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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Hey Look a...
Damn league of shadows.

yeah I'm still holding that Constantine hit paul with a spell to keep him distracted.
Not helped by the fact Paul is tied to Eris so for all we know John just made her an offering to nudge paul to more pressing matters.
Hm, for the next distraction, my money's on some Darkseid shenanigans. Didn't someone say something about one of his schemes being to de-power Zeus? Well, that's happened. Maybe Paul will get hit with Anti-Life.

Well there was that thing with the demon guns, so we may be getting something from that.
Ok so the obvious answer is John Constantine split into the two Johns (Normal and Golden Boy) with our John being the Lord of Chaos and Golden Boy becoming the Lord of Order specifically new John aka New Fate but even if that's true what's their goal if we go with old golden boy then maybe he just wants to be a normal superhero which is what we seen.
If it's Warps reality to take control of John's body Golden Boy then we need to ask ourselves would he still be causing crap to John now that he's a Lord of Order and got a body.

But what if they found something so terrifying "They decided No we need to work together and keep this hidden or it's gonna strike before we are ready" which is easily possible this is DC it could be a Vertigo thing or just an obscure dc threat maybe King of Tears or maybe they followed up on Dark Druid and found Nekron's Plan. But maybe Zoat's bringing in something from Doom Patrol we will have to wait and see.

Great work getting my gears turning Zoat.
Isn't their future version of Paul that helps Kalmin destroy the universe? Am I making that up?
At this point I'd like to remind everyone that Gaia herself told OL he needed to go visit the new South American dryad plant goddess and help her understand something.

Which he has not done. He got there, said hello, and was then sidetracked by the divorce request.
Whatever looming issue Gaia thought needed addressing is still looming.
He sort of did when he was speaking with Poison Ivy. Gaia and Heph's prodding were his entire reason for going to Brazil.
Dear John (part 1)
Dear John

5th November 2012
23:12 GMT

"Do you have a-"


The surprised… I want to say 'cultist', but this might actually be an unusual but accepted part of Hinduism for all I know, so… 'Ritualist', loses hold of his goat, which writhes in his grasp, smacking him with its horns before freeing itself and making a break for it.

"-license to butcher that goat?"

The ritualist takes a moment to take stock of the situation, then straightens himself up and brushes some of the goat hair off his robes.

"I do, actually. So-."

"Doesn't look stunned to me." I look around the… Rented business unit? Reminds me a little of the place John set up that withering spell to try and weaken Nabu. "And this doesn't look like a licensed premises."

"I've got a religious exemption."

"No you don't. If nothing else, because those stopped existing the moment Doctor Balewa finished explaining to the Select Committee how ritual sacrifice could be used to power certain types of spell." I drop to the floor. "Now, de facto, I'm not sure how well that law has actually been enforced, but in this instance I would respectfully suggest that now is the time to fold."

"Right, fine." He pushes back his hood, revealing a face covered in ritual face paint. "What do you want?"

"I'm trying to find John Constantine. Unfortunately, I've been getting nowhere."

He frowns, paint flaking slightly as his brow furrows. "Thought you and him were pretty close."

"You know how that goes with John. I take it you haven't seen him?"

"Not since just after that thing with that Lich."


"Yeah… He.. just sort of turned up in my flat. Like he does, you know?" I nod. "Asked me about a couple of rituals… Don't know why he bothered if he can just talk to the Atlanteans about it."

"Most likely because the Atlanteans study magic scientifically, building their understanding in a gradual, controlled way. There are any number of rituals and evocations they don't know about and probably wouldn't try."

"Uh." He nods, actually looking a little pleased.


"Well, with those Dolmen Gates and.. things, people like me… People have been trying to set up… Professional standards and that. But no one gets that we can't do that stuff." He shrugs a little self-consciously. "Just nice to hear there's stuff we can do that they can't, too."

"Not to… Harsh your mellow, but… They're magical scientists. They'll get it eventually, and then they'll be better at it because they'll understand how it all works. Particularly if they can study other people doing it so they've got somewhere to start."

"And they pay for that?"

"Um. Probably? I'm not sure if they've got a system for hiring locals, and… Atlantis doesn't exactly have large reserves of foreign currency, but I can introduce you if you want?"

He nods. "Sounds good."

"But going back to John..?"

"Oh yeah, he wanted to know this spell… Okay, you know how the soul goes through multiple cycles of life, death and rebirth?"

"I'm Lord Hades's marriage counsellor."

He frowns. "Who?"

"Ancient Greek God of the Dead."

"Oh. Do Greeks have samsara?"

"No, reincarnation is voluntary and random, and it's more… Because you're bored of the underworld than any sort of journey of spiritual discovery. But I'm familiar with the idea."

"Right, well, the soul retains… Development between incarnations, but it doesn't keep most of the memories. There's some leakage, but mostly… The new incarnation is a new person. That's the whole point; you can't learn if you're constantly doing the same things."


"But it's hackable."

"Reincarnation is hackable?"

"You can't change-. You can't reliably change where you reincarnate." He shifts awkwardly. "I mean, I've read scrolls which say you can, but the system picks up on it and makes your next life miserable, and there's no point because you don't remember it anyway."

"Karma's a bitch."

"No, it sounds fair to me." He shrugs. "But it's not just that. Because the soul does retain development, the memories of all your past lives have to be encoded in it, right?"

"Not all of them, but… Yes? That's where past life memories come from."

"But it encodes more than people remember. There's rituals you can use to get more access. Even talk to your own past incarnations, if you want."

"And that's what John asked about?"

"Yeah." He shrugs. "That was the main thing. We were talking for a while, and I don't remember… It was mostly about that."

John's past incarnations? I don't remember anything about that in the comics. Sure, there were other Constantines, and other synchronicity wave travellers… This is more than I've gotten from anyone else.

"Do you remember anything else about his visit?"

"He had a Tesco bag that glowed the whole time."

"What colour?"

"White, with blue and red-."

"The glow, not the bag."


I nod. "Did he say where he was going?"

"No. Didn't even say goodbye, I just turned around and he wasn't there anymore."

"Mind if some colleagues of mine take a look at your apartment? We're really quite eager to make sure that John's alright."

"Sure." He shrugs. "Sure, no problem. Ah, about those Atlanteans?"

"Do you have time now?"

He glances in the direction the goat fled in. It's gone.

"Might as well."
Last edited:

Ohh, Paul, you and he were so cute.

Do you really have to break up?

But I'm glad we're finally getting a Constantine episode.

Though you and him were pretty close."


"Most likely because the Atlanteans study magic scientifically, building their understanding in a gradual, controlled way. There are any number of rituals and evocations they don't know about and probably wouldn't try.

Yeah, a lot of surface magic may be too crazy.

"You can't change-. You can't reliably change where you reincarnate

Though a lot of people may try.

Probably want to become someone important or rich.

Now this incarnation thing makes me think that John somehow used the ritual to talk to Golden Boy and that it's Quinn.
Dear John

5th November 2012
23:12 GMT

"Do you have a-"

Yeah, that's most people's reaction to OL turning up unexpectedly. :D Just not as vocal or visceral. And at last, we're starting on the - no doubt perilous and winding - journey to track down John Constantine! About bloody time!

The surprised… I want to say 'cultist', but this might actually be an unusual but accepted part of Hinduism for all I know, so… 'Ritualist', loses hold of his goat, which writhes in his grasp, smacking him with its horns before freeing itself and making a break for it.

"-license to butcher that goat?"
I picture it butting him in the crotch, for added hilarity. :p Unlikely, but amusing.

The ritualist takes a moment to take stock of the situation, then straightens himself up and brushes some of the goat hair off his robes.

"I do, actually. So-."
He's remarkably calm about getting caught in what no doubt looks like a satanic ritual.

"Doesn't look stunned to me." I look around the… Rented business unit? Reminds me a little of the place John set up that withering spell to try and weaken Nabu. "And this doesn't look like a licensed premises."

"I've got a religious exemption."
I rather think splashing about a few pints of goat's blood would waive your security and cleaning deposit, if nothing else.

"No you don't. If nothing else, because those stopped existing the moment Doctor Balewa finished explaining to the Select Committee how ritual sacrifice could be used to power certain types of spell." I drop to the floor. "Now, de facto, I'm not sure how well that law has actually been enforced, but in this instance I would respectfully suggest that now is the time to fold."

"Right, fine." He pushes back his hood, revealing a face covered in ritual face paint. "What do you want?"
Or, to use a classic British line: 'You're nicked, mate.' I'm sure OL will be willing to overlook this if you're helpful.

"I'm trying to find John Constantine. Unfortunately, I've been getting nowhere."

He frowns, paint flaking slightly as his brow furrows. "Though you and him were pretty close."
Not that close. You clearly know what happens to John's friends.

"You know how that goes with John. I take it you haven't seen him?"

"Not since just after that thing with that Lich."
...In other words, after he'd been slapped with the mantles of both Klarion and Nabu. Bet he was a little bit twitchy.


"Yeah… He.. just sort of turned up in my flat. Like he does, you know?" I nod. "Asked me about a couple of rituals… Don't know why he bothered if he can just talk to the Atlanteans about it."
There are some places the Atlanteans won't go, and things they won't or can't do...

"Most likely because the Atlanteans study magic scientifically, building their understanding in a gradual, controlled way. There are any number of rituals and evocations they don't know about and probably wouldn't try."

"Uh." He nods, actually looking a little pleased.
Like, say, whatever you were planning with that goat. Pretty sure they have opinions about blood sacrifice.


"Well, with the those Dolmen Gates and.. things, people like me… People have been trying to set up… Professional standards and that. But no one gets that we can't do that stuff." He shrugs a little self-consciously. "Just nice to hear there's stuff we can do that they can't, too."
Give them time, they'll work something out.

"Not to… Harsh your mellow, but… They're magical scientists. They'll get it eventually, and then they'll be better at it because they'll understand how it all works. Particularly if they can study other people doing it so they've got somewhere to start."

"And they pay for that?"
...That would be an interesting thing to list on a resumé.

"Um. Probably? I'm not sure if they've got a system for hiring locals, and… Atlantis doesn't exactly have large reserves of foreign currency, but I can introduce you if you want?"

He nods. "Sounds good."
I'm sure he wouldn't mind being paid in gold. Let's hope he has a decent water-breathing spell in his books somewhere.

"But going back to John..?"

"Oh yeah, he wanted to know this spell… Okay, you know how the soul goes through multiple cycles of life, death and rebirth?"
Well, in some faiths, anyway.

"I'm Lord Hades's marriage counsellor."

He frowns. "Who?"
...Uneducated lout... :rolleyes: Honestly, no appreciation for the Classics.

"Ancient Greek God of the Dead."

"Oh. Do Greeks have samsara?"
Not quite... Though I wonder if more of his subjects would elect to give it a try these days.

"No, reincarnation is voluntary and random, and it's more… Because you're bored of the underworld than any sort of journey of spiritual discovery. But I'm familiar with the idea."

"Right, well, the soul retains… Development between incarnations, but it doesn't keep most of the memories. There's some leakage, but mostly… The new incarnation is a new person. That's the whole point; you can't learn if you're constantly doing the same things."
A pity most people can't manage it.


"But it's hackable."
Oh, is that what he is? The mystical equivalent of a script kiddie?

"Reincarnation is hackable?"

"You can't change-. You can't reliably change where you reincarnate." He shifts awkwardly. "I mean, I've read scrolls which say you can, but the system picks up on it and makes your next life miserable, and there's no point because you don't remember it anyway."
Sounds like a good reason not to try and mess with it.

"Karma's a bitch."

"No, it sounds fair to me." He shrugs. "But it's not just that. Because the soul does retain development, the memories of all your past lives have to be encoded in it, right?"
I would presume so. Significant bits, at least. And probably not the things we'd consider significant, like marriage, children and the like.

"Not all of them, but… Yes? That's where past life memories come from."

"But it encodes more than people remember. There's rituals you can use to get more access. Even talk to your own past incarnations, if you want."
Sort of like cracking into a secure file in your operating system.

"And that's what John asked about?"

"Yeah." He shrugs. "That was the main thing. We were talking for a while, and I don't remember… It was mostly about that."
Why do I not doubt that he left a little treat for the guy to 'encourage' him to forget or at least misremember things?

John's past incarnations? I don't remember anything about that in the comics. Sure, there were other Constantines, and other synchronicity wave travellers… This is more than I've gotten from anyone else.

"Do you remember anything else about his visit?"
How peculiar. I wonder where he was going with it?

"He had a Tesco bag that glowed the whole time."

"What colour?"
A shopping bag? No class at all. Use a briefcase, at least.

"White, with blue and red-."

"The glow, not the bag."
Though I find it amusing that he felt the need to lug the Helmet of Nabu in a plastic bag, like the day's shopping.


I nod. "Did he say where he was going?"
Evidently Order wasn't to his taste, then. As we know, since he fobbed it off on John Quinn.

"No. Didn't even say goodbye, I just turned around and he wasn't there anymore."

"Mind if some colleagues of mine take a look at your apartment? We're really quite eager to make sure that john's alright."
...I suppose with all that power, it makes it a lot easier for him to pull a Bat-disappearing-act on someone.

"Sure." He shrugs. "Sure, no problem. Ah, about those Atlanteans?"

"Do you have time now?"
Not a wise idea to refuse someone with as much power as OL has, I suppose.

He glances in the direction the goat fled in. It's gone.

"Might as well."
Yeah, I'd say any plans you had for the evening have fallen through by now.

And so the hunt begins. This unnamed fellow will be just one step of many on the trail, no doubt. We can but hope that nothing important comes up to bump OL and his associates off the path again. Though by this point, I suspect nothing short of the end of the world will dissuade OL from this mission. And even then, he'll probably take one look at it, go, "Nope, someone else can handle this." And keep on the hop.

"Well, with the those Dolmen Gates and..
:confused: Bit awkward. Either delete 'the' or pop an ellipsis after it, maybe?
We're really quite eager to make sure that john's alright."

We're really quite eager to make sure that John's alright."
I'd like to see this ritualist again. Especially if he gets diplomatic immunity as a "magical matters expert" so he winds up frustrating traditionalists with his… everything. Or he could wind up in jail for non-villainous deeds, leading to another quirky meetup just like this the next time Paul searches for him.
Not that close. You clearly know what happens to John's friends.

He can probably smell the bad luck coming from John.

Not quite... Though I wonder if more of his subjects would elect to give it a try these days.

Well even if only 1% of his subjects chose it, that'd still be a lot since he has billions of them.

Why do I not doubt that he left a little treat for the guy to 'encourage' him to forget or at least misremember things?

Because that sounds like John.

Though I find it amusing that he felt the need to lug the Helmet of Nabu in a plastic bag, like the day's shopping.

Where else was he supposed to carry it?
"No you don't. If nothing else, because those stopped existing the moment Doctor Balewa finished explaining to the Select Committee how ritual sacrifice could be used to power certain types of spell." I drop to the floor. "Now, de facto, I'm not sure how well that law has actually been enforced, but in this instance I would respectfully suggest that now is the time to fold."
Wonder where this is taking place...

Can't be America cause constitution... So maybe England or Canada?

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