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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

They're using nuclear suicide bombers.
Guess the usual suicide bombers advanced further down their skill trees.
I shake the alien in power armour. "Are you paying attention in there? Is your armour nuke-proof?"
At this point, they're probably dead.
Secondary layer, let the first fail and be replaced. Don't need to worry about the second bomb. Fission bombs don't cook off because they need explosive compression to begin the fission reaction. But there could be more coming in.
I didn't really understand what this was trying to say, but I'm going to assume that Fission bombs require compression to begin the reaction but, due to the surrounding matter currently expanding rapidly, they didn't go off.
External Motivation = External Control
If you are motivated by something that is not within your control(maybe?), you are also able to be controlled by that outside force.

Thanks for the post.
And my own face stares back at me.

So that's what he did with… At least one of the clones.
Dun dun dun.
He's not… Staring at me with hatred in his eyes. Or any surprise that we share a face. I think that Dr. Balewa might-.
I doubt he has enough of a mind to feel anything other than the emotions that Anti-Life gives him.


The light and the pressure's back, but my construct armour can take it. My clone's head on the other hand can't, and it's… He's… Ash. His armour-. What little I can see of it, appears to be surviving intact. So… What was the point? He can't have been trying to make me feel guilty. It might work on some superheroes, but I originally created the clone to body jack.
There's a… Dark patch in my construct armour. And it's… Expanding, spreading out-.

I try dismissing that part of the construct, and it doesn't happen.

Uh oh.
What plug?
Thanks for the post.
Reality is Real?
While "faire" does work, I'm not sure if Grayven wants to spell in the archaic way.
Particularly given how in-tune she would have to be with my God-Name to do something like that without me feeling it. If it weren't for Father, I'd propose at once because there just isn't a greater level of trust or intimacy.
That's nice.

Thanks for the post.
'Superhuman' can just mean 'better than a human'. Karshon doesn't need to have ever been human to be superhuman. I could, not inaccurately, say that an entirely normal dog has superhuman sensory abilities.

True, also a Petite young lady that was a strong as a male weightlifter would also technically have super strength. Even really unimpressive super powers are still super powers, like an average American that was twice as physically fit as the average American.
Prep Time (part 15)
15th February 2013
18:57 GMT -5

Justifiers are heading this way from across the city. I'm manoeuvrable enough that I can avoid most of them, but I'm more worried about being hemmed in. Burrowing underground to escape the bubble over the city seems like the best bet, but we need the Mask and I still don't know where it is!

Alright, hologram generator. Stick one on the building there and another there, drop smoke and use a third to hide our location as I head… Towards the Philadelphia Water Department Field Office because we should still check it. Close to a wall because you can't perfectly disguise a sphere with holograms without cutting down the angles it can be viewed from. I have no idea how Onomatopoeia perceives the world, so… Just have to try avoiding him.

"Where we-?"

"Shh. Quietly."

"Where we goin'?"

"The Philadelphia Water Department Field Office. We can't really keep searching for the Mask while they're all riled up like this, so we're evading."

"How much trouble we eeyn?"

This part of the city is mostly two-storey buildings, so I change my flight pattern to float just over the roofs. That should limit the angles from which we're visible.

"Eh. I'm pretty sure I can get us out of the city by burrowing down and getting out from under the barrier that way. But…"

I try scanning for Agent Carlyle, and… Get nothing coherent. Infrared gets me more useful information, but only really shows that people are spreading out, both civilians and Justifiers. Searching for us. I see… Children, leave the nearby houses and blankly stare about in response to some impulse relayed through the Anti-Life.

"Without a lead, we might have to scrub the mission, which is going to make things… Difficult."

There's no reply as I land us on the Water Department roof.


She looks like she's about to…. Throw up? Curl up in pain?


"Get… Gettin' worse."

The Water Department is another two-floor building and has no roof access. There are a few people inside, but when you've got a mind control economy some things can be ignored.

Can't see Onomatopoeia anywhere…

"I'd never broken a bone before I became a superhero. I guess that was your first time as well?"

She nods, breathing hard and squeezing her eyes shut.

"It ain't… Tawkin' about that."

"What's it talking about, then?"

"Lahk… How we already lost, how all we c'n do is watch ev'ry one who already got taken over do what Mannheim wants."

"Oh, yeah, fixing human civilisation after this is going to be a lot of work." Though I'm kind of looking forward to it. There's so much room for improvement! "But Mannheim's making a rod for his own back here. Darkseid would be fine in a universe where he's the only thing that can think, but all Mannheim is doing is turning himself into an extension of Darkseid. He's already stopped existing in any meaningful way. You, on the other hand, are still here, so really you're doing better than him."

"Aha ain't-. Lahk… Ah did some stuff, but ah figured… Stuff lahk this happened, the Justice League would deal with iht."

"We are. Darkseid doesn't really care about this world; Mannheim won't get given anything that he doesn't already have." I shake my head. "Creation is harder than destruction. I could make everyone in this city… Except maybe the Justifiers… I could make them want anything I want them to want. But that wouldn't free them, just make them my puppets rather than Mannheim's. And then he'd almost certainly turn up in person, so even if it wasn't pointless it would.. be... Self destructive."

That doesn't seem to be working. I think I'm doing 'reassurance' wrong. When your emotions are overwhelming you, I doubt that a well-reasoned rational answer is really the answer.

So I hug her instead.

Not grabbing her hard, not… The way I hug Jade or anything like that. Don't want a repeat of Zatanna. Just friendly reassurance sort of thing, in the hope that my close presence will calm her down. From her heart rate it sounds like it's working a little.

Ah… Give it a moment..?

"Feeling better?"

She pulls away, nodding grudgingly. "Ah hate this. Ah hate feelin' this."

I nod. "Quite understandable. Ready to go in-"

Her head jerks up, blinking. "It's gawn."

"-side… Ah, did you have some sort of grand philosophical revelation? Because if so, congratulations."

"N-. No." She shakes her head, frowning. "Ah don't think ah did, anyhow. How would ah know?"

"Did certain things that confused and bothered you before not bother you anymore?"

"No? Ah ain't gaht a voice gowin' awn about it no more, but that awl still… Ah mean, it's a problem, ain't it?"

"Okay." I frown. "Just a second."

Keeping the hologram projector on me and projecting a random section of sky, I fly upward, looking towards the city centre. People… People have stopped moving. Some of them are sort of looking around like… Like they've just been freed. The Justified are still moving, but there's a bit more… Uncertainty. I… Don't know what could have done this. The broadcaster is still there-.

The force garrisoning it… Doesn't appear to be there any longer.


A lot of them left, presumably to look for me and Tuppence. The rest are very dead, Karshon standing blood-covered over their remains.

I guess he wasn't Anti-Lifed, then.

Someone… Agent Carlyle, is standing by the broadcasters with the Mask on his face. Is he using it to disrupt the broadcast? I didn't realise that it could be used to do that by itself. If he's freed the whole city with it-. I mean, it's got possibilities as a technique but it's probably just going to bring Finality Man down on our heads.

Looks like Karshon's saying something to-.

**All will fear me.**

A cry goes up from the city, a scream from the mouths of the people who had been ground under by the Anti-Life for so long. Below me Tuppence crouches down, arms wrapped around her knees. Others out across the city cower or try to hide while the Justified start running or jumping in vehicles to get back to the broadcaster as fast as they can.

And Karshon starts to grow.
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Someone… Agent Carlyle, is standing by the broadcasters with the Mask on his face. Is he using it to disrupt the broadcast? I didn't realise that it would be used to do that by itself. If he's freed the whole city with it-. I mean, it's got possibilities as a technique but it's probably just going to bring Finality Man down on our heads.
It's always amusing when LePaul gets salty about someone getting a thing done before his overcomplicated plan can.
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Someone… Agent Carlyle, is standing by the broadcasters with the Mask on his face. Is he using it to disrupt the broadcast? I didn't realise that it would be used to do that by itself. If he's freed the whole city with it-. I mean, it's got possibilities as a technique but it's probably just going to bring Finality Man down on our heads.

Looks like Karshon's saying something to-.

**All will fear me.**

A cry goes up from the city, a scream from the mouths of the people who had been ground under by the Anti-Life for so long. Below me Tuppence crouches down, arms wrapped around her knees. Others out across the city cower or try to hide while the Justified start running or jumping in vehicles to get back to the broadcaster as fast as they can.

And Karshon starts to grow.
I'm guessing SHADE's current plan is to replace Mannheim with a more controllable monster. If that is the case, I hope Carlyle gets eaten for his troubles.
15th February 2013
18:57 GMT -5

Justifiers are heading this way from across the city. I'm manoeuvrable enough that I can avoid most of them, but I'm more worried about being hemmed in. Burrowing underground to escape the bubble over the city seems like the best bet, but we need the Mask and I still don't know where it is!

Alright, hologram generator. Stick one on the building there and another there, drop smoke and used a third to hide our location as I head… Towards the Philadelphia Water Department Field Office because we should still check it. Close to a wall because you can't perfectly disguise a sphere with holograms without cutting down the angles it can be viewed from. I have no idea how Onomatopoeia perceives the world, so… Just have to try avoiding him.
Easier said than done, OL, given his apparent ability to perform offscreen teleportation, always being there when you least expect or want him to be. Still, the longer you can evade him the better. Don't want you or Tuppence to suffer more instant injuries.

"Where we-?"

"Shh. Quietly."
Because barring some surprise revelation from recent comics, Ono-boy still has ears.

"Where we goin'?"

"The Philadelphia Water Department Field Office. We can't really keep searching for the Mask while they're all riled up like this, so we're evading."
And this building is one you think is a potential hiding place? Information from Carlyle? Can you even trust anything he told you now?

"How much trouble we eeyn?"

This part of the city is mostly two-storey buildings, so I change my flight pattern to float just over the roofs. That should limit the angles from which we're visible.
But it does make high-speed manoeuvres much harder, having to dodge HVAC plants, communication antennae and roof access stairwells.

"Eh. I'm pretty sure I can get us out of the city by burrowing down and getting out from under the barrier that way. But…"

I try scanning for Agent Carlyle, and… Get nothing coherent. Infrared gets me more useful information, but only really shows that people are spreading out, both civilians and Justifiers. Searching for us. I see… Children, leave the nearby houses and blankly stare about in response to some impulse relayed through the Anti-Life.
No doubt ready to scream for the masters if they spot anything unusual.

"Without a lead, we might have to scrub the mission, which is going to make things… Difficult."

There's no replay as I land us on the Water Department roof.
Maybe sending some pointed messages to Ub'X and any other Indigo Lanterns he can broadcast to would help... Unless he's already in their spam filters. o_O


She looks like she's about to…. Throw up? Curl up in pain?
I mean... I assume you included painkillers in your medical treatment.


"Get… Gettin' worse."
...Dammit, OL. Did you forget people feel pain?

The Water Department is another two-floor building and has no roof access. There are a few people inside, but when you've got a mind control economy some things can be ignored.

Can't see Onomatopoeia anywhere…
That doesn't mean he's not there, OL. Be very careful.

"I'd never broken a bone before I became a superhero. I guess that was your first time as well?"

She nods, breathing hard and squeezing her eyes shut.
Somehow, I don't think it's just that, though, as painful as it is.

"It ain't… Tawkin' about that."

"What's it talking about, then?"
Ah. The Anti-Life seizing on a moment of weakness...

"Lahk… How we already lost, how all we c'n do is watch ev'ry one who already got taken over do what Mannheim wants."

"Oh, yeah, fixing human civilisation after this is going to be a lot of work." Though I'm kind of looking forward to it. There's so much room for improvement! "But Mannheim's making a rod for his own back here. Darkseid would be fine in a universe where he's the only thing that can think, but all Mannheim is doing is turning himself into an extension of Darkseid. He's already stopped existing in any meaningful way. You, on the other hand, are still here, so really you're doing better than him."
An... Unusual way to look at it, even if it is accurate. Not sure that makes her feel any better, either.

"Aha ain't-. Lahk… Ah did some stuff, but ah figured… Stuff lahk this happened, the Justice League would deal with iht."

"We are. Darkseid doesn't really care about this world; Mannheim won't get given anything that he doesn't already have." I shake my head. "Creation is harder than destruction. I could make everyone in this city… Except maybe the Justifiers… I could make them want anything I want them to want. But that wouldn't free them, just make them my puppets rather than Mannheim's. And then he'd almost certainly turn up in person, so even if it wasn't pointless it would.. be... Self destructive."
Since he can't afford that level of resistance in his Narrative of domination.

That doesn't seem to be working. I think I'm doing 'reassurance' wrong. When your emotions are overwhelming you, I doubt that a well-reasoned rational answer is really the answer.

So I hug her instead.
Going back to basics, eh? And showing that just maybe he might be the best person to wield a conventional Compassion Ring.

Not grabbing her hard, not… The way I hug Jade or anything like that. Don't want a repeat of Zatanna. Just friendly reassurance sort of thing, in the hope that my close presence will calm her down. From her heart rate it sounds like it's working a little.

Ah… Give it a moment..?
I mean, I doubt her parents were brave enough to hold her this way, given that even as a toddler, she could have snapped them like twigs...

"Feeling better?"

She pulls away, nodding grudgingly. "Ah hate this. Ah hate feelin' this."
...Sometimes, you do just need a hug. Human contact. That feeling of being encircled by someone else, that for a little while, you're safe.

I nod. "Quite understandable. Ready to go in-"

Her head jerks up, blinking. "It's gawn."
What, just gone? That seems... Excessive just from a hug.

"-side… Ah, did you have some sort of grand philosophical revelation? Because if so, congratulations."

"N-. No." She shakes her head, frowning. "Ah don't think ah did, anyhow. How would ah know?"
And no coloured quotation marks. Not that I expect to see too many of those show up. Chapters with more than one are a nightmare to type up. :oops:

"Did certain things that confused and bothered you before not bother you anymore?"

"No? Ah ain't gaht a voice gowin' awn about it no more, but that awl still… Ah mean, it's a problem, ain't it?"
Okay, not gone. But not muttering in her ear, so an improvement.

"Okay." I frown. "Just a second."

Keeping the hologram projector on me and projecting a random section of sky, I fly upward, looking towards the city centre. People… People have stopped moving. Some of them are sort of looking around like… Like they've just been freed. The Justified are still moving, but there's a bit more… Uncertainty. I… Don't know what could have done this. The broadcaster is still there-.
Huh. That should be a cause for celebration, but you just know the other shoe is spinning up there, just waiting to fall on your head...

The force garrisoning it… Doesn't appear to be there any longer.

Okay, that's out of the ordinary.

A lot of them left, presumably to look for me and Tuppence. The rest are very dead, Karshon standing blood-covered over their remains.

I guess he wasn't Anti-Lifed, then.
Oh, come on! So he isn't the city boss, then. He's an opportunist, taking the moment their back is turned to stab them...

Someone… Agent Carlyle, is standing by the broadcasters with the Mask on his face. Is he using it to disrupt the broadcast? I didn't realise that it would be used to do that by itself. If he's freed the whole city with it-. I mean, it's got possibilities as a technique but it's probably just going to bring Finality Man down on our heads.

Looks like Karshon's saying something to-.
On the upside, now you know where it is. It's just a matter of getting it off of him now.

**All will fear me.**

A cry goes up from the city, a scream from the mouths of the people who had been ground under by the Anti-Life for so long. Below me Tuppence crouches down, arms wrapped around her knees. Others out across the city cower or try to hide while the Justified start running or jumping in vehicles to get back to the broadcaster as fast as they can.

And Karshon starts to grow.
...Yeah, I'd say that's bad. The other shoe has hit the floor with a thundering crash...

Great. I don't know what this little display is meant to accomplish for SHADE, but at least it proves that the broadcaster network can transmit emotional stimuli. So OL's plan is that much closer to possible. assuming that he can secure the Medusa Mask and get the hell away from there before Finality Man Boom Tubes in to step on the annoyance. Or have a kaiju/mecha fight with Karshon... x3
"Oh, so you're here for the Apokoliptian technology, then."

Three blinks, then he pulls in on himself and stops talking.

"I don't understand why you think that would be a problem. We certainly don't want it here."


"We're being invaded, and you want to steal our invaders' weapons. Good."

"… Oh."

"Now, we don't want you kidnapping our people, but… I mean, why did you think we'd want to stop you taking stuff from our enemies?"

"No, now you… Put it like that, it.. doesn't make sense."
Lmao. This is what miscommunication does.
"Because Eiling can punch through walls if we need to escape and Kadabra needs to keep listening for his translator to recalibrate itself. And that wasn't a question, it was a politely phrased order. It's a British thing."

Thanks for the post.
What happens if Charity Auction Darkseid gets the mask?
From my own education I use… Basic maths, English for report writing, and geography and history for general knowledge.
You kind of don't really need much more than that for everyday life unless you're in a specific career that requires that.
"No, but they teach you how to handle laboratory equipment. It's all about transferable skills. It's not like I write reports on Shakespeare for Batman, is it?"

He straightens up, throwing his hands into the air. "You see! This is the sort of thing I-."
The sort of thing he never would've thought of?
Did you know that ninety percent of Earth's advanced semiconductors are made in Taiwan?
Yep, 90% of Earth's advanced semiconductors are made in a country.
"Yeah, but…" He screws up his face. "Water?"

"Do you seriously not understand how valuable water is? There are whole… Chunks of the country that would pay you to drop a couple of gallons on them once a week. Drive up, wave your hands around for a few hours, then leave. Completely legal."

He sort of gawps for a few seconds, then closes his mouth and shakes his head.
I'm not sure if this is due to a lack of education and common sense, or something else.

Ah, OL. Thinking of things your straighter-laced former teammates never would have.
Pragmatic Heroism isn't incredibly different from Pragmatic Villainy other than the moral differences.
Thanks for the post.
"You're fighting to save the world, Icicle. That makes you a good guy."

"Aw, I didn't know you c-."

"We got a report about the self-moving planet. I don't doubt your organisation's existence."
Honestly Ranx and Mother of Mercy are incredible for the reputation of the OLC.
"No." A figure carrying-. Shit, that's a gamma gong! I send a beam out-. Too late! He strikes the gong, and everything-.
A trap?

Thanks for the post.
If he can mind control everybody, or everyone afected, instead of Maihen until he can un-anti-life(?) the planet, wouldn´t that be an improvement? Him or some other elightened.
If he can mind control everybody, or everyone afected, instead of Maihen until he can un-anti-life(?) the planet, wouldn´t that be an improvement? Him or some other elightened.
He said that he could do it for this city. He might not be able to do it for the whole world or even the USA. Also, he's not confident of controlling the Justifiers, who might go on killing sprees if everyone else is no longer Anti-Lifed. And as he says, it would bring Mannheim and Finality Man to him, both of whom are strong enough that they're tough targets even for the whole Justice League cooperating (I assume, since otherwise I'd expect them to be dead by now).

With images. Actually, make that the default.
If only he could fear not being able to understand what the ring is saying in order to change the language. I'm not sure if he could either way since some of the ring's systems probably fried due to hacking.
"And you may well be fine, but I'd rather be sure. If you are, get down to the armoury and get issued replacement equipment, then consider yourself dismissed for the duty cycle."
Surprisingly rational and not needlessly cruel.
Would a heat beam work? I think the cold beam technology could be used to excite molecular vibration rather than suppress it, but I don't really have a good enough theoretical understanding of the physics involved to make the modification on the fly. I think I need to try manipulating a different type.. of-.
If you can stop particles from moving, then you should technically be able to make them move if you do the reverse of what you were doing.
His perfect awareness of his desires lets him weaponize the social insecurities that come from being British.
Alright, that made me chuckle, lol. Good one.
"Alien ship." I step through the hole in the ice wall and pick up one of the Dhorian guns. Seems simple enough, and there's no palm reader. Despite the advantages, most stellar nations abandon that particular security feature the first time their enemies cut their soldiers' hands off so they can use their guns. "I don't think they're negotiating in good faith."
Guess losing a few weapons is better than having your soldiers become non-operational or at least less effective, even for a short period of time.
The one that I... Appear to have forgotten to mention.
It's fine, mistakes happen.
They're an American thing. That's how they spell the name. It's like spelling colour 'color' in an American song title.
I've honestly never seen any American spell it like that, unless it's only for Renaissance Fairs, which I have never been to or seen.
Thanks for the post.
Eiling snorts. "No one taught you to use a gun? That's un-American. I taught Randy to-."
Guess he doesn't have a good relationship with his kids.
"Unless they've changed their designs a lot, Dhorian ships don't use central computers precisely to stop people taking control of their ships like that."
Must be a bitch to do quite a few things without a central system though.
Speaking of which, since Nth metal has been somewhat nerfed in this continuity, I'm going to assume that Tenth metal/Element X/Xth metal is also going to be nerfed, assuming it even makes an apperance.
Eiling wraps his right arm around our guide and his left around Kadabra and jumps down, bending his legs lightly when he hits the bottom about fifty metres down. Mahkent points his right hand at the side of the shaft and fires a steam of ice, creating a pathway around the edge. I just step off and float down, landing at the bottom-


-just as the lift at the top of the shaft explodes!
Guess they rigged it to explode regardless.
I mean, use the right power trick and you basically have a gun. Flinging tiny shards of ice at high speeds? Just a bullet minus the durability.
Unless it was pointed out to him, I doubt he'd figure it sooner rather than later. These are villains we're talking about, if most of them used logic, common sense and were creative with their powers, then we'd have a lot less heroes or a lot less villains since most of them would find more legal ways to achieve what they wanted to achieve.
Boy, these Dhorians are ticking all the 'reasonable military preparedness' boxes.
If only they were reasonable enough to not attack Planet Crazy
Personally, I would have sent it down. Less chance of them dropping it on you. So to speak, artificial gravity being relative.
Unless the bottom floor was also where the cells are located, in which case they'd need to tear through the lift.
Thanks for the post.
I throw up aSpider web construct in an attempt to aid him, only to feel it snap almost immediately. Another and it breaks as well and another-.
Interesting that he chose a spider web construct for this. Not saying that it's bad or anything, in fact it might be one of the best constructs to make right now due to his lack of construct strength, but it is certainly not the first thing I'd have gone with.
Kadabra shakes as he waves his wand at his burns, slowly healing them.
"No, don't worry. I've never felt better." He smiles manically. "The shaking isn't from pain, it's from opioids."

"Are you alright to heal yourself like that?"

"Ah…" He looks around. "These burns should hurt but they won't actually slow me down. We're on an alien space ship, so the chance of infection is minimal. I suppose that could stop-."
Kadabra's been terrific so far to be honest.
"My power doesn't work like that. I can't move it or make it go away. Once it comes out, it's just there."

"Said the bishop to the actress."
"Against laser, plasma or explosive projectile, yes. Anything else, maybe. Also, there's probably some sort of magic amulet that can improve your ability to manipulate ice. Ask about it once we get back."

"You saying they're holding out on us?"
He's saying that they were holding out on you because of your less than reputable status and the current crisis going on of course.
I turn around to see Nylor Truggs waving at me.
Sigh I'm not even surprised at this point.
Thanks for the post.
Please tell me this isn't another shit-show by the Sinestro Corps. Please at least just be some half-assed scheme by SHADE.
I think it is both? But I suppose it could just look like Shade is participating if Agent Carlyle is betraying his boss in favor of Sinestro.

I could definitely see Sinestro wanting Karshon as a test subject if nothing else. Or perhaps Sinestro wants his own Darkstars equivalent to support his lanterns? And I bet they knew Paul wanted the Medusa mask and they don't want Earth to be freed while their negative-Earth scheme is functioning.

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