Revelation That Uncertainty Is Itself An Answer
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"Oh, hello again. We met briefly at Professor Sephtian's party last September."
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"Oh, hello again. We met briefly at Professor Sephtian's party last September."
here:One of them has a space suit shaped for a fin, and from his face I see that he's a dolphin-man. Wait…
"Oh, hello again. We met briefly at Professor Sephtian's party last September."
"Yes. I remember. The party where he told me to go and sit in the corner when everyone else did interesting work. Where I was the only one left after everyone else decamped to the surface."
"Oh. Ah, sorry, I didn't-. I wasn't keeping.. track. I didn't mean to insult your speciality."
"No, I don't hold you responsible. And it's… Due to you that I'm out here."
A Dolphin-man with a pocket of air bound to his blowhole hesitates slightly. "Elementalism?"
Sephtian blinks at him. "Who invited you?"
"Ah. You did? You said you liked my study piece on-."
"Oh, that. Do you.. know anything about Angels?"
"A little. There isn't much published, but I-."
"Fine. Thought models. How is Orange Lantern's latest project going to need to behave in order to use their new magics?"
The Dolphin-man looks around as the huddles turn their back on him. "Just… Think about it on my own?"
...how common are colossal hands that that individual seemed to think comparing the objects size rather than its shape would make any kind of sense?
happy ripping apart anyone who fights back -regardless of whether they were actually a threat or not- hitting non-combatants is still a major no-no. "-that you'll accept this in its place
"Oh God damn it." His hand goes to his right ear. "Flash to Icon, and hopefully Batman. We need to make sure that we get a full picture of exactly what happened in Thayer's Notch. Orange Lantern's doing a Geronimo and he might be on to something. Yeah."
Richard Monreau-." He gives me a hurt look. "Sorry, sorry, carry on."
Thank you, corrected.
This is wrong.Miss Vialla nods. "It is the pre-war chemical that turned humans into super mutants."
"Sure is! But did you know there are a whole bunch of different types of it?" She shakes her head. "The Master-."
I'd make the argument that he's referring to the different strains of FEV rather then saying there are a bunch of different viruses all under the name of FEV. Although Fallout lore has always been a bit nebulous on the specifics of how FEV functions beyond it's green goop, don't worry about it.This is wrong.
FEV is, as the name suggests, a Virus, and there is in fact only one kind of it.
What differs, is the DNA the FEV is injected with, which is how different "strains" come about.
Want the ends, want the means. He desires to be whole, and expanding himself temporarily is the fastest way to do that.
Taking full advantage of alien technology to travel the Americas, I see. And presumably the rest of the world, what isn't burnt to a radioactive cinder...18th May 2282
10:32 MTZ
"Hey there, Mister Krono!" Andrew Shaw Very Junior jogs towards my party as the zetan-tech transport reactivates its stealth systems and heads back up into the clear Mojave sky. "How'd it go?!"
There's a very peculiar name. And I see El Presidente is smart enough not to trust one man's word on any matter..."President Vialla heard me out, and is considering his options. This is-" I turn sideways, gesturing to my companions with my right hand. "-his daughter, Miss Lucia Vialla. She's going to be travelling with us for a little while to check that I've been telling the truth. Miss Vialla, this is Andrew Shaw Very Junior."
One that would likely make for an amazing 80's action movie series (and associated PG-rated cartoon and action figure line,) I bet. Not likely to see much actual crime-fighting though, unless you count wasteland raiders as crime...Understandably, President Vialla wanted a little more than my assurances before agreeing to anything. Which is why Miss Lucia Vialla accompanied me on my return trip, along with a couple of tough-looking bodyguards. One's a war-era ghoul with two hundred years of military experience, the other is an ex-pro wrestler only slightly smaller than Jacobstown's residents super mutants.
I feel like there's a story there.
No land for shy, reserved wallflowers, eh? Unless you end up in the harem of some petty warlord.Miss Vialla steps forward and offers Andrew her right hand. She might be a little shorter than her escort, but given the sort of variety you get in the tribal militias I've gotten used to seeing around the place that no longer strikes me as odd. She certainly wears her fatigues and military rucksack as if she's used to them, and she has the sort of fitness I've seen from regular physical exertion in the wasteland.
"Pleased to meet you, Andrew."
So, Super-Mutants are functionally immortal? Did his vault have cloning technology, then?He smiles a wide, friendly, honest, until-four-months-ago-I-lived-in-a-closed-Vault smile. He acts younger than his seventeen years, and I rather think that's at least partially why his great great great great great great great grandfather is so fond of him.
"Hey there, Lucia."
Gee-Whiz. I can't help but feel this kid would make an amazing host for the Power of Shazam if it existed here..."Why are you called 'Very Junior'?"
He gives me what he probably thinks is a glare. "Golly gee, Mister Krono, are you going to introduce me like that to everyone?"
Super-soldier-serum from the sounds of it.I nod. "Probably until you hit thirty, at least." I lead the way towards the old ski lodge that Jacobstown is build around. "There's an interesting story as to why. Andrew, do you want to explain it?"
"Well, ah, before the war, Gran-. Ah, the first Andrew Shaw was-. I mean, at least I think he was the first… Ah, anyway, he was a soldier in the American army, and he and his men were transporting samples of something called the Forced Evolutionary Virus. Do you know what that is?"
Fascinating. The crazy shit Fallout came up with, eh? I suppose that's one way to explain the difference in appearances throughout the games...Miss Vialla nods. "It is the pre-war chemical that turned humans into super mutants."
"Sure is! But did you know there are a whole bunch of different types of it?" She shakes her head. "The Master-."
Hmm... What would happen if you could safely combine the variants, I wonder..."Richard Monreau-." He gives me a hurt look. "Sorry, sorry, carry on."
"The Master did a whole bunch of experiments with the type he found in Mariposa, and that's where most West Coast mutants come from. The regular kind and the Nightkin. But over on the East Coast they've got a whole different type, and for some reason a bunch of barrels of that ended up in Oregon."
Well, that was sensible.Probably because the psychotic bastards at the Mariposa Military Base wanted to see what the psychotic bastards in Vault 87 had managed to come up with based on their work.
"Andrew Shaw the First was in charge of moving them to wherever they were supposed to go, but the Communist Chinese nuked the whole place before they could get there. The fort they were in got hit and a whole lot of it got spilled out, and the people who touched it didn't die from the radiation. So they all touched it."
Is that actually a thing that happened in the lore? Man, Fallout is weird.He shrugs.
"The mutations started after a few days, and, well, some super mutants like Mister Jacob stay smart after they change? They didn't. Andrew Shaw the First formed a kind of tribe of super mutants with the other survivors way up North and mostly just tried to stay out of the way. His wife and their kids went into a Vault-" He gestures to the number emblazoned on the back of his jumpsuit. "-and two hundred years later, here I am!"
I wonder which helped more... Not to deride Shaw's work, of course..."I have met dumb mutants before. How did he know who you were?"
"Well, you see, if an East Coast mutant studies real hard like Mister Fawkes did, they can get their smarts back! Not like the West Coast mutants. With them, if they're real lucky they stay smart like Mister Jacob and Mister Keats did, but if they don't, well, then they're stuck not smart. And Great Grandpa had two hundred years to get smart! Ah, and Mister Krono helped with his mind powers."
"That man is dead. Let him remain so..." Is the suggestion I get from that...It's funny, in a depressing sort of way. Even as the near-feral First, even as a slave to Mermeralda and later the Odious King, he still kept the holotapes he made for himself before the mutation took his humanity to try and remind himself about the sort of man he used to be.
After he regained his memories, his listened to them each once and then crushed them.
Ah, so Very Junior isn't a Super-mutant? Just a distant descendant."So after the Bone Dancers were defeated, Mister Krono took Great Grandpa to each of the Vaults in the Northwest Commonwealth and eventually they found my Vault. My folks were real surprised to meet him, but he was real happy to find out for sure that his wife and kids survived the war!"
"…another medical procedure a person reaching the end of their life can choose to have. It's not as if we can have children the same way humansdo."
...That's a bad thing, I take it. Or at least an embarrassing thing...
Juggernaut sounds proper Orky. Shale would be wasting his time, I bet. And Keats is something of a Professor Xavier type?After Richard Monreau's death, a super mutant general by the name of Attis commanded a large part of his army to head east into Texas, in pursuit of what they hoped would be an alternate source of FEV now that both Mariposa and the Citadel were destroyed. To cut a long story short, he failed, and after his death his army split into three groups with their own operational philosophy. His friend Shale kept trying to complete the original mission and his chief mechanic Juggernaut more or less abandoned the whole 'super mutant army' thing in favour of building awesome vehicles to drive around in. Keats was his PR guy, the only senior smart mutant who could be relied upon to be polite to humans. After Attis's death he decided that integration was the best course of action and his corner of Texas is one of the few places in the wasteland where super mutants and humans interact regularly without violence.
Oh, that sounds bad. I suppose Krono's got that to sort out in time?
Hey, you never know. Takes all types."Well, I work in Vault Security-."
Miss Vialla splutters in disbelief. "You are a soldier?"
I'm guessing his lot went in and corrected that, with a minimum of heads beaten in?"Oh, golly, no. Vault Security isn't about fighting people. We're all one big happy community. We've all gotta work together or nothing gets done, so Vault Security's about getting people to calm down and deal with their problems rationally. Can you believe that New Vegas didn't have any kind of civil police force until a little while ago? I've been-."
That just sounds like a recipe for fun times...I push ahead, shoving open the front door of the ski lodge. And there they are. Colonel Andrew Shaw, orange-brown of skin and surly of expression, towering over the other super mutants. His sheer size has resulted in a large number of the local super mutants signing up with the Gamma Corps, much to Marcus's chagrin. Marcus, green-grey of skin and phlegmatic as ever, though clearly not entirely happy about having to deal with two sane and intelligent super mutants both of whom have radically different political philosophies to his own laid back form of fascism.
And now I'm picturing Stan from the Monkey Island series, and his ever-wide variety of suits with unmoving and hideous textures...And Keats, a man who single headedly convinced me that super mutants perceive colour in a different way to regular humans. Because there's no other explanation for that jacket, those trousers or that tie. Keats, who after being thrown out of Austin by Shale's army kept going, kept working, kept smiling, doing everything he can to rally the people of Texas against Shale's army. Weirdly, after his initial victories Shale more or less vanished or I suspect that the newly formed Provisional Republic of Texas would be in a good deal of difficulty.
Embarrassment at the boy's exuberance in front of the press, I take it..."Hey, grandpa! Mister Krono's back!"
Andrew Shaw Very Junior waves to his ancestor, whose face momentarily cracks in an awkward-looking smile.
I'm impressed there even is a press service. The NCR must be relatively stable, then, to have a working newspaper...The journalist glances around for a moment before returning her attention to Mister Keats.
"Is that a procedure that you want to introduce into the New California Republic?"
Now, now, it's not a personal insult, Colonel. He's just letting his mouth run away with him..."Of course it is. People should have the right to modify themselves in any way they want, and the Forced Evolutionary Virus has a long and storied history. In the Unity of Austin we had an excellent track record of turning terminally ill and injured humans into super mutants, a great many of whom could remember their names and the faces of their families."
I can hear Colonel Shaw growl from here.
I'm guessing they don't get on too well..."Colonel? Do you-?"
Keats puts his right arm around Colonel Shaw's shoulder, causing the man to stiffen.
Something other than 'get off me you idiot.'?"The Colonel had the worst experience of mutation that it's possible to have: no family and no memory of anything else. I'm extremely excited at the prospect of studying the East Coast variant of the Forced Evolutionary Virus and seeing what it can to do aid us in improving the mental prospects for all super mutants."
"Ah, yes, but I think that the Colonel wanted to say something..?"
Not as bad as that one Pirate King from 'Pirates of the Carribean' who was basically a soprano, I hope? I see the Colonel doesn't agree with Keats, then..."I got my family back." I see the journalist blink in surprise. Colonel Shaw hasn't wanted us to study his unusual mutant physiology, but he did want us to try and restore his original voice. The size and general morphology of super mutants often leads to them sounding very different to what they did as humans. "And he's right. Family ties are what build society up. And people should make the best of the hand life deals them. But I honestly wouldn't wish this sort of life on anyone."
He agreed that it was a chemical though, not a virus.I'd make the argument that he's referring to the different strains of FEV rather then saying there are a bunch of different viruses all under the name of FEV. Although Fallout lore has always been a bit nebulous on the specifics of how FEV functions beyond it's green goop, don't worry about it.
One that would likely make for an amazing 80's action movie series (and associated PG-rated cartoon and action figure line,) I bet. Not likely to see much actual crime-fighting though, unless you count wasteland raiders as crime...
Gee-Whiz. I can't help but feel this kid would make an amazing host for the Power of Shazam if it existed here...
That seems like a contradiction in terms, assuming we can discuss it without Modern Politics.
Hmm. I've read Ribofunk, Girl Genius and Biohacker's Almanac: First Dan so I thought I had a decent appreciation for the biomod-class of transhumanism. But this conversation about super mutants? It reminds me of stuff I've only heard of in superhero stories. Figures that would give up their powers if possible and regret what they've done with their new form.
Neat, and I hope to see these mutants interact nonviolently in the future.
Marcus believes that super mutants are superior to humans. That humans are inherently vicious, violent, short tempered and mean-spirited, and that super mutants have risen above that. Marcus would have like nothing better than for the Master to have won in Fallout, and the best complement he has for someone is 'you'd make a good super mutant'. After the Master's defeat he modified his ideas slightly, believing that some humans were just too evil for the miracle of super mutantdom to fix, and that in future they neeeded to 'apply a finer screen'. Which strictly speaking isn't facism, but it's close enough for most purposes.That seems like a contradiction in terms, assuming we can discuss it without Modern Politics.
One of the possible rulers of the Broken Coast has two methods for getting a wife. One is a cage fighting tournament with the winner becoming his queen. The other is conquering one of his neighbours and taking their queen as his wife. It's pretty clear that in the case of the second option her opinion on the matter was not sought.No land for shy, reserved wallflowers, eh? Unless you end up in the harem of some petty warlord.
West Coast ones are, yes. East Coast ones sometimes turn into near-mindless behemoths which effectively marks the end of their lives as intelligent beings, but both Fawkes and Andrew Shaw avoided that for 200 years.
No. Cloning technology exists but is fairly rare.
Probably nothing, because the only that would be safe is if they somehow neutralised each other.Hmm... What would happen if you could safely combine the variants, I wonder...
Yes. Super mutants are universally sterile, unlike ghouls who just have very low fertility.Ah, so Very Junior isn't a Super-mutant? Just a distant descendant.
More like one of the more social neo sapiens from Exoframe.Juggernaut sounds proper Orky. Shale would be wasting his time, I bet. And Keats is something of a Professor Xavier type?
Oh yes. The NCR's bigger than actual California at this point.I'm impressed there even is a press service. The NCR must be relatively stable, then, to have a working newspaper...
The First was created by the people who made the Old World Blues mod, so there isn't a canon ending for him. Keats gets assassinated at Shale's behest, while we won't know what happens to Marcus until the release of Fallout: New Vegas 2.Ah, man... Gotta wait more for OL's impression of a weather balloon...Still, if it gets more Fallout-verse, so be it. Curse my lack of knowledge about the setting... I'm guessing the Super-mutants involved had worse fates in canon?
It's possible to get the Perfectly Perserved Pies from the machines in Fallout 4. It's just a random chance based on your Luck attribute.Cake! (Which you aren't allowed to have. Ever. unless you use console commands, but you aren't a cheater are you? because that's almost as bad as a Commie, and those guys made Satan! This message brought to you by The United States Government)
It's possible to get the Perfectly Perserved Pies from the machines in Fallout 4. It's just a random chance based on your Luck attribute.
Extra space
Remove "the"
I think this supposed to be "in Los"?
"Ana" unless I don't know my Fallout lore.