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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

You know Paul, I'm not hearing Truggs say anything useful you couldn't figure out yourself. I wouldn't throw him out the airlock, because that doesn't let you see the corpse and send his soul somewhere it won't be getting out, but I certainly wouldn't be letting him live.

Shame Assimilation is off the table for now.
  1. Lex Luthor (with a goatee) from that anti-matter universe.
  2. Lois Lane (a Danner enhancile, and possibly a few Kryptonian goodies on her person).
  3. An affiliate of the Olympians, such as a Themysciran who left home.
  4. A non-human-derived sapient, such as the abyssal hermits who survived the last Sheeda invasion. Possibly native to Earth.
  5. Um. Considering how they reacted to hellish energies, I don't think the Genomorphs are handling the Anti-Life very well. Though they could have gone into hibernation?
  6. A Hellblazer character. Or someone from Sindella Zatara's hidden homeland.
  7. A magician or artificer associated with Sephtian.
  8. Snake cultists such as the pair Paul talked to on December 31st/January 1st when the Anti-Life took effect.
  9. A recovered member of the Alliance of the Just, who was at ground zero for an Anti-Life tower. Who spent who knows how long as a slave to Charity Auction Darkseid.
Okay. I suspect that unusual, competent people might come out of the woodwork in order to help end Earth's Anti-Life problem. Especially if Paul is leading the efforts. A smallscale version of the Infinite Pauls Crisis battle, the one with the kaiju-sized Manhunters. Some of these individiuals will be like Mirror Master- they are skilled with a ring-reproducable marvel of technology and they use it at the right time. Others will be like Cornwall Boy the thaumovore.
Was planning on re-reading the story. I last stopped after they ousted Zeus. The following arc (don't remember its name) kinda dipped in quality and I gave up on this story. Has the story quality gone up since then?
No promises generally, but I did go back and rewrite that whole encounter.
You know Paul, I'm not hearing Truggs say anything useful you couldn't figure out yourself. I wouldn't throw him out the airlock, because that doesn't let you see the corpse and send his soul somewhere it won't be getting out, but I certainly wouldn't be letting him live.

Shame Assimilation is off the table for now.

Assimilation would probably be briefly satisfaction for OL. Then he has to sort through all of Trugg's memories before he uses the Sword of the Fallen to kill him, and hope he isn't powerful enough to reincarnate.

That reminds me, sorry if it was explained and I just missed it, but is Paul incapable of calling another orange ring to use until he fixes the old one, or is he just incapable of using orange light period until this whole mess gets sorted out?
14th February 2013
15:48 GMT -5

I was wondering what Light-affiliates had been doing.

I don't wave back. Instead, I turn around and focus on infiltrating the security of the cell. Doesn't appear to be designed to resist construct infiltration, but since I don't know a thing about their computer security I just feel out the connections until…
I expect those of the Light without the ability to simply leave Earth or counteract the Anti-Life somehow are holed up in deep bunkers somewhere. Still, if it keeps them from getting up to mischief...

There it is. A small pulse of electromagnetic energy and the field shuts down, a faint shimmer at the back of the cell showing me that it affected all six interior surfaces.

"Are you in one piece,-"
Best to remember that trick, OL, you're going to have to do it again, a lot.

She stalks towards the bars, grabs two of them and pushes them apart!

Evidently so, and presumably angry at the Dhorians.

"Yeah." She crouches slightly and twists aside to fit through the gap she just made. "Ah'm good."

"I'm glad to hear it. Any residual affect of-?"
Because even if she is a super-strong young woman, she is still a young woman, and rather slender in places.

She walks past me, though I notice a certain lack of her usual anger in her steps. It's more like she's actually having to make an effort to move.

"Tuppence, if you're injured, we need to know."
Pins and needles of a sort, perhaps? Guess they Gonged her when they brought her aboard, and it has only been a couple of hours tops.

"Ah don't like bein' locked up, is awl." She looks around the cell block, taking everything in. "How we geh'in out?"

"That's a work in progress."
But if it involves punching people, you'll be his first choice. Eiling's a little too violent.

"Dude..?" Mahkent nods towards Nylor's cell. "I think that guy's trying to get your attention."

"Most likely." Tuppence tense but not angry? Not sure what's going on there, but I can worry about that once we're out. "I'm going to need to manually open each cell unless Kadabra can work something out and I'm not sure how much time we have. Tuppence, did you see anyone who might be useful, or is it all-?"
To be fair, if she was Gonged, I doubt she had the luxury of looking around when they lugged her in here.

Tuppence punches the control unit for the cell next to hers, which causes the force field to lock in the 'active' position.

"Please don't do that."
Because why would you have the thing keeping captives in their cells shut off if interfered with? :sneaky:

"Why didn' that shut it awf?"

"Because that's not how anyone designs their cells."
I mean, some peoples might think otherwise, but the Dhorians? I don't think so.

I extrude a filament and try poking the surviving circuitry. Yes, she's tripped the safety feature and I'm not entirely sure how to reverse it. I don't recognise the person inside, but they're coherent enough to have perked up when they saw me. Good, they'll be able to move under their own power.

"Dude, I think he's signing something."
Just ignore Truggs, he'll wear himself out. I doubt he can contribute in any meaningful way beyond snark.

"Ignore him."

"If he takes off his pants, I'm gunna go hang out with Kadabra."
If he does that, feel free to freeze his testicles. It's not like it'd be permanent.

Could I create a crumbler device without a copy of the schematic? I've used it a lot, but it's a good deal more complicated than a cold gun.

I exhale, walk over to Nylor's cell and deactivate the force field.
Let me guess, you think he has some trick to help out? And really, I doubt he's going to stop /Wave'ing at you.


"Ah, if yah don't open the doors, the cell autamatically gasses the guy inside."
Gee, how nice. Tell me, those nice bio-modded lungs of yours up to countering that? :p

"I'm sure that you'll live. Do you know something useful?"

"Y'got Abra Kadabra with you?" He shrugs. "I know how he can jam the teleport scanner with his wand…"
Yes, yes. Do catch up to the point where you have a relevant and useful observation?

"Tuppence, please break his bars."

"Oh, y'all suddenly fergot how yewer rings work?"
What, you don't want to break something after what the Dhorians put you through?

Nylor points at my hand. "Yellow. Not orange. They use your clones to Anti-Life ya?"

"How did you know about that?"
...He didn't suggest it to Mannheim, did he? OL, feel free to cold-gun his meat-and-two-veg yourself...

"Only reason yah'd take 'em off. The clever part's how I knew about the clones."

"Truggs, we-."
I wonder if OL can work out how to torture someone with their greatest fear by talking to Truggs long enough?

"Nylor." He grins.

"We're on a hostile spacecraft with an indeterminate number of prisoners we need to-"
God, I can already see his smug grin. And I want to put a brick through it.

"Twen'y seven."

"-rescue, thank you, and the Earth's still Anti-Lifed. Please, just… Stop. Wind me up later if you must."
Or better yet, leave off with the winding up and keep your observations limited to useful things.

"But you can fix it. You wouldn't be back if you couldn't."

"That doesn't mean it's alright to dick around while human society keeps collapsing."
Stop fishing for information, Truggs. You do realise your continued survival is an optional objective here?

"Nah, at this point-" he shakes his head. "-it won't make much-" Tuppence plants her feet and rips a bar out. "-difference. Thank you. That paralysis gong thing was pretty weird, huh?"

Tuppence glares at him for a few moments, then jerks her right hand so that the bar whistles through the air and stops next to Truggs' head.
Ah, so it's not just OL he likes to wind up. He's just a mouthy tw@t. With little survival instincts.

"Bein' trapped, no bein' able ta move at all-."

I wrap my right hand around the bar as Tuppence draws it back. She could easily overpower me, obviously, but the feedback appears to snap her out of the impulse.
This guy isn't worth the effort. Besides, OL has first claim on the eventual arse-kicking.

"We get it, Truggs. Kadabra is in the office at the entrance. Let me know when you're jamming the teleporter, because splitting my attention with an unfamiliar ring is actually a bit tricky."

He grins, nods to Tuppence and then turns and strides away.
...Can you discreetly arrange to leave him behind when you leave? ;) Just asking.

"Ah…" Mahkent looks confused. "What was that?"

"Truggs and I share a personal philosophy, but have very different approaches to fulfilling it. I find him rather aggravating."
Yes, he seems to grab the villain ball at every opportunity and hump it like it's his girlfriend.

Tuppence grimaces. "He's an asshole."

"We'll need to talk about that later in private, but I'm afraid that if I feel compassionate right now the teleport jammer would turn off."
And then they'd get dragged right back into the situation they just got out of, and this time the Dhorians won't be overconfident.

I walk over to the cell she damaged and start rooting around for the power supply. I can… Actually feel the fear of the prisoners, fear of captivity and their captors, and, in a few cases, a fear of being released. And I can feel how much easier that's making it to punch through the armour around the cables powering the force field. For a non-dedicated space this is pretty well designed.

There's a faint hum as the force field deactivates.
I get the feeling they were expecting to be taking live samples home.

"There you are. Tuppence?"

She tosses her bar aside and rips the door out of the cell. I smile at the woman inside.

"I'm Orange Lantern, with the Justice League. Please join our colleagues at the cell block entrance. I'll be with you once the rest of the cells are evacuated."
...Great, looks like this is going to turn into an escort mission...

Oh, this is going to be so annoying, having Truggs running around dropping snarky comments on everything OL does, isn't it? And he hasn't even got the luxury of doing something permanent to him, because he can make himself useful. At least, until he can get everyone off the ship and safely back on Earth (or at least as safe as they can be.) Then he can get some much-needed stress release. :sneaky:
That reminds me, sorry if it was explained and I just missed it, but is Paul incapable of calling another orange ring to use until he fixes the old one, or is he just incapable of using orange light period until this whole mess gets sorted out?

He probably could call one, he's done it before more or less, the issue is that it would have to come from basically the other side of the galaxy and might, uh, still be attached to someone when it responds. Also probably not willing to since Anti-Life has already managed to sink into two rings and maybe a bit of his metaphysique, so he might not want to risk more Orange Light getting hit since he had more than just the one clone.
No promises generally, but I did go back and rewrite that whole encounter.

Oh cool, I'll give it a shot then. Well I recall that my major issue was with the arc after the one with Zeus but I can't recall lol.

Still the entire first half of the fic is still really great so w/e
Assimilation would probably be briefly satisfaction for OL. Then he has to sort through all of Trugg's memories before he uses the Sword of the Fallen to kill him, and hope he isn't powerful enough to reincarnate.
OL no longer has that sword, the angels destroyed it. Also I don't think he knows about the reincarnate bit.
Assimilation would probably be briefly satisfaction for OL. Then he has to sort through all of Trugg's memories before he uses the Sword of the Fallen to kill him, and hope he isn't powerful enough to reincarnate.
Unfortunately for the SI, the Angel Kings destroyed his version of the Sword of the Fallen.
That reminds me, sorry if it was explained and I just missed it, but is Paul incapable of calling another orange ring to use until he fixes the old one, or is he just incapable of using orange light period until this whole mess gets sorted out?
Calling one? He could. There's a chance that it would fly off the finger of an Orange Lantern in space or in combat and get them killed, or that it would take a long time to arrive. Even dragging an Orange Lantern along wouldn't exactly be quick.

Currently, he plans to complete this mission and then sort out his ring situation.
Paul had the perfect opportunity to kill Truggs. Why in the name of all sanity, sense and logic would he not take it?
Because 'he annoyed me' isn't a good reason to kill someone, and while Truggs is a murderer he's nothing like as bad an Mannheim.
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Unfortunately for the SI, the Angel Kings destroyed his version of the Sword of the Fallen.

Doh, I forgot that happened here. But didnt Nabu-666 destroy the Hellwraith? He probably knows something that might work in case OL ever needs to use something similar.

Edit: It probably wouldn't be helpful now, but something for OL to look into when this whole situation is over and done with.

Calling one? He could. There's a chance that it would fly off the finger of an Orange Lantern in space or in combat and get them killed, or that it would take a long time to arrive. Even dragging an Orange Lantern along wouldn't exactly be quick

Currently, he plans to complete this mission and then sort out his ring situation.

I take it he doesn't have any of Larfleeze's spares left, huh? Then again, using another orange ring might only result in it getting effected by that Anti-Life... thing as soon as he puts it on. Which considering we dont know how that effected the orange light, is probably a safer bet. Though now I'm wondering if the Ophidian noticed what happened to Her Agent.
How the hell did you find the time and motivation to do that without interrupting your daily release schedule? Your dedication to this story is really impressive.
It... Wasn't that hard. I write one on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, two on Saturday and two on Sunday. And what I wrote had little to do with the version I originally envisaged.
Pyrrhucy (supplementary, Renegade option)
14th February 2013
14:49 GMT -6

"…intended to inspire dreamers."

The Caliph stands at the edge of his balcony, hands on the railing. Luna, Nabu and I sit on the cushions behind him as he considers what we've said.

"It was not intended to allow one wizard to impose his will upon the world."

Nabu's Dream Baghdad transformation has just changed his robes a little and given him a turban. I've been transformed into something like a djinn… Or maybe an ifrit? I've never learned the physical difference, but my mystical senses have been brought to the fore while my mundane ones have receded a little. I'm wearing armour over my chest, but the Tron lines of my armour are now tattoos. Luna… Has ended up in something a little more risqué, though since it still covers more than what she wears as a pony I don't think she's really noticed.

"If I may ask, O Caliph, what did he ask when he came before you?"

Nice that he doesn't seem to object to her taking the lead.

"Ahri'ahn has visited my city many times, offering tales and artefacts to trade for knowledge and reagents. His latest scheme seemed grand, but I am the last man to think poorly of a man of ambition. He told me that he wished to see his homeland raised to the greatness that it had in his youth." He bows his head slightly. "And he showed me what had befallen my land since I chose to remove all wonder from it."

Luna nods. "The dreams of my own world are shallow compared to what you have here. Could they not rebuild what you once had?"

"It was my assumption that they would. That they would dream of my city and seek to recreate it. But, alas, it was not to be."

"You wish to reverse your own decree?"

"I do not believe that the Lord of Dreams would grant such a request. But I had hoped to play a more direct role in recreating the greatness my home once knew. Ahri'ahn told me that it was possible."

I frown. "Forgive my ignorance, O Caliph, but I did not think that a follower of Mohammad was supposed to engage in such practices."

"There is some debate amongst the scholars of my court how much involvement with magic is permissible for a Muslim. It is not ideal, of course, but I am responsible for the wellbeing of my people. Demons and foul sorcerers exist, and ignorance protects no one. For the most part, I employ infidels to handle… Direct matters, so as not to taint the souls of the faithful." He takes a deep breath. "Allah has granted the domain of Dreams to the Lord of Dreams, and so I may treat with him as I would with a foreign sovereign."

Total bollocks. He literally made himself a magical creature while his fleshy remains were left to live out their days broken in mind and spirit, basically the definition of what Mohammad banned when he cleared the animist shrines out of Mecca. All because he was afraid of something happening that he then deliberately made happen! It's a basic component of Judaeo-Christian-Islamic morality: you're not supposed to try and live forever! You're not supposed to sniff your own farts so hard that you can't take the idea that things in the future might be a little different and you're certainly not supposed to deliberately sacrifice other people upon the altar of your ego! You're supposed to spend your life striving to be worthy of Heaven! Fix what you can! Endure what you can't! He-!


I'm… Honestly a little surprised about how personally I'm taking this.


Just… fix the table

Haroun Al Raschid turns back to us as the glow dies down. He probably felt that, or something. He's basically the concept of a perfect king, and knowing when an ambassador is angry enough to accidentally break your furniture is probably a part of that.

"Is there a ruler in the lands of the Holy Prophet in whom I might place my faith instead?"

I mentally run through the list. There are plenty who aren't terrible, but none of them are exactly in danger of rebuilding the Ottoman Empire or anything.

"The current ruler of Kahndaq is a most excellent man, well liked by his people and dedicated to their care. But you would call him an infidel."

He waves that off. "My own ancestors were infidels before the coming of the Prophet. I shall consult my sages and consider his worth."

A fairly noncommittal answer, but I'll warn Adom once we get out.

Luna draws herself up slightly. "What aid did you give Ahri'ahn?"

He gestures to the other balcony, the one looking out over Poseidonis.

"He bound dreams of my city to his own homeland. He shared my insights with his king, those of my sorcerers with their magicians, the habits of my people with his. But… Not. He used his own magic to alter things. To change the way those virtues manifested." He walks over to that balcony. "It has been interesting to watch, but he has broken our agreement by attempting to extend his control over my lands. A shame."

I look at Nabu as he nods. He hasn't said much while we've been here. I would have thought that this is the sort of place that his order-instincts would hate, but maybe the Dream has been around so long that it's part of the systems of rules that govern the universe?

"Then will we have your aid in undoing his working?"

"My aid? No. I will merely withdraw my support. He will have to sustain his enchantment with his own magic, and I would warn you that his magic is substantial."

I don't grunt. But I will admit that even as a wave of something passes through the Poseidonis streets I grimace a little.

"I am uncertain of your intent, O Caliph. Do you wish for us to negotiate with him, now that he is weakened?"

"He has broken the terms of our agreement." He idly waves his right hand. "He is no longer my concern."

"I hear what you say, but that doesn't mean that you don't have a preference. I prefer to avoid alienating people where it is not necessary to do so."

"Hm." He nods. "Blessed are the peacemakers. What gods do your people worship, I wonder?"

"We worship the Source, a single supreme unified divine power. For practical purposes you may identify it with your god, though the manner of our worship is different."

"And are peacemakers blessed amongst your people?"

"Amongst my people? If they actually managed to make peace, they would have to have been blessed."

He nods. "And you, Princess?"

"My people do not worship a particular deity as yours do. But there are… Principles which we consider sacred. We value peace, but we have been at peace for so long that there are no noted peacemakers amongst us. In truth, our greatest heroes are those who still know how to fight, despite the lassitude brought about by a thousand years of peace."

"A thousand years of peace? Even I did not manage that." He exhales slowly. "My feelings on the matter… He does what he thinks is right for his people. It would be… More satisfying if he were encouraged to see the error of his ways, that he may repent and seek forgiveness from Allah. But if that proves impossible, then I will take no action against you."

I rise, and bow to him.

"Thank you for speaking with us, O Caliph. I will advise Teth Adom that you wish to speak with him."

"Do you think that he will respond well?"

"I think that converting him will be an uphill battle. But I imagine that it has been some time since you have had a challenge."

"True." He nods. "You are dismissed. I wish you fortune in your mission."
Last edited:
can't take the idea that thing in the

"things in the"

Total bollocks. He literally made himself a magical creature while his fleshy remains were left to live out their days broken in mind and spirit, basically the definition of what Mohammad banned when he cleared the animist shrines out of Mecca. All because he was afraid of something happening that he then deliberately made happen! It's a basic component of Judaeo-Christian-Islamic morality: you're not supposed to try and live forever! You're not supposed to sniff your own farts so hard that you can't take the idea that thing in the future might be a little different and you're certainly not supposed to deliberately sacrifice other people upon the altar of your ego! You're supposed to spend your life striving to be worthy of Heaven! Fix what you can! Endure what you can't! He


I'm wondering if that's something to do with Actually Grayven coming to the front.

Thank you for speaking with us, O Caliph. I will advise Teth Adom that you wish to speak with him."

"Do you think that he will respond well

Well he may want to potentially get the extra help in turning his realm into a dreamlike paradise.
I'm wondering if that's something to do with Actually Grayven coming to the front.

I think it's a combination of Grayven's power of Conquest abhorring what it doesn't take much squinting to see as the antithesis of Conquest (a ruler basically throwing away his lands) with the Renegade's Nature-of-Paul revulsion at the utter waste.
14th February 2013
14:49 GMT -6

"…intended to inspire dreamers."

The Caliph stands at the edge of his balcony, hands on the railing. Luna, Nabu and I sit on the cushions behind him as he considers what we've said.

"It was not intended to allow one wizard to impose his will upon the world."
Ah, Luna and the Renegade have found themselves in Dream-Baghdad? Though they're visiting in different circumstances to OL and his group, I rather imagine many of the details are the same. At least they're wise enough not to visit a bazaar while they're there.

Nabu's Dream Baghdad transformation has just changed his robes a little and given him a turban. I've been transformed into something like a djinn… Or maybe an ifrit? I've never learned the physical difference, but my mystical senses have been brought to the fore while my mundane ones have receded a little. I'm wearing armour over my chest, but the Tron lines of my armour are now tattoos. Luna… Has ended up in something a little more risqué, though since it still covers more than what she wears as a pony I don't think she's really noticed.
...She wears it well, though. Perhaps you can convince her to make a copy for the bedroom, Renegade. x3

"If I may ask, O Caliph, what did he ask when he came before you?"

Nice that he doesn't seem to object to her taking the lead.
I expect he's thinking of her as a supernatural spirit rather than a mundane woman. And those deserve cautious respect.

"Ahri'ahn has visited my city many times, offering tales and artefacts to trade for knowledge and reagents. His latest scheme seemed grand, but I am the last man to think poorly of a man of ambition. He told me that he wished to see his homeland raised to the greatness that it had in his youth." He bows his head slightly. "And he showed me what had befallen my land since I chose to remove all wonder from it."

Luna nods. "The dreams of my own world are shallow compared to what you have here. Could they not rebuild what you once had?"
Well, he certainly raised it to greatness. Just not in the way you thought he meant, eh, Caliph? :p

"It was my assumption that they would. That they would dream of my city and seek to recreate it. But, alas, it was not to be."

"You wish to reverse your own decree?"
He may well have gone too far, with the stripping away of the dreams. Leave a little of the magic, enough to let them remember the wonder...

"I do not believe that the Lord of Dreams would grant such a request. But I had hoped to play a more direct role in recreating the greatness my home once knew. Ahri'ahn told me that it was possible."

I frown. "Forgive my ignorance, O Caliph, but I did not think that a follower of Mohammad was supposed to engage in such practices."
Given some of his other weaknesses in the comic, I'm not surprised he's a little loosey-goosey with the laws.

"There is some debate amongst the scholars of my court how much involvement with magic is permissible for a Muslim. It is not ideal, of course, but I am responsible for the wellbeing of my people. Demons and foul sorcerers exist, and ignorance protects no one. For the most part, I employ infidels to handle… Direct matters, so as not to taint the souls of the faithful." He takes a deep breath. "Allah has granted the domain of Dreams to the Lord of Dreams, and so I may treat with him as I would with a foreign sovereign."
And I suspect that's a matter of self-deception to allow him that little sin.

Total bollocks. He literally made himself a magical creature while his fleshy remains were left to live out their days broken in mind and spirit, basically the definition of what Mohammad banned when he cleared the animist shrines out of Mecca. All because he was afraid of something happening that he then deliberately made happen! It's a basic component of Judaeo-Christian-Islamic morality: you're not supposed to try and live forever! You're not supposed to sniff your own farts so hard that you can't take the idea that thing in the future might be a little different and you're certainly not supposed to deliberately sacrifice other people upon the altar of your ego! You're supposed to spend your life striving to be worthy of Heaven! Fix what you can! Endure what you can't! He-!
Goodness, Renegade. An unexpected reaction to the Caliph's actions. Something hitting you right in the Godhead?


I'm… Honestly a little surprised about how personally I'm taking this.
A little something of your other passenger lingering, Renegade?


Just… fix the table
Pfft. You'd think they'd notice the sound of that heavy wood cracking...

Haroun Al Raschid turns back to us as the glow dies down. He probably felt that, or something. He's basically the concept of a perfect king, and knowing when an ambassador is angry enough to accidentally break your furniture is probably a part of that.

"Is there a ruler in the lands of the Holy Prophet in whom I might place my faith instead?"
And so he's probably also diplomatically skilled enough to be tactful about mentioning it. Especially if said guest also fixed it.

I mentally run through the list. There are plenty who aren't terrible, but none of them are exactly in danger of rebuilding the Ottoman Empire or anything.

"The current ruler of Kahndaq is a most excellent man, well liked by his people and dedicated to their care. But you would call him an infidel."
Yeah, believing in the old gods of Kahndaq might well count, yes. But don't let that stop you.

He waves that off. "My own ancestors were infidels before the coming of the Prophet. I shall consult my sages and consider his worth."

A fairly noncommittal answer, but I'll warn Adom once we get out.
Hoo boy, is that going to be a meeting and a half.

Luna draws herself up slightly. "What aid did you give Ahri'ahn?"

He gestures to the other balcony, the one looking out over Poseidonis.
Ah, a portal directly into Ahri'ahn's dream-realm? I expect that's how they got to meet him so easily.

"He bound dreams of my city to his own homeland. He shared my insights with his king, those of my sorcerers with their magicians, the habits of my people with his. But… Not. He used his own magic to alter things. To change the way those virtues manifested." He walks over to that balcony. "It has been interesting to watch, but he has broken our agreement by attempting to extend his control over my lands. A shame."

I look at Nabu as he nods. He hasn't said much while we've been here. I would have thought that this is the sort of place that his order-instincts would hate, but maybe the Dream has been around so long that it's part of the systems of rules that govern the universe?
Heh. Given that Dream himself is like the third-oldest of the siblings that are the embodiments of those rules, I would say so.

"Then will we have your aid in undoing his working?"

"My aid? No. I will merely withdraw my support. He will have to sustain his enchantment with his own magic, and I would warn you that his magic is substantial."
Well, that can be dealt with, given the opportunity to get close enough to him...

I don't grunt. But I will admit that even as a wave of something passes through the Poseidonis streets that I grimace a little.

"I am uncertain of your intent, O Caliph. Do you wish for us to negotiate with him, now that he is weakened?"
On the less optimistic side, I suspect Ahri'ahn would have felt that little power move, and is suddenly very concerned.

"He has broken the terms of our agreement." He idly waves his right hand. "He is no longer my concern."

"I hear what you say, but that doesn't mean that you don't have a preference. I prefer to avoid alienating people where it is not necessary to do so."
...Are you talking about yourself, Renegade, because that doesn't sound much like you. :p

"Hm." He nods. "Blessed are the peacemakers. What gods do your people worship, I wonder?"

"We worship the Source, a single supreme unified divine power. For practical purposes you may identify it with your god, though the manner of our worship is different."
And It often is conflated with the Prescence.

"And are peacemakers blessed amongst your people?"

"Amongst my people? If they actually managed to make peace, they would have to have been blessed."
Heh. Good point. I suspect most peace achieved by Apokalips is the peace of the grave. And even that might not be guaranteed.

He nods. "And you, Princess?"

"My people do not worship a particular deity as yours do. But there are… Principles which we consider sacred. We value peace, but we have been at peace for so long that there are no noted peacemakers amongst us. In truth, our greatest heroes are those who still know how to fight, despite the lassitude brought about by a thousand years of peace."
Even if said principles so sound a little childish to some ears.

"A thousand years of peace? Even I did not manage that." He exhales slowly. "My feelings on the matter… He does what he thinks is right for his people. It would be… More satisfying if he were encouraged to see the error of his ways, that he may repent and seek forgiveness from Allah. But if that proves impossible, then I will take no action against you."

I rise, and bow to him.
Well, he's in the clear now to plant a boot up Ahri'ahn's ass.

"Thank you for speaking with us, O Caliph. I will advise Teth Adom that you wish to speak with him."

"Do you think that he will respond well?"
If he puts it just the right way, perhaps.

"I think that converting him will be an uphill battle. But I imagine that it has been some time since you have had a challenge."

"True." He nods. "You are dismissed. I wish you fortune in your mission."
True, being directly empowered by his gods, and having a more or less direct line to them, would make it tricky.

So, that's how Ahri'ahn managed to pull this off explained, and with the Caliph's support removed, it will end sooner or later. It just becomes a matter of making it end safely, rather than having a repeat performance of the Great Sinking. And either way, it still leaves Ahri'ahn running around to cause mischief. So he'll have to be dealt with first...

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