accident.

[X] Shout for a medic-nin to take care of your minion. This fight is a draw. If any adults ask questions, this was a training accident.
-[X] then keel over from chakra fatigue.
[X] Shout for a medic-nin to take care of your minion. This fight is a draw. If any adults ask questions, this was a training accident
-[X] then keel over from chakra fatigue

Keep forgetting this one.
[X] Shout for a medic-nin to take care of your minion. This fight is a draw. If any adults ask questions, this was a training accident
-[X] then keel over from chakra fatigue
[X] Pick up a student and throw them at another student. "Riot!"
[X] Shout for a medic-nin to take care of your minion. This fight is a draw. If any adults ask questions, this was a training accident
-[X] then keel over from chakra fatigue
[X] Shout for a medic-nin to take care of your minion. This fight is a draw. If any adults ask questions, this was a training accident.
-[X] then keel over from chakra fatigue.
[X] Shout for a medic-nin to take care of your minion. This fight is a draw. If any adults ask questions, this was a training accident
-[X] then keel over from chakra fatigue
Hope dies a bit every few days in this, can you tally and lock the vote or something?
[X] Shout for a medic-nin to take care of your minion. This fight is a draw. If any adults ask questions, this was a training accident.
If it's not broken or not important...
"Heeeey, someone call a medic-nin!" you call, sloppily. "Hinata went nuts and laid a guy out!"

"I didn't-!" she insists.

"Knocked him clear out." you appraise, and then whistle, as though you're impressed, your whole demeanor suggesting that the situation has nothing to do with you.

"You made me do that!" Hinata continues.

"Made you? Do I look like a Yamanaka to you?" you say, completely disregarding the current state of your hair. Which you flip idly over your shoulder, wobbling in place. "You need to take responsibility for your own actions sometimes, you know."

Hinata's knuckles crack from how tightly they're formed into a fist.

Then she starts moving, and so of course you do too.


About three hours later, you're both sitting in front of the head instructor.

"Do you both understand why you're here?" he says, gravely.

"Because Hinata's got a mean right hook, and she showed everyone?" you reply, flippantly.

"kill you" she whispers under her breath.

It was actually really impressive. No matter what you did, she just kept coming. You still don't have the stamina for long range shunshin, and replacing yourself with stuff kept working, so you kept doing it.

Currently, the entire student body, save the two of you and including at least one of Hinata's very surprised cousins that you noticed, is undergoing medical care. As is some of the staff.

Principal doesn't seem to consider it as impressive as you do, though.

"Classes have been cancelled across the board for today. I am going to have to go in person to explain... this to the Hokage." he says, gravely. "And I'll be fielding complaints from upset parents over it as well. Do either of you... have anything to say for yourselves?"


[ ] Nope.
[ ] Do you look sorry?
[ ] It was all Hinata's fault.
[ ] ??
[X] "Everything I did was in the pursuit of disengaging from the conflict. The conflict in which I never threw a single punch."

It seems like we just kept dodging, and it all started when Hinata attacked us for our own good.
[X] "Everything I did was in the pursuit of disengaging from the conflict."
[X] "Everything I did was in the pursuit of disengaging from the conflict."
[X] "Everything I did was in the pursuit of disengaging from the conflict. The conflict in which I never threw a single punch."

It is really great to see that this has finally resumed. It was one of my favorite pieces of Naruto fiction on this site. I hope it continues.
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[X] "Everything I did was in the pursuit of disengaging from the conflict. The conflict in which I never threw a single punch."

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