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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

The N.S.A. agent I'm walking towards spots me and drops his coffee, the cardboard cup hitting the pavement and splashing its contents all over his shoes. He winces, hands twitching as he instinctively goes for his gun and then stops as he considers the situation.
...why the NSA of all people? Did they have some presence in Power Rangers that I'm unaware of? Unless you're dealing with the NSA police (who only have jurisdiction on NSA property and even then can only hold you until they can transfer you to other legal authority) then they can't even carry firearms in the course of duty.

It's an organization of mathematicians and computer nerds. You're more likely to get mugged by one of them wearing a wizard hat and carrying a wand then you are to run into one of them with a firearm.

"Yeah. The N.R.O. passed that on."
Everyone forgets about the NRO unless they've played Delta Green. It's like 3000 nerds trapped in a basement together.
And here we see how Paragon OL and Grayven are still ultimately the same person, save for Enlightenment and New God-ness. I'd wager about 40% of Paragon OL's morality, post-Enlightenment, came from the emotional connections he made pre-Enlightenment and valuing their opinions of him. Another 20%-ish was probably the fact that he could be held accountable by the abundance of significantly powerful individuals and teams that populate the DC franchise.

But now that everyone he cares about doesn't exist and he's suddenly a VERY big fish in a small pond, he's quickly defaulting to very "Grayven" behavior. That is who Enlightened-Paul is when he has no reason to be otherwise. Not to say he's evil, Paragon or Renegade, he just doesn't care about being a dick. He'll still operate with a decent moral code and turn the Earth into a paradise.

Whether you like it or not.
Yikes. This won't end well. That's two Pauls going dictator on everyone.
Welcome to the New Orange World Order, I guess.

At least he recognizes that having nobody around that can talk him down might not be as good, even if he doesn't seem as bothered by it.

Kinda weird to just present himself to some random agent on the street. Why didn't he just go to the agency HQ?
...why the NSA of all people? Did they have some presence in Power Rangers that I'm unaware of? Unless you're dealing with the NSA police (who only have jurisdiction on NSA property and even then can only hold you until they can transfer you to other legal authority) then they can't even carry firearms in the course of duty.

It's an organization of mathematicians and computer nerds. You're more likely to get mugged by one of them wearing a wizard hat and carrying a wand then you are to run into one of them with a firearm.
Because NO ONE wanted to put any 'active' agents near the giant robot users, so the people who got sent in were people who passively monitor things. They monitor events and try and eavesdrop on communications. They had to do gun training in case they got jumped by putties, but Agent Rodreguez still isn't used to it.
Kinda weird to just present himself to some random agent on the street. Why didn't he just go to the agency HQ?
He went to the leading agent of the group assigned to Angel Grove.
I was rereading and found an image that doesn't work anymore.
"He just committed a few thefts, Oh El. He kept it low-key enough that Batman didn't make it a priority, then he got into a fight with his henchmen and handed himself over to the police. We actually knew about the guys who had it before him. We didn't know that they had something like the dial; my best guess was that Captain Chaos was a shapeshifter."
I remember it being some muscular guy in a costume who looked like he wanted to destroy the building behind him. I assume it was part of a flashback on the dial's previous users.
Don't know if this has been asked, but his did team Rita mean to use that potion? Where they trying for one of the Villains in the comic book?
Don't know if this has been asked, but his did team Rita mean to use that potion? Where they trying for one of the Villains in the comic book?
I'm not sure whether it would be more amusing to say 'no, Babboo just happened to have it on him when he went to Earth to drag Squatt out of the comic shop' or 'he wanted to bring that wall-crawling menace Spiderman to life, since he was clearly very evil'.
Mr Zoat, I was rereading Episode 88: Conqueror's Moon, and it got me curious as to whether or not Justice Lord Batman is really dead, as well as what that universe's versions of John Stewart, Shayera, and Diana are doing now. Did they eventually join Stormwatch? Or are they staying somewhere else?
Mr Zoat, I was rereading Episode 88: Conqueror's Moon, and it got me curious as to whether or not Justice Lord Batman is really dead, as well as what that universe's versions of John Stewart, Shayera, and Diana are doing now. Did they eventually join Stormwatch? Or are they staying somewhere else?

My bet is on somewhere else, since I doubt Stormwatch would be willing to accept them.

I remember that Lord Stewart showed up and met his Earth 16 counterpart.

And Lord Superman was given a lab by renegade, but I don't remember when it exact happened.
Mr Zoat, I was rereading Episode 88: Conqueror's Moon, and it got me curious as to whether or not Justice Lord Batman is really dead, as well as what that universe's versions of John Stewart, Shayera, and Diana are doing now.

Did they eventually join Stormwatch? Or are they staying somewhere else?
Batman is dead. John and Shayera are on Thanagar, while Diana in on Themyscira. None of them can join Stormwatch due to being former rulers of the planet.
And Lord Superman was given a lab by renegade, but I don't remember when it exact happened.
Superman is working with Karsta Wor-Ul to restore kryptonian civilisation.
Batman is dead. John and Shayera are on Thanagar, while Diana in on Themyscira. None of them can join Stormwatch due to being former rulers of the planet.
I guess there aren't enough thanagarians to hassle them? Or are they living in some isolated part of the world?

Superman is working with Karsta Wor-Ul to restore kryptonian civilisation.
I missed that. Which episode showed that? And will Kara 50 visit?
Since the comparison to Grayven was brought up . . . Well, it reminded me that the canon reason for the difference between the Paragon and Renegade timeline is that the Renegade version of Paul had a really shitty day before he got tossed into the Young Justice universe.

PR Paul likely believes he is an entirely fictional character - in the sense that he might think no version of him ever actually existed - rather than merely being the fictional version of a non-fictional person. So faced with the thought that none of the people he cared about ever actually existed, and how closely he came to poofing out of existence, it makes sense that he'd end up in a similar headspace as the Renegade Paul did.
I guess there aren't enough thanagarians to hassle them? Or are they living in some isolated part of the world?
No, but between the government and military deaths and their involvement in killing Grayven 50, no one is really interesting in persuing them over it.
I missed that. Which episode showed that?
The one where he contfronts Grayven 16.
And will Kara 50 visit?
Probably not.
There's a United Alliance of Evil, so I'm sure there's some kind of official structure to things that allow something semi-reasonable to function. Well, reasonable depending on, as you put it, how they actually define evil.

Though it's funny you mentioned a threat bringing a fleet of ships. Because at least one faction had them and then just . . . didn't really use them for some reason.

The Machine Empire showed up with a fleet of warships, a bunch of fighters that could transform into walkers, and an actual full on army of soldiers and the like for waging a war. They announce their arrival by bombing Rita's palace and forcing her, Zedd, and their minions to flee. Then they promptly do the usual Power Ranger villain thing of sending small squads of cannon fodder grunts alongside the latest monster of the week.

Oh, and the Machine Empire attacking Rita and Zedd to try to claim Earth for themselves was considered breaking away from the United Alliance of Evil.

tl;dr . . . Some villains in Power Rangers actually do have proper world conquering fleets and armies but don't actually use them against the Rangers.
The small forces thing is more of because it's made clear that the only reason they had a massive force in the first place was entirely a quick strike against Zedd and Rita.

The Machine Empire is at war with several groups, including another machine force (the one that their older kid is romancing the daughter of the leader of...while both leading families want each other dead, and their oldest kids are planning a coup), you also have Rita's father, Divatox has been raiding his stuff for supplies the same as anyone and everyone else, and there are a pile of others clashing, and that's without other Ranger teams...and Dark Spectre beating the shit out of them to force them into the United Alliance of Evil.
Also, didn't the Power Rangers in Space finale have the UAE finally take off the kid gloves and go all out on conquering pretty much every planet that had resisted them, including earth? No giant monster attacks or anything, just letting the armies loose on the home planet of every ranger team around.

Astronema even did plan to blow the earth up as a final fuck you to the rangers if Darkonda hadn't stolen the weapon she planed to do so with to use it on Dark Specter(and got taken out in a Double KO). "Evil Empire" in Power Rangers pretty much does mean "ruthless tyrant on top who destroys everything that opposes them and crushes all beneath their heal just for the fun of it".
I just had an idea. What if Billy reached out to Paul? "I found someone who may be able to help you. He lives in a place called Hillhurst Mansion on the outskirts of Charterville in Southern California. He's got experience with summoning things from out of a comic book."
"And how does that help me?"
It's too bad that Zordon didn't warn Power Paul about the actual corruptive dangers of Evil Magic given he seems to be speed running the fall from it.
Superman is working with Karsta Wor-Ul to restore kryptonian civilisation.
He was also going to take a look at Kara to determine if/how Grayven and co fucked up restoring her.

So is PR Paul just permanently powered now, or just has a large enough pool of magic that he has some time to find another compatible source?
"And how does that help me?"
Is it immoral to create life? Debatable.

Is it immoral to create life inspired by Paul's fictional teammates, just to keep him sane? Happy? Probably, yeah. However, Paul has already demonstrated a willingness to utilize nuclear weapons. I'd be hard-pressed to explain why this is a sufficiently bad idea, assuming only heroes are summoned.
So is PR Paul just permanently powered now, or just has a large enough pool of magic that he has some time to find another compatible source?
As far as he knows, he has power indefinitely.
I'd be hard-pressed to explain why this is a sufficiently bad idea, assuming only heroes are summoned.
As far as he knows, they're not summoned. They're created. And they don't have orange power rings, so can't extend their lives in the way that he can.
I guess there are certain things mortal minds weren't meant to comprehend.

As far as he knows, they're not summoned. They're created. And they don't have orange power rings, so can't extend their lives in the way that he can.
So he could create his Orange lantern corps members?

I wonder if he's going to try and track down his author(s)? It would be an interesting perspective to gain.

Or perhaps the governments of the world will do so. Trying to get inside his head, whether for more enlightenment or Figuring Out His Plans, would be interesting.

I'd actually be curious about whether his author would get an interlude - although, I doubt his author is a Zoat/Tallowyn. Comic Books aren't quite as forgiving of self inserts as fanfics are, what with publishers existing.

I wonder if he's going to try and track down his author(s)? It would be an interesting perspective to gain.

Or perhaps the governments of the world will do so. Trying to get inside his head, whether for more enlightenment or Figuring Out His Plans, would be interesting.

I'd actually be curious about whether his author would get an interlude - although, I doubt his author is a Zoat/Tallowyn. Comic Books aren't quite as forgiving of self inserts as fanfics are, what with publishers existing.

plot twist, the comic was published by the local alt!Paul, who realized he didn't need the orange ring for anything without a lantern and so is living on a yacht somewhere with asteroid gold and comic book royalties

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