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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Sungate (part 5)
11th September 2012
09:54 GMT

Okay. So. Prior to Hinon's faction of Guardians leaving and joining the Controllers, the existing Controllers were pursuing other options as far as megaweapons went. One of the more notorious examples of their system-killers of choice were the sun-eaters.

I actually remember them from the comics, where one tried eating Sol and it took Parallax-Jordan killing himself to finally get rid of the thing. And another, where a member of the Legion of Superheroes… Ferrous Lad? Died, stopping it reaching an inhabited system. And I think Animal Man used one to gain stellar navigation and faster than light flight once.

In reality, they're nothing like that common. Once Hinon's faction joined the Controllers, they policed their stray pets properly rather than just letting them wander off. And their chosen storage site was a naturally occurring dimensional warp in the system containing the planet Minosyss. That dimensional warp has caused the matter in the system to display all sorts of anomalous properties, one of which is to make the innate matter manipulating powers of the maltusians… Unreliable.

And to get around that while still extracting what they wanted from the place, they decided that the thing to do would be to enslave the entire population.

Fortunately, that was a… Long time ago. The place has recovered, the descendants of the slaves have… Yeah, it was over a billion years ago. It's about as relevant as that time the proto-Moon hit the proto-Earth is to most humans. We know it happened

The better educated ones know it happened, I should say.

But there's no emotional weight to it.

But, yes. Dimensional weirdness makes most forms of faster than light travel unreliable, so they don't have external trade. They don't have the fuel resources to build an industrial society themselves, so… There they are. Certainly not a bad place to live, the occasional physics anomaly aside.

The current rulers are a bit of a mystery. They flew in on what is basically a city built into a hollowed-out half-moon a couple of decades ago and took over pretty quickly. That was our first clue that the place is thaumically active. The Darkstars' best guess was that they were New Genesians, but it's the wrong part of the galaxy for them and… While the people of New Genesis aren't above being openly worshipped, they usually don't directly rule worlds under their protection. These people are doing just that, through a bureaucracy of local collaborators. No idea why they want to talk to me, but if N.E.M.O. can get a few dozen more magicians out of it then it's time well spent.

Not… Totally sure why Hinon wants me to pick up a staff… Sure, you can find someone like just about anyone somewhere on Earth, but school is back on so basically everyone on the team is unavailable. Except Canis, but… No. Amon could probably get the time away but I wouldn't want to undermine Adom's authority by offering him a place on the mission when he's supposed to be doing something else. Angelika? Not sure that a group of demigods would have the same instinctual respect for her that they would for someone who felt like them.

Diana and Alan are reasonable choices, except that I know Diana's working overtime on diplomacy to try and keep world governments working to repair the damage done by the Sheeda attack. Alan, on the other hand…

"Illustres to Blue Lantern Alan Scott."

My ring blinks. And then blinks a little more. And-.

"Yeah? Oh, hey, Paul."

Alan manages a wan smile, but he's clearly distracted.

"Are you free? I can call back."

"Sorry, son. Some crazy-. Cultist types broke into one of the Sheeda arms dumps. It's an all-hands for the Justice League."

"Understood. Don't let me keep-"

His face vanishes.


That could well require the team's attention as well. Ah. Euanthe's busy with Brazil, Queen Hippolyta… Maybe? But she'll probably want a staff of her own and that… Might be a bit much for Themyscira.

Starting to think that turning up on my own would be the best idea. But Hinon specifically said…

Who the heck do I know who… Isn't…


step out and then

11th September 2012
12:56 GMT +3

appear inside the Temple of Hades, waving at the surprised-then-resigned priestesses as I fly for the doorway to Erebos. Down down down down... Despite having died, this bit doesn't feel any different. Though it is at least faster now that I've stopped worrying about being insufficiently reverential, though transitioning is still right out.

And out. Palace that way, and as I gain height I can still see the queues heading into the courtrooms. I'm a little surprised that Hades hasn't set up temporary accommodation or something, though I suppose that they don't really need it. Now, where would-.

"Lantern!" / "Oh, Lantern!"

Two women dressed richly in Greek fashion hail me from the walls, and I fly towards them. They want me for something, and I need directions. Can't say that I recognise either of them, either from past visits or from the statues on Themyscira.

"Ladies. What can I do for you?"

The shorter one covers her mouth with her right hand as the taller one laughs.

"You can apologise for not coming to see us sooner!"

"I'm.. sorry, but this is Erebos. And I have no idea who you are."

"Ah. Then I will introduce myself. I-" She puts her right hand on her chest. "-am Gaudia."

Not 'gaudy' in the modern English sense. Her jewellery is actually quite modest. Rather, she's a minor goddess, representing guilty joys. Which-.

"Which makes you Aporia."

Who I would have chosen as my patron goddess if 1) I was selecting on the same basis as I told Kon to select his patron and 2) I'd heard of her at the time.

"It does indeed. You haven't died again, I trust?"

"No, I'm here to ask Princess Melinoë to accompany me on a diplomatic visit. Do you-?"


Aporia lowers her hand as she and Gaudia giggle.

"Do you know where she is?"

"We were going to see her now." Gaudia masters her expression, though Aporia can't stop herself grinning. "She has busied herself recording the novel fears and paranoia of our new residents, but I'm sure that she'll make time for you."

"Glad to hear it. Lead-."

"Though there is one thing we would like to know in return."

"And what might that be?"

"What do a couple of sadly underappreciated goddesses have to do to persuade you to… What was the phrase?"

"'Put a ring on it'?"

"'Put a ring on it', yes. We both have an excellent understanding of desire." She raises her eyebrows and regards me accusatorially. "Why have you ignored us so?"
Last edited:
"'Put a ring on it'?"

"'Put a ring on it', yes. We both have an excellent understanding of desire." She raises her eyebrows and regards me accusatorially. "Why have you ignored us so?"
Well I'll be honest, I was going to marry my girlfriend first but...

//No, we want orange power rings.

////I mean marry you and your girlfriend would be cool too, but we actually meant the rings of ultimate power from space alien god people.
This is gonna go one of two ways. 1) Paul calmly and rationally explains the difficulty of having orange rings and these two goddesses will be consulted about ring use at a later date preferably with Hinon present. 2) Paul"s gonna make a big mess. Can't wait to find out which.
Arent gods masses of power that are strong enough to create bodies of flesh for themselves? Would a power ring do anything for them? It would like giving Best Snek a ring.

Side thought, since Snek desires all things. Would she want the other colors or power rings? Just to complete her collection.
Side thought, since Snek desires all things. Would she want the other colors or power rings? Just to complete her collection.
She has no desire for them. I'm fairly sure that she said green tastes like concrete, and I'd imagine similar feelings for the rest of the colors. When she saw the life entity, she chose to completely ignore it.
What do a couple of sadly underappreciated goddesses have to do to persuade you to… What was the phrase?"

"'Put a ring on it'?"

"'Put a ring on it', yes. We both have an excellent understanding of desire." She raises her eyebrows and regards me accusatorially. "Why have you ignored us so?"
I approve and there is no way this could possibly go wrong!
Coming soon from Zoat, a new lewd spinoff in the same spirit of Eros... Put a Ring On It. Paul just flies around the universe, recruiting all the lonely and lovely lasses, lewding them up in the process. It would be a great success.
Arent gods masses of power that are strong enough to create bodies of flesh for themselves? Would a power ring do anything for them? It would like giving Best Snek a ring.

Side thought, since Snek desires all things. Would she want the other colors or power rings? Just to complete her collection.
If nothing else, it would give them the benefit of billions of years of Maltusian coding to use as a conduit for shaping their power
And another, where a member of the Legion of Superheroes… Ferrous Lad? Died, stopping it reaching an inhabited system.

Like in the cartoon series.

And to get around that while still extracting what they wanted from the place, they decided that the thing to do would be to enslave the entire population.

Just brilliant.

What, they couldn't make robotic servants that didn't go crazy.

And to get around that while still extracting what they wanted from the place, they decided that the thing to do would be to enslave the entire population.

Fortunately, that was a… Long time ago. The place has recovered, the descendants of the slaves have… Yeah, it was over a billion years ago. It's about as relevant as that time the proto-Moon hit the proto-Earth is to most humans. We know it happened

The better educated ones know it happened, I should say.

But there's no emotional weight to it.

Some may be pissed.

Also the fact that the individuals who enslaved them, not just their species or group, are still alive may piss them off.

They don't have the fuel resources to get build an industrial society themselves

'to build'

The current rulers are a bit of a mystery. They flew in on what is basically a city built into a hollowed-out half-moon a couple of decades ago and took over pretty quickly

That would be New Chronus.

basically everyone on the team is unavailable. Except Canis, but… No.


I'm here to ask Princess Melinoë to accompany me on a diplomatic visit

Really Paul.

Didn't you learn anything during your last space adventure with her?


Ohh, who am I kidding.

You rarely learn.

The Darkstars' best guess was that they were New Genosians,

I think 'Genesians' would be better.
Last edited:
11th September 2012
09:54 GMT

Okay. So. Prior to Hinon's faction of Guardians left and joined the Controllers, the existing Controllers were pursuing other options as far as megaweapons went. One of the more notorious examples of their system-killers of choice were the sun-eaters.
Yes, not exactly the most subtle of weapons. Certainly quite the logical terror weapons, especially if the prospective victims have limited ways to counter it. And with an unfortunate track record of going AWOL, in the comics...

I actually remember them from the comics, where one tried eating Sol and it took Parallax-Jordan killing himself to finally get rid of the thing. And another, where a member of the Legion of Superheroes… Ferrous Lad? Died, stopping it reaching an inhabited system. And I think Animal Man used one to gain stellar navigation and faster than light flight once.
Ferro Lad, for the record. Brave young man...

In reality, they're nothing like that common. Once Hinon's faction joined the Controllers, they policed their stray pets properly rather than just letting them wander off. And their chosen storage site was a naturally occurring dimensional warp in the system containing the planet Minosyss. That dimensional warp has caused the matter in the system to display all sorts of anomalous properties, once of which is to make the innate matter manipulating powers of the maltusians… Unreliable.
Ah. Now we see why Hinon's sending him instead of another Controller handling it.

And to get around that while still extracting what they wanted from the place, they decided that the thing to do would be to enslave the entire population.

Fortunately, that was a… Long time ago. The place has recovered, the descendants of the slaves have… Yeah, it was over a billion years ago. It's about as relevant as that time the proto-Moon hit the proto-Earth is to most humans. We know it happened
Well, scientists think it happened. I rather expect the slave race, meanwhile, has long since forgotten their bondage... Which could be a worry if they've also forgotten about the Sun-Eater manufacturing site.

The better educated ones know it happened, I should say.

But there's no emotional weight to it.
Probably because of the sheer scale of the timeframes and events involved.

But, yes. Dimensional weirdness makes most forms of faster than light travel unreliable, so they don't have external trade. They don't have the fuel resources to get build an industrial society themselves, so… There they are. Certainly not a bad place to live, the occasional physics anomaly aside.
So any trip will have be to undertaken very carefully. But since it's a major asset to the Controllers and a major embarrassment if it gets misused...

The current rulers are a bit of a mystery. They flew in on what is basically a city built into a hollowed-out half-moon a couple of decades ago and took over pretty quickly. That was our first clue that the place is thaumically active. The Darkstars' best guess was that they were New Genosians, but it's the wrong part of the galaxy for them and… While the people of New Genesis aren't above being openly worshipped, they usually don't directly rule worlds under their protection. These people are doing just that, through a bureaucracy of local collaborators. No idea why they want to talk to me, but if N.E.M.O. can get a few dozen more magicians out of it then it's time well spent.
Thinking too small, OL. A Dimensional Warp could well serve as a portal into other universes in the right conditions.

Not… Totally sure why Hinon wants me to pick up a staff… Sure, you can find someone like just about anyone somewhere on Earth, but school is back on so basically everyone on the team is unavailable. Except Canis, but… No. Amon could probably get the time away but I wouldn't want to undermine Adom's authority by offering him a place on the mission when he's supposed to be doing something else. Angelika? Not sure that a group of demigods would have the same instinctual respect for her that they would for someone who felt like them.
Ah, and there we have it: no Team... :(

Diana and Alan are reasonable choices, except that I know Diana's working overtime on diplomacy to try and keep world governments working to repair the damage done by the Sheeda attack. Alan, on the other hand…

"Illustres to Blue Lantern Alan Scott."
Let's hope he's not too busy. Who knows what's been happening back on Earth, after all.

My ring blinks. And then blinks a little more. And-.

"Yeah? Oh, hey, Paul."

Alan manages a wan smile, but he's clearly distracted.
...I hope OL's not interrupting anything naughty... But then, Alan wouldn't have picked up in that case.

"Are you free? I can call back."

"Sorry, son. Some crazy-. Cultist types broke into one of the Sheeda arms dumps. It's an all-hands for the Justice League."
Yeah, that'd qualify as busy. Now, predictions on which crazy Cult it is?

"Understood. Don't let me keep-"

His face vanishes.

Well. A pity you haven't really got any friends outside of the League and the Team, OL...

That could well require the team's attention as well. Ah. Euanthe's busy with Brazil, Queen Hippolyta… Maybe? But she'll probably want a staff of her own and that… Might be a bit much for Themyscira.

Starting to think that turning up on my own would be the best idea. But Hinon specifically said…
And when Orange Granny says something, she expects it to be listened to. On the other hand...

Who the heck do I know who… Isn't…


step out and then
...She never said how big a staff he should take.

11th September 2012
12:56 GMT +3

appear inside the Temple of Hades, waving at the surprised-then-resigned priestesses as I fly for the doorway to Erebos. Down down down down... Despite having died, this bit doesn't feel any different. Though it is at least faster now that I've stopped worrying about being insufficiently reverential, though transitioning is still right out.
Well, you do qualify as a Hero under Greek definitions. And they have a long history of taking day trips into the Underworld.

And out. Palace that way, and as I gain height I can still see the queues heading into the courtrooms. I'm a little surprised that Hades hasn't set up temporary accommodation or something, though I suppose that they don't really need it. Now, where would-.

"Lantern!" / "Oh, Lantern!"

Two women dressed richly in Greek fashion hail me from the walls, and I fly towards them. They want me for something, and I need directions. Can't say that I recognise either of them, either from past visits or from the statues on Themyscira.
Hmm. Not shades, their speech would be all black. Death-infused, though. Local lesser dieties, then...

"Ladies. What can I do for you?"

The shorter one covers her mouth with her right hand as taller one laughs.
:confused: Please, not the Noblewoman's Laugh of Japanese Animation infamy. "OOHOHOHOHOHOHO!"

"You can apologise for not coming to see us sooner!"

"I'm.. sorry, but this is Erebos. And I have no idea who you are."
After all, the children of Hades are somewhat obscure in mythological circles.

"Ah. Then I will introduce myself. I-" She puts her right hand on her chest. "-am Gaudia."

Not 'gaudy' in the modern English sense. Her jewellery is actually quite modest. Rather, she's a minor goddess, representing guilty joys. Which-.
All those guilty little pleasures people enjoy? The ones you'd be embarrassed if anyone found out about? Heh.

"Which makes you Aporia."

Who I would have chosen as my patron goddess if 1) I was selecting on the same basis as I told Kon to select his patron and 2) I'd heard of her at the time.
A goddess of Wants? Yes, I can see the benefits of having her on your side... Until she realised you're basically invisible to her.

"It does indeed. You haven't died again, I trust?"

"No, I'm here to ask Princess Melinoë to accompany me on a diplomatic visit. Do you-?"
Ah, OL... Think about how that statement could be taken?


Aporia lowers her hand as she and Gaudia giggle.
Yes, I see their minds went exactly where I thought they might.

"Do you know where she is?"

"We were going to see her now." Gaudia masters her expression, though Aporia can't stop herself grinning. "She has busied herself recording the novel fears and paranoia of our new residents, but I'm sure that she'll make time for you."
I wonder if they actually were, or if they just want to see her face when he shows up...

"Glad to hear it. Lead-."

"Though there is one thing we would like to know in return."
Ah, what's the catch, ladies? Besides OL's bachelorhood?

"And what might that be?"

"What do a couple of sadly underappreciated goddesses have to do to persuade you to… What was the phrase?"
Now, I'm sure they aren't proposing a threesome or something like that... Not on the Worksafe side of the site, anyway.

"'Put a ring on it'?"

"'Put a ring on it', yes. We both have an excellent understanding of desire." She raises her eyebrows and regards me accusatorially. "Why have you ignored us so?"
And now I wonder what the theological implications of a deity wearing a Power Ring are...

Well, this is a fine pickle, OL. Whatever you say, I'm sure someone will feel offended... Though I heartily recommend consulting with Hinon about the possibility of recruiting them. She's probably got a much better idea of what giving two goddesses of desires a Ring empowered by Avarice might do. On the other hand, I wonder how the Titans will take you turning up with several Olympians for your first meeting.

The shorter one covers her mouth with her right hand as taller one laughs.
The shorter one covers her mouth with her right hand as the taller one laughs.

Is it a good idea to give a power ring to a god?

Even if it wasn't, something being a bad idea hasn't stopped Paul from doing it.

This is gonna go one of two ways. 1) Paul calmly and rationally explains the difficulty of having orange rings and these two goddesses will be consulted about ring use at a later date preferably with Hinon present. 2) Paul"s gonna make a big mess. Can't wait to find out which.

Yep, these are Paul's go to choices.

Arent gods masses of power that are strong enough to create bodies of flesh for themselves? Would a power ring do anything for them? It would like giving Best Snek a ring.

Side thought, since Snek desires all things. Would she want the other colors or power rings? Just to complete her collection.

It could give them a chance to leave the planet and can give more power to the lesser ones.

Coming soon from Zoat, a new lewd spinoff in the same spirit of Eros... Put a Ring On It. Paul just flies around the universe, recruiting all the lonely and lovely lasses, lewding them up in the process. It would be a great success.

I'm now imagining something like the Bachelor.

Paul has a weird competition for various women and if they pass he gives them a ring.
Well, scientists think it happened. I rather expect the slave race, meanwhile, has long since forgotten their bondage

Unless they've discovered archeological evidence that it's happened.

Yeah, that'd qualify as busy. Now, predictions on which crazy Cult it is?

Ohh, there are so many.

Well. A pity you haven't really got any friends outside of the League and the Team, OL...

He does actually.

Holly and Karen, Ted, Hephaestus etc.

Hmm. Not shades, their speech would be all black

Not really.

I read the previous chapter in which a shade showed up and his speech wasn't black.

Is it a good idea to give a power ring to a god?

Yes. It's a WONDERFUL idea!

I approve and there is no way this could possibly go wrong!
Some time past, when Paul recruited Mother of Mercy, Hinon said this:
"I suppose that it's hard to top a planet."
Whether it's a good or bad idea is irrelevant. The only question is "would doing so beat out recruiting a planet?" :D
You're google fu is weak. :)
No. I'm Richard. You're google fu is weak.

narcotics of my homeworld, that a sizeable proportion of the population lack the receptors to actually get addicted to it, yet use it anyway. "

what? Is that in reference to nicotine ?
Coffee, probably.

This reminds me: Desire is one of the Endless, is he the Ophidian in different form? Something else? Would he like a ring?
Given when Desire tried contacting Paul last, I doubt he's going to offer them one. Desire's a dick.

And a cunt. I seem to remember that Desire is the one that is both, innit?

And I hope we spend some time in Erebos, I'm always happy seeing the Illustres bringing chaos to the underworld.

Although, can someone remind me what happened after the weird thing with Pluto being a Star Conqueror?
Like in the cartoon series.
The one time I would have approved of making a white character black.
'to build'
I think 'Genesians' would be better.
Thank you, corrected.
narcotics of my homeworld, that a sizeable proportion of the population lack the receptors to actually get addicted to it, yet use it anyway. "

what? Is that in reference to nicotine ?
Yes. Don't ask me to reference the study, it was years ago.
The shorter one covers her mouth with her right hand as the taller one laughs.
Thank you, corrected.

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