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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

I made the average Amazon as strong as the average man.

Yes, and that is your prerogative as an author, but they are superhuman pre and post crisis, in the Wonder Woman tv show with Lynda Carter, the DCAU, and DCEU.

So your decision registers as odd since it reflects no major DC media.
This got weird. I kind of miss pragmatic Paul who would have simply exterminated them.

couldnt you wipe them out here and now? wouldnt that solve the problem for good? or is this not all of them? what did gravyen!paul do with them eventually? i dont remember reading a chapter where he dealt with them for good after encountering them.
Maybe Paul thinks he could use the survivors and wants to make them more likely to do what he says by beating them at their own game. Or maybe he's cautious about what New God tech they're using and trying to bait it out.
Maybe Paul thinks he could use the survivors and wants to make them more likely to do what he says by beating them at their own game. Or maybe he's cautious about what New God tech they're using and trying to bait it out.
Aren't they following Grayven's orders? I think taking them over would mess with his conquest thing.
Yes, and that is your prerogative as an author, but they are superhuman pre and post crisis, in the Wonder Woman tv show with Lynda Carter, the DCAU, and DCEU.

So your decision registers as odd since it reflects no major DC media.
No, originally all of them -including Diana- were only as strong as normal humans with excellent training. I've made them stronger than they were in the Golden Age. The invisible plane? She had that because she couldn't fly.
No, originally all of them -including Diana- were only as strong as normal humans with excellent training. I've made them stronger than they were in the Golden Age. The invisible plane? She had that because she couldn't fly.
While you won't see this, I'm still going to say it for the benefit of the rest of the thread, that's wrong.

This is literally from the very first Wonder Woman comic.

People are forgetting that the Illustres has been trying to change his kill-happy attittude for a while. He does it, and is not conflicted by it, but when confronted bt the heroes on Earth that he likes and respects he gets bothered by the fact that he doesn't get bothered with casual slaughter of his enemies. So he has been trying to "do better", or at least that's how I interpreted it.

I also wish that sometimes he would be more "Annihilation Beam"-prone with certain enemies/factions. But if the Illustres wants to be a better person, why not? Being fine with hitting the genocide button is not necessarily a nice trait. And if at the end he can still win, why is it a problem that it took longer and he had to be more clever than needed?

I personally would already have a couple legions of Construct Lanterns, for example, with how much I like the technique and dislike some individuals. But that would make me a bad person, not a good hero.
So your decision registers as odd since it reflects no major DC media.
It may not be a description directly attested to in any major DC media, but it is at least in line with the rest of the setting -- it's fairly consistent through this entire fic that he's portraying Earth-16 as a lower-powered setting in accordance with Young Justice. YJ didn't really have much to demonstrate superpower-level strength and fitness for Amazons other than Wonder Woman, who is exceptional.
Wonder Woman's original gimmick was that she did in fact have super strength and the like, but her powers would be suppressed to the point she was as weak as an ordinary woman if a man tied her up. This was apparently "Aphrodite's law".

All the Amazons had some level of enhanced physical abilities, Diana was just the strongest among them. And they all had that weakness to being bound by a man. Specifically, an Amazon's arms had to be bound so that their "bracelets of submission" were touching.

Because the creator of Wonder Woman was super into bondage. Hell, the early Amazons solved a lot of their problems through bondage. They had a whole thing about using S&M to redeem female villains.
Him changing gender to empathise with the cannibals is kind of jarring. If he was doing it to troll them would be more in character.
He's not emphasizing with them. At all. He's trolling them.

'You can't challenge us as a man. Only a woman can challenge us.'

'Power rings are awesome. Done. Fight me.'

'Wait that's illegal.'
Fleet Traction (part 22)
1st January 2013
22:06 GMT


Is that a n'avi?

No, no, too many ears and not tall enough. And wearing actual clothes.

The rest of the greeting party are wearing sleeveless body armour and coalscuttle helmets. The bracers have plasma guns mounted on them… Since my scans aren't being disrupted here I can tell they've compromised on the recharge rate in order to keep the peak output high. They're carrying actual guns, which is an improvement on what I was expecting from the sort of civilisation that allows duelling. The armour… Ah, I see. It's using a plasma shield to feign high toughness, a pretty good idea until you realise that the only way their plasma weapons can fire out is if they match the output profile, meaning that their own guns totally ignore it.

And mine could too, if that ever becomes relevant.

Nice that they're pointing their guns at me.

"Hello, future corpses. Are we starting here?"

Mini-na'vi sneers. "The Illustres of the Orange Lantern Corps is a man."

"The Illustres of the Orange Lantern Corps is a Lantern of superlative ability."

"It doesn't matter whether you die quickly or slowly. Prove that you are a woman."

"On the first date?"

They look blank. Yes, I suppose that their culture doesn't lend itself to romance, even between women. Ah, given the likely output of those weapons… Yes, my environmental shield and personal force field should be able to hold out for the 1-2 seconds I'd need to create something more substantial to defend myself.

"Ah, fine."

I step out and reappear just outside my armour, making sure that my rings have a grasp of my motor controls. I feel slightly overbalanced, but otherwise… Otherwise, other than the weird sensation I'm getting from my upper torso and the numbness of my crotch, not that different. I mean, I'm sure that if I left my brain like this there would be a whole lot of behavioural changes… Again.

"There. Happ-"

They point their guns at my armour and fire!


Construct barrier up!

My armour's shield takes the fire reasonably well and the armour is easily able to weather the bleed-through heat and radiation. And then my construct barrier interposes itself, wall thickening around me to protect my armour-. And me. Bit odd that they shot my armour. Sure, it's got systems that I can't replace without getting hold of a wizard, but just killing me would-.

Ah. That might violate their duelling rules.

I spot non-na'vi watch what their guns do to my barrier -very little- before ordering them to cease fire with a twitch of her right hand.

"On my world, we have a saying." I transfer myself back into my armour. "If you come at the king, you better not miss. Are we not doing the duel thing?"

"We are. But we know perfectly well that you're mocking our customs with no interest in becoming one of us."

"So you're not stupid, good. Explain why you shot my armour?"

"You weren't in it."

I shrug. Frankly, relying on these people to have any sense of honour was a long shot, and what she just said sort of makes sense.

"Are you my first opponent?"


"You mean I'm actually getting Astarte? Honestly, I thought I'd have to work up to that."

"You will."


A shudder moves through the squad, then not-na'vi motions for the group to move deeper into the ship.

"No. How do you even know that name?"

"I'm actually quite clever. I just thought, 'what would a psychotic bitch with no redeeming qualities call someone she locked in a cargo hold until she ate everyone else there?', and this name just came to me."

Not-na'vi's eyes widen slightly, then narrow.

"You should not talk about the Captain like that. She will kill you for the insults you have already given-."

"Oh, for a moment I thought the offer to join was genuine."

"But now she will draw your death out."

I chuckle quietly. "Are you so craven that you fear death?"

"Death in battle? No. The death she will give you? Yes."

I wave my right arm dismissively, and 'accidentally' smack one of her soldiers across the docking bay and into the wing of one of their fighters. The crumbler effect was turned off so her armour absorbs it easily enough, but everyone alters their position to be a little further away from me.

Good show.

"Can't help but notice that none of you are using New God equipment. Grayven not sharing?"

Not-na'vi… Visibly hesitates. Okay, so she's up to something, though given what she said earlier I doubt that she's going to lie to me. "It does nothing for us that our equipment doesn't do better."

Because they're not New Gods. Fair enough. Astarte should be able to empower it, but maybe she doesn't know how. Or maybe 'helping people' isn't something Citizens do.

"Who am I fighting first, anyway?"

"Armsmistress Aramis."

"She any good?"

"She has over five hundred kills in the arena."

"So..? She beats up unarmed refugees? Is that a no?"

"We allow surviving females a chance to regain their strength before putting them in the arena."

"Oh, goodness me, she actually does. Hah!"

The soldiers peel away as we approach a fortified gateway.

"Beyond here-."

"You know how I haven't asked your name?"

"It is-."

"That's because I don't care."

I activate my crumbler gauntlets and disintegrate the expensive-looking door.

"Through here?"
He's not emphasizing with them. At all. He's trolling them.

'You can't challenge us as a man. Only a woman can challenge us.'

'Power rings are awesome. Done. Fight me.'

'Wait that's illegal.'
No, he's trying to delay them until Athyns finishes the ritual. They've brought one big ship. He doesn't know how many more they have or might bring in if they decide that diplomacy has failed. He also knows that while he'd probably 'win' the fight he wouldn't be able to stop a sufficiently big fleet destroying Minosyss.
"It doesn't matter whether you die quickly or slowly. Prove that you are a woman."

"On the first date

Buy her some dinner first, you savage.

So you're not stupid, good

Well they're not stupid for this moment.

The rest...

"You mean I'm actually getting Astarte? Honestly, I thought I'd have to work up to that

You gotta kill the mooks before the boss fight.


A shudder moves through the squad

I see they know about the murder machine and they're afraid of her.

"Can't help but notice that none of you are using New God equipment. Grayven not sharing

They might not be able to make full use of it.

Not-na'vi… Visibly hesitates. Okay, so she's up to something, though given what she said earlier I doubt that she's going to lie to me. "It does nothing for us that our equipment doesn't do better."

Because they're not New Gods


Astarte should be able to empower it, but maybe she doesn't know how. Or maybe 'helping people' isn't something Citizens do.

Could be both.
No, he's trying to delay them until Athyns finishes the ritual. They've brought one big ship. He doesn't know how many more they have or might bring in if they decide that diplomacy has failed. He also knows that while he'd probably 'win' the fight he wouldn't be able to stop a sufficiently big fleet destroying Minosyss.
By trolling them though.
No, he's trying to delay them until Athyns finishes the ritual. They've brought one big ship. He doesn't know how many more they have or might bring in if they decide that diplomacy has failed. He also knows that while he'd probably 'win' the fight he wouldn't be able to stop a sufficiently big fleet destroying Minosyss.
You mean he doesn't intend to kill them all in single combat?
1st January 2013
22:06 GMT


Is that a n'avi?

No, no, too many ears and not tall enough. And wearing actual clothes.
Ah, DC Artists will steal borrow inspiration from anything, given half a chance. Just consider the sheer variety of Lanterns during the War of Light storylines, and how many of them were lawyer-friendly cameos...

The rest of the greeting party are wearing sleeveless body armour and coalscuttle helmets. The bracers have plasma guns mounted on them… Since my scans aren't being disrupted here I can tell they've compromised on the recharge rate in order to keep the peak output high. They're carrying actual guns, which is an improvement on what I was expecting from the sort of civilisation that allows duelling. The armour… Ah, I see. It's using a plasma shield to feign high toughness, a pretty good idea until you realise that the only way their plasma weapons can fire out is if they match the output profile, meaning that their own guns totally ignore it.
And now that you've scanned them, said shields are now irrelevant. Clever. You'd think these people don't know what Lanterns are capable of. Or, more likely, they don't care.

And mine could too, if that ever becomes relevant.

Nice that they're pointing their guns at me.
Ah, a relatively nice greeting from them, then. If they were in a bad mood, they'd probably be shooting you already.

"Hello, future corpses. Are we starting here?"

Mini-na'vi sneers. "The Illustres of the Orange Lantern Corps is a man."
And that means very little to shapeshifters and Orange Power Ring users. And given the latter, you can easily be the former.

"The Illustres of the Orange Lantern Corps is a Lantern of superlative ability."

"It doesn't matter whether you die quickly or slowly. Prove that you are a woman."
What, you asking OL to provide a gynaecological history? :p

"On the first date?"

They look blank. Yes, I suppose that their culture doesn't lend itself to romance, even between women. Ah, given the likely output of those weapons… Yes, my environmental shield and personal force field should be able to hold out for the 1-2 seconds I'd need to create something more substantial to defend myself.
Or you can simply rip them out of their armour, given a couple of seconds of precise shooting. Depends on how strong a lesson you want to teach them.

"Ah, fine."

I step out and reappear just outside my armour, making sure that my rings have a grasp of my motor controls. I feel slightly overbalanced, but otherwise… Otherwise, other than the weird sensation I'm getting from my upper torso and the numbness of my crotch, not that different. I mean, I'm sure that if I left my brain like this there would be a whole lot of behavioural changes… Again.
I mean, there have already been some subtle signs. Apparently you make a mean woman.

"There. Happ-"

They point their guns at my armour and fire!
:eek: Oi, leave off! Kind of rude, you know.


Construct barrier up!
No doubt they want you going into this stuff as disadvantaged as they can make you be.

My armour's shield takes the fire reasonably well and the armour is easily able to weather the bleed-through heat and radiation. And then my construct barrier interposes itself, wall thickening around me to protect my armour-. And me. Bit odd that they shot my armour. Sure, it's got systems that I can't replace without getting hold of a wizard, but just killing me would-.

Ah. That might violate their duelling rules.
Heh. So apparently using the good stuff is cheating? Tough luck for them.

I spot non-na'vi watch what their guns do to my barrier -very little- before ordering them to cease fire with a twitch of her right hand.

"On my world, we have a saying." I transfer myself back into my armour. "If you come at the king, you better not miss. Are we not doing the duel thing?"
Or in this case, the queen. Let's hope you get to go all Abridged!Seras on them. :p

"We are. But we know perfectly well that you're mocking our customs with no interest in becoming one of us."

"So you're not stupid, good. Explain why you shot my armour?"
Hopefully she's one of the smart leaders. Someone OL can use once they finish this fight...

"You weren't in it."

I shrug. Frankly, relying on these people to have any sense of honour was a long shot, and what she just said sort of makes sense.
Well, it wasn't like they could steal it, after all. Not until you're dead, anyway.

"Are you my first opponent?"


"You mean I'm actually getting Astarte? Honestly, I thought I'd have to work up to that."
Sadly, I doubt you get to bypass the pecking order. Them's the rules of a Boss Rush.

"You will."


A shudder moves through the squad, then not-na'vi motions for the group to move deeper into the ship.
...Suggestion: Do not let her live, whatever happens. The mad dog needs to be put down sooner or later.

"No. How do you even know that name?"

"I'm actually quite clever. I just thought, 'what would a psychotic bitch with no redeeming qualities call someone she locked in a cargo hold until she ate everyone else there?', and this name just came to me."
Aw. You could have given them the classic 'Fuck you, that's how.'

Not-na'vi's eyes widen slightly, then narrow.

"You should not talk about the Captain like that. She will kill you for the insults you have already given-."
"Oh, you think I give a shit about you not liking me?"

"Oh, for a moment I thought the offer to join was genuine."

"But now she will draw your death out."
We'll see who ends up dying. OL's had practice at it, after all. And they're very good at avoiding it.

I chuckle quietly. "Are you so craven that you fear death?"

"Death in battle? No. The death she will give you? Yes."
...And now I'm picturing something involving a spoon. Not that she'll be getting that chance.

I wave my right arm dismissively, and 'accidentally' smack one of her soldiers across the docking bay and into the wing of one of their fighters. The crumbler effect was turned off so her armour absorbs it easily enough, but everyone alters their position to be a little further away from me.

Good show.
Pleasant. Fem-OL is definitely not a nice lady. Though given the audience, this probably counts as being polite to them.

"Can't help but notice that none of you are using New God equipment. Grayven not sharing?"

Not-na'vi… Visibly hesitates. Okay, so she's up to something, though given what she said earlier I doubt that she's going to lie to me. "It does nothing for us that our equipment doesn't do better."
Ah. He has that little concern for you, then.

Because they're not New Gods. Fair enough. Astarte should be able to empower it, but maybe she doesn't know how. Or maybe 'helping people' isn't something Citizens do.

"Who am I fighting first, anyway?"
Ironically, as a daughter of Ares, she probably would improve their capabilities if she did so...

"Armsmistress Aramis."

"She any good?"
Does she use a rapier and musket? :p

"She has over five hundred kills in the arena."

"So..? She beats up unarmed refugees? Is that a no?"
On the other hand, anyone tough enough to rise to that level is probably hardcore anyway.

"We allow surviving females a chance to regain their strength before putting them in the arena."

"Oh, goodness me, she actually does. Hah!"
I can hear the sarcasm dripping off your voice, OL...

The soldiers peel away as we approach a fortified gateway.

"Beyond here-."
Let's hope there's no-one important between you and your opponent. This is about to get messy, methinks.

"You know how I haven't asked your name?"

"It is-."
Well, it's not like many, if any, of the general Citizenry were named during their story, for one. :rolleyes:

"That's because I don't care."

I activate my crumbler gauntlets and disintegrate the expensive-looking door.

"Through here?"
I don't picture a lot of these fights taking long.

Well, then. I wonder if OL-chan is just naturally bitchy, or if she's trolling the Citizenry. It's not like they deserve the polite treatment anyway. On the other hand, I hope OL understands what they're getting into, because if this is a Boss Rush, then the difficulty will ramp up fast. At least the Citizenry are about to get an education about what Lanterns can do...
You'd think these people don't know what Lanterns are capable of. Or, more likely, they don't care.

I think they try to avoid them because they can actually be a threat to them.

And that means very little to shapeshifters and Orange Power Ring users. And given the latter, you can easily be the former.

True, but while he's biologically a woman, mentally he's still a man.

Though I doubt the Citizenry are progressive enough to accept transgender people.

Or in this case, the queen. Let's hope you get to go all Abridged!Seras on them

He's going to show them his red rage.

Pleasant. Fem-OL is definitely not a nice lady. Though given the audience, this probably counts as being polite to them.

I think they'd consider it polite if you surrendered to them.

If you opposed them in any way then you're being very rude.

Well, then. I wonder if OL-chan is just naturally bitchy, or if she's trolling the Citizenry

Given that it's Paul, it's both him being bitchy and being a troll.
No, originally all of them -including Diana- were only as strong as normal humans with excellent training. I've made them stronger than they were in the Golden Age. The invisible plane? She had that because she couldn't fly.

Zoat, in the Golden Age, that "excellent training" was Charles Atas Superpowers that included superhuman speed and strength.

In All Star Comics 8, her first appearance, she's described as being 100 times stronger and agile as the best male athlete in the world.

In Sensation comics, started a year later in 1942 written by her creator Marston, she's written as having to be reminded more than once that non Amazons don't have superpowers.

She knocks someone out with one punch, the strength shown in that series enough to break metal like paper mache, it's "Oh yes, have to remember these people are more fragile than an Amazon." She has to save Steve Trevor "Why didn't you just jump like I did?" "Because I'm not a kangaroo!" She expected a woman to be able to overtake a boat going 30 mph and when corrected it's "Okay, grab my waist and don't let go."

Sadly I can't find the picture right now despite looking for it, but it was a plot point that the Amazons started training outside women the Amazon powers so like there's a girl lifting a boulder.
We always forget that Paragon has a body count in the Billions. These mooks are not on his level.

Actually the citizenry as an organization almost certainly has a much much higher body count (hundreds of billions or low trillions in their total existence) as they supply Grayven with food for his troops by converting civilizations that are trapped on their planet (explained as a lack of chemicals to industrialize beyond coal) into biomass by killing almost all of them (minus a few notable females) something they did long before they joined Grayven at a slower pace (as they only had to feed themselves).

Individually Paul has a body count in the millions at the low end and hundreds of millions in the extreme high end.
Actually the citizenry as an organization almost certainly has a much much higher body count (hundreds of billions or low trillions in their total existence) as they supply Grayven with food for his troops by converting civilizations that are trapped on their planet (explained as a lack of chemicals to industrialize beyond coal) into biomass by killing almost all of them (minus a few notable females) something they did long before they joined Grayven at a slower pace (as they only had to feed themselves

I don't think it was mentioned if they supplied Grayven and his troops with food.

Individually Paul has a body count in the millions at the low end and hundreds of millions in the extreme high end

The Citadelians at first and then the time he bombarded that Spider Guild planet.

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